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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 14, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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on our website. it's up for you at abc seven, and a reminder you can watch all our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. >> it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and start streaming. all right, thank you so much for watching. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel reveal all of us. we appreciate your time as always right now on jimmy kimmel. stay tuned for emily blunt. >> have a great night. see you tomorrow >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- emily blunt, owen teague and music from carín león & leon bridges, with cleto and the cletones! and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheering and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: thank you. welcome. very nice. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us in -- please, relax, here in hollywood, ca. we had a beautiful weekend. you know what i did this weekend guillermo? >> guillermo: no, what you did? >> jimmy: i went to disneyland. >> guillermo: oh, wow. that's nice. >> jimmy: no kids. i went by myself. [ laughter ] and i texted them a bunch of pictures of me on the rides. they were good sports about it. [ laughter ] . we are in week three now of the people vs donald trump. yes, week three. trump's hush money trial had the day off today in new york, giving our former president a well-deserved chance to nap and fart at home. [ laughter ] according to one of his "friends" trump has been "miserable" in court. he said, "there is no more
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horrible thing for donald trump than just having to sit there and be quiet." well, if that's the case, he's going to love prison. he's going to have a great time. the toot fairy was in and outside court on friday where he got the weekend off to a hilarious start. >> i want to start by wishing my wife, melania, a very happy birthday. it would be nice to be with her, but i'm in a courthouse for a rigged trial. it's a rigged trial. terrible. we're doing very well in this rigged trial. everybody knows it. yesterday was a big day. but i do have to begin by wishing melania happy birthday. >> jimmy: oh, how sweet, how sweet. you know, you could also call her on the phone. how oblivious do you have to be to wish your wife a happy birthday outside the courtroom where you're on trial for paying off a porn star? [ laughter ] melania spent the day at home in florida quietly celebrating with her prenup on friday. [ laughter ] this can't be good for trump's mood.
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he's been asking people to please show up to protest outside of the courtroom, and some of them actually have. >> new york hates you! new york hates you! new york hates you! new york hates you! >> jimmy: or maybe that was his building. i don't know. leave it to new yorkers to welcome their hometown hero back with open arms. trump was in miami yesterday for a little get-together with a favorite punching bag named ron desantis. ronny and donny met for several hours. they say -- the team said they knew the meeting went well when desantis came out of the room with trump's body bronzer all over his face. word is desantis promised to raise money for trump's campaign. man, would i love to have been in that room. trump going, "no, i called you meatball in a good way!" [ laughter ] poor ron desantis, what a pathetic little worm. they say he did this because he wants to run for president again in 2028.
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that seems like a great idea. what he doesnt realize is trump is also going to be running for president again in 2028. [ laughter ] but for now trump has ron desanctimonious as he called him, he has his little white boots in his corner, and he'll need them, because he isn't getting much help from his dummy sons. >> they're going after the guy for a $130,000 payment? every time they shut down the fdr drive it costs 50 times that. no one believes it. all while in new york you can't go into duane reade. you can't go into cvs and buy skin lotion because it has to be locked behind plexiglas because theft is so high. >> jimmy: you can tell by the use of the word "skin lotion" that eric trump has never been in a duane reade or a cvs. [ laughter ] i can't get my skin lotion without asking -- poor guy hasn't been able to touch himself for months. [ laughter ] and of course no eric trump fox appearance would be complete without a thick round of "my fathers." >> my father is feeling great. my father went up to harlem.
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they're trying to tie my father up. they want to torture my father. my father, my father, my father, my father, my father, my father, my father feels great. >> jimmy: yes. i'm sure. probably because of all the skin lotion he's been hoarding. [ laughter ] listen kid, i dont know how to put it to you, but your father thinks your name is derek. okay? [ laughter ] speaking of disappointing sons, over the weekend trump posted five times about rfk jr. he wrote, "why did junior's family go so bonkers at the thought of him running against crooked joe biden? because they are radical left lunatics and they can't conceive of their even more liberal brother running as anything else? maga 2024 don't waste your vote on kennedy!" trump wants to position kennedy junior as a left winger, because he knows he might siphon off some of the anti-vaxxer vote he's expected to get. you can see the overlap here. trump needs to do everything he can to protect the crazy vote. including, are you familiar with a boxer named ryan garcia? if you are not, this will give you an idea of what ryan is about.
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>> you guys hate on me because i'm pretty. man, that's [ bleep ] up. >> you know, jesus is coming back. and i have predicted that there will be earthquake june 6th. ♪ thank you jesus ♪ ♪ thank you jesus ♪ ♪ jesus is king, king of kings ♪ [ bleep ] you, mother [ bleep ]. yeah, that fear coming into your mouth like a bitch, dog! i put my [ bleep ] in your mouth. >> thank you, jesus, king of kings, lord of christ, thank you, jesus, thank you, jesus, thank you jesus, thank you jesus. >> jimmy: you can see he is a pretty solid individual. [ laughter ] so you'll never guess where ryan garcia showed up over the weekend. oh, did you guess mar-a-lago? in that case, you got it right. >> uh-oh, uh-oh, let's see what you got, fast hands. >> zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom.
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donald trump 2024! >> jimmy: remember smokin' joe frazier? this is smoking everything frazier. if you told me that was video from an insane asylum, i wouldn't bat an eye. [ laughter ] in football news, the nfl draft wrapped up on saturday in detroit. and of all the players drafted, i'd like to give an honorable mention to wide receiver brian thomas, jr. he was selected 23rd by the jacksonville jaguars. but his mom ran away with the award for most valuable parent. >> i'm just happy for him because he put in a lot of work, you know what i'm saying. it's awesome. that's all i can tell you, it's awesome. it's awesome feeling. >> sondra, how far has this family come? >> we came from baton rouge, louisiana. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's more than a thousand miles. another standout from the draft was buffalo bills' first pick keon coleman. who, clearly, has interests outside of just football. >> from here?
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>> i forgot i went to school in michigan for two years. guess where i got this from, though? i'm going to tell you. guess, you're going to be wrong, though, but guess. >> tom izzo. >> nah! macy's. what you mean? they be on sale on the rack, all the colors. >> right. >> 79.89, nice little deal. you get the trench coat for like $100. i take you there personally. i might go get some more colors. i need a blue one and another red one. >> jimmy: it's like a text from my mother, you know? [ laughter ] and the best part about that clip is there's more of it. >> macy's has thanksgiving sales too. >> i don't know about thanksgiving. you see, i shop with my mom. i get my coats in the summertime. you got to shop a season or two before, just in case. anything cheaper. because you go at thanksgiving, everybody at thanksgiving, you know what i'm saying? >> jimmy: i do, yeah. but i feel like others might not. smart guy. he also buys turkeys on the 4th
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of july. [ laughter ] you know there are a lot of characters vying to be donald trump's running mate. one of them is south dakota governor kristi noem. part of what you do when you run for -- when you want to be a running mate is you write a book, you outline your world view and tell your life story. governor noem, did that, in her forthcoming memoir "no going back: the truth on what's wrong with politics and how we move america forward." the book comes out next month. but what we know from the excerpts released by "the guardian" is that kristi noem shot her 14-month-old dog. she wrote "i hated that dog. cricket was "untrainable," dangerous to anyone she came in contact with and less than worthless as a hunting dog. and when cricket got out of the car and chomped on the neighbor's chickens, at that moment" she says "i realized i had to put her down." cricket was a puppy, a wirehair pointer, that she was training to hunt pheasant.
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by her own account, she dragged cricket to a gravel pit and shot shot the dog. "it was not a pleasant job," she wrote, "but it had to be done." no, it didn't. but she also says she shot the family goat in the gravel pit. and then i guess somebody realized this wasn't a great story to share with the world, so she posted, "we love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. sadly, we just had to put down three horses a few weeks ago that had been in our family 25 years." just to recap, for those who were horrified that she shot a puppy and a goat, she would like you to know she also shoots horses. [ laughter ] who would write this? this is a great example of how stupid these people are. this woman, not only does she want to be vice president, she is the governor of south dakota. i don't know how big her staff is, but i'm guessing she has at least a dozen people working for her, probably more. not one of those dozen or dozens of people raised a hand and said, uh, governor, do you think maybe not a great idea to share that story about shooting a whole petting zoo at your house? [ laughter ] maybe we save shooting a puppy in a gravel pit for the next
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book, you know? [ laughter ] this is a crazy person. i have to say i'm afraid of what she might do when she finds out how many chickens her favorite president has killed. [ laughter ] obviously, this is a public relations disaster completely of her own making. but team noem is working hard to try to somehow give this a positive spin. >> south dakota isn't just the best place in america to do business. it's also the best place to live, work, and play. if you like what you see, if you value our approach to reducing government and increasing personal freedom, we'd love to have you come join us. [ barking ] come grow your company. live your life, achieve your dreams -- [ whining ] we can make it happen right now. because south dakota means business. >> jimmy: and that is the end of kristi noem. [ applause ] even trump won't pick a puppy killer, right? this is a bit of a blow because trump would probably benefit from selecting a woman as his running mate, and she was
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probably his top choice. according to a new poll from the "new york times," only 31% of american females think trump respects women, whereas 54% of men think he does. they think he respects women either "a lot" or "some." oh yeah. "mr. grab 'em by the [ bleep ]" has total respect for women. he's a regular gloryhole steinem. this guy. he respected his ex-wife so much he buried her on the best hole on his golf course. [ laughter ] i know it's just a poll, but it's shocking to hear that a majority of men believe donald trump respects women. i mean -- >> not as much as i do, jimmy. >> jimmy: sorry, what was that? >> sorry, i was just saying donald trump doesn't respect women as much as i do. i respect women deeply. >> jimmy: ok, good to know, but i'm in the middle of a monologue -- >> no matter what beth says. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: look, i don't have time for whatever is going on here. >> who's beth, you ask? sure, we can get into all that. >> jimmy: no, i didn't --
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>> i see an ally coming through. >> jimmy: no, i didn't, not at all -- >> just to recap for everybody, beth is my ex who thought i fundamentally misunderstood what it means to respect women, or whatever. but look at this. beyonce. so. >> jimmy: i see that, but -- >> women's stories matter! okay? i saw "barbie." i loved it. >> jimmy: i don't know why you're being defensive. nobody even -- >> i loved "barbie" even more than a lot of real movies. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "real movies?" what do you mean real? >> and how about that caitlin clark, huh? come on, really? honestly, i prefer women's basketball. that's just me. >> jimmy: okay. hey, can you name a second female basketball player? >> steph curry? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: steph curry is a man. >> okay, okay. all right. the sexy bunny from space jam? >> jimmy: not technically a woman. >> look, we're not so different, you and i, okay? our love languages are touch. we both respect women. and because of that, we watch a lot of lesbian pornography.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not true and i'd really rather you don't touch me. >> hey jimmy do you know how long it's been since i've gotten to respect a woman in the flesh? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a really long time? >> it's been a really long time. okay? but you know what? that's what being an ally is all about, respecting women from a distance. and for me, that distance is legally 500 feet. happy now, beth? >> jimmy: it's time for you to go. >> it's not history, it's herstory! okay? this is what a feminist looks like. where's emily blunt? i'm going to respect her. [ applause ] >> jimmy: anyone else have anything? all right. hey, we have a fun show tonight. from "kingdom of the planet of the apes," owen teague is here with us. [ cheering ] we have music from carin leon and leon bridges. and we'll be right back with emily blunt. so stick around. [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by university of phoenix.
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. tonight, his new movie is called "kingdom of the planet of the apes." owen teague is with us. [ cheering ] then later, from sonora, mexico, here to celebrate the summer of mexicana with the song "it was
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always you" carin leon and leon bridges from the don julio stage. [ applause ] this week, i have to say this might be our week of best guests ever. guillermo, you be the judge. let me know what you think. ryan gosling will be here. john mulaney will be here. jeff ross will be here and jerry seinfeld will be here. we'll have music from reeianion gidens and gary clark jr. will be here with stevie wonder. >> guillermo: oh, wow! that's a great week. [ applause ] >> jimmy: what do you think about that? >> guillermo: perfect. >> jimmy: gary clark jr. is bringing stevie wonder. well, that's a good plus one. [ laughter ] we have a great guest tonight. she is an oscar-nominated actress and a five-star individual overall. her highly anticipated new movie with ryan gosling is called "the fall guy." it opens in theaters friday. please welcome emily blunt. [ cheering and applause ] ♪
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good to see you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: are you getting taller? i feel like -- >> i have massive platforms on tonight. these are just my legs. >> jimmy: how you doing? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: i heard you on with howard stern this morning. >> how did you think i did? >> jimmy: i think you did great. not only did i think you did great, i feel like you and howard have great chemistry. >> i think i have great chemistry with howard stern. you know we spoke on the phone for half an hour after. >> jimmy: afterwards? oh, he didn't get enough, i guess. >> didn't get enough, yeah. >> jimmy: i was thinking these two should do a show together, really. but i do feel like you probably, you have good chemistry with anyone you choose to have good chemistry with. >> well, it's easy with him. he is a great conversationalist. it's like kind of playing ping-pong with someone exciting. >> jimmy: yes. it was fun. it got very personal. did you say anything you wish you hadn't? >> i always say stuff i wish i hadn't. >> jimmy: did you have to text anyone? did you have to text john -- >> i didn't have to text anyone.
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but i knew he would ask the types of questions where i would have to sort of snake my way out of it now. you kind of go in bracing for impact a bit. >> jimmy: i liked it when you -- he was talking about -- he was asking you if you and john walk around naked around the house. >> what did i say? did i say yeah? >> jimmy: you said you do. and you did not answer whether john did or not. >> well, i don't think it's fair to sort of reveal that. i think maybe when john does howard stern, he can talk about anything nude. >> jimmy: maybe they could be nude during the interview. >> oh, see that? howard sounds like a never nude. >> jimmy: and you described it i think quite beautifully because howard hides his body from his wife. and then you said when you're slithering into bed. [ laughter ] >> but i get that feeling with him just surreptitiously slithering into bed quickly before she sees him. >> jimmy: i think it rang a bell in his head. he thought yes, i am slithering into bed.
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>> he is the best, though, isn't he? >> jimmy: he is. >> he is like a sweet pea, which is a ridiculous thing to call howard stern, but i think he is kind of a sweet pea. >> jimmy: he has definitely changed a lot over the last 30 years. >> yes, he has. i think he said a lot of those times just ruined his life. and he was like i can't do that again, i've got to be nice now. >> jimmy: you've been promoting "the fall guy" for quite some time now, months. >> for like too long. >> jimmy: you and ryan were great on the oscars. you were so funny on the oscars. >> you were great on the oscars. [ cheers and applause ] no. >> jimmy: no, you guys were really great on the oscars. because there is a lot of -- there's a lot of planning that goes in. and then a lot of times like the writers will write stuff for the presenters, and sometimes they will do it. sometimes they won't. it almost never feels natural. but you guys, and speaking of chemistry, you and ryan gosling have really great chemistry. >> i mean, ryan -- no. ryan gosling has more chemistry than a meth lab. let's just be honest. he has it just brimming out of him. >> jimmy: he does, yeah. he does. >> he's got all that banter in him just locked and loaded.
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it's just easy. >> jimmy: even as a vaguely heterosexual man, it's hard not to blush in his presence. i mean, it really is. >> you know, we were being interviewed by this male journalist and he said, you know, ryan gosling, you just got that thing where someone walks in and you just look them up and down and you assess them and it makes me really nervous. and then ryan did look very suspicious and looked him up and down and i was like oh my god, he does do that. [ laughter ] i mean, ryan has an expression that i like at most times he looks a bit suspicious, like if you compliment him it's like he's lost his glasses? he's like looking for the nearest exit. >> jimmy: he doesn't like it? >> oh my god, he withers. he just hates it. >> jimmy: so when you guys are doing stuff together, do you jump in and help him? >> with what? >> jimmy: when he is being complimented? >> yes, i have to. >> jimmy: do you feel uncomfortable when you're getting compliments from people? >> i used to. i think if you're english you
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feel everyone is being insincere. i feel we have that common trait. you sort of bat away nice things people say too. >> jimmy: i am uncomfortable with it. but it doesn't necessarily mean i think they're being insincere. >> okay. >> jimmy: it just makes me go ehhhh. >> i think that's the inner sound i make, eggggh. [ laughter ] but i think when i first came to america, it was alarming how easy americans find it to look someone in the eye and go "you are amazing," you know. and i was like, what is that? i had like an allergic reaction to it. >> jimmy: your parents, i've met them. they're lovely people. >> they're the best. >> jimmy: are they effusive in that way about you? and your sisters and brothers? >> more so now. something like with age or something. >> jimmy: that makes sense. your whole family is super talented. >> i think so. >> jimmy: it's almost ridiculous. [ laughter ] >> yeah, it's not right. >> jimmy: is it competitive? did you feel like that made you who you are, having so many talented people in your house?
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>> i think -- i definitely grew up in a family where it was -- everyone was embraced for who they were. i didn't grow up in a family where my parents were too pushy, nor did i grow up in a family where they were overly complimentary and blowing smoke up our asses. i feel -- i don't know. >> jimmy: i think you told me when your mom met ryan, she was quite smitten by him. >> she was like, "you look very nice in that white suit." [ laughter ] i was like, all right. >> jimmy: it is weird. >> you're at a 10 on the creep factor right now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we don't want our parents to have any sexuality. >> no. >> jimmy: yet we would not be here if they didn't. >> i know. have you had to have the birds and the bees talk with your kids yet? well, i told my son, who is 30, i just told him a couple of years ago. [ laughter ] >> okay, good. i'm glad kevin's grasped it. >> jimmy: yeah, i told kevin. >> that's why he looked different today. he looked a little shocked. >> jimmy: the way i told him was fully -- my mother never. >> never had the chat? >> jimmy: my dad either.
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my dad and i really didn't talk until i hit 25. >> perfect, that sounds like a great father. >> jimmy: he was a great father. he was at work doing something, what we don't know. he would come home at night. and in the morning he would get a suit on and go back to whatever it was he was doing. and it wasn't like i'm on the way out he was oh, by the way, penis goes in the vagina. [ laughter ] >> just lob it in. >> jimmy: you know what? i feel like we've gotten way off track. >> have we? >> jimmy: a little bit, a little bit. let's take a break. we'll collect our thoughts. >> and then i want to know if you get naked in front of your children. >> jimmy: yes. okay. all right. emily blunt is here. her movie is "the fall guy." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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how did we do, boss? >> it was good. it was amazing. it was so amazing we're going to go do some karaoke. if you like karaoke, you know, you could come. like i would like you to. >> i'll be there. >> okay. >> i didn't know what that was. that was so awful. >> really? >> yeah. let's do that. >> it's holstered. forget. you never saw it. >> jimmy: that is emily blunt and ryan gosling in "the fall guy," which is -- you know what this movie is? >> what? >> jimmy: it's like a movie. it's one of these movies we're going to be watching for the next like 30 years. >> jimmy -- >> jimmy: one of the classic movies you're going to go oh, i want my kids to see this one.
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i do think that. >> be on our poster. just put it on the poster. that is so wonderful. >> jimmy: and i have bad memories of "the fall guy." it was a tv show. >> yes. lee majors. >> jimmy: it was on saturday nights. and it represented me not being out with any girls. [ laughter ] i distinctly remember, and i love lee majors, he was the six million dollar man. and then "the fall guy," i distinctly remember everyone being at the prom and then the theme to "the fall guy" kicks in. oh, boy. >> this is no slight on lee majors, but now if you're not at the prom you can be out with ryan gosling. >> jimmy: your daughters have met ryan? >> they are so obsessed with ken, you know. >> jimmy: yeah, my daughter too. she is 9. >> just wild. >> jimmy: she met him at the oscars. it was one of these. we didn't know she had that in her really. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: because she likes olivia rodrigo and taylor swift. >> they're at that age where they're 10, they play it kind of cool. so they did get to meet him
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finally. and he popped over with eva and the girls to say goodbye. they stayed in new york while he was doing "snl." and he brought them this massive box of roses that he'd had in his dressing room for "snl" that spelled "ken." and he said to the girls i just want to really thank you for all the support for ken. and they literally were like -- ah. and afterwards, my 8-year-old was like "and they smell so good." almost like she was talking about him, you know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know, my son, kevin, who's 30, had the same reaction when your husband john came over to our house. he was -- there was definitely some kind of that sort of thing. >> i think john likes that reaction. i think he'd like more of that from me. >> jimmy: did the whole family go to australia when you -- >> they all came to australia. >> jimmy: they did? >> yes. i know everyone comes out and talks about an australian animal story, but i do have one. is it boring to talk about a spider story? have you had too many of those? >> jimmy: no.
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but you're right, though. people do -- it does seem that -- and we do have some australians who are fleeing. >> oh, no, australians. >> jimmy: they actually -- >> are you so sick of hearing people talk about spiders? oh, look, see. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: these people are totally out of it. they think l.a. is clean, okay? [ laughter ] there's no coming from a different place up there. >> okay. so australia was very welcoming, loved it. the spiders were also very welcoming. and there was a night where i was just sitting having a quiet drink with john on the terrace. and i looked inside, and i saw one of those huntsmen. and it's not like -- you know how people go it was the size of your hand. it was like a bird in full wingspan. >> jimmy: they look like a crab? >> it was like that. i was about to take a sip, and i went you're up, you're up. i'm not -- nope. i won't. and john is very good with most insects. but he's got a bit of a thing about spiders. >> jimmy: probably never seen a spider of that size.
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>> so just seeing him go and get a tupperware and try to work his way up to putting the tupperware over the spider and trying to act kind of cool about it. he went, okay, i'm just going to -- you know what? okay. we're going to okay, here we go, yep. [ laughter ] and i got the paper and i slid the paper under. >> jimmy: you helped? >> i handed it and then kind of backed up. and then he walked out. and he said everything was fine, but then got outside and it was pitch black, so he couldn't see it. but he felt the spider go -- around the tupperware. thanks anyway. thanks anyway. and i was like oh, my god. and he released it, shook it out, but didn't know if it was out, because it was dark. and that was the inside in a scream. >> jimmy: can i tell you how i would have handled it? >> killed it? >> jimmy: i don't know, maybe, if i could have. if i had like a bow and arrow or something, yeah, maybe. [ laughter ] but i would have thrown the tupperware into the jungle or whatever. >> i know.
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why did he keep the tupperware? i don't want it. >> jimmy: it's not like you're going to pack that and bring it home, right? >> i'm not going to put the leftover pesto in it. just chuck it. >> jimmy: but then you know what? he's jack ryan and neither one of us are. so i guess that is the kind of heroism that you display. oh, man. i wish i had known about the spider thing when you guys were living across the street. >> no. you would have been really mean. >> jimmy: yes, i would have been. >> we don't tell you our vulnerabilities anymore. we don't trust you. >> jimmy: yes, but now i know one. you're getting one for christmas. [ laughter ] >> perfect. >> jimmy: well, it's great to see you. congratulations on the movie. >> thank you. >> jimmy: the movie is "the fall guy." it opens in theaters friday. emily blunt, everybody. we'll be right back with owen teague. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: hi there. music from carin leon and leon bridges is on the way. our next guest is a talented young man who doubles as a chimp, he takes on the role of noa in "kingdom of the planet of
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the apes." >> what did i miss? >> she spoke. >> oh. >> she called my name. >> you misheard. >> you said this nova was smarter than most. >> within reason. some intelligence to be sure. >> i have a name. mae. >> jimmy: "kingdom of the planet of the apes" opens in theaters may 10th. please welcome owen teague. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? i'm doing well. i hear this is your first time on a talk show. >> yes. ever. >> jimmy: so far, how has the experience been? >> wonderful.
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>> jimmy: did they have snacks for you backstage? >> they did, they did. i didn't eat any, though. >> jimmy: you were a chimp. others were an orangutan in the clip we saw. >> yes. and there's a human. >> jimmy: you look very human. >> i won't tell you which one. >> jimmy: and human. okay. so you are in -- now wait, tell me. i don't know how this stuff works. are you -- do you have hair and stuff on your face? or is this they like -- they put dots on your head? >> oh, that's just me. no, it's performance capture. so i'm covered in little dots all over my face. and i'm in a basically spandex suit with little reflective balls. and there's a camera strapped to my head. and it's fun. >> jimmy: got it. camera strapped to your head. >> yeah. >> jimmy: pointing at you? >> pointing at me. it's a very flattering angle right from down here. >> jimmy: and how heavy is that camera? >> i don't know. it's like a pound probably. it takes some getting used to. when they take it off at you at the end of the day, your head goes oop. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. because you have to like tense. >> jimmy: did you practice with
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it before? did you keep it on like driving and stuff? >> no. that would be dangerous. >> jimmy: this is what, the fourth "planet of the apes" movie in this chunk. this one takes place how many years after the last one? >> hundreds. many generations. >> jimmy: so all those characters are dead? >> yes. yeah. >> jimmy: will you be dead in the next one? [ laughter ] >> i hope not. >> jimmy: you hope not. but they haven't figured that out yet. >> i don't think i'll be dead. yeah. >> jimmy: how do you audition to get a part as an ape? >> well, you set up the camera on in my case, in my little room, my apartment. and you get on the floor, and you read the scene. and you try to just forget about the fact that you're playing an ape and just play the truth of it. >> jimmy: you're not like going ooh ooh ooh ooh, or eating bananas or anything like that?
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>> i wasn't. but kevin durand in his audition actually, he showed this to me. he plays the villain, proximus. he did a video where he runs down the hallway in ape form and starts hooting at the camera. and it's terrifying. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did that make you think ooh, maybe i should have done that? >> no. >> jimmy: because you got the part? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did it make you think he probably shouldn't have done that? >> no, because proximus is so, you know, vibrant. >> jimmy: okay. and scary. >> and scary. >> jimmy: and then they send you to some sort of like an ape school, right? >> yes, yeah. >> jimmy: were there apes at the school teaching you? [ laughter ] >> god, i wish. no. so before i went to australia to start ape school, i actually went down to a sanctuary in florida called the center for great apes, which is about an hour away from where i grew up. >> jimmy: oh, that's where trump lives right? [ laughter ]
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[ rimshot ] so it's near where you grew up. >> near where i grew up in florida. and i spent a week with chimpanzees there. the director of the center was very gracious. >> jimmy: so you watch these animals and you try to pick up clues? >> right. so the thing that happened when i went to the sanctuary is i actually met a chimp there named bentley. and he had this kind of -- he had this kind of intelligence and curiosity behind his eyes. and it was the first moment that i was like, that's noah. and it was the first part of putting together the puzzle of figuring out who i was playing. >> jimmy: did you communicate with bentley in any way? >> yes. you can -- we share body language. so there's always some communication. but there was another chimpanzee there named noelle who actually spoke american sign language. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> i came in one day with a bandage on my finger, a band-aid, and she pointed at it
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and went -- which means hurt, hurt. >> jimmy: does that blow your mind when that happens? >> it >> jimmy: does it make you feel like maybe they shouldn't be in the cages there? >> yeah. but also no, because the sanctuary at the center for great apes, they're not cages. they're enclosures. so they're getting to live out the rest of their lives as chimpanzees. >> jimmy: is that the place where bubbles the chimp is? >> yes. >> jimmy: holy-moly! did you meet bubbles? >> in passing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you ask him about michael jackson? >> no. >> jimmy: no? >> no. you know. >> jimmy: because you and bentley are hey, we've got a thing over here. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: meanwhile, bubbles is the real star. >> well, bubbles is just a chimp, man. >> jimmy: that's pretty crazy. so have you seen the whole movie yet? >> yes. not with an audience. i've seen 30 minutes with an audience, and thursday night across the street at the chinese heater will be the first full screening with people.
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>> jimmy: that's exciting, huh? >> yeah, really exciting. >> jimmy: have you been in a big premiere like that before? >> it was big. but i was sort of -- i wasn't central, you know. >> jimmy: afterwards, did you have to tell everybody hey, i was the ape? >> probably, probably. but i don't mind. >> jimmy: have you considered wearing a shirt that says "i was the ape"? [ laughter ] >> you know, i actually -- >> jimmy: because i've been telling people i'm in the ape in the movie. >> and please continue, i don't mind. [ laughter ] i have a shirt that says "ape" on it that i stole from the stunt department of the movie. yeah. >> jimmy: wear that tomorrow for sure. just so people know what's up. >> you have to remind everybody. >> jimmy: hanging out at the party like yeah, i was in the movie. no, you weren't. >> i mean, anybody can say that they're noa. they can't, actually. because it kind of looks like me. >> jimmy: kind of. but really super kind of. like it's going to have to be six martinis in for somebody to go -- >> you're being very kind.
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but -- >> jimmy: well, congratulations on your apeness. and meeting bubbles. i never met anybody -- oh, no, you know what? bon jovi met bubbles. yeah. he was here a few weeks ago. he told me he met bubbles. hey, tell bubbles bon jovi says hello. [ laughter ] >> i'll pass it along. >> jimmy: all right. owen teague, everybody. "kingdom of the planet of the apes"! [ cheering and applause ] opens exclusively in theaters on may 10th. we'll be back with carin leon and leon bridges. ♪ >> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by tequila don julio's summer of mexicana.
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>> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by tequila don julio's summer of mexicana. >> jimmy: thanks to emily blunt and owen teague. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first with the song "it was always you," with help from leon bridges, carin leon! [ cheering and applause ] ♪
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♪ last night there was a love crime i guess i'm takin' ♪ ♪ the fall ♪ ♪ all signs saying i'm the bad guy ♪ ♪ when you don't get what you want ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ it feels like maybe, maybe it's you ♪ ♪ maybe it's you ♪ ♪ the reason the reason for all my pain keep me up night and day ♪ [ singing in spanish ]
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♪ i finally see there was nothing wrong with me ♪ ♪ it was alwa [ cheering ] ♪ thinkin' of the wrongs within myself contemplatin' like ♪ ♪ am i good for your health ooh yeah but now i realize ♪ ♪ but you get off on shiftin' the blame givin' you a riser ♪ ♪ when you're feeding the flame oh baby ♪ ♪ you've got some issues to face ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ it feels like maybe, maybe it's you ♪
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♪ maybe it's you ♪ ♪ the reason, the reason for all my pain ♪ ♪ keeping me up night and day ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ i finally see there was nothing ♪ ♪ wrong with me it was always you ♪ ♪ it was always ♪ ♪ always always you ♪ ♪ it was always ♪ ♪ always always you ♪ ♪ it was always ♪
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♪ always always you ♪ ♪ ♪ always always you ♪ ♪ i finally see, there was nothing wrong with me ♪ ♪ it was always you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: this is "nightline." >> jimmy: tonight, shocking allegations against the miss usa organization. >> they were ill treated. abused, bullied and cornered. >> jimmy: the moms of miss usa and miss teen usa speaking out after their daughters' stunnin


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