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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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the danger that she and her colleagues are facing. >> this is a photo of doctor haley sheikholeslami, a family physician from sutter health in san carlos, as she entered gaza through the rafah crossing in late april, hopeful she could help children there on a two week medical mission. her family says that sign is now demolished and doctor sheikholeslami is trapped with no way to exit into egypt to come home. >> late sunday night, early morning, that we had the last text and that was that. they were they were relocating and that, you know, again, they were hoping that maybe potentially in a few days the crossing would get reopened. >> but the prospects of a quick return are grim. with the rafah border crossing closed, doctor sheikholeslami has a husband and two grown daughters in the bay area, along with extended family. >> i know her daughters have been really struggling in the past few weeks, you know, going through all of this in all of my conversations with families
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who've had members go, there is a very real while we may never come back uh- fear that they are grappling with, we know that of the over 20 doctors at least one is facing significant dehydration and is on an iv drip. >> but these are doctors who can't get the supplies to do their work and are now also in danger of starvation and medical issues. >> care says there is at least one more doctor from the bay area who is trapped, along with three from southern california. >> we are tracking doctors in the san francisco bay area, the los angeles orange county area, and then texas as well. >> we have made contacts with, congressman eshoo's office, and they have responded back, i, we try to reach out to the state department. >> doctor sheikholeslami did an interview with abc seven news before she left for gaza. >> you can do your part and hopefully it will help, right?
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>> for now, our family prays for a reassuring text message and intervention on the part of the united states government. >> those people who are making the sacrifice we owe it to them to bring them home safely as well. >> i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> a new encampment has grown at ucsf's parnassus campus. protesters outside the kalmanovitz library look like they're ready for the long haul. earlier, a banner was removed by police. but as you can see, protesters had another one ready. this appears to be the first pro-palestinian protest at a medical school. protesters in an encampment at the university of san francisco, meanwhile, have passed a 3 p.m. deadline now to end their demonstration. many of the tents are gone, but protesters remain. officials said if students voluntarily left, there will be no code of conduct. repercussions. however protesters told abc seven news they have no plans to give up the council on american islamic relations or care is out, with a
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new report claiming college administrators have created a hostile environment for pro-palestinian protesters. >> care says it analyzed incidents at more than 30 universities, detailing how it claims the institutions failed to protect and target students protesting the war in gaza, including demonstrations at emory university in atlanta. >> we have seen university leaders introduce arbitrary school policies, cancel events featuring palestine and palestinian and pro-palestine speakers, and even call police against their own students who are peacefully and legitimately protesting. >> the report also includes several recommendations, most notably for universities to immediately begin negotiations with student protesters and to establish accountability measures so that the negotiations are respected by all parties. we won't stop till never get trump to go. >> anti-war demonstrators today targeted google's flagship conference in mountain view.
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protesters want to stop google's so-called project nimbus. it's an ai surveillance software that protesters claim is being used by the israeli government to target civilians in gaza. google has refuted that allegation. the protests come as google held its developers conference in mountain view today. >> speaking of which, abc seven news reporter zach fuentes has been following the google google developers conference. >> he joins us live with a big announcement. zach >> yeah, and there were quite a few big announcements to come from the conference today. but the main headlines all go back to how ai is being used to give google search engine its biggest overhaul. artificial intelligence is developing and landing in consumers hands at an extreme rate. one of the latest announcements coming out of google i o the tech giant's developers conference, is the reinvention of the search engine. >> i mean, they're really trying to change the search experience from a text one based to an image based, one that is intelligent, that gives you much more intuitive answers. >> one way is the prototype
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called project astra, powered by technology called gemini. google set it to universal ai agent that could be useful in everyday life. >> what is that part of the speaker called that is the tweeter. >> it produces high frequency sounds. >> more than just looking for definitions. it could even be used to help you fix things around the house. >> i'm going to take a video and ask google why will this not stay in place? ending a near instant. google gives me an ai overview. >> it's not the only way the search engine is being reinvented. also on its way is ask photos. >> ask photos can also help you search your memories in a deeper way. for example, you might be reminiscing about your daughter lucia's early milestones. you can ask photos. when did lucia learn to swim? you can even follow up with something more complex. s show me how lucia's swimming has progressed here. gemini goes beyond a simple
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search, recognizing different contexts from doing laps in the pool to snorkeling in the ocean, to the text and dates on her swimming certificates and photos packages it up all together in a summary. >> other image based technology making headlines at tuesday's conference includes image in three. google says with a prompt, you can ask it to create a photo. pictures like a man with a beard smiling at the camera, or a view from above with a look at a stunning river canyon. still, with the advanced technology does come some major concerns. >> we have to provide a level of confidence to google that they're going to protect that information from a privacy standpoint, so that may be giving some pause to a few folks. but they certainly have gone all in on how to reinvent search. >> some of the things announced today will take some time to roll out. others will see very soon. google said. starting this week, millions of people were periodically see human or conversational summaries generated by ai. so in other words, if you type a question into google at the top of the
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page, you'll see a response that looks like it's typed by a human, but it's actually ai. so be on the lookout for that right now. live in the south bay bureau. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right. thank you zach. >> all right. what role will artificial intelligence in our health care play. >> that is a great question. local and national health professionals took on that question today. stanford university hosted a symposium featuring an elite panel of medical experts from across the nation. speakers included the president of the american medical association, medical professionals from google and microsoft, and the dean of stanford school of medicine. >> the way i've thought about it, the way i've talked with others who are experts in this field, the internet brought us access to information generative ai is bringing and enhancing us our access to knowledge. >> they discussed ai's possible impact on research, discovery and health care delivery, and how ai could be used to educate the next generation of doctors. >> a major step today in the effort to transform california's mental health system and address
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the homelessness crisis in redwood city today, governor newsom announced $3.3 billion in funding to begin building mental health treatment centers. >> i've never been more enthusiastic about our prospects to actually make a dent and address the issue of what's happening on the streets and sidewalks in this state than i am today. >> the money comes from proposition one, passed by voters in march, which authorized nearly $6.5 billion to address the crisis on california's streets, according to the la times. the plan calls for the construction or rehabilitation of more than 10,000 treatment beds and some 45,000 outpatient treatment slots, an urgent call today for the city of san francisco to do more to address the overdose crisis, doctors and public health experts were among those gathering outside the city morgue today to remember the 3026 lives lost to overdoses in san francisco since january of 2020. >> speakers say the deaths highlight the failures in public
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policy related to substance abuse. >> it highlights that we are not listening to our public, to our policy experts, our doctors, and we're not following the accepted uh- 2022 overdose plan. >> that overdose plan called for increased access to treatment, social support and improved community conditions in which drug use occurs. the public health department issued a statement saying the loss of any lives from drug use is unacceptable, adding that it's, quote, making strides in the implementation of the overdose prevention plan and working aggressively to make treatment for substance use disorders more accessible in san francisco. >> new developments about a bay area man accused of assaulting a college student and later sending her a message on social media admitting that he raped her in clearly was found in france and taken into custody. investigators say the saratoga native snuck into the victim's dorm room at gettysburg college in 2013 and attacked her. pennsylvania authorities issued
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a warrant from cleary in 2021. you're looking at the aftermath of a crash in the richmond district involving robbery suspects, san francisco police say two men robbed a woman near 26th avenue and balboa street and got away in a car. officers briefly pursued the suspects, but stopped because of safety concerns. however, police say the car hit another vehicle and slammed into a home on cabrillo and eighth avenue. the two suspects made a run for it but were captured. >> that stretch of highway one that was shut down for weeks near big sur is set to reopen this week. storms took a bite out of the road in march, cutting off the highway between carmel and big sur. locals could only get through in twice daily convoys. well after weeks of work by caltrans, the road will reopen 630 friday morning, more than a week ahead of schedule. >> a warning as we head into summer. you probably already know the concerns about drowning, but now the risk is greater than ever. benefits stolen and why experts say it's way too easy for thieves to
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strike. and it's official we now know the new name of the bay area's new wnba team. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we have a variety of weather conditions and temperatures here in the bay area. today. we'll be back with a look at your forecast for a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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golden state valkyrie. >> well, mares ready to go and it is official now. a big day for wnba fans. the season kicks off and the name of the new bay area team has been announced. they are the golden state valkyries. as mayor, london breed just mentioned their logos right here. their colors purple and black. so in case you don't know, valkyries are female warriors from norse mythology. now the logo has a lot of meaning right down to each line, because you'll see there are 13 lines inside the v, representing the 13th team in the wnba. the bay bridge represents the bay area, obviously, and the connection between the team's two homes, san francisco and oakland. the five cables represent the five players on the court now. the center is a sword, which is a symbol of courage, power and authority. the v shape represents the valkyries and the wings are a symbol of the valkyries. the official name and logo announcement actually happened live this morning on good morning america.
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>> release that banner. let's see it. >> yeah. good to go. batteries. golden state valkyries. >> i like that name, jess. thank you. oh my goodness it's strong right. it is strong. get to work okay. this is the 13th team and the first to join since 2008. yeah. so just talk about this moment. >> this moment is so much bigger than golden state. it's so much bigger than the valkyries. right? what we're seeing happen in women's sports right now is just the beginning of the sustainability and incredible growth around the game, and to have expansion in the w, and for us to be able to do that through the bay area, it means something really special. sport is always this reflection of our society at any given moment, and the power that we're seeing in the investment that we're seeing and the consumers taking hold of what they are now driving forward by watching, attending, listening, i mean, it's unbelievable. you're seeing this incredible star power be noticed. you're seeing shoulder programing, you're seeing you know, social media. and these
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athletes like, have this incredible fellowship. but most importantly to me, you're seeing multi-dimensional women and what that means to our society. and you're seeing the idolization of all genders through sport. >> you saw a few clips there of the video that the warriors put out announcing the valkyries. it's outstanding. check your social media and you'll find it. meanwhile, valkyries president jess smith, who we just heard from, also spoke with us here at abc seven news today about the decision to name the team valkyries. >> we needed to get it right. it needed to be something that was authentic and that really represented the bay area well. >> and from day one, we wanted to make sure we were listening to fan input. i think the beautiful part about it is valkyries work together, you know, and we're very, very aware of the fact that our fans, our community, you know, and everything we get a chance to represent will have to move as one to find our success. to me, this brand and this organization really represents us leaning into who the bay area is. and this is a place where, you know, we lead the world in being both progressive and innovative. we make the impossible possible.
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and i know that this brand is going to be a connector of our community, and a fun one at that. >> the valkyries have already sold more than 7500 season ticket deposits for the 2025 inaugural season, and guess what? >> you can already get your valkyries swag merchandise is already available at the warriors shop at thrive city at chase center. there are t shirts, sweatshirts, and more. all with a black and violet valkyries color and logo, and fans are invited to a valkyries block party at thrive city this saturday, may 18th at 2 p.m, and the team will begin play at chase center in 2025. >> these oh my goodness got our hot little hands on. there we go. i really like the color scheme. and then the design. >> yeah the design is really clever right. the bridge both sides of the bridge and 13 for the 13 teams in the wnba. yeah. you proud of me, larry? >> i'm very. no, you've got it all memorized. you could tell that the warriors really put a lot of time and energy and
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thought into the naming of the team, as well as the design of the shirts and the logo and all that. yeah. you know, it's why they're a championship organization. yeah. and definitely no doubt. >> and hopefully things will be lovely on saturday when they have that block party and hopefully things are getting a little warmer. let's check in with sandhya. >> yeah, absolutely is going to be beautiful for the block party, no doubt about it. and kristin and larry, let's take a look at our winds right now. they're onshore gusting to 35 at oakland, 30 at sfo right now. sustained at 31 in san francisco . that wind is making people's allergies a little bit rough. trees and grasses are running high. pine, oak and grasses are the main culprits. so if you are kind of feeling draggy or sniffly, this is why, as we take a look at a live picture from our exploratorium camera, we're seeing a few high, thin, wispy clouds. certainly a lot of fog still sitting near the coast as you will look at live doppler seven. and it's going to advance inland as the night goes on. we are also tracking some thunderstorms in the sierra nevada. that is all in
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association with an area of low pressure that's just off the southern california coast, providing the lift for some of that moisture that's coming in. high pressure is going to actually nudge a little bit closer tomorrow. so i think temperatures will go up a few more degrees away from the coast today. they're running higher in most areas despite the fact that some spots, like the golden gate bridge, is pretty socked in right now. fog is there, 58 in the city, 61 in oakland right now, in the 70s, from hayward to san jose to redwood city and chilling at 54 in half moon bay, lots of blue skies from our oakland airport. camera 73, in santa rosa. you're in the 60s from petaluma to napa. warmest spots like fairfield and livermore in the 80s and beautiful conditions right now in san jose where the sun is out tonight. coastal fog spreads inland. tomorrow, a little warmer bay and inland. and sunday, monday we are talking about breezy conditions, with a minor cooling trend expected really gradually the temperatures are going to slide after tomorrow. so as we look at our hourly forecast here, uh-
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fog right near the coastline at 515. that's going to hold your temperatures in the 50s. still in the 80s inland by 715, you are noticing that it is mild inland cool along the coast. so if you do want to go out for a walk or something, make sure you grab a jacket, especially near the coast and bay. by 10:00 you're seeing that marine push into our valleys as well, and tomorrow morning there may be some drizzle to start the day. besides the overcast conditions in the afternoon. by lunchtime we're talking about a nice mild one with 70s inland and by the early to mid afternoon some 80s popping up away from the coast. your morning temperatures 40s, 50s. watch out for the fog and some spotty drizzle tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at highs ranging from the mid 80s inland to the upper 50s coast side, where we'll call it partly cloudy at the beaches. it's not going to really completely clear, and the accuweather seven day forecast does feature a gradual cooling trend after tomorrow that will allow those temperatures to drop off into the 70s, specifically sunday through tuesday. inland and 50s
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coast side, but still at or slightly above average for this time of year. larry and christine, fantastic. yeah. nice weather. >> we aim for above average all the time. >> some of us are. and some of us that don't need to be named don't quite get to average. >> you don't need to look at me. i don't know why you got your. >> i'm gonna look in that direction. >> oh, yeah. no, there's a lot of stuff in the studio to observe over there. absolutely yeah. >> all right. more restaurant closures to tell you about today. red lobster has closed 48 restaurants across the country. here in the bay area, the rohnert park and fremont locations were abruptly shut down yesterday. the closures come as the seafood chain is on the brink of filing for bankruptcy. another store is set to leave the embattled san francisco center, american eagle announced plans to close its store in the mall in july last year. the retailer filed a lawsuit against the former owners of the mall, claiming they allowed crime to escalate.
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american eagle will close permanently july 12th. >> walmart wants more of its workers to move to the bay area, as part of an effort to get workers to return to the office, walmart wants workers from smaller offices to move to its bigger corporate hubs. that includes their offices in san bruno. the company made a similar move last year. >> memorial day is just around the corner. up next, a warning for people heading out of town and for parents and then later a sneak peek at the shows and specials you can but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease.
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his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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nearly 44 million travelers will head 50 miles or more from home, just under the all time record set in 22,005. more than 38 million will be traveling by car. that is the highest since triple-a began tracking in 2000. airports are bracing for a spike as well, with 3.5 million air travelers expected during the holiday weekend. >> as we head closer to memorial day and the start of summer, there's a new warning for you. >> yeah. drowning deaths are on the rise in the u.s. the cdc says more than 4500 people drown each year from 2000 to 2022. >> yeah, that's an increase of about 500 people per year since 2019. abc seven news reporter ryan curry takes a look at the
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new push to get more people to be safe around the water. >> it only took a moment all of a sudden, i guess they got swept away and within seconds, 14 year old justin wong was swimming with a friend in the russian river in april when a current took him away from shore. >> his body was found the next day. >> of course, the family was really nerve wracking. they were waiting and the next day they found him to them. that they found justin in the bottom of the river. since justin's death in april, a second child has drowned. >> a five year-old died at bethel island this weekend. >> parents and adults who are watching children need to keep in constant visual contact of their children. the cdc says drowning deaths have been rising for several years. >> they published a new report saying over 4500 people died from drowning between the years 2020 to 2022. they say that is about 500 more people than before the pandemic. one reason for the rise there weren't enough lifeguards a few years ago, it was it was it was tough.
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we were definitely really struggling. we're still building our staff back. >> corey riley, the aquatics and sports manager at the park, says her staff this summer is one of the largest she's had since the pandemic. with the new report from the cdc, she is urging people to be vigilant around water this summer. >> make sure that if you're for if you're with non-swimmers or weak swimmers, coast guard approved flotation device is a great addition to help keep those young swimmers safe. >> the cdc report says over 54% of adults say they never had a swim lesson. riley thinks that should change practice layers of protection when you're around the water. >> and so that's enrolling your kids in swim lessons. if you don't know how to swim yourself as an adult, you can learn to swim as well so you can be safe in the water with your with your family. >> hoping time around the water. this summer can be enjoyed safely in the east bay. ryan curry abc seven news. >> yeah, be careful. keep an eye on the little ones. okay. all right. coming up on abc seven news at four benefits stolen. >> they told me that this was
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happening to a lot of people in the very next month. even though it was a new card and a new pin. my benefits were taken again month after month. >> benefits stolen from families in need. and experts say it just doesn't have to be this way. the seven on your side investigation is next, and lawmakers taking on social media. >> the new plans to make it safer for your children stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya.
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it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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in high risk. the funds that are being stolen before the people who need the money most know it's even gone. benefits taken from those who need it most. >> seven on your side is digging into complaints from viewers
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that their ebt benefits were drained before they could even use them. an abc seven news i-team reporter, melanie woodrow, is here. this has to be so frustrating for people involved. it really is. >> and especially larry and kristen because these are the people who need these benefits the most. most of the viewers who reached out to us say that they use their ebt cards to purchase much needed groceries, but they say when the benefits are added to their cards, somebody else is draining those benefits before they can use them. jennifer eversole is a mom of six kids with her seventh on the way. >> my fiance works, but we do need a little assistance. it's the difference between being able to provide for my family and not being able to. >> eversole says she receives cash and food benefits, but discovered someone else was draining the funds from her account every morning on the first. >> on the way to dropping my kids off at school, i grabbed the rent out of the atm, and 7-eleven is just the most convenient one right there. there was a mom in front of me saying, don't use this atm. all of my benefits were stolen. >> when eversole checked her account, she realized it had
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happened to her, too. she immediately reported it and filled out the necessary paperwork to have her benefits replaced. >> they told me that this was happening to a lot of people. there was a ton of people in there that had their benefits taken as well. >> but her resolution didn't last long. >> in the very next month, even though it was a new card and a new pin, my benefits were taken again. >> the department of social services tells abc seven news. this type of ebt theft emerged in late 2021, and that skimming involves stealing the information through a device implanted on a card terminal. >> it is insanity. the usda is still using a glorified hotel room case. >> that's what haywood telco, ceo of lexisnexis risk government solutions group, compares the ebt card to from a security perspective, he says, the crooks are using skimming devices to duplicate cardholders information, and that a chip enabled card, much like a credit card, would be encrypted and safer until it's fixed. >> these criminals, it's a feeding frenzy, the national grocers association tells abc seven news that california will likely be one of the first
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states to transition to chip cards. >> writing in an emailed statement, quote, the usda and nca are actively participating in developing the standards to allow this transition as soon as possible, the california department of social services says chip tap card implementation is expected this summer. last year, california rolled out a mobile app called ebt edge to protect against benefit theft. it allows users to freeze their card when they're not using it, change their pin lock online and out of state transactions, or request a replacement card. eversole started using the app after she was the victim of ebt theft multiple times. >> i'm hoping that this is going to prevent it. >> telco says it doesn't go far enough. >> a lot of people don't know about that yet, and some of the food insecure guess what? they don't have smartphones that are capable of downloading the app. >> in the meantime, he says, there are three ways people can protect themselves from ebt theft. go to bigger stores as opposed to smaller ones, though that's something the national association of convenience stores disputes. >> unfortunately, fraudsters try
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to take advantage of businesses of all sorts. we think giving that kind of advice would give consumers, in some ways, a false sense of security and it would be bad for small businesses. >> alcove also suggests change your pin after each time you use your card and push down on the point of sale terminal to see if it feels like it has any give a sign it may have a skimmer device on it. if it does, don't put your card in. >> i feel like they're not really doing enough and i feel like it's not just affecting us, it's affecting taxpayers. thankfully, we have a little bit to fall back on and family when that happens, but there are some people that have nothing. >> the california department of social services says anyone who suspects there were victims of ebt theft should contact their local county office. cardholders can also contact ebt to cancel their card and request a new one. there are systems in place to replenish these funds, but for calfresh benefits, there are limits to two instances in a year and each up to two months worth of benefits. replacement
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larry and kristen, as you heard, this is happening to people multiple times. so that might not be enough of a replenishment, right? >> and in the meantime, you've got to feed your family. >> exactly. if you're, you know, request is denied. you do have the right to request a state hearing. okay. >> thanks, melanie. thanks. all right. california lawmakers are looking to make social media safer for children with two new bills. one would require any social media company that has users under the age of 18 to integrate third party software. the thought behind this is it would better protect kids from criminal activity. another bill would make it easier to report cyberbullying. >> cyberbullying is rampant, and often students have no recourse whatsoever. of course, you can flag that post and tag it online. and where does it go when you flag that content? you say, i've been the victim of cyberbullying off into the ether. >> it's estimated 1 in 4 teenagers sees advertisements for illegal drugs on social media. nearly half of all teens
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experience some sort of cyberbullying. >> social media may not have as big of an impact when it comes to politics. researchers at stanford worked with meta on the study that had participants stay off social media for six weeks ahead of the 2020 election. the study found. voters did not have a change of heart when it came time to vote, nor did they change how they felt about the legitimacy of the election coming up. >> major airlines fighting back over new travel rules. and it's all about names, from babies to
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for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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so let's begin with this the fight over new travel rules. major airlines have filed a lawsuit over the requirement to disclose charges for luggage or changing a reservation up front. the airlines say it will create confusion. southwest is the only major airline that did not join this lawsuit. passengers already get two free checked bags. yeah, because what they're trying to guard against is that, you know, you think you're getting this great airfare, especially on. let's say, frontier horizon. and then by the time it all gets added up at the end when you're checking out, you're like, what? now i'm paying as much as on the legacy carriers. have you experienced that? anyone >> yeah, i mean, to a certain extent. but you want a seat? oh, okay. well, that's an extra $50. you want. what? you know, whatever. but i mean, the idea,
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i mean, it's simple, you know, you want to change your flight, pay a zillion dollars, and then you get the flight changed. >> that's true. i mean, they do overcharge you for changing flights. i mean, you know, sometimes you need to adjust a flight, right? >> yeah. that's why i've flown southwest so often in the past. because it's such a perk to just not have to worry about the fees for baggage. >> yeah, but the idea that disclosing the fees makes it more confusing. i think it's the other way around, actually. but. >> oh, come on, who are you kidding, larry? you fly private. >> oh, if i if i had the money to fly private, we would probably not be sitting next to each other. >> all right? they're role models, and now they are underwear models. some of the top players in the wnba are now promoting shapewear. skims as the official underwear partner of the wnba. a new ad campaign features five wnba players all wearing skims underwear. that's kim kardashian's brand, she says the company, like the wnba, is rooted in inclusivity, representation and women's
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empowerment, so? so what do you guys think of this? >> i'm all for it. because, look, if they're already being paid so much less than the men who are in the nba, you know, you got to make up the money somewhere. and if this makes you feel confident, look at them. they're showing it off. they're strutting their stuff. then so be it. >> yeah i mean i was just thinking about the shapewear aspect, right? it's like what you're in perfect shape and you're proud of your shape and shapewear as a business, as an industry was born out of women's insecurities about our bodies. right. so i don't know, it's kind of an interesting one to me. sandia you know, i mean, i think i'm with deion. >> if they're not getting paid the same amount as men and this is another way to kind of showcase, them, then so be it. i mean, you know. yeah. and that's what i think. >> you know, just from the guys perspective, we hear so much about not objectifying women. but if you know you're wearing
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that and that's the public campaign, then that it kind of leads in that direction, right? i mean, it's kind of i mean, i'm all about endorsements, larry. >> yeah. >> no. absolutely. yes. i wish we had those. but no, but, you know, endorsements could come in many forms. it doesn't have to be, you know, skims, you know, there's other companies but but it's certainly more exposure for the wnba. caitlin clark is playing her first game tonight. and the ratings are going to be enormous. yes. >> i'm just thinking like shapewear to hold in muscles or what. >> right, larry. all the muscles. >> i think shapewear constitutes a lot of different things. >> plus it's not just shapewear. it's, you know, undergarments as well. yeah, everyone needs undergarments. think about the men who model calvin klein, right? and are in boxers and being objectified. so yeah. >> all right. i think we're stopping thinking about them. >> that's what you asked me to do. okay. thanks, deion. do you know someone named liam? because that's the top name for baby boys in the us? according to a new list by the social security administration, noah and oliver round out the top three. olivia,
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emma and charlotte are the top three names for girls. that hasn't changed much. some of the names gaining the most popularity are mateo and kaylee. now 678th on the list. a social media influencer is credited for inspiring the kaylee name trend. oh, who would that be? you guys, i don't know. pop culture and social media, i'm not sure. >> but if you're 678, it's not exactly, you know, taking over. >> i mean, you know, hey, i'm 678th, all right. how many babies are named larry every year? >> i mean, not enough. >> not enough. >> can't have enough of them. sandy what do you think? it seems some of these names, it seems like, have are like olivia and emma. it's kind of recycled. >> yeah. i feel like a few decades ago, olivia was at the top of that list. even emma, like you said, i don't know, liam. i mean, i've known liam's way before, liam made the list. >> liam neeson. >> yeah, yeah. >> i mean, liam is irish, right? mateo is of spanish origin, so
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it's, you know, interesting. but. yeah, if olivia is on top, larry should be on top. or lawrence. >> lawrence. sir. lawrence. yes lawrence. >> yes, yes. sounds more sophisticated. that's why i don't use it, it's graduation time. but for students at a nursing school in philadelphia, graduation came with a lesson in humor, an attempt to pronounce names phonetically. you know, this is going to go not well. >> victoria lee, shubert, bros. megyn lou e aubrey, allison cole bishop, milena zabeth camp to mummy. >> oh, brother, the announcer and the school did apologize, but the students took it all in with a laugh. >> they got they got their diplomas. that's all that matters. but maybe go over the names before the actual ceremony . is that. does that seem reasonable? >> you guys, you know the whole story. they explain that it was because they only provided the reader with the pronounced pronouncers, not the actual
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names. oh, come on, all she had were the pronouncers. >> yeah, that's. yeah. then i mean, that's a preparation mistake that that put the announcer in a bad spot. >> but can you imagine these poor kids that have been waiting for this big moment and want to, like, end it with, you know, a bang? i mean, it's just like, wait, that wasn't even how you pronounce my name. >> but you know what? it's funny because even as people who have to pronounce sometimes very complicated names, these are after the 10th, very complicated sounding name. i mean, megan. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> did you hear the person saying, it's thomas? it's thomas . >> tomas. tomas, get your entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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the new and best programing for all of the disney networks, and reporter joelle gargiulo from our sister station in new york, joins us live now with a look at today's event. >> hi, joelle. hi, guys. it's a little loud in here, but i'm going to do my best to talk through the noise. >> but just to set the stage for you, we've got lots of stars of lots of shows here. new and returning, plus lots of news, which we'll get to in a second. but for now, anybody watching at home might be wondering, okay, what do the upfronts mean for us? well, i sat down with disney's president of global advertising to find out. >> it all starts with a story the upfronts.
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>> if you know someone who works in the tv industry, you've probably heard of them. >> what on earth is going on here? >> for everyone else, we'll explain. >> so the upfronts is basically a it's a week, a year where companies come in and they show to our advertisers all of the new content that's coming, either renewed or brand new. >> rita ferro is disney's president of global advertising. as for that content she's talking about, it's just a treasure trove of everything and everyone and everywhere. it includes news about returning shows like abbott elementary, gray's anatomy, american idol, the bachelor and will trent. can we just take a beat to appreciate how magical this is? >> plus, news coming from hulu, disney, marvel studios, and more for people watching at home, what can they get out of this? >> it's really about making sure that the content is available for all of our viewers, whatever platform they want to watch, whenever they want to watch it. >> any surprises you can let us know about? >> now we're going to have a ton
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of great announcements, a star studded stage, so you're going to see huge, huge talent from across our television studios, our theatrical studios, our streaming businesses. and of course, we can't forget espn because it's the biggest business in sports. it's 40,000 for lebron james. >> what would you hope the headlines would be after the upfronts? >> there is no presentation or stage more creative and more anchored in world class storytelling and incredible brands that move the hearts and minds of consumers. and the walt disney company. i'm starting my section with a picture of me as a little girl with my mom when i'm three years old at disney world, and it had just opened. i start that way because there is no other company that connects with the hearts and minds of people the way disney does. stories bring the world together and no one tells stories like disney. >> i got a lot of watching to do a lot. i got a lot of watching to do. there's no shortage. yam
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>> hmm'hmm there's a lot of stuff, a lot of good stuff. >> yes, yes. the other big news hulu is launching a comedy vertical. right? >> and jason kelce from the eagles. yeah they he and his brother have this. >> he's the famous the other brother. yeah. >> well he's the other brother but he's really entertaining. >> he'll be working with espn uh- you know doing the countdown shows okay. so he's pretty hilarious in his own right to be honest. all right. another announcement from abc today. joan vasos will be the first ever golden bachelorette. the 61 year old school administrator left the golden bachelor early. now she's going to get another shot at love. the golden bachelorette will air wednesdays this fall. >> all right, let's see if our temperatures will be falling this week. meteorologist sandyha patel joining us again. hey, sandy. >> hi there. yeah, and kristen and larry, the temperatures will slowly come down over the next couple of days, but tomorrow is going to be a little warmer. now, if you're going to the giants dodgers game. first pitch 56 degrees. breezy, partly cloudy for the ninth inning. mostly cloudy and chilly. 54
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degrees. so a good idea to take the jacket with you as you take a look at live doppler seven. the marine layers at the coast already starting to push towards the bay. we'll have our microclimates tomorrow 58 in half moon bay, where the fog will be sitting downtown san francisco, 65 heading into oakland, 70 degrees. walnut creek up to 80 and well inland where the sun will be shining 84 degrees in antioch. here are some of the other high temperatures for tomorrow 81 in san jose, 76 in san rafael. 80 degrees for you in santa rosa, 81 in concord. here's your accuweather seven day forecast morning fog giving way to a milder afternoon after tomorrow. those temperatures are going to slip a couple of degrees each and every day heading into the weekend, where we'll get out of the 80s on sunday through tuesday with 70s inland 50s right along the coastline. larry and kristin. >> all right. thank you, sandhya. >> thank you. the end of the line for another tv doctor. >> yeah. the good doctor is ending its run. just ahead, we'll take you to the set to hear from the stars about
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in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you.
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download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching tonight in prime time on abc seven 8:00 will trent followed by the rookie at ten, the good doctor and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. >> all right. we're down to just two more episodes of the good doctor. reporter george pennacchio, from our sister station in los angeles, went to the set to talk to the stars about the show ending its run. >> we're all going to be crybabies. i haven't cried yet, but i know for a fact. i mean, listen, if i'm the kind of person that if someone right next to me is crying about something, i'll cry. so of course i'm going to cry. >> the good doctor storylines are coming to an end in the final two episodes. how do you know that i'm going to be satisfied when this is all over? i think the ending is so beautiful. >> it's inspiring, it's uplifting. it's full of hope. and i tear up thinking about it. i tear up, i tear up. >> when i read it, i think every good thing has an end. and i'm ready for it. like, i mean, in
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order for something to end, you know, in order for something beautiful and new to begin, there needs to be an end date for shukumaru, who appeared in the first season, and this last one. >> it's been a great education. >> this has kind of been my drama school, you know, learning from people. and i was very much season one, just like the green kid, just like, oh my god, like learning, learning, learning. and that's continued moving forward. >> will yun lee wouldn't mind hopping on to another abc series , and he has a connection to the star of one of them. i have some favorite shows and one of them is will trent and ramone used to be my roommate, so i love that show. >> you can put me on will trent or the rookie? >> back to the good doctor. another former regular, antonia thomas, is back before the show says goodbye. >> not very good at keeping secrets. sean. i can't tell you. >> i think everyone's been so thrilled about, you know, about having having her back. she was such a big part of the show for
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so long and uh- and is also a dear friend. and so it's lovely to be able to work with her and see her again. >> you'll see the latest episode tonight at ten on abc seven in los angeles. george pennacchio, abc seven news and reminder abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. >> get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. all right, that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry biel, abc seven news at five is coming up next.
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! no more cuts. that's the message from the san francisco sheriff as he goes before the city's board of supervisors. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> sheriff paul miyamoto detailed the injuries to


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