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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 17, 2024 12:37am-1:06am PDT

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>> jimmy: well, thanks to ryan gosling. thanks to jeffrey ross. watch him sunday night on netflix roasting tom brady. apologies to matt damon. will matt damon be at the -- >> matt damon has a cameo. >> jimmy: oh, god, you ruined the whole thing. [ laughter ] >> actually, i just got word, we had to bump his cameo. >> jimmy: oh, good, good. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching, good night. [ applause ] this is "nightline." tonight, olivia munn in the battle of her life. her shocking cabs diagnosis. >> i had already had two mammograms, i had had ultrasounds. i had done genetic testing. >> what were the results of
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those? >> clear. >> inside her courageous battle. >> why did you want to document this? >> because if i didn't make it i wanted my son when he got older to know that i fought to be here. >> her biggest supporter every step of the way. >> he's honestly just the best human being. >> and the questionnaire that could save lives. plus, 30 years of disney on broadway. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, this is aladdin. >> behind the scenes at some of the 20 productions around the world in multiple languages. ♪ >> the audiences react. >> culturally the audiences are so much more polite. it's like, yes. >> yes, yes. ♪ let it go ♪ >> from broadway to japan and germany, why "frozen's" elsa is beloved everywhere. >> i think that we've all had like a "let it go" moment. >> announcer: "nightline" will be right back. your brain hea?
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her. a move that might have saved her life. here's abc's michael strahan. >> it was a sunny day in california. i had gone to my doctor to actually get a blood test that day earlier and then i get a call to come back over. i had already had two mammograms. i had had ultrasounds. i had done genetic testing. >> what were the results of those? >> clear then my doctor said there is a lifetime risk assessment test and you're at 37.7% which puts me into high risk and she said i want you to get an mri. i went and that's when they said, well, we found something. >> when you heard the word "cancer," what went through your mind? >> i mean, i just want to say i thought of my baby. cancer takes down a lot of people, and i was just over -- was overwhelmed with thinking about my baby but at the same time i just had to be so clear-headed so i could go off
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and fight this battle. >> actress olivia munn is opening up about her fight against breast cancer, a fast-growing aggressive type of cancer she was diagnosed with in april of last year. >> it's a more rare cancer that only happens to a small percentage of people who have cancer. >> what did they explain to you about your prognosis? >> they said i had to be ext extremely aggressive. that if i was extremely aggressive, i could fight this and win but at the same time once they started finding all these little spots in my breast, like, there's another tumor, there's another tumor, there was just so much and in both breasts, that made it all so much more scary. there was such an urgency to it because we had to get in and make some really big decisions. >> within 30 days of your diagnosis, you had the double mastectomy. how are you able to process everything when it's all moving so fast? >> i don't think i really processed it.
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>> olivia, this way, please. >> for more than 15 years, olivia has lived her life in the spotlight. >> for me go to olivia munn live in the northern desert -- >> reporter: rising to fame on "the daily show" filing reports for jon stewart. >> this is an incredible story of survival. >> you are not kidding. primitive condition, tight quarters, limited wi-fi at best. >> starring in shows like hbo's "the newsroom" as sloan >> i don't mind that you're dumb and, don, i mean that. >> thank you. >> and in films like "x-men apocalypse." in 2021 the star also became a mother giving birth to son malcolm who she 145ired with her emmy winning comedian partner john mulaney. in march, olivia decided to
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reveal her diagnosis on social media. >> do it for your baby. >> reporter: the raw moment where she went to surgery to remove both of her breasts. >> i'm ready. >> in the video you said, i'm ready. how did you know you were ready? >> i didn't. i just had to say it. you know, sometimes you just -- you just say it and hope that your body will go with it. i may not want to be in that situation. i may not know what's on the other side, but i've been given this opportunity to fight and so here we go, but after my double mastectomy they found a tangerine section size of more cancer in my breast, so, one, that's scary because you think, what else is in my body? >> following her surgery, olivia soon started hormone suppression treatment to combat her form of cancer, but the medication took a toll. >> it gave me next level
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debilitating exhaustion. i was just in bed all day long all day long and my quality of life was so minimal and i wasn't able to be there for my baby. >> did he notice a change? >> yeah, whenever malcolm would come into the home he'd run straight to my bed because that's where he knows i am. you know, if you ask him, you know, where does mommy work, he says the bed. that's what he associated with me and that was just too difficult for me to take. >> she sought help from this doctor, her ob/gyn who performed the risk assessment that helped lead to her cancer diagnosis. >> so, in olivia's case they started on her lupron medication and that lowers our body's estrogen. by doing that it gives us a lot of symptoms of menopause from hot flashes to mood changes to vaginal dryness to fatigue. one day she came to my office and she said, i feel so sick on these medications and i'd rather
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take my ovaries out than be on lupron and that's exactly what we did. >> i opted to do the hysterectomy with the orarectomy. it's a big decision. it takes out my ovaries even though it's removing another organ it also took away my chance of having cancer in any of those areas. >> olivia completed the surgery last month. >> almost immediately after that my energy just came back full force. so i have so much energy today. these things are being taken away and you don't really think about that. at least for me i wasn't thinking about that at all while i'm going through it because it's just i'm fighting. i'm fighting. >> why did you want to document this journey that you're on right now? >> because if i didn't make it, i wanted my son when he got older to know that i fought to be here, that i tried my best. >> you're going to make me cry. >> you want the people in your
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life. you are want the people that maybe don't understand what's going on right now to know that you did everything you could to be here. >> olivia hasn't had to navigate her journey alone. john is steady by her side. >> how has it been having john there to support you. >> he's honestly just the best human being. he comes to everything in life with so much compassion and understanding. but the one problem is that after i have surgery, especially like a hhysterectomy, he makes e laugh so much that i'm like, you have to leave the room. >> that's what happens when you're with a funny man. >> i know. >> he's a funny guy. >> and he's the best daddy. he is the best daddy. >> and another very personal thing and i know you harvested eggs. >> yes, john and i had a long talk about it and realized we weren't done growing our family, so right after the double mastectomy, i went through a round of egg retrieval. we just really hope it works out for us to be able to have
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another baby. we just want one more. i'm not going to ask for too much more in this life, i promise. i just want one more baby. >> while olivia's doctors say her surgery has significantly reduced the risk of her cancer progressing her oncologist wants to start her on a new medication to stop cancer growing hormones elsewhere in her body. >> i have been so aggressive. you know, i did everything they told me to do. i did all the big surgeries. and now i'm saying, do i have to do this extra drug? it's just -- it's so tiring. i just -- i -- it's so tiring -- these drugs are so tiring and i know that i'm going to stay aggressive. i know i'm going to do it. it just feels nonstop. >> it feels nonstop. >> because it is nonstop. >> how do you hope sharing your journey, your story is going to help others out there? >> oh, i really hope that this
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empowers women to find out their lifetime risk assessment score and i really hope that it lets doctors know that, hey, we all know about this test, please take it seriously. >> going through all of this, have you learned anything new about yourself? >> i've learned that i'm a lot braver than i thought i was. i learned that the most important thing to me in life is my family. everything else can go away. i don't have my career. i don't have my body the way that i looked before. but as long as the people that i love and care about are here and healthy and thriving, nothing else matters. >> momma. >> momma! >> our thanks to michael. when we return, disney's live productions now mesmerizing audiences for 30 years around the world. ♪
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ >> byron: welcome back. theatergoers have been captivated by disney's live productions since "beauty and the beast" first mesmerized audiences three decades ago. the magic of disney now spanning the globe with productions running in multiple countries simultaneously. abc's maggie rulli takes us behind the curtain. ♪
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>> reporter: michael james scott was undergoing an extraordinary transformation. into the larger than life genie in disney's "aladdin." >> ladies and gentlemen, back "aladdin." >> reporter: scott commanding the broadway stage for five years and counting. broadway's "aladdin" is just 1 of 20 disney theatrical musicals owned by our parent company disney, these productions play in eight countries across the globe all performed in their local languages. from "frozen" in germany. ♪ >> reporter: "beauty and the beast" in japan. ♪ >> reporter: and "aladdin" in spain. ♪ we take you behind the scenes across the world for an exclusive look backstage.
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>> it is time for something special! >> reporter: but it all started on broadway, 30 years ago, with "beauty and the beast." ♪ and a few years later julie taymor's "the lion king" winning six tonys including best musical. now in london, two disney shows play right next to each other in the city's west end. >> if we know each other we haven't met before and we're so connected. >> we got elsa and genie sitting up here. it's quite a -- it's a whole situation. >> reporter: "the lion king" which has been running for over 25 years and "frozen" playing at the theater royal drury lane since 2021. we're walking in the west end. london's version of new york's broadway. >> yes. >> you both have performed all over the world. so what's the biggest differences between west end, broadway, australia? >> i think the audiences. >> yeah, yeah.
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>> the audiences react differently. all wonderfully but react to different points. >> yes, english audiences are so much more polite. >> yeah, yeah. we are. >> there's like a lovely polite -- meanwhile, in the states, like, they're like, yes! >> yes, yes, absolutely. >> samantha barks has been playing the role of elsa since 2021 putting those pipes to work. ♪ let the storm ♪ >> reporter: for elsa's power anthem, "let it go ♪ ♪ let it go let it go ♪ >> i remember the first time i did it "let it go" and took off the glove and my hand was like that and in my head it was like you have to listen to what she's saying because you just have to sort of step out of your own way and embrace who you are. >> so many people know and love this character. >> absolutely. >> so, what is elsa mean to you? >> she represents so much. it's about actually discovering
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who you are deep down and realizing that the things that make you different are some of the best things about you and they can be your superpower. >> reporter: barks is a virtuoso figure in british theater. ♪ in 2012 she was in "les singing "on my own." she welcomed a baby boy last september. >> can i brag on the fact that she sang "let it go" an was playing this iconic role at eight months pregnant as well. literally women are superheroes. >> i have a baby now. he's 6 months old and he's so part of this family, the show, and disney have just embraced that so much and celebrated it. ♪ >> reporter: michael james scott's genie equally larger than life. he's played the flashy role in over 3,000 performances.
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>> the genie is everything, you know, and the kitchen sink all in one thing and so the moment i stopped apologizing for michael james scott was the moment my genie came to life. >> being a man of color, playing genie, a lead in a broadway show, why do you think that representation is so important? >> well, because you get to see it on stage. my first broadway show will happen to be "beauty and the beast." it's all the utensils. we're dancing, you know, and this black man was in the ensemble and he was like a spoon, and i was, like, oh, my god. i could be the spoon. it changed my life. that mattered to this little chocolate chubby child from orlando, florida, who had no idea that later in life he would be playing the genie in "aladdin" on broadway and internationally. >> it's happening. >> reporter: a childhood dream that blossomed into reality for
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scott, who embarked on a whirlwind trip around the world visiting disney productions. >> i'm, like, can you take off my costume please? >> reporter: meeting his fellow genie and his hercules and "frozen" cast members in hamburg, germany. >> this with where you work? >> it's where we work. >> reporter: within any given day there are 40 global performances in 8 countries overlapping at the same time. the cast of the "beauty and the beast" in tokyo may be prepping the costumes for their saturday matinees. as the cast of "aladdin" in madrid wait in the wings for their cues. and the "beauty and the beast" cast in sydney warms up. polishes up. >> i've got my drawers full. >> reporter: and shows up on stage. ♪ in the united states in houston, texas, the last crew members of "the lion king" tour will be loading up.
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but for michael james scott, he says the magic lives on the stage and most importantly in the music. >> in your travels, how do people react to disney whether it's in broadway or australia? >> there is the same feeling of love and excitement, literally everywhere in the world. what's been so cool has been able to see how disney theatricals have been imprinted right in the center culturally in those communities and what it's been able to do for so many people. ♪ ♪ you ain't never had a friend like me ♪ >> byron: our thanks to maggie. when we come back the masked animal making a run for it on the soccer field. how do i clean an aioli stain? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them.
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with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ >> byron: and finally tonight a raccoon gets a taste of philadelphia freedom on the soccer field. a sizable raccoon snuck onto the field last night as the philadelphia union took on new york city. the game halted and fans cheered as the critter zigzagged and darted between players and away from staff. stopping the game for just under three minutes, the masked mammal was safely caught and later released without harm. philadelphia lost to nyc, 2-1. and that's "nightline" for this evening. catch our full episodes on hulu. same time tomorrow. back here thanks for the company, america. good night.


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