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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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a warning from the fbi. pride events and celebrations could be targeted by extremists. now at five, how local organizers are reacting to the public service announcement. >> $1 billion in new weapons heading to israel. the about face by the biden administration after the president halted a shipment of weapons just last week. >> 20 american doctors unable to leave gaza. two bay area doctors are among those trapped in the conflict. we're hearing from one of the families about the danger she and her colleagues are facing. >> and opening the door to new farmworker housing in half moon bay. the decision, made overnight after pressure from the governor. >> good morning. it is
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wednesday, may 15th. and look who's back. it's kumasi eric, my friends, i missed you. >> we're happy to have you. definitely missed you. yeah. >> thank you, thank you. start with a check of our forecast. yeah. >> so we're out there this morning. we'll find that cloud cover overhead. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera. another cloudy morning will lead to a bright afternoon and slightly warmer temperatures compared to yesterday. right now, we'll go outside. we'll find most areas this morning are starting out in the low to mid 50s. so look at the forecast region by region. pretty similar to yesterday with a lot of cloud cover along the coast. this morning. we'll get a little bit of afternoon sunshine into the 50s. we go. but that fog is pretty persistent throughout. much of the evening. hours will turn to the bay shoreline. we start the day with cloud cover. we get that midday afternoon sunshine breaking out upper 60s to the lower 70s for daytime highs, and then we'll have the cloud cover rolling back in later on this evening. but inland we are clear this morning so we will have sunny skies. temperatures warm pretty fast today. so inland will go back
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into the mid 80s for daytime highs under sunny conditions. so a wide range once again very may like out there 70. the high in oakland we'll go to 65. in the city a warm high of 81 later on in san jose. hi amanda. how's it going? >> good morning drew. yeah. as you can see, a clear commute mainly for much of the bay area, except for the typical slow down along the altamont pass. and then there's something else to talk about right here. this is a multi-car crash on westbound 580. after 205. it's blocking the left lane there and the center divide back to the desk. >> thank you. amanda. new this morning a project to build more housing for farm workers in half moon bay is moving forward. this decision is coming early this morning after hours of debate. abc seven news reporter glenn rodriguez joining us live with the final vote and gloria, many, including governor newsom, say the housing project is a long time coming. >> they do kumasi. it was initially approved by the city council, but it stalled with the planning commission and the governor was among those pushing for it to move forward. the
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meeting went on until midnight, with the half moon bay planning commission approving the project 4 to 1 supporters to bring the housing project for farmworkers, packed the planning commission meeting in half moon bay. the plan is to build a five story, 40 unit building where a house at 555 kelly avenue sits. the push comes after last year's mass shooting, the deadliest in san mateo county's history. it killed seven workers on two farms and exposed the poor living conditions that they're forced into. tuesday marked the third hours long meeting that the commission discussed and questioned the project. among the planning commission's concerns. parking. and that's not all. >> so i'd like to understand what the meaning of local means. is it city of half moon bay boundaries for the farms related to the city of half moon bay boundaries? or does local mean all the farms along the coast side? >> i've gone through a mix of emotions, everything from, you know, hope and just worry.
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>> and that is the executive director of the nonprofit. alas, one of the applicants heading the project on thursday, the governor threatened potential legal action against the half moon bay planning commission, calling for a delay to vote agreed. this and the sites would be a mix of housing for senior farm workers. it would also include a resource center, live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news thank you, gloria . >> people who have been protesting on college campuses across the state say they're now going to head to uc merced. today. they plan to protest outside of uc regents meeting. that includes some people who have been at uc berkeley for weeks. the encampment there has now cleared out. the university says they reach an agreement to expedite what they call a new, socially responsible investment strategy. uc regents say they have no plans to sell assets, despite the protesters demands. yesterday, the regents revealed that the university system has $32 billion invested in companies that make weapons or
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support israel. >> it's very complicated, some of them are time commitments that we've made and the students need to understand that. but we i think we need to do a better job at communicating that. >> at least one committee member said the board should consider protesters demands when looking at future investments. >> today, protesters at san francisco state plan to give more details about an agreement they say they've reached with university leadership. the encampment there has been set up for more than two weeks and according to organizers of the encampment, the university has agreed to divest from weapons manufacturers and other similar groups in the future. in the south bay, a new encampment formed on the san jose state campus monday. this one is located near the statue of tommie smith and john carlos, who famously protested during a medal ceremony at the 1968 summer olympics. the school has warned students they need to take the tents down or they could face sanctions. we won't
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stop till members get drunk. >> i to go. >> back here in the bay area, pro-palestinian protests tried to block the entrance to google's i o developers conference in mountain view. protesters are demanding that tech giant end its so-called project nimbus. it's an ai surveillance software that the protesters allege is being used by the israeli government to target civilians. we reached out to google for comment. we have yet to hear back this morning, 20 us doctors, including two from here in the bay area, are trapped in gaza. abc seven spoke with the family of one of those doctors, doctor hayley shay. islam is a family physician from sutter health in san carlos. she entered gaza through the rafah crossing in late april for a two week medical mission. her family says she's now unable to exit into egypt and come home. she has a husband and two grown daughters here in the bay area. >> i know her daughters have been really struggling. it's in the past few weeks. you know,
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going through all of this. >> the council on american islamic relations says there is at least one more doctor from the bay area trapped there, along with three from southern california, developing news. >> the biden administration is moving forward with a new weapons deal with israel. this is worth more than $1 billion. amanda. just a week ago, the us paused a shipment of large bombs to the region. >> yeah, reggie, critics say this move undermines president joe biden's message of holding israel accountable. >> some are accusing the white house of sending mixed messages. you may remember last week the white house announced it paused a single shipment of 2,000 pound bombs that were fears they would be used in israel's invasion. in rafah, leaders with the united nations are appalled by the idf's escalation in southern gaza. >> these developments are further impeding humanitarian access and worsening an already dire situation. at the same time, hamas goes on firing rockets indiscriminately.
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civilians must be respected and protected at all times, according to the un, about 450,000 palestinians have been displaced. >> un officials say. inland, rafah is now like a ghost town. more aid is on the way for people still sheltering in gaza. the pentagon says the gaza pier that brings in aid by the sea will be open in the coming days. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. the fbi and department of homeland security are putting out a warning regarding pride events next month. they say foreign terrorist groups like isis could make pride a target. the federal agencies believe the threat is being compounded by the contentious political environment here in the us. abc seven news reporter tim johns talked to sf pride leaders. >> it's one of the most lively celebrations in the bay area. every june, our region comes alive with the sights and sounds of pride. >> we want to celebrate that people in san francisco live authentic lives and that we can
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love who we love. >> but ahead of this year's celebrations comes a new public service announcement from the fbi and department of homeland security in it, a warning that foreign terrorist organizations like isis could target pride events around the country. cameron pollan works with the fbi's branch here in san francisco. >> the public service announcement is definitely something new this year, the fbi says. >> as of now, there are no immediate, credible threats here in the bay area. however, they are advising people to take precautions beyond the fbi's warnings. san francisco pride executive director suzanne ford says sadly, threats against pride events are nothing new. >> our organization for many, many years has worked with state, local, federal law enforcement agencies and other appropriate agencies to make sure our communities safe. >> the fbi's psa has also gotten the attention of groups like equality california. the lgbtq nonprofit says they want everyone to be comfortable celebrating pride. >> this year, i go with a friend, let people know you're attending pride, have a meet up
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spot, have a exit plan. know a checkpoint around the area because with pride kicking off in just a few weeks time, ford says this year celebrations will be better than ever before. >> we're going to come together. >> there's going to be a million people out on market street, and we're going to proclaim to the world that in san francisco, pride is our community and that we're going to be there in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> time now for 510. we'll take you to oakland this morning, a live look outside where we are reporting cloudy skies in the east bay. high humidity right now feels pretty nice. winds are very light out of the northwest at three miles per hour. looking at the travel forecast across the country, we will have some heavy rain at times around new york city. so hubs like newark, even jfk and perhaps laguardia may have a little bit of a delay as those heavy showers move through denver. another area we're watching very closely for some afternoon thunderstorms to develop, but all other areas,
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especially la, looking lovely. the marine layer in southern california this morning gives way to sunshine and temperatures in the 60s and 70s back here at home. here's your out the door forecast. you can see it's kind of a repeat of yesterday and the day before. we have those clouds this morning right around 9 a.m. we're seeing that marine layer break down around the bay shoreline. and those temperatures gradually climbing through the 50s as we head through the next couple of hours, looking at your day planner, your sunrise is now occurring before 6 a.m. coming up here at 559 this morning, we'll have those morning clouds, temperatures starting out in the 50s and 60s, and then we'll quickly find brighter skies prevailing again into the afternoon. it's warm inland around the bay shoreline, upper 60s to the lower 70s. and along the coast will stay in that cloud cover with those numbers, mainly in the 50s. so how you dressed yesterday? do that again today. we're cool along the coast, but we're warm inland in the three day forecast, showing you we do have a wide range of temperatures heading into the end of the week, with a minor
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cooldown. we'll preview that weekend forecast coming up in about nine minutes. drew >> thank you. memorial day is just around the corner. coming up. what you need to know before hitting the road this year. and the warning for anyone spending the holiday on the water. >> racism, bigotry and harassment. the serious allegations investigated in the san francisco unified school district. >> the technology of tomorrow is here. google giving us a glimpse and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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an anti-black harassment within san francisco unified school district. with only a few more weeks of school left before the end of the year. amanda, one community leader, wants the district to take action. >> yeah, reggie. reverend amos brown with the naacp is calling on san francisco unified to hold people who commit racist acts against students accountable during a rally ahead of last night's board meeting, doctor brown recounted several racist incidents against black students. a young girl also spoke about an incident where she was targeted at school. there was this fourth grader.
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>> i wanted to play with her really badly because she was like really popular and she said, sorry, i can't play with you because of your skin color. my god. >> the group went inside and briefly interrupted the district's meeting. the superintendent put out this statement. it reads in part, quote sf usd takes reports of racism very seriously, and we encourage anyone who is a victim or witnesses such behavior to report it to a trusted adult at school. when we learn of a concern, we take immediate steps to investigate, educate, assign consequences. depending on the outcomes of the investigation, and work to repair the harm. using restorative practices and the superintendent statement, he linked a host of resources on the topic for staff and families that are aimed to address and understand racism and anti-blackness. back to you at the desk, kumasi. thank you amanda. >> new developments in the rush to get highway one back open near big sur. the governor's
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office says the road will finally reopen this week, a month and a half after storms eroded the southbound lane. you remember part of the highway crumbled into the ocean back in march, and it cut off the route between carmel and big sur. after weeks of work by caltrans, crews say it will now be ready for drivers starting 630 friday morning. >> a warning ahead of memorial day and summer. the cdc says drowning deaths are on the rise. the agency reports 4500 people drown each year between 2020 and 2022. that's about 500 more people every year compared to 2019. drowning is the number one cause of death in children ages 1 to 4 years old. >> parents and adults who are watching children need to keep in constant visual contact of their children, practice layers of protection when you're around the water. >> and so that's enrolling your kids in swim lessons. if you don't know how to swim yourself as an adult, you can learn to swim as well so you can be safe
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in the water with your with your family. >> scientists speculate that during the pandemic, pool closures and lifeguard shortages may have impacted kids swimming lessons out on the water this summer, it's a good idea to have government approved flotation devices nearby to keep people safe. >> if you're heading out of town for memorial day weekend, expect crowded roads and airports. triple a projects nearly 44 million travelers will be heading 50 miles or more away from home, just under the all time record, which was set in 2005. more than 38 million people will be traveling by car. that's the highest since triple-a began tracking in the year 2000. airports are bracing for a spike as well, with 3.5 million air travelers expected during the holiday weekend. >> now to some of the exciting projects coming soon from abc seven's parent company, disney reporter joelle gargiulo, from our sister station in new york has the big buzz coming out of the entertainment world. >> it has been a night full of action, lots of stars, lots of shows, new and returning, and we
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have got some really big news coming out of these upfronts so we can finally share. hulu, for one, is launching its own comedy vertical. it is called hulu's laughing now. jim gaffigan announced that news and he will be the first stand up special. also for all the golden bachelor fans out there, we have some news about the golden bachelorette. we now know who she will be. it is joan vassos. plus, for all the bruce springsteen fans, there's going to be a bruce springsteen documentary that will be coming to hulu and disney, plus lots of headlines from the upfronts from the javits center. i'm joel gargiulo, i'm here for miss jones. >> >> yes, jimmy kimmel was extremely funny at this event. okay. none of these jokes we could broadcast. >> love that. love that for us i'm super blue okay. >> and he made a really i wish i could repeat them but i can't. he made a great golden bachelor joke. not appropriate. not at 5:18 a.m. not at 5:18 p.m.
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>> oh, no, not at all. no, i think the look at, you know, i was gonna say the other one people are excited about, agatha all along, which is coming out in september. they finally released a date. so it's coming out september. so people are excited for that. >> we're starring miss patti lupone. yes, my theater people out there and kathryn hahn, the theater people. no, exciting this morning. let's take you to the tam cam already. we're seeing those first hints of that sun coming up here. it's starting to look lovely out there. let's talk about your sunrise, because now it is occurring before 6 a.m. your sunrise today is at 559. the earliest sunrise we will have is right around june 10th. that will occur at 547. and then we'll stay with that sunrise before 6 a.m. through the middle of july. so those days are getting longer and longer as we head towards the summer solstice next month. highs today. another day of a wide range in temperatures cool along the coast, half moon bay coming in at 58 degrees, a little warmer in san francisco today compared to yesterday. we'll get you into the mid 60s. you hop over the bay bridge into the east bay.
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oakland coming in at 70. and then those numbers really jump as we head inland. walnut creek warm with sunny skies at 80 degrees, even warmer in antioch coming in at 84 later on today, your weather wellness, air quality is good to moderate pollen levels. i was just talking to gloria rodriguez about this. they're high. we are suffering still because grasses and trees are still at high levels. your uv index and eight out of an 11 again today. so here's the forecast as we look inland today. sunny skies, temperatures into the 80s very quickly today around the bay shoreline. we start out with cloud cover. we'll get that midday afternoon sunshine with temperatures in the upper 60s to the lower 70s. that cloud cover rolling back in this evening. and then along the coast, we start and finish the day with thick fog. we'll have a little bit of sunshine by midday that will keep temperatures in the mid 50s. winds will pick up again this afternoon very similar to yesterday. we have that onshore flow gusting about 20 to 25mph and a lot of spots. so highs today you'll see temperatures 50s and 60s in our coolest spots 70s and 80s and
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our dodgers game three tonight very similar to the past couple of days. temperatures cooling through the 50s overnight. tonight we will have overnight lows in the 40s and in the 50s at that marine layer comes on back in. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. we'll have a minor cooldown as we head towards the end of the week. but the weekend really looking nice. temperatures near average with afternoon sunshine and little change early next week. >> guys, thanks to coming up. the seven things to know this morning. >> mortoug times ahead at tesla. how many people are
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and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended
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for arthritis pain. i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. and approve the plan and a 4 to 1 vote early this morning. after hours of that debate over the 40 unit project on kelly avenue. >> number two, alameda county district attorney pamela price will face a recall vote november 5th, the same day as the general election. price plans to speak about the day at a news conference later this morning. >> number three people who've been protesting on college campuses across the state are heading to merced today. they plan to demonstrate outside a uc regents meeting to demand the board divest from companies associated with israel, for the
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biden administration is moving forward with a new weapons deal with israel. >> it's worth more than $1 billion. >> and number five, we start out again with morning cloud cover, but it is a bit of a warmer afternoon on the way with that sunshine. later on, we'll go into the 50s and 60s, close to the coast, 70s and 80s in our warmest spots inland. >> and number six, a look at our golden gate bridge cam. no issues as you make your way into or out of the city, but there is a dense fog advisory issued for the golden gate, so just heads up for the commuters. >> number seven, a group of tiktok creators have filed a lawsuit to stop the potential ban of the app. they argue the new law threatens free speech. >> all week, some of the bay area's top tech companies have been showing off their latest advancements in ai. google just had its turn during its developers conference in mountain view yesterday, google revealed a major overhaul to its search engine. it includes a prototype called project astra powered by technology called
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gemini. google says it could be useful in everyday life. >> i'm going to take a video and ask google, why will this not stay in place? ending a near instant, google gives me an ai overview. >> there's such an interesting example, a record player, okay? >> and it's not just searching for answers, it's also searching our memories for example, you might be reminiscing about your daughter lucius. >> early milestones. you can ask photos when did lucille learn to swim? you can even follow up with something more complex. show me how lucius swimming has progressed here. gemini goes beyond a simple search, recognizing different contexts. >> there are more than a dozen ai features announced yesterday. google says some will start rolling out right away, and others will take some time.
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>> tesla has announced another major round of layoffs hitting the bay area. state records show. the company is cutting 600 positions between facilities and fremont and offices in palo alto, and that is on top of the more than 2700 jobs it slashed just a few weeks back. tesla is reducing its overall workforce by 10. the latest round of layoffs starts june 20th. another story is set to leave the embattled san francisco center. american eagle plans to close its small location in july last year. the retailer sued the former owners of the mall, claiming they allowed crime to escalate. at american eagle will close permanently july 12th. >> amid all the store closings we've been reporting on throughout the city, one neighborhood is welcoming a new grocery store. a trader joe's willpen this friday at laguna and fulton in hayes valley. more than 70 crew members will be hired from surrounding neighborhoods. here's a peek at what it will look like. they are still taking job applications to their website. trader joe's began in 1967, in the la area
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and has expanded to nearly 450 stores in 42 states. >> beef in the east bay coming up at 530. the online feud brewing between congressman eric swalwell and embattled district attorney pamela price. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. live in oakland. >> yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are we are, we are, we are we are we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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fugitive now in police custody.
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halfway around the world, now at 530, when he allegedly wrote to the victim on facebook more issues at boeing, a breach of obligations is now under the spotlight, with the department of justice. from the courtroom to a campaign fundraiser, the list of lawmakers, a potential running mate showing solidarity with former president trump during his hush money trial and the hype is real. >> bay area fans already showing support for our newest professional sports team before the first game has even been played. good morning everybody. it's wednesday, may 15th. >> i'm telling you, i want a jersey. >> i like the sweatshirt. >> great. but don't you want your name on the back? >> that's true. >> drew 1,000. i saw that purple. i was like, i need that in my life. i'm happy for them. here's a live look outside from our east bay hills camera this morning. you can see just a little bit of fog out there as that sun is getting up here on the horizon. temperatures this morning are running a couple of degrees warmer compared to this time yesterday. you can see
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across the board we're starting out our day in the 50s from oakland to san jose to half moon bay, heading into the north bay. it's a similar story, but where we do have a little bit of warmth. calistoga and clear lake right now coming in with temperatures in the 60s. so looking at the forecast along the coast first, we'll be stuck in the cloud cover for much of the day, very similar to yesterday and the day before. later on this afternoon. there you can see we have some peeks of sunshine, temperatures staying in the mid 50s. so layers certainly key along the coast today around the bay shoreline. we will start and finish the day with our marine layer in between. we'll get those bright conditions numbers in the upper 60s to lower 70s and inland. we are starting out with mainly clear skies and it's another warm day as those temperatures climb pretty quickly this morning and into the afternoon, we'll head into the 80s for daytime highs. let's check in with amanda and see how that is going. >> yeah. good morning drew. here at 531 we have a traffic alert a sig alert over in oakland, drivers who are commuting along westbound 80, they'll notice that the grand avenue off ramp
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is closed. and that's because of a big rig crash. people who are going through that area in just a few minutes will notice the big rig on its side. let's get back to the desk. >> thank you. amanda. new developments in a story we've been following for more than three years now. a bay area native suspect charged in a 2013 rape in pennsylvania has been arrested in europe. the associated press is 31. year-old ian cleary is being held in jail in france. we have blurred his image because he has not been officially charged yet. the victim, shannon keeler, spoke with abc news three years ago after revealing facebook messages where he clearly appears to admit cleary appears to admit guilt. >> i think the strength of that social media statement is going to carry the day to bring mr. cleary back to the united states and have him set for trial, legal analyst steven clarke says that while it may seem odd that a message appearing to admit guilt was sent, it sometimes
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happens as people are trying to make amends. >> clarke also says that the case goes to trial. the defense would likely try to question the validity of the facebook messages. >> new this morning, the half moon bay planning commission makes a decision on housing for farmworkers farm workers, saying the project can come forward. of course, you'll remember last years a mass shooting exposed the poor living conditions of farm workers. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. gloria the final vote came in early this morning. >> yeah, reggie came in after midnight. the planning commission approved the project for to one. the site would be a mix of housing for senior farm workers and also include a resource center. but it has been controversial. tuesday marked the third hours long meeting that the commission discussed and questioned this project, and among the concerns are the size of the building and parking. but that is not all. >> so just just reassure me that your financing is not going to fall apart. the questions we're asking are not about the
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importance of these services. >> we're trying to understand the land use. that's where we're going. >> it's so exciting because they can walk next door if they go to church, or they can walk to the store. >> that is the executive director of the nonprofit. alas, one of the applicants heading the project and the plan is to build a five story, 40 unit building for senior farm worker housing, where a house at 555 kelly avenue now sits. supporters of the project packed the planning commission meeting last night in half moon bay. the push comes after last year's mass shooting, the deadliest in san mateo county's history. seven workers died on two farms and it exposed the poor living conditions that they are forced into. on thursday, governor gavin newsom threatened potential legal action against the half moon bay planning commission, calling for a delay to vote egregious live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> and here at 534, i'm back with another traffic alert, this time the bay bridge toll plaza.
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so ignore where it says golden gate bridge, the bay bridge toll plaza filling in as the metering lights just flipped on. you can see the line backing up past the parking lot. there back to the desk. >> thank you. amanda. alameda county district attorney pamela price facing a recall in the election a recall election in november. this morning, she will be holding a news conference to discuss that decision. yesterday county supervisors set the recall for november 5th, which is the same day as election day. the registrar of voters backed that date, saying it would be less complex and it would cost less compared to having a special election in a press release announcing the news conference today, the group backing price in the recall also supported that date. they said it will provide more time to inform voters with the facts. the announcement about the recall election comes amid a growing online feud between congressman eric swalwell and an ex account run by pamela price's campaign staff. swalwell is a
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former alameda county prosecutor who was hired by price's predecessor. he recently posted about the armed robbery of a mail carrier in dublin, saying current prosecutors are, quote, soft on crime. price's campaign responded, pointing out mail carriers have faced robberies for a number of years. they accused swalwell of only beginning to care after the first black woman was elected district attorney. >> no more cuts that is the message from the san francisco sheriff. mayor london breed is asking all city departments to consider a 10% spending cut for the next fiscal year. however sheriff paul miyamoto says his department is already critically short staffed with vacancies for 195 sworn deputies. the sheriff went before the board of supervisors yesterday. he detailed injuries to his deputies as well as the mental and physical toll of being understaffed. there's also a growing inmate population. >> over the course of a year, we've seen about a 36% increase. we've made continuous efforts to
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hire. >> the mayor's office says public safety remains a top priority in this next budget cycle. more details will be shared when the budget is ready at the end of this month. >> an urgent call for the city of san francisco to do more to address the overdose crisis. yesterday, doctors and public health experts gathered outside the city morgue to remember the 3026 lives lost to overdoses in san francisco since january of 2020. speakers say the deaths highlight the failures in public policy related to substance abuse. >> it highlights that we are not listening to our public, to our policy experts, our doctors, and we're not following the accepted uh- 2022 overdose plan. >> the 2022 overdose plan called for increased access to treatment, social support and improved community conditions in which drug use occurs. the public health department issued a statement saying the loss of any lives from drug use is unacceptable, adding that it's,
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quote, making strides in the implementation of the overdose prevention plan and working aggressively to make treatment for substance use disorders more accessible. in san francisco, a group of eight tiktok content creators filed a lawsuit against the federal government to block a potential ban of the app. >> the suit argues that the new law threatens free expression. tiktok is paying for the group's legal fees and has filed its own lawsuit. legislation passed last month bans a video app in the u.s. unless it's sold in the next 12 months. it's in response to concerns tiktok has ties to china, could expose americans personal information to the chinese government. new trouble for boeing this morning. the justice department is accusing the company of violating the terms of a settlement deal. a man is at the live desk. we're learning this is related to the company's 737 max. >> now, reggie. the settlement was made after two deadly crashes of 737 max passenger jets. that happened back in 2018 and 2019. hundreds of people died in those incidents. the
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deal allowed for boeing to avoid criminal prosecution. in exchange, the company was required to follow a certain set of safety protocols and regulations. however a new letter from the justice department claims the company failed to follow those guidelines. the doj now says boeing is subject to prosecution. >> boeing is one of the largest and most powerful companies in the united states. it supports tens of thousands of jobs across the country. it supplies our military with planes and different weapon systems. but on the flip side, the families who lost people in those two crashes, they want justice. >> the agency has not yet made a decision on how to proceed. boeing has responded to the justice department, saying in part, we believe that we have honored the terms of that agreement and look forward to the opportunity to respond to the department on this issue. prosecutors have given boeing until june 13th to respond to their determination. brian, back to you. >> thank you. amanda, your voice, your vote. just moments
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ago, president biden announced he will not participate in traditional televised debates put on by the commission on presidential debates. instead he says he wants to participate in debates with donald trump that are put on by news organizations. this comes just hours after trump held a high profile fundraiser in new york city last night. here's abc news reporter perry russom. >> several of former president trump's potential running mates were seen leaving a big money fundraiser in new york overnight, including north dakota governor doug burgum, south dakota governor kristi noem, south carolina senator tim scott and entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. tickets cost up to $844,000 to support the trump campaign. as he left the event, reporters asking trump if his future vice president was there. mr. president, was your next vp in there with you tonight? he gave no response. earlier, burgum and ramaswami showing solidarity with trump attending his hush money trial, joining house speaker mike johnson and
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other trump surrogates at the courthouse. >> i think one thing that we've all known is this was a sham trial, but when you have an opportunity to see it up close and personal, you can see it's actually a scam trial. >> trump's former attorney michael cohen, back on the stand detailing the hush money payment to stormy daniels, saying trump told him to pay her off in exchange for her silence about their alleged sexual encounters, so it would not affect mr. trump's chances in the 2016 election. things getting combative in the cross-examine session. trump's attorney todd blanch, trying to paint cohen as a man looking for revenge, saying you're actually obsessed with president trump. cohen replying i can't recall using that word, but i can't say it would be wrong. blanch also questioning cohen about comments he made about blanch himself. you went on tiktok and called me a crying little expletive, didn't you, cohen saying, sounds like something i would. before being interrupted by the prosecution's objection, trump is accused of illegally falsifying business documents. trump denies all wrongdoing. cohen is expected to be
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cross-examined about those claims when court is back in session tomorrow. perry russom abc news, washington. >> an art project connecting new york to dublin, ireland, is no more. i'm going to give you one guess as to why organizers had to shut it down. but first, a check on the weather with meteorologist drew tuma. we just can't have nice things, can we? >> all right. outside this morning from our san jose camera, a live look. we have those overcast skies. first thing cloudy conditions reported right now in the south bay. it's currently 54 degrees in san jose . high humidity in the winds are very light right now. less than about ten miles per hour. looking at your day today, we look at our highs versus average highs. today we'll go into the 60s around the city, 70s for the east bay 80s and our warmest spots. and you can see compared to where we typically land this time of the year, we're several degrees warmer later on today. so we'll find that cloud cover giving way to sunshine as we head through the next couple of hours. here's your out the door
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forecast. we have that overcast sky first thing this morning. it's a very similar pattern to the past couple of days. we know how it is in may this time of the year we get that sunshine breaking out later on this morning, but temperatures staying pretty steady in the 50s through the next couple of hours. so looking at the exploratorium camera, we can see that fog is on top of the skyscrapers this morning. we'll have that sunrise here very shortly at 559 near sunset. today is at 813. we have those temperatures warming as we see mostly sunny skies break out later on today. temperatures along the coast, mainly in the 50s and 60s. as you jump away from the coast. we're a lot warmer with those numbers in the 70s and 80s for daytime highs. that sunny sky the next three days. the sky condition is the same morning clouds, afternoon sunshine, but we will see a minor cooldown heading towards the end of the week with some breezy conditions and that sets us up for a pretty nice weekend ahead. we'll preview
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) i love the great outdoors... (♪) [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong!
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that the grand avenue offramp is closed, and that's because of a big rig crash. if you're coming upon it, you'll see a big rig on its side. so keep that in mind if you're making your way into the city. back to the desk. >> amanda. thank you. time is now 545, and this is indeed why we can't have nice things. because people are rude and nasty. you might remember these digital portals were put in new york and then another one in dublin, ireland, so that people in both cities could see each other in real time. guess how that went? yep, people got nude and people made nasty gestures. people showed curse words on the screen. i saw something that was even more offensive than that, but we don't need to get into it. officials on both ends are working on solutions like software updates, more in-person
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staffing, and information on the best ways to interact with the art. i don't really think that's going to help, but all right. the screens are going to be turned off until at least the end of the week. it started off so cute with these little dance routines in hi moms. and it ended up exactly where you thought it would end up. yesterday, governor newsom announced a major step in the effort to transform california's mental health system and address the homelessness crisis. during a stop in redwood city, the governor announced $3.3 billion in funding to begin building mental health treatment centers. >> i've never been more enthusiastic about our prospects to actually make a dent and address the issue of what's happening on the streets and sidewalks in this state than i am today. >> the money comes from proposition one, passed by voters in march, which authorized nearly $6.5 billion to address the crisis on california's streets, according to la times. the plan calls for the construction or rehab of more than 10,000 treatment beds
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and some 45,000 outpatient treatment slots. newsom also took time to address the controversy about prince harry and meghan markle's nonprofit, the california attorney general has declared their nonprofit delinquent for falling behind on its charity registration dues. >> archewell foundation uh, run by meghan markle, markle and prince harry uh- do extraordinary work, particularly women and girls, but notably around mental health, and i just want folks to know not only are they in compliance, it was a technical paperwork issue that was wildly over hyped. it was a very typical technical issue, he said. >> the pressure put on the issue was deeply unfair to the charity. >> it has been a full 24 hours since we first told you about the bay area's new wnba team's name, and already the warriors are showing off their valkyrie
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pride, where players come on looney trace tracy jackson davis and even coach steve kerr all repping that new gear. san francisco mayor london breed. you know what? when i saw this video, i said, jealous? look at this. >> i know i want that too. >> it looks so good. >> i want my name on it. >> i want my name on it. i love this color. it's like subtle, but you know what it is. she was posting her this video about her excitement regarding the new team's name and her new sweatshirt. fans are already getting in on the hype. many got out to see what their options are, and you do have a lot of good options. the gear went on sale yesterday and abc seven caught up with some fans at the new warriors shop at thrive city, near chase center. that's where the team's going to play. >> i think it's really cool to see, just like women's sports, getting more attention and where else to do it? the san francisco and bay area. and i think it just it's it sends a really strong message and it makes me
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super proud to be here. >> we came all the way from oakland to get what we need in order to attend the games. and we need the gear too, because we got a match with the gear. we got awesome with the gear so we can represent. that's what we're here for. yay >> okay, it's the nails and it's the hair. did you see the hair? and also the glasses. >> yeah. yes, yes. >> okay. >> if you're going to do it, do it. >> but how did how is she ready. you know what i'm saying. like who told her it was going to be this color? do you also. what did she know? when did she know it? >> well, what we know is that the team is scheduled to play its first season in 2025, and it's already sold more than 7500 season ticket deposits for that inaugural season. now, fans are invited to a valkyrie's block party at thrive city this saturday, may 18th. that starts at 2 p.m. >> fun. i mean, that's how you roll out a new team. you got the merch ready from the get go. that's right. you've got the party going to get people hyped
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and they sold thousands of tickets already. >> you make the announcement with robin roberts on gma. slash abc7 morning. >> yes the warriors know how to do it. >> that's cool. >> they do. and now the valkyries. how did that woman know purple though i need to we need to investigate her more. she knows somebody on the warriors. >> she knows somebody who knows somebody who knows something. >> you just have to have the your nail person ready and your hair person. as soon as the announcement went purple. i'm coming over. >> come over now. >> and she's like exactly what shade. you're like light purple. >> go. >> amazing. we love her. this morning, let's take you to our south beach camera, a live look showing you. we begin again with cloudy skies. our may gray pattern is continuing for the rest of the week. the pollen forecast, which had better news. no change here. unfortunately. trees and grass pollen still at high levels. let's take it to the coast. our boat, beach and surf forecast today. the winds will be out of the west southwest picking up this afternoon, gusting about 10 to 20mph. waves similar to yesterday 3 to 4ft. your ocean water temperature is still in the 50s. here's future weather hour by hour. you see this gray
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contour on your screen. that is the marine layer. it's still overhead around the bay shoreline right around 9 a.m. into the afternoon. it breaks down for sunshine, very similar to yesterday. we'll have those wide ranging temperatures cool along the coast, but quite warm as you head inland. the winds do pick up this afternoon again, you get that warm daytime heating in the central valley, bringing that rising air that brings that onshore wind through the delta. we'll have that again today, and we'll see those winds gusting about 20 to 25mph. highs today will hit about 65 in the city, 70 in oakland a little bit warmer today compared to yesterday. 81 in san jose, 80 in santa rosa, 84. and antioch across the state, it's nice and comfy along the coast, but look at some of these temperatures in our valleys were in the 90s. our desert's approaching 100 degrees. look at south lake. quite lovely near 70 with sunny skies later on today. looking at the evening planner, we'll have that marine layer coming on back once again tonight. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast, a minor cooldown
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heading our way as we head towards the weekend, but very nice with afternoon sunshine both saturday and sunday with little change early next week. guys thanks so much! >> drew a new laws being proposed to clean up homeless encampments in the south bay. why water officials are worried about it. that's new at six. >> first, though, the deadliest wildfire in state history soon becoming a movie, the star power stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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the movie is being produced by jamie lee curtis and will also star america ferrera. you may remember her as the costar of the barbie movie and also a million other things, including ugly betty. it's based off of some of the stories from the book paradise. one town struggled to survive an american wildfire called the lost bus. it will focus on a bus driver and
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teacher who helps steer a bus full of children to safety. 85 people died in the 2018 wildfire that tore through paradise, which is in butte county. >> time now is 555. in today's gma first look, actress angie harmon is speaking about a traumatizing incident when a delivery person allegedly shot and killed their family dog. here's abc news reporter juju chang. >> in this morning's gma first look, an abc news exclusive. >> how do you move forward after this? >> audiences know actress angie harmon for her tough, no nonsense characters on law and order. >> list of property stolen from the hagan home and rosalind isles. this is somebody out there is really off at me. >> but last month, she experienced the unthinkable. >> a man just thought our dog on our front porch and this morning, actress angie harmon speaking out for the first time since a delivery driver for instacart shot and killed their family dog, oliver. >> ollie sounds like the epitome
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of all bark and no bite. >> he was fun on. he was loud. he's the one that runs around and barks the whole time and, you know, annoying thing. yes. dangerous? absolutely not. and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more of angie harmon story with your gma first look i'm juju chang abc news. >> a major home insurance company announcing a double digit rate increase. that story new at six. also, the 9 to 5 workforce may not be returning to san francisco like so many had hoped, but a new study is showing why there's still optimism with post covid recovery. and it sounds like protesters at san francisco state have reached an agreement with the university. details on what we know this morning and take a live look outside at 557 this morning, you can see that sun is about to rise as we have fog out there this morning, giving way to bright conditions. >> here's a look at your day planner. temperatures in the 50s along the coast, 60s and 70s around the bay, shoreline inland. we're in th
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you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪
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live now at six. >> the meeting went on past midnight, but a proposal for a new farmworker housing in half moon bay finally passed the next steps for the community and recovery efforts after last year's mass shooting progress for protesters in the bay area. >> an update this morning at several schools and where they plan to go today, plus the big he


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