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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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well done. the "jeopardy!" invitational tournament, which i call jit, continues tomorrow. we'll see you then. [applause] ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. right now in america this morning, michael cohen takes the stand at the trump hush money trial. what we learned overnight about the evidence that will be presented to the jury. >> two major developments from overseas vladimir putin shaking up his government, replacing his defense minister. as the war in
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ukraine takes a new turn and in the middle east, israel ramps up its offensive in the southern gaza city of rafah. war protesters here at home, interrupting college graduations, even targeting jerry seinfeld at one commencement. >> fast food revolt after seeing prices for nearly $18 for a big mac value meal can customers be wound back? the new move by fast food chains to put value on the menu. >> actor steve buscemi violently attacked on the streets of new york. what police and the actor's rep are saying just weeks after buscemi's former costar was also attacked. >> abc news exclusive inside the new white house situation room after a $50 million upgrade. >> plus, the farmer who unearthed a treasure trove of gold coins dating back to the civil war, goes public. >> and the roles on patrol. the police department outfitting a $250,000 rolls royce as a police cruiser. >> more from abc news. this is
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america this morning. >> good monday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you. i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with former president trump's criminal trial resuming this morning. >> trump's former fixer michael cohen, a crucial witness for the prosecution, is expected to take the stand. and overnight, we learned what evidence the jury will see. >> here's abc's alison kosik this morning. >> star witness for the prosecution. michael cohen, donald trump's former lawyer, is set to take the stand to testify against his former boss about the role he played in paying star stormy daniels, $130,000 before the 2016 election to keep quiet about trump's alleged affair with her, an affair trump denies. >> and the key element of his testimony is linking donald trump to the direction to pay off stormy daniels and to falsify the, the business
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records to hide those that pay off and pretend that it's an actual, legal expenses. so he is really the linchpin between mean donald trump and this entire scheme. >> prosecutors are expected to lay out cohen's testimony so that it matches evidence already presented, like when the jury heard a recording of cohen talking about how trump complained about paying. >> i can't even tell you how many times he said to me, you know, i hate the fact that we did it. and my comment to him was, but every person that you've spoken to told you it was the right move. >> jurors are also expected to hear a recording cohen secretly made during a conversation with trump in 2016 about reimbursing the publisher of the national enquirer $150,000 to keep an alleged affair with playboy playmate karen mcdougal. quiet, alison, what financing will have
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to pay you? >> so no. no no no no no no i got no no no. >> cohen's credibility could be a problem. he's a disbarred attorney and a convicted liar who served prison time. former white house communications director hope hicks told jurors. cohen was trump's fixer only because he first broke things. >> i think michael cohen has testified i was his thug, and now he's been dumped by donald trump and he's finally telling the truth. whether the jury believes that or not remains to be seen. >> cohen is also proving to be a problematic witness. the judge has warned cohen to stop making public comments like this one on tiktok. trump 2024 more like trump 20 to 24 years. michael cohen is the only witness who can affirmatively link trump to the allegedly falsified business records. prosecutors could wrap up their case by the end of the week. andrew. rhiannon. >> all right. alison, thank you for that. the manhunt is over following the deadly ambush of a
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rookie police officer in ohio. the suspect, deshawn vaughn, was found dead after a standoff near cleveland. police have not said how he died. officer jacob durbin was shot and killed saturday night while responding to a disturbance call in the nearby city of euclid. >> i go to bed every night hoping that i won't get this information on. my heart absolutely breaks years old. >> that is heartbreaking. durbin was engaged to be married. his father is an officer in the same department. >> a shakeup in moscow. vladimir putin has replaced his longtime defense minister. putin has nominated an economist for the position, saying he wants a civilian who can better innovate. russia, meanwhile, is making progress on the battlefield in ukraine, claiming it captured nine villages this weekend. ukraine says the situation on the northern front has significantly worsened. meanwhile, russia blames ukraine for a missile attack that collapsed a russian apartment building near the border,
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killing 15 people. >> more than 300,000 people have now fled the southern gaza city of rafah as israel ramps up fighting there. meanwhile, here at home, even jerry seinfeld was interrupted by anti-war protesters at a college graduation this weekend, abc's perry russom is here now with more on this. perry. good morning. >> ryan. good morning to you. jerry seinfeld responded to the protest in true comic fashion. in the meantime, fighting is spreading to more areas of gaza. this morning, israeli officials have vowed to expand their operation against hamas fighters in the southern gaza city of rafah until a hostage deal is reached. us secretary of state antony blinken reiterated concerns sunday that israel lacks a credible plan to protect the more than 1 million palestinians who have taken refuge in that city since the war began. meanwhile, fighting has returned to northern gaza this airstrike, narrowly missing several journalists. the state department has released a report saying it's possible israel may
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have violated international law during the war. israel says it's doing everything it can to protect civilians. but some lawmakers are now intensifying their debate over whether israel deserves more u.s. aid. >> any objective observer knows, israel has broken international law. it has broken american law and in my view, israel should not be receiving another nickel in us military aid. there is no evidence that israel is violating international law. >> all civilian casualties in gaza are solely the responsibility of hamas. in fact, israel is probably doing more than any military in history to avoid civilian casualties. >> over the weekend, anti-war protesters disrupted several college graduation ceremonies, including one involving comedian jerry seinfeld. dozens of students participated in a walkout during duke university's graduation, just as seinfeld took the stage to deliver the
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commencement address. the comedian has voiced support for israel throughout the war. >> a lot of you are thinking, i can't believe they invited this guy. it's too late, i say, use your privilege. i grew up a jewish boy from new york. that is a privilege if you want to be a comedian just fine. >> and last night, protesters clashed with police outside graduation for students at pomona college in los angeles. the ceremony had already been relocated due to security concerns. and while there are no signs of any ceasefire, hostage deal between israel and hamas is close. some talks have resumed. andrew. >> all right, perry, thank you. we're getting an exclusive look at the most secure location in the white house for the first time since its $50 million renovation, our george stephanopoulos went inside the situation room, the 5000 square foot complex in the west wing, where sensitive information is discussed. upgrades include sophisticated communications equipment for the president. this is where he did a lot of
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the coordination. >> when russia invaded ukraine in 2022, he would get up on these screens. the leader that's actually a screen, that's a screen, that's a screen. and there's a screen over here. so he uses this room not just to make decisions, but also really do diplomacy to do diplomacy. >> john f kennedy had the situation room built after the bay of pigs. it was famously pictured during the raid that killed osama bin laden. more of george's exclusive on good morning america in baltimore today, a controlled explosion is scheduled to take down a major section of that bridge that collapsed back in march. >> the explosion will destroy the bridge's largest remaining span, which is also resting on that cargo ship that hit the bridge. this animation shows what's being planned. the crew on the ship will stay on board during the detonation. they have been living on that ship since the crash. >> parts of the upper midwest are on alert for unhealthy air quality today. and that's all because of wildfires burning in
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alberta and british columbia, canada. smoke from those fires is triggered. air alerts in minnesota and wisconsin, and a spectacular scene in central america as lightning appeared to come out of this erupting volcano in guatemala, the bolt actually hit the mountain. the volcano sent ash spreading in a 20 mile radius. >> video there it is. time now for your monday weather. more severe weather in the south. flood watches are in effect from eastern texas to alabama and florida, with the chance for damaging winds and possible tornadoes extending into georgia. those areas could see up to eight inches of rain over the next week. five inches could fall in parts of kansas, missouri, arkansas, and texas. looking at today's high temps, southern texas could see triple digits mid 70s in the northern plains and upper 60s for the northeast. we're talking 86 in new orleans, 80 in chicago. >> coming up, the life size transformer robots used to smuggle drugs. >> also ahead, the new move by
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fast food chains to try and win customers back amid a revolt over high prices on the menu. >> and what we're learning about a violent attack targeting actor steve buscemi.
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hitting your goal weight? answers this week on gma. >> and we're back with more than meets the eye when it comes to these life size transformer robot statues. they were heading to a movie exhibition but police in thailand say the statues were used to smuggle ketamine through the country. >> fast food customers may soon have some new value options. some of the most popular restaurant chains are telling its customers, we hear you amid a revolt against rising prices. this morning, fast food fans reacting to word that mcdonald's
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is planning to add a $5 value meal to its menu as it responds to a drop in sales inflation is taking a toll. the chain getting grilled by customers amid reports of a big mac value meal approaching $18 in parts of the country, a big share of mcdonald's clients are low income consumers and so those people, low income consumers, are really feeling the pinch right now. >> and maybe they are not necessarily eating at restaurants, maybe they're just eating at home. >> the golden arches now looking to better compete with wendy's $5 biggie meal and burger king's two for five option fast food prices in march were 33% higher than in 2019, and labor costs are surging at mcdonald's a lot on the job sites. >> it's quick and easy and cheap, but not really anymore. it's not that cheap anymore, so i'm not really saving the money. i thought i would by going to mcdonald's or any sort of fast food casual restaurant chains like red lobster. >> also, seeing red now considering bankruptcy, while applebee's and chili's offer
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bargain burgers and other discounts. even small town kitchens are feeling the heat. des moines, iowa seeing several restaurants close their doors, citing higher costs as well as covid era loans coming due. as for those fast food fanatics, they have this simple message i'm a fast food girl through and through, but please lower your prices so you can't go up any further. >> you can't. you can't. >> mcdonald's has not commented on the potential $5 meal. local franchises would be part of the pricing conversation before the menu change, and a labor dispute at apple. >> workers at one apple store in maryland have authorized a strike. they're demanding higher wages and better scheduling practices. apple says it's working in good faith to reach a deal. and here's a sign of the times the tallest building in fort worth, texas, just sold for only $12 million at auction. it was recently valued at $104 million. evidence of the
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downturn in commercial real estate. >> coming up, remembering one of the most famous faces from the original jaws movie. >> also ahead, the farmer who unearthed a treasure trove of gold coins dating back to the feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time.
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scene of jaws has died, susan baccolini, wore a special harness portraying a woman being attacked by the unseen great white shark. the crew didn't even tell her when she'd be dragged into the water, so that they would get an authentic reaction, steven spielberg told her, when your scene is done, i want everyone under the seats with the popcorn and bubble gum. baccolini was 77. >> actor steve buscemi is recovering from what's being described as a random attack in new york. police say someone punched buscemi in the face while he was walking on a manhattan street. his publicist says he's okay, and that buscemi chased the attacker despite a head injury. the suspect is still on the run. it comes just weeks after someone hit one of buscemi's boardwalk empire costars with a rock in central park. >> we turn now to the kentucky farmer, speaking publicly for the first time about finding a treasure trove of gold coins in a field worth millions of dollars. they date back to the 1860s. here's abc's derrick dennis this morning. >> new details about the millions of dollars in rare
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civil war era coins unearthed by a farmer in kentucky. so i was blown away, and i was like, you know, you know, tell me more. the farmer, who's chosen to remain anonymous, told kentucky educational television that he was walking through a cornfield last year when he found one coin, then another, adding, i would never have believed what came next. things that only happen in dreams. he eventually found more than 700 gold and silver civil war era coins in an undisclosed location, worth more than $3 million. jeff garrett was contacted by the farmer and eventually met with him to establish the coins. authenticity and value. >> he showed me five coins and i'm like. and the condition of the coins were astounding. they were really like mint condition. >> the coins had been buried for nearly two centuries and were presumably hidden from confederate soldiers who had been raiding homes looking for gold. putting them in the bank wasn't an option. >> so you've got to make sure it's somewhere that can't be
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seen. it can't be in an obvious place inside the house. so yeah, put it in the ground. >> the coins surviving the elements for 160 years, a gold coin can be buried for 2000 years, and you can bring it up, and it'll look like the day it was made. >> the special pbs episode of kentucky life aired the full story of how the coins were found and eventually auctioned off for millions. >> the farmer who found them did keep a few as keepsakes. andrew rhiannon and he's got millions as a keepsake. >> he does coming up, a graduation nightmare for anyone who's ever had their name mispronounced. >> rhiannon here happened all the time. growing up. plus the police department with a rolls police department with a rolls royce patrol c if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free
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>> it's time to check the pulse and we begin with the police department rolling out a $250,000 patrol car. >> this happened in miami beach. the police there have used a rolls royce. they've turned it into a cruiser with lights and sirens. the whole thing. they're using the car as a recruitment tool, hoping to get more people to join the force. >> they say the rolls is on loan from a dealership, so no cost to the taxpayers. next, a california man got the last laugh when the city said his boat violated a local code that regulates large vehicles and driveways. >> he was ordered to keep his boat out of public view. so he built a fence. but then look what he did. he had a mural of his boat painted on the fence. >> all right. next. thomas jefferson university is apologizing for graduation during the nursing school commencement. >> several very common names were dramatically mispronounced. take a listen. >> allison cole, bishop. sayr uvu. jingjue. brennan, mavis.
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lizabeth. bratusek >> so they blamed the phonetic spellings on the speaker's cards. >> next, a stunt at a famous landmark. >> two skydivers just became the first people to ever navigate a wingsuit flight through london's tower bridge. they hit a 152mph. >> how about this from a high flying story to this low lying story, a turtle delayed a minor league baseball game in florida. actually m (speaker 1) oh! (speaker 2) blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester.
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joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. and truly, this is a berkeley degree. we're extremely saddened. >> pomp and protest now at five berkeley's commencement interrupted by pro-palestinian demonstrations. the reaction from frustrated students and parents on both sides as more local universities prepare for graduation this week, and we're checking in on ucsd's decision to disband its police force and instead implement violence interruption teams as the innovation and campus safety working


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