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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 14, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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you were right. you were saying that the bay bridge is in the logo. yep. it is. yeah. and the bridge tower doubles as a sword, a symbol of courage, power and authority. yeah. the bridge cable doubles as wings. the five triangles within the wings represent the five players facing each other on each side of the court. >> the warrior stands for royalty. >> oh, yeah. >> i'm liking it more. i like it as the morning goes on. >> i know, me too. me too. >> the symbolism is very cool. drew. look. look you know, i know my landmarks, the coating, everything. >> i love it, all right? >> jim >> george: good morning america. donald trump's former fixer back on the stand. michael cohen testifies that donald trump instructed him to pay off stormy daniels. now he gets ready for cross-examination. plus how the trump veep stakes
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are playing out in court. >> robin: breaking overnight. >> are you kidding me? >> robin: deadly storms slam the south. at least four reported tornados in three states. 19 days in a row of twisters in the u.s. >> michael: the port of baltimore one step closer to fully reopening. after controlled explosion brought down the largest remaining section of the key bridge. >> robin: new images released of the south carolina pastor's wife after her death was ruled a suicide. plus the 911 call she made. >> are you able to trace the location of my phone? >> robin: now federal authorities join the investigation. >> george: pageant problems. the mothers of miss usa and teen usa first on gma this morning after the beauty queens surprise resignations. >> the girls need to speak. treated, abused and corners. >> george: and the change they
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want to see happen. >> michael: 115 million fentanyl pills seized. what parents should know about what the dea is calling the deadliest drug epidemic the u.s. has faced. >> george: inside the situation room with the duty officer on january 6th. what's going through your mind when you are hearing that the vice president's life may be in danger? just how close he says we came to losing mike pence. >> michael: tiny, but mighty. the micropreemie miracle baby, weighing just over 1 pound at birth, defying odds and going home with her mama. >> robin: zipping into tuesday. we like ike, and safe to say ike likes this assignment. and speaking of zipping -- >> the crowd is going crazy! >> robin: as we count down to tonight's best in show -- >> look at this!
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>> robin: no obstacle will stand in their way. meet the pups still in the running, and the rescue running away with our hearts. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: the rescue may not have won the title but has won our hearts. good morning, america. >> michael: absolutely. also ahead today, with memorial day weekend just over a week away, major airlines are suing the u.s. department of transportation. gio benitez will break that down. >> george: we begin with donald trump's former trial. michael cohen taking the stand for the second day of testimony. on day one he told the jury trump directed him to make the payment to stormy daniels that's at the center of the case. aaron katersky's at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. michael cohen brought donald trump closer than any witness yet to the alleged scheme to protect his political fortunes. and about obscure his role about covering up. from the moment he heard stormy daniels was shopping a story about a long denied sexual tryst
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with donald trump, michael cohen said he knew it would be catastrophic for his campaign. he said trump knew t it, too. women will hate me. guys may think it's cool but this will be a disaster for the campaign. the access hollywood tape had already become public. trump heard boasting of groping women. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> reporter: cohen testified trump told him to spin it and the spin he wanted to put on it was this is locker room talk, something melania had recommended. seated at the defense table, trump made a face for that. one of his few reactions to cohen's testimony. for much of it trump shut his eyes. cohen recalled asking how melania was handling. cohen recalled trump saying, don't worry, how long do you think i'll be on the market for? not long. the prosecutor said what do you think that to mean? cohen said he wasn't thinking about melania. this was all about the campaign. when it became evident daniels was prepared to go public, cohen said trump instructed him to pay her off. just do it, cohen recalled trump tell him. don't worry about it, you will get the money back.
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before he wired the money, cohen called trump again. a jury saw a record of the calls. i wanted to ensure that once again he approved what i was doing because i required approval from him on all of this. everything required mr. trump's sign off. on top of that, i wanted the money back. after the election, cohen said trump signed off on a monthly reimbursement schedule. he approved it, cohen said. it was just before the inauguration and cohen quoted trump saying this is going to be one heck of a ride in d.c. prosecutors are out to show the reimbursements cohen said trump authorized were improperly and falsely characterized as legal expenses. cohen's recollections of the things trump said are powerful evidence. he's the only witness that can deliver it. while there are call logs to back him up, for the most part, george, the jury is left to take cohen at his word and the defense is waiting to test his composure and credibility. george? >> george: thanks. let's bring in jon karl, rachel scott, who is covering the trump campaign.
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jon, you were in the courtroom yesterday. what was it like? >> fascinating dynamic. first of all, michael cohen was calm, humble. not the combative one. almost pathetic when he talked about the ways donald trump treated him. michael cohen is a guy for a decade or so derived his sense of self worth by how donald trump treated him. praise from donald trump is what he craved so much. so it was fascinating in that courtroom to watch donald trump give michael cohen the silent treatment. he didn't acknowledge him at all. they were just feet apart, george. especially during the breaks. i don't think he was sleeping. he was closing his eyes to say, i don't give a damn that you are up there. i don't give a damn anything you have to say. i'm not going to acknowledge your presence. it was like a way of psychological war fare. >> george: cross-examination could start later today. going to be brutal. >> it is.
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because, look, the defense is going to want to see that combative michael cohen. they're going to want to show not only that he has credibility problems, but that he has an agenda, that he is out to get donald trump. he is out to get donald trump. look for them to introduce as evidence some of the videos that michael cohen has made recently, even during this trial, where he taunts donald trump. where he says things like trump 2024, 20 to 24 years in prison and makes obscene gestures. look for them to play those videos in the courtroom to show the jury that michael cohen is out to get donald trump. >> george: another strange thing going on in the courtroom. you've got vp hopefuls for donald trump basically auditioning for the job in that courtroom. >> yeah. consider this the new vetting process. i don't think we have ever seen the outside of a courthouse become the new testing ground for possible running mates. but that is what is happening. we are seeing republican allies, possible vp contenders, line up to do what donald trump can't. that is attack the witnesses,
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attack michael cohen, even attack the judge and the judge's family. we know donald trump is barred from doing that under this gag order. yesterday we saw senator vance, who used to be a critic of donald trump. now he's one of his staunchest supporters and defenders. today we'll get vivek ramaswamy. also north dakota's governor will be outside the courthouse. later today there will be a fund-raiser with senators tim scott and marco rubio. george? >> george: so strange. okay, rachel, jon karl, thanks very much. michael? >> michael: now to secretary of state blinken arriving in ukraine, meeting with president zelenskyy amid reports of russians gaining some ground. james longman is on the scene in kyiv for us this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. secretary blinken is here in kyiv. he met with president zelenskyy a short time ago, the highest level u.s. visit in six months and the first since that $61 billion aid bill was passed in congress. but his visit comes at a very dangerous time for ukraine. russia launched a major incursion in the northeast of this country. ukraine thinks about 30,000 russian troops are involved. they have taken some nine
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villages, 7,000 people have already been displaced. but there is a danger that russian tanks could roll up onto the outskirts of kharkiv. that's ukraine's second largest city. it would send panic through the more than 1 million people who live there. they face bombardments. many of them would flee. blinken said some of the aid has been deployed on the battlefield. he says more will come. his basic message is america is back. i think there is a sense here the delay in aid has already given russia a major advantage. with u.s. elections around the corner long term u.s. support is far from guaranteed. robin? >> robin: james, thank you for your reporting. to washington now. president biden set to impose a new round of tariffs on chinese electric vehicles and other high-tech products. our senior white house correspondent selina wang has details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. in just a few hours, president biden will announce new tariffs on $18 billion worth of chinese imports.
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this also includes quadrupling tariffs on chinese electric cars from 25% to 100%. this also targets key sectors including batteries, medical equipment, aluminum, semiconductors. and solar cells. the white house says all of these moves will protect those industries from cheaper chinese goods they warn could wipe out the competition. with the election just six months away, both biden and trump are fighting to be tougher on china and reach out to key working class voter. but new polling shows trump is ahead of biden in several battleground states where manufacturing is a top issue. a new new york times poll shows that in michigan, president biden is down seven points against trump among registered voters. in pennsylvania, biden is behind three points. but in wisconsin biden leads by two points. robin? >> robin: how are trump and biden plans for tariffs different? >> reporter: yeah, robin. trump said if elected again, he would dramatically increase tariffs on china, while biden officials say their approach is more strategic and will not
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increase inflation. they are keeping in place tariffs from the trump administration on some $300 billion worth of chinese goods. robin, studies have shown that it's the u.s. consumers that largely bear the brunt of the tariffs. >> robin: thank you. michael? >> michael: now the deadly storms in the south. there were at least four reported tornados in three states yesterday. course, ginger is tracking it for us. ginger, this is 19 days in a row of twisters. >> ginger: yes. the atmosphere already trying to make it 20. we've got tornado warnings. brand new tornado watch in place until 1 p.m. for everybody highlighted in yellow. brunswick, georgia, crystal river in florida. jacksonville, gainesville. going to be a tough next couple of hours. it's been a tough night with 130 severe reports back to texas. >> are you kidding me? >> ginger: this morning new video as tornados and severe storms rip across the ozarks to
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the gulf coast leaving at least two dead in louisiana. debris flying in the streets of sulphur, louisiana, after winds of more than 70 miles an hour sliced through the area. a likely tornado spotted. its damage vivid. cars flipped. the roof of this gas station mangled. >> is there anybody up in these campers? >> ginger: in st. martin parish, homes and trailers toppled. surveyors surveying the devastation, pieces of their lives scattered everywhere. >> that's the craziest have ever seen. >> looks like it's getting bigger. >> ginger: the twister tearing across a golf course. so it's two lines peninsula of florida today and south georgia that we're watching. this area through the afternoon includes tampa for the severe storms. reminder, may is the most prolific when it comes to tornados. an average of 275. it's may 14th and we've already
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had more than 217 reported tornados this month. >> robin: wow. ginger, thank you for keeping track of all that. now the removal of the wreckage of the key bridge. a controlled explosion brought down the largest remaining part of the baltimore bridge. our senior national correspondent terry moran is on the scene there for us. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it's been seven week since that ship rammed the bridge and brought it down. seven weeks of around the clock dangerous operations. this may have been the most difficult challenge. using a cluster of dozens of precision munitions to cut through that 5,000 ton piece of steel and free the ship. this morning the port of baltimore now one step closer to fully reopening after a powerful controlled explosion brought down the largest remaining section of the key bridge. crews used small precision explosives to cut through the giant steel trusses safely, and efficiently, sending the massive structure
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tumbling off the cargo ship and into the water. >> we're now very close to fully clearing the channel. we're already getting large ships in and out of the port of baltimore. >> reporter: the dali has been stuck for seven weeks after crashing into the bridge and sending it thundering down. >> last reported at least several vehicles in the water with several people unaccounted for. >> reporter: -- killing six construction workers. on the surface and under water now, crews are assessing the area, hoping to move that ship back to port within 48 hours. >> it's an important milestone for us to float dali and take it out of the federal channel tpp. >> reporter: even then, the ship's crew will remain on board. they're critical to repair efforts as well as to multiple investigations. there's still more wreckage obstructing the port. crews are working around the clock to finish the job, aiming to fully clear the channel by the end of this month. there is a special sense of mission it seems everybody who is on this product. >> that's right. everyone is pulling together,
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everyone is rallying for this cause. >> reporter: one big question remains. what caused this disaster? the fbi, the ntsb, the coast guard all investigating. maryland senior senator says the ship's insurance companies will be made to foot the bill. a lot of litigation ahead. george? >> george: no question about that. terry, thanks. now major airlines suing the u.s. department of transportation to fight the hidden junk fees rule as the biden administration aims to make charges easier for passengers to see. transportation correspondent gio benitez has the latest on that. good morning. >> gio: yeah, we're talking about these baggage fees. dot is mandating that airlines disclose those at the time booking. now the airlines are suing. alaska, hawaiian, jet blue, aou united, all of them saying that travellers already know about the fees. airlines for america the lobbying group for the major u.s. airlines, saying this. airlines go to great lengths to
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make their customers knowledgeable about these fees. this will greatly confuse consumers who will be unnone dated with information. it will only serve to complicate the buying process. but the dot is already firing back in a statement to abc news saying, we will vigorously defend our role, protecting people from hidden junk fees and ensuring travellers can see the full price of a flight before they purchase a ticket. right now this is set to begin on july 1st unless this lawsuit changes things, robin. >> robin: all right, gio. now the tiny mighty baby girl. she defied the odds. janai norman has that story. good morning to you, janai. >> oh, good morning. you know as soon as they said baby, i said, oh, yes. this little baby, little nya. when she was born she weighed as much as a can of soup. she was just 22 weeks. her eyes still fused shut. her lungs weren't fully developed. her skin was still nearly translucent. wait until you see how she's doing now.
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this morning two parents near chicago waking up for the first time with their miracle baby at home. >> everyone's ready to sell bray this little one for sure. >> reporter: little nyla brook heywood was released from the hospital, where she was born nearly six months ago. she was delivered at just 22 weeks after her mother was diagnosed with preeclampsya. she is known as a micropreemie because she weighed just over one pound at birth. with only a 10% chance of survival, the odds were stacked against her. doctors went into the delivery room prepared for the worst. >> she cried at birth. little whimper, but it was a cry. she came out fighting right off the bat. >> reporter: nyla nation, as they're known, rallying around her. a team of almost 15 people was dedicated to nyla during those first minutes and days. >> her tiny lungs were underdeveloped and her skin was skin and translucent.
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>> reporter: look at her today. a healthy 10 pound baby girl with a very bright future. >> i just don't have words, in all honesty. just super grateful that she's here. she's healthy. she's doing amazing. >> when she departed the hospital with her parents they threw her a going away party. they wished her a life time of good health. thanks to our station wls in chicago for that story. nyla was the smallest baby ever born at that hospital. and she survived. >> robin: she's thriving. not just surviving. she's thriving. what a great story. >> george: coming up the new twist in the death of a south carolina pastor's wife. >> robin: also ahead, what parents need to know about fentanyl and talking to the teens about dangers of counterfeit pills. >> michael: mothers of miss usa and miss teen usa on why their daughters gave up their crowns. a first on gma this morning. right now back to ginger. >> ginger: south florida is prepping for heat advisories. maybe even extreme heat warnings
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already this year. we're seeing temperatures that will approach and break records wednesday through friday. miami looking steamy. look at this. that high pressure system settles down. it is not just miami with potential records that are circled but brownsville, texas, too, up to 97. local weather in 30 seconds.
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and clear lake this morning, we're already into the low 60s. so once we get that cloud cover breaking down, we will have a nice day on the way. a live look at san jose this morning with that cloud cover. so may gray right now. clouds clear for a mostly sunny afternoon. however, the coast remains cloudy and cool in the 50s and low 60s. the bay shoreline in the 70s, mid 80s, and our warmest spots inland. so today we'll go from clouds to sunshine. a pretty wide range of afternoon temperatures. reggie drew, thank you. >> another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find us on our news app and abc seven, and join us every weekday morning from 5 to 7 a.m. here's more gma. >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life, yes. >> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air freedom. call one 800. got junk. >> dear california dream about our next chapter. we're finally ready to downshift a bit. but
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>> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air, freedom. call one 800. got junk. >> the ups store is not just a shipping store. we're the shipping store. the leave the packing to us store. the. we understand this is more than a package store. we're the packet, ship it, guarantee it, store the peace of mind store. we're the right around the corner. go to we ship it all. store the ups store. be unstoppable. come in for a mailbox today and get secure. package acceptance. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with pozsega because they're places you'd like to be. >> pozega can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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a rare, life threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis. >> certain you can fix that. >> yeah. >> are you for imprint? certain certainty matters like for imprints promo product experts who work with you every step of the way. >> go to for imprint .com for imprint for certain. >> don't tell me it's impossible energy hcf triple zero three powerful ingredients in one dose powerful ingredients in one dose visibly improves at macy's, the beauty destination. >> the crowd is going crazy. >> the crowd is going crazy! way out ahead. got to get this. they do! >> robin: back here on gma. i'm not kidding, nimble. that's his name. he is concurring that agility course.
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we are keeping a sharp eye on the dogs competing in the westminster dog show. lara has more fun ahead. >> george: looking forward to that. following a lot of headlines right now. michael cohen set to take the stand for a second day of testimony in trump's criminal trial. day one he said trump directed him to make the hush payment to daniels. he is preparing for cross-examination. also right now, president biden set to impose a new round of tariffs on chinese electric vehicles. biden and trump are both threatening to be tougher on china. and to win over working class voters. >> michael: is this the luckiest fan in the ball park? watch the foul ball goes into the stands in seattle. a guy right there in the front row, in the out field, he makes the catch. great catch, young man. check this out. the very next pitch and the ball lands -- >> robin: no way. >> michael: in the same spot. yep. that fan, two foul balls. yep. [ laughter ] >> george: wonder if that's ever happened before. >> michael: i have never seen it before.
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to cap it off, mariners won. congratulations to him. >> george: now the investigation into the death of a wife of a south carolina pastor. federal authorities are assisting. eva pilgrim has the story. good morning, eva. >> mica miller's friends and families think there's something more to this story. they've been pushing for answers, begging for investigators to keep looking. this morning the investigation taking a turn. this morning an unexpected twist in the death of a south carolina pastor's wife. the sheriff announcing the fbi and u.s. attorney are helping in the mica miller investigation. the 30-year-old calling 911 moments before she was found dead at a state park in north carolina april 27th about an hour north of where she lived in myrtle beach. her death had been ruled a suicide. >> there's gotta be some accountability here. >> reporter: her death coming days after she told a police officer she was scared for her life, finding a gps tracker on her car and a razor blade in her tire.
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she and her husband john paul miller were in the process of separating. he was a pastor at a local church. he has since been released from his duties, but previously spoke at a memorial service about his wife. >> each time it still didn't hit me. i thought she was going to wake up. i tried to raise her from the dead. >> reporter: now new images released from authorities show mica the day of her death, leaving her house, buying a gun, stopping at a gas station near the park and then making that 911 call. >> are you able to trace the location of my phone? >> reporter: authorities releasing no other information about the investigation at this time. some friends and family left with questions, refusing to believe mica took her own life. >> we were talking about her coming to church sunday. just life stuff. just her moving forward. >> reporter: mica posting shortly before her death, share this with anyone struggling leaving a dangerous situation.
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>> god hates divorce because it hurts people. but does abuse hurt people? how do you think god feels about that? >> reporter: and this was her last facebook post. when terrible, terrible, terrible things happen to you, you know what i'm talk about, rpf, resting peace face. investigators actually requested assistance from the fbi and u.s. attorneys office early into this investigation based on the information gathered and for jurisdiction reasons, robin. >> robin: i know you're going to stay on this for us, eva. thank you. now the growing fentanyl crisis in america. the dea is calling it the deadliest drug threat the u.s. has ever faced. a new report finds a record number of illicit pills received last year. our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here with this. what can families across this country do about this? >> robin, this is a true public health crisis. the full report outlined here, it's over 50 pages, really
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focusing on the shift from plant based drugs to synthetic drugs that have absolutely deadly consequences. leading the pack is fentanyl. as you mentioned. statistics put out by the dea, 38,000 americans killed in the first half of 2023 alone. that is a staggering statistic. according to the nih, when you talk about fentanyl, 115.5 million pills seized last year alone. this is a massive issue. >> robin: it is affecting so many, so many families. what do we do? >> i think it starts with education and awareness. they are putting a broad net on how we have to address this issue. obviously, first of all, anyone who is prescribed an opioid class of painkilling medication, they should only use those pills if obtained from a licensed pharmacy because counterfeits are such a massive problem. conversations with teenagers, college age students is critical, from parents, from
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health care providers, about the dangers of these counterfeit pills. one pill can be deadly. there can be no sign or indication that it's counterfeit or laced. and for anyone struggling with substance abuse or dependence issues for this or any other class of medication. find the national help line show there very important. >> robin: there's no indication when they're counterfeit. >> that's right. that's why in some cities and states, including new york city, it's recommended that every person carry naloxone on their person in case they stumble upon someone unconscious or unresponsive. >> robin: my goodness. that's saying something right there. i know you'll have a lot more on gma3 later. >> you bet. >> robin: all right, jen, thank you. coming up the women who stepped away from a life long dream. now we hear from the mothers of miss usa and miss teen usa and their warning to future contestants. contestants.
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seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪ >> michael: back now with the mothers of the miss usa and miss teen usa pageant winners who suddenly resigned. erielle reshef sat down with them. erielle the moms said they're speaking out because their daughters can't. >> yes. they're saying this is a pretty stark message they want to send. both moms say their daughters never struggled with mental health until they won their titles, but have been silenced by confidentiality clauses in their contract. the moms say behind the glamour and glitz was a hidden and dark reality of
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emotional abuse so severe their daughters stepped away from what they thought was a lifelong dream. >> job of their dreams turned out to be a nightmare. >> new jersey! >> utah! [ cheers ] >> reporter: this morning the moms of former miss usa and miss teen usa speaking out days after their daughters both suddenly resigned, rocking the pageant world. >> we could not continue this charade. the girls decided to step down from their dream of a life time, a crown, a national title. why would two girls decide to leave? >> reporter: the beauty queens alleging a very ugly work environment that turned toxic, but they are bound by contract, which include confidentiality clauses. fans online noticed immediately when she posted her resignation online that the sentences seemed to start with letters that spelled out i am silenced. >> correct. >> reporter: was that intentional? >> i don't feel comfortable
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answering that question. >> reporter: do you feel she was silenced? >> she is and she will be the rest of her life if this nda is not lifted. the girls need to speak. >> reporter: noelia blasting miss usa and its president writing in part there is a toxic work environment within the miss usa organization that at best is poor management, at worst bullying and harassment adding, i was made to feel unsafe without an effective handler. this culminated in being sexually harassed. voight said noelia received unwanted advances at a christmas parade. >> she said get in the car. i said what happened? i said what happened? i know he said something but i couldn't get it. he told her, are you into old men with money? made her very very uncomfortable. >> reporter: she says in her letter, her response is we cannot prevent people from
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saying things to you. essentially just comes with the territory. >> not even, i'm sorry that you went through that. after she resigned, she came back home. it was beautiful to see her running in my living room with the dogs. i have her back. she was so upset. this is not what she worked so hard for. miss universe organization need to come out and speak to us or apologize or claim this mess. >> reporter: she alleges her teenage daughter was also bullied by management causing her to miss out on opportunities, all while having her personal social media controlled. >> i want to make clear it's not about the gifts, about the prizes. it's about how they were treated, abused, bullied and cornered. >> reporter: she said once noelia resigned, uma sophia knew she had to do the same.
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>> my personal values no longer aligned with the organization. >> when she saw they were talking about noelia's mental health, she said, i need to stand with her. >> reporter: the miss america organization telling abc news we are committed to fostering a healthy environment for all contestant, state title holders, national title holders and staff. we reached out to layla rose but have not heard back. both moms want rose to step down, but until then they have a warning for future contestants. >> look what happened to noelia and uma sophia. really pay attention. we don't want them to go through this right now. it's not the right time to participate. >> reporter: you think young women should essentially stop participating in these pageants? >> absolutely. we just don't want these girls to go through what we're going through. >> reporter: now the cw, which airs the miss usa and miss teen
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usa competitions, says that it's evaluating the relationship with the pageant in light of these resignations and allegations. both of their moms say the message in all of this is far beyond the pageant world. they hope their daughters are an example of using your voice and standing in your own power when you know something isn't right. >> robin: those moms have each other. you could see them holding hands. >> they have an unbelievable bond. they were holding hands the whole interview. mama bear instincts kicked in. >> robin: that's great interview, erielle. >> thank you very much. >> robin: thank you. next lara has our play of the day. form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum.
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>> robin: we are back now with our play of the day the westminster dog show is under way. lara, tell us more. good morning. >> lara: good morning, robin. the producers at gma were barking up the right tree when they gave me this assignment to do a deep dive on the dogs who will compete. what i found is there are really two competitions happening. the one for best in show and the one for people's hearts. this morning these pups busy primping and prepping for their moment in the spotlight, hoping to kiss the competition good-bye. >> the crowd is going crazy! >> lara: already stealing hearts, nimble, lived up to his name, conquering the course in under 30 seconds. >> look at this! >> oh my! >> lara: becoming the first mixed breed ever to take home the trophy. tonight all eyes turning to that
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coveted title. who will win best in show? in the running, comet getting a lot of attention but louis the afghan hound is on his tale. don't count out mercedes, the german shepherd dazzling the judges thus far. don't say toodle to this miniature poodle. sage also returning to the stage hours from now. let the competition begin. three more groups compete tonight, the sporting, the working and terrier groups. then that wraps up and we find out who wins best in show. that dog will join us right here on gma tomorrow. guys? >> robin: we had our eye on a rescue. got knocked out in the finals but won so many hearts. >> lara: that was miles. >> robin: yeah. >> lara: what a dog. okay. check out this video of miles. he was adopted from a shelter in pennsylvania. he took to agility training. his mom trains horses. he started doing the training course with her. she was like, okay. i'm on to something here.
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they said he is an underdog but anyone who has spent time with miles, they know there is nothing unusual about him. >> robin: get your rescue on. >> lara: yep. indeed. >> robin: adorable. >> lara: we will have the winner tomorrow. >> robin: right here. thank you, lara. coming up our bucket list on a budget is live in quebec. ike is there for us. hey there, ike. >> reporter: hey, good morning. listen, i got a big jump coming up in just a little bit. plus some tips and tricks from quebec city and montreal. >> ginger: coming up on tour on gma is sponsored by live nation. live nation presents concert week, $25 tickets to over 5,000 shows.
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>> ginger: coming up george exclusive with a former situation room officer on duty on january 6th. plus, espn's joe buck is exclusively revealing the first "monday night football" game of the season. rob mcelhenney has an announcement you don't want to miss. and be amazed by astonishing acrobatic feats playing at santa clara county fairgrounds, kooza thanks its
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official partner, air canada. buy tickets at cirque du >> at sutter, 224 hospitals and care centers never 57,000 people never stop caring for 3.4 miion californians getting better never stops jumped. >> it's what happened. >> am i gonna find your dna on him? >> i'll watch my back with him. the two part season finale begins. >> i need you to take over the investigation. i know what, not what. who? the rookie. >> all new tonight on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. amanda is looking at your traffic. >> yeah. good morning reggie. let's get straight back to that two car crash in the city that was causing some trouble earlier this morning. i guess we don't have that for you, but good news
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here is it's since cleared. let's get straight to drew for a check of our weather. >> hey there. amanda, let's go outside. we will show you our exploratorium camera this morning where it is quite cloudy. let's break it down. region by region, along the coast. we'll have a lot of cloud cover today. we'll keep those temperatures. you can see in the mid 50s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline. we're still quite cloudy right now. sunshine will break out for the back half of our day. we'll get you into the upper 60s to lower 70s with that marine layer rolling on back later on this evening. but inland we have sunshine from the get go and temperatures are going to warm pretty nicely today. by noon we're already into the 70s. by 5:00 pm we'll have those temperatures well into the low and mid 80s for daytime highs. so we go from clouds to sun. today we'll hit about 61 in the city, 64 in oakland, 79 in san jose. >> drew thank you. it looks like summer's coming and your electricity bill will be out of control. >> rays are already at all time highs with more increases on the way. there is a solution. it's
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talking about the new season of welcome to wrexham and making a big announcement. >> george: we're chasing waterfalls. >> this is amazing! take a look at there. >> george: ike is in two amazing cities with a whole lot of food. >> got to try this. it is unbelievable. >> george: ike is saying -- >> good morning america!
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ah! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. i don't know about that, ike. [ laughter ] that is ike on the longest urban zip line in canada. coming up, he's gonna soar over the city, but not before he helps you save big on a dream vacation. >> robin: looking forward to that. plus joe buck will be here with a "monday night football" announcement you'll hear first on gma. >> george: right now we start with the top stories breaking at 8. we start with donald trump's criminal trial. trump's former fixer michael cohen is taking the stand for a second day. on day one he told the jury trump directed him to make the hush money payment to daniels that's at the center of this case. let's go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. michael cohen told the jury donald trump ordered him to pay off stormy daniels and approved
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a reimbursement schedule to him. this morning he is completing that narrative and tying trump to the allegedly falsified business records. cohen showed the statements. was this invoice a false record, prosecutors asked cohen? he answered, yes, ma'am. then the jury saw the checks with trump's signature. were those checks issued in response to the false invoice? cohen answered, yes. check after check cohen identified donald trump's signature in that unmistakable black sharpie pen. cohen is also testifying about his criminal convictions, laying some of the ground work that will preempt what will undoubtedly be a heated cross-examination when the defense will try to destroy cohen's credibility. george? >> george: no question about that. prosecuors have suggested they could rest their case this week. do we know of any other witnesses they expect to call?
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>> reporter: prosecutors said they may have one more witness. it's not certain. it is expected to be a minor witness, if anyone. it is possible they'll rest on cohen. >> george: aaron, thanks. michael? >> michael: now the deadly storms in the south. 19 days in a row of twisters in the u.s. ginger, of course, is tracking it all for us. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: good morning, michael. trying to go to 20 days today and i don't think it's farfetched. we have a brand new tornado watch. i'll show you in just a moment. first images, this one from branson, missouri. thankfully, nobody hurt. that was out in the open over a golf course. unfortunately, not the same case in louisiana. a line of really nasty storms moved through last night about dinnertime. sulphur to around baton rouge we learned of two people that were killed in tornados slash damaging winds. we'll learn more about those today. we don't have a ton of time to breathe. the next couple hours will be active, from brunswick, georgia, to ocala, florida, jacksonville, all the way down to crystal river. kind of two rounds that come through. this morning and then that watch goes until 1 p.m.
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you could see some trailing damaging winds. we do see more storms when it comes to next week, or late week, but we have maybe 24 hours to take a breath tomorrow. >> robin: we'll take it. all right, ginge. thanks so much. we're going to turn to university of iowa coach lisa bluder, retiring after 40 seasons coaching, including 24 years with the hawkeyes. team 34-5 this past season behind star guard caitlin clark. appeared in their second consecutive national championship game. bluder is the winningest women's basketball coach in big ten history. she retires with 528 wins, five big ten tournament titles. caitlin tweeted, simply no one better at building a team. thank you for believing in me more than anyone. enjoy retirement, coach. very much deserved. here here. very much deserved. >> george: what a career. >> robin: great. >> george: coming up in our gma morning menu, inside the situation room with the officer on duty january
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6. >> robin: plus joe buck is here with an nfl preview and a "monday night football" announcement you will -- see you there, joe. okay. first on gma. >> michael: our bucket list on a budget is in quebec. ike ejochi shows us how to go on a high flying adventure without breaking the bank. lara's with a special guest. >> lara: michael, rob mcelhenney is here. we want to welcome you to times square, as we hear about welcome to wrexham, your show with ryan reynolds. we want to hear about the team, all of it, coming up. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> lara: let's do it. good morning america coming up right here. it's never a good time for migraine, especially when i'm on camera. that's why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it's the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using.
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>> robin: back with more of our abc news exclusive inside the white house situation room. you sat down with the gentleman who was on duty january 6th. >> george: right. mike sigler is an amazing man. he's a true patriot. quiet man, committed, super confident. he always wanted to work in the situation room, but never imagined he would be there helping hold the government together on january 6th. for mike siegler, working in the white house situation room was a bucket list dream come true. the duty officer, he served from 2019 to 2021 under trump and biden administrations. what exactly is that work on any given day? >> sifting through different intelligence, providing updates to the president, vice president, all their staff. >> george: you light up when you talk about the situation room. what stands out from your time in the white house? >> the biggest thing that stands out to me is my colleagues. >> george: at the core of this,
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apolitical. >> apolitical. >> george: what does that mean to you? >> i am there to execute my responsibilities without question and without allowing outside influence to come in. you are to execute, regardless of your own opinion and the opinion of others. >> george: how do you balance serving the president and serving the presidency? >> i knew that going into this, right? i had talked to friends who had served in previous administrations before i took the assignment. they said, look, it will be a little different this time around because there's going to be more pressure to act for the president and not the presidency. but if you go in with the mindset that i'm there to serve the presidency, i'm there to serve the executive branch regardless of what goes on, it puts you in a better mind set. >> george: i want to talk about january 6th. you were the duty officer that day. on the morning of january 6, 2021, he headed to
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the white house to start his usual 5 a.m. shift. later that day the riot erupted at that time capitol. at what point did you know that the capitol had been breached? >> soon as it was called on the radio. we thought they breached the gate. or somebody breached a barrier. when they called out the capitol was breached, at first we didn't know what that meant. at the time the vice president was there. once of the responsibilities of the situation room is to always maintain communication with the president, vice president. so those were the initial conversations of, okay, where is he? how can we locate him? how can we maintain that communication link? >> george: you told me people didn't understand how close we came to losing the vice president? what's going through your mind when you are hearing that the vice president's life is in danger? >> we start having the conversation, okay, vp is down, what's next? what do we got to do? how do we keep moving? where's the second in line? >> george: kind of remarkable what you're describing there is that you started to implement
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and go through the check list. >> the situation room did. correct. >> george: what is called continuity of government procedures. describe what those are. >> those are originally instituted for if there's an attack on the u.s. government, how does the government, especially the executive branch, keep going? so that means line of succession. that means how do we move to different locations? how do we keep the government going? >> george: during a riot of our own people. inspired by the man sitting upstairs. >> correct. but at the time that's not even in the forefront of our minds. it doesn't matter how we got here. we're here. how do we execute? how do we move forward? >> george: did the president ever call down to the situation room that day? >> not to my knowledge. >> george: not once? >> no, sir. >> george: didn't ask what was going on? >> not to my knowledge. >> george: didn't ask how the vice president's doing? >> not to my knowledge. >> george: some people even questioned elected officials whether the vice president was
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really in danger. you see a lot of revisionist history going on about january 6th. as someone who was inside the room that day, what's your reaction? >> it's important to me that we don't forget that it did come that close. and that we did have discussions, if we lose the vp, if the 25th is invoked. we start running through all of these game plans because it was getting close. >> george: 25th amendment. >> correct. >> george: how did you all talk about it after wards? >> there's some of us that won't talk about it. there's a handful of us that, we still talk. every january 6th we get together and we have a toast. we go to the lincoln memorial. we have that toast. we don't really say anything. >> george: what is it a toast to? surviving? getting through it? >> the day after, january 7th, i was back at it. back at 5 a.m. frequent visitor to the
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situation room under the trump administration was lieutenant general keith kellogg, vice president's national security adviser. he would come by and we'd get a feel of how the day was starting. at the end i turn to him and go, sir, how are you doing today? he takes a deep breath and he taps the table twice and looked at me and goes, the republic still stands. i think that's what it's a toast to. the republic still stands. >> george: incredible man. such an impressive man. it was not easy to convince him to speak about that day. it's still so painful to him. it was very gratifying. i heard from him early this morning. he said since his story started to come out, he's heard from many other colleagues who say now they feel free to absorb the experience and talk about it. it was so traumatic for so many of them working inside there. >> lara: and for us watching. it was shocking. >> robin: why did you want to write the book? what do you hope the reader
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takes away? >> george: i hope every reader gets to meet people like mike sigel. the situation room has been populated by people from all across the government who are out there to serve their country on the front lines every day. they're all impressive. >> robin: it was impressive the book party we had in this very spot 12 hours ago. >> lara: yep. >> george: thank you all for coming. >> lara: congratulations. terrific read. >> robin: george, i hope you felt the love for you. >> george: i did. >> robin: ginger? >> ginger: thank you. dallas, texas, waking up dry, but that has not been the case. they're more than half foot above average precipitation wise. lot of rainfall lately. another storm coming in thursday. the highest flood risk is southeast of y'all in dallas. eastern, or southeastern texas and western louisiana are included. right now the last 30 days, 400% of normal. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> michael: now to our bucket list on a budget series. when you plan a vacation, first question for me is, what's it gonna cost? yep, sure is. we teamed up with experts from the points guy to save you money. this morning ike ejochi is live from quebec, canada. good morning again, ike. >> reporter: good morning again. listen, we are in montreal in the longest urban zip line in canada. listen, we know european seasons like paris are a hot destination for the summer, but what if i told you you could get all of that charm plus a lesson in french for a fraction of the price? this is our bucket list on a budget.
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we are north of the border. soon, yeah, i'm going down there. get your passports ready. two historic cities, one epic vacation. say bon jour to quebec city and montreal. when it comes to cash one u.s. dollar is worth $1.37 in canada. now that's a great deal. let's talk flights for this multicity trip. we're starting from philadelphia. found air canada to quebec city for as low as $123 one way. then home from montreal for around $200. we're kicking it off in quebec city. but where to stay? how about a hotel deal with a bonus, like the hilton, which offers free public transportation when you stay at least two nights. after unlimited three day pass for all the explorations, it's time to see the sights, soaking in the air with local guide samuel dubois. >> i share this with people from all across the world. if they like it, they can give me whatever they want.
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>> amazing city, really beautiful. >> reporter: and seek out the local cheap eats. when in quebec you got to try poutine. it's their favorite comfort food. here it's only 8 bucks. let's go eat. >> poutine is everything. it's the go-to food. >> reporter: made of potatoes, gravy and cheese kurds. you got to try this. it's unbelievable. just outside the city, enjoy this natural wonder. free for those 17 and under. this is amazing. 272 feet tall. that's 98 feet taller than niagara falls. take a look at this beauty. amazing. it is. it is. >> it's awesome. >> breathtaking. >> reporter: then it's road trip time. we're driving about 165 miles to montreal. when renting a car, look for deals on air fare partner sites. could save you a bunch of money. >> if you sign up for united free loyalty program and search
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for car rentals through their website, you can save up to 35% on some car rentals. >> reporter: our first stop a sugar shack, where we enjoyed some. $10 for adults and $5 for kids. the flavor of the maple is so pronounced. it's strong. delicious. after a three-hour drive, we are in montreal. i got the city pass, called passport montreal. pay about $35. you get tickets to participating attractions. i'm using the passport for the montreal botanical gardens. 185 acre of natural beauty. then it's time to use the passport for a cooking class. when you get hungry, go to the mile end neighborhood. first gnocci. around 4 bucks. look at that. then it's back in time. i have to try the famous wolensky special with cheddar cheese.
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perfectly seasoned with the cheese, melted. wash it down with their own cola. >> it's been here since 1932. they're doing something right. >> reporter: with a full belly and lots of money saved it's au revoir until next time, canada. guys, this zip line is my last event for the passport which means it's included in that $35 price tag. now if you want to go, if it starts to rain, if you wear your bathing suit you get an extra 10% off. i'm about to have a bunch of fun. i got you some maple treats to enjoy straight from quebec. right now i got some business to do. ready? three, two, one! let's go! >> michael: braver man than me. >> robin: i think he's saying something. we can't -- i think he's saying, help! [ laughter ] >> michael: we appreciate ike
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taking one for the team. >> robin: way to go, ike! [ laughter ] way to go, ike! >> lara: that makes you do it, doesn't it? >> michael: he's still zipping. he'll probably be zipping until the show is over. way to go, ike. great job there. you at home, if you want to shop a list of travel gear curated by the team by the points guy for ike's quebec road trip, just head to our website. lara? >> lara: thank you very much. now the nfl, set to release its 2024 schedule tomorrow. ahead of that we have an exclusive announcement about the opener of "monday night football." joining us right now with that matchup is the man who will be calling the game. there you are. espn's joe buck. hi, joe. >> hey, lara, how are ya? somebody check on ike, please. [ laughter ] >> lara: he's still cruising somewhere in canada. we'll check in in a moment. first we want you to tell us which two teams will be kicking off "monday night football" and how do you feel about the matchup? >> yeah, well, this was a prop.
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i have committed it to memory. evidently, shefter is letting somebody else break some news. here it is. defending nfc champion san francisco 49ers hosting the new york jets on "monday night football" opener, which is a great game. we had aaron rodgers last year with his debut with the jets. he carried out the american flag and then 14 seconds later, that. he was done for the year, tore his achilles. bigger and better in 2024. he goes back home. he's from chico, california. he's taking on the 49ers, the team he grew up around and wanted to be drafted by. the 49ers, they just came so close to winning the whole thing against kansas city. it's a great matchup for us. heck of a way to start. >> lara: i'm looking forward to that one. i want to know more about the full schedule. we don't get it until tomorrow, but what can we expect to see on monday night football this season? what are you most looking forward to?
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>> i think the good thing is we start that way and we know we also have the cowboys twice. we've got the chiefs twice. we've got the bills twice. we've got another date with the 49ers. it's exciting. i can't wait. we all can't wait for the entire schedule to come out tomorrow, as you said. but it's shaping up to be another great year on "monday night football" for sure. >> lara: there's always story lines, right? i would love to hear from you which story lines you think we should be following? which ones are you most interested in? >> i think it's make or break for this version of the dallas cowboys and dak prescott. he was hoping to get a deal done. you could say you guys win and you'll get paid. you don't win and there are going to be major changes in dallas. uh, i think chicago, you know, coming off this draft where they hope they got their quarterback and caleb williams, who looks like a stud
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. uh, the texans proved last year that you can win and get to the playoffs with a rookie quarterback. they did that with c.j. stroud, who was unreal. yeah. uh, and the league is better when the chicago bears are a relevant good team. and then kansas city again. i mean, until somebody knocks them off, uh, they're going for their third straight, and they're just so talented. and when you've got those three, you've got mahomes. you've got kelce and you've got andy reid. until somebody can knock them off and tell me and show us all that they're better than the chiefs. they go into the season again as the team to beat. yeah i'm just not so sure that that's possible to happen. >> they're just that good. and it's going to be so fun to watch. and joe you always make it fun. you and troy. um, so thank you for that. really looking forward to the big new york jets. uh, sorry, michael. i grew up, but, uh, that's probably why i didn't get to talk to joe. >> but, joe, i love you. good to see you, joe. my guy. >> yes. i missed you, mike. >> miss you too.
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>> uh, so, joe, thank you very much. and everybody, please be sure to tune in to espn. we'll have the full nfl season schedule that's revealed tomorrow, wednesday night on espn and 2:08 p.m. and then elhenney here. welcome tob wrexham. we'll talk about it. >> all systems go the jeopardy masters quarterfinals continue. only the top four will advance. absolutely insane. who will master the competition? i can't wait to see how this turns out. >> jeopardy! >> masters prime time event continues tomorrow on abc always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic. good morning stephanie. yeah, it is slow moving in san mateo because of a crash. the good news is, though, that crash has cleared. the residual delays, though, are going to be an
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issue. this is because of an accident on northbound 101 before 92. you can see speeds are down to 42mph. we'll keep our eye on it. and stephanie. thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma hasour accuweather forecast right after this break . >> here's a driver put in tires to the desk and deserves a prize. and that's always best from ben. big o's ben lowest tire price guaranteed. he's the man that you go to see. it's ben right now. it's by three. drive one three by three. select in-stock tires with installation and get the fourth tire free. plus zero interest. it paid in full within 12 or 6 months. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! to an $800 prepaid car, call today when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. >> i called the barns farm. it was the best call i could have made. call the barns firm now and find out what your case could be worth. >> 8 million. >> getting ready 45 minutes. >> no no no no no don't don't. >> doing this. no. 30s flat when life plays dirty water wipes. no water wipes. pure clean, healthy skin. hey bay area, live with kelly marcus. >> coming up. we'll chat with chelsea handler. >> plus sarah sherman from saturday night live is here. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you guys in just about 30 minutes to the exploratorium camera. as you see
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the boats going across the calm bay waters, they're doing so under cloudy conditions. so right now, underneath the clouds, 40 and low 50s. but what we have some sunshine. we're in the upper 50s to the mid 60s right now. so highs today we will get into the 80s in our warmest spots. it's a wide range of temperatures. there very similar to yesterday. the coast remains pretty cool in the 50s two days. so looking at the next three days get used to this pattern. we'll start out with clouds each morning, giving way to sunshine in the afternoons. stephanie. thanks, drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in just about 30 minutes and always on our news app andt 30 minutes and always on our news app and on abc seven gma >> announcer: welcome back to gma, live from times square. >> robin: we are back with gma's tipoff takeover. 28th wnba season gets under way tonight, tonight, tonight. with so many new players joining our favorite all-stars on the court, it really feels like
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we're ushering in a new era of women's sports, along with the new wnba season. there are 12 teams right now. i said right now. this morning the wnba family is growing. here with us is the newest wnba team president. please welcome jeff smith. [ applause ] thank you, jeff. all right. are y'all ready? 'cause we have a special announcement. we're going to reveal the name of the new team. come on. are you ready, people? [ applause ] all right! release that banner. let's see it! >> yeah! [ applause ] >> robin: golden state! valkyres. i like that name. >> it's strong, right. makes you want to get to work. >> robin: i love you're all color coordinated. >> i was a little on brand today. >> robin: very much on brand. rightfully, so.
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this is a big deal. >> big deal. >> robin: this is the 13th team. the first to join since 2008. >> yeah. >> robin: just talk about this moment. >> this moment is so much bigger than golden state. it's so much bigger than the valkyries, right? what we are seeing happening in women's sports is just the beginning. the sustainability and incredible growth around the game. to have expansion in the bay area, it's special. when you think of the bay area and you think of the woman that leads the world in being innovative and progressive at the same time. we think about what's happening in women's sports and to marry those together, it will be really powerful. this ownership group likes to win. that's something they do. but with intention. you know? that's how we'll build this brand. >> robin: what does this mean to you personally? you've been in this industry for sometime. you're witnessing it all like all of us. what does it mean to you? >> it's such a complex question. it means everything. i have been in this industry for close to 20 years, working in men's sports, then having the
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opportunity to build women's soccer. now the opportunity to lead here at the valkyries. just a mom, citizen, human. what we are able to do is incredible. we know things like women in leadership, 90% have had access to sports. right? sport is a reflection of our society in any given moment. the power that we are seeing and the investment we're seeing and the consumers taking hold of what they are now driving forward by watching, attending, listening. it's unbelievable. >> robin: that's what's different. that's what's making it different this time? >> it is. there's something that happened to all of us during covid, candidly. right? we now know where we spend our time, our money. we know the power we have individually and collectively. so you're seeing fans show up and buy those tickets. you are seeing them push the ratings to brand new levels, to really push the broadcasters, right? put us in the primetime spot. look what's happening, right? you are seeing this incredible star power be noticed. you are seeing shoulder
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programming. you are seeing social media and these athletes have this incredible followship. but most importantly to me, you are seeing multidimensional women and what that means to our society. you're seeing the idolization of all genders through sports. >> robin: what are you most excited about this season? >> i mean, we get to be everybody's hype person this season for the one and only time. >> robin: right. >> before we ruin everybody, right? not that way. more so like once we steal some folks during the expansion draft and get our free agency going. but this year is for us, celebrating the incredible history of the wnba and the premiere seasons that we have an ability to watch and take in. >> robin: you can't wait, can you? >> the fact that i get to do this for work every day doesn't feel possible, to be honest. >> robin: wonderful. madam president, thank you. thank you very much for revealing it here. >> of course. >> robin: do you have anything? we like swag. michael and i, we like swag.
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>> we have a few pieces of merchandise that we would love to give you. >> robin: oh. okay. all right. >> there might be a little something over here. >> robin: all right. oh, oh. i didn't know it would be personalized. thank you. >> oh! >> robin: nicely done. >> and a ball here, too. listen, we're here. we're here in a big way. we want to be your team. >> robin: thank you. >> we would like you to be about us. >> robin: i was there in 1997 when it launched. i posted a picture when i was there with the original team. >> unbelievable photo. the hair game was very real. [ laughter ] >> robin: i liked you until that point. keeping it real. con tkpwratd layingses. >> michael: that says robin roberts. i can't even borrow it. [ laughter ] >> robin: you couldn't fit in this, my man. [ laughter ] so incredibly happy and proud. >> thank you. thank you. >> robin: thank you so much for being here. we want to let everybody know all of the wnba action kick off tonight. fever take on the sun at 7:30.
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las vegas aces face off against the phoenix mercury at 7 on espn2 and disney + and on the espn app. the new york liberty take on the washington mystics followed by the minnesota lynx versus the seattle storm at 10 p.m. coming up, oh my gosh. we have a lot of action here on the espn network so you want to stay tuned. thank you, everybody, for embracing women's sports and the wnba. let's not make this a moment, let's make this a movement. coming up, rob mcelhenney is here live! coming up, rob mcelhenney is here live.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave.
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that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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>> michael: we are back with the star and creator of "it's always sunny in philadelphia." that guy right there, rob mcelhenney. he does so much more than that. in 2020 he and ryan reynolds bought a soccer team. that's become a big hit on and off the field. the hit series welcome to wrexham is in its third season. rob, thank you for being here. welcome back to gma, my friend. give it up for rob, everybody. [ applause ] thanks in part to this series, wrexham, massive hit. did you ever think it would be so recognized globally? >> no. honestly, we just wanted to tell the story of the town of wrexham.
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we thought and we hoped it would resonate with people all over the world. it is a show about working class people. it's not really a show about football. by the way, by the end of the segment, i'm going to force you to call it football. [ laughter ] that will go viral. >> there's american football and global football. we just call it football now. have to call it football. >> michael: they've converted you and now you're trying to convert me. we'll see how it goes. [ laughter ] >> we thought if we could tell the story of a working class town it would resonate with people all over the globe. that transcends culture. >> lara: right. it does. the team's doing really well. you've moved up. can you explain what happened to the team in terms of the big dream? >> so when we originally started, we were in the national league which is out of the english football system. but the english football system is about 15, 16 leagues. we were in league five. we got promoted up to league four. then third. >> lara: you're looking good. >> things are looking good. >> lara: is there a plan to get taylor swift afoot at a game?
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>> i think there's always a plan to get taylor swift involved in something. [ laughter ] both jason and travis have assured me they will be attending a game. we're going to try to get taylor there. now, we've had the king come, king of england come. we've had the prince come. the security, of course, in the town of wrexham when the king comes is pretty tight. i think we'll have to double that. >> george: let's give everyone a preview of season 3. >> as you can see, even with some of the construction that's happening, there are already stores that are popping up. there was no signage on these when we first started the process. next week there's a town hall where i will interact with, you know, the town folk, local businesses, get their feed back. >> you're the face of the operation? >> i'll dress up. you know? >> george: you say it's more than football. everyone loves a comeback story.
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>> yeah. that actually is what we're trying to do with the town. it's not just about football. it's about revitalizing the town. first just through emotion and hope. now because of the success of the club, tourism has boomed and a lot of the businesses are doing so well that new business is coming into town. that was always a huge part of the dream. >> lara: i know there's a women's team as well. >> there is. >> lara: with that, you have an announcement to make? >> we do. we have an announcement to make. last year we were able to bring the men's team over for an american tour, which we're doing again. this year, for first time in history, we're going to bring over the wrexham women's team. >> lara: that's awesome. >> a tour of the west coast. we're going to play in los angeles against the all star team of players at uscl and usc. we're going to play in portland and los angeles. >> lara: isn't it amazing how women's sports has just exploded? >> it's exploding, exploding. so we wanted to be part of that
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and at the forefront of that. they've earned it. they also got promoted last year. they went from amateur team into semiprofessional team. now because of the success of the documentary, people in the united states want to see them play. so we thought, what a great opportunity to bring them to the united states. you can get your tickets at wrex coast they're available now. >> michael: people want to see them play. i want to see you play. come over here. [ laughter ] we're going to test your goalie skills. >> i want to see you kick. >> michael: you don't want to see me kick. i don't want to pull a ham string. but there is a twist. you got to stop the goal. when you do, you got to answer the question on the soccer ball. >> okay. i'm a keeper? >> michael: you're the goal keeper. i'm not kicking it. we got some guys. >> i got to warm up. it's early. but all right. can i use my hands or my feet? >> michael: whatever you need. all right.
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come on. >> what's one thing about ryan that would surprise us? i'll tell you. he's a monster. [ laughter ] he is a true monster. i'm sure, i know he's been on this show. he seems like such a nice guy. everybody around town and everybody in the industry and everybody in the world who has met him thinks he's a nice guy. but i know him. he's a monster. >> michael: oh boy. can't wait for his come back. stop it. you got it. >> that was easy. what sports movie can you watch on repeat? >> michael: good question. >> okay. field of dreams. in fact, every man just had the same reaction. when we went to make the documentary, i wanted to make "field of dreams" every episode. truly the goal of the show is to not make something about -- just like "field of dreams" is not about baseball. it is about a father/son relationship. welcome to wrexham is about a community. i wanted to make grown men cry. >> michael: you're doing a good job of that.
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>> all right. come on. give me heat. who's better on the pitch, you or ryan? okay, well, i am much better on the pitch. everywhere else ryan is better. [ laughter ] i'll take the pitch. he'll take everything else. >> michael: rob, thank you for coming to talk about football with us. >> thank you. >> michael: i called it football. i did it. you broke me, man. all right. welcome to wrexham airs thursdays at 10 p.m. eastern and streams the next day on hulu. make sure you check it out if you haven't already. now over to ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: michael, i wanted to see you kick, too. we'll have to wait for that. it's a great morning for any sport in new york city. we're going to have to look at showers moving in. we have been so wet. we're going to see showers bring temperatures down. it will be cool. going through wednesday, we'll not budge out of the 60s. rain showers from the mid-atlantic up to boston so washington, d.c. also. boston peaks at 70. we will stay showery as we go into the weekend.
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let's >> lara: coming up, the fun continues. train and reo speedwagon to perform here live on gma.
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>> lara: we are back with encore on gma. we have not one but two great bands. train is here, reo speedwagon is here. can you tell we are excited? between these two bands they've sold 50 million albums worldwide. you know the songs. you love the guys. this year they are headlines summer road trip 2024 tour together. you can scan the qr code right there to get information on how to score $25 tickets. are you kidding me?
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scan away. i am so excited. that's through concert week. we have some super fans here. hi, super fans. i should be over there. i'm with you. i'm losing it. very excited to talk to these guys. we're going to let them ask you a question. i want to start with you. this tour is a match made in rock 'n' roll heaven as far as i'm concerned. it was actually, you were brought together by a friend that we may know and love. >> mutual friend sammy hagar. he had a great concert that benefits a hospital in san francisco. kevin and i met. we were like, we need to work together. >> lara: that's awesome. kevin, here you are working with train. what can we expect on the tour? will we hear the classics? will we hear you perform mixups of songs together? tell us. >> we both have songs that, if we don't play them in the concert, there will definitely be an angry mob waiting outside the tour bus. [ laughter ] >> lara: that's true. >> there are those songs. there's always the audibles that we can just throw in.
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the truth is that i think patrick and train kind of asked us to tour with them because they needed to bring in some younger people. [ laughter ] >> lara: yes. you understand, right? >> i understand. >> lara: seems right. >> makes sense. >> lara: we do have the super fans. we're going to let you ask some questions. we're going to start with michelle, please, take it away. >> hi, hi, pat. i heard you're going on a 45-city tour. i will be at six of them. what is your favorite city to go to and why? >> my favorite city is the six that you're going to be at michelle. >> lara: well done, pat. >> love those cities. >> lara: unfortunately, we are out of time. we want to hear them sing. i can't have you ask the last question. sending love. let's do this. are you ready? >> yep. >> all right. >> lara: so let me just remind everybody. the summer road trips tour kicks off july 8th. right now we'll get to hear them perform songs that we love. here's train/reo speedwagon
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singing drops of jupiter and keep on loving you! [ applause ] ♪ she's back in the atmosphere drops of jupiter in her hair ♪ she acts like summer and walks like rain, reminds me that there's time to change yeah ♪ ♪ since her return from her stay on the moon she listens like spring and talks like june hey hey ♪ ♪ but tell me did you sail across the sun did you make it to the milky way to see the lights all faded and that heaven is overrated ♪
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♪ tell me did you fall for a shooting star one without a permanent scar and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there ♪ ♪ should have seen by the look in my eyes baby there was something missing ♪ ♪ should have known by the tone of my voice maybe but you didn't listen ♪ ♪ and i meant every word i said when i said that i love you i love you forever ♪ ♪ and i'm gonna keep on you 'cause it's the only thing i wanna do ♪
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♪ i don't want to sleep i just want to keep on loving you ♪ ♪ na na na na na did you finally get a chance to dance along the light of day ♪ ♪ keep on loving you and did you fall for a shooting star fall for a shooting star ♪ ♪ keep on loving you ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you, guys! [ cheers ] >> ginger: on tour on gma is
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sponsored by live nation. live nation presents concert week. $25 tickets to over 5,000 shows.
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we ride, we care, we win. if you go down, call russ brown. >> motorcycle attorneys
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oh, yeah. right. a big reminder tonight's mega millions jackpot is over $350 million. play now. >> our world is constantly changing and every day, stanford medicine advances our understanding. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together, expanding what we know and sharing what we discover to make breakthroughs both possible and accessible. stanford medicine advancing knowledge, improving lives >> thank you. thank you, aria speedwagon, for an amazing performance. that was fantastic. >> good morning america. tomorrow kick start your morning with k-pop sensation stray kids in their performing live
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tomorrow on tour on gma, sponsored by live nation. >> hi. >> hello, claire. it is very good to see you. i told leah about the lump in your breast. >> the biopsy was negative. >> it was wrong. he has breast cancer. the good doctor knew tonight. >> on it. in the next 30s, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms. and finally, one vacationer will say. yeah who? >> i'm gonna live here, but as the euphoria subsides, the realization hits. >> i gotta sell the house. don't worry. just sell and buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow. oh, yes. start with an all cash offer at opendoor. com. i was injured in a car crash. >> i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barns farm when a truck hit my son. >> i had so many questions about his case. i called the barns farm. it was the best call i
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could have made. >> your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barns firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help you get the best result possible. the bondsman injury attorneys call a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! them. >> that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity. oh the puppies are loose. >> need to get home in a hurry >> it's time for sport mode
8:59 am
>> party's over, boys, drive the nissan sentra now. >> get a low 259 per month lease or get 3.9% apr financing for 36 months on sentra. >> create lasting memories under the beat up at cirque du soleil, coosa in san jose. coosa, now playing at santa clara county fairgrounds by. tickets at cirque du all ways live, abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra from abc seven mornings. >> here's a live look at traffic with amanda. good morning. >> we're going to take you straight to the bay bridge toll plaza, where you can see things are all filled in. and that's because the metering lights are on as well. traffic is stopped past the 880 overcrossing. and if you're driving from highway four, you see that it'll take you about an hour and ten
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minutes. but once you get across the bridge, a beautiful gray day into the city. drew, tell us all about it. >> we'll go into pier 39 where it is cloudy, right now. we'll take you to the coast today. we'll stay in the clouds for much of the day. temperatures into the mid 50s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline will start and will end with cloud cover, sunshine and temperatures in the upper 60s to the mid 70s. and then heading inland. we'll find warm temperatures, lots of sunshine, upper 70s to lower 80s. steph, thanks, drew. >> time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a great day live. have a great day. today, actor, writer, and comic, chelsea handler! plus, from


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