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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  May 7, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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now, at 6:00. moving into rafah. israeli tanks have now taken control of gaza's rafah border crossing in a precise operation. it comes as hamas claims to accept a cease fire proposal.
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but israel rejected it, breaking bus lane laws. >> the new concerns about robo taxis after a waymo car was seen making an illegal turn. >> plus, the stars shine at the met gala. a look at the celebrities who walked the green carpet in this year's event. >> good morning to you. welcome to tuesday, may 7th. >> how's the forecast? >> andrew, it's getting warmer and warmer each day. so later on today, temperatures in the afternoon will hit about average. if you recall, yesterday those temperatures were below average. so each afternoon we're getting warmer as we head towards the end of the week. here's a live view from our south beach camera showing you those clear skies that sunrise is happening in about 20 minutes. temperatures right now were in the mid 40s to the low 50s. 46 right now in oakland, 51 in san jose. good morning. we're at 50 in the city, a little bit cooler in the north bay. we're down to 43 in santa rosa, 46 right now in novato. so looking at our day planner today, a lot of sunshine sun up here at 607. we will find
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a warmer afternoon today compared to yesterday. along the coast we have sunshine in the 60s, the bay shoreline, upper 60s to lower 70s and inland will go into the mid 70s, which is pretty much where we should be for this time of the year. 65, in the city, near 70, in oakland, 73 in san jose, up to 76. in santa rosa, concord, a high of 75 degrees. stephanie drew, thank you. >> as you wake up this morning, there is a major development in the war between israel and hamas. overnight, israel confirmed it has started a ground offensive in rafah. amanda the israeli military has taken control of a key border crossing. >> yeah. stephanie, the israeli military says it is taking control of the palestinian side of the rafah border crossing between egypt and gaza. tanks were seen rolling into the area earlier today. it's part of the idf's quote, precise counterterrorism operation targeting the hamas militant group. the idf says it killed at least 20 members of hamas and found three operational tunnel
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shafts during its operation at the same time, at least 23 people, including six children, were also killed in airstrikes on rafah. officials have not said how long the israeli military will be in control of the border crossing. israel says its military operations in rafah will continue even as ceasefire negotiations are still happening. cia director bill burns is reportedly returning to cairo for more negotiations. qatar is also sending a delegation to help work out a ceasefire deal between hamas and israel. reggie thanks amanda new. >> this morning, the white house is announcing new action to counter anti-semitism on college campuses and protect jewish communities. president biden will condemn anti-semitism at today's holocaust remembrance ceremony in d.c. the department of education is set to send letters to every school district and college in the nation that outlines anti-semitic examples that could lead to federal civil rights investigations. a website is also being built to offer
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campus safety resources, and the state department will bring together tech firms to address the best ways to handle anti-semitic content online. the new changes expand on the president's national strategy to counter anti-semitism that began a year ago. california's newest pro-palestinian encampment is at uc davis. students there set up tents yesterday morning, they sent the university a list of demands, including divestment, from israel. uc davis chancellor shared a statement saying the university is working with the protesters to avoid disruption to classes. >> police in southern california arrested at least 100 more pro-palestinian protesters across two different campuses yesterday. ucla couldn't even get through a full day of in-person classes without shutting down. the campus closed again after police arrested 44 protesters on suspicion of conspiracy to attempt burglary. ucla will stay with remote instruction for the rest of the week, the university says the lapd is committing a detective now to investigate the attack on
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that protest. almost a week ago at uc san diego, officers in riot gear raided the encampment there for the first time. 64 people were arrested, 40 of them students who will be suspended. >> student protesters at san francisco state have similar demands to what we're seeing across the state and the country. when it comes to these protests, but yesterday we saw something that we haven't seen in other places. look at this. that's university president lynne mahoney sitting down and listening and talking to students in a public forum. hundreds of students gathered in a campus plaza to let the administration know what they think about all this, mahoney told protesters the school may consider avoiding investments in companies that are involved with war. however, she wouldn't agree to student demands that she call the war in gaza a genocide. >> and my job is actually to create the space for content neutral. that's that democratic
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process again. so no, as a president of a university, i don't make political statements. i am very optimistic about how this conversation proceeded. >> we are, again, very thankful for president mahoney to come out and have this conversation with us. >> the protesters say yesterday's conversation made them hopeful they have no plans right now to pull down their encampment. stay with us for continuing coverage of the college campus protests in the bay area and nationwide. get the latest anytime at abc7 >> this morning, new concerns about autonomous cars on the streets. just as waymo is preparing to expand its fleet of self-driving cars down on the peninsula, this video is gaining a lot of traction online. it shows a waymo robotaxi here in san francisco driving in a lane not allowed to cars, then making an illegal left turn, industry experts say there are problems with the way testing is being done with these self-driving companies. >> we're seeing a lot of loose ends that the technology isn't quite there. the companies are
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claiming it's safer, but things like driving the wrong way down the street, as long as there's no crash, they would say, don't count for unsafe. >> now others believe that if ai expands to self-learning within driverless cars instead of rule based learning, there could be huge improvements to safety. we have reached out to waymo for a comment on these concerns, but have yet to hear back. >> happening today in the east bay, the future of transportation will be on display at the redefining mobility summit bay area. state and federal officials are joining industry leaders to talk about the autonomous vehicle industry. it will include demonstrations from a number of companies like guideways, which we first introduced to you last year. they are working with contra costa county officials on a project which would connect pittsburg, antioch, brentwood and oakley with these tiny vehicles. the goal is to help people get from their homes to public transit like bart, without having to drive antioch mayor is expected at today's event to make an announcement, with the ceo of glide ways in
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the south bay. >> we're following up on a shooting that sent two san jose police officers to the hospital last week. the man arrested is now charged with attempted murder, police say. 33 year-old kevin briones attempted to break into a hotel room where a mother and her three children were inside when officers arrived, briones started shooting at the officers, who fired back both officers and briones were injured in this shooting. police say he then jumped out of a third floor window to escape, but was quickly arrested this morning. >> there are concerns san francisco unified's budget problems are way worse than the public thought. it might be so bad that the district is on the verge of running out of cash. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. gloria, there's a meeting tonight to learn more about the potential problem and the impact of families. >> there is reggie. tonight state advisors and fiscal experts are set to give the san francisco school board information on what they think the district needs to do, but the options will likely be tough. this new report from the
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california department of education says sfusd will not be able to meet its financial obligations during the 2024 2025 fiscal year to address the issues, the chronicle reports that the state made an extreme move last week. two fiscal experts appointed a few years ago to guide the district were authorized to suspend or reverse financial decisions made by the superintendent or the school board. the district has been facing financial issues for years and in addition has been dealing with declining enrollment since the pandemic. that's resulted in less funding from the state. the school board was already working on a plan to stabilize its budget this month. the board is set to vote on finalizing hundreds of layoffs, and they've been considering school closures as well. superintendent matt wayne told the chronicle that he is confident the district will be able to meet its obligations. tonight's school board meeting starts at 630 at the district administrative offices in san francisco. live in the studio
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gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. drew. thanks, gloria. >> 609 this morning we'll take you to san jose. right now. we have fair skies out there. current temperature right around 51 degrees. we're basically in the upper 40s to the lower 50s across the region. looking at your weather, wellness today, your air quality, it is good. pollen levels continue to remain low thanks to that weekend rainfall on saturday, your uv index and eight out of an 11 that is very high. we do expect a lot of sunshine today. live doppler seven along with satellite. we have a ridge of high pressure that is slowly getting closer to us and that is giving us the warming trend over the next couple of days and supplying us with all of that sunshine on the seven day forecast out the door this morning. we have 50s to get you outside right now and then we're already into the 60s by 11 a.m. and later on this afternoon, our warmest areas will go into the 70s. so look at the forecast region by region, inland, sunny skies, temperatures in the mid 70s. today, warmer than yesterday. the bay shoreline,
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bright conditions, upper 60s to near 70 for our afternoon temperatures and along the coast it will be sunny as well with highs in the upper 50s. so taking a look at highs today, it's a nice looking day. temperatures pretty close to average for this time of the year, and we'll just continue to warm over the next couple of days. feeling summer-like by thursday. stephanie. >> thanks, drew. calling for changes. up next valencia street businesses asking city leaders to replace the center bike lane, which they say has hurt their bottom line. then pepper panic. the problem that has forced production to stop for four months and could cause another sriracha sauce shortage. then the garden of time, a look at some of the eye popping outfits during
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mateo county. today, the county board of supervisors is talking about lowering the speed limit in dozens of school zones to 15 or 20mph. if approved, the county would study school zones in more than 20 districts over the next year and then make final recommendations. this comes after a statewide push to reduce school zone speeds that's currently moving through the state legislature. we continue to follow the controversy around the center running bike lane on san francisco's valencia street. it was meant to improve safety, but many in the area say it is just created frustration and confusion. residents and businesses have been asking for
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changes, and amanda, we understand they're now getting the backing of the valencia street merchants association. >> yes, stephanie. the valencia street merchants association sent a letter to sfmta yesterday endorsing calls to replace the center bike lane. the group would like to see side running bike lanes restored to the street as soon as possible. it's the same request that's been made by others in recent months. they would also like to see parking restored and reduced parking meter costs for six months while the area is under construction. merchants on that stretch of valencia say since the current lane was installed, business has been decimated. in the letter, the association writes in part we have watched as dozens of our friends and neighbors have closed shop and know of a score more who are barely hanging on and likely to shutter in the coming months. as valencia represents the largest contiguous stretch of independent merchants in the nation, it occupies a special space in the city and is worth saving. the sfmta spokesperson
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says. merchants have been meeting with the agency to find a solution that works for businesses and maintain safety in the corridor. an update for what comes next is expected this summer. back to you, stephanie. >> thanks, amanda. the bay area sports hall of fame has some new faces. the 2024 class was inducted last night at the hyatt regency here in san francisco. >> the emotions are still sinking in right now. it's so surreal. just to be mentioned with some of these legends. bay area means so much to me and that it was it was truly a special feeling. >> it's a great honor and i'm very excited to be here. >> pretty surreal. usually stuff like this doesn't happen to guys like me, but i really appreciate it. my rookie year when i came out here in 86, you know, walking back and forth through the airport, you see this display and i'm just walking by and i'm looking, i'm looking, i guess now when i come through the airport, i have to look for myself right. >> since the hall of fame was created back in 1979, nearly 200
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bay area athletes have been honored. more than $4 million has been donated to more than 500 youth organizations across the region. >> cardi b never disappoints, especially at an event where fashion is the focus. so here's a rapper really taking over the floor, and as we zoom out, you're going to see what i mean in this organza gown that just goes on and on and on. in fact, it took nearly ten men to help cardi get this dress properly displayed. the theme this year was garden of time. you're going to see here kim kardashian, who kind of were the opposite of what cardi b wore, right? it's like there's not a lot to it. i still like it though. what's she getting read for this? >> i think people were expecting a little more from kim. okay, yeah. i mean, she looks beautiful. >> yeah. and it went to her. of course. holds us every year. who's that, who's that man? okay, well, this isn't basic, drew.
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>> no, this is job. good job. >> yeah. also doing a great job. >> giving effort. it's giving. praying mantis carries is really simple, but i mean gorgeous. yeah so beautiful i like i really like that. that looks great. >> it's a timeless look. >> i want to show you something that just gets more interesting the more i find out about it. so this is a bay area tie because oscar winning actress da'vine joy randolph is rocking a custom gap denim gown. now look at the man to the right. is that zac posen? yes it is. yeah. yes. so the reason why that is relevant is because. did you know he lives in san francisco now? >> yes, he is now in charge. he is. >> he is the man in charge at gap for their looks or fashion. so this is the first time that we have seen him do something for gap. it's made of denim inside. it's international orange. we can't see the inside. but the reason it's international orange is because it's a nod to the golden gate
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bridge, isn't that cool? >> so neat. >> yeah, it pops now and i feel like it would have popped even more in red or orange gold. >> here's the other thing about divine. >> yeah, and zendaya was a co-host. as we know, zendaya's from the east bay. divine in 2022. wanted so much to be at this event that she actually had a dress made for herself, even though she didn't have an invite. oh my god, it did a whole photo shoot manifest. getting one day going to the ball and look at her now i love that. >> yeah. she had you know, i really do. >> when would we see the international orange? that's what i'm trying to figure out. yeah, it was really hidden i guess when she went inside a part of the dress deconstructed, it came off. >> i haven't seen what it looked like when she went inside, but i think that's maybe when you would have seen it. >> i like that, that's really neat. >> also, zac, call us. we'll go for any reason. come on a show. hang out, make us a dress. >> i don't know, you might still
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be sleeping in new york city right now. okay. it's been a long night. well, when you get home. no. >> when you take that united flight back. >> yeah, yeah. >> that's correct. every hour from newark. let's go outside. here's a live look. the exploratorium camera showing you it is a nice morning. that sun is just coming over the hillside right now. it is clear out there and we are in store for a warmer afternoon compared to yesterday. let's go. hour by hour. in future weather, we'll stop the clock here at 10 a.m. we're into the mid 50s for the most part around lunchtime. we're in the low and mid 60s, so it already feels quite pleasant out there. and then into the afternoon we'll go into the 70s. yesterday most of us stayed in the 60s for daytime. highs today were a bit warmer than that. and this is actually where we should be for this time of the year. so it's nice to be average sometimes when temperatures are in the mid 60s to the mid 70s we'll have plentiful sunshine for your sunset. here is at 806 this evening. we do have to talk about the winds though, because late tonight into early tomorrow morning we will have a bit of an offshore wind, especially through solano county, napa
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county, sonoma county. but thankfully, since we had that rainfall this weekend, we don't have any elevated fire concerns underneath these winds. what these winds will do, it's going to keep those temperatures elevated overnight and into the early portions of tomorrow morning. so tonight, your overnight lows are fairly mild in the mid 50s to the low 60s thanks to that offshore wind. but this will create the launching pad to get us into an even warmer afternoon tomorrow. here's future tracker temperatures by wednesday afternoon, you could see more into the 70s and 80s for daytime highs. and then by thursday, we're in the mid 70s in the city, low 80s for oakland, mid 80s for the south bay. and then it gets even warmer here on friday. friday. that's when we do expect some of our cities to get into the low 90s. and that would be our first 90 degree days this season. so feeling a lot more like summer than spring by the end of the week. accuweather seven day forecast. lots of sunshine. we'll continue to warm our temperatures over
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the next couple of days. feeling summer like here by thursday. it's hot inland on friday. little change over the weekend. looking nice for mom on mother's day for sunday with those temperatures still above average for this time. >> thank you drew. now we're going to bring in rebecca jarvis. she's live with a look at what's happening on gma. >> good morning rebecca. >> reggie and stephanie it is so nice to be with you this morning . and coming up we are following the breaking news overnight on the severe weather outbreak. at least 16 reported tornadoes in six states. ginger is on the scene with a glimpse of the damage in oklahoma this morning. also this morning, the new scam targeting college grads. we're going to tell you about the devious way criminals are making fake job offers. look real. plus, we're celebrating teacher appreciation day with a teacher that has her school dancing all over again, and we've got a big surprise for her. plus, we were on the green carpet for the met gala with all the outrageous looks. i saw you guys talking
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about that a minute ago, and we are cooking with emeril as we celebrate 25 years of breakfast in bed for some amazing moms. it's coming up right here on gma. and guys, i have to say. so you were just talking about zac posen at gap? yeah. and the dress he designed for. so you're not going to believe where i'm going. truly after i take my mic off, where i'm going to interview zac posen about that dress and his role at gap, and he happens to be in new york right now because of the met gala. met gala. >> yes. okay. well, we were just talking about him. yeah, just real quick. >> just drop our names into this conversation. your friends at abc seven would like him to walk over here. we literally are on the same street as his office. yeah, he can walk over here any time. okay. you can have coffee. we can take a run along the embarcadero or whatever. >> he has it all planned out. >> yeah, i'm going to let him know. i'm going to let him know. also, if you guys could do something for me, if you could wear the dresses that you've already designed for the met gala, which you designed, obviously, like 20 years ago, if
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you could wear those tomorrow on the show, i will absolutely be watching. >> love that plan. >> done, done. yeah. that's not going to be a problem. so 20 years ago it's a good trade. it's a good trade. so you know, just reggie and stephanie and drew and amanda, if you could just drop any of our names in this conversation, we just want to have a welcoming party. yep. >> yeah. yeah, i think it's great. >> and i bet you know all the best places too. so you'll let him know. >> yeah, totally. >> he even volunteered to run with him on the embarcadero. >> wherever. whatever it takes. anything. you know, we're always looking for new friends. yeah. >> that is such a funny coincidence, i know. >> please be my friend. >> i can't wait to see your story. rebecca. it's always nice to see you. we'll see you at 7:. it's coming up on gma. it's by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living.
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amos sriracha sauce says it has to stop production until after labor day, and it's sparking fears of another shortage. their red jalapeno chili peppers aren't red enough, the southern california company says after reevaluating its supply of chili, they determine it's too green to proceed with production because it's affecting the color of the product. it is small business week in san francisco,
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and last night there was an opening party at pier 70. the theme this year, makers says these are businesses that create their goods right here in the city. some say just being in san francisco is a boom for them. jordan schultz runs sf game development, which helps video game designers get their game started. he says the concentration of highly innovative and creative people here is something that can't be found. many other places. >> the developers that are working at these big tech companies on the side, right. they're working on building their passion projects and their video games, and they're raising funding here. >> there are events throughout the week, including a coffee and connection meetup at alejo's and the bay view. that happens this morning at 9 a.m. next at 630, pod problems. the complaint san francisco is dealing with when it comes to tiny living spaces. social security and medicare benefits. the changes you may see in about a decade if lawmakers
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live now at 630, running out of cash. a new report has a grim warning for san francisco unified. the action the state has taken to address the problem in the meeting tonight to try and find a long term solution. >> and first lady doctor jill biden returning to the bay area. the stop she's making as a part
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of her trip to visit the western states and equinox gym membership, the program that aims to help you live longer and it will cost you an unbelievable amount of money. >> the regular equinox isn't. i know she plus, good morning to all of you watching us on an equinox treadmill this morning. it's tuesday, may 7th. >> let's check in with drew. >> okay, so we've got a warmer afternoon on the way. here's a live look outside from sutro tower right now, pointing at the golden gate bridge. that sun is up here. we're already running warmer right now compared to this time yesterday. by 11 degrees in half moon bay, right around 2 to 5 degrees warmer in most cities. so take a look at temperatures right now. not as cold as yesterday. we're mainly in the 40s and low 50s. as we get you out the door on this tuesday heading into the north bay, it's 44, in cloverdale. we're at 43 in napa, 45. that current temperature in fairfield . so a lot of sunshine already from our sutro tower camera. it's a bright morning. we keep full sunshine all day long. today is warmer than yesterday.
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yesterday afternoon highs were below average. today we're pretty much at average. and then tomorrow we'll warm up above average. so 60s along the coast, 70s for the bay, shoreline and inland. so highs today we'll hit about 65 in the city near 70 in oakland, 73 in san jose. the same in napa, 76 in santa rosa, inland will go into the low and mid 70s for daytime highs. stephanie >> thanks, drew. >> running out of time and money. that's the conclusion of an alarming new report that says san francisco unified is on the brink of financial disaster. there's a meeting tonight to talk about it. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is following this story. and gloria , it seems the state has already taken its own action to try and shore up the district's finances. >> good morning. stephanie. according to the chronicle, the state authorized two fiscal experts to suspend or reverse financial decisions made by the superintendent and school board. it comes as the state's financial crisis team says the district is barreling toward insolvency within a year, unless
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it makes significant cuts, and that reportedly includes an immediate hiring freeze. the school board has already been dealing with financial problems. in fact, they're set to finalize hundreds of layoffs this month, and they're also considering school closures. the district has lost about 10,000 students over the past ten years. in a statement last week, superintendent matt wayne said we are committed to accelerating our efforts to address the remaining concerns to ensure that san francisco public schools are places where students can learn, grow and thrive. and the chronicle reports that wayne will offer some kind of a roadmap at tonight's school board meeting. state advisers and other fiscal experts will also detail what they think the district needs to do. that meeting starts at 630 in the evening, live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria, thank you. happening today, a rally by teachers in san lorenzo. they want higher salaries. the san lorenzo education association says the high cost of living is what's hurting the san lorenzo unified
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school district when it comes to retaining and recruiting new teachers. they say the $24 million surplus in the district's budget next year could be used for salaries. the rally in march is happening from 4 to 5 p.m. in front of the san lorenzo unified school district office on usher street. >> if you've got a child that's getting close to going to college, the government really wants you to apply for financial aid. it's launching a $50 million program to get more students to compete for the federal financial aid application. the department of education says fafsa applications are at an all time low. it's partially because of problems with the overhaul of the system that's been plagued with problems. the new funding will go to organizations that work with schools and community groups to help people complete the forms. >> abc news sources say stormy daniels will take the stand today in the criminal trial of former president donald trump. trump is facing felony charges related to a 2016 hush money payment to daniels. prosecutors
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argue trump falsified business records to hide the payment, which was made to keep daniels from speaking about an alleged affair the two had. trump has denied the claims. >> in another legal battle, trump's defense team has requested a delay in the classified documents case due to documents being disorganized. special counsel jack smith admitted that some of the documents are out of order, and various boxes the fbi retrieved from mar-a-lago. he says they've been reviewed multiple times, including one review requested by trump. the former president is now charged with mishandling national defense information at abc seven news. >> we take pride in our mission of building a better bay area. we celebrate the breakthroughs that are happening. antioch is looking back on a successful first year of its community response team and looking ahead to an expansion. the team was trained to deal with mental health and wellness check calls at an incident. they provide resource referrals, food and water. mayor lamar hernandez thorpe recently did a ride along. the hope is to make the
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city safer without adding more police officers. >> some people love to see us. some people don't want to see a badge and a gun because they just know that's an authority figure. we come with the purple shortterm, you know, a little less aggressive. >> the mayor now wants to expand the program instead of just one van. he wants at least two, along with more trained staff. that would require around $2 million in funding. >> and another bay area breakthrough this morning, while the san francisco waits for the supreme court to determine if it can clear homeless encampments, the city is finding other ways to remove tents. the latest street count, taken last week, found 360 tents and structures across the city. that's a 41% decrease from last july, when there were more than 600 tents. san francisco has moved people who were living in encampments into shelters so far this year. >> i'm very encouraged by what this means for our city and looking forward to more momentum around getting people off the streets and getting them housed. but more importantly, not allowing those who refuse
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service to continue to take over the streets of san francisco. >> so the survey also found there were no encampments with ten or more tents and only nine with five or more tents. >> part of building a better area is following up to make sure our local leaders are held accountable and giving them credit when they hold others accountable. this morning, we're focusing on san francisco city attorney david chu, who is now accusing a nonprofit of fraud. a man is tracking that story at the live desk. and amanda, the allegations include misusing money meant to help the homeless. >> yeah, reggie aqui fake invoices, collecting more than $100,000 led san francisco city attorney david chu to take action against providence foundation. it operates the oasis hotel, a shelter for families experiencing homelessness. the invoices were submitted in 2022 for painting the outside of the building and removing the deadbolt locks. there the city's attorney's office discovered that work was never done, he said. these
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findings are just the beginning of their push for accountability. >> our action today, uh, starts the process to ensure that providence is not able to apply for future contracts. uh. it is up to the city as we're reviewing this and whether the current contracts would end. >> and abc7 news went to providence foundations offices for comment. staff closed their doors. providence received city funds to run a navigation center and multiple housing subsidy and voucher programs. for years, it has received grants through the city's department of homelessness and supportive housing. in a statement, the city's department said in part, h.s.h. will be reviewing each contract on a program by program basis to determine the best way to continue seamless services for the guests and tenants in these programs, the city attorney's office said. the investigation is ongoing, and they've apparently identified multiple nonprofits with questionable behavior. stephanie. thanks amanda.
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>> new this morning, first lady jill biden will be in the bay area later this week for what her office is calling a political finance event. it will be part of a west coast tour that will take her to oregon, california and arizona. her event here will be in marin county on thursday at capacity. >> the reservoir that's full for the second straight year thanks to another wet winter. >> and you're looking live at the big board of the new york stock exchange in a moment, if we can get that up for you. if not reggie, no big board today. >> it's just not happening today. try your luck at the bay area casino. named one of the luckiest throughout the entire state. but first, here's drew. hey >> good morning. it's now 640, and we're looking at our oakland camera right now where the sun is up. current conditions right now at 46 degrees here, a light breeze out of the northeast at about five miles per hour. taking a look at the headline, we have summerlike days coming our way by thursday. today, temperatures are pretty close to
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average. that's better than yesterday when we were below average in the afternoon. but warmer days are on the horizon as high pressure continues to build in each afternoon. looking at the out the door forecast, we have temperatures in the 40s and 50s right now. getting into the 60s close to lunchtime, and then our warmest areas going into the 70s. so we'll break it down region by region. today we find those temperatures in the 70s inland mid 70s feeling quite nice around the bay shoreline, upper 60s and along the coast. we'll stay in the upper 50s for daytime highs across the state if you are traveling. temperatures not too bad. all areas pretty close to their typical daytime averages. south lake tahoe lots of sunshine, 53 degrees back here at home we just get warmer and warmer throughout the week. by thursday it is summer like it gets even hotter here on friday for areas away from the coast. look at those detailed high temperatures coming up
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and that was scrubbed yesterday, has been postponed until at least friday. nasa says it's being cautious after detecting an issue with an oxygen valve on
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the atlas five rocket. last night was supposed to be the first mission of the boeing starliner, with two astronauts on board. nasa says the mission is crucial to determine if the boeing spacecraft is ready for routine trips to the space station and a trip to the moon next year. >> well, we were on the moon several times a half a century ago, we're going back to a different part of the moon. this time we're going to the south pole, where we think there's water. >> if the launch goes according to plan, the astronauts will spend a week at the space station before returning in the starliner capsule >> that is a moment a tornado slammed into an oklahoma hotel overnight. it was part of a dangerous, severe weather outbreak that's blamed for at least one death this morning. that storm also causing tornadoes in smithville, tennessee, ripping up trees and destroying homes. and throughout the midwest, thousands of power
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outages. forecasters are expecting severe storms to weaken slightly today, lake oroville is completely full. >> it's the second year in a row after another wet winter. it's the second largest reservoir in the state, and it holds 3.5 million acres, feet of water, according to the chronicle. lake contains 28% more water today than it historically has on this date. and just three years ago, the lake was at the lowest point ever, a boost from a higher than average snowpack also helped, with the sierra measuring 123. its peak. >> new at six another blow to california's home insurance crisis. travelers insurance is increasing their rates. in june, according to documents filed with the state. the increase will affect the quantum home 2.0 program rates will rise by an average of 15.3. this follows other companies, who are slowly dropping policies or reducing their presence in our state,
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travelers wrote in their filing. that extreme wildfire risk policies are being dropped in order to help the business survive. we all know the cost of housing is a major issue for many people living in san francisco. one solution has been so-called pod housing, which are buildings where you essentially get a bed but you share everything else, sfgate reports. there has recently been an increase in complaints about this type of housing to the city . issues include code violations and failing to get the proper permits. in some areas, neighbors are complaining about the large amount of foot traffic the pods bring. one of the companies that was recently the target of complaints told sfgate . the city simply moves too slow to approve projects and it's trying to help alleviate the housing crisis. >> this morning we're hearing from the family of chris jimenez. chris was the inspiration behind a large scale halloween display in san jose. every year. his family filled their front yard in the willow glen neighborhood with skeletons, clowns haunted and
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happy pumpkins and all sorts of creatures big and small. it helped put a smile on chris's face. he was born prematurely and was terminally ill at 15 years old. doctors told his parents he wouldn't make it to 18. his mom says chris died peacefully on friday at the age of 29, surrounded by his family and friends there. >> there won't be a day that goes by that i will not talk about him. he actually molded my husband and i into the people we are today. >> for now, it's unclear if the jimenez family's halloween display will continue, but his mom says she hopes to keep his legacy alive. >> it's our morning monday report. social security and medicare benefits could see big changes in just a little over a decade if lawmakers don't act. that's according to a new report by the entitlement program's trustees. after 2035 social security funds that offer monthly support to seniors are forecast to only cover about 80%
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of benefits owed, according to the report. medicare isn't looking much better. it's fun is only expected to cover some hospital benefits until 2036. >> okay, this is crazy. no matter how much you pay for your gym membership, it can't be more than this. equinox is reportedly launching a $40,000 membership to help you stay fit. can you believe that? >> the annual i can believe it actually. >> it's wild. >> this annual plan is designed to extend your lifespan through personal training. it's also called optimize by equinox. it comes with a nutrition plan, sleep coaching, massage therapy. >> all right. >> equinox is testing the pricey plan in new york city and in a wealthy suburb in texas. before offering it to other places, so it's not available here yet. there is a join the waitlist option, though, over on their website right? >> i mean, at what point do you just build your own gym? i mean, right, or is it cheaper to just,
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you know, get a little consultation and be like, how should i eat better? >> right. and then just do that. >> or personal training is expensive, but it's not that expensive, you know, i mean that's i guess, yeah, this is more than $3,000 a month. >> come on now or you give me $40,000 and we go on a hike. >> okay. and watch out for rattlesnakes. yeah, and you outrun me. >> and that's part of the routine. yes yeah. you'll be healthy, active. >> you know what? i don't hate this idea. please, someone write this down. you put the snakes in the corner. yes, and then that's what motivates you to run. >> to run and they just keep moving, and you have to just keep running. >> yeah. you know, you may be onto something i don't know. >> just yells at you the entire time. >> yeah. >> once you get fast enough, we throw a jackal on that. yeah. you know, like, it just keeps getting the anti can drew and i be in the upper room when you guys are. >> i'll be your nutrition coach after you survive. and then you can do whatever else equinox was.
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>> i'll do it for 30,000. >> honestly i'll do it for 20. >> i'll do it for 19. >> oh i'll do it for 15,000. name that name, name name, name >> oh, man. okay. i was like the east bay hills camera uh- showing you. >> we have sunshine out there this morning. clear skies. we are in store for a warmer afternoon. looking at your weather wellness today. air quality is good. pollen levels continue to remain low thanks to that rain we received over the weekend. the uv index, an eight out of an 11 today that is very high. here's future tracker temperatures by 10 a.m. we're in the mid 50s to the low 60s heading into lunchtime. we're in the low to mid 60s and then later today we'll have areas getting into the 70s, which is warmer than yesterday. yesterday most of us stayed in the 60s. so today we're closer to average for this time of the year, a high of 69. in oakland today we'll go to 65 in the city, 73 in san jose, 75 in concord, 76
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in santa rosa. but that breeze off the ocean water will keep half moon bay at 58 degrees. now, winds late tonight into early tomorrow morning will be active. we have an offshore wind component out through solano county, napa county, parts of sonoma county. but our fire concerns are very low, if none at all, because we had that rain over the weekend. there's no elevated fire threat because of those winds. what will happen, though, when we get those winds in the overnight hours? it keeps our temperatures elevated and that's what we're going to see tonight. look at these overnight lows. we'll stay in the mid 50s if not the low 60s heading into wednesday morning. and this will give us the head start to a warmer afternoon tomorrow. future tracker temperatures showing you by wednesday. we're mainly in the 80s and a lot of our cities, and we just continue to warm even more by thursday. by thursday, it looks like and it feels like summer out there. and by friday, we'll start to see the potential for some of our hottest cities to hit the 90 degree mark for the first time
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this season. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. sunny and warmer today with those temperatures taking off the next couple of days. summer-like on thursday with those hot temperatures inland both friday and saturday looking nice for mom on sunday with temperatures cooling closer to average by early next week. guys, thanks, drew. >> we're talking about snakes a second ago because rattlesnakes are showing up on trails around the bay area. east bay regional park district just put out this warning to be on the lookout. 20-23 is wet. winter means more baby snakes are now grown up and there's more prey for them. it's also mating season right now. >> watch where you put your feet. watch where you put your hands when you're sitting on rocks or out hiking. >> often they're crossing the path or sunning and they usually stay out of the way. i have a dog, so kind of watch the dog too, and make sure that she is aware. >> if you see a rattlesnake, give it space. the park district suggests staying on wide trails and avoiding some of the smaller side trails. they suggest going hiking with a friend. the only
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treatment for a serious bite is anti-venom, and you can only get that in a hospital emergency room. >> all right. are you feeling lucky? a bay area casino has been named one of the ten luckiest in california. the analyzed more than 10,000 tripadvisor reviews that included keywords like lucky, winning and jackpot, great resort and casino and rohnert park ranked six in its top ten list. the report found the luckiest casinos all had luxury amenities, entertainment and dining options and a variety of games. last year, that resort broke ground on a $1 billion expansion that will add another hotel wing, a rooftop restaurant and a theater. >> incredible news for a bay area digital newspaper. look out santa cruz has been awarded a pulitzer prize and the prize goes to staff of lookout san what an honor the pulitzers considered the highest national
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honor in print journalism. look out! santa cruz won in the breaking news reporting category for their coverage of last year's catastrophic flooding during multiple atmospheric rivers. >> i think the one word i would use is tenacious, that we were there, people got weary, but i do not remember a lot of complaints. we knew what we needed to do because we live in this community, and we knew the pain that people were suffering. >> look out. santa cruz uses a text message service that was able to keep updates going to people's phones, even when internet service went down. yeah. >> pretty amazing. congratulations to the team. up next, the seven things you need to know this morning. >> a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc7 bay area connected-tv v app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. just download the app now. you can start streaming, and as we head to break, here's a live look outside in santa cruz at 655.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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one. overnight, the israeli military confirmed it has begun a ground offensive in rafah. the move came just hours after president biden urged israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu against it. >> number two tonight, san francisco school leaders will talk about next steps as sf unified faces serious budget issues. a new report says the district could run out of money in about a year. school closures and job cuts are on the table. >> number three, new concerns about the safety of autonomous cars after this video shows a waymo robotaxi driving in a bus lane and making an illegal turn. you can learn more about the future of self-driving cars experimenting on our roads right now over on our app number four, at least one person has been killed and more than a dozen hurt after a tornado outbreak in oklahoma overnight. >> severe storms have also hit texas, missouri and tennessee in the past day.
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>> at number five, we have warmer weather today, breaking the forecast down region by region. inland will have sunshine mid 70s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline. it is bright upper 60s to near 70 degrees and along the coast we'll keep that sunshine with us and temperatures near 60 degrees. so numbers later on this afternoon closer to average than yesterday. we'll see 65 in the city, 69 in oakland, 73 in san jose. but those numbers warm even more over the next couple of days. and by thursday it is summer like with those temperatures 80s away from the coast. >> and number six, a growing back up on the benicia-martinez bridge because of a solo motorcycle crash, two left lanes are blocked in the southbound direction of 680 at the mid-span, and traffic is stopped from lake herman road with a 45 minute delay. speeds are down to four miles per hour. >> number seven the all new haunted mansion parlor will debut on the disney treasure cruise ship. it's the first bar themed after the classic
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disneyland attraction. the disney treasure set sail on its maiden voyage in december. disney, of course, is the parent company of abc seven. >> i'm here for this. >> yeah, if it works, i hope they bring it to the parks then. yeah, make it something at the parks. we can do. >> people can, like take off from there. yeah. >> this is very cool. yeah it looks neat inside. you get the whole picture behind them of the ghosts. >> they do you notice that? >> oh, yeah. >> yeah. >> nice to have a ride. >> oh, also, rumors are there's going to be a change to those ghosts when they reopen the haunted mansion later this summer. oh, no, that's a rumor. >> i don't know, is that rumor start? >> yeah. right here. ghost host >> robin: good morning america for our viewers in the west. relentless dangerous weather in major cities in the path. breaking overnight, deadly tornado outbreak. >> the power went out.


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