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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 15, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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right now in america this morning, new trouble for boeing. why? the justice department now claims the company violated a settlement stemming from two deadly crashes involving a 737. and what happens next? >> michael cohen, back on the stand at the trump hush money trial. how he answered when asked if he was obsessed with donald trump. plus, what lawyers are now saying about whether
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trump will testify and the so-called veepstakes at a trump fundraiser overnight. the high profile guests in the big apple, a new battle in the fight to save tiktok from being banned in the u.s. >> content creators going to court what they're claiming orca is on the attack. >> the so-called killer whales sinking a yacht, the latest in a series of mysterious attacks at sea. >> plus the controversial experiment inside an arkansas jail that's the subject of a popular netflix series. how the sheriff is defending it caitlin clark's historic debut. >> here's clark, a good look from three. >> she got it. what she achieved in her first game as a pro and bumble's big fumble. >> why the dating app is saying sorry for its message about celibacy from abc news. >> this is america this morning. >> good wednesday morning everyone. i'm lionel moise in for andrew. >> good morning to you all i'm
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rhiannon ally we want to begin with the safety of air travel and boeing in some hot water this morning. >> the justice department has taken a new step that could lead to criminal prosecution of the company over two deadly crashes. those crashes involving a certain model of 737. this morning, new trouble for boeing. the justice department accuses the company of violating a settlement that was reached after two deadly plane crashes. >> companies are threatened and put under agreements, by the justice department, but it's extremely rare that a company actually violates the agreement. >> the agreement allowed boeing to avoid criminal prosecution after the crashes involving its 737 max jets in 2018 and 2019. in exchange, it was required to follow certain safety procedures. but in a new letter, prosecutors claim boeing has failed to design, implement and enforce a compliance and ethics program to prevent and detect violations throughout its operations. the justice
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department says boeing is now subject to prosecution, though the department is still determining how it will proceed in this matter. >> boeing is one of the largest and most powerful companies in the united states. it supports tens of thousands of jobs across the country. it supplies our military with planes and different weapon systems. but on the flip side, the families who lost people in those two crashes, they want justice. >> those two max jet crashes killed hundreds of people. the first in indonesia, killed all 189 passengers and crew. the second in ethiopia, 157. a congressional investigation found boeing failed in its design and development of the max. the father of samya stumo, a 24 year old from massachusetts killed in the ethiopia crash, says he's very pleased the department of justice found boeing in breach. boeing's operations have been under scrutiny more recently after the
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door plug of an alaska airlines plane fell off in mid-flight, according to the justice department's letter. boeing said we believe that we have honored the terms of that agreement and look forward to the opportunity to respond to the department on this issue. prosecutors have given boeing until june 13th to formally respond. >> eight people are dead and a truck driver is under arrest after police say his truck hit a bus carrying more than 50 farm workers in florida. eight other people are in critical condition after the crash in marion county. some of the workers are from mexico. truck driver bryan mclean howard now faces eight counts of dui related manslaughter. >> the biden administration is now moving forward with more than $1 billion in new weapons for israel. this comes after president biden paused a shipment of bombs to israel over concern they'd be used to attack the city of rafah in southern gaza. but the white house says other military assistance will continue. meanwhile, in israel, several protesters have been arrested for attacking an aid
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convoy near gaza. it was headed to gaza. israeli settlers blocked those trucks and destroyed boxes of aid, claiming the supplies would only help feed the enemy, not a former president. >> trump's criminal trial. his former fixer, michael cohen, was back on the stand for cross examination. meanwhile, trump last night turned to his attention to fundraising with some high profile guests. abc's perry russom has details on that. perry. good morning, ryan. >> good morning to you. trump hosted a fundraiser last night where nearly every person rumored to be on the short list for his vice president attended, and several of former president trump's potential running mates were seen leaving a big money fundraiser in new york overnight , including north dakota governor doug burgum. south dakota governor kristi noem, south carolina senator tim scott and entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. tickets cost up $844,000 to support the trump campaign, as he left the event, reporters asking trump if his future vice president was there. mr. president, was your next vp
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in there with you tonight? he gave no response earlier, burgum and ramaswami showing solidarity with trump, attending his hush money trial, joining house speaker mike johnson and other trump surrogates at the courthouse. >> i think one thing that we've all known is this was a sham trial, but when you have an opportunity to see it up close and personal, you can see it's actually a scam trial. >> trump's former attorney michael cohen, back on the stand detailing the hush money payment to stormy daniels, saying trump told him to pay her off in exchange for her silence about their alleged sexual encounter. so it would, quote, not affect mr. trump's chances in the 2016 election. things getting combative in the cross-examination between trump's attorney todd blanch, trying to paint cohen as a man looking for revenge, saying you're actually obsessed with president trump. cohen replying i can't recall using that word, but i can't say it would be wrong. blanch also questioning cohen about comments he made about blanch himself. you went on tiktok and called me a crying little expletive, didn't you, cohen saying, sounds like
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something i would. before being interrupted by the prosecution's objection, trump is accused of illegally falsifying business documents. trump denies all wrongdoing. cohen is expected to be cross-examined about those claims when court is back in session tomorrow. court is off both today and friday. the defense is not expected to start calling witnesses until next week, if at all. they told the judge they have not determined yet if trump will take the stand . lionel. >> all right, perry, thank you. investigators say that cargo ship that brought down baltimore's key bridge lost power twice in the hours before the crash. the ship suffered two blackouts during maintenance. a preliminary report says the crew reconfigured the ship's electrical system. no word yet if that's to blame for the ship losing power before it drifted into the bridge. >> a new battle in the fight to save tiktok from being banned here in the us. now content creators are going to court saying they are fighting for their livelihoods. this morning, tiktokers are taking on the
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government. >> i'm suing biden. >> well, more of the federal government are suing to stop a potential ban on the app, set to take effect in a matter of months, unless tiktok's chinese parent company, bytedance, sells the platform. >> in their lawsuit, eight content creators claim the law signed by president biden that could ban the app violates the rights to free speech. >> i am fighting for my community that i have worked for years to create on here. >> the lawsuit says the creators rely on tiktok to create communities and even make a living, and cites tiktok's secret sauce that allows them to reach bigger audiences than other apps. but the justice department argues the potential ban addresses critical national security concerns in a manner that is consistent with the first amendment. lawmakers have argued china could access americans data or use its algorithm to spread disinformation. the creators lawsuit is demanding proof that tiktok is actually a threat, prove many legal experts say
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will be needed for the government to win its case. >> the government does not have the right to tell us what we can't use, especially when they haven't proved or provided evidentiary evidence to show the danger of said app. >> tiktok has also sued to stop the ban, and there could be more at stake. reports say billions of dollars in u.s. pension funds and other investments may have some exposure to tiktok's parent company. >> it appears the killer whales off the coast of spain have struck again. a pod of orcas notorious for attacking ships near gibraltar sank a yacht. two people had to be rescued here. hundreds of orca encounters have been reported in that area. in recent years, sometimes ramming into ships. some speculate the whales are getting revenge for a previous collision involving a whale. others say they're just having fun. it is time now for your wednesday weather. >> lots of rain on the east coast today. severe storms are
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hitting florida and rain moves into the northeast in time for the evening commute. the threat for severe storms reemerges across oklahoma and the texas panhandle today, and then tomorrow. the threat extends across texas, bringing more rain to dallas, which is seeing one of its wettest years on record. checking today's high temperatures, miami could see a record high temperature in the 90s. comfortable 70s for the northwest, 67 in los angeles, 67 also in rapid city >> coming up, a beloved restaurant chain moves closer to bankruptcy. >> also ahead 11 years later, how one woman's fight to bring an alleged rapist to justice has finally paid off and caught on camera, a bull goes on the attack
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shot and killed by a delivery person from an instacart delivery. >> how did they tell you that ollie was gone on gma? >> back now with red lobster
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moving closer to bankruptcy, the wall street journal reports the seafood chain could file for chapter 11 as soon as next week. it follows the sudden closure of dozens of restaurants, red lobster has been losing money for years. it's all you can eat. shrimp deal contributed to an $11 million loss. >> we turn now to pennsylvania, where one woman searched for justice, which began more than a decade ago, has resulted in the arrest of her suspected rapist. but she says it never should have taken this long. abc's andrea fujii explains. >> this morning, one woman's 11 year long pursuit of justice finally coming to fruition. shannon keeler says she was sexually assaulted by a classmate back in 2013. and now the suspect, ian thomas cleary, is in custody. overseas authorities had been looking for him since. keeler says he posted what appeared to be a confession on facebook in 2019. >> so i raped you. it's like you came to terms with that, that he did do it. >> authorities say cleary also
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wrote, i need to hear your voice. i need to know if i did it or not. i'll wait for you. i'll pray for you. keeler says she and cleary met at gettysburg college in pennsylvania in 2013 at a frat party. she says he followed her home and assaulted her. she says she told her friends right away and had a rape exam done, but authorities at the time declined to press charges. >> and i said, why? what do you mean you don't have enough evidence? the district attorney at the time said when alcohol is involved, it's really difficult to prove that a sexual assault occurred. >> by that time, cleary, whose originally from california had not returned to campus. fast forward to 2020, when keeler saw those messages from cleary on facebook, she again went to authorities. >> it was a sense of validation. it's not every day that someone gets a confession from the person they raped, the person that raped them, and that no matter what i had to pursue it again. >> a warrant was issued for cleary, but he eluded police until now. u.s. marshals tracking him down in france,
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where he's being held pending extradition proceedings. keeler has said she's grateful, but knows this only happened because i went public with my story, which no survivor should have to do in order to obtain justice. it's important to note cleary has not been convicted of any crime, and he is not officially responded to the accusations. in the arrest warrant, a french lawyer representing him did not immediately comment. rhiannon lionel. >> all right, andrea, thank you so much. a close encounter with a big cat near seattle. a cougar entered this family's yard in monroe, washington. look here, chasing a couple of cats and coming just feet away from several people and a puppy. fortunately, no one was hurt. but three months ago, a person was mauled by a cougar about 20 miles away, and another close call, this one in a beach in mexico. look closely at bull charging at a woman in baja california. man. several ranches are nearby, so animal encounters are apparently not that unusual there.
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>> i wouldn't want to encounter either of those animals. coming up, caitlin clark's wnba debut. we'll tell you what she achieved. >> also ahead, the controversial experiment inside an arkansas jail that's the subject of a popular netflix series, how the sheriff (speaker 1) oh! (speaker 2) blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪
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instead of smiling and waving, some people use that live stream artwork for lewd acts like a new york woman who flashed her breast and the irish man who gave new yorkers a certain finger in the air. >> this is why we can't have nice things. well, here you go. caitlin clark made her professional debut last night with some good news and some bad news. she led indiana with 20 points. there's the good news. she hit four three pointers, but she also had a game high ten turnovers. she and the fever lost to connecticut, 92 to 71. >> the locker room we really did not play a good game, but we were right there at moments and then it kind of got away from us at the end of the third and fourth quarter, didn't have the greatest start. so i think just a lot to learn from in the sweet spot, a lot to learn from. >> former uconn forward aaliyah edwards was the only other top six draft pick in action. she scored six points in washington's loss to new york. >> we turn now to a popular netflix series under scrutiny for documenting a controversial experiment inside a jail. the local sheriff, though, is
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defending it. this morning, an arkansas sheriff in the hot seat after a popular netflix series unlocked controversy. man, come on, it's a pod full of felons. sheriff eric higgins was grilled by state lawmakers for allowing the documentary series, called unlocked a jail experiment, to be filmed at the county jail in little rock. critics claiming it exploits the inmates. >> and i don't think it took a tv show to accomplish what you were trying to accomplish. and i and i think the exploitation is real. >> the series documents an experiment that allows inmat in a chosen unit to have their cell doors unlocked 24 over seven, along with other perks with limited oversight. the goal to help them build community and grow as individuals. higgins insists he had the legal authority to greenlight the production. constitutionally, i have that control. >> i control who comes in the jail, who who leaves the jail. >> but the county judge says the deal higgins signed with the
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production company is illegal because the judge's office never approved it. >> the constitution in state law stipulates that no, no contract can be executed for any amount, in county government except by the county judge. >> the county got $60,000 from the production company, but has returned it. the series has been among the most watched on netflix since debuting last month. >> coming up, mcdonald's takes the happy out of happy meal. we'll tell you why. we'll tell you why. >> plus, the new version of dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today! shot and killed by a delivery person from an instacart delivery. >> how did they tell you that ollie was gone on gma? >> time now to check the polls. and we begin with a new version of a beloved game show. >> the producers of jeopardy! coming out with a spinoff called pop culture jeopardy! instead of individual players, the show will have three person teams in
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competition, so the categories will cover music, movies, even sports, and it will stream on amazon prime video. >> next, an apology from the dating app bumble for an ad campaign that went wrong. >> one of the ads said, you know full well a vow of celibacy is not the answer. critics say it shamed women for not being sexually active and mocked celibacy as a lifestyle. bumble says the ad was a mistake, saying instead of bringing joy and humor, it did the opposite. next, a happy meal without the smile. >> mcdonald's in the u.k. made the change to highlight a serious issue. it removed the smile from happy meal boxes for mental health awareness week. now, the goal is to let kids know that it is okay to not be happy. all the time. next, king charles has unveiled his first official portrait since his coronation. >> the portraits red tone is drawing some mixed reactions, one person commenting i think this is beautiful. such a break from traditional portraits. but another person commented it looks like he's in hell. and finally, one busy parent.
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>> oh, busier than me, an adult goose was seen leading what appeared to be an endless stream of little goslings at this wildlife refuge in michigan. look at that. that is a lot of babies. oh my gosh, i don't even want to count. they just keep coming. it never ends. that mom never sleeps. oh, someone cue never sleeps. oh, someone cue the clown car music if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects
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a warning from the fbi. pride events and celebrations could be targeted by extremists. now at five, how local organizers are reacting to the public service announcement. >> $1 billion in new weapons heading to israel. the about face by the biden administration after the president halted a shipment of weapons just last week. >> 20 american doctors unable to leave gaza. two bay area doctors are among those trapped in the conflict. we're hearing from one of the families about the danger she and her colleagues are facing. >> and opening the door to new farmworker housing in half moon bay. the decision, made overnight after pressure from the governor. >> good morning. it


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