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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! up. having a really good conversations with some of the students and faculty involved with the encampment, but there are so many other stakeholders in the university that should have been consulted before these really sweeping decisions were made. conversations and controversy. what's next after a
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local university president is disciplined for a deal he reached with student protesters to clear a pro-palestine encampment from campus. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. this move is causing backlash among jewish organizations. and tonight that embattled school president is reacting. >> abc7 news reporter cornell bernard spoke to students at sonoma state and has the details. >> it's just kind of seems like everything's crumbling around us. >> finals week is turning into drama week at sonoma state. the campus has been rocked by the departure of president mike lee, who was placed on leave wednesday. >> a lot of drama. >> university officials say it surrounds this campus wide email lee sent tuesday concerning an agreement reached with pro-palestinian student protesters seeking divestment from israel. it was on a list of demands made when the students created this encampment several weeks ago. but csu's chancellor mildred garcia, says she was blindsided by the agreement, saying that message was sent without the appropriate approvals. for now, because of this insubordination and
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consequences, it has brought upon the system, president lee has been placed on administrative leave, garcia adding csu's mission is to create an inclusive environment, not marginalize one community over another. the jewish community relations council says it fully supports putting lee on leave. >> we think that it was the right decision that he lost the confidence of the jewish community, and i would guess much of the campus community in that moment, and we hope that we can identify leadership that can hold all the communities suffering. >> students for justice in palestine posted this message on instagram. su demands met two weeks ago. a student from the group praised lee's engagement. >> our president, mike lee, finally for the first time, kind of truly acknowledged us yesterday by stepping on foot and talking to us. >> the encampment is now gone. >> i mean, for the most part, like they honestly were just out here trying to prove a point. and it was it just kind of sucks that the president had to step down because he wanted to meet their demands.
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>> in a second email, lee issued an apology and affirmed he acted alone without approval from csu leaders. he said, in my attempts to find agreement with one group of students, i marginalized other members of our student population and community. i realize the harm this has caused, and i take full ownership of it. i deeply regret the unintended consequence of my actions. it's unclear how long lee will be gone. an interim president has been named this has generated a lot of backlash, with only days before graduation . professor alexis bertini is hoping for unity personally, i hope he comes back, i think. >> i hope we recognize this as a unfortunate series of events, but that we can move on from them and that he can come back and help us come back together, because we need to be building consensus right now, not encouraging this divisiveness that sonoma state. >> cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> about 20 students have taken over the chapel at saint mary's college. it started last night, and we're told some of them are staging a hunger strike until
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their demands are met. they want the school to disclose its investments and divest from companies tied to israel and the war operation. >> uc irvine held classes remotely today after 50 people were arrested yesterday when police cleared a pro-palestinian encampment. at least one of the people arrested said they were part of the school's faculty. most of the people were arrested for failing to comply with a police order. a few were arrested for trespassing. the protest started a couple of weeks ago but intensified this week. some of the students received suspension notices. >> the campus protests were the primary subject this morning at the uc regents meeting. it started with public comment and just about everyone single one was about the pro-palestinian demonstrations and how the schools have responded. some of the speakers call for school leaders to be fired over all of this. the public comment lasted about 45 minutes, but as is common practice with these meetings, the regents do not respond. no action was taken before they went into executive session to discuss further. now, stay with us for continuing coverage of the college campus protests in the bay area and all
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across the country. get the latest anytime at abc seven >> alameda county has launched what could be a solution to the teacher shortage many school districts are facing today. the county announced a low cost on the job pathway to becoming a credentialed teacher, hoping to fill the gaps and build a better bay area. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has that story. >> hector camacho says california's teacher shortage is having a big impact on student learning. >> what we know is that there are literally thousands of children that are entering classrooms every day with a under credentialed or under qualified teacher. >> camacho is dean of admissions at reach university, which offers degrees in education. he says it's not that there aren't enough people who want to be teachers, but barriers like the cost of a teaching credential keep them out. >> at one point, they had to choose between a degree and a job. and as is the case for many individuals in this state, they chose the job because attending college full time is not really an option. >> for most, getting a teaching
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credential means being enrolled in a full time master's or graduate program. but a new partnership with reach university and the alameda county office of education aims to get more teachers credentialed, while they work at a school in the county. >> the current system of, you know, graduate school is not necessarily getting folks through programs and into those classrooms. >> elise castro is the alameda county superintendent of schools. castro says there are close to 250 teaching openings in the county, out of close to 11,000 teaching jobs through the new program, alameda county office of education will pay 95% of reaches university tuition, so educators can earn their credentials. >> so lowering the cost is a critical barrier in enabling these folks to move forward into being fully certified teachers. this program creates a real closure of the gap only 150 people will be accepted into the program, which does have some eligibility requirements.
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>> the deadline to apply is the end of june in alameda county, anser hassan. abc seven news and new developments in sacramento, where the state assembly approved a bill to apologize to black california for slavery and decades of discriminatory policies. >> in a vote of 62 to 0. the assembly approved the bill. it's called bill 3089. many republicans abstained from voting. assembly member reginald jones sawyer from los angeles authored this bill and called today's vote historic. joan sawyer also served on california's reparations task force that developed more than 100 proposals for the state to make amends for policies that negatively targeted and excluded black californians. >> if you're an enslaved person, the fugitive slave law allowed slave owners in the south to come here and capture escaped slaves and bring them back to their plantations in the south. the courts that said that segregation was legal here in
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okay to perpetrate on african americans here in the state. >> the bill now heads to the senate several other bills dealing with restitution for racially motivated land taking, creating an agency to oversee reparations and a funding source for reparations. all passed senate committees today. they'll be up for a floor vote next week. >> president biden says he's also tackling long standing inequities. today, the justice department officially began the steps to reclassify marijuana under federal law. this is monumental. >> today, my administration took a major step to reclassify marijuana from a schedule one drug to a schedule three drug, far too many lives have been upended because of failed approach to marijuana, and i'm committed to writing those wrongs. you have my word on it. >> governor newsom praised the move, posting on x, quote, this critical action will ease restrictions, reduce barriers and bolster california's efforts to strengthen our burgeoning
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regulated industry. abc seven news reporter suzanne fan has a closer look at what this means for the bay area. >> julian cervantes is a military veteran who depends on cannabis. >> i've used cannabis for uh- for treating my ptsd, and it's helped out, like, immensely. >> reporter we showed him president biden's announcement on twitter. biden's administration took a major step to reclassifying marijuana from a schedule one drug, which includes heroin and ecstasy, to a schedule three drug, which includes tylenol with codeine. the president says it's an important step to, quote, reversing longstanding inequities and keeping people out of jail for having cannabis. >> i was really excited about it, i think it's something that definitely needs to be done. >> cervantes knows people who did jail time for possessing marijuana. >> it looks like two years in jail. >> i think it sparked dispensary in san francisco. the dispensary manager explained the impact of this next step to reclassify marijuana less incarceration may be less penalties, criminal penalties. >> no one should be in jail for
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cannabis. >> congresswoman barbara lee released this statement today saying, quote, this is a step in the right direction. but to be clear, cannabis must be fully de-scheduled in order to end the war on drugs and repair harm to communities of color. this move is progress for businesses, but we can't let it undermine comprehensive reform. but not everyone agrees with this push to reclassify marijuana. jonathan keller is president of california family council, a christian public policy organization based in sacramento. >> this is kind of a technical issue on the federal side of things. our organization is much more concerned about what we've seen societally, both through california's efforts to decriminalize this and now through president biden's administration. anytime you see these types of changes, you do see usage grow up. >> the drug enforcement administration will next take public comment on this proposal, and it may be a potentially lengthy process in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news. >> coming up here, governor newsom at the vatican today, his
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conversation on the climate crisis and what is expected to come from that discussion. >> plus, unbearable traffic on when california freeway. the details behind this scene when abc seven
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year old boy back in march, according to police. the shooting happened during a party on march 23rd at yule avenue near division avenue in clear lake. by the time detectives arrived, the suspect was gone. the investigation led officers to santa rosa, where fernando lugo garcia lived. he was arrested yesterday with help from the sonoma county sheriff's office. he faces murder as well as other charges. >> steps for lives lost and lives shattered as people in san francisco marched today for families impacted by homicide, the mayor, police chief, neighborhood organizations and
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those who lost loved ones to violence walked in their honor. marchers included a woman who lost her son in a shooting. march began at margaret s hayward park in the western addition, and ended with speeches at the steps of city hall. chief bill scott says one of the most important ways to fight gun violence is for the community to step up and take part in efforts to keep streets safe. >> governor newsom took center stage at the vatican today, highlighting california's role in preventing and dealing with climate change. newsom appeared in a panel discussion at the three day summit entitled from climate crisis to climate resilience. the governor addressed how the changing climate is affecting california's landscape and natural disasters. >> the polluted heart of the climate crisis are these fossil fuel companies that have been lying to us. they've been deceiving us. they've known the science. they've denied the
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science. they've delayed advancement. >> the summit, hosted by the pontifical academy of sciences and social sciences, brought in experts from around the world recognized by the catholic church. one of the meeting's objectives is to produce a draft protocol on climate resilience that will be submitted to the united nations. >> coming up, a move to require a $5 reservation fee for public tennis and pickleball courts in san francisco. we'll tell you about the proposal
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a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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yeah. it comes after the recreation and parks commission voted earlier today to recommend that fee. >> but as abc seven news reporter tim johns tells us, many players are not on board. >> there are two of the most popular sports in san francisco, but soon tennis and pickleball players could be paying $5 reservation fees at around 40% of the city's courts.
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>> they were chosen, based on geography, there's strategically dispersed, kind of to minimize travel distances for players. >> tamara barrick appleton is a spokesperson for the city's rec and park department. she says on thursday, the agency's commission unanimously voted to recommend the fee. they say the idea behind it is to streamline court management and ensure fair access to facilities. >> people started making reservations without actually fulfilling them so they would leave multiple courts empty despite being booked. >> the city's rec and parks department says the idea to move forward with the fee stems from community feedback. but here at the presidio pickleball courts, players tell us they are against it. >> the idea is that you're now taking the public who paid for these courts. now you're going to make them pay again. >> bill lafferty plays at the presidio wall courts a few times a week, one of the locations that would see the fee implemented. he doesn't think the plan is fair to those that play in this area, a view shared by others. we spoke with two.
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>> i don't know how much that's going to put in the rec and park treasury per year. i can't imagine it's very much money, but to me it's kind of ridiculous. >> players in the presidio tell us they enjoy playing here because of the community like atmosphere, a place they can come and socialize with friends, both old and new. many tell us they worry the reservation plan could incentivize people to stop playing here and instead go elsewhere. >> one of the big benefits here is the spontaneity and the one thing in san francisco where you don't need to make reservations for the board of supervisors, will get the final vote over the $5 fee in the coming weeks in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right. nice day outside, no matter what you were doing. a little bit cooler in the morning, but lovely. >> yeah. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel has more on that weather. sandy? >> yeah, and right now, dan and umma, let's take a look at the drought, and then we'll talk about the weather pattern that is coming your way for the weekend. so drought monitor just came out today. and here's a look at how we're doing. actually fantastic. following two productive winters last
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winter and this past winter, only 1.23% of the state is abnormally dry. and that happens to be in the southeastern portion of california. so very small sliver in the lowest category of the drought, which is great live view right now from our pier 39 camera. and it's pretty cloudy. sea lions don't seem to mind. you can see there and it is also gusty right now. 32 mile an hour winds in oakland. really breezy on shore right now. 20 miles an hour. pittsburg 24 in fairfield. the winds will remain gusty as we head into 6 p.m. over 30 miles an hour. strongest winds 8 p.m. you're still looking at close to 30. there towards the delta. and tomorrow morning, although the winds back off a bit, they'll pick right back up again later on in the afternoon and the evening. uh- certainly are seeing we're seeing that low cloudiness moving across the bay already tonight. it's pretty deep marine layer and it is solid along the california coastline. you can see here
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really high pressure is in control of our weather. we had some drizzle this morning. it measured in some areas. we're going to repeat that again going into tomorrow. it's pretty socked in on the golden gate bridge right now. 58 in the city at 64 in oakland, you will notice 74 in san jose. you did manage to get up to 80 degrees there, 72 in redwood city and 57 in half moon bay. san jose camera. it's a bright view. 60s from santa rosa to petaluma, 70 degrees in fairfield. you're at 72. in livermore. and a live view from our south beach camera. pretty gray skies right now. overnight tonight. clouds, fog and drizzle tomorrow you'll see the sun around the bay and inland. and for your weekend weather, we're still talking about breezy and cooler weather coming your way. so we're going to go hour by hour tonight. low clouds already around the coast and bay at 6:00 10 p.m. you can see pretty much everyone under that blanket of cloud cover. we'll have some fog out there as well. and in the morning we begin with the drizzle as we head into the evening hours, i
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think you're going to get a little more clearing in the north bay today. it's been slow to clear across parts of the north bay, as you know, and so your morning temperatures with the drizzle around 40s, 50s, you will need to bundle up once again tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at low 80s inland. some of these temperatures may actually come up a few degrees with more sunshine. 58.5 moon bay 64. in the city 68. oakland 72, san rafael. mid 70s around santa rosa and fremont 68. in oakland and 77 degrees in san jose. your accuweather seven day forecast. morning clouds and drizzle. you're going to notice those temperatures coming down a few more degrees around the inland communities in the bay. upper 60s to upper 70s around saturday and sunday, upper 50s coast side. and then we'll turn things around, warm it up again on monday and tuesday because ama and dan we all know that people complain when they see that people present, company excluded, give the people what
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they want. not all the time. not all the time. that's true. >> thanks, santa. >> we complain a little bit. just just a smidge. here's something to complain about. an unbearable situation for some drivers north of los angeles. this afternoon, a bear wandered onto the 14 freeway, bringing traffic, as you can see, to a stop, it just casually walked out onto the road and appeared to be a bit confused before turning around and heading back into the hills. the person who took the video says the bear looked like it had just woken up and was looking for food and maybe something to drink. >> well, a bill that would give local governments some authority over driverless car safety advanced at the state capitol today. the proposal passed the senate appropriations committee in sacramento. senate bill 915 would put decisions about autonomous vehicle services in the hands of local lawmakers and not the state. the bill was authored by south bay senator dave cortese. he says once the state public utilities commission and dmv clears driverless cars to be on the roads, they're currently just isn't enough accountability compared to piloted vehicles. all right, still ahead here, a
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new food hall is coming to west oakland. >> we're going to give you an inside tour and tell you about the local brewery that plans to a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business
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prescott market is under development inside a 100 year old building next to raymond field. the hall will feature food and beverage businesses, award winning almanac beer company is the first major tenant in the vintage 12,000 square foot building. >> it's got all the original brick. you can see the curvature of the building where the railroad used to run by, and for us, all those things are so attractive and make for a unique space and a unique place for people to visit. >> the almanac west oakland taproom will also feature an outdoor beer garden with room for 300 people. if all goes to plan, the hall and the taproom will open in early fall. >> well, this year's edition of the contra costa county fair is officially underway. the fair kicked off today at the county fairgrounds in antioch. you can find all the usual attractions, from hot dogs and funnel cakes to roller coasters and other rides. the fair runs through sunday evening. >> tonight on the stage is our. we will be crowning our 2024 uh-
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queen for the fair, lots of great family entertainment, pony rides, petting zoo, camel rides. so all kinds of great stuff here happening at this year's fair. >> the kids from oakley four-h program are busy at the fairgrounds prepping their lambs , goats and other animals for the annual livestock exhibition. hello there. tomorrow, seniors get in for just $1. and saturday, members of the military and law enforcement get in for free. very nice. you'll find armani with the elephant ears and the fried pickles. >> i'll take a corn dog as well. >> okay? yeah. that's good. >> all right, well, we still have much more news ahead. >> we do? >> let's go to abc seven news anchor zach francis for a look at what's coming up at 530. zach >> yeah, a lot coming up at 530. one of the most beloved travel destinations for bay area locals will be accessible again tomorrow. highway one, heading into big sur, reopens to the public again after a portion of the road collapsed back in march. we speak with business owners there about what people can expect when they return. plus there are countless
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barriers to affordable housing here in the bay area, but one organization says there's also more help finding it than more people realize. we're going to have more on the resources available that may surprise you, so join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc seven bay area streaming tv. all right, zach, thanks a lot. >> and you can download the abc seven app or just head to abc seven and join zach in two minutes. >> do that. >> and if you're watching us on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandyha patel. all of us here. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> we will see you again at six. ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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tonight, the fireworks inside the courtroom at donald trump's criminal trial. >> david: tonight, the fireworks inside the courtroom at donald trump's criminal trial. also breaking tonight, president biden exerting executive privilege, the controversy there. and tonight, the deadly house explosion. a father and daughter killed. a mother and son pulled from the wreckage. first tonight, donald trump's defense team taking aim


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