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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 16, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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this is "nightline." tonight, red lobster. from their cheddar bay biscuits to the endless shrimp special. immortalized in pop culture like "the simpsons." >> don't take the steam tray. >> juju: now, 100 branches closing. >> sign me up. >> juju: did the unlimited shrimp deal send the company overboard. plus, angie harmon.
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opening up in our exclusive interview the day an instacart delivery driver shot and killed the family dog. >> it's unfathomable to think there's somebody in your front driveway that just fired a >> juju: the "law & order" star and the kids reeling from the experience. >> i played law enforcement for 30 years. it's so different. >> juju: how she is demanding justice. and andrew tate. the king of toxic mass y >> one of the women accuses him. he faces allegations he denies. why does his influence only continue to grow? and a look inside the manisphere. >> if she gets fat, she's out the door. >> "nightline" will be right
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thanks for joining us. tonight, red lobster. a dining institution in trouble. branches in 27 states closing, leaving some to wonder if bankruptcy could be on the horizon. here's abc's stephanie ramos. >> it's shrimp your way. >> reporter: beloved res chain red laobster has been
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tantalizing us with ads for cheddar bay biscuits. the largest seafood chain in america, a part of pop culture. >> all you can eat. >> reporter: from homer simpson encapsulating the lure of endless shrimp. to "happy gilmore." >> i'll be at the red lobster. >> and queen bae shouting out the restaurant in her song "formation." could it soon be good evening? with 99 branches in 27 states, abruptly closing, over the last few weeks. the restaurant chain is floating in troubled waters. "the wall street journal" reporting that the brand could file for bankruptcy before memorial day. >> i think that consumers really ate more than red lobster could afford. >> for just $20, right now. only at red lobster. welcome to fun doing a. >> reporter: the ultimate
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endless shrimp promotion, launched postpandemic to get people back in may have hurt them. an investor said that the shrimp promo costed the brand millions in losses. >> the portion of the people selecting this promotion was higher than expectation. >> red lobster has an all-you-can-eat shrimp deal for 20 bucks. let's get it. >> reporter: on social media, people posted how they took advantage of the deal. >> all-you-can-eat shrimp for $20. sign me up. >> reporter: red lobster did not comment. consumers are going to chipotle and mcdonald's. >> red lobster is not a fast, casual environment. it may be fast seafood. but seafood is expensive. it's a dining experience. >> reporter: now, parts of the beloved restaurant are for sale. the company that handles restaurant liquidation auctions
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telling abc news, that red lobster contacted them the auction off items from 52 stores that will be >> they're not an environment where they are going to keep up with what the consumer wants. >> juju: thanks to stephanie. we turn to our exclusive interview with actress angie harmon. we traveled to her home in charlotte where she spoke publicly for the first time after a horrifying experience that left the star and her daughters traumatized after the beloved family dog was shot and killed. >> it's so unfathomable to think there's somebody in your front driveway that just fired a gun. >> juju: it was easter weekend when the unthinkable happen. >> a man just shot our dog on our front porch. >> i never forget that sound. >> juju: your afraid of a man with a hollistered weapon on your property? >> i think we were in such
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shock. i was screaming to call 911. i said that, he said, i'm calling 911. i'll do it. >> juju: angie harmon speaking out for the first time since a driver shot and killed their dog. an eagle mix named oliver. >> i heard her say, did you shoot my dog? and she started screaming. i played law enforcement for 30 years. it's different. so different. >> juju: harmon, who starred on "law & order." >> a list of property stolen from the haguen home. >> reporter: a >> juju: now lives in charlotte, north carolina, with her husband, jason sehorn. >> there's a peacock, two cat >> juju: they adapted the dog as a puppy. >> he was all bark, no bite.
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he was fun. he was loud. >> juju: did he attack people? >> no. >> i order five amazon packages a day. and it's never been an issue. >> juju: harmon could never have predicted what would shake their world. >> we're scared to be at home. there's no reason for anybody else to go through this. >> juju: she delivered groceries. she thought she was texting with a female shopper about her order. but the person who showed up at her house was someone different. he was not a middle-aged woman named merrill. we called instacart. they said, this is terrible. this man was claiming to be -- it looked like we were talking to a mild-aged, slightly older woman, named merrill. that's not who showed up at my house. >> juju: angie says the dog was in the front yard when the driver arrived. a gunshot rang out.
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she was upstairs when her daughters ran from the backyard to the front, screaming. what did it sound like to you? >> i'm listening to ollie bark. in the back of my head, i'm not thinking ac iing about it. i hear the gunshot. it's silence. >> we ran out of the gate. i saw a judge budpuddle of bloo around him. i was standing, cry iing the. and he was yelling at us. >> he was like, he was biting me. like, totally, i'm so valid for what i just did. >> your dog tried to bite me. i'm calling y'all. i'm texting you. please put the dog up. i'm on the phone with 911 now. the dog went off. i just went up on the porch and the dog tried to bite me. what am i supposed to do? i shot one of them. >> i remember thinking, nothing was clear. except get him help. >> juju: the family distraught when on the phone with police. >> i don't know why this man
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just didn't stay in his car. if he was scared. and he shot him. >> you think you can protect everyone. you can protect your daughters. there was no helping him. so much damage had been done. >> juju: the charlotte police department telling abc news, the driver told officers the dog attacked him as the residence and he defended himself by firing a single gunshot, striking and mortally wounding the dog. i understand that your surveillance camera wasn't operational. >> it's the first time that i was charging my ring camera. and it's very obvious. he had gotten out of the car, dropped the food off, and then shot oliver on the way back to his car. >> juju: did you see any indication he had been attacked? >> no. not at all. >> juju: torn clothing? >> no. >> juju: bite marks? >> no. >> juju: the vet examined oll
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ollie's body that showed no attack. >> he didn't have fibers in his mouth. didn't have tissue, cracks in his teeth. >> juju: police say it is illegal to discharge a weapon in city limits. but because the shooter claimed self-defense and his gun was legally owned, officers did not seize it. no charges were filed and the case was closed. harmon says she wants answers. she filed a lawsuit against instacart and the shopper, alleging criminal trespass and negligence. what made you want to file a lawsuit? >> first of all, i think instacart is beyond responsible for all of this. like, this didn't have to have. the damages it had done to our family, our family the girls. >> juju: the trauma to the girls
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is visible. >> i wish we had shut the gate. >> juju: abc news reached out to instacart, the company. while we cannot comment on litiga litigation, we have no tolerance for violence of any kind. and abc news reached out to the shooter and did not hear back. >> we flagged the account. how do you know who to flag? merle? who is that? how do you know he's not using someone else's? they don't know who was on my doorstep. >> juju: how do you move forward after this? >> this is, as hard as it is, getting the word out there, that people need to know that, you know, who they are talking to on instacart is not necessarily who is going to show up at your house. when we come back, one of the kings of the
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12:53 am
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it's ok. welcome back. andrew tate is a self-proclaimed missole j misogynist. his lifestyle hangs in the balance as tate and his brother face serious criminal charges overseas. here's abc national correspondent, terry moran.
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>> reporter: in a swarm of black flak jackets, romanian police are raiding this compound. money, guns, a fleet of supercars, all seize seized. at the center of it all, andrew tate in handcuffs. a machin with millions of follos and flashy displays of wealth, alongside his brother, tristan, police arrested the internet-famous brothers, charged them with human trafficking, forming a criminal group and charging andrew with rape. all charges they deny. >> we're not the first affluent, wealthy men that have been unfairly attacked. i look forward to being found innocent at the end of everything. >> reporter: if you haven't heard of andrew tate, i promise you your kids, your nephews, your students, they receive v. the so-called king of toxic masculi masculinity, top g, or top
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gangster. >> i'm a misogynist and i have money and you can't take it away. >> reporter: he is promising a life that is a caricature of a stereotypical male fantasy. cars, women, and young men all over the world are eating it up. in 2022, who is andrew tate is the most searched who is phrase in the united states. and one of the most googled people on the planet. and underneath tate's empire -- >> you see tate and he's this guy that has supercars, has money, has girls. >> he's a god, yeah. >> reporter: a host of troubles in real life. >> controversial social media personality andrew tate has been charged in romania. the charges include rape, human trafficking and forming an organized crime group. >> reporter: in addition to the charges in romania, the tats are also facing a different criminal case in the u.k., on charges of human trafficking and sexual assault. and andrew is facing a civil lawsuit there. allegation all of which, the
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brothers deny. >> if you had to describe andrew tate in a few words, what would you say? >> misogynistic. controlling. we were having sex, and he strangled me until i passed out. >> reporter: despite the allegations, his presence and influence has continued to grow. tate is part of an entire ecosystem of brash, male influencers online, with different names and different m.o.s, a common catch-all term for them, the so-called manisphere. >> this ideology is based on an idea that you are constantly asked to perform and reassert your masculinity. and every context, the vitriol that you see online, that's the hostile sexism coming through. >> reporter: tucked away in the back corner of a small miami hotel, some of the kings of the manisphere are about to hold
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court. >> when guys get together like this, it scares people. oh, man. these guys are waking up. >> reporter: what you're watching here, they call the conference of masculine excell excellence. subtitle, live a life of dominance. >> i want to take time to apologize to absolutely [ bleep ] nobody. >> reporter: it's billed as a self-improvement conference for men, by men. the stated mission of the weekend-long event is for men to reclaim and celebrate their masculinity, for the low price of $900. donovan sharp is the organizer of this event. that's not his real name, but rather his online persona. is it an act? are you performing this a little bit? in other words, are you doing this for the clicks? >> no. >> reporter: donovan calls himself an expert in red pill relationship management. >> there's so many relationship and dating experts that say,
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well, if you want to know something about a woman, communicate with her. ask her. you want to know why? women [ bleep ] lie. >> reporter: next to donovan, is his new wife, dechvon. >> the red pill community, is self-improve self-improvement controlling your controllables. >> reporter: for people in the community, something went wrong in the relationships between men and women. and there's anger about it. why? >> people find the red pill for usually one of two reasons. it's usually because of sexual frustration, heartbreak, or both. i think what people need to understand is that, the world doesn't owe you anything. we don't deserve anything. if you're a woman, you don't deserve a man because you were born with lady parts. men, you don't deserve a woman if you're born with a [ bleep ]. you have to earn it. i'll tell you this, and people are shocked when they hear this -- if she gets fat, she's out the door. >> reporter: i can hear women
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say, where is your mripride, gi. >> where is your pride, girl, are all single. >> vying for him is i want to make him happen. >> the reason she is attracted to me, i'm a go-getter. if i was lazy at home, i wouldn't be in her life. >> reporter >> the metaphor of the red pill, is i have sacred knowledge you don't have access to. that's an intoxicating position to be in. to be the person who holds this knowledge and these ideas and this truth, capital "t" truth. >> reporter: and even here, half a world away from romania, all roads ultimately lead back to andrew tate. do you know andrew tate? >> yes. >> reporter: he stands accused of very serious crimes. >> he didn't force any woman to do anything she didn't want to do. he gave them choices. what he talks about goes against the narrative, let's try to say he is a sex trafficker. that's how they are trying to invalidate his message. >> reporter: for now, andrew
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tate is facing charges in the u.k. and romania to could take years to resolve. >> our thanks to terry. the full episode of "impact" by "nightline," andrew tate into the manisphere, is streaming on hulu. when we return, the famous mouse making his debut on this day, the world would never be the same. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah. they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day. crest. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way
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to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. (vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. -we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper.
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finally tonight, on this day in 1928, mickey mouse made his debut. america would see him first in "plane crazy." and mickey would go on to star in more than 130 films, like "fantasia." ♪ becoming disney's most recognizable character. lillian disney named him mickey. her husband, walt, originally called him mortimer. that's "nightline" for tonight is. you can see full and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,


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