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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 3, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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bay area connected tv app available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right, thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz right now on jimmy kimmel. zendaya have a great night and a wonderful weekend. i'll see you monday >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, zendaya. from high hopes, freddie and yuri, and music from olivia dean with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: thank you, very nice. that's very nice. thank you. welcome. i appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thank you for joining us here in our studio in hollywood and from your homes around the world. i have to say, it makes me feel very good. you know, so much of every day now is a fight. we're arguing. we're criticizing. we're at each other's throats. there's so much unpleasantness. i thought it might be nice to start with some good news for a change, okay? [ cheers and applause ] o.j. was cremated today. [ laughter ] too soon? okay. and we have a new trial of the century to replace his. the people of new york versus donald trump. so far the people are winning. [ cheers and applause ] our friend, sleepy donzales, he doesn't seem to understand that a jury is going to rule on this.
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on his way out of court today, he brought a stack of printouts from websites that he feels make the case that there is no case. >> i spent all day on a trial that really is a very unfair trial. these are all stories -- this is over the last few days -- from legal experts. this is a "wall street journal" editorial. but all of these are stories from legal experts saying how this is not a case. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think this big stack of papers none of you can read speaks for itself, folks. [ laughter ] >> take a look at all of these, our stories. you see them here. they quote the zombie case, meaning it is no case. the whopping outrage in trump's indictment. it's a whopping outrage, and it is an outrage, everybody's outraged. >> jimmy: yeah, no. i'm not. i love it. i am not even the tiniest bit outrage.
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but go on. >> that's "new york" magazine even. all of them. they just came out. these are all -- every single one. i haven't seen one that says it's a good trial, and i'm sitting here for days now, from morning till night in a freezing room, freezing. everybody was freezing in there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wah, wah, wah. motion to get the defendant some tiny mittens, your honor. [ laughter ] trump hasn't been that cold since the last time he was in bed with melania. [ laughter ] [ rim shot ] i have to say, i'm actually a little worried about him. this is what trump looked like at the defense table. i want you to note the difference between the color of his hands and the color of his face. [ laughter ] we did not doctor this. those are his hands and his face. those shades aren't even on the same sherwin williams color palette. [ laughter ] looks like a cantaloupe wearing batting gloves. [ laughter ] here's how one juror described him shortly after she was dismissed. >> what was your impression of
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donald trump when you saw him? >> he looked less orange, definitely. [ laughter ] more yellowish, to me, yellow. not only that he looks -- he doesn't look angry or -- i think he looks bored. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's yellow and bored, like a minion or something. [ laughter ] somehow even with two seated jurors being dismissed today, one because she felt her identity had been compromised, they managed to find 12 jurors and one alternate. each prospective juror had to answer questions about what they think about trump, which meant he had to sit there and listen to comments like this one from a woman who said, "i wouldn't believe trump if his tongue were notarized." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] you know, that -- that woman, she did not get picked as a juror. but i would like to hire her as a writer if she's interested. [ applause ]
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the jury -- the jury is picked by both sides, the prosecution and the defense get to knock people out if they don't want them on the jury. but the maga media, they're doing everything they can to push this idea that it won't be a fair trial. that way when he loses they can say, oh, it was rigged. >> the jury pool is so tainted here. >> they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge. >> people will probably lie just to get on this jury. >> no one on earth, not anyone honest with themselves anyway, believes that donald trump is going to get a fair trial in new york. >> how in the world will this man ever get a fair jury? >> there's no such thing as a fair trial when manhattan is 90% democrat. >> you have a 20-year-old white girl who works for disney and likes to dance. this looks like trouble. >> let's look at juror number two. gets the news from "the new york times" and google. i don't really trust anybody who gets their news from "the new york times" or google. >> i'm not so sure about juror number two.
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juror number three is a young asian lawyer from oregon. he's single, lives in chelsea, and was wearing a purple jacket. >> jimmy: whoa. [ laughter ] a purple jacket. you know who wears a purple jacket? the joker wears a purple jacket. [ laughter ] you know who wears a purple jacket? this lady right here in our audience. [ cheers and applause ] put him away. and while half of the fox network is busy screaming about how unfairly trump gets treated in new york, when don-ye west took a little field trip to a bodega, his foxy friends bent over backwards to talk about how much new yorkers love him. >> a group of women up the block yelled at donald trump in spanish. and they were calling him, my tiger. so, they were referring to
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donald trump as my tiger. and then employees of the romantic depot, which apparently is a lingerie store in that neighborhood, waved a red banner advertising a product named after donald trump. i have no idea what that is. >> jimmy: well, i know what it is. [ laughter ] i know exactly what it is. that product -- and this is not a joke. we confirmed this with the shop. that product is this. trump dildos on sale now. [ laughter and applause ] that's the product at the romantic depot. and what could be more romantic than a depot, you know? [ laughter ] poor rudy giuliani is at home going, hey, dildo stores are my thing! [ laughter ] meanwhile in congress, the animals trump unleashed are now threatening their own speaker, mike johnson. you know, the guy who looks like a kid dressed as an adult for the school play. [ laughter ] he is being threatened with
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removal by a group of hard-brained republicans who are angry he's backing a package to send money to ukraine. being the speaker of the house these days is like being leonardo dicaprio's girlfriend. you hang on as long as you can, just enjoy the ride. [ laughter ] they formed what they call a floor action response team, or f.a.r.t. for short. [ laughter ] so, you know these are very serious people. these americans are on russia's side, and they're led by none other than klan mom marjorie taylor greene, who's determined to pave the way for putin even at the expense of mike johnson's head. >> it's unprecedented. this has never happened in history, and it's completely wrong. he owes our conference the truth, and he owes republicans answers. >> will you go forward today? >> i'm waiting to find out what's going to happen. >> what's holding you back? >> i'm a responsible person. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. marjorie, you are neither responsible nor are you a person. [ laughter ] right now her side project is putting space lasers at the border. for real. this is what she wants to do. [ laughter ] this is party is insane.
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somehow mike johnson, a man who called planned parenthood part of an american holocaust, is not right wing enough for these people. mike johnson, a climate change denying homophobic religious fanatic, knows that getting ukraine weapons is the right thing to do, and even though his party is terrified of trump, he's doing it anyway. and that's why they're going to destroy him f. they let him do the right thing on ukraine, he might do the right thing on other stuff. it's a very slippery slope. [ laughter ] but we have more important subjects to focus on, right, guille guillermo? because the new taylor swift albums drops. [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: yeah, yeah! >> jimmy: and so -- and we still have to work tomorrow. which tomorrow should be a holiday, right? [ laughter ] i mean, are we really going to make people drive after pulling all-nighters listening to taylor swift? [ laughter ] please be careful out there tomorrow. taylor swift's album isn't the only major release this month. it's the biggest, but we also
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got a new single from rnc co-chair and former first daughter-in-law lara trump. >> today america finally got the genre-bending release it was waiting for. ♪ talking to that little girl ♪ ♪ riding on the pegasus ♪ ♪ tell her everything is going to be all right ♪ >> jimmy: there she is, taylor not too swift. [ laughter ] i feel like that sounded terrible, but maybe i'm biased. i recuse myself from this jury, and i turn it over to the people. we went to the farmers' market here in los angeles. we told shoppers strolling by we had a sneak preview of a new album from a big artist, and we want to get their thoughts on it. and we played them a song from lara trump. i then told them it was the new taylor swift. >> we have a leaked track from a top artist. we won't tell you who it is. do you want to take a listen to it and tell us your honest thoughts? >> okay.
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>> brutally honest. >> honest reactions. >> yes, i can be brutally honest. >> you sure can. >> okay, sure. let's do it. ♪ don't think just jump ♪ ♪ you can't give up ♪ ♪ know that anything is possible ♪ >> honestly, it's -- i don't know who that is. it's not very good. >> the pitch was pretty off. to be honest. >> they were off the whole time, if i'm being honest. >> it does sound really, really robotic, more like a.i. >> it's terrible. >> it's taylor swift's new album "the tortured poet's department." >> it doesn't even sound like her. >> you seem surprised. >> yeah, i've been waiting for this album. oh, my god. really? >> yeah. >> did she hurt her voice? >> no way. i'm a swiftie. taylor, i'm sorry. i hope she doesn't see this. >> i don't want to offend the
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swifties, but that? single worst thing she has ever released that i have personally listened to with my ears, yes. >> she sounds sick. she sounds like she got a little phlegm or something, might be drinking too much, maybe smoking a little weed, something. i don't know. but it sound like some mucus in there. >> i don't think it's up to her usual standard of quality. >> who it actually is is lara trump, the daughter-in-law of donald trump. >> see, that makes way more sense. [ laughter ] >> oh, okay. >> well, no wonder it sounds bad. [ laughter ] that would make sense. sorry, taylor. >> are you relieved to know it wasn't her? >> yeah. because taylor, i love her, but that is not -- that's not my girl. >> do you think she has a future in music? >> nah, she's not going to make it. [ laughter ] >> [ bleep ] sucks. >> if you could describe the song in three words, what would you pick? >> unhinged, unnecessary, unethical. [ laughter ]
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>> lazy, bad. >> sad, annoying. >> basic. >> mediocre. >> three words? try again. ♪ know anything is possible ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, sorry, lara. whatever your politics, i think we can all agree she has a terrible voice. [ laughter ] one more thing before we barrel ahead. it's thursday night and it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week. it is time for "this week in unnecessary censorship." [ cheers and applause ] >> over in memphis, a man was arrested for allegedly trying to rob a store with a snake around his [ bleep ]. >> you cannot prevent a defendant from [ bleep ] the witnesses, from [ bleep ] the judge's daughter. >> this is very simple. i'm operating with the smallest [ bleep ] in u.s. history. >> my hoo-hah is going to be [ bleep ]. those aren't my words because i'm pretty sure i'm not allowed to say that on tv. >> tonight a video of two men [ bleep ] ancient rock formations. >> i've really seen this level
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of evil in my career, and i [ bleep ]ed two nazis. >> 100% guaranteed, it will be the best [ bleep ] you ever [ bleep ], it's awesome. >> and i also happen to [ bleep ] some animals. particularly dogs. [ bleep ] cats, horses. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. well, we've got a good show for you tonight. from the new hulu show, "high low." freddie and yuri are here, you're going to like that a lot. we've got music. and we'll be right back with zendaya, so stick around.
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>> jimmy: tonight a delightful pair of marijuana enthusiasts and businessmen who were funny even before the edibles kick in. their new show is called "high hopes." freddy and uri are with us. [ cheers and applause ] we want to explain. freddie is a guy. you remember this guy? we happened upon him in 2020. he was on the local news in michigan standing in line outside -- i think it was their first-ever pot dispensary. >> i'm frederick miller, f-r-e-d-e-r-i-c-k. and then m-i-l-l-e-r. did you say spell it? well, we're waiting on the
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dispensary. we're going to check out what they got. i was hoping for a willy wonka thing, gates and someone coming out with a cane and doing tricks. so far, it's just cold. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i fell in love with freddie immediately. and now he has a show, "high hopes," it premieres saturday, 4/20 on hulu. all the way from london, her album is called "messy olivia dean" from the don julio stage. [ cheers and applause ] next week we've got new shows with a+ guests, including carol burnett, kim kardashian, wanda sykes. gabriel iglesias. we'll have music from real estate, ernst and christian nadal. please join us for all of that. our first guest is one of the biggest stars in the whole world. she's getting tremendous acclaim for her role as tennis prodigy turned coach in the new movie "challengers." it opens in select theaters monday and nationwide a week from tomorrow. please welcome zendaya.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how you doing? >> how you doing? >> jimmy: you're dressed just like me except i have pants on. [ laughter ] >> i was inspired. i was inspired. you were my fashion inspiration today. >> jimmy: next time let me know, and i also won't wear pants. >> okay. perfect. [ laughter ] i'll text you in advance. >> jimmy: you look great. great to see you. >> long time no see. >> jimmy: it hasn't been long. for "dune 2" you were with the whole cast. [ cheers and applause ] how many countries have you been to since february? >> oh, man. like -- probably like seven? >> jimmy: wow. and you like traveling around the world quickly like that? >> you know, i am grateful that i have a job that allows me to travel, allows me to see the world. i wish that i had more time in the place. really when you're doing
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pressers, you really just see the inside of your hotel. you don't ever really get to go out and see the sights and get to be around people. that's the only downfall. >> jimmy: are you a good packer? are you a good sleeper? can you sleep on the plane? are you a good traveler in general? >> i used to be able to sleep anywhere. i used to be able to curl up in a ball and sleep the whole flight. before it even takes off, i'll be knocked off. these days, i don't know if it's because i'm getting older -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you are pretty old. yeah, you're getting really -- [ laughter ] >> you know, my first time here, i was 16. >> jimmy: that's right. i know. that's right. we were on "dancing with the stars" -- and as i remind you each time i see you, i bet quite a bit of money on you and won quite a bit of money on you. [ cheers and applause ] >> i didn't win, but -- i got pretty far. >> jimmy: can i tell you, i think i won $12,000. >> what? [ laughter ] well, you're welcome. >> jimmy: thank you again. >> yeah. i don't know.
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ever since i -- you know, i'm getting older and it's just not as comfortable to sleep that long anymore. >> jimmy: see, now, i have no trouble. as i get older, it makes no difference. i could literally lay down on this desk right now and fall asleep in front of you. >> really? no neck pain, back pain? >> jimmy: there might be some of that -- [ laughter ] >> but sleeping right through it. >> jimmy: i will sleep right through it. there will be nothing but a puddle of drool on the table. by the way, i know you're getting, like, incredible reviews for this movie "challengers." [ cheers and applause ] which is, i have to say, you -- i've got to ask you a couple of questions. first of all, i know you had a premiere on tuesday here in l.a. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: and i know you have a big family and they're often at your things. were they at this thing? >> yes. >> jimmy: they were. so, you've got some very sexy scenes in the movie. >> yes, i do. >> jimmy: and while i was watching it, i was wondering if
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your family was going to see this. >> yes, they have. >> jimmy: they did? and do you warn them before hand? how does it work? >> well, they know it's a rated "r" movie. i say, you know, walking into this, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. [ laughter ] i forewarned them. but it was honestly my favorite part. i have seen the movie many times. >> jimmy: you're a producer on the film, right? >> that too. [ cheers and applause ] but -- so i know when the scenes are coming, right? so, basically when those scenes were happening, i just was watching. they were behind me, so i just watch them the whole time. it was hilarious. >> jimmy: that's good. >> they started and they're like -- and then slowly get more uncomfortable. then they're like -- [ laughter ] and then my little nieces were back there. i mean, they're grown-ups. they're 18. but they literally were like -- it was my favorite part of the night. >> jimmy: who was most uncomfortable in your family? >> most uncomfortable would --
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yeah, i think it would be my nieces. >> jimmy: your nieces? >> yeah, they were -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> what are you looking at? >> jimmy: because they're at that age that any -- even if they're watching strangers, they might be uncomfortable. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then they're watching their aunt. [ laughter ] you -- venus williams was at your premiere, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: now, that -- venus williams watching you play tennis is probably scarier than grandma watching you have sex, right? [ laughter ] >> there's no sex scenes in the movie. no sex. >> jimmy: yeah, right, right. i know. >> you see me. no. i was terrified. yeah. i found out that she was coming, and i -- well, i found out literally while i was there. they were like, venus is here. i'm like, what? first of all, i'm fangirling. i'm already excited, the honor she would take her time to come and see this was so special to me. but then i got -- i thought, oh, i play tennis in this movie. [ laughter ]
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and i really hope that she is not distracted by my tennis abilities. i really hope that it's convincing enough not to be -- >> jimmy: i watch a good amount of tennis, and i was very impressed by your tennis playing. >> okay, thank you. >> jimmy: you were hitting the ball very, very hard. are you really hitting the ball that hard or is there a trick there? >> um -- [ laughter ] i don't know if i want to reveal my secrets. >> jimmy: i see. >> the ball may or may not be there. >> jimmy: aah. so, you're hitting something and then -- yeah. it's funny because a lot of times when you do cgi, they'll use tennis balls, right? >> right, for eye lines. >> jimmy: and now the only thing that's not there is the tennis ball. >> yes. >> jimmy: we have a photograph. how old are you in this picture? >> oh, yeah. i'm, like, two. >> jimmy: is that a real tennis ball? >> that's a real one. we put that in in post. >> jimmy: was that fun, playing, being a tennis player? >> it was. it was quite a challenge.
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i have such a respect for the game. you know, i think all of -- like, i don't know. naturally you look at something, you're like, yeah, i could do that. you know, i could do that. and then you get up and there it's -- it's not that. >> jimmy: right. >> right? when that -- i remember once being like, you know what? let me try to return a serve. let me see if i can do this. >> jimmy: from a pro? >> well, yes. from one of our -- one of our amazing tennis doubles. and that thing went by so fast. >> jimmy: it's scary. >> i didn't even see -- and at the time, i've since got lasik. but at the time i didn't have my glasses. so, i really couldn't see. i was like, child, i don't know where that ball is going. >> jimmy: the imaginary ones are a lot easier to hit. >> a lot easier. you can decide with your imagination. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. we're going to see a clip from the movie. it's called "challengers." zendaya is with us. we'll be right back.
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imagine if you could turn patrick zweig into a guy who wins a slam. i still have a season. i still have one good season, and i need you to bring it out of me. so, what do you think? >> how [ bleep ] are you? [ bleep ]. you want my best piece of advice for you? okay. quit. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is zendaya in "challengers."
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how many times did you have to slap josh? >> surprisingly not that many. >> jimmy: not that many? >> not that many. >> jimmy: were you really slapping him or was that fake too? >> you know, i have a good way of pulling it so it doesn't -- i'm making contact, but not -- no sting. >> jimmy: you have very enthusiastic fans. in fact, i met a couple of them coming into work this morning. and they were, like, please say hi to zendaya. so, hi. [ laughter ] i just want to share that. [ cheers and applause ] you're aware of these memes, i presume, that people will -- yeah, like when you make a face like that, people will put words on it. and it seems like you get that more than most anyone. >> i didn't -- i realize now that i have a very expressive face. >> jimmy: yes. >> i realize now from being, you know, i guess in interviews and doing things like a lot of people send me screen shots of, like, my face -- >> jimmy: for instance -- >> i don't know if it's from my disney days.
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>> jimmy: this is one that goes around. "when you're eating and you catch someone staring at you." [ laughter ] which by the way seems to literally be what's happening here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that doesn't even count as a meme. >> i was posing for that. >> jimmy: here -- >> here. that was here. >> jimmy: that was here on this show. okay. when your crush says something that isn't funny but you still laugh. [ laughter ] >> like, what? >> jimmy: and this one is more about your wardrobe than you. >> i love this hat. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "when you want to sneak a ham or a row advertisesy chicken into the movie theater." >> it's chic. it's practical. >> jimmy: yeah, farrell had a hat like this. he had a giant hat of this nature. did he keep the hat? >> i think law has the hat somewhere. i might bring it out. >> jimmy: people are very interested in everything involving you, so i want to ask you some random questions. >> okay. >> jimmy: have you ever received a speeding ticket or a moving violation? >> i have not.
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>> jimmy: oh, good. >> i've gotten close. >> jimmy: what happened? >> tom and i were rushing to a spin class with my mother. [ laughter ] i was not going to do the spin class. he was going to do the spin class because i don't do that. but we were going a little fast. we were running late. and they recognized that he was spider-man, and we were fine. [ laughter ] we got a warning, and everything was okay. >> jimmy: well, he's a crime fighter. of course. there's a community there. on that subject. spiders, do you kill them or release them? >> i release them. >> jimmy: yourself? >> i cannot -- yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: okay. >> i don't have the heart to do it. >> jimmy: would you go to space if you had the opportunity? >> i don't know if i would. i feel like that -- the idea -- so, like, the idea of it because "interstellar" is one of my
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favorite movies. it would be an amazing experience, i'm sure. but my anxiety? [ laughter ] being in, like, a little metal container in space? i don't know if i can do it. >> jimmy: this is the most important question. the most important i'm going to ask you, perhaps the most important question you'll ever be asked in your life. >> okay. >> jimmy: because i really feel like you could help us make some headway with this. are you for or against daylight saving time? [ laughter ] in other words, moving the clocks? do you like moving the clocks or do you like the clocks to remain exactly where they are? >> i personally find it a little confusing. >> jimmy: so, you are against? [ cheers and applause ] >> but i don't know. is this, like -- what are we -- what's the general consensus? >> jimmy: this is just something that -- >> you hate it? >> jimmy: oh, yeah. i hate it. >> what about you guys? [ boos ] well, the audience has spoken. >> jimmy: is anyone for daylight saving time? kill her! [ laughter ]
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round them up and throw them out! two psychopaths in the audience. [ laughter ] so, when i have -- like, for instance, when the vice president comes and visits us here on the show, i can tell her zendaya's against daylight saving time, and you ought to get on board? >> if that's what the people want. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: maybe we'll just rename it zendaylight saving time and it will stay perfectly still. it's great to see you. congratulations on the movie. "challengers" opens nationwide a week from tomorrow. zendaya, everybody. we'll be back with freddie and urie! i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular
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the middle of everything! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. music from olivia dean is on the way. our next guests are about to give shaggy and scooby a run for their stoner money. their new dope opera reality show is called "high hopes." >> my car won't start. it says there's no key but the key's right here. are you reading that? >> yeah, it says no key. >> and the key's right here, freddie. >> is your battery dead?
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[ engine starts ] >> oh [ bleep ]. >> yeah, freddie, magic touch. >> this buddy cop is already off to a good start, man. >> "high hopes" premieres this saturday, 4/20, on hulu. please welcome freddie and uri. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? good to see you. i don't think anyone's ever had that much difficulty getting into their seats before. freddie, how come you're wearing
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sun glasses? it's nighttime. are you worried people might think you're high? >> no. these eyes -- do these eyes look high to you, man? >> jimmy: no, no, not at all. i'm excited to have you guys here. what's the best strain for being a guest on a talk show? >> freddie, you first. >> oh, apples and bananas, grape gas, the knights templar og, wedding cake crossed with gelato. that's just today. i'm catching up though. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who of the two of you thinks they know more about cannabis? >> i can confess i consume more. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh-huh, you consume more? >> in california. >> jimmy: in california. >> i'm just not competitive enough, man, jimmy. >> jimmy: no, you're not. >> i'll lose, dude. >> jimmy: i do want to explain our back story, if i could. now, freddie, i mentioned earlier you were on the local news. they opened a cannabis shop in
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michigan. >> abc 57. >> you were waiting in line. the news showed up, and you instantly became a star around the world. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] i interviewed you, fell deeply in love with you, and then at the same time, i met these two guys name mischka and slava who owned the cannabis shop down the street. and they have a bunch of stores in l.a. here you were with those guys. >> yeah, big boss and little boss. >> jimmy: what do you do? what is your job exactly there? >> i'm mr. everything. i'm actually a minion now. >> jimmy: you're a minion? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> when did that happen? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i wish the audience could smell what's going on here. i am now high from the fragrance alone. so, you -- and what we said, oh, this guy, freddie, is great. let's fly him out here and have
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him work at the shop at mmd. and you guys became really, really close friends almost immediately, right? >> can i tell you that i was told that uri and i would hit it off way -- that we were going to hit it off super well, man. they were like, he's just like you, freddie. in my mind, i was picturing a white guy with dreads, a skinny looking hippy west coast. nothing wrong with hippies, guys. >> no, no, no. [ laughter ] >> yeah. but that's not him. i got way better. i got the better package though. >> jimmy: yeah. and what was it that attracted you to each other specifically? what do you like to do together? >> we like to eat cactus, tacos. >> when did we eat cactus? [ laughter ] did you say cactus? >> yeah. >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. oh, that was good, man. uri and i, we hit it off way hard. we've got some really niche interests.
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lucha libre, classic wrestling. >> we love wrestling. >> i like to eat before we smoke. if you smoke after, you eat everything. but he got so high, he forgot what he ate before he smoked. [ laughter ] that's why he doesn't remember the cactus. >> jimmy: and ate again. so, in that clip, you spent the whole day together. you were training, uri, you were training freddie to be a delivery driver, and you were really training him to be a delivery driver. and you guys went out and made deliveries for the whole day. and then at the end of the day, he told you what? >> he didn't have a driver's license. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he didn't have a driver's license. which was a surprise twist for everyone. >> i thought i was being set up. >> sorry. >> i thought ronnie -- >> sorry. >> i'm going to take him around, show him the ropes. of course he's going to do the things i do. >> i thought we were going to be
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a tag team delivery, man. >> looking back, i was like -- >> jimmy: it made more sense. >> he drives and i roll and smoke. >> it wasn't like that. >> jimmy: you've been a very good friend to freddie, where he's in l.a., away from his family. there is a point in the show where freddie, you became so homesick, you missed your family, that we flew your mom and sisters out to see you. your mom and sisters are here with you now. [ cheers and applause ] hi, mom. >> hi! >> jimmy: you must be very proud. >> oh, i'm very proud. >> that's my mom! big shoutout to my mom. now that i can do this. >> jimmy: does your mom indulge with you? >> hell no. [ laughter ] sorry. no. >> jimmy: never? >> just once by accident. she went with me to a cannabis cuisine, and it was -- >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> yeah, it was cannabis cuisine. i only had six courses.
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six-course meals. 12 different chefs. all these were infused with thc oil, which i liked -- >> jimmy: but she didn't know this? >> she knew it. that's the thing, she didn't eat. passed up on this, passed up on that, passed up on that. and we came to the dessert. it was a chocolate souffle, 10 milligrams of thc in the cream there. when are you going to pass up a chocolate souffle? warm from -- it's hot off the -- i don't know where the hell -- i don't know how to make it. it's like brownie and milk. >> jimmy: how did she -- we don't really need the recipe. [ laughter ] how did she -- how did she react to the souffle? >> well, she was doing good driving down the road for about 20 minutes. i said, mom, do you want me to pit put on some music? no, i don't think so right now. okay. easy listening. so, we got a hotel. [ laughter ] this is back when i didn't have my driver's license. by the way -- >> jimmy: oh, you got one? >> oh, it's on now, jimmy. it's on now.
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>> jimmy: let me hold it up. all right. hold on. >> good job, man. >> thank you. >> jimmy: oh, look at that. there you go. very sexy. wow. very fabio of you. >> i was thinking more like johnny depp from "blow." >> jimmy: no. fabio. yeah. well, it's very exciting for people to see this show. we've been waiting until 4/20 to premiere it. it's on hulu. it's called "high hopes." it stars not just these guys but a whole group of people working at mmd. and it's a lot of fun. it premieres on hulu, 4/20, saturday. freddie and uri, everybody. we'll be right back with olivia dean. the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by tequila don julio. an icon of modern mexico.
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the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by tequila don julio. an icon of modern mexico. >> jimmy: thanks to zendaya, freddie, uri.
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apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. first, her album is called, "messy." here with the song, "dive," olivia dean. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ it isn't working ♪ ♪ i'm a tidal wave of question marks and you're just surfing ♪ ♪ leaning into me like it's an art ♪ ♪ it's so crazy lately ♪ ♪ you just understand my feelings ♪ ♪ make me see i'm capable and fine ♪ ♪ and feeling beautified tonight ♪ ♪ i'm ready to dive ♪ ♪ maybe it's the loving in your eyes ♪ ♪ i'm here see through ♪ ♪ maybe it's the magic in the wine ♪ ♪ i'm feeling loose ♪ ♪ maybe it's the fact that every
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time i fall ♪ ♪ i lose it all ♪ ♪ but you got me from my head to my feet ♪ ♪ and i'm ready to dive ♪ ♪ cause the water's warm and nothing wrong ♪ ♪ it's all right yeah ♪ ♪ i'm coming out and diving in tonight ♪ ♪ i feel like it's crazy lately ♪ ♪ you just understand my feelings ♪ ♪ make me see i'm capable and fine ♪ ♪ and feeling beautified tonight ♪ ♪ i'm ready to dive ♪ ♪ maybe it's the loving in your eyes ♪ ♪ i'm here, see through ♪ ♪ maybe it's the magic in the wine ♪ ♪ i'm feeling loose ♪ ♪ maybe it's the fact that every time i fall ♪ ♪ i lose it all ♪ ♪ but you got me from my head to my feet ♪
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♪ and i'm ready to dive ♪ ♪ diving into you, diving into me ♪ ♪ want to swim good and i want to swim deep ♪ ♪ i'm diving into you diving into me ♪ ♪ want to swim good and i want to swim deep ♪ ♪ i'm diving into you diving into me ♪ ♪ maybe it's the loving in your eyes ♪ ♪ i'm here, see through ♪ ♪ maybe it's the magic in the wine ♪ ♪ i'm feeling loose ♪ ♪ maybe it's the fact that every time i fall ♪ ♪ i lose it all ♪ ♪ but you got me from my head to my feet ♪ ♪ and i'm ready to dive right into you ♪ ♪ i'm ready to dive right into you ♪ ♪ maybe it's the fact that every time i fall i lose it all ♪
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♪ but you got me from my head to my feet ♪ ♪ and i'm ready to dive ♪ [ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, trapped in paradise. the american father jailed while vacationing in turks and caicos. >> i remember pleading, "can't we just pay a fine? it was an honest mistake." the kids were crying when we said good. >> byron: arrested after he says he unknowingly carried hunting


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