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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 11, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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♪ i never knew it i never knew that you were gonna break ♪ ♪ my heart you you louisiana man ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, in the glub with galantis. you might not know christian carlson's name, but you know his many hits. like britney spears' mega-huge
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"toxic." ♪ toxic ♪ >> juju: and his collab with "five seconds of summer and david getta." now dropping a new album, "rx," maybe his edgeiest work yesterday. >> you said that you had the brain of a ferrari engine with the brakes of a bike? what's that feeling like? >> dangerous. >> juju: opening up about the diagnosis that inspired his new material. >> music is my medication. you know? >> juju: plus our exclusive visit to group of frontera headquarters as they take regional mexican music global. >> this was like the dream that we want to do on the weekends. we weren't looking for fame. >> juju: now top is the charts with their big-time collaborations like with reggatone's superstar bad bunny. ♪ how they stayed true to their roots while making their dreams come true and making plans for
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the road ahead. >> we really have to think outside the box to stay there. ♪ when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. (vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice (♪) to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs.
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♪ >> juju: thanks for joining us. tonight, we're skating along the cutting-edge of music. first going backstage with one of pop's hottest producer collaborators, the man they call
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galantis. known for teasing genius out of the artists already at the top of their game. how does he craft legit hits of his own? here's abc's accen sing. ♪ ♪ ♪ i want to break away ♪ >> reporter: what's it like for you being in the booth when it is showtime? >> there's something that happens when i get in there. ♪ something kicks in and i'm, like, super hyped. ♪ >> reporter: it's miami music week. we're about to go backstage with galantis. you may think you don't know christian carlson but you've definitely heard some of his epic music. he's worked wide receiver katy perry, madonna -- >> madonna, i was blown away that she was in the studio before i got there. >> reporter: not to mention he
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gave britney spears a whole new edgy prerogative. ♪ that's my prerogative ♪ >> reporter: he's earworms spanning genres and generations. >> it's the best feeling there is. there's nothing that compares to it. >> reporter: electronic dance music, edm, started in underground clubs in the '80s and '90s using play back technology to fuse hip-hop, disco, and funk music. ♪ wake me 100 it's all over ♪ >> reporter: creating an always innovative, wildly popular genre drawing hundreds of thousands to concerts and festivals worldwide. and at the top of that scene, carlson, better known by his stage name galantis. when did you first feel, oh, christian, we're really doing something now? >> coming to america. i was 19. i was flown over by quincy jones. >> reporter: how the hell did quincy find your number?
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>> i did a remix for jay zee. >> reporter: "hard knock life," the first of many mega music moments for the swedish newcomer. like animal. ♪ i'm still i'm still an animal ♪ >> reporter: before emerging as galantis in 2014. how did you find your way towards pop and dance music? >> i thought it was way too cool to work on anything that had pop music on it. until someone's like, can you try and make a melody on this one? i don't know. it was in the water in sweden from abba. ♪ gimme a man after midnight ♪ >> i instantly fell in love creating melodies. >> reporter: of those melodies, one perhaps the most prolific pop performance of all-time. ♪ i'm into you know that i'm toxic ♪ >> reporter: catapulting him
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into the mainstream. >> "toxic" was huge. writing "toxic," probably ten ideas a day and "toxic" was just one. it comes to a moment where you realize, oh my god, someone needs to do this record. >> reporter: did you know you had a hit on your hands? >> they released the album, and it wasn't even considered to be a single. it blew all the other songs away. they were like, oh my god, this song has more sales than any other songs on the album. so i guess we have to make it a single. >> reporter: the song getting over a billion streams on spotify last year, two decades after its release. married and the dad to two daughters, balancing fame and family, even bringing his girls on the road. but not slowing down. with his fourth album "rx" dropping in days. >> i've been working on it for a long time. i'm really excited about finally putting it out there. >> reporter: is it like ripping
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a band-aid? is there a ton of stuff you need to get off your chest? does your team need to get on you? >> all the time, and i do it to myself, too. others are like, "okay, now you're done, let's go out into the world." >> reporter: his new album an infusion of milestones throughout his life, including a revelation, his diagnosis with adhd as an adult in 2009. you've just dropped "bang, back." your neuro divergent anthem. announcing your diagnosis with adhd. ♪ bang bang it's in my head ♪ >> reporter: you said that you had the brain of a ferrari engine with the brakes of a bike? >> yeah. >> reporter: what's that feeling like? >> dangerous. i can't change. but i can trick my brain to go here and here and here, knowing more about what adhd is and how do i change it? there's me just realizing this
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changes the way i feel, so i should schedule music around other things in life. music is my medication, you know? >> reporter: now the ultimate collaborator back at it again. releasing "lighter" with fellow edm superstar david getta and the band five seconds of summer. ♪ >> we needed someone to sing the song. ♪ take it all away ♪ >> five seconds of summer jumped on it, said they loved the song, they wanted to work on it, make it theirs. >> reporter: the band best known for songs like "youngblood." ♪ youngblood do you want me do you want me ♪ >> reporter: getting in on a new sound. >> we're always finding ways to push ourselves creatively. i think we all saw the vision for what the song could be. we went in, we recorded all of the things that we love and a bunch of live instrumentation. christian ended up putting
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everything in there, and we loved it. ♪ what's so beautiful about "lighter" is it's a mix of so many different genres. electronic, orchestral strings on it. ♪ >> reporter: the "lighter" team together in the booth a legendary liv nightclub in miami this spring. ♪ >> stepping into a deejay environment is something that i totally am not used to. david getta gets on stage at 2:00 a.m. usually i'm halfway through my rem cycle at 2:00 a.m. >> reporter: what's it like seeing people lose their minds to tracks? does it get old? >> it's being on a runaway train for ten years. it gives me the same feeling when i play it and hearing people singing it back to me. it still gives me that euphoric happiness. >> reporter: at the hard rock
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hotel and casino in hollywood, florida, i just had to get in on that happiness. one of my favorites, "peanut butter jelly." tin years of galantis, 25 years in the music industry? >> i've never been more inspired in my life to make music. i'm never completely happy with what i do, but that gives fire to go do the next one. >> reporter: still chasing it? >> yeah, absolutely. it's not the perfect song for other people or for, you know, the number one on the chart or anything. the biggest draw is to still explore ways to make music. >> juju: our thanks to ashan. the new album "rx" drops next friday, may 17th. when we return, frontera topping the billboard charts. we join them exclusively at
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♪ >> juju: welcome back. grupo frontera is having a moment. its members have paid their dues
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and then some, struggling to stay afloat while following their passion. playing a centuries-old genre of mexican music in spanish. when their collaboration with megastar bad bunny vaulted them to number one that moment became a movement. here's abc's mireya villarreal. ♪ >> reporter: i'm slightly nervous to meet these guys. i think it's because -- i mean, they're from my hometown, so i want them to like me. nice to meet you. >> we'll talk about everything except work. when we get onstage, oh, we're working! >> reporter: when did do you practice? >> err, uh -- >> reporter: i'm back home in the rio grande valley along the south texas border. the blend of mexican-american culture is the perfect backdrop for our conversation with one of the biggest names in latin american music right now.
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♪ grupo frontera. ♪ >> reporter: they set up headquarters at this compound in the valley. it's where they wrote the songs for their latest album. translation, "pretending like everything's okay when it's not." it's their second album after a whirlwind two years. >> they have several hits on the billboard hot 100 -- >> grupo frontera! ♪ ♪ >> reporter: but the band almost didn't happen. after years of trying to make music a career, some of the guys had moved on to support their families.
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>> we were talking, and he told me about, hey, you should watch the series "peaky blinders." i remember he's like, "hey, we should make a band, we should do it again." >> reporter: bento was working as a photographer for weddings and came up with an idea to keep their music dreams alive. he'd start a band and include music in the event packages. juan had already been in a band years ago with carlos. >> we sneededneeded a drummer, like, i got the guy. >> reporter: what were you doing at the time? >> recently got married, having a kid at the time. when he called me, "i can't do it." you know. "i already have a family." >> reporter: what was that conversation like with your wife? >> she's like, "maybe trust that process, have faith in it, by all means." >> it was really the love of music. we weren't looking for fame. ♪ >> reporter: they may not have been looking for fame, but it
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found them anyway. ♪ no ceva ♪ ♪ >> reporter: a song by the colombian pop band morat. grupo frontera posted a cover of it two years ago. ♪ no ceva no ceva ♪ >> how, who are they? where did they come from? what's happening? they were having fun and exploded. >> reporter: within days, the video had millions of views. the band was gaining popularity, and then they partnered with a fellow texan. >> he's like king midas right now. he's that humble songwriter, just wanting to connect. >> reporter: the 34-year-old has a slew of awards under his belt and has worked with some of the
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world's biggest musicians, including madonna, ed sheeran, selena gomez, carlo g. >> i don't know any other writer right now that can have a hit song in all the genres within latin music. and even cross over. >> reporter: he helped write all of grupo frontera's hits. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: "dellame" with puerto fejila. ♪ and over committees straighted a one-of-a-kind collaboration with megastar bad bunny. ♪ >> reporter: "1%" memorandum the first song to make billboard's
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top 10 hot 100 hits list. the music has broken barriers. now it's not only mexican fans. you don't need to speak spanish. >> reporter: their latest partnership is with none other than chequira. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: who was the most nervous to meet chequira? >> all of us. >> she told me i smell good. >> she told me my beautiful. >> reporter: and she touched your accordion? you'll never forget that, no. the band part avenue resurgence in mexican regional music being embraced even by those who don't speak the language. >> there's a lot of latinos or hispanics that are growing up in this day and age that don't speak spanish.
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even if they don't speak the language, they're going to sing the song, listen to the song, dance to it. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: their newly released album features several genres to dance to and a throwback to the band that helped them go viral. >> we finally have morat. ♪ ♪ >> it's crazy, because i feel i speak for whefsh we say a lot of bands take years to accomplish what we've done in one, two. man, we really have to think outside the box to stay there, you know? >> it's literally a brotherhood. i can't tell you what it is that made it happen so fast that we're just so comfortable being around each other. >> reporter: do you remember when you played here? >> it was last year, right? >> this was the place we were least scared of playing because it's in our hometown. to our surprise, it was the first to sell out. >> reporter: despite the fame, followers, and collaborations,
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it was this moment playing in their hometown arena that made them feel like they belonged here on the big stage. how important is it for people to know where you're from but also to respect what's coming out of here? >> it's okay if you don't know where we're from, but i'm going to tell you where we're from. this came out of the valley, and there's so much talent here, too. >> grupo frontera! >> juju: our thanks to mireya. when we come back, a >> juju:type 2 diabetes?ireya. when we come back, a beautiful sight rarely discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight.
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1:03 am
and try incredibites, just for small dogs.
1:04 am
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♪ >> juju: finally tonight, the chance to see a rare wonder in the sky. millions across the u.s. tonight got the chance to see the northern lights thanks to a severe solar storm. noaa for the first time in 20 years flagging a geomagnetic storm so strong, it could possibly threaten communications and power grids here on earth. solar flares triggering spectacular displays of the aurora boreal sister, directed towa


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