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tv   ABC7 News 430PM  ABC  May 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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bay area icon hundreds turn out to honor reverend cecil williams, the longtime leader of san francisco's glide foundation . ten scary moments in oakland this afternoon as thick, black smoke poured into the sky near the port of oakland. the details just into our newsroom and beach
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access battle the new development in the legal fight over a stretch of shoreline in san mateo county. abc seven news at 430 starts right now. also live abc seven news starts right now. a moving farewell for pioneer of the people, reverend cecil williams, known around the bay area and beyond, was honored with a memorial today from leaders to locals, we'll hear the tributes to his legacy. good afternoon and thanks for joining us. i'm dionne lim. reverend cecil williams was a civil rights pioneer who fought for the poor and hungry. and he is, of course, the founder of glide memorial church. reverend williams passed away last month at the age of 94, and today, hundreds gathered to say their goodbyes. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard was there. you were inside the service and cornell, you told me that it is still going on. >> it is still going on. so many people with so much to say about this living icon or who passed
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away recently. of course, a fitting tribute to a man who helped break barriers and create social change. today, hundreds of people waited hours to say farewell to a san francisco original, the reverend cecil williams only inside the very church. reverend cecil williams founded 60 years ago in san francisco's tenderloin, a place which quickly became a movement. >> everyone who walked through that door found love because cecil knew love is the answer. love i chose to come down and hear him. >> this celebration of life for reverend williams brought people from all walks of life together. much like his ministry, cecil's essence and his love, his teachings, his way of living life ripples out and continues to impact every person he
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touched with his presence and his vibration. the outreach programs williams founded with his late wife, janice mirikitani, have helped the city's poor and homeless for six decades with limitless outreach. the line to get into sunday's service stretching around the block, mark pearson says he gladly waited hours. >> i was a person who grew up in the bay area and, you know, as a as a gay young person, it was really wasn't. okay. and, cecil just, shared his liberation theology with me, and it's been with me all my life. and he was about freedom for all people. >> cecil was always there for those who were under attack. whether we are referring to the lgbt community, political activists like myself, if for people who were who were hiv
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positive. >> williams is recognized as a national leader at the forefront of social change and civil rights. >> he embraced people. >> he embraced people. all of the flaws and everything in between. he embraced people using the power of love and his spirituality to uplift a community. >> musician michael franti performed. he says cecil williams legacy lives on. >> i loved you so much and i loved you so long. >> his message today is more important than ever, you know, with the politics that we see, the division in our country, the idea that people can be together and celebrate each other because of their differences. and that's what's so important. >> governor gavin newsom sent a video tribute and singer joan baez performed in honor of cecil williams. today, glide is known for giving out more than get this 500,000 meals a year for
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those in need, and all that giving started with cecil williams. just just amazing. >> and you see the breadth of people who attended today. and it really shows how many lives he touched from so many different walks of life. >> i had the privilege of interviewing cecil several times. i was just so amazed how kind and how humble he was. along with his wife, janice. just amazing people and what a legacy both of them leave behind, right? >> and what a celebration for this memorial as well. cornell. thank you. thank you. well, moving on, the san francisco public library is helping preserve reverend cecil williams legacy. an archive showcasing decades of his work is now available for the viewing at the library's main branch. it chronicles reverend williams life as a civil rights activist and his work at glide memorial church. our coverage of reverend cecil williams continues now at our website. you'll find even more on his life and legacy over at abc seven to the
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east bay, where we are working to learn more about a fire at the port of oakland. video taken just about an hour ago shows that thick black smoke pouring into the sky over the port. there it appears to show a shipping container on fire. we are hearing reports that the blaze was caused by a lithium battery. we do have calls into the oakland fire department to confirm that, and we are waiting to hear back. the fire, keep in mind, is under control now. this time lapse video taken from our abc seven news roof camera shows the smoke changed from that darker color to white, which is usually a sign that firefighters are getting a handle on the flames. developing news now on the war between israel and hamas . u.s. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are clashing after president biden's warning he could suspend more military aid to israel. it follows a state department report that found it is possible u.s. arms were used in military operations that killed civilians. abc's marcus moore has the latest now from tel aviv.
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>> democratic and republican lawmakers at odds over a newly released report by the state department on whether israel may have violated international law over its use of us weapons in gaza. that report, ordered by president biden, says israel has the knowledge and means to mitigate civilian harm. but a high level of civilian deaths, quote, raises substantial questions about whether the idf is using them effectively. in all cases. >> president biden has said, now you can continue this war against hamas, but if you're going to use our munitions and continue to have our support, you have to do it in a way that minimizes civilian casualties. >> in separate interviews, senator chris of delaware expressed openness to suspending delivery of some of the largest weapons the us sent to israel with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, orders a full invasion of rafah without sufficient protections for civilians living there. but republican congressman mike mccaul of texas claims biden's warning sent a dangerous signal to enemies and allies by suspending aid to say you cannot
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invade rafa. >> we're telling the israelis dictating their military strategy. this is the last uh- point, the last step in the completion of their military objective. and for us to step in and say, no, you can't go into rafah and finish the job. i think it's tantamount to in arms embargo. >> the un says more than 300,000 people have fled rafah since israel issued a partial evacuation order and its ground operation began, the idf, emphasizing it is not a full scale attack, something the us has come out against our operations against hamas in rafah remains limited in scope and focus on tactical advances, tactical adjustments and key military advantages, and have avoided densely populated areas, the idf adding it's found several tunnels and killed dozens of hamas fighters. this as negotiations on a cease fire and hostage release remain on hold. marcus moore, abc news, tel aviv. >> protesters and counter-protesters go face to
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face as groups of hundreds marching in support of israel took their message to the stanford university campus. today, the jewish group marched to white plaza to protest against a pro-palestine encampment. one of the demonstrators, a young israeli woman who was able to escape when hamas attacked a music festival in israel last october, spoke at october 7th. >> i, i survived with five friends of mine. we ran for 11 miles, along the whole way. when they were shooting at us, i came here because we have a peace rally. every college has an encampment. everyone has something to say. everyone has a lot of money going through these encampments. and israel stands for himself itself has nothing to do with it. and we are trying to bring justice into this place . >> the protesters waved flags, signs and sang. pro-palestinian students came out and gave their own speeches. throughout the
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afternoon. the demonstrations remained peaceful. tomorrow is chief floyd mitchell's first day in office at the oakland police department. mitchell comes on the job more than a year after mayor shengtao fired the last police chief. the new chief comes to oakland from lubbock, texas. mitchell has promised change for department facing huge challenges with crime and recruiting officers. up next, beach access battle the latest legal twist in the decades long standoff with a billionaire property owner along the san mateo county coast. and it is a fabulous day for flowers. we'll take a look at how the bay area is celebrating moms this mother's day. >> i'm spencer christian and how is this for beautiful weather on mother's day? and there's more of this weather coming our way. i'll have the accuweather forecast in just a moment.
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at your local audi dealer. for children fighting critical illness, you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪ repairs. the closure is for the eastbound lanes from sears point to vallejo. these are new pictures of the latest construction and paving work. caltrans posted these on x saying this will make a smoother and safer drive for everyone. the road is set to reopen by 5 a.m. tomorrow, but another closure is planned for next weekend to hopefully finish the work. new developments now in the ongoing dispute over access to a san mateo county beach. the battle over martin's beach will go to trial once again. sfgate
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reports a bay area judge has ruled the state's case against the billionaire property owner can indeed go forward. he's kept martin's beach closed to the public since buying 89 acres of property there back in 2008. multiple lawsuits followed, including 1 in 2020 filed by california's land and coastal commissions. that's the case now, moving forward, once again, it is set to go to trial next year. up next, celebrating moms. this mother's day. and that means with flowers. >> best peonies in town. >> we'll take you inside one of the busiest days for a bay area flower shop. and hey, speaking of mother's day, it is a beautiful one as we take a live look outside. this is spencer's gift to all of us today. he'll tell us if that gift will last heading into this evening. >> thank you so much, spencer. coming up in sports, what do a pelican, turtle and baseball all have in common? i'll explain that. plus bonus baseball at
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oracle park and the giants deliver some mother's day magic. see golden 1 credit union sees, you're crushing it. you nailed that audition. you perfected that plate. your team's inspired. whether behind the scenes or center stage, you've never chosen the easy path. instead, you make your own. golden 1 checking works for you with every day simple checking. so you can keep shining, no matter what scene of life you're in. golden 1 checking,
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recognized as a us holiday back in 1914, and today san francisco held multiple mom centered events with roses, fashion and music. in union square, there was a fashion show followed by live band playing salsa music.
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it was a chance to celebrate family and spring time in the sun. well, a popular gift for mom is of course, flowers. the bud stop florist on union street in san francisco has been buzzing with customers all day. we talked to a few who told us why they visit this store, specifically when it comes to shopping for mom, because they're beautiful and flowers are beautiful. >> and i think it's just really important to celebrate the women in our life and give our thanks for everything that they've done for us. >> i know very little about flowers, and they always make me look like a champion coming home . >> i like that he can admit this right? keep in mind that man was taking the bouquet. he was holding home to his wife. very good. he tells us they have two wonderful children. i approve of his his strategy. >> if they make you look like a champion right? right. >> whatever it takes. >> my guy. yeah, but what a lovely mother's day. i started with a little, you know, cool ocean mist this morning, but it
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warmed up sunny skies. here's a look at the satellite radar. you can see high pressures in control, which is why we have the sunny skies. we still have a little fog at the coast, though, and a good brisk onshore flow with wind speeds up to 30mph at sfo at 20 mile per hour gusts at novato. breezy all around the area, but beautiful. much cooler than at this time yesterday, though we're talking about a 4 to 7 degree change from this hour. a 4:48 p.m. right now we're looking well, let's get through this and take a closer look at temperatures. the view from emeryville looking westward 57 degrees here in the city right now. mid to upper 60s at oakland and hayward, 74 at san jose 68. redwood city 55 at half moon bay. now you can see fog has returned to the golden gate. i'm not sure it ever left completely. 72 degrees right now at santa rosa. petaluma 6168 napa. and look at the warmth as you shift eastward a bit. fairfield 8180, in concord 83. in livermore. and here's the view from mount tam looking down onto the bay. and these are our forecast headlines. the cooling coastal fog returns tonight.
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it's making its return already in fact. and for the week ahead we expect mostly sunny and dry days. and the temperature range will be mild to warm from the bay to inland, but a little cool at the coast as it often is. here's our forecast animation overnight, showing the fog surging across the bay and locally inland once again, just as it has done the last couple of nights. and there'll be lots of little drizzly patches or sprinkles just offshore. we're not expecting any rain to hit the ground actually here. onshore overnight, low temperatures will be mainly in the low 50s, slightly cooler and some northern locations santa rosa a low of 47 and tomorrow we expect highs under mainly sunny skies. a 58 half moon bay 63 here in san francisco, oakland only 68, but some locations along the bay shoreline farther south, where it will reach into the low to mid 70s, and inland areas mainly upper 70s to about 8080 degrees at concord, 80 at santa rosa, and a little bit milder as you go farther inland in the east bay 83 at antioch
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and fairfield. here accuweather seven day forecast. so we start with some morning clouds tomorrow, then mainly sunny and cooler in the afternoon. cooler than today. a little bit warmer on tuesday. notice there won't be much change in the temperature range of first 4 or 5 days of the week. we'll see highs inland in the mid 80s around the bay shoreline mid 70s, but as we get toward the end of the week, we see breezier and cooler conditions with just a slight drop in temperatures. >> well, yesterday at oracle park, a pelican got lost, landed right on the field and the rally pelican, as we're calling it, ended up being good luck. giants beat the reds yesterday. today no pelicans. but the giants looking for a series victory on mother's day. and happy first mother's day to giants coach there alyssa nakken. she had a baby in the off season. de la salle high product kyle harrison in some trouble. early bases loaded two outs in the first deep drive to center and juju
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lee crashes hard into the wall. bases clearing double made it three nothing reds. lee left the game early diagnosis with a shoulder strain in the fifth. down three one runner on for lamonte wade. high. high deep to right. look. goes to stay in but it actually went out of the ballpark. part of a five run inning that gave the giants the lead. but this would go into extras in the 10th. tied at five two on two out two strikes casey schmidt, who was called up the other day, he's the hero. his first hit of the season is a game winner. giants win six 5 in 10. a series victory and some momentum heading into a three game series. they host the dodgers starting tomorrow night at oracle park a's looking for a series win in seattle. special mother's day bases all across baseball. got to love to see that seattle scored four in the second, capped by a julio rodriguez two run homer off starter alex wood. wood threw 60 pitches in just two innings before getting pulled. he's dealing with some shoulder issues history for the a's here. max schumann a solo home run and when he touched home plate, he scored the 40,000th run in oakland history. but the a's lose eight four. they're off to houston tomorrow to begin a four game series. saw this right here
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on abc seven. the 2024 nba draft lottery. the warriors have the worst odds of winning the lottery, and since they didn't get a top four pick, that pick went to the blazers because they traded that pick to memphis along with andre iguodala back in 2019. so stay with me here. it's a long story. warriors will not pick in the first round. that's the most important part. and here's how close they were though. the atlanta hawks had a 3% chance won the lottery. they're going to pick first for the first time since 1975. so it wasn't like out of the realm. but the draft does start. wednesday, on abc seven. a lot of days, a lot of numbers there for you. hey, did you see this last night? the giants had their rally. pelican in a minor league game in florida. may have topped it with a rally turtle in the second inning of the saint lucie mets bradenton marauders single-a game. the turtle started in left center, and then the players don't know what's going on here. is anyone going to do anything now? it's in center field and a man from the
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bullpen, the brave pitcher, comes out, gets the turtle and takes it back to his friends in the bullpen. no word officially if the turtle got the call to come and pitch later in the game. still investigating that. but the rally turtle you were you lived in florida? yes. i mean, there's a lot of different things. >> sometimes it would be a gator, though. that's the difference. >> yeah. you see those gators on the golf course and then the people play it like, what are no big deal doing. >> but that turtle was surprisingly fast. >> or a little bit. yeah, it was come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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has families struggling to pay. so why does the governor want to fast track rate hikes? and that's stunning. solar show could have an encore tonight. the bay area's northern lights forecast tonight on abc seven news at seven. well, what's it like when the most influential people in the world come together? we're about to find out. time has teamed up with abc to bring viewers inside the exclusive time 100 gala. taraji p henson is the host of the evening and a time icon honoree. the event is brimming with change makers, trailblazers, a-listers who all make up the 21st annual time 100 most influential list. you can watch the special tonight here at 10:00 on abc seven, and then it will stream tomorrow on hulu. disney, of course, is the parent company of abc seven. and are you on that list? i'm hoping to be on it. i think we
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- when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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♪ ♪ ♪ you got a friend in me ♪ ♪ you got a friend in me ♪ ♪ when the road l


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