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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> hey, chatgpt. >> hey there. how's it going? >> sounds pretty real. so step closer to what experts call a perfect ai. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. openai. the makers of chatgpt, announced today a new ai model called gpt four designed to be smarter, faster, and easier. check out what it can do. >> so i just shared some code with you. could you give me a really brief, the code? >> this code fetches daily weather data for a specific location and time period, smooths the temperature data using a rolling average. annotates a significant weather event on the resulting plot, and then displays a plot with the average minimum and maximum temperatures over the year. >> all right, i got all of that from the code on the screen and got it right. the code creates a graph of temperatures. >> abc7 news reporter suzanne fawn joins us live to explain
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what else it can do. suzanne, it's pretty wild how much it can do. gpt four will turn a chat gpt into a digital personal assistant. it can interpret and generate text, images and audio, and then it can have a conversation with you about it. it can be a storyteller, a translator, and can do so much more. but not everyone is on board with the changes causing don't want to die. >> i hope they are i mission district at openai headquarters, dozens of demonstrators demanding to pause a.i. >> i'm not upset because we're not anti-technology. we love that gpt can be useful, so we're sounding the alarm that we need to hit the pause button. it's too soon for us to be able to handle super superhuman intelligence, because we need more research into how to make it safe. >> openai, google, meta. they're all working to build increasingly powerful, large language models that power chatbots today, openai unveiled gpt four zero, and it's making it free to all users.
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>> gpt four o provides gpt four level intelligence, but it is much faster. >> the updated experience will allow users to interact with it on desktop and through improved voice conversations. >> hey chat gpt, i'm mark, how are you? oh mark, i'm doing great chat. >> gpt four will use text and vision. it can view screenshots, photos, documents or charts uploaded by users and have a conversation about them. tech expert professor ahmed manafa explains. >> it's basically listening and can see through the camera and can give answers. >> openai executives demonstrated a spoken conversation with chatgpt to get real time instructions for solving a math problem. to get coding advice, and to tell a bedtime story. >> once upon a time, in a world not too different from ours, there was a robot named bite open. >> ai presenters also showed the model detecting users emotions.
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>> how do you feel? >> i feel a lot better. thank you so much. openai ai says chat gpt four will be free for all users. >> paid users will continue to have up to five times the capacity limits of free users. it's a smart move because they can get the data that's very good. >> this is this is one way to train the model more and more. it's another step, you know, towards, something we call as the, the perfect ai, which is basically the ai will have all the five senses of human and we can see it. you know, advancing very fast more than what we expected. >> the open ai announcement comes a day before google's big i o developer conference. the tech giant is expected to announce updates to its gemini ai model live in the newsroom suzanne phan abc seven news. >> it's remarkable getting faster and improving every day. suzanne, thanks very much. well, concern about false and misleading ai generated election material prompted a hearing at san francisco city hall today. supervisor dean preston calling the hearing as a first step to
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look into whether the city needs to adopt new policies and protocols to address ai's role in san francisco elections. an advisor to political watchdog group california common cause showed examples of deep fake material now being circulated. >> we believe strongly that the threat of election disinformation turbocharged by ai is too grave. we can't just go with business as usual. we need to take real, proactive steps forward to ensure that our elections are not subverted, he says. >> it's the responsibility of the government to protect the public from these threats, which is why california common cause is supporting four bills now making their way through the state legislature and ai safety will be the topic p.m. on our program getting answers, doctor nolan higdon from cal state east bay explained that both countries have an interest in working together on ai security >> these nations, like china and the united states, are competitors against one another,
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so it behooves them not to work together in this space. but on the other hand, you know, they're both leaders of countries, and they fear about the security of their country. they fear about their ability to control information. and so in that sense, they kind of have a joint interest as well. >> the meeting in switzerland was first agreed to when president biden met with china's president xi jinping, in the bay area during apec last november. >> oakland's new police chief is now on the job. a year and three months after the mayor fired the last one, floyd mitchell had a busy first day introducing himself to officers and staffers. he also greeted a new class of cadets and spent time analyzing recent crime reports in his new office, spent the last few days attending some lineups to meet my officers. >> i'm going to spend the rest of this week attending different meetings to get brought up to speed on several different things going on within the oakland police department and within this community. >> chief mitchell most recently served as the chief of police in lubbock, texas. he's indicated his agenda will include proactive policing with high
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visibility. one community leader we spoke with today urged mitchell not to go for big wins, but concentrate on getting the little things done first. when it comes to crime, where you live, check out the abc seven neighborhood safety tracker gives you the power to use the same tools as our abc seven data team to check public safety statistics in oakland, san francisco and san jose. you'll find it at abc seven >> all right, let's shift gears. a contrast to last week. this week is starting out cloudy. >> yes, it's noticeably cooler to abc seven news. weather anchor spencer christian is here. spencer is going to stay like this. >> it's going to get even cooler. i'm happy to say. or maybe afraid to say. here's a look at our satellite radar composite image. little weak area of low pressure in the interior us uh- interior western states. they're contributing to our onshore flow and to our cooling marine layer. you can see how strong the onshore flow is right now. wind gusts up to 31mph here in san francisco. and of course, that's pushing that cooling marine layer onshore. and as we look at the forecast
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animation patches of drizzle ag the coastline. of course, the result is cooler than average weather, especially in the morning as the marine layer lingers. we've had fairly mild afternoons the last couple of days, but we had to wait through the cold. the chilly morning air for them to develop later in the week, though even the afternoons are going to get cooler. check out friday high temperatures reaching only into the 70s inland mid to upper 70s. also on saturday, mid to upper 70s for the most part in our inland areas also on sunday. so this much cooler than average mid to late may weather is going to last for a while. the full accuweather seven day forecast a little bit later. >> dan. interesting. okay, spencer, thanks a lot. a san francisco could be facing more drastic budget cuts. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke with the director of budget and analysis in the comptroller's office on what they're seeing so far before a report coming out tomorrow. she is here with us with the story loose. >> that's right. dan, based on the latest data, san francisco is facing a projected budget
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deficit of nearly $800 million over the coming two budget years. now, the question is, what will be cut? san francisco could soon face more budget cuts. >> we're about three quarters of the way through our fiscal year, and so we're taking a look at how we're doing in the year. how is our revenue coming in san francisco's current annual budget for 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025 is $14.6 billion, a record high, up 4% from previous years. >> by tuesday, the city's director of budget and analysis in the comptroller's office said they will have a detailed report that will inform the mayor what steps to take. what are you looking into for this report? >> so we're looking at the general fund and we're looking at all the tax revenue. so there's sales tax and hotel tax. >> the comptroller's office is digging deeper into the expenses by city departments and the revenues coming in. one of the biggest red flags so far is office vacancies. we're definitely seeing that not a lot
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of commercial buildings are selling. >> so we are taking a hit in our real estate transfer tax ahead of the latest budget review, mayor breed asked for the city's department to make cuts for the next fiscal year, as the last report looms today, the mayor's office responded. >> the mayor has asked departments to propose reductions of 10, but that doesn't mean those will lead to cuts. she could choose to take all their proposed reductions, or only parts of them, or none at all. one of those asked to make cuts was a sheriff's department. we don't have anything more to cut. >> we're already short staffed. we've cut. we're proposing to cut a little bit of our overtime budget only as a part of that. and we're looking at asking for actual more money. >> the sheriff's department is reporting a 36% increase in the jail population over the past year. >> we need to deal with the increase in the population and the needs of that population. the transportation costs that are associated with moving people back and forth from our main jail by june 1st, the mayor
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is set to submit a full budget proposal to the board of supervisors. >> supervisor rafael mandelman is part of the city's budget and finance committee. >> we're still in a rough place, budgetarily. we had to make pretty significant cuts last year, and we're going to have to do that again this year. i'm concerned about basic services, public safety of course, but i'm also concerned about housing. >> now, some good news. according to the comptroller's office, san francisco's $790 million budget deficit is improving by tens of millions of dollars. the mayor's office said they will have more details on the budget by the end of this month. luz pena abc seven news thank you. >> loose happening tomorrow, a meeting that could indicate how pro-palestinian protests on uc campuses are making a difference tomorrow, the university of california regents investment committee is meeting members of encampments at various uc campuses, are calling on individual universities to divest from companies tied to israel, pomp and protest at
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saturday's campus wide commencement ceremony at uc berkeley. the graduation was disrupted by pro-palestinian protesters who wanted to send a message to the crowd. the protests were loud but peaceful. ucla still has a month of school before commencement ceremonies, and today, after more than a week of remote learning in the aftermath of protests and counter-protests, students returned to campus for in-person classes. reporter anabel munoz from our sister station in los angeles, talked to them about what it was like monday morning. >> things were quiet outside of royce hall as students returned to in-person classes at ucla. some welcomed a sense of normalcy. >> i just hope that everything continues to stay in person after this. i just wish things were back to normal. >> three free palestine while others remain firm in their efforts to disrupt normal, today, the group students for justice in palestine at ucla picketed outside two parking structures blocking traffic and deliveries on social media. the group said it will not allow
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business as usual after ucla brutalized students and is complicit in palestinian genocide. >> i think historical student movements have always defined change and defined ways to bring people together and to mobilize, and i think it was just really, inspiring to see that that sort of change taking place today. >> some did not participate in the protests but expressed concern with the university's response, particularly its inaction when counter-protesters attacked people in the encampment for hours on april 30th. >> i no longer feel safe in this campus, even though i'm not, like actually part of the protest. >> not everything is black and white, but i definitely think that there could have been a lot more done on the part of the college to prevent a lot of the attacks on the encampment. >> according to the daily bruin, ucla's academic senate will resume its consideration of a vote to censure or a vote of no confidence in chancellor gene block. later this week, student darnell grant says expressing different opinions on campus respectfully is good. >> i think it's just important
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to realize that students have a voice, and even though some bigger figures aren't willing to speak on the issue, we are, so just kudos to us. >> anabel munoz abc seven news. >> it is not april 15th, but this week there is a deadline to get a tax refund. next seven on your side explains why and what you need to do to get money owed to you. also ahead, it is a celebration of our heritage, a celebration that's been a long time in the making,
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but you'll have to act fast. friday is the deadline to claim your 2020 refund. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has more on what you need to know before that deadline. >> the ferry building says it's the start of a new half hour, but it also means time is ticking away to file for a tax refund. friday is the final deadline to claim refunds from your 2020 taxes, and the irs says there is over $1 billion in unclaimed refunds available. >> we should be able to recoup some of those funds back, especially in the states that the families are in. >> i think that's great. if you can still get money, i should try it. >> the reason for the unusual deadline the pandemic tax payers typically have three years to claim a refund and the deadline is normally in april around tax day. but since the tax deadline got pushed back three years ago, the final deadline to claim a refund is may 17th. >> if you're looking for a little bit of an extra cash, you
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didn't file a return in 2020 for variety of reasons. then you have till the end of this week to get that original return in raphael tulino from the irs says people should strongly consider filing for a refund. >> he says there is a lot of money, especially for those living in the golden state. >> you can claim parts of about, well, a piece of about 94 million or so in california, he says. >> most of the people who are eligible are workers who didn't make enough to be required to file a return, but still had taxes taken out of a paycheck in that case, tulino says, you should file you had a part time job, you had some withholding. >> you should file that return to get that withholding back. and that's part of what's in this pot of money, if you will. >> people we spoke with tell us they already filed, but they say anyone who hasn't should do it. >> i'm in the financial industry and so, you know, a lot of people statistically, the average family doesn't even have $7,000 in the bank right now. >> it's extra money that could
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go a long way in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> a new covid variant has taken over, and doctors say it may lead to an increase in cases this summer. earlier today, abc seven news contributor doctor patel updated us about the latest strain of concern. >> so the variant of question right now is called kp two. now this is from the omicron family. and the mutation it has is on the spike protein. that's what causes it to cause infections and essentially be more or less contagious. and remember we have a group of viruses that are trying to outcompete each other. cp2 represent about 1% of cases in early march. now it's approaching nearly 30. really don't know if it's causing more cases or more severe cases, but it is looking to be the dominant strain this summer. >> doctor patel advises us to be attentive, but not worried. the u.s. has seen summer waves of covid over the past four years, and this summer may also bring a rise in cases. but it isn't expected to be as severe as in past seasons. >> all right. did you catch a glimpse of the northern lights this past weekend? people saw
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them here in northern california for this image of the northern lights was taken in yountville on friday. pretty spectacular. the sky also took on a violent hue, a violet hue rather as a scene from mount hamilton in santa clara county. those colors were not as brilliant to the naked eye and were best captured by smartphone cameras in night mode and got that violet color, which was so dramatic. hope you had a chance to see it. i know you stepped outside your house hoping to see them. >> i set the alarm. i went out on the patio and nothing, so i went back to bed. >> good choice. spencer kristen is here. spencer. you told us it would be a little spotty, depending on where you were. >> yeah, it turned out to be very spotty. i was driving home saturday night and sunday night at about 1230, in the hills of castro valley, hoping getting away from the city lights. i could see the northern lights. nope, just the city lights. so here's a look at what's going on with our weather right now. as you can see, we've got lots of cloud cover at the coastline. an onshore breeze. it's a cool and
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chilling one and a brisk one with wind speeds up to 29mph here in san francisco right now. but some of the other locations farther away from the coast are beginning to experience lighter winds than we had an hour or so ago. and most of our inland locations are still several degrees cooler than at this time yesterday. but that's not the case in locations closer to the coast. so. oh, that camera got dark all of a sudden. but you can see from emeryville lots of cloud cover off in the distance, moving in, enveloping san francisco where it's 56 degrees right now. 59 in oakland, low to mid 60s, actually mid to upper 60s now at hayward. and san jose 73. redwood city 54 at half moon bay. and a view from above the cloud cover from mount tam, 62 degrees in santa rosa right now. petaluma 5952 all 62 rather in napat this time tonight the cooling fog is returning and will continue its return next few days. mostly sunny in the afternoon and mild,
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but we'll start the days in the mornings with the lingering low clouds and sort of a chill in the air. then friday through the weekend it'll be turning breezy and even cooler than it is right now. so during the overnight hours, look for an onshore flow that will continue to push low clouds and fog out over the coast and locally inland. they'll be drizzle just offshore and near the coastline and we'll start the day much as we did this morning with a lingering low clouds. overnight lows will be mostly in the low 50s and some upper 40s in the far northern reaches of the bay area. highs tomorrow nearly 60 at the coast upper 60s to low 70s around the bay shoreline, maybe even some mid 70s along the bay and inland areas will warm to low to mid 80s. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast. so for the next three
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days through thursday we'll have a fairly seasonal range of afternoon highs. even though the mornings will start off a bit cool and foggy and gray, the afternoons will be in the mid 80s tuesday, wednesday and thursday inland, mid 70s around the bay shoreline. then there will be minor cooling on friday and saturday, but look at sunday and monday inland highs reaching only into the upper 70s. that's way below average for mid to late may, up to maybe 70 around the bay shoreline and possibly around 60 on the coast. so be prepared for some cooler than average weather for a few days, but you know it'll bounce back. sure, it always does. >> thanks, spencer 110 before we. that's true. >> right? right. well, housing played a major role in the 2008 recession. coming up next, the warning about the role that non-bank mortgage companies could play in causing the next one. golden 1 credit union sees, you're crushing it. you nailed that audition. you perfected that plate. your team's inspired.
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whether behind the scenes or center stage, you've never chosen the easy path. instead, you make your own. golden 1 checking works for you with every day simple checking. so you can keep shining, no matter what scene of life you're in. golden 1 checking, life is a journey best celebrated together. hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world.
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where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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the stock market, the dow slipped 81 points. the nasdaq enjoyed a 47 point boost. the s&p was essentially flat. all it took was one social post of a cartoon to send shares in gamestop skyrocketing today, they went up more than 70, all because the guy who helped ignite a frenzy three years ago returned to social media. the video game store saw its value temporarily soar back in 2021 after a trader named keith gill set off the so-called meme stock craze. last night, gill made his
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first post on x in years, a cartoon of a gamer, and then gamestop stock surged. >> well, financial regulators are worried about certain mortgage companies they say could make the next recession worse. they're worried about mortgage companies not tied to banks, including rocket mortgage, pennymac and mr. cooper. you see, they don't face as much regulation and don't have a safety net of stable deposits like a bank would. regulators want lawmakers to create a backup fund to help if one of these companies goes under today, they blessed the ground tonight to see what comes next to create the newest monument in the vietnamese heritage garden in san jose. also ahead, a must watch day in donald trump's historic criminal trial as one of the prosecution's most important witnesses takes the stand
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was called to the stand. today we're talking about michael cohen. >> yes. once trump's personal attorney and ally. today he testified against his former boss, abc news reporter christiane cordero has more on
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what was said today. >> michael cohen, who previously said he would take a bullet for donald trump, took the stand against him, saying under oath the former president directed him to pay for multiple women's silence. >> we paid a lawyer a legal expense and we have a legal expense is a legal expense. it's marked down in the book, quote, legal expense. >> trump is charged with falsifying business records linked to the $130,000 cohen paid actress stormy daniels days before the 2016 election. prosecutors say the payment was to prevent voters from hearing daniels graphic story about an alleged 2006 affair. trump denies all wrongdoing, including the alleged affair. the defense so far has claimed trump wanted to kill the story to protect his family. cohen's testimony today directly contradicts that, saying he wasn't thinking about melania. this was all about the campaign, he claimed. trump called the stormy daniels situation a, quote, disaster for the campaign, adding trump said women will hate me. cohen also
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testified about a catch and kill scheme set up with national enquirer publisher david pecker, where they agreed to publish positive stories about trump and stop negative ones from coming out. pecker himself testified about that three weeks ago. jurors heard a conversation cohen surreptitiously recorded between him and trump in september 2016. it references one of those alleged catch and kills a $150,000 hush money payment to playboy model karen mcdougal by pecker. >> so what are we going to funding? yes. when it comes time for the financing, which will be what? financing? we'll have to pay. >> you know, some previous witnesses have taken swings at cohen's reputation. prosecutor josh steinglass conceded he has what you might consider to be some baggage. the defense calls cohen obsessed, a convicted liar and that he cannot be trusted. jurors have seen more than 200 pieces of evidence so far. cohen is the 20th witness to take the stand and is described as the linchpin in this case. if the
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jury believes him. christiane cordero, abc news, new york. >> and jury selection began today in new york city in the bribery trial of senator bob menendez. the new jersey democrat and his wife, nadine are accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for political favors and help for the government's of egypt and qatar. he faces 16 total charges, while his wife faces 15. she will be tried separately. they've denied all wrongdoing and have both pleaded not guilty. and after some delays, crews began work to demolish a chunk of the baltimore bridge that collapsed when that cargo ship ran into it six weeks ago, breaking up this debris is critical, of course, in the effort to remove the francis scott key bridge. the section of work was delayed over the weekend because of lightning storms and other safety concerns. the incident has been a major hit to the economy. officials hope to reopen the channel to ships by the end of may. >> may is asian american, native
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hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month and in the south bay, members of the vietnamese community have been calling for better representation of their culture after long delays. a project to do just this is finally getting underway. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has the story. >> nicole and i woke that night. >> i found a song of resilience, a national anthem honored proudly in the south bay. but for too long, members of san jose's vietnamese community say the history of their ancestors, their struggles and their triumphs have been tucked away. this in a city where 130,000 people of vietnamese descent live. more than any other city outside vietnam. now, here at the vietnamese heritage garden, council member bian duan and the community will watch their culture's history brought to life this moment, not merely about digging soil, laying bricks. >> it is a celebration of our heritage, our collective
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identity, our enduring spirit >> ground is now officially broken on a project that will help transform this heritage garden. its centerpiece, a statue depicting an american and vietnamese soldier standing side by side named thank you america, honoring all those who fought in the vietnam war. >> it is a sanctuary of remembrance, a beacon of hope, a testament of indomitable spirit, of our community. >> and the statue is just the beginning. after three decades of various delays, construction on the statues will start immediately and finish in july. san jose leaders ultimately envision a community center for performances and educational programs, ways to recognize the past and look ahead to the future. >> it pays homage to the journey that thousands of families took to find a better life here in america, and then helps create that better life by providing a space for people to come together, celebrate and share
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the rich vietnamese culture with the next generation. now, more union square for the a blessing knowing that this community will never feel their culture as hidden away again in east san jose. >> dustin dawsey abc seven news. >> pelicans are starving to death in the bay area. rescuers are working to figure out why and to keep these birds alive. >> that story and next. the brother and sister behind the oakland puzzle company. they're making jigsaw puzzles with a purpose. finding a good fit with their co
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tells a story of local pride and resilience >> we're from oakland and we make puzzles. david tibbs, co-owner of oakland puzzle company. >> deanna tibbs, co-owner of oakland puzzle company. >> we are just one of a few jigsaw puzzle manufacturers in the whole country that actually only designs our puzzles here
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locally, but actually manufactures them ourselves we found this really neat book online called start a small jigsaw puzzle company like i did by this really great guy named kevin poorman, who lives just outside of washington, d.c. we read it cover to cover a few times and then started having phone calls with him and zoom calls, and we finally ended up flying out to meet him and hang out with him and see his process , and also just sort of be around this guy who is becoming our mentor in this new project. that was clearly going to change our lives >> generally, we like things that are very colorful and fill the frame. i would say as much as possible. >> we're really proud of being able to showcase local artists.
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>> if we find an image that matches well with an organization that we're already in touch with, or if we can visualize an image that can be created with an organization that's kind of just a natural fit, and we look for an emotional component to it as well. >> i think that the puzzling experience is more meaningful when you have an emotional connection to the image. >> we do want to create living wage manufacturing jobs here in oakland. some of our proceeds do go to organizations and we pay fair licensing fees to artists. and we use a local and sustainable supply chain, which is just as important in our mission as anything else. >> after we've already worked with the artist to determine which image we want, we've sent it to our amazing partners community printers in santa
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cruz. really great worker owned print shop, and we get those puzzle faces back and we adhere that to a piece of chipboard. it dries for 24 to 48 hours, and then we use our die press to cut the puzzle mix up the pieces, make sure there's none stuck together. >> each of our puzzles includes an insert that highlights both the artist and the organization. >> we assemble our boxes ourselves, then we'll box it up and it's ready to ship out to a store or a customer. >> once we thought of that idea of have fun, do good, it just stuck. we knew it was the right motto for us because puzzles are fun. do good came from being a mission based business, so people feel good about giving their money for these puzzles. >> diana and i have always been interested in ethical ways of working within the community and running a business. so, you
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know, portion of our proceeds go to organizations that are making our community a better place. >> this shelf is reused packing material. people from all over oakland actually bring us packing material. and that's how we ship. we also feel good about running an ethical business as far as sustainable materials and creating jobs here in oakland. >> so that's where the do good comes in. have fun, do good. >> boy, that sums it up. have fun. do good a great idea. win win. great idea. >> okay, what month is it? what month does it feel like? spencer explains our cool and somewhat confusing weather in the seven
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animal rescue groups say the situation is really quickly becoming a crisis, and now some of the birds are showing up in unusual places like at giants games. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard visited a north bay bird rescue, treating as many pelicans as they can
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>> what we're seeing is a lot of starving, very skinny birds being brought into care. >> angie trumbo taking us behind the scenes at the international bird rescue center in fairfield, where all these california brown pelicans are in bad shape. >> it's clearly, turning into a crisis. over the last couple of weeks, a new surge of starving pelicans is causing concern. >> two weeks ago, the bird rescue began treating about a dozen pelicans, but now that number has jumped to 130 birds in distress, ones that are just hungry, just need to gain their weight and strength. >> but a lot of these birds are coming in with additional injuries because they're so hungry. they might be getting into trouble with fishing gear and things like that. as they take desperate measures to get food. >> pelicans have been found stranded up and down the california coast at an alarming rate, the california department of fish and wildlife say many birds have not survived. >> we still have no idea why this is happening. >> veterinarian rebecca duer says the pelican strandings
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remain a mystery. >> pelicans never forget how to find fish, but sometimes they run into problems. finding it can be a weather problem. it could be a food availability problem. >> that's not just a bird though. that's a that's a big, big bird. >> this pelican showed up at saturday's giants game during the fifth inning. we showed the video to bird experts who were concerned. >> that's definitely not normal behavior. that was a young bird. so he was probably just starving and looking for whatever, whatever place he could find food, caring for so many birds not only challenging, but it's also very expensive. >> it's costing the international bird rescue about $1,000 a day just to keep all these pelicans fed. >> we're relying on donations from the public to help care for these birds. >> during our visit, 18 more pelicans arrive for care. there weren't enough volunteers to assist, so they asked me to help get the birds into the clinic for medical evacuations. the good news is, most of the pelicans being rehabbed here are eager to eat their gaining
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weight and getting stronger. >> what i've learned in my time here is that they can come back from a lot of severe injuries, so we're confident that we can get a lot of these birds back into the wild and healthy again. experts say if you see a pelican in distress, call your local animal control in fairfield. >> cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> so interesting to watch. it's sad, but they're getting help, which is nice. it is good. >> all right, let's get a check on our weather. yes. >> spencer christine is back with the forecast. spencer. >> we could use a little helpful warming. wouldn't that be great? but that's not coming our way for a while. here's a look at our forecast headlines. the cooling clouds return tonight, and of course it will be a cool start to the day tomorrow. the next few days we'll start with clouds in the morning, but sunny and mild in the afternoon. but then by the end of the week we'll have a cooling trend developing. it will be breezy and much cooler still. here's a look at our overnight conditions as the fog continues to push across the coast and locally inland. and of course, there'll be some pockets of drizzle near the coastline and offshore. so again, start the day with a little bit of may gray as we
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have the last few days, uh- overnight lows will be generally in the low 50s highs tomorrow. once the sun comes out and warms things up will be in the low to mid 80s inland. we'll see some low to mid 70s around the bay shoreline and about 60 on the coast. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. the next few days won't show much of a change in the temperature range. we'll see mid 80s inland, mid 70s around the bay shoreline and low 60s on the coast. but then temperatures start to decline as the weekend arrives. and by the time sunday and monday roll around, we'll have high temperatures only in the 70s in our inland area. so getting even cooler as may gets older. boy sure is. >> well, it'll be super hot soon enough. it will indeed. >> yeah. no complaints. >> thanks, spencer. >> all right. chris alvarez is here with sports. i would like to point out that my color choice today was just a horrible coincidence. >> this has purple in it. okay, okay. yeah. the giants training room filling up fast. the latest on young who shoulder injury. and that is not dodger blue. >> it is not. >> it's abc seven blue. oh
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that's bad blue. we don't like that three game bu a three game series. giants dodgers. we have a preview pete la
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san francisco lost three outfielders, including jungwoo. lee was placed on the ten day injured list with a left shoulder dislocation. manager bob melvin said today pregame
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wasn't sure yet if lee would need surgery. they'll know more in a couple of days. michael conforto had a hamstring injury. austin slater also crashed into the wall and a concussion. those guys are out for at least the next week or so. blake snell was back at oracle park. he made a rehab start for single-a san jose yesterday. struck out 7 in 4 perfect innings. no word yet on his return back to the big club. the giants entered the night eight games back of the first place dodgers, looking for their first win over la this season. remember, la swept a three game series back in early april against the giants. so here we go. round two. >> there's always a little bit more when you play the dodgers. so, our fans feel it too. you know it's this it's kind of a historic rivalry. so you know, now that it's only a couple times a year, it's even even more impactful. you know, we didn't play too well against the first time. looked to play better this time. i like coming up to the bay, i like this rivalry, it is just another series for us. but i do
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understand that the fans love it. it's, it's deep rooted, and i appreciate that. >> jordan hicks on the mound for the giants tonight. history in houston for the first time in the regular season, both home and road broadcasts led by female play by play announcers jenny cavnar with the oakland a's and julia morales with the houston. they broadcast this play kyle tucker rbi double to left center two nothing. houston on that play. in the fourth, a's get on the board. turlock native tyler soderstrom base hit lands in center field. brant rooker safe at home, brings the a's within one. at last check. it is three two houston in the seventh inning. full highlights tonight at 11 as well as that giants dodgers game. it's one of my favorite days of the year. the nfl schedule is going to be released this wednesday. we're going to find out the dates and times for the entire league, especially the 40 niners, which includes an nfc rematch against the lions this year at levi's. speaking of the lions, the pride of marin catholic and cal, jared goff just got paid. he agreed to a four year, $212 million contract extension. a cool 170 gauaranteed. the former number
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one overall pick now becomes the highest paid lion in franchise history. the lions will visit the niners later this season. we'll find out that date on wednesday. hey, can you buy me a ticket? lebron james and wife savannah in cleveland for game four. the cavs and celtics series. third quarter boston up three. how about cal's jaylen brown spinning winning. oh hoop and the foul. the circus shot goes. and his teammate jayson tatum fired up about that fourth quarter. time to put it away. tatum going to dish it to his buddy brown. and that's a dagger three. the duo combined for 60. brown scored 27 of them. celtics win 109102. they can close out the series wednesday in boston. bronny james, the son of lebron, has been medically cleared to be drafted and play in the nba after being evaluated by some doctors. bronny suffered cardiac arrest, remember last summer, sidelining him for several months before his freshman season at usc. he's set to take part in this week's nba combine. he's going to have until may 29th to decide whether to stay
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in the draft or go back to school. he may transfer as well, so he's got a lot of options, but hopefully the good news is lebron's son is fully medically cleared now. it was a scary episode. he dealt with in the summer, but how about like $170 million extension and $212 million extensions. it's crazy. let's take that and bring it to our job. i know i'm fine with all of that. i'm fine with half of that. >> you didn't get yours yet. >> i'm sorry you didn't get your nice. >> don't tell chris. >> oh, you guys are leaving me out. >> oh, man. >> spencer. >> dinner's on. spencer's on. spencer. exactly >> all right, coming up tonight on abc seven. watch jeopardy! spencer masters at eight, followed by celebrity wheel of fortune. press your luck is on at ten. and stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. all right, that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama day and i'm dan ashley for moneybags.
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>> spencer christian and left out in the cold chris alvarez or somewhere in the middle. >> i'm gonna go practice the football toss. >> there you go. that pays. yeah. we appreciate your time. >> we'll see you tonight. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app.
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♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ [applause] here are today's contestants. a data analyst from germantown, maryland... an elections worker from portland, oregon... and our returning champion, a political organizer originally from nashville, tennessee... whose 1-day cash winnings total $25,601. [applause]
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and now here's the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to "jeopardy!" our new champion, will stewart, credits "the simpsons" with many of the facts he learned growing up. and it seemed to pay off for him on friday's game as he defeated a perfectly cromulent three-game champion. he's back today to defend against michael and joyce. good luck, everybody. let's get to work and play some "jeopardy!" here are your categories. we begin with... then we have... you'll give us that trio of letters, followed by... and finally... will, what'll it be? let's go big geo for $800. [beep] what is hells canyon? back to you, will.


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