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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze in california. >> the median or midpoint between the highest and lowest sale price was $854,000 in march in san francisco, the median was just over 1.7 million for a single family home. >> san mateo county is actually the highest median there, nearly 2.2 million, but santa clara county is also right there, now, topping $2 million. >> abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey looks into what's driving up the cost of living in silicon valley. >> santa clara county, the home of innovation, technology and nearly 2 million people. and it's also the home of some of the most expensive real estate in the country. what do you think the median home price is in santa clara county? wow. >> was taken in the last time there was, over $1 million. >> i'm gonna guess, 1.5 million, i would say about 1.5 to 1.7
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million. >> what about 2 million? >> that's a bit high. wow. i'm a little shocked that it's at that level. >> that's right. santa clara county association of realtors data found the median single family home price hit $2 million for the first time in april. we're talking the midpoint between the highest home sales price and the lowest. t data shows the top three median prices were in los altos hills at 5.8 million, monte sereno 4.5, and saratoga at 4.2. only five cities in the south bay are under the median san jose at 1.7 million, along with san martin, milpitas, morgan hill and gilroy. scc president michelle perry says there are only about 700 homes for sale, and low inventory drives prices up. it has been a problem for many years and now it's just out of control. >> the demand will not go away because the inventory is just too low. so, there needs to be significant amount of homes built in a short period of time,
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and we just don't see that happening. >> real estate expert brad gill says it's not just a lack of inventory that brought us to the $2 million price tag, he says real estate prices ebb and flow during peak sales times from the spring to the fall, shown here in santa clara county from last may to now. so what can we expect to see in the coming months? >> if the median home price for the month of may ends up slightly higher than 2 million, that's absolutely a possibility. but i'm also kind of figuring that i think we'll actually see it, decelerate a little bit. a possibly of much needed relief for buyers in a community that continues to be among the most expensive in the country, in santa clara county. >> dustin dawsey, abc seven news in the east bay, the median home price in alameda county is 1.4 million. >> this, according to the california association of realtors. berkeley a little higher, 1.45 million. and right now there's only 37 active listings in the city. that adds up to difficulty in buying a home, especially for first time homeowners. but one city council member hopes to build a better
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bay area by making it cheaper to own a home. abc seven news reporter lena howland looks at the plan officials hope will make a difference in a really tough housing market. >> buying a home may soon be in closer reach for folks in berkeley. as long as you're okay with living in someone else's backyard, i think that people just need a place where they can start, right? >> that's the whole point of a starter home. and this is a great way to be able to do that. >> this week, berkeley's city council unanimously approved the first step of opting in to a new state law, which gives people the ability to buy an adu, or accessory dwelling unit known as a backyard cottage. >> sometimes they're as small as 500ft■!s. they can be as big as 1000ft■!s in the city of berkel, but any size of a backyard cottage is typically smaller than a single family home here, so we expect the sale price to be lower as well. >> according to zillow, the average price of a home in berkeley now sits at around $1.5 million. that's why rashi
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kesarwani, a berkeley city council member, spearheaded bringing this proposal to the city council. >> a lot of times it's, you know, existing homeowners who had an opportunity to buy a home when they weren't as expensive, you know, so we want to give that opportunity to the next generation. >> east bay realtor shaniqua badger says it opens the door for more essential workers who can't afford to live where they work. >> teachers should be able to buy where they teach. people who are working in the cities and the counties should be able to buy where they where they work. >> the northern california land trust, a nonprofit working to provide and support affordable housing in the berkeley area, says there standing by to help potential buyers with this process as soon as it gets a green light, having a policy that allows you to be able potentially purchase a small home and be able to grow into that home with multiple families, you're really are seeing a way for folks to be able to have that opportunity at the american dream, kesarwani
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says. this will head to the city's planning department next. she hopes it will come back to city council for final approval within a year. >> the more cities that do this, the better the bay area is going to be. off in berkeley. >> lena howland abc seven news. >> and state assemblyman phil ting, who represents san francisco and a portion of san mateo county, wrote the bill that started this. i spoke with him earlier today on our 3 p.m. show getting answers. >> i've done a number of bills to help streamline the construction of adus, and it's one of the few bright spots in terms of housing construction. since the adoption of many of my bills over the last 4 or 5 years, we've seen tens of thousands of adus being constructed all over the state. it's very exciting to see these homes being built. the idea was because of these small cottage homes. we thought, what if they could be sold separately? home ownership is how you build wealth, how you build equity in your own life. it's a way that you get into the middle class. it's part of our california
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dream. it's a very key piece of it. and for some, you know, for many young people, it's an elusive part of the dream. >> well, other cities, including san jose, are also now considering opting in and allowing the sale of backyard adus. mortgage rates are slowly going down. the average rate on a 30 year mortgage today fell to 7.02, from 7.09% last week. a year ago, the rate was 6.39. the drop follows a five week string of increases that pushed the average rate to its highest level since november 15th year. fixed rate mortgages also declined slightly to 6.28. >> a report out today claims the number of people living on san francisco streets has reached the lowest level in nearly a decade, according to the city's 2024 point in time count, conducted back in january. >> fewer than 3000 people are living in tents, structures or on the streets. that represents a 13% drop since the last count
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in 2022, and the lowest since 2015. officials say the decline matches the quarterly tent count conducted last month that found 41% fewer tents compared to july of 2023. well, hang on a second here because despite the good news, city officials say there has been an increase in both the number of homeless families and people who are living in vehicles. >> california is now one step closer to apologizing to black californians for slavery and decades of discriminatory policies. in a vote of 62 to 0, the assembly approved the bill, bill 3089. many republicans abstained from voting. assembly member reginald jones sawyer from los angeles authored the bill and called today's vote historic. joan sawyer also served on california's reparations task force that developed more than 100 proposals for the state to make amends for policies that negatively targeted and excluded black californians. >> if you're an enslaved person, if fugitive slave law allowed
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slave owners in the south to come here and capture escaped slaves and bring them back to their plantations in the south, the courts that said that segregation was legal here in okay to perpetrate on african americans here in the state. the bill now heads to the senate. >> several other bills dealing with restitution for racially motivated land taking, creating an agency to oversee reparations, and a funding source for reparations. all passed senate committees today, and they'll be up for a floor vote next week. >> developing news now with a college campus protests a group of students occupied the chapel at saint mary's college in moraga last night. some of them have also started a hunger strike. until their demands are met, they're asking for the school to disclose its financial investments and divest from any company tied to israel's war operation. pro-palestinian activists still occupying a building at the anna head complex on the uc berkeley campus that's right across the
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street from people's park. that building was empty for two years until the protesters moved in this week. uc berkeley says it's treating this as a crime scene, but we've seen no indication that police are going to move in anytime soon to clear out the protesters. the president of sonoma state university has been suspended after announcing an agreement with protesters on that campus. the csu chancellor says president mike lee issued the message without proper approval, and lee later apologized, saying he marginalized some students in an attempt to end or find agreement with others. the numerous campus protests were the hot topic this morning at the uc regents meeting. just about every public comment was about the pro-palestinian demonstrations and how the schools have responded. some pointed to what happened yesterday on the uc irvine campus when police moved in, and then cleared out an encampment. there were several arrests, including some professors. was the public comment lasted about 45 minutes, but as is common practice with these meetings, the regents do not respond. no action was taken
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before they went into executive session. >> a new era in law enforcement started this week in oakland, with chief floyd mitchell taking the helm on monday. mayor chantel joined us live on abc seven midday today to discuss the new chief. the first line of work for chief mitchell is really a meeting. >> you know, his rank and file. he's going to meet his rank and file. you know, he understands the strategy. he fully supports the strategy. and we're going to continue to press on that gas pedal because it you know, for us it's about saving lives. and it's about making sure that people feel safe in oakland, tao says a study showed that the cease fire crime fighting strategy has worked in oakland that involves a community police partnership and using data to understand who is at higher risk for violence. >> she says the city has brought the program back and has boosted it happening tomorrow. >> highway one leading into big sur, reopening to traffic. this comes more than six weeks after a portion of that road collapsed south of rocky creek bridge. not
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only affected residents, but businesses as well. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes has been following one of the businesses since the closure began, and is here in studio with their reaction. zach. >> larry. as you can imagine, they are just thrilled. think about it. since march 30th, only a twice a day convoy, primarily for residents, have been bringing people in and out of big sur. but now, starting tomorrow at 630 in the morning, the portion of highway one impacted by the collapse is reopening. here's some video from a few weeks ago from when the road was first closed, and when it reopens tomorrow, it's going to be one way traffic with a temporary signal. governor newsom's office announced that news this week, saying that the reopening is eight days ahead of the initial scheduled reopening for memorial day. in the weeks since the road slip out, big sur businesses say the economic hit has been substantial. they tell me that the timing of this reopening one weekend before memorial day weekend could not have been better. >> but the biggest benefit to us is it gives us the time as well as our hospitality neighbors, to get on social media, call and email our guests and try and get
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the word out as far and as wide as possible that all of big sur is open before memorial day weekend, and that everyone can come down and kick off their summer in big sur. >> now, it is important to note that while most of us here coming from big sur north can get through further south, highway one is still closed at paul slide, so you still cannot take highway one through big sur to get to places like san luis obispo, santa barbara and la. but of course, there's still plenty to see in big sur. as for the now stabilized portion of highway one south of rocky creek, the governor's office says that a project to construct a permanent repair is in the design phase. the goal is for that to be finished in spring of 2025. >> all right, zach, thank you so much. a major change in cannabis policy. what it means here when it's already legal, rising p-g-and-e's prices. but does it have to be that way? the decades old goal to get rid get rid of the utility in one bay are
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entitled from climate crisis to climate resilience, the governor addressing how the changing climate is affecting california's landscapes and natural disasters, the polluted
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heart of the climate crisis are these fossil fuel companies that have been lying to us. >> they have been deceiving us. they've known the science. they've denied the science. >> they've delayed the summit hosted by the pontifical academy of sciences and social sciences, brought in experts from around the world recognized by the catholic church, one of the meeting's objectives produce a draft protocol on climate resilience that will be submitted to the un. >> governor newsom today also talking about the biden administration's decision to reclassify marijuana, writing on x this critical action will ease restrictions, reduce barriers and bolster california's efforts to strengthen our burgeoning regulated industry. president biden announced the policy change today. >> today, my administration took a major step to reclassify marijuana from a schedule one drug to a schedule three drug. it's an important move toward reversing the long standing
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inequities. look, folks, no one should be in jail merely for using or possessing marijuana. period. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne fan has a look at what the change means here in the bay area. >> julian cervantes is a military veteran who depends on cannabis. >> i've used cannabis for uh- for treating my ptsd, and it's helped out, like immensely. >> reporter we showed him president biden's announcement on twitter. biden's administration took a major step to reclassifying marijuana from a schedule one drug, which includes heroin and ecstasy, to a schedule three drug, which includes tylenol with codeine. the president says it's an important step to, quote, reversing longstanding inequities and keeping people out of jail for having cannabis. >> i was really excited about it, i think it's something that definitely needs to be done. >> cervantes knows people who did jail time for possessing marijuana. >> it looks like two years in jail. >> i think it sparked dispensary in san francisco. the dispensary manager explained the impact of this next step to reclassify
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marijuana less incarceration, maybe less penalties, criminal penalties. >> no one should be in jail for cannabis. >> congresswoman barbara lee released this statement today saying, quote, this is a step in the right direction. but to be clear, cannabis must be fully de-scheduled in order to end the war on drugs and repair harm to communities of color. this move is progress for businesses, but we can't let it undermine comprehensive reform. but not everyone agrees with this push to reclassify marijuana. jonathan keller is president of california family council, a christian public policy organization based in sacramento. >> this is kind of a technical issue on the federal side of things. our organization is much more concerned about what we've seen societally, both through california's efforts to decriminalize this and now through president biden's administration. anytime you see these types of changes, you do see usage grow up. >> the drug enforcement administration will next take public comment on this proposal, and it may be a potentially lengthy process. in san
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francisco, suzanne phan, abc seven news. >> it was just a drill, but sure look like the real thing today at santa clara valley medical center in san jose. my father, you know. >> my the hospital staged a mass casualty exercise simulating the response to a major explosion at a sporting event in the bay area. >> in this scenario, those who are injured are also covered in an unknown white powder. and so therefore, they are needing to be decontaminated for a possible hazardous material prior to being able to enter the hospital for care. >> today's drill focused on how staff members would triage the patients that arrive at the hospital by ambulance or private vehicle. such drills are mandated by the commission that regulates health care in the us. according to officials, hospitals have felt more compelled to practice for real life scenarios since the covid 19 pandemic. >> it's that time of the year again, the almost summer fun.
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you can have this weekend. >> i'm spencer christian, still sunny, still breezy, still cooler than average. i'll take a look at when that pattern may change in my accuw if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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clouds. yeah, in some spots. and some sun and others. it was sunny in that spot, to which i was quite. thank you, spencer, just a few minutes ago. i'm trying to save you, larry. yeah, just trying to tease you. let's take a look at what's going on with our weather. i'll show you why the clouds are moving. because it's breezy out there. why else? right. we've got gusts up to 32mph at oakland. 25 at concord, all around the bay area. pretty breezy right now. 30 mile per hour gusts at napa. and so here we go. notice the separation between the cooler places and the warmer places from the north bay over to the inland east bay. virtually every location is significantly cooler than at this time yesterday, but along the bay shoreline down to the south bay, most locations are a few degrees warmer than at this time yesterday. so here's a view of those gathering clouds from east bay from the looking westward 62 degrees here in san francisco at hayward, san jose and redwood city, 57 at half moon bay and the clouds are getting lower and a little bit deeper over the golden gate
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right now, 64 degrees in santa rosa, petaluma 61, almost 70 in napa, 73 at fairfield, the concord 70 and 75 at livermore. and now we'll take a look at our forecast headlines overnight. more low clouds and spotty drizzle. that's been the pattern for several days now. that drizzle will be mainly near the coastline, but some of it may actually move over land areas tomorrow morning clouds, afternoon sunshine again. the pattern continues over the weekend. we expect breezy and cooler weather, and then going into next week it will get quite breezy and a bit cooler, but we are ahead of ourselves. here's our futurecast starting at 6 p.m. notice the low clouds and fog will continue to push across the bay and locally inland during the nighttime. hours later tonight, we'll see the patchy drizzle developing as it has the last few nights, and that will continue overnight and into early tomorrow morning before finally tapers off. now, overnight low temperatures will be generally in the low 50s. this is a pretty mild range considering how cool our daytime weather is, but our nighttime weather is not actually chilly,
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so low 50s, pretty mild for overnight readings. and then tomorrow look for highs of 58. half moon bay 64 here in san francisco and away from the coast. of course, it'll be sunny by about midday or so. 72 in san rafael, 76 at santa rosa. inland east bay will have highs in the upper 70s to about 80 degrees right around the bay shoreline. we'll see upper 60s to some low 70s and down in the south bay. look for highs of 77 at san jose and 74 at morgan hill. here's the accuweather seven day forecast going into the weekend. not a lot of change about a 2 degrees change in the high temperatures inland friday through sunday. it warms up a bit monday and tuesday. but look at wednesday sharp change there, turning gusty and sharply cooler with high temperatures reaching only maybe 70 around the bay shoreline upper 70s inland. and then thursday, as the winds ease a bit, we'll see some gradual cool, gradual warming rather developing. >> so wednesday of next week. that's the only day that the sun won't be out right there. we
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have a zillion monitors in the studio, and the one shot that's got the clouds is the one is. yes, the one right, right here. >> but all the other live shots, some sunshine. yeah. >> that's right. beautiful out there. except so much joy from. oh nice vanna white here. >> it's a conspiracy against you. >> it really is i knew it, yeah, it really is. >> thank you. okay. it's fair time. the contra costa county fair opened today in antioch. this year's theme is to fair and beyond. organizers say it's all about carnival rides, games, booths, and of course, the animals, including goats, camels and ponies. today is also dollar day, so you don't have long, but admission is $1 until 5 p.m. the fair runs through sunday. >> it's also opening day at the pacific sail and powerboat show. that show is happening at its new location at west point harbor in redwood city now. for years it was held in richmond and oakland. the show features everything from luxury yachts to cruisers. and just in time for national safe boating week, which kicks off on saturday. all right, coming up, p-g-and-e's
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boats going up again. >> yeah. there's been talk for decades about san francisco getting rid of p-g-and-e's and creating its own power system. so why has it never happened? we take an in-depth look at the efforts and the roadblocks and a new cost increase for one of california's most contentious water projects. >> how state water officials are justifying the
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prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. a fixed charge for infrastructure costs. this in addition to already paying for rate increases. >> so many consumers fed up with rising energy costs. but they're not the only ones who are protesting. the san francisco public utility commission says it can build a better bay area
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and save customers money if they can get rid of pge and create their own power system. >> abc7 news reporter lyanne melendez is here now to tell us how long this has been in the works. like, i mean, a long time. leanne >> more than 100 years now? yes, honestly. so here's a history. so people in san francisco have had municipal water system for more than 100 years. did you know that we were supposed to have public power as well? owned and operated by san francisco? we generate the supply. i mean, we generate it, we supply it, and we just don't o own the grid. now, 100 years ago, after the fact, there's a bid to buy out pg and e. the question is, will they give it up? envision san francisco owning its electrical system, lower electricity rates. >> we want reliable, affordable service in san francisco. >> it never happened. despite this guy. congressman john
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edward raker, making a deal with washington, dc in 1913, allowing san francisco to dam hetch hetchy valley in yosemite. >> so in exchange for giving the city the right to build a dam in the national park, san francisco had to agree to use that dam as the cornerstone of a public power system. >> a few years later, san francisco was well on its way, building a hydroelectric powerhouse at moccasin creek. meanwhile, transmission lines were being built until ran out of money just 38 miles from reaching san francisco. that's when p-g-and-e's offered to help distribute san francisco's power. after all, pge already had the lines the poles and the infrastructure back then, fueled by coal fired power. it was supposed to be temporary. while san francisco raised the money through a bond measure. tim redmond, a journalist and authority on the subject, said at the time. pge
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did everything to keep san francisco from going public nine times, ten times bond acts were put before the people at every time p-g-and-e's spent so much money campaigning against it that they didn't pass, in part because the city leadership didn't campaign for it. >> corrupt corruption in the 1980s, former supervisor angela alioto became one of san francisco's most outspoken advocates for public power, even writing in her book about how city hall was a p-g-and-e's stronghold. p-g-and-e's was electing officials when pge became the almost the sole source of electing officials. >> another former supervisor, tom ammiano, joined alioto in fighting against p-g-and-e's. >> there was a little bit too much pay to play at city hall and people would say, well, like who? and i say, well, i don't want to get anybody in trouble. i'll just give you their initials, pg and e, so ammiano revealed he too was once quietly approached by a pg and e
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representative offering support for his political campaign. we if you're favorable to us, we can have a fundraiser for you and we can guarantee $25,000. is this a real thing? yeah >> the public's perception of pg and e began to change with the san bruno gas pipeline explosion in september of 2010, questioning the safety of the utility company. a series of wildfires followed, blamed on p-g-and-e's equipment and power lines, which were not properly maintained. in 2019, the utility company filed for bankruptcy after announcing a $13.5 billion settlement with fire victims and their families. pg and e also pleaded guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter in federal court. pg and e then began undergrounding power lines in high risk areas, passing on those costs to customers. despite this, shareholders continued to be compensated with
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all this negative publicity and animosity towards pg and e, the san francisco puc says it's time to buy them out. >> we actually made three separate offers to pg and e by letter 2.5 billion that would cover the entire distribution system in every residential neighborhood and business every pole, every line underground and above pg and e's response not for sale and not enough money. >> they don't want to give up san francisco. they're making too much money here. >> pg and e told us this action would have a wide range of negative impacts on safety and reliability of electric service in san francisco. pg and e also cited a study that found that when utilities were municipalized, the costs passed onto customers often rose. the east bay city of hercules is an example. they tried to go public in 2002, but failed. they're now back with pg and e, but that's not the case with the city of alameda, which has owned its utility for more than 130 years.
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>> our residential customers will be next fiscal year, approximately 50% below pg and e. what a p-g-and-e's residential customer will pay. >> but the sfpuc says they already have operating experience serving city hall, san francisco general hospital, muni, sfo airport, and even the presidio, all powered by hetch hetchy. not pg and e, and this time it appears they finally have the political will of city hall. >> we have a mayor and a board who are adamant that we pursue this. >> if pg and e declines the offer, the california puc will then determine the estimated price of p-g-and-e's assets in san francisco and a takeover is possible. it will be funded using a revenue bond so it doesn't come out of taxes. >> it comes out of the revenue stream. you get from selling the service for alioto, it's a matter of seeing is believing. >> you know, as saint francis of
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assisi says, try the impossible and make it possible. that's public power. that is possible. and it would be so great for our city. i just wish i could believe again that we had the elected officials that had the guts to do it. >> now, a quick mention here. our colleagues at the bay guardian first reported on the influence of pg and e on city hall in 1969. now besides alameda, other bay area cities like palo alto, healdsburg and pittsburg have publicly owned power companies. >> all right. so you mentioned the eminent domain option, right? >> right. there is an option. >> what are the challenges against that? what are the barriers to that actually happening? >> well, i mean, the california puc can say, okay, this is what that grid is worth okay. so and pg and e can say we're still not interested. then san francisco can come and say, well, eminent domain. yeah, we can take it over. and if the, you know, the california puc can say, well, it's not worth 2.5 billion, it's
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worth 1.9 billion. >> sounds like that. >> and that's what they get to pay result in a long court case, right? >> yeah. yes. exactly. long legal battle or long negotiations. >> very long negotiation. >> i'm not 100 years. >> yeah. no. yeah. thanks, liane. sure >> the cost of california's water tunnel project is now estimated to be about $20 billion. today, the department of water resources released a new cost benefit analysis, putting the cost of the delta conveyance project at about $5 billion, higher than the last estimate in 2020. but they claim when adjusted for inflation, the cost is roughly the same as before. >> so it's not like there are new features or additions or subtractions to the project that are changing. the cost is just that things are more expensive now. >> well, officials say the analysis found the project would create billions of dollars in benefits for california, including reliable water supplies, climate change adaptation and improved water quality. critics believe the project is too expensive and
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would harm the environment. construction will begin in 2030 with a completion date of 2045 coming up, working on your relationship with actual tools from the workplace and the ultimate food question. >> just what makes a sandwich a sandwi for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish.
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somebody you love. a new trend involves using corporate tools like slack to help couples in their relationships. one couple highlighted in the new york times article uses a project management software to optimize their relationship. their categories include what's important to us as a couple and learnings, things the couple have discovered about each other. so i was going to say, is this something you would do, i'm not going to ask larry because i know how he feels about slack. yeah but zach. yes, it's. >> slack is a wonderful tool. what? that's. that's all i'm saying. >> what have you done with larry? zach? what do you think? >> where's the real larry? >> slack is good for the workplace. i have all i can do to keep up with the messages from my husband. now, the text and the things he sends me on instagram. so it's not going to work on another platform. project management software like
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the calendar, google calendar that helps us a lot. stay on one page and know what we're doing for sure. >> i'm with larry on slack. well, i slack the producers and i love them. >> yeah, yeah. okay. >> yeah. i mean, i'm trying to think of the other slack features that i use, like forward. no, there's nothing you'd want to forward to a third party in a relationship. all right. so it's a no for thumbs down. >> yeah i think i think zero for four with this group. yeah. our tacos and burritos sandwiches. that question went before a judge in indiana. this case centered around a plan to open a mexican grill in a strip mall, where the only restaurants allowed were ones that only sold, made to order or subway style sandwiches. the measure designed to keep out burger chains. all right, so the question here is you get to be like judge wapner uh- spencer, how would you rule in this case? >> it's a sandwich. it's a it's a mexican sandwich. it's a sandwich. you know, i would i would say it's a sandwich. >> all right. >> zach, i don't think it is. there's a mexican style sandwich they called tortas. that's not what a burrito or a taco is.
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are. >> okay, i'm with zach on this. zach. kristen. okay. >> i mean, i need the bread for me to call it a sandwich, okay? i mean, as for the actual judge's ruling, yeah, he ruled tacos and burritos are mexican style sandwiches. >> like spencer said, adding that the original written commitment does not restrict potential restaurants to only american cuisine style sandwiches. oh, zach, would you like, you know, like 30s for a rebuttal on this or what? i think that the restaurant owners should have been able to open his restaurant. >> i just don't think on the grounds that his burritos and tacos are sandwiches, that's all. wapner would have ruled different, didn't it? didn't. yeah, yeah. >> okay. >> appeal the ruling to a higher court. >> yeah. all right. >> now, from tacos and burritos to mcdonald's, looks like mcdonald's is trying to cash in on the grandma core esthetic that's popular right now on tiktok. next week, the fast food chain will offer a grandma mcflurry. it's made up of vanilla ice cream, sirup and crunchy candy pieces. mcdonald's hinted that it's a treat grandma
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would hide in her purse as social media users think it's butterscotch candy. >> you got to put that on a purse. >> i don't know, but can somebody explain this? >> i know the candy. i know i get it. the candy. >> yeah. so just, equal time. spencer, are you interested in a grandpa mcflurry? yeah. >> and what would be in that? >> i have my grandpa, but i'm not interested in a mcflurry. >> oh, a little red wine would be in spencer's mcflurry. >> there you go. >> yeah. >> zach makino, it doesn't apply to me, i don't. >> yeah, my white grandma didn't have that in her purse. and then my black grandma and cuba, i'm certain, didn't have that in her purse either. >> there you go. yeah. >> i don't know that anybody's carrying the stuff around in their purses. >> i don't identify with the candy. >> maybe i don't understand any of it. >> okay. >> yeah, yeah. get on tiktok. it'll it'll explain itself from there. a taste of colombia. now, restaurants in oakland paying tribute to the country through food pass is a contemporary colombian restaurant with owners who have been a part of the bay area restaurant scene for years!
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joining us today is the owner of pass, paul iglesias. hey, paul, it's great to have you on. >> yeah. how are you all so happy to have. thank you for having me. i want to say i'm not used to taste thursdays. i'm used to thirsty thursdays just to say, oh, yeah, well, i mean, it all works, right? >> but we are so happy you've chosen to take part in tasty thursdays because you've sent some amazing goodies to us. and i'm just going to kind of turn my food around so people can kind of see. but i think you sent over an empanada of some sort with part of a torta sandwich. oh, and a dessert. yes. >> got zach, we'd call that a sand dough. okay. just to let you, columbia, just to let you colombian santos. so the first thing that you have there is the posta negra. so it's a dish that usually is made with short rib. what we do with this short rib is we rip it up and cook it down uh- slow and low with cola and panela. and so then we put it into a sandwich. and then you also are eating the empanada.
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the empanada is called the empanada. ajiaco ajiaco is a famous soup from the from the coffee region of colombia. what makes that soup very special is a fresh herb called guasca. but we're not able to have that fresh herb here in california. we can get it dried so we wanted to make it into a into an empanada. so really exciting. and then the one thing well thank you, thank you. the, the one thing that we also brought to you all was tiradito. so this is a shaved celery root though it's done with a roasted red pepper leche de tigre, a little black garlic vegan aioli that, that dish is 100% plant based. and we really we really try to encompass everyone in the community. we want people to be able to come in that are gluten free. our entire restaurant is gluten free. we also care so much about dietary restrictions and we try to, you know, allow everyone to be who they are when they come to the restaurant. >> so what kind of research did you do before you opened passeig asi? >> aside from my parents being card carrying members of the
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colombian, heritage, i, i've been blessed. i've been blessed enough. my mother was an art history professor. she worked at the university of maryland, when you come into, my restaurant, you can see a lot of culinary back. a lot of visual backgrounds. right behind me is a wall that that represents cali, in colombia. and it's this beautiful wall, and these are just beautiful posters. and so you know, from being able to go to colombia and visit because growing up in the united states, you know, you want to know where you're from and when you know where you're from, you have the opportunity to be able to go back to this country, back to the country, and be part of it. and so, for me, i think that i fell in love with our, our country. i fell in love with our culture. and i'm just blessed to be able to bring it to the to the bay area. you know, we oakland is oakland is about diversity. it's about change. it's for me, it was always the right city for the to be the platform, the bay area in general. but but oakland in particular was the right platform for us to really enjoy
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enjoy this success that we've been having. thanks to everyone. i mean, we're so blessed to be here. >> totally. >> okay, two points. number one, this short rib thing is amazing, is it you said there's coca-cola in it or the history? >> the history on that is that you want to think about backstrap coming from the spaniards when they first landed and panela and, and cola were two ingredients that the indigenous had. and so they would drink it. and so what happened was i think that they you think of dried beef jerky and somebody dropping it into a cup that had some liquid in it, and they rehydrated the flavors. it became this thing instantly in the 15, 1600s. and then from there in the 1900s, we started using cola or champagne colas to break down the meat. >> wow. food for thought. and yummy food. that's amazing. >> yeah. well real quick, where is the restaurant located? >> it's. it's on broadway in uptown oakland, 2295 broadway, right in the right, in the heart of oakland. just blessed to be here. it's such a lively
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community, i'm in the restaurant right now as i'm watching people enjoy the bar and, and walk outside. it's really nice. >> well, paul iglesias, i got to say, i'm super picky, but this food is amazing. thank you so much. and well, thank you, paul. >> you may have the best hair of anybody on this program ever in the history of this program. yeah >> so thank you i appreciate that. thank you. all right. i've been told that. yeah. all right. well cheers. thank you all so much. it's a blessing to have all of you on. you're all welcome to norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year.
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at least he recognized. now that is not sunny, but if only spencer. >> well, it's still sunny beyond the east bay hills, so there's that. but here's a look at our forecast headlines coming up overnight. low clouds. of course, there are already pushing across the bay and some spotty drizzle which has been part of the pattern in the last several overnights and early mornings. and that will last into the morning, because tomorrow we'll start the day with morning clouds and patchy drizzle. but we have sunshine in the afternoon. that's also been a part of our recent pattern going into the weekend. look for bright and breezy weather. it will start to warm up a little bit going into early next week. overnight lows generally in the low 50s. highs tomorrow 60 at the coast, upper 60s around the bay, up to about 80 inland. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. notice that little gradual warming starts on sunday. continues monday tuesday. but then on wednesday,
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a sharp turnabout with gusty and much cooler weather coming our way. no rain in sight, lots of sunshine. larry. >> all right, spencer, slack me when it gets really sunny. okay uh. today's the 30th annual bike to wherever day used to be called bike to work day. but that changed. and so many people are working remotely these days. many bay area cities held special events to promote pedal power, including berkeley. >> this is great. this is great. yeah. now this specific event is with berkeley elected officials, berkeley council members. and it's always great to be able to celebrate and appreciate what we're doing to make our streets better and safer for people to get around without a car in berkeley and berkeley had sites where you could stop volunteers handing out coffee and snacks to bicyclists, and in san jose, cyclists took a ride along the guadalupe river trail. >> bay area transit agencies offered merchendise giveaways and free coffee and snacks at designated stations. san francisco mayor london breed took part in a rally to highlight the city's new biking and rolling plan. that's a year long outreach program to
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encourage people to bike around town, coming up celebrating women in technology. the tech summit focusing on the rise representation and future of latinas in the industry (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body
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produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. gray's anatomy at ten. station 19. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. while google
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is having its i o developer conference, another big conference is underway in san francisco. organizers say it's the largest tech event for latinas in the world. here's abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez. >> i've been producing and developing a lot of shows emmy award winning latina actress karla sosa kicking off the 2024 latinas in tech summit. >> the conference drawing more than 1500 people to the palace of fine arts in san francisco. latinas remain underrepresented in the tech industry. this conference hopes to bridge that gap, so the conference is really to help empower latinas that are in the world of tech or trying to break into tech. >> the conference in itself and the workshops that we'll have will cover a variety of topics from ai to entrepreneurship, negotiation, salaries and finances. >> there are more than 80 speakers from companies like microsoft, expedia, and adobe, with sponsors including google
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and salesforce. >> we are one third of the silicon valley population, and we need to be more present in these kind of issues and just to be more salient and represent ourselves and to be representatives of our own community so recruiters can interview candidates at these interview pods and even hire on the spot at the conference continues tomorrow virtually in san francisco. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> and that's it for abc seven news at four, abc seven news at five is coming teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor?
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teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ a slow network is no network for business. that's why more te choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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