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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 14, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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continues tomorrow. we'll see you then. [applause] ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning, michael cohen heads back to the stand today at the trump hush money trial. what he's revealing about his former boss and what stormy daniels lawyer is now revealing about what the star wore to court last week for protection.
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>> breaking overnight, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken arrives in ukraine as a top general sounds the alarm about russian forces gaining ground, capturing more territory near ukraine's second largest city. >> another scare at church? >> calm down and just get next to your child and go slowly. >> a teen gunman tries to enter this church during a first communion service just days after a man at a different church pointed a gun. at this pastor. the new push to protect places of worship. >> new video just in another line of deadly storms sweeping the south. what to expect today. president biden set to announce major new tariffs on china, including on cheaper electric cars. >> the debate over the impact on u.s. consumers. >> she's being called the miracle baby, weighing only 1 pound one ounce at birth. her long struggle to finally go home and later mopping up never felt so good. >> or so expensive. the new $700 floor cleaner from abc news.
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>> this is america this morning. >> good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with former president trump's criminal trial. his former fixer michael cohen is preparing for day two on the stand. >> it comes as we learn about security concerns at the courthouse. a lawyer for stormy daniels says daniels wore a bulletproof vest to court when she testified last week, fearing for her safety. but today, it's once again cohen's turn in the spotlight. >> do you have any messages for donald trump today? >> michael cohen returns to the stand this morning at former president trump's hush money trial, after telling the jury yesterday how he silenced women who claimed to have had sexual encounters with trump. >> it has to be a game changer for both sides, because he's the one who really lays out the elements, or he's trying to lay out the elements, to that, the prosecutor needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. >> trump is charged with falsifying business records linked to a $130,000 payment to actress stormy daniels,
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prosecutors say the payment, made days before the 2016 election, was to prevent voters from hearing daniels story about their alleged affair, which trump denies. >> you've got no evidence and i'm innocent. on the stand yesterday, cohen testified about a scheme with national enquirer publisher david pecker, who agreed to publish positive stories about trump and stop negative ones from coming out, telling the jury that as the 2016 campaign got underway, trump warned him be prepared. >> there's going to be a lot of women coming forward. cohen testified that when he learned that stormy daniels was trying to sell her story, he felt it would be catastrophic for the campaign, saying trump agreed. he said to me, this is a disaster. a total disaster. women will hate me. guys may think it's cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the campaign. cohen says trump ordered him to make sure the story didn't get out, testifying trump wanted to kill the story because of how it would affect his campaign, not his family, as the defense has argued. cohen said he wired the $130,000 to daniels. >> cohen fronted the money. he
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said he fully expected to be paid back, and he took out a home equity line of credit. he said to his own wife wouldn't find out. he told the jury she would not understand if $130,000 went missing from their joint bank account, prosecutors say trump did reimburse cohen and illegally falsified business records to cover it all up by making it look like a legal expense, experts say the ultimate test for cohen will be during the defense's cross-examination. >> cohen has spent time in prison for lying to congress and has admitted to lying on trump's behalf. >> he's basically lying for money, right? that's his boss. so the way you were willing to lie for him when you get a paycheck, well, now the hatred that you have, you're willing to lie against him again here today. that's the kind of spin you got to put on it. >> cohen today is expected to be questioned about those financial documents at the heart of the case before he's cross-examined. >> breaking overnight deadly storms hitting the deep south. this reported tornado was spotted in sulfur, louisiana. at least two deaths in the state are being blamed on the storms.
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thousands of people lost power, and to the north, a funnel cloud was also spotted near this golf course in branson, missouri. meanwhile a lightning strike knocked out power on a runway at houston's hobby airport, reports. repairs took several hours, causing delays and even some cancellations. we will check your forecast coming up in just a few moments. the port of baltimore is one step closer to fully reopening after a controlled explosion brought down the largest remaining section of that bridge that collapsed back in march. >> explosives were used to cut through the steel, sending pieces flying off that cargo ship. it's been stuck for seven weeks now. after crashing into the bridge, causing it to collapse. the ship's crew has remained on board. they're critical for repair efforts. they hope to move the dolly back to port this week. >> another terrifying moment at a church service is raising questions about security. this time, an armed teenager disrupted a first communion just days after a pastor at another
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church had a gun pointed at him. this morning, churches around the country taking new steps to keep their congregations safe. after several recent security scares, including a 16 year old gunman disrupting this mass at a louisiana church that this sacrament, a live stream, captured the terrifying moment saturday at saint mary magdalene catholic church in abbeville. a man approaches the priest during a first holy communion ceremony. moments later, people get up from their seats and look toward the back of the church as clergy crouch behind the altar to calm down and just get next to your child and go slowly. while the suspect never appears in the video, the church says when he opened a back door, parishioners confronted him and called police. the church now plans to keep uniformed officers at all future masses in god they chose. >> jesus. >> days earlier, a gunman interrupted this mass in pennsylvania, pointing a gun at
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the pastor. the gun jamming before the man was tackled by parishioners. that man is now charged with killing his cousin. the body found at his home nearby. >> we're sitting there with my mom and they started shooting back in february, a woman opened fire at joel osteen's megachurch in texas. >> she was killed by off-duty officers. now more churches are looking to beef up security. some are holding regular training programs, which more people are reportedly attending. new federal funding has been approved to help increase security for places of worship, and some police forces are now training how to respond. specifically to a church shooting. back to that incident in louisiana, that 16 year old suspect is now undergoing a mental health evaluation and breaking overnight. >> secretary of state antony blinken has arrived in ukraine looking to reassure leaders there that the u.s. has their back. blinken's unannounced visit to kyiv follows congressional approval last month of a long delayed $60 billion in aid for ukraine, and
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it comes as russia scores significant progress on the battlefield, capturing new territory near ukraine's second largest city, kharkiv. a top ukrainian general says his forces are stretched thin now to a big economic decision from president biden announcing major new tariffs on china, especially on electric cars. but is this really good for the u.s. consumer? abc's perry russom has more. perry. good morning. >> andrew good morning to you. the president announcing new tariffs on chinese goods today. it comes as a new poll shows him slipping behind former president trump in five battleground states. this morning. president biden set to impose new tariffs on chinese goods, including a quadrupling of tariffs on electric vehicles made in china from 25 to 100. the administration argues these taxes will level the playing field and protect american businesses, specifically carmakers like this chinese made electric car called the seagull sells for just $12,000 in china,
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experts here praising its build quality if introduced to the u.s. market, analysts say it could leave companies like tesla and the big three automakers racing to play catch up with relatively modest investments they most likely could, and it could become a competitive threat here, electric sales have struggled in the u.s. tesla produced 46,000 more cars last year than they were able to sell, and is now renting parking lots for unsold cars. other u.s. automakers like ford have scaled back production, citing slow demand. but not all industry observers are praising the tariffs, one critic writing instead of just de facto banning the competition from giving americans access to affordable hot new evs, the u.s. should instead try making affordable, hot new evs itself. >> i think it's a clarion call to the industry. it says this is the benchmark, this is what we have to look at. >> and this comes as a new poll shows biden trailing trump among registered voters in michigan, home to the big three automakers. and the war in gaza
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is also hurting biden's standing among michigan's large arab american population. brianna. >> all right, perry, thank you for that. we have a new look at an emergency evacuation of a delta airlines jet. images from our station in seattle show flames erupting below the cockpit. last week, emergency slides were deployed to get the passengers out safely. the fire started after the plane was already connected to the terminal's electrical network. >> time now for your tuesday weather. the same system that spawned a reported tornado in louisiana also brought heavy rain and golf ball sized hail. southeast of san antonio. some damage and minor flooding was reported, but no injuries overnight. that system was moving to the east. it brings a severe storms to florida. this morning and heavy rain to georgia and the carolinas. checking today's high temperatures, 50s and 60s in the midwest and nearly 80 in new york and boston. 70s on the west coast, triple digits in south texas >> coming up, the new wave of
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home burglaries in the suburbs. >> also ahead, pageant problems at miss usa. two winners giving up their crowns in recent days. now their mothers explain why. >> and later a very rare
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the first time, their own mothers speak out on why on good morning america, police across the country are reporting a rash of break ins by south american burglars targeting upscale homes . >> authorities held a town hall in a detroit suburb last night where county officials have seen burglaries amounting to $1 million in stolen goods per week. the thieves are highly skilled, working in teams to stake out expensive houses and returning when no one's home. >> we're very concerned. like all of our neighbors, they've done pre-op surveillance we've seen here and across the country utilizing trail cameras, remote battery operated cameras,
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trackers on cars and even drone units. >> police urge homeowners to set up security systems with hardwired cameras and keep some lights on. now to the troubles plaguing the miss usa pageant. >> two winners giving up their crowns in recent days and now we are hearing from their mothers for the first time since their resignations, the mothers of miss usa, noelle lavoy and miss teen usa umma sophia srivastava are speaking out about what prompted their daughters to give up the crowns they had worked so hard to achieve. >> they need to tell their own story because it's not right that they are silenced for the rest of their life. >> the beauty queens claim a toxic work environment is to blame. voight even mentioning bullying and harassment. but they are bound by contracts, which include confidentiality clauses. when voight posted her resignation online, the sentences appeared to begin with letters that spelled out i am silenced. both mothers spoke to
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good morning america's erielle reshef. >> if your daughters were sitting here without an nda what would they say. >> they will the job of their dreams turned out to be a nightmare. >> yeah they definitely and what they wanted to achieve together to gather as because they have such similar backgrounds such as similar platform impacting young people with their books, with their experiences. >> voight claims she was made to feel unsafe at events, which she says culminated in being sexually harassed. in giving up her crown. she says she wanted to focus on her mental health. the miss usa organization responding, saying it respects voight's need to prioritize her mental health. as for srivastava , her miss teen usa runner up also declined the crown, telling the new york post i didn't feel like it was the right decision considering all the circumstances. no comment yet from the ceo of miss usa about
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the harassment allegations. but later on good morning america, voight's mother explains one case of harassment her daughter suffered coming up. >> judge judy and her new legal battle. >> also ahead, the new era in women's sports tips off breathing claritin clear is like... [♪] feeling the breeze instead of feeling congested. [♪] fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant. live claritin clear®. >> at university of maryland global campus,
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and in touch weekly. a story claimed she's trying to help infamous brothers lyle and erik menendez get a new trial in the murder of their parents. no comment yet from the publisher. >> hundreds of people mourned a 15 year old girl who was killed while water skiing off a south florida beach, authorities say. ella adler was in the water when she was fatally hit by a passing boat, which never stopped. police are seeking the public's help. they are trying to find that boat's driver. a $20,000 reward has been offered. >> we turn now to the historic night in women's sports. not just for caitlin clark. the wnba season now just hours away from tip off. the anticipation never higher on the stop. >> and now a rocking the crowd. >> rookie superstars cameron brink, angel reese and camila cardoso bringing an unprecedented level of interest in women's basketball, along with caitlin clark getting much of the attention. >> i feel now like getting out there for the first time. it's really exciting and it'll be super special.
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>> clark's indiana fever kick off in connecticut tonight against the sun, the team selling out a home opener for the first time in more than 20 years. clark and the incredibly popular draft class ushering in a new era of the wnba. all teams will soon get charter flights for away games instead of flying commercial. many teams also getting new state of the art practice facilities, and they're cashing in on endorsement deals. >> when you're on the court, nothing else matters. kim kardashian's clothing brand skims just releasing its first campaign featuring wnba stars kardashian saying the brand is championing women in sports and stands for women's empowerment. >> caitlin clark already signed a reported $28 million deal with nike, but one wnba star suggests clark's success has a lot to do with being white. las vegas aces star a'ja wilson saying it doesn't matter how hard i work, it doesn't matter what we all do as black women, we're still going to be swept under the rug. that's why it boils my blood. when people say it's not about race, because it is what's indisputable. this will be a season like no other. now, the
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four wnba games tonight will air on espn two and espn, plus two games including the fever, will also stream on disney+ brittney griner, though, will miss her season opener tonight due to a toe injury. hope she's back soon. right before the season opener. >> i know, hope she gets back on the court soon. coming up, a big move for george clooney. >> but first, the miracle baby weighing just 1 pound one ounce weighing just 1 pound one ounce at birth. now goi dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex.
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don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. time, their own mothers speak out on why on good morning america. >> time to check the pulse. we begin with the miracle baby who beat all the odds. >> she has just spent her first night at home near chicago. late last year. little nyla was born. at just 22 weeks. she weighed 1 pound one ounce and was given only a 10% chance of survival. but a team of 15 people cared
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for her. and now, nearly six months later, they have helped to send her home. >> we have so many family friends who are so excited, and they pray for us and took care of us and everyone's ready to celebrate this little one for sure. >> we are all thinking of little nyla. she now weighs 10 pounds. >> doctors say she is a fighter. we agree. next, george clooney is preparing to make his broadway debut. >> he's taking his 2005 film good night and good luck, which was fantastic to the stage. this time, clooney will take the lead role, playing journalist edward r murrow. the play is set to open next year. next, a new toy if you want to clean in style but it'll cost you, check out the first mop from dyson. >> the company says the cordless battery powered wash g1 uses mechanical agitation to clean up spills. instead of using fans or special motor. it goes on sale this fall for 700 bucks. next, a special night at the ballpark. >> a fan in seattle caught not one, but two foul balls and they came on back to back plays. he held up a souvenirs on a night
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he and a lot of fans will never forget. next, a giraffe showing gratitude after getting his neck adjusted. >> jerry the giraffe in oklahoma could not stop swooning after a chiropractor worked his magic, snapped something back in place, and jerry showered him with hugs and kisses. meanwhile, in oregon, a real life bambi and thumper, a homeowner captured this scene. >> deer and the rabbit spent some time together. they were hanging out. look at them just like their cartoon counterparts. so adorable. >> your move disney for a movie >> your move disney for a movie here, right? top headlines n if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system
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all the tesla charging cables. >> now, if i have a tesla super charging station vandalized in vallejo, the growing problem across the country, how bay area drivers are reacting, including the man behind a now viral video you may have seen on tiktok. >> just cutting us out and like that and without any notice in the middle of finals week is insane. >> and the concerns about the safety of artificial intelligence action being taken locally and


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