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tv   ABC7 News 430PM  ABC  May 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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it's all you. and that, my friends, is what it's all about. the impressive totals and plenty of events called off. a positive sign for one of the officers injured in a gun battle at a hotel, and robo taxis will soon have more streets to roam, where waymo is expanding and who gets to ride. today on abc seven news
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at 430, always live abc seven news starts right now. hi everybody, and thanks for joining us. i'm dionne lim right away. let's get to the impacts of this level. one storm hitting the bay area right now bringing san francisco more rain in one day than it typically sees in all of may, san francisco, san jose and parts of the east bay. all went under flood advisories today. during that pouring rain. this parking lot in san jose, as you can see, turned into a pond in palo alto, part of el camino real, closed because of flooding. but it is back open now. people up in tahoe, they are getting a fresh round of snow today. it was coming down on i-80 near soda springs. caltrans says there are so many spinouts, they're actually stopping westbound traffic at the nevada state line. and we do have team coverage tracking this may storm. moving on out. more sun and blue skies every minute. let's get to abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian with a look at the totals.
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spencer. okay. >> dion. well, it's not terribly unusual for us to get a little rain in the month of may. it is unusual to get heavy downpours like we had today in such high rainfall totals. here's a look at some of our totals. nearly an inch. well, 8/8200 at santa rosa, san francisco. nearly an inch 9500 over 9/10 at oakland. danville over inch of rain today. castro valley, nearly 1.1in of rain and san jose 6600. now, as we move along, part of the story other than the rainfall, is the sharp drop in temperatures from this time yesterday. it is now 20 to 25 degrees cooler in santa rosa and travis, uh, fairfield, concord and livermore than at this time yesterday. so quite a cool down. this is how it looks on live doppler seven right now. just some spotty scattered showers. it looks like the more concentrated widespread rain has ended. still though, this is a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. through tonight, we expect more periods of scattered showers, some brief downpours, and as we look at the forecast animation,
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you can see between now and midnight, scattered showers will be fairly widespread, but then they will taper off and become more widely scattered. as we get into the morning hours. i'll have a look at the complete accuweather seven day forecast in a few minutes. dion >> all right. sounds good. and spencer, you mentioned this. the calendar says may but it felt more like january today. many outdoor events got rained out. forced to reschedule for drier days. some people didn't though. let the rain get in the way of their saturday. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard joins us live now on the embarcadero in san francisco. nice to see that sunshine hitting your face for once. cornell >> yeah, dion. it is nice to see the sun. but, you know, i was totally soaked today. it was certainly a big drenching and the rain, well it shut down lots of events across the bay area including some caltrans roadwork. but other people say they wanted their events to go on rain or shine. a super rainy kickoff to aapi heritage month, the annual five k run across san
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francisco from japantown to chinatown was wet, but it didn't stop. mary seen and her family. >> so i said, nothing can stop us. this is all determination. this is how i prove my daughter to so it is a good learning for her. so she made it. let's go. we got 600 people braved the elements coming out to show their solidarity. >> it has been like pouring down . this was not just a little bit rain, right? it was pouring, pouring, pouring down. but look, look around you. everyone is showing up. performances are showing up. participants are showing up. all the volunteers are showing up. i mean that that tells a lot. >> but the spring storm was too much for other events across the bay area. the richmond, san pablo, cinco de mayo, peace and unity parade was canceled saturday. hayward cinco de mayo festival and car show was postponed due to weather and rescheduled for september 14th. san francisco's how weird street fair was also impacted saturday. its website describes it as a
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cross between burning man and folsom street. the event postponed due to severe weather and could be rescheduled in june. caltrans canceled the third weekend of repaving on highway 37 due to rain. the work eastbound will happen next weekend. instead, cal fire posting on acts about weather related accidents they responded to on 280 and highway 92. they urged drivers to go slow in san rafael, a damp day at the dog park for sari and her husband stephen. but their dogs were not really on board with this outing. do your dogs like the rain? >> no. the dogs? absolutely not. you can see this, guys. you can see he's going to walk back to the car. that is a firm no. >> yeah, i know the feeling for sure. the rain is gone and we are seeing the sun and some blue skies. but you know, some chilly temperatures do remain. folks running that five k run earlier today say this is definitely a saturday in may to remember, right? we're live in san
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francisco. cornell bernard abc seven news. >> indeed. nice work out there, cornell. many thanks. now don't forget you can use the abc seven news bay area app to track the rain yourself. get the latest forecast and view the same live doppler seven radar our weather team uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download it now. moving on to new details. now to share about one of the san jose police officers injured in a shootout this week, the union for san jose police says the officer is in critical condition and had a second surgery overnight. two officers ended up shot as they tried to stop a man trying to break into a room in. at the extended stay, america hotel in south san jose late thursday night. a mother and her three children were inside that room. police say kevin briones had a prior warrant and got into a gun battle with officers as he tried to run away. officers arrested briones after he jumped out of a window. the san jose police officers association identified the critically injured officer
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as jaime arredondo. the union says he is stable and recovering in the hospital. the other officer had minor injuries. new at 430 san francisco is facing criticism for leaving much needed housing empty. a new audit says last year, the city had more than $100 million to pay for affordable housing units for unhoused people, but the city left it on the table. the new analysis by the city blames part of the problem on low staffing among its housing navigators team. the report says the city has reduced rent apartments just sitting there, but not enough staff to place people in them. the director of the city's department of homelessness and supportive housing says it's already making changes recommended in the audit . those pro-palestinian protests are still going strong at colleges across the bay area this weekend, protesters set up an encampment at uc santa cruz this week, and students there say they want the university to divest from weapons.
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manufacturers, cut ties with jewish groups, including hillel international, and limit the santa cruz police department's presence on campus. meantime police are out in force at other campuses across the country. at the university of virginia, tensions escalated today when state troopers declared an unlawful assembly. then moved in on an encampment. and at the university of michigan, pro-palestinian protesters interrupted the commencement ceremony. police escorted them out, though it's not clear if they were arrested. abc news reporter phil lipof shows us the aftermath of these protest shutdowns and where protesters and universities have reached a deal. >> nyu, now one of the latest universities where police have been called in to clear out encampments as protests over the israel-hamas war continue to grow. i think student movements historically have brought a lot of change, so maybe it won't be just nyu, but it will be a bunch of universities. more than 50 arrests as the nypd cleared out
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tents at both nyu and the new school. we shall not be what? columbia university's president speaking out for the first time since calling in police after protesters barricaded themselves inside a campus building earlier this week. >> we tried very hard to resolve the issue of the encampment through dialog. the university made a sincere and good offer, but it was not accepted at ucla, police were called in after protests there turned violent earlier this week. >> dangerous rhetoric that is spewed in the encampment, calls for the death of all zionists, anti-zionism is most definitely, most definitely anti-semitism. >> ucla announcing all campus activities will resume in full on monday. all of this as schools are planning for graduations. ohio state moving forward with commencement at. >> it's just great that osu is putting us first. that's how it always should be. >> meantime, protests at northwestern, brown and rutgers have ended peacefully. the schools agreeing to review their
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investment in companies contribute to the war in gaza. if students curb protest activity. phil lipof, abc news, new york. >> a day of service today to help support unhoused veterans in the east bay, the alameda county veterans affairs commission teamed up with the group swords to plowshares and laney college for stand down in the town. the event provided free showers, haircuts and food for vets and students. it also connected them to housing, employment, health and dental care, even legal services. >> this is the first time that a stand down event has actually been held in oakland. typically, they're held at the alameda county fairgrounds, but with oakland being ground zero for this homelessness crisis, with over 50% of the unhoused people being here, we figured that we would bring the services to where the people are in 2022, alameda reported an estimated 9700 unhoused residents, with over 5% of them veterans.
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>> the robo taxis are hitting the road in a new part of the bay area. waymo is expanding, but one busy area is getting left out. plus a church in san francisco makes history with a new bishop unlike any before him, and a soap opera sequel for bird lovers. those falcons at cal have grand chicks, and they are nesting in an infamo and with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is no exception.
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of heavy rains and tornadoes. storms have been pounding the region since thursday. some places got a break today, but people in low lying areas around houston are evacuating because of the risk of catastrophic flooding. some areas could see floodwaters rise as high as power lines. officials say 600 people have been rescued since the storms began, but there haven't been any deaths or serious injuries reported. swease people ceremony today at san francisco's grace cathedral. reverend austin rios became ordained as a bishop, the first latino bishop in the history of the episcopal diocese of california. rios was consecrated in english and spanish. today, he'll officially take over as the diocese chief pastor in august. well, something new is coming to the roads in the
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peninsula. waymo's driverless robo taxis are hitting the streets there in the coming weeks. take a look. this is the map of where exactly? you'll see them. the company says it will test driverless cars from daly city down to burlingame. that green area sfo, though, is not included right now. south of burlingame down to sunnyvale in the orange, waymo cars will have human backup drivers behind the wheel. only waymo employees will be allowed to ride the robo taxis in the peninsula. at first, waymo says it will take time to expand its service to the public. similar to its rollout in san francisco the bay area's favorite falcon soap opera gets a there's a new way to watch the uc berkeley falcons grand chicks make their home on alcatraz, and taking a live look outside, where you see things are clearing up. although that camera moving just a little bit there. we'll talk about the warm up with spencer's accuweather forecast next. >> from stormy skies to sports,
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it's the most iconic 2.5 minutes in all of sports. a photo finish at the kentucky derby, plus bad to worse for the giants. how long patrick bailey will get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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campus. clock tower. we saw larry hatch during a live stream in 2018. who could forget? larry was identified on alcatraz by the bands placed on her legs as a chick? the national park service set up this new live cam to track these hatchlings. progress. i say this every time. let's forego the newscast and just have this camera up exactly . >> this is adorable, i love this. yeah, the grand chicks. >> i'm glad things have dried out for them. >> oh well. beginning to dry out now we're seeing a lot more blue sky right now, dion, than we expected to see earlier in the day. here's a look at live doppler seven. you can see that the showers that were a widespread and heavy earlier today are very widely scattered now. and there's not a lot of rain falling on the bay area at the moment. but check out how clearly defined the circulation is around this storm that's now pushing all the rainfall to our south. so let's take a look at our winds, which are pretty impressive. we have gusts from 20 to 25mph at places like santa rosa, nevada, down to san mateo,
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hayward, 24 mile per hour gusts. and what about the 24 hour temperature change? we have had quite a cool down. it's 23 degrees cooler right now in santa rosa and concord than at this time yesterday, 24 degrees cooler at as fairfield, 21 at livermore. so it's a little bit chilly out there comparatively speaking. right now we've got temperature readings only from 54 to about 57 degrees at san francisco, oakland, hayward, the san jose, redwood city and half moon bay. looking at some other temperature readings right now, just 22 degrees range, about 54 to 55 degrees at santa rosa, petaluma, napa, fairfield, concord and livermore. i don't think anyone has topped out at 60 degrees today. these are our forecast headlines. a few more scattered showers will fall this evening. then tomorrow and monday, although skies will be sunny. we'll see morning chills. we'll feel the morning chill. and then later in the week ahead , warming up to summer like levels. so when we go to a look at this current storm, which is a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale through tonight, we can expect more scattered showers,
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some brief downpours maybe, and it will be breezy with occasional gusts. here's a forecast animation taking us into the late night hours up to about midnight. this just scattered showers, in fact widely scattered. but after midnight they become even more widely scattered and lighter. and they should all be gone by about 7:00 tomorrow morning as we start the day with sunshine on sunday over in the sierra, a winter storm warning remains in effect until 8 a.m. 5 to 8in of new snow expected above 5000ft, up to a foot or more in the highest peaks, with wind gusts up to 55mph. so travel there could be difficult. back to the bay area tonight with the skies clearing out a bit overnight lows will be generally in the mid 40s. as you go farther inland, you'll see lows in the low 40s and even a couple of upper 30s at santa rosa and lakeport. highs tomorrow only about 55 at half moon bay, 55 here in the city, right around the bay shoreline, 6061, maybe 62 degrees mid 60s and some of our inland east bay locations. it's not going to be a very warm
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day tomorrow, but as we look at the accuweather 70 forecast, you see much milder weather coming our way. beginning on tuesday with inland highs in the mid 70s. wednesday thursday and friday. high temperatures climbing from low 80s inland up to upper 80s by friday, low 80s around the bay shoreline. it is going to be as warm as you might expect it to be in midsummer. a lovely week ahead. >> well, rain. rain go away. get this. both the giants game in philadelphia and the a's game here in oakland started out in rain delays. reba had a good time over there in oakland. now the a's marlins game is delayed by more than three hours. giants game delay by over an hour. both games now underway. we'll have more on the giants in a moment. but first, if the a's win, they'll have a season high six game win streak and also climb to the 500 mark for the first time this season. remember, they started the year one and seven, so they've turned things around. how about the giants first catcher patrick bailey has been put on the seven day concussion injured list after taking this foul ball to the mask last night, right to his head in philadelphia. he was removed from the game due to blurred
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vision. blake sabol has been recalled from triple-a sacramento. take his roster spot . bailey, among the best defensive catchers in all of baseball, is hitting 278 with three homers and ten rbi in 25 games this season. hopefully a speedy recovery for patrick. san jose earthquakes will look for their second win of the season as they host lafc. that's just getting underway at levi's stadium. our cameras are there at practice earlier this week, newly acquired argentinian midfielder hernan lopez, a $7 million signing, just got word. yesterday he was cleared to make his debut tonight. we'll see if he plays. today is being billed as the biggest cinco de mayo weekend party on the west coast. an expected crowd of 50,000 fans. >> to be honest, it's a really good atmosphere. last year was amazing and hopefully this year is going to be amazing too. >> this game against l.h.c couldn't come at a better time. it couldn't come at a better time for us, to be in this environment, which we enjoyed so much from last year. we know this is a classical. this is a game we take personal. this is about on a given night. who wants it more. and we're excited for this opportunity and missed
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it. >> darn it though. come through on the inside. it is mystic dan down toward the inside with the lead of the final 16. forever young sierra leone is coming. these three coming down to the wire. who's it going to be? all in the footer of the derby? oh, it's a photo. wasn't mystic dan or was it sierra leone? it was. that close. >> the 150th kentucky derby ends in a photo finish. mystic dan by sierra leone by a nose. literally. that's where the phrase come from. like stuff like that. great reaction from jockey brian hernandez jr. his first derby win, forever young was third. the favorite fierceness finished 15th. mystic dan was an 18 to 1 odds, so not expected. wins by 5% chance that he would win. and there it is. and deion i love all the garb they wear. the kentucky derby the fascinator the fat. what clear we have. >> clearly we have to talk about fashion with you a little bit. >> fashion that's one thing. so you've you've been to the derby
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or you. >> i've not been. but i also kind of marvel at, you know, the creativity at the hats. yeah. you can just call them hats. fascinating. just call them hats. hats thanks, chris i like them. well, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, an iconic slogan was born. may the 4th be with you on this star wars day. turns out the holiday saying has its roots in a this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium,
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well, this is the reason why you can find a vintage pop up in the bay area this weekend that is filled with all kinds of nostalgic clothes. and oh, the irony of this mistake. that is not how you spell the word school. well, yeah. where this blunder happened tonight on abc seven news at 11. well, finally, now it is officially star wars day. or as the jedi would say, may the 4th be with you. the quote is an obvious spoof on the saga's favorite line may the force be with you. but star wars fans take the occasion very seriously. lucasfilm says the slogan originally went big in the 70s, when people used it to greet others on the 4th of july as star wars fans, yeah. >> sort of. >> yeah. i don't particularly celebrate on this day, but i can appreciate some good, you know, lightsaber type action. yeah, exactly. you seem very tight lipped on this
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