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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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already moving. always live abc seven news starts right now >> that drumming just part of the protest disrupting google i o. the tech giant's flagship conference that's drawn 10,000 people as it unveils its newest artificial intelligence capabilities. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. it's the second time in two days that advances in ai have made headlines, and both announcements were met with protest. openai released its new model yesterday. gpt four zero can interpret and generate text, images and audio and then have a realistic conversation with you. protesters outside the company's san francisco offices rally to pause ai, saying it's advancing too fast to be safe. we won't stop till never get drunk on outside google today, protesters rallied against project nimbus
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ai surveillance software they claim is being used by the israeli government to target civilians in gaza. >> google has refuted that allegation. today, it unveiled its newest ai advancements. >> this search will be able to help plan everything from meals and trips to parties, daetz workout routines and more. >> that is just a hint of the new capabilities coming to the world's most popular search engine. what else can we expect? >> yeah. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes is live with a look at what might be ahead here. zach >> yeah, so many big announcements came from the conference today. but the main headlines all go back to how ai is being used to give google search search engine its biggest overhaul yet. artificial intelligence is developing and landing in consumers hands at an extreme rate. one of the latest announcements coming out of google i o the tech giant's developers conference, is the reinvention of the search engine. they're really trying to change the search experience from a text one based to an
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image based one that is intelligent, that gives you much more intuitive answers. one way is the prototype called project astra, powered by technology called gemini. google said it's a universal ai agent that could be useful in everyday life. >> what is that part of the speaker called that is the tweeter. >> it produces high frequency sounds. >> more than just looking for definitions. it could even be used to help you fix things around the house. >> i'm going to take a video and ask google, why will this not stay in place? and then a near instant, google gives me an ai overview. >> it's not the only way the search engine is being reinvented. also, on its way is ask photos. >> ask photos can also help you search your memories in a deeper way. for example, you might be reminiscing about your daughter lucia's early milestones. you can ask photos when did lucia learn to swim? you can even follow up with something more complex. show me how lucia's
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swimming has progressed here. gemini goes beyond a simple search. recognize different contexts from doing laps in the pool to snorkeling in the ocean, to the text and dates on her swimming certificates and photos packages it up all together in a summary, other image based technology making headlines at tuesday's conference includes image in three. >> google says with a prompt, you can ask it to create a photo. pictures like a man with a beard smiling at the camera, or a view from above with a look at a stunning river canyon. still with the advanced technology does come some major concerns. >> we have to provide a level of confidence to google that they're going to protect that information from a privacy standpoint, so that may be giving some pause to a few folks. but they certainly have gone all in on how to reinvent search. >> so some of the things announced today will take some time to roll out, but others will start to see very soon. for example, google said starting this week, we'll start to see conversational summaries
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generated by ai. so in other words, if you type a question into google at the top of the results page, you're going to see an answer that looks like it was typed out by a human, but instead that was actually ai giving you that answer. so be on the lookout for that right now. live in the south bay. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> yeah, you know, zach, it is just truly mind boggling how rapidly this technology is accelerating now. new developments every few weeks, it seems. thanks very much, zach. that's right. happening now, the medical students at the new pro-palestinian encampment at ucsf parnassus campus are holding an emergency rally. >> earlier today. they told our team they are staying put until the chancellor comes out to negotiate this camp formed just yesterday morning. police quickly showed up to remove tents. one person was arrested, cited with a misdemeanor and released. it appears to be the first pro-palestinian encampment at a medical school. student protesters at the university of san francisco today were ordered to clear their encampment or face discipline. in an open letter, the usf president said those who voluntarily left by 3
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p.m. would not face school code of conduct violations while select students plan to vacate. protesters told abc seven news they have no plans to give up. new developments with the pro-palestinian encampment at uc berkeley, it is being packed up this evening, the university says negotiations with demonstrators have led to an agreement to expedite what it calls a new, socially responsible investment strategy. the chancellor says she's relieved to bring the campus protest to a peaceful end. demonstrators say they are going to protest at the uc regents meeting at the uc at uc merced tomorrow, as other activists from across the state are also doing. and sky seven is live over the scene right there. you can still see a few people out there, but you still see a lot of sleeping bags and camps. but it does look like some people are packing up and perhaps getting ready to go. uc regents have no plans to sell assets that pro-palestine protesters demand. the university divest the university of california
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regents investment committee met today to discuss the university system's financial performance, regents said. the university system has $32 billion invested in companies that make weapons or support israel. that's about 18% of its portfolio. >> we need to be able to articulate to our students that are demanding divestment as to why it's not so simple, because it's very complicated, some of them are time commitments that we've made, and the students need to understand that. but we i think we need to do a better job at communicating that. >> at least one investment committee member said the board should consider protesters demands when looking at future investments. >> right now, the alameda county board of supervisors is holding a special meeting where it could set a date for the recall election of embattled district attorney pamela price. abc seven news reporter anser hassan is following the story and is live from oakland. with the meeting that is happening as we speak.
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>> dan that's right. this meeting is still underway. they're currently in public comment, which could take a while since there's a long list of speakers from both sides. now, what the board can do tonight is vote to set a special election, which could happen as early as august 13th. the county registrar of voters says it would cost between 15 and $20 million of taxpayer money to hold a special election. the group safe or save alameda county for everyone, is leading the recall effort. they spoke before the start of the board meeting. >> we see it as a win win situation, whether it's in august, whether it's in november , pamela price will be recalled. the safety of our citizens and our community are at stake. today, we're asking the board of supervisors to do their job and to set a date today, the county registrar of voters says it's concerned about the time and resources it will take to ramp up for a special election. >> it's recommending the board to vote to consolidate the
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recall election with the general election in november. many of da price supporters want to combine the elections as well. >> it's a really important step in the right direction to ensure equity and democracy, tsay uh- recalls. and special elections have been shown to, not generate a lot of turnout from voters. it causes a lot of confusion from voters who are used to voting. in november. >> we did reach out to d.a. price office. they did not return requests for comment. we will keep you posted as to when a decision is made. reporting live anser hassan abc seven news. >> okay, thanks very much, andrew. >> with the city of san francisco facing more budget cuts and the mayor asking for 10% spending cuts from city departments, one leader is pushing back. sheriff paul miyamoto went before the board of supervisors today and showed them why his department needs more help, not more cuts. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn gives us a closer look, give you a flavor of what it is to be in
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our jail system. >> sheriff paul miyamoto addresses the san francisco board of supervisors about the recent violence at the jails and the growing inmate population over the course of a year, we've seen about a 36% increase in april, san francisco's main jail and its facility in san bruno were put on lockdown while authorities investigated recent inmate attacks on deputies. the sheriff says deputies suffered broken bones, eye injuries and bite wounds. mayor london breed is asking all city departments to consider a 10% spending cut for the next fiscal year, but sheriff miyamoto says his department is already critically short staffed with vacancies for 195 sworn deputies. >> we've made continuous efforts to hire some deputies say they are mentally and physically exhausted and fights drug use and assaults on staff have increased. >> i think the sheriff needs to prioritize increasing staffing because that's what prevents the lockdowns. that's what reduces and deters fights. prisoner on
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prisoner fights. that's what prevents our deputies from being attacked. >> i would agree with the sheriff's department that they don't necessarily need to provide the same level of reductions as the police department. most certainly, the police department's budget is overloaded, and there are things that we need to do around public safety that don't just involve law enforcement. >> the mayor wasn't available for comment, but her office says that public safety remains a top priority for the mayor in this next budget cycle, and more details will be shared when the budget is ready at the end of the month in san francisco, suzanne phan. abc seven news. >> coming up, speeding up since california voters approved prop one funding for mental health and housing projects that could have taken years will now take months. plus the usda is still using a glorified hotel room k. >> seven on your side explores the security problem that's letting thieves steal money not only from the people who need it
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for groceries, but from taxpayers. >> i'm meteorologist sandyha patel bump up in temperatures for some parts of the bay area tomorrow. i'll let you know what's in store for but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision,
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so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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most in need. yeah. seven on your side is digging into complaints from viewers that their ebt benefits were drained before they could use them. abc seven news i-team reporter melanie woodrow is here with those details. >> melanie ama and dan. it really is unfortunate, especially because these are the people who need these benefits the most and the viewers who
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contacted us say that they used their ebt cards to purchase much needed groceries. but they say when the benefits are added to their cards, someone else is draining those benefits before they can use them. jennifer eversoll is a mom of six kids, with her seventh on the way. >> my fiance works, but we do need a little assistance. it's the difference between being able to provide for my family and not being able to. >> eversole says she receives cash and food benefits, but discovered someone else was draining the funds from her account every morning on the first. >> on the way to dropping my kids off at school, i grabbed the rent out of the atm, and 7-eleven is just the most convenient one right there. there was a mom in front of me saying, don't use this atm. all of my benefits were stolen when eversole checked her account, she realized it had happened to her too. >> she immediately reported it and filled out the necessary paperwork to have her benefits replaced. >> they told me that this was happening to a lot of people. there's a ton of people in there that had their benefits taken as well. >> but her resolution didn't last long. >> in the very next month, even
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though it was a new card and a new pin, my benefits were taken again, the department of social services tells abc seven news. >> this type of ebt theft emerged in late 2021, and that skimming involves stealing the information through a device implanted on a card terminal. it is insanity. >> the usda is still using a glorified hotel room case. >> that's what haywood telco, ceo of lexisnexis risk government solutions group, compares the ebt card to from a security perspective, he says, the crooks are using skimming devices to duplicate cardholders information, and that a chip enabled card, much like a credit card, would be encrypted and safer until it's fixed. >> these criminals, it's a feeding frenzy, the national grocers association tells abc seven news that california will likely be one of the first states to transition to chip cards. >> writing in an emailed statement, quote, the usda and nca are actively participating in developing the standards to allow this transition as soon as possible, the california department of social services says. chip tap card implementation is expected this
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summer. last year, california rolled out a mobile app called ebt edge to protect against benefit theft. it allows users to freeze their card when they're not using it, change their pin lock online and out of state transactions, or request a replacement card. eversole started using the app after she was the victim of ebt theft multiple times. >> i'm hoping that this is going to prevent it. >> telco says it doesn't go far enough. >> a lot of people don't know about that yet, and some of the food insecure guess what? they don't have smartphones that are capable of downloading the app. >> in the meantime, he says, there are three ways people can protect themselves from ebt theft. go to bigger stores as opposed to smaller ones, though that's something the national association of convenience stores disputes. >> unfortunately, fraudsters try to take advantage of businesses of all sorts. we think giving that kind of advice would give consumers, in some ways, a false sense of security and it would be bad for small businesses. >> telcos also suggest change
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your pin after each time you use your card and push down on the point of sale terminal to see if it feels like it has any give a sign it may have a skimmer device on it. if it does, don't put your card in. >> i feel like they're not really doing enough, and i feel like it's not just affecting us, it's affecting taxpayers. thankfully, we have a little bit to fall back on and family when that happens. but there's some people that have nothing. >> the california department of social services says anyone who suspects they're a victim of ebt theft should contact their local county office. cardholders can also contact ebt to cancel their card and request a new one. there are systems in place to replenish these funds, but for calfresh benefits, there are limits to two instances in a year, each up to two months worth of benefits replacement and as you just heard, this is happening to people multiple times so that might not be enough of a replenishment, right? >> these scammers are just diabolical. they are relentless. thank you very much melanie. >> now to new developments in the rush to get highway one back open near big sur. the
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governor's office says the road will finally reopen this week. a month and a half after storms eroded the southbound lane, part of the highway crumbled into the ocean back in march, cutting off the route between carmel and big sur. after weeks of work by caltrans, the governor's office says the road will be open to the public starting 630 friday morning. that is a week ahead of schedule. >> don't hear that often. >> no you don't. >> all right, let's turn to the weather forecast. cooling off just a bit. yeah. >> meteorologist sandhya patel has the latest for us. sandhya. yeah. >> a beautiful day. right now we're talking about the winds first. ama and dan, take a look. we have onshore winds gusting to 35 miles an hour. sustained 20 at sfo. you got to look at the upside. this is usually a breezy time of year. but this is providing us with good air quality across the entire bay area right now. and over the next couple of days, expect good air quality for most areas. coast and central bay will be in the moderate category, still safe enough to get out and enjoy the weather. here's a look at your evening forecast. 7:00
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tonight around the inland areas in the mid 70s, dropping off into the 60s around the bay. we're talking about a westerly breeze bringing that fog across the bay already 60 degrees at 7 p.m. temperature down to the mid and low 50s later on tonight. and it's already cool along the coast where the fog is sitting, temperatures down to the low 50s late tonight. here's a look at what's happening with our atmosphere. high pressure is going to nudge in a little bit closer. and this low is going to push on out of here. but until then it has been providing some lift to some moisture. moving into the sierra, which is why they've been dealing with thunderstorms locally here we have our usual marine layer, a stable atmosphere, and that marine layer is on the move. your temperatures anywhere from 56 in san francisco to 83 degrees in brentwood. so we are seeing those microclimates look at east bay hills camera looking towards mount diablo. there are a few high, thin, wispy clouds tonight. coastal fog spreads. tomorrow a little warmer bay and inland. and the rest of the week it's going to be breezy with
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gradual cooling trend expected. your morning temperatures will be in the 40s and 50s. there will be some spotty drizzle around, just like we had this morning in places like half moon bay. so you might want to plan accordingly. and the fog may reduce the visibility enough to where you may need to give yourself that extra time for the commute. tomorrow afternoon, 81, in the south bay and san jose. so temperatures coming up around some of our bayside and inland communities, 78 in morgan hill on the peninsula, 70 in san mateo, upper 50s coast side where the fog is still going to be around, along with some peeks of blue downtown san francisco 65 degrees. daly city 62. in the north bay, mid 70s around places like san rafael, petaluma, 80, and santa rosa heading into the east bay. 70 degrees in oakland 77 fremont. inland areas will be nice and mild, not too hot, not too cold 84 in antioch 80, as well as fairfield, 83, in livermore, 80, in walnut creek. here's your accuweather seven day forecast that morning. fog giving way to a milder day away
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from the coastline. then we'll have a wide range of temperatures on thursday, 22 degrees from coast to inland. and our typical pattern will continue. but notice those temperatures slowly coming down by a few degrees by sunday and monday and tuesday we're talking only 70s inland, 50 coast, but still there, close to average, if not slightly above average. so dan and anna looking good overall. >> all right. we like that. yeah thanks, sandhya. >> all right. temperatures may be dropping but the wnba is hotter than ever. and now the bay area is getting in on the buzz. today we learned the team coming to the chase center next year will be called the golden state valkyries. here's the announcement on good morning america release. >> that banner. lily. let's see it. >> yeah state valkyries, the name comes from the fierce warrior women of norse mythology. >> the team merch in valkyrie violet is already for sale at the warriors shop at thrive city at chase center, and it's
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selling. larry biel will have the reaction from the warriors coming up in sports. >> tough times at tesla. next, how many people are losing their jobs in a new round of layoffs
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that's revealed in the producer. producer. price index. tomorrow. the consumer price index will be released today. the dow gained 126 points. the nasdaq was up nearly an identical amount, 122 points. the s&p added 25. tesla just announced another major round of layoffs, hitting the bay area. state records show the company is cutting 600 positions between facilities in fremont and offices in palo alto. that's on top of more than 2700 jobs. it slashed a few weeks ago. tesla is reducing its overall workforce by 10. the latest round of layoffs starts june 20th. a lot of tech layoffs impact the bay area, so we are keeping track of job losses, find a running list to abc seven >> and the bay area could get a surge of available workers from walmart. in a memo to employees today, the company announced many of its remote workers will go back to the office. walmart is also telling workers in smaller offices in dallas, atlanta and toronto to move to its bigger corporate hubs, including the offices in san
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bruno here in the bay area. the company did the same thing last year, closing some tech focused offices and telling workers to move to the bay area. well, one for one national restaurant chain is not just the lobsters that are red. the ink is too red. lobster is closing about 50 restaurants around the country, including some here in the bay area, like this one in roanoke park. the fremont restaurant is also closed. so far, the restaurants in san jose, milpitas, san bruno, vallejo, fairfield and pittsburg are listed as open. red lobster is reportedly on the brink of filing for bankruptcy. >> coming up, desperate for repairs is actually let's talk about another store that is set to leave the embattled san francisco center. yeah, american eagle announced plans to close its store in the mall in july last year. >> the retailer filed a lawsuit against the former owners of the mall, claiming that they allowed crime to escalate. american eagle will close permanently july the 12th.
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>> all right, now coming up, desperate for repairs and the money to pay for them, the big bond san francisco unified might be asking voters to approve. also ahead. >> but for too long, it hasn't been fair. >> fair competition against china. that's what the biden administration says it is helping to create. we'll have that story
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it's just part of the story. the biden administration touts the $18 billion worth of tariffs on chinese products as a good move for american workers. >> these new rates are expected to occur over the next two years. abc news reporter christiane cordero has the details from washington. >> president biden trying to boost american jobs and perhaps his poll numbers. the president hitting $18 billion worth of imports from china with new tariffs. under the plan. tariffs on chinese electric cars coming into the u.s. will quadruple from 25 to 100. also targeted batteries, medical equipment, steel, aluminum, semiconductors and solar cells. the
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administration says the tariffs will level the playing field, protecting what it describes as a comeback in american manufacturing from cheaper chinese goods. >> we're not going to let china flood our market, making it impossible for american automobile auto manufacturers to compete fairly. us officials claim the new tariffs won't impact inflation in the u.s, saying these are a very targeted set on specific sectors. >> some industry observers are skeptical. one critic writes, instead of just de facto banning the competition from giving americans access to affordable, hot new evs, the u.s. should instead try making affordable hot new evs itself. on the campaign trail, both biden and trump are fighting to prove who was tougher on china. trump today taking credit for biden's move. where have you been for three and a half years? >> they should have done it a long time ago. >> new polling shows the former president ahead in several battleground states where manufacturing is a top issue, including in michigan, home to the big three automakers.
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christiane cordero, abc news, washington. >> happening tonight leaders with san francisco schools will decide whether to ask voters to approve a $790 million bond measure come november. san francisco unified wants to borrow that big chunk of money to pay for improvements to campuses. the district says its schools desperately need repairs, and its budget crisis doesn't leave it many options for funding $410 million would go to maintenance $225 million would also pay for a food hub that would source fresher ingredients for student meals and other nutrition improvements. if the school board approves tonight, voters will get the final say on the november ballot. also happening tonight, facing pressure from the governor. the half moon bay planning commission is set to consider moving forward with a farm worker housing development. there's been a new focus on the issue after a mass shooting at two mushroom farms last year put a spotlight on poor living conditions. a housing project has been in talks for years. >> lawyers for donald trump got their first chance today to try
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to poke holes in michael cohen's story, as trump's former fixer took the stand for the second day in the former president's hush money trial. abc news reporter reena roy is outside the courthouse with combative questioning. >> donald trump's former attorney, michael cohen grilled by defense attorneys on the stand once one of the former president's closest allies. cohen testifying about the alleged hush money payment he made to stormy daniels days before the 2016 election. defense attorney todd blanch, combative, asking about comments cohen made about him on tiktok, which were promptly stricken from the record. cohen later conceding he has also said disparaging things about trump on social media. and when pressed on if he wanted trump to be convicted, cohen said he'd like to see accountability and when pressed, he ultimately responded yes. earlier, prosecutors wrapping up their questioning lasting nine hours over the course of two days. cohen telling the jury about the lies he says he told on trump's behalf to journalists and to
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congress about the alleged catch and kill scheme. cohen saying, i regret doing things for him that i should not have lying, bullying people in order to effectuate a goal. cohen, reiterating that he paid daniels on behalf of trump to influence the election, telling jurors it was to ensure that the story would not come out and would not affect mr. trump's chances of becoming president of the united states. prosecutors asking cohen , were it not for the campaign, would you have paid that money to stormy daniels? cohen replying no, ma'am. cohen emotional during direct examination when he told jurors about his decision to eventually flip on trump at the urging of his family. it was at this exact moment trump's political entourage, including several possible gop running mates, was escorted into the courtroom by security. trump has pleaded not guilty to falsifying business records and has denied any sexual encounter with daniels. >> i took illegal expense and they called it. i didn't do it. a bookkeeper did. it you did it
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exactly right. took a legal expense and called it a legal expense. this is their whole case. >> and trump has tried to challenge the limited gag order in this case, which prevents him from making public statements about witnesses and jurors. but today, an appellate court upheld the order. reena roy, abc news, new york. >> a self-driving car company, waymo, faces a federal investigation. the national highway traffic safety administration is looking for similarities as it investigates 22 reports of waymo vehicles crashing into objects and violating traffic laws. waymo is based in mountain view. its cars operate without drivers in parts of california and arizona. others self-driving car companies, including cruise and zoox, are also under investigation for collisions. >> governor newsom says solving the mental health and homelessness crises deserve a sense of urgency and accountability. and today, he announced that the state is fast tracking funding to new and existing projects. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin
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dorsey explains when cities and counties will see the help so many desperately need, it will help build a better bay area proposition one represents a commitment from the state to expand services to help the most vulnerable and their families, mental health services, like those offered here at the cordilleras mental health center in redwood city. >> they've made a major difference in serving lee's son. >> i wish every county had available for mentally ill clients what this county has available. >> governor gavin newsom hopes that will be the case very soon. during a visit to this mental health center tuesday, newsom saw the benefits prop one can offer many more across the state and to get that help to those who need it most in order to curb the mental health and homelessness crisis, the state will be funding projects like this much sooner than originally thought. >> a two year process. we are collapsing this just approved bond. the first $3.3 billion will be going out in july, and newsom says the state wants to
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approve funding requests fast because the crisis needs a sense of urgency. >> the governor announced a new website as well. mental health, a one stop source for people in need of support and information about the state's behavioral health transformation. five years ago, the state had no strategy for mental health. now, with so much available to counties and cities, newsom wants to see accountability and progress. >> it's time to do your job. it's time to get things done. you ask for these reforms. we've provided them. now it's time to deliver. >> like newsom says, san mateo county has already ahead of the curve when it comes to homelessness solutions and mental health resources. county executive mike kelly says san mateo will now become one of the first to get care court up and running by july 1st part of a commitment to reimagine how california handles the mental health system and to the families of those with mental health issues. >> i want you to know, help is on the way. >> governor newsom hopes the commitment here accelerates efforts in other counties to get things done and help the most. people in san mateo county
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dustin dorsey, abc seven news if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, help is available. >> you can find a list of local resources on our website abc seven slash. take action. take a look at that and stay with us. >> coming up next, a post pandemic change y. it's easier this summer to be safe in the water. >>
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the other summer in at least 2000 years, and scientists warn 2024 is on track to be even hotter. they used tree rings to reconstruct annual temperatures. tree rings provide a climate history for each year of a tree's life going back centuries or even thousands of years. >> and a new warning as we head closer to memorial day and the official start of summer, the cdc says drowning deaths are on the rise, with hundreds more people dying each year in the water. abc seven news reporter ryan curry looks at the new push now to help people stay safe in the water. it only took a moment. >> all of a sudden, i guess they got swept away and within
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seconds, 14 year old justin wong was swimming with a friend in the russian river in april when a current took him away from shore. >> his body was found the next day. >> of course, the family was really nerve wracking. they were waiting and the next day they found him to them, that they found justin in the bottom of the river. >> since justin's death in april, a second child has drowned. a five-year-old died at bethel island this weekend. >> parents and adults who are watching children need to keep in constant visual contact of their children. >> the cdc says drowning deaths are on the rise. they published a new report saying over 4500 people died from drowning each year from 2020 to 2022. they say that's 500 more people per year than since before the pandemic. one reason for the rise there weren't enough lifeguards a few years ago, it was it was it was tough. we were definitely really struggling. we're still building our staff back. >> corey riley, the aquatics and sports manager at the park, says her staff this summer is one of the largest she's had since the
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pandemic. with the new report from the cdc, she is urging people to be vigilant around water this summer. >> make sure that if your if you're with non-swimmers or weak swimmers, coast guard approved flotation device is a great addition to help keep those young swimmers safe. >> the cdc report says over 54% of adults say they never had a swim lesson. riley thinks that should change practice layers of protection when you're around the water. >> and so that's enrolling your kids in swim lessons. if you don't know how to swim yourself as an adult, you can learn to swim as well so you can be safe in the water with your with your family. >> hoping time around the water this summer can be enjoyed safely in the east bay. ryan curry abc seven news. >> our gray may continues. sandhya has the weather for
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next to me is crying about something, i'll cry. so of course, i'm going to cry. >> the good doctor storylines are coming to an end in the final two episodes. how do you know that i'm going to be satisfied when this is all over? >> i think the ending is so beautiful. it's inspiring, it's uplifting. it's full of hope. and i tear up thinking about it. i tear up, i tear up when i read it. >> i think every good thing has an end and i'm ready for it. like i mean, in order for something to end, you know, in order for something beautiful and new to begin, there needs to be an ending for shukumaru, who appeared in the first season, and this last one. >> it's been a great education. >> this has kind of been my drama school, you know, learning from people and i was very much season one, just like the green kid, just like, oh my god, like learning, learning, learning. and that's continued moving forward. >> will yun lee wouldn't mind hopping on to another abc series, and he has a connection to the star of one of them. >> i have some favorite shows and one of them is will. trent
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and ramone used to be my roommate, so i love that show. you can put me on will trent or the rookie? >> back to the good doctor. another former regular, antonia thomas, is back before the show says goodbye. >> not very good at keeping secrets. sean i can't tell you. >> i think everyone's been so thrilled about, you know, about having having her back. she was such a big part of the show for so long. and, and is also a dear friend. and so it's lovely to be able to work with her and see her again. >> you'll see the latest episode tonight at ten on abc seven in los angeles. george pennacchio, abc seven news. >> great show, great cast. yeah. >> two more. all right, let's get to the last check of our weather. >> yeah. meteorologist sandyha patel is here. >> sandy. yeah. and dan and umma is looking fantastic for tomorrow. let me show you live doppler seven. we do have fog near the coast already crossing the bay, and we're going to have our summer microclimates. even though it's spring 58 degrees tomorrow. and half moon bay,
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where the fog is going to be sitting, but 26 degrees warmer if you go all the way inland in antioch. now san francisco is going to be up to 65. a mix of fog and sun, 70 in oakland, 80 in walnut creek. there you have it, 84 in antioch with a lot of sun for not just tomorrow, but for a few days following. so your spread, we're talking about 81 in san jose, 80 degrees in santa rosa. and as we look ahead as to what's going to happen, high pressure over the pacific is going to come in just a little bit to provide a mini warm up for tomorrow. after that, another trough sets up shop and that means we're going back down in terms of the numbers, accuweather, seven day forecast. the warmest day will be tomorrow after that cooler weather. just slowly though, by a couple of degrees each and every day. sunday through tuesday you'll be in the 50s to 70s range. so nice looking weather. ama and dan pretty seasonal to see the fog, the sun relatively mild. >> yeah. thanks, sandy very much. >> all right. sports director larry beals here. a lot of
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excitement today. >> yes. i have to admit, when i heard the name valkyries, i was like, what? all right, what is that. and then i figured it all out. it's all coming together for the bay area's new wnba team. the name and color scheme revealed today. here come the
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?"
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if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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start playing next season at chase center. the team will be known as the golden state valkyries. that team name revealed this morning right here on abc7, actually during good morning america with team president jess smith delivering the news with robin roberts of gma. now the new squad getting some support from the golden state warriors. as you see steve kerr, kevon looney, trace jackson davis all wearing the new gear. valkyries. if you're not familiar, are female warriors from norse mythology. so the name makes even more sense given the men's team name is the warriors. smith explained the thought behind the name valkyries on our 3 p.m. show, getting answers. >> we needed to get it right. it needed to be something that was authentic and that really represented the bay area well. and from day one, we wanted to make sure we were listening to fan input. i think the beautiful part about it is valkyries work together. you know, and we're very, very aware of the fact that our fans, our community, you know, and everything we get a chance to represent will have to move as one to find our success. to me, this brand and this organization really represents leaning into who the
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bay area is. and this is a place where, you know, we lead the world in being both progressive and innovative. we make the impossible possible. and i know that this brand is going to be a connector of our community, and a fun one at that. >> meanwhile, ncaa star paige bueckers from uconn, likely the top pick in the wnba draft next year, posted that the valkyries colorway, their color scheme is the best ever uh- perhaps a future golden state star, although right now it's unclear if the valkyries are going to get the top pick in the draft. they haven't settled that yet. caitlin clark, her wnba debut after breaking the all time ncaa scoring record at iowa, a welcome to the pros knocked to the ground a hard foul, and she struggled early on her first basket right there. a little hesi move. the hesitation in the second quarter. but the connecticut sun up 5342 in the third. clark here she had four threes in this game. the sun win 9271 clark in a losing effort finished with 20 points but also
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had ten turnovers. well he's already an all pro tight end. now he breaks news. last night george kittle posted this cryptic message on instagram. an image of himself and aaron rodgers with the text see you soon. and a day ahead of the nfl schedule, release, we've learned the 40 niners will host rodgers and the jets week one of monday night football right here on abc seven. this, of course, will be a redemption game for rodgers, who tore his achilles tendon just four plays into the last season with his new team, the jets. that was also on a monday night game. well, the giants have just been ravaged by injuries, and the news on center fielder juju li is not good. lee's mri revealed structural damage to his left shoulder. he's going to seek a second opinion with doctor neal elattrache in l.a. on thursday, but it sounds like the korean baseball star could be out for quite a while. giants have so many players hurt, it seemed like the sacramento river cats were playing the dodgers last night at oracle park. the giants still had some fight. eliot ramos, a big three run homer off
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yoshinobu yamamoto, who had not given up a run on the road this season. but in the end, it was the dodgers bats that had the last laugh in extra innings. six 4 in 10 was the final as the dodgers improved to four and zero against the giants this season. >> you know, we are making some mistakes still, and that's going to help come with you. sometimes you want them to be aggressive. sometimes maybe a little too. >> a lot of dodgers fans at the giants home park last night, we'll see how that continues or does not. but two options on jungwoo lee if he opts for surgery. certainly done for the season if he tries to just let it heal. probably two months out. the shoulders are tough either way. i mean, they spent $100 million on him and now you just hurt. yeah. all right. thanks, larry. yeah. >> tonight on abc seven at eight, it's will trent, followed by the rookie at ten. the good doctor. then do stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that we are streaming 24 over
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seven. you can get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. all right. that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. >> larry bill, all of us here. we appreciate your time. hope you have a great evening and that we see you again. everyone >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app
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♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ [applause] please welcome today's contestants. a stay-at-home mom and part time graduate student from jerome, idaho... an analytics manager from old hickory, tennessee...
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and our returning champion, a political organizer originally from nashville, tennessee... whose 2-day cash winnings total $44,301. [applause] and now here's the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! thank you, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" our champion, will stewart, is hoping for win number three today, while our new challengers, omar and ashley, are eager to notch a victory of their own. so let's get right into the game. without any further ado, here are your jeopardy! round categories. first, a little game of... then we have some... then we have... note the quotation marks. followed by... and... will, make a selection. atom for $1,000.


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