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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  May 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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storm rolls through, putting a damper on weekend plans. good evening and thanks for joining us i'm dionne lim. all right. for whatever reason, it feels like the rain likes to return on the weekends. chilly temperatures came around this time as well. spencer that has been the pattern. >> diane. you're right. this was weekend, right? not only weekend rain, but as much as we normally get in the entire month of may for some locations, here's a look at some rainfall totals. we typically get about 7/10 of an inch of rain for the entire month of may. in san francisco today, 9000/400 of an inch. as
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you can see, kentfield got nearly an inch and a half. orinda a nearly an inch inch, and a third. so it was a wet day around the bay. looking at live doppler seven right now, you can see that the storm is just about over. it's diving southward and taking its moisture with it. meanwhile, 24 hour temperature change shows how much cold air or how much colder the air is that accompanied. this storm is anywhere from 3 to 10 degrees cooler in most bay area locations right now than at this time last night. and as we look at the forecast animation, you can see starting at midnight, there'll be some showers offshore during the overnight hours, but not likely that many locations in the bay area on on land will see any rainfall tonight. i'll have the full accuweather seven day forecast and a warm up in just a few minutes. >> diane, we like to hear it. spencer. thank you. now it felt more like the middle of winter than maybe a may day. today as the storm soaked the bay area, heavy rain hit san jose, turning a parking lot into a small lake. the wet weather ended up canceling or postponing many outdoor events. as abc7 news reporter cornell bernard found
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some people who weren't about to let the rain wash out their plans still made a weekend of it . >> a super rainy kickoff to aapi heritage month, the annual five k run across san francisco from japan town to chinatown was wet, but it didn't stop. mary seen and her family. >> so i said, nothing can stop us. this is all determination. this is how i prove my daughter to so it is a good learning for her. so she made it. let's go. >> we got 600 people braved the elements coming out to show their solidarity. >> it has been like pouring down . this was not just a little bit rain, right? it was pouring, pouring, pouring down. but look, look around you. everyone is showing up. performances are showing up. participants are showing up. all the volunteers are showing up. i mean that that tells a lot. >> but the spring storm was too much for other events across the bay area. the richmond, san pablo, cinco de mayo, peace and unity parade was canceled saturday. the hayward cinco de
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mayo festival and car show was postponed due to weather and rescheduled for september 14th. san francisco's how weird street fair was also impacted saturday. its website describes it as a cross between burning man and folsom street. the event postponed due to severe weather and could be rescheduled in june, caltrans canceled the third weekend of repaving on highway 37 due to rain. the work eastbound will happen next weekend. instead, cal fire posting on acts about weather related accidents they responded to on 280 and highway 92. they urged drivers to go slow in san rafael, a damp day at the dog park for sari and her husband stephen. but their dogs were not really on board with this outing. do your dogs like the rain? no. >> the dogs? absolutely not. you can see this guys. you can see he's going to walk back to the car that is a firm no. >> by saturday afternoon, the rain was moving out of the bay area, but some chilly temperatures did hang around. folks running that five k run on
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saturday say it was definitely a saturday in may to remember in san francisco. cornel bernard abc seven news. >> a smart dog to. well, it was certainly cold enough in the mountains today for snow to fall in the sierra. interstate 80 got so slick that it led to interstate 80 being shut down in the westbound direction between colfax and the nevada state line. there is no word when it will reopen. highway 89 is closed at emerald bay also because of the snow, and you can track the rain anytime with the abc seven bay area app. it's got the latest forecast and you can see the same live doppler seven radar that spencer and our weather team use. just search abc seven bay area in your devices app store to download it now. california's attorney general announced a $273 million settlement with a pharmaceutical company over the opioid epidemic. new jersey based amneal pharmaceutical allegedly failed to report suspicious orders. under the agreement. it'll pay states more than $92
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million. also included is a $180 million to pay for naloxone products. the overdose reversal drug. the company did not admit to any wrongdoing. something new is coming to roads in the peninsula. waymo's driverless robo taxis are hitting the streets there in the coming weeks. here is a map of where exactly you'll see them. the company says it will test driverless cars from daly city down to burlingame. that green area there is sfo and is not included right now south of burlingame down to sunnyvale in the orange waymo cars there will have human backup drivers behind the wheel. only waymo employees will be able to ride the robo taxis on the peninsula. at first, waymo says it will take time to expand its service to the public, similar to its rollout in san francisco, as us and arab leaders continue ceasefire negotiations between hamas and israel, the threat of a ground invasion looms over
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rafah, a city in southern gaza. a south bay doctor recently returned from a five week medical mission to rafah. he spoke about his first hand experience from the front lines. abc seven news reporter anser hassan was there and we must warn you, this story contains gruesome details of war. >> the destruction is evident. the death toll reported at over 34,000 people. but doctor mohammed subhi says those stats don't capture the reality on the ground in gaza. what that means for a child who just lost their entire family in a bombing and is the only surviving family member who's also lost a limb? >> and what does that mean for them physically speaking and mentally speaking? >> doctor mohammed subhi addressed a capacity crowd at a church in walnut creek about his recent five week medical mission to gaza, at times sharing graphic images and details of the work he did at a makeshift field hospital in rafah. it was set up to help 50 people a day. instead, he says, they treated more than a thousand people
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daily. >> you don't know if you're going to have antibiotics. definitely didn't have anesthetics. we just had ketamine, which is a dissociative medicine that dissociates your mind from your body. and we were doing major surgeries opening chests, abdomens, resecting intestines. >> doctor subhi works at two south bay hospitals. since his return, he's also been meeting with elected officials, most recently in washington, dc, to give a first hand account of the war. he says the narrative that this war is just against hamas militants didn't match what he experienced. >> not once did i see a combatant you think about, like soldier fighting another soldier , and there's crossfire and civilians. unfortunately are hit by the crossfire. all of my patients were civilians that came to me, shot deliberately saturdays event also featured the exhibit the soul of my soul biographies and photos of children killed in gaza. >> if they're in gaza, if they're here in america, wherever they are, their
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children at the end of the day, and they deserve to be protected. >> doctor subhi, a palestinian refugee himself, says he's hopeful that the current round of cease fire negotiations between israel and hamas will lead to a breakthrough. but he also hopes part of that includes more accountability and an end to the humanitarian blockade, which is keeping aid out of gaza. >> 196 humanitarian aid workers were killed, and we don't hear about that. that tells me those actions speak louder than the words that we're hearing, i just pray and hope for a better tomorrow, not only for the palestinians, but for the world in general in walnut creek. >> anser hassan abc seven news. >> we have new details to share about one of the san jose police officers injured in a shootout this week, the union for san jose police says the officer is in critical condition and had a second surgery overnight. two officers ended up shot as they tried to stop a man
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break into a room at the extended stay america hotel in south san jose late thursday night. a mother and her three children were inside the room. police say kevin briones had a prior warrant and got into a gun battle with officers as he tried to run away. officers arrested briones after he jumped out of a window. the san jose police officers association identified the critically injured officer as jaime arredondo. the union says he is stable and recovering at the hospital. the other officer had minor injuries. a day of service was held today to help support unhoused veterans in the east bay. the alameda county veterans affairs commission teamed up with the group swords to plowshares and laney college for the stand down in the town event. that event provided free showers, haircuts, and food for vets and students. it also connected them to housing, employment, health and dental care, along with legal services. >> this is the first time that a stand down event has actually been held in oakland. typically, they're held at the alameda county fairgrounds, but with
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oakland being ground zero for this, homelessness crisis, with over 50% of the unhoused people being here, we figured that we would bring the services to where the people are in 2022, alameda reported 9700 unhoused residents over 500 of them were veterans >> still ahead tonight, protests create more turmoil on college campuses. we'll take a look at how they're impacting graduation ceremonies this weekend. and a local nonprofit is trying to inspire young minds and help build a better
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this generation of inventors. now it finds itself in need of help after a fire did extensive damage to its creative space. abc seven news reporter tara campbell spoke to its founder, as well as some of the people who are trying to figure out what's next. >> the smoke damage on the walls is pretty significant. the water reached around 4 to 5in. we hear ryan spurlock is talking about a fire nearly one week ago at human made, the san francisco nonprofit provides space, tools, and training to up and coming inventors and entrepreneurs. this is where the fire started, we believe we were told. essentially, it started right here in the power strip. it burnt up the 3d printers here, and a lot of the equipment in the middle section here. >> obviously we were scared because our robots there and everything, but we really like that. we really knew the more important thing was human made as a whole, because just the organization is really important to everyone that goes there. >> kyle young found a passion for robotics here, and credits the nonprofit with helping build
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a 40 member team from learning how to build parts, write grants and most importantly, how to, like, work with other people and really build a project. >> and it's been pretty life changing for all of us. >> the fire forcing the nonprofit to take its training online. we focus on hands on learning here, where hands on program. >> so it's going to have a significant impact over the next month at least, as well as the businesses that really count on our space to run their day to day operations or launch their product or their idea and one of those people is jonathan pauley. >> he learned to build custom cabinets after losing his tech job. >> they have some of the best cnc machines you can get up there, and then people who are willing to help you learn the skills to use them and sort of fast track. so i was able to start my own little prototyping business after getting laid off from traditional tech job and now displaced, it sounds like it'll be at least a month before anybody can get back into space. and for a lot of people with, you know, projects and, you know, customers, we don't want them to go somewhere else, you
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know, in the meantime, they're hoping this gofundme campaign will help cover some of the upfront losses. >> tara campbell, abc seven news in the east bay a treat for thrifters. >> the goodwill store in berkeley is offering up styles that have been decades in the making. check it out this weekend. it hosted a decades of fashion pop up for those who love vintage gems, clothing, shoes and accessories date back almost 80 years and are up for grabs. >> we're doing this to promote goodwill and our mission, and our mission is to serve our community, providing programs for people who need it. and we're so happy to be on track with this mission. and here in our berkeley goodwill store for now, if you missed out on the pop up, there is still plenty of hidden vintage treasure to be found at the store. >> there was a community fair in san francisco's sunset district tonight. they celebrated aapi heritage month and unveiled a
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new community mural titled people of taraval. the artists were inspired by community feedback on the question what does safety mean to you? a coalition of local groups also announced a bilingual resource guide of sunset based community services. you can find the on the sunset chinese cultural districts website. another generation of peregrine falcons have hatched on alcatraz island. these falcon chicks here, how cute are they? are the result of a uc berkeley conservation success. the mother lawrencium, aka larry, is the offspring of annie, one of the falcons from the uc berkeley campus. clock tower. now, we saw larry hatch live during a live stream in 2018. larry was identified on the alcatraz site by the bans placed on her legs as a chick. the national park service set up a new live cam to track these hatchlings. progress. they appear to be in good health. i do, yeah, i mean, look at them. they're adorable. they're all
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furry, so they get to stay warm in the condition they are very furry, aren't they? >> look like little furry. something other than birds. yeah >> in due time, we shall wait. yeah, absolutely. >> well, we need it for today for this weather we had, right? yeah >> feathers. anything? >> yeah. it was so cold out there and rainy. here's a look at what's happening right now. our storm has gone as you can see on live doppler seven. just a little patches of green showing up offshore where we still have a few showers, but we're not looking at any rainfall hitting land areas right now. so as we animate the map, the satellite radar composite image, you can see the circulation around that storm now diving southward and taking the rainfall. with it still a bit breezy around the bay area now, we had powerful gusts all over the bay area earlier today. right now we have gusts up to 22mph at novato and over at hayward. generally though, it's just breezy in other locations and it's several degrees cooler than at this time last night. only about 3 to 9 degrees cooler, but earlier today we had about a 20 degree drop or more from the temperatures yesterday, so this system certainly brought with it some much colder air
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than we typically experience in the month of may. right now we have low 50s at san francisco, oakland, hayward, san jose, redwood city, 50 degrees, a 48, actually, redwood city at 50 at half moon bay. other locations right now looking at a few clouds over the skyline of san francisco, mainly in the 40s, low to mid 40s at santa rosa, petaluma, fairfield, upper 40s at napa, concord and livermore. let's check out our forecast headlines. clouds will linger overnight, so we expect some light showers offshore. then tomorrow and monday morning chill followed by afternoon sunshine, but not much of a warm up the next two afternoons that will come later in the week when we get a warming trend that will take us up to almost summer like levels. in terms of high temperatures now, the speaking of the storm, our rain storm has departed the bay area, but snow is still falling in the sierra, as you can see, and a winter storm warning remains in effect there until 8:00 tomorrow morning. we're talking about maybe 2 to 6in of snow above 5000ft, but in the much higher elevations, look for 10 to 18in of snow over those higher peaks
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and gusts up to about 50mph. okay, here's our forecast animation for the bay area starting at midnight. notice those showers falling mainly offshore. as i mentioned, there could be 1 or 2 stray showers hitting land areas, but they won't be very widespread. those showers and we'll have mainly sunny skies to start the day tomorrow. overnight, low temperatures will be generally in the low to mid 40s, a little chillier in the far north. we'll see lows down to about 40 at napa, 39 at santa rosa, 37 at lakeport. then tomorrow under sunny skies, look for highs of 55 at half moon bay, 58 here in san francisco, most locations right around the bay shoreline will top out at about 6061, maybe 62 degrees. inland areas santa rosa 65 over the inland east bay mid 60s as well down in the south bay, 63 at san jose and at morgan hill. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast. so a couple of cooler than average days coming our way tomorrow and monday. but at least it'll be sunny and dry. and then tuesday starts to warm up to near average levels for
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this time of the year. and look at the warm up by thursday and friday and saturday mid to upper 80s inland. it's going to feel like summer low 80s around the bay shoreline and up to about 70 on the coast by the end of next week, so we certainly have a nice warm spell coming our way. it may last even longer than that. oh gosh, i saw a little graphic online earlier today where it was this cloud and the cloud was over saturday and sunday, and then it started raining. >> so hopefully this stays no more clouds for a while. okay, we shall see. spencer. thanks. okay, well, star wars might have started in a galaxy far, far away, but that doesn't mean we can't have an earthly celebration. may the 4th be with you, bay area. w
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fourth be with you. the quote is an obvious spoof on the saga's favorite line may the force be with you, but star wars fans
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take the occasion very seriously. lucas film says the slogan originally went big in the 70s, when people used it to greet others on the 4th of july. the town of danville also got in on the star wars festivities with its own. may the 4th be with you event. the festivities were held at the community center in town green. fans of all ages were decked out in star wars themed costumes and lightsabers. the event featured a pancake breakfast costume contest, jedi training, and of course, a movie night. the star wars film that's being featured tonight. the return of the jedi. of course. it's the first saturday in may. time for the kentucky derby and the a's. with a chance to keep their winning streak alive. chris alvarez joins us now with a preview of sports. chris >> hey, dionne, coming up in sports. we had a photo finish at the kentucky derby. and once the rain cleared in oakland, oh, the force was strong with the a's. they light up the sc
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the a's and marlins got underway on star wars day with a first pitch that got stuck in darth vader's cape. barely made it
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past the mound, but that was about the only thing to go wrong for oakland. they now have a season high six game win streak, and also climbed to the 500 mark for the first time this season. remember, they started the year one and seven. the force was strong in oakland today. may the 4th be with you. bottom three brant rooker. oh puts a charge into that one 447 foot blast to left. longest homer by an a this season. admiring his work. oh yeah for nothing. green and gold. the a's bat around so rooker at the plate again in the third and becomes the first a to homer twice in an inning since mark mcgwire in 1996. 12. nothing after three fourth inning a's rookie brett harris, his first ever major league hit. and that's a dinger. families they're going wild 13. nothing all right, sixth inning. now everybody jumps on him in the dugout. it's harris again. and what do you know deep again wow. and his family was there. first a in 50 years to have both of his first hits be home runs. unreal 15. nothing and how about
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to wrap it up more home run derby shea langeliers bandoliers three run homer to make it an even 20 runs for the a's. they win 20 to 4 six straight wins. they're at 500. what a turnaround. giants in philadelphia patrick bailey out at least a week with a concussion starter keaton wynn didn't make it out of the first inning. the first five batters reached the first run, scoring on a bases loaded hit by pitch winds. struggling with control on a rainy philadelphia night, pulled after throwing 39 pitches and allowing five runs, giants lose 14 three. let's kick it four. niners linebacker fred warner revving up the crowd at levi's stadium before the quakes and lafc. fifth minute cristian espinosa with the corner. rodriguez heads at home one nil. san jose in a hurry. second half espinosa watch this ahead to amal pellegrino. oh, that's just too pretty. two nil san jose four minutes later espinosa, another corner, this time in la. defender knocks it home. so
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officially not an assist but it is. quakes get their second win of the year. hey three one and missed it dan izzo come through on the inside. >> it is mystic dan down toward the inside with the lead in the final 16. forever young sierra leone is coming. these three coming down in the mire. who's it going to be? the bullet. the thunder of the derby. oh it's a photo. wasn't mystic dan or was it sierra leone? >> the 150th kentucky derby ends with a photo finish. mystic dan beat sierra leone by a nose, literally. i mean, that's where the phrase comes from. great reaction from jockey brian hernandez, junior for his first derby win. forever young was third. the favorite fierceness finished 15th. mystic dan was an 18 to 1. the rain couldn't stop the fun at memorial stadium in berkeley. today, more than 100 kids, ages 6 to 13, with and without intellectual disabilities, joined 50 cal student athletes and staff for
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the second annual golden buddies football clinic. football players led drills including throwing, catching, running, tackling and more. this is great stuff, a great event, full of smiles. abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino, dion. >> well, much more to come tonight on abc seven news at 11. tomorrow is cinco de mayo and there is a big celebration planned in the south bay. the tradition that will be making its long awaited return. and there's an update on three tourists who disappeared in baja. the discovery that w
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today at the university of michigan. the school had anticipated possible problems and put restrictions in place. those protesters were escorted out at the university of virginia. 25 people were arrested when they clashed with police who had moved in to clear an encampment. abc news reporter phil lipof has a look at the impact, the turmoil is having on other graduation plans. >> nyu now one of the latest
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universities where police have been called in to clear out encampments as protests over the israel-hamas war continue to grow. i think student movements historically have brought a lot of change, so maybe it won't be just nyu, but it will be a bunch of universities. more than 50 arrests as the nypd cleared out tents at both nyu and the new school. we shall not be. columbia university's president speaking out for the first time since calling in police after protesters barricaded themselves inside a campus building earlier this week. >> we tried very hard to resolve the issue of the encampment through dialog. the university made a sincere and good offer, but it was not accepted at ucla, police were called in after protests there turned violent earlier this week. >> it's dangerous rhetoric that is spewed in the encampment, calls for the death of all zionists, anti-zionism is most definitely, most definitely anti-semitism. >> ucla announcing all campus activities will resume in full
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on monday. all of this as schools are planning for graduations. ohio state moving forward with commencement. >> it's just great that osu is putting us first. that's how it always should be. >> meantime, protests at northwestern, brown and rutgers have ended peacefully. the schools agreeing to review their investment in companies contributing to the war in gaza. if students curb protest activity. phil lipof, abc news, new york. >> new developments tonight in the case of a trio of missing surfers in mexico. mexican authorities say they've recovered three bodies in the area near where the two australians and an american were reported missing. police also found a burnt pickup truck as well. abandoned tents as well that belonged to the tourists. three people are under arrest and have been charged in the case. severe weather has been impacting much of the central u.s. this weekend. more than a foot of rain fell on much of southeast texas, prompting flood alerts. flood alerts have also
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been issued for rivers in houston, with more rain expected . and in central texas, tornadoes have devastated small towns as a twister tore through the town of hodges and had residents scrambling for safety. >> i remember hearing glass break, and then i remember hearing bricks coming down and they were coming down on top of us. the suction became so strong it sucked. lane from wes's arms. >> cassie's son was later found on a pile of insulation. more rain, hail and tornadoes are expected in the coming days. let's move on to san jose, where the cinco de mayo celebration have faced some controversy in recent years. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez has more on the proud lowrider parade, returning for the first time in over a decade, and the change of plan from local law enforcement. >> we're taking over this whole corner from the 680 bridge to king of story. >> after months of planning, final preparations are underway
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for cinco de mayo festivities in san jose. >> it's going to be a mix of lowriders and different community groups, david polanco, president of the organization united lowrider council of san jose, said this year, the cinco de mayo community parade is making a return on sunday. >> polanco said it's all thanks to a collective effort. >> i would think we had $0, so it was something, you know, how do we do this? what's the vision? and we figured now it's we just wanted it to be uh- done by the community, for the community. >> more than 300 lowriders will be cruising from king and alum rock and end at story in king, where 90 different vendors will be set up at emma park. >> the sharks, you know, they're doing a collaborative effort with the local artists, abraham ortega on a shirt, and that's going to benefit a nonprofit. so there's a lot of little nuances within this, you know, voter registration. >> polanco credits the partnership with council member
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peter ortiz, office businesses and the san jose police department. last year, police closed streets and freeway exits , making festivities difficult to access. >> we had a good talk and we've been working together ever since , just trying to build that relationship. >> this year, the san jose police department will have their own lowrider taking part in the parade, an effort to mend the bond with the community. >> i think we're fortunate the community is willing to collaborate with us, so we're thankful to these organizations and our elected officials who are coordinating to put all this together and allowing us to be a part of the celebration and to ensure that we can do so and people can celebrate safely, blanco said. >> safety is the goal this weekend so everyone can enjoy a memorable cinco de mayo. >> i hope people that need resources get them. i hope people that have never seen a horse dance in a parade see that. i hope people take a lot of pictures. and just like i said earlier, a safe family event and, have a lot of fun in
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san jose. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news look closely. >> a hilarious mistake on a blacktop street in florida. workers misspelled the word school while doing some road painting this week, drivers were laughing about entering a so-called school zone. residents reported it quickly after the paint dried and workers got back out there. within a few hours to fix it. hopefully, elementary school kids in the area learn better spelling in class. this is a bad one. well, still ahead tonight on abc seven news at 11. they are back for more and this time the tables have turned. hear from some of the stars from kingdom of the planet of the apes. >> i'm spencer christian. rain has moved offshore and away from the bay area. i'll have the accuweather forecast showing you wh'sing next in just a moment. when
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join the millions who're feeling the power of osteo bi-flex®, the #1 pharmacist recommended joint care supplement. (♪) find our coupons in sunday's paper. (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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sitting with cuddling, even scratching cows for an hour long session. many have described the meetings as therapeutic. i can go out there and i do every day, lay with them and be with them and hug them and get kisses from them. >> two of them are trained to give kisses on command, and when i do that, i cannot explain how the words just makes me feel. it's just exclamation points in all these emojis that people use . >> wow, he really has that connection for arms. have embraced this trend as a kind of agritourism arm that helps their bottom line. but there is some concern because bird flu has spread to dairy cattle in nine states, government officials say
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the risk of human infection that is low. still, they are urging caution. i know kingdom of the planet of the apes made its world premiere earlier this week. the film is set in the future, and this time around, the apes are now the dominant species on the planet. reporter george pennacchio, from our sister station in los angeles, has more now from the red carpet. >> apes on horseback rode onto the red carpet to open the world premiere of kingdom of the planet of the apes. this is the latest film in a franchise that began 56 years ago. owen teague plays the movie's young hero, noah, in a dark time. he takes on a dangerous mission, hoping to do the right thing for the future of both apes and humans. >> she called my name. >> you misheard. >> he's an extraordinarily lovable character. i had a really hard time shaking him afterwards, and i didn't want to see him go. so so i'm really hoping that we get to make more of these, and i get to see where
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he ends up. >> it's really well layered, and i played a character who was a bit of a turncoat to the human race. >> then there's peter macon, thrilled to play a wise and kind orangutan named raqqa show mercy. >> i really want to pour myself into something as challenging and as difficult as this, to, to, to grow and to move my personal needle as a, as a, as an artist. >> there's also the king himself , played with power by kevin durand. what a wonderful day >> he's trying to save adam from you stinky humans. do you understand? you humans mess everything up, kill each other, kill the land! >> i shall run the world from now on. >> this was a human place. it is not yours. >> it is now, isn't it? >> this is the end of a five year journey. so we left it all
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in the field. me and myself, the entire crew. we put everything we had into this and we hope fans will love it. just as much as we do. >> you'll see kingdom of the planet of the apes in theaters nationwide on may 10th in hollywood. george pennacchio for abc news. >> we were marveling at william h. macy. >> we were you know, he's he's a really talented actor, and he's been around for a long time. >> i just was so surprised to see he's all white now. >> yeah. with the facial hair. >> yeah. >> well, good for him. let's take a look at our weather, which i guess is improving by most standards. right. the rain is going away. and during the overnight hours you'll see some showers offshore, but it's not likely many bay area locations onshore. we'll see any rainfall. so that takes us to overnight conditions, mainly clear skies. as we approach sunrise. overnight lows will be generally in the low to mid 40s and tomorrow's highs under bright sunny skies only upper 50s to low 60s. another much cooler than average day, but at least it will be dry tomorrow and sunny so you can go wash your car. as you look at the
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accuweather seven day forecast, you see it doesn't really start to warm up until tuesday. temperatures bounce up into a more typical range for this time of the year. then it starts to get downright summer, like thursday, friday, and saturday as high temperatures inland rise into the mid to upper 80s, low 80s around the bay shoreline and up to about 70 on the coast. that's some warm weather for early may. >> well, my car has already been washed by mother nature. i parked it outside yesterday in anticipation of the rain. >> you're smart spencer. >> thank you. okay. all right. once again, chris alvarez joins us with a preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hi, dion. coming up in sports, it's golfing for a good cause. what brought the stars out to olympic club in san francisco this weekend? on the ice at seven seven. bruins and maple leafs go over time. the winner moving
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in 2015, stephen curry won the first of his back to back nba mvp awards. steph and the warriors would later win the nba title that year, the first of four during the dynasty. fast forward to today, may the 4th. the warriors social team shared a great post of your warriors doing their best star wars impressions. may the 4th be with you and with the warriors. is the new u u u u >> that was a week's labor. i know. chewbacca. >> gotta redeem myself this time. hmm'hmm i think that was a little better >> dario. come on.
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>> i don't know what that was either. on the court tonight nikola jokic and the nuggets hosting the timberwolves. game one of the western semis. wolves finch chris finch back on the bench after talion's patella at the end of the first round. close to the half. jokic to san jose mid east. aaron gordon for the hammer. fourth quarter. they take the lead. denver does. jamal murray hits the three and one. nuggets go up one. and then sixth man of the year naz reid taking over ten straight points 14 in the quarter. and minnesota up six. as reid was so good against the warriors this year two. jokic trying to lead denver back a circus shot and the foul. he had a team high 32 points. but anthony edwards too much. ant-man speeding past the defense and scores. game high 43 points minnesota steals game one 106 99. game two monday night in denver saw it right here on abc seven. game seven between the bruins and maple leafs in their first round series, boston could become the first team in pro sports history to blow a31 series lead in consecutive
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years, while toronto has lost six straight game seven's third period scoreless boston turnover and toronto's william nylander scores one nothing maple leafs but less than 90s later, hampus lindholm sneaks it between the goalie and the post. how close was that? bruins tied at one. i mean, matter of inches final seconds of regulation. toronto tossed it in. bounces off a bruins defenseman, almost goes in for a toronto win. oh, take a look. great save. tied at one into overtime. and just a few minutes into ot lindholm a perfect pass off the boards. pastrnak speeding home. and david pastrnak wins it in game seven. in overtime two one boston wins. they'll face florida in the eastern semis starting monday. the stars were out at the olympic club in san francisco earlier this week. barry bonds, chris mullin, ronnie lott, brandi chastain, marcus allen, dave stewart among the many hitting the links in the sofi child mind institute golf tournament, $545,000 were raised on monday. that's up 40%
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from last year, with that money going to a great cause. >> that was it going okay. >> you can take that one. >> the sweet sounds of golf filled the air at the olympic club in san francisco, a star studded list of athletes, including pro football hall of famer ronnie lott, showed up to raise money for youth mental health services in the bay area. >> they understand that it's about always serving someone else. and so what i love about the guys that are here, they really appreciate the fact that this is about helping young people. >> we have a teenager who has been, battling, and so for me, it's very personal. and the child mind institute has young people in mind. this week's sofi child mind institute golf tournament featured a dinner and auction as well, to help raise more money to go towards educational resources and training for millions of families every year. >> the majority of kids who have these disorders very rarely get help. so when people like ronnie
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lott and steve young and brandi chastain come out and play with us, they're basically saying, we care about those kids. we know that mental health is important and that we want people to get the help that they need. >> 20 years from now, i'm hoping that i can one day look up and say, you know what? we were able to touch every kid and here's what we were able to do help them being able to have a better , stronger mind so they can be more productive in our society. >> what a great event. abc seven sports. sponsored by river rock casino dion chris. >> thank you. and that's all the time we have for tonight i'm dionne lim. the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 for spencer and chris and really all of us here. thank you so much for joining us. have a wonderful evening and we will see you in the morning.
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livin' large! and having a big day! the meeting point of humanity and history. in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! ♪
12:00 am
there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! ♪


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