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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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30 years in prison today. >> good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze abc7 news reporter melanie woodrow was in the courtroom when the sentence was announced. >> and melanie joins us live now from the newsroom with the details. mel. >> larry and christine depape does have the right to appeal both his conviction and today's sentence. proceedings will continue next week in superior court for the state charges that he's facing. today in court, he did not speak. he was looking straight ahead as the judge told him that she sees one silver lining in this case. u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley sentenced david to pap to 30 years today in connection with the october 28th, 2022 intrusion into speaker emerita nancy pelosi and husband paul pelosi's home. he'll receive credit for approximately 18 months and 20 days already served. the government had asked for 40 years. depape was convicted of assault and attempted kidnaping charges in november of last year. outside court, a spokesperson read a statement on behalf of the u.s. attorney for the northern district of california.
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>> today's sentence reflects david depapes lack of remorse and contrition for violently assaulting mr. pelosi. >> in asking for 14 years to papst defense attorney noted he had no prior contact with the criminal justice system. was at a low point in his life, feels great remorse and that this was not a murder case. still, judge corley gave three reasons for her 30 year sentence. first, she said she believes depape is presently dangerous. second, she called the very violent act of attacking paul pelosi completely gratuitous. and third, that depapes actions were unprecedented in that he broke into the home of a politician and attacked her spouse, a sentiment echoed by the acting assistant agent in charge of the fbi. >> public servants, and indeed all citizens, deserve to work and live without threats of violence or of intimidation. >> prior to sentencing, pelosi's daughter read two statements, one on behalf of her father and one on behalf of her mother. in them, we learned paul pelosi, seen here at the medal of freedom ceremony two weeks ago, continues to suffer with dizziness, falling down and
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headaches, and that he has to avoid bright lights and loud noises outside court to pap. son and ex-wife reacted to his sentence. we're going to appeal this. >> i think that's quite sad, i think that's a really long time because if you think about it right, he's already nearly 50. he's he's basically it's just a death sentence. >> judge corley told depape she believes there's one silver lining to the case his reconnecting to his family. noting the letters of support the court received from his mother and twin sister. >> so i want to drill down more on the victim impact statements, which included some personal details that you might not usually hear about the speaker emerita and her husband. so what can you share with us from those statements? >> larry, one of the more visually compelling images that we heard about today was listening to a description of the carpet in the pelosi home and blood stains that they say they've not been able to fully remove from their front entryway, describing it as remaining or continuing to live in an ongoing crime scene. we
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also heard that paul pelosi struggled to sleep at night in the weeks following the attack. larry and kristen. >> all right, melanie, thank you. >> a former tax enforcement officer for the city of oakland is among those convicted in a covid 19 pandemic relief funding scheme. frank mosley is one of six people who pleaded guilty they received prison sentences ranging from 12 to 30 months. all were charged in connection with fraudulently getting millions of dollars through the covid paycheck protection program. >> sonoma state university president mike lee officially retired today. this move comes just a day after lee was put on administrative leave because of a controversial agreement that he made with pro-palestinian student protesters without getting proper approval. first, abc7 news reporter cornell bernard has reaction on campus >> pomp and preparation happening for saturday's commencement ceremonies at sonoma state. despite this week's controversy involving now former president mike lee. yeah
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it's a lot of drama. on friday, csu chancellor mildred garcia sharing this statement saying president ming tung mike lee has informed me of his decision to retire from his role at sonoma state university. i thank president lee for his years of service to the california state university. lee's sudden retirement comes one day after the chancellor put him on leave for insubordination. after lee sent this campus wide email announcing an agreement with pro-palestinian student protesters without proper approval. all the students were seeking university divestment from israel. lee apologized, but in his original message, lee endorsed student activism, protest and dissent, saying none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction. >> i thought the letter was egregious. >> santa rosa rabbi george gittleman condemned lee's agreement with student protesters. >> there was no communication with the jewish community, with the with the jewish students, with faculty, it was as if we
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didn't exist. and to me, that just is the bigger picture. we're not talking to each other. we're not seeing each other. >> students for justice in palestine held a news conference via the campus radio station friday, calling for lee to be reinstated. >> the csu chancellor chancellor has blood on her hands. we have blood on her hands. what does it say about the csu chancellor to remove president lee in response to reaching agreement with student activists in their peaceful, nonviolent protest, hillel of sonoma county, a campus jewish organization, says it's concerned about the safety of jewish students and their families during commencement. >> in response, the university says it's taken steps to ensure the safety of everyone attending in sonoma county. cornell, bernard. abc seven news, 12 pro palestinian protesters were arrested after occupying a vacant uc berkeley building. >> police say only one of the protesters was actually a student at cal. they face several charges, including burglary and vandalism. officers responded to an a head haul yesterday. police say the
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suspects blocked an entrance with plywood and shields and they used crowbars to hit officers, but thankfully no injuries were reported. >> so major new developments in the saga of 20 us doctors, including some from the bay area , trapped in gaza. there are conflicting reports about the status of the group. the white house said earlier that they all left the gaza strip, but abc news reports three medical professionals stay behind the council on american-islamic relations says that group includes two people from the bay area. >> the state department assisted with the evacuation of a number of doctors and other health care workers. today, doctor haley and her bay area colleague were left behind. they were not notified of any evacuation options, and they remain stuck. >> we reached out to the state department, which told us the three doctors opted to stay. the medical workers were volunteering on a two week medical mission at the oakland
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coliseum. >> now a step closer to having new tenants for next year. today, the coliseum authority unanimously approved a resolution to negotiate an agreement with the oakland roots and soul soccer teams to play at the 58 year old facility. the resolution calls for 34 events over a one year period starting in march of 2025. the soccer teams will pay for installation of new turf. the final approval expected next month. >> mayor london breed's plans to bring pandas to san francisco have hit a roadblock. >> the board of supervisors committee rejected her fundraising plans. abc seven news reporter tim johns following this story, has more on the problems that the mayor is now facing. >> the push to make two pandas, san francisco's newest residents, has officially stalled. on thursday, a committee of the board of supervisors rejected the fundraising proposal put forward by mayor london breed supervisor dean preston, who chairs that committee, says amendments need to be made to the proposal before he would support it. >> we do need to make sure we have the information to prevent actual conflicts of interest
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here and make sure that this is all being done transparently. >> preston isn't the only one criticizing the mayor's plan. supervisor asha sapphire, who is running against breed in november's election, tells us he thinks the mayor's fundraising plans are a distraction from the cuts the city is making amid a budget crisis. >> in the same week you're announcing all these cuts to major programs that have been a vital, vital delivery of services in our city. you're announcing those cuts while at the same time you're like, look over here. >> on friday, breed responding to some of the pushback, her office sending a statement to abc seven news, which reads, in part, postponements of a vote or requests for amendments are not uncommon, and the mayor's office will work on amendments based on the feedback from supervisors. but concerns are being raised about more than just the fundraising effort. some are also worried about whether the san francisco zoo can actually accommodate the pandas. that includes justin barker, the head of a watchdog group called sf zoo watch. >> there's animal neglect,
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animals escaping their cages, and this is a decades long issues, barker says. >> the zoo has been mismanaged for years and is in desperate need of repairs. he tells us that even if the city can get funding, he doesn't think the zoo will be able to actually take care of the pandas. >> at this point, that this zoo is not meeting the needs of its animals and bringing pandas here is a terrible decision. >> abc seven news has reached out to the zoo for comments, but is waiting to hear back at this time. breed's fundraising proposal will rely solely on donations to bring the pandas to the city and not taxpayer money. in san francisco, tim johns abc seven news. >> for the first time in about six weeks, highway one in big sur is now open. caltrans posted this video showing traffic today on a section of highway one that was closed due to a partial collapse. now it's going to be one way traffic for a while because the southbound lane is still not fixed. this reopening actually comes eight days ahead of schedule, while a permanent repair is still in the design phase, the highway is still closed at paul slide on the
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south end of big sur. >> if you're heading to the wine country this weekend, you may need to plan for some extra time. eastbound highway 37 from sears point in sonoma county to highway 29 in vallejo will close starting at 10:00 tonight for a repaving work. the detour is the green line. you see, it is scheduled to reopen at 5:00 monday morning. and in the east bay, the three left lanes of southbound 680 will be closed between al costa boulevard in san ramon and the five 8680 connector in pleasanton. the partial closures begin at 9 p.m. tonight and runs through 4 a.m. on monday, coming up on abc seven news at four. >> you've seen it. people bent over on the streets. it's actually a drug stance. but why we look into that issue? today marks the 70th anniversary of a ruling that changed education in the u.s. and the big bay to breakers race is this weekend. if you're not in it, we'll tell you how you can still get around the city. >> and i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. i'm going to show you
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exactly how the weather is shaping up for bay to breakers, plus your weekend plans. i'll give you a hint. it's going to be a good weekend to get outside. the a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet!
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ dad: headphones, buddy. mom: headphones. what! dad: hey! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ what is going on? mom: what was that? mom, go away! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen mood swings go away mom, please. mom: listen, open this door. boy: no. please open the door.
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does to the human body. one
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thing you may have noticed though, people so high that they are bent over. yeah. >> so we wonder what's causing that stance and what are the long term impacts? are building a better bay area reporter lyanne melendez joins us now to look into this. and i guess this is like a clinical thing. >> that's right. so you know, the number one question that people friends family ask me, people on the street is why do these people bend over so much. and you know, the really it's something that we don't know. you know, is it the drug. is it their spine which is somehow, let's say, damaged? well, we thought that by doing this story , people would start caring more about the harm fentanyl does to the body. people bent over, appearing as if they were frozen in place is a common sight in san francisco's tenderloin district. the simple explanation it's a degree of loss of consciousness and a degree of loss of muscular control. fentanyl is responsive people,
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but the effects of the opioid continue to linger on as the person continues with their daily life. in most cases awake but not able to stand up. we bumped into andy berger, who tried to explain his physical state at that moment. when did you use last? use fentanyl today . so it's still obviously in your body? >> yeah, for sure. >> and you're not able to, you know, straighten up. >> i mean, i can it's just like it hurts a lot to have to do that. >> fentanyl can be both a short acting drug and a long acting drug. so some people they're back upright in 45 minutes to an hour. and some people could be longer than that. >> doctor daniel ceccaroni is a ucsf professor of addiction medicine. he says fentanyl in long term users takes time to clear out of the system, because the drug tends to accumulate in the fat tissue. the research community has yet to determine if fentanyl impacts your spine at all. berger, meanwhile, told us he's more concerned about his
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swollen legs than his back. >> people's legs, legs swell up, sores on them like that. >> what researchers think might be happening there is that because the chemical is acidic, in some cases, it eventually makes veins collapse. >> i just didn't care about anything. drugs was my only driving force every day. >> ben campo freddo, once a heavy fentanyl user, weighed only 100 pounds when a spine infection sent him to the emergency room. >> i wore a hole in my leg from being in the wheelchair so long and that got infected, and then that infection went into my spine. >> mind you, campo had existing back issues. his pain is what drove him to addiction. the use of fentanyl made his condition even worse. because of that infection. you csf surgeons had to remove two of his discs. and as seen in this spine health animation, two implants were inserted, providing more spacing between the vertebrae. this
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relieved the pressure on the nerves. kemper frida now lives in oregon and considers himself among the few able to get off fentanyl. earlier this year, he hiked the well-known camino de santiago de compostela in spain. that's approximately how's your back? >> my back is great. i'm in better shape than i've been in since i was 20. i exercise every day, i'm. i stay very active. i'm just. i'm very grateful that i had the second chance at getting my life together for now, i'm great. i'm staying healthy, and that's. that's the most important thing to me now, here in san francisco, there is this debate over harm reduction versus abstinence. >> ben agrees that it can backfire if you force someone into treatment. but and here's a big but he also acknowledges that the reason he is clean, free of fentanyl is because he
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was put forced to be in that position, meaning hospitalized for his back for months. and months. and he is grateful that he was and i'm this coming from someone who was in the trenches and of course, you have to acknowledge that he decided to stay with the treatment to seek help. and also he has this great support network, not only, you know, his mom, his friends, but you know the people around him. some people a lot of people don't have that right. >> but i mean, so if it's not in your spine, but it's still in your tissue, what is the long term, you know, effect in your tissue being. >> well, they don't know that that's something that they're still studying and but again, with infection means you're malnourished, you're not eating, you're using drugs. you know, it's a recipe for disaster. >> all right dan thank you. sure steph curry's vast business enterprises are getting a new home. according to the chronicle, curry closed sale
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this week on a two story building at the corner of 20th and illinois streets in san francisco's dogpatch neighborhood. it's very close to chase center, the report says. the warriors star paid $8.5 million, nearly six times higher than what it sold for just three years ago, and we're told the building will serve as the new headquarters for 30 inc. steph's business enterprise. >> the bay area's new wnba team continues to gain support ahead of their 2025 debut. the golden state valkyries have surpassed 10,000 season ticket deposits sold, the team says more than 2500 of those deposits were made after the team nickname or name name was revealed, and brand was launched on tuesday. valkyrie fever is expected to kick up even more tomorrow because there's a valkyries block party at thrive city tomorrow at 2 p.m. so, larry, i imagine there'll be a lot of collaborations, right? it's like essentially one team, right? one organization. oh, absolutely. >> yeah. and that's part of what made the warriors organization
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attractive to the nba and wnba because of their history of success. >> right? yeah. right. all right, meantime, if you've been hoping that it gets a little warmer for your weekend, are you going to be happy or are you going to be sad and complaining to sandia? >> just call me the complaints department. kristen and larry, don't call me. you won't be complaining if you're going to that block party tomorrow in thrive city. let me show you the forecast. the sun will be out. it's going to be 61 degrees for the golden state valkyries. bright and breezy, temperature coming up to about 64 degrees. so just lovely weather now this morning. it didn't start out that way. you see, some low clouds are lingering. we did have a damp start across parts of the bay area this morning, with some drizzle in san francisco, santa rosa two hundredths of an inch. moraga four hundredths, a couple of hundredths oakland hills, montara. so cal six hundredths of an inch of drizzle. now as you look at the visible satellite picture, the marine layer had made it all the way out towards the sacramento valley, but a nice clearing
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trend tonight. this afternoon excuse me, we just have some fog lingering near the coast. it's another breezy one. a typical breeze is 24 miles an hour in san francisco. onshore, the sun is shining in san jose, where it is 73 degrees. in the 60s. san francisco, oakland. right now you're at 57, in half moon bay, walnut creek camera, blue skies and those temperatures in the 60s and 70s around other parts of the bay area as well. 68 in santa rosa, napa 76, fairfield, 73 degrees in concord, golden gate bridge is socked in overnight. tonight, the fog spreads. we're going to see some spotty drizzle tomorrow. mainly sunny and breezy and early next week. well, now the complaints will stop because we'll have sunny and warmer weather coming your way, at least from those two over. their hourly forecast will show you at 5:00 tonight. a little breezy will remain breezy at 9 p.m, and then the winds will pick up tomorrow afternoon at noontime, over 30 mile an hour winds near the coast remaining in that 25 to 32 mile an hour range for the evening
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hours. so that's going to really prevent us from getting too warm. the fog and the low clouds will make their push by 11 p.m. across the bay by tomorrow morning, filling in a lot of those valleys and then pulling away. i think tomorrow you'll enjoy a nice looking day. there will be plenty of sun around, but because of the breezes it's not really going to warm up a lot. temperatures in the 40s and 50s. once again, expect another morning of drizzle tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at a nice day. numbers inland, right about where they should be in the 70s, with the sun shining, breezy, a few patches of clouds lingering along the coast, temperatures in the upper 50s. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. we're going to bring you some fog in the morning. i know there are a lot of people who love the fog. this is the place to be. and then sunshine, sunny and a little bit milder on sunday away from the coast. but you'll really notice the warmth as we get you up into the mid 80s early next week. inland 60s, coast side and then slowly those temperatures will drop off. larry and kristen. >> yeah. send your complaints to
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sandhya's twitter account. whatever you want to call it, just have them stack up. you know, she's used to it. >> don't egg people on. >> she needs multiple interns to help her with those complaints. oh, yeah. sure. me myself and i. >> that's right. thank you. >> thank you. and sandhya and sandhya, thank you all. what a thrill. santa cruz is historic roller coaster. the giant dipper turns 100 today. the ride at the boardwalk took 47 days to build and cost $50,000. that's how much it cost back then. it's the fourth oldest roller coaster in santa cruz county, and was named a national historic landmark in 1987. the party continues tomorrow with a fireworks show at the boardwalk at 9 p.m. all right. >> up next, we're hearing from the world's top ranked golfer arrested just hours before the second round of the pga championship. we'll tell you what scottie scheffler says happened early this morning. >> and later, the road to change the options to replace the gas tax once
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the most prescribed biologic in asthma. allegations made by police officers hours after his client was arrested. >> officers in louisville, kentucky, took scheffler into custody this morning on charges of second degree assault of a police officer. >> abc news reporter morgan norwood shows us what happened. >> this is the moment scottie
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scheffler, world number one golfer and masters champion, was led away in handcuffs ahead of the pga championship. traffic backed up for about a mile on the road leading to the valhalla golf club in louisville. after a charter bus fatally struck a pedestrian. dozens of police officers were already at the entrance, directing traffic authorities say a detective with the louisville metro police department in uniform placed his hand on scheffler's vehicle and ordered him to stop. but scheffler allegedly continued driving, dragging the detective to the ground. police say the detective was sent to the hospital with minor injuries, but scheffler's attorney disputes the allegations, saying in a statement. multiple eyewitnesses have confirmed that he did not do anything wrong, but was simply proceeding as directed all around. >> it was a very, very confusing and chaotic situation. but, you know, i did my best to just follow instructions and do as i was told as i was sitting there handcuffed. >> espn's jeff darlington witnessing the arrest. >> scottie scheffler trying to enter the gates of valhalla golf club. uh- doing so by trying to
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take a median into the golf club against the instruction of a police officer, ended up apprehended. arrested by the police officer, put in the back of a squad car. >> scheffler is charged with second degree assault on a police officer, third degree criminal mischief and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic. scheffler, who's coming off four victories in his past five tournaments, including his second masters title, released shortly after his arrest and managed to tee off at the pga championship this morning. now, in a statement, scottie scheffler calling the situation, quote, very chaotic, he adds i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. scheffler says he's hoping to put this to the side and focus on golf today. morgan norwood, abc news, new york. >> what's remarkable is that after all of that, he went out and had a great round. he said he was actually stretching in the jail cell, hoping that he would get a chance to play round two. >> that part is remarkable. yeah, absolutely. the historic ruling that helped change
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education forever. >> it's been 70 years since segregation was banned in schools. we'll have a look back at that decision and how san
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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of racial segregation in public schools. >> and while it changed the educational landscape in the u.s, there's certainly more work to be done. race and culture reporter rosie nguyen, from our sister station in houston, takes us through the history of this case. >> no kid should be left behind. >> pearlene perkins just celebrated her 90th birthday last week, but her mind is still sharp. she remembers what it was like being a student at all
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black schools in east texas during the 1930s and 1940s. i wondered, why couldn't we all be in the same classroom? >> what was wrong with it? >> to understand why we have to go back to the end of the civil war in 1865, resistance to the abolishment of slavery during the reconstruction era resulted in jim crow laws. in 1896, the u.s. supreme court ruled in plessy versus ferguson that these racial segregation laws did not violate the constitution as long as public facilities were separate but equal. but doctor matthew washington, who teaches history at prairie view a&m university, says public schools were everything but equal for black students. >> but separate was never equal. separate was usually a second class, if not third class status for african americans, and then a first class status for whites. >> this was something perkins says she saw firsthand, not just when she was a student, but also
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as an educator. after graduating from high school, perkins moved to the greater houston area to attend college and began teaching in the 1950s. >> the parents would come in because they wanted their their teachers to be black. i mean, to be white uh. and then after that , i, i had a lot of students leave out of my class. >> around the same time, the naacp filed several lawsuits to challenge the segregation laws in public schools, which culminated into brown versus board of education. linda brown's father took legal action after she was denied from going to an all white school in topeka, kansas that was just four blocks from her home. instead, she was forced to take a dangerous walk across railroad tracks and a bus ride to an all black school. >> these are just some examples to demonstrate further the ubiquity, or how pervasive this racial prejudice system was.
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>> in a rare move, on may 17th, 1954, the supreme court ruled unanimou that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, undoing decades of existing precedent. however, just like after the civil war, there was still a lot of resistance and slow compliance to integrate schools, especially in the south. in fact, it took houston independent school district 30 years to officially desegregate. >> many southern whites are going to try to stall the process of integration. >> i was able to express myself as perkins reflects on the 70th anniversary of brown versus board of education. >> that's another time she's grateful for the progress made to ensure equality and equity for students of all backgrounds. however she believes there's still more work to do in houston. rosie nguyen abc seven news. >> meanwhile, san francisco has its own troubled history with
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segregation. when schools first opened in 1851, they were exclusively for white kids. a few years later, segregated schools for blacks and chinese children were opened in 1875, due to community organizing, black children were allowed to attend schools with whites. in 1885, the california supreme court ruled that chinese children had the right to attend schools. they were previously banned in 1860. now, despite all of these rulings, the majority of schools they were still segregated. in 1947, the state became the first in the country to officially end legal school segregation after a lawsuit was filed by mexican american families. >> dozens of women are wrapping up a full day of homebuilding for a great cause. habitat for humanity hosted its annual women's leadership build today. volunteers from sponsoring groups spent the day building frames for what will be 42 affordable homes in walnut creek . >> the sheer joy when it actually is like putting like nails into the four by fours. and last year we were on the
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roof of doing roof work, and it's just so wonderful to actually be able to see the project come to full fruition. >> the women's leadership build is a two day event that started last friday. the homes will be sold to qualifying individuals and families selected by habitat for humanity. up next, driving home change. >> but a new road fix could cost you and the
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a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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road. the search is on to find new funding to replace the gas tax. reporter rob hayes has a look at one option already being tested. >> california has more than 30 million registered passenger vehicles, more than any other state. >> that's why you see so much where continue on our roads, because they're being used so much, caltrans spokesperson lauren prehoda says. >> maintaining our roadways costs around $8 billion to $9 billion a year, most of that money coming from gas taxes motorists pay each time they fill up their tanks. but with more than a million hybrid and electric cars already in california, the state is collecting less and less each year in gas tax, californians pay about $300 a year in state gas taxes. >> uh- evs have a $100 registration fee. that's a $200 million a year loss. >> caltrans thinks its
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california road charge program may be able to bridge that growing gap. it would do away with the taxes we pay at the pump, and instead tax californians on every mile that they drive. caltrans six month pilot program will start in june. >> you can earn up to $400 in incentives now to track your miles. >> you could plug a tracking device into your car, but if that's a little too big, brotherish for you, you can also just take a picture of your odometer. it's up to the legislature to decide if it will actually replace the gas tax. if not, well, caltrans says it could be facing a bumpy road ahead. rob hayes abc seven news so for those of us that commute, let's say you know, a reasonable distance. >> dan, get ready to pay more. >> yeah. you know, it sounds like it. although, you know, we pay more because we use more gas. if you have a longer commute, if you drive more. i do not like the idea for civil liberty reasons of having a tracking device on your car. so i guess maybe the odometer technique is one way to do it.
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you know, it makes sense. they've got to get their money from somewhere. it's just a shame. people who thought they were saving money by not paying the gas tax with electric vehicles, not so much. >> well, and there's a push sandia for more and more electric vehicles. so this is going to be, you know, something that has to be dealt with. >> yeah i mean more and more companies are coming out with electric vehicles and people are going in that direction obviously better for the environment. but saving in terms of gas money as well, i know remember the incentives for early adopters, right. >> actually, for a long time, right. you had the hov lane for free as well. and that's going away. the sticker and all right, hopefully you're just doing it because it's, you know, the right thing to do or. yeah. yeah okay. it'll soon be easier for airline passengers to get automatic cash refunds when flights are significantly delayed or canceled. but there's a catch. passengers are only eligible for that refund if they choose not to travel. the law, signed by president biden, also provides billions for air travel infrastructure and for more air
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traffic controllers. by the way, you know, this is nice in that you don't have to request it or just get a voucher and you're like, i don't know what i'm going to use that voucher. it's just the automatic refund. if the flight is delayed over three hours domestic and six hours international. well before that. dan. >> yeah, no, i think so. if you choose not to travel, that's the caveat. obviously you won't get compensated if you do travel. it sounds like, you know, look, modern air travel has never been more convenient or safer than it is. there have been a number of incidents recently that remind us that it's still a very uh- danger undertaking in some respects, but has become ultra safe. but we're putting enormous pressure on that system with enormous numbers of people flying and planes just constantly in the air, and those planes being pushed hard as well. so you know, i like the idea of more air traffic controllers and spending some effort to make it a little safer and sometimes even though it's an inconvenience for all of us, the delays are weather related. >> so, you know, there's not much they can do about it. but if at least they compensate
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people, i think it would be better. >> that's when i blame the weather person and send your complaints about the weather. >> you know the challenge. one quick caveat the challenge is, is we all know when you travel, planes are always full. everything's packed. so if you are delayed, it's hard to get on another flight because they're already jammed anyway. >> there's no room. yeah for sure. yeah, another first for music legend paul mccartney. according to the sunday times, mccartney is the first musician in the uk to be worth more than 1 billion gbp, about 1.3 billion usd. mccartney's fortune grew by more than 50 million pounds thanks to his concert tour and the release of the first new beatles single in decades. i'm surprised that mick jagger and the stones were not up there. >> yeah, you know, it's interesting. a lot of that has to do with licensing and the use of music and other sources. they make a lot of money. if you're the publisher of those songs and own the publishing of those songs, you know, mick jagger and keith richards last time i looked are worth in the neighborhood of 450 $500 million. so they're doing just
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fine. but certainly paul mccartney, i think now this don't quote me on this, really, but i think at some point he owned the rights to the ufc fight song at some point. so if they played it, he got a little cut of that. i believe sir paul he owned. >> yeah. >> you know, they scoop up these publishing rights. i mean it's part of the business model. >> wow. >> well, now you tell me a new tender survey finds both men and women are quick to make assumptions. >> one belief is that women look for height and job titles, but only a third actually do that. another is that men are just looking for casual flings, but actually only 29% do that and fit that description. and misconception, if you will. tinder has seen a steep drop in usage as a hookup app. the study is part of its attempt to rebrand itself. so not about hookups, but relationships and finding that true love. >> and yeah, yeah, that's that's why everybody goes on tinder.
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yeah, right. so what are women really looking for then? ladies >> i mean, you're asking two women who have been married a long time and never used tinder or any apps, but i think for, you know, authenticity, isn't that the same for men like someone genuine? >> yeah. yeah, sure. >> well, if your profile photo shows you're 35 years old and then you show up with a cane, you know. yeah, that's that's not not authentic. not authentic , not authentically optimistic. yeah, yeah, it's just. oh, yeah. oh. wrong photo. >> oh, they can't even find you in the restaurant based on your, based on applied. >> it's interesting, though, that it's morphing a little bit to reflect kind of changing attitudes. maybe or what men and women are looking for out there. yeah. that's positive. >> i find it interesting that sandhya has remained silent throughout the whole thing, just waiting for the commercial break to get here. three, two, one swipe right or left or whatever.
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>> if you don't like your tinder date, you know where to send your complaint to. yeah. >> oh yeah, the weher department. >> that's it a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop.
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standing traditions happens on sunday. the bay to breakers race . thousands expected to take part. and even if you're not running, you could see an impact. and we'll show you exactly why. because the course crosses the whole city. starting
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out here at 8:00 in the morning, right? it's going to be tough to get from one side of the city to another. so 8:00, howard and main stretching down. howard goes all the way through the city, through golden gate park and ends at ocean beach. all right. so now you know what you'll have to deal with here. let's get to abc seven news reporter ryan curry with a look at what you can expect out there. ryan >> yeah, larry. good afternoon. we're here at the sports basement in the presidio right now. so many people are going inside to get their numbers and whatever equipment they need for the race coming up on sunday. it's a very crowded parking lot. so many people are here and have been here throughout the day. thousands compete in this event. every single year. a lot of them come from out of town, so it's a massive economic boom the city needs every single year. let's look down for a second and head up this hill. this sidewalk is worth thousands of runners will step on come sunday. >> i was going to run it, but now i think i might just walk it just to like, enjoy the sights. we did it once a couple years ago and it was fun, so yeah, it's just nice to be back in san francisco.
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>> from downtown to golden gate park, barricades are stacked up on the side of the road. no parking signs are up on the street. poles ahead of the race on sunday. competitive for some, a leisurely walk for others, but almost everyone will be wearing some type of costume. well not everyone. >> you can be naked in it and, i hope to do that. >> it's fun. it's wacky. it's very san francisco this year. you can expect it to be the same, but it is also a big economic boost. rodney fong with the chamber of commerce, says san francisco businesses heavily benefit from this event. >> if you run the x number of miles, you come back pretty hungry, and so we're hopeful that all the neighborhoods in san francisco will feel that lift. all the hotels in san francisco feel that lift. and just the overall energy of things that are happening in san francisco. this is why we love this beautiful city. this is why the energy is here in the city. >> mayor london breed and city leaders have been vocal about big events coming to revitalize san francisco's economy. fong says bay to breakers checks that box. >> they're probably staying in
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these hotels here. i know the restaurants will feel some impact, and then visitors who are coming into the city and using using, enjoying the city, enjoying the race, but also the festivities that come along with it in the after parties and everything else. so we're going to feel that economically, a fun event. >> those we spoke with can't wait to start. >> i don't know how to explain it, it's just kind of a nice, fun, fun run. i guess. or fun walk or whatever. >> now, a big change this year. a waymo car is going to be the pace car for the race. they are a big sponsor for this event. so you can expect that on sunday. and also, yes, we did mention those road closures. so please be mindful of that. there was going to be a lot of traffic disruptions. we have more information on our website abc seven if you want to go and get more information about that. but for now, reporting live here in the presidio i'm ryan curry for abc seven news guys. all right ryan thank you. >> so they like it cool right. >> the runners yeah because you know you get hot while you're running. hopefully nobody complains sandhya about the conditions out there. >> you guys have been complaining enough. larry and kristin. no one's going to
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complain about the weather because it is going to be comfortable for the bay to breakers on sunday. as the race gets underway, fog will be really patchy and limited. we're talking about a lot of sun temperature of 52 degrees and slowly coming up to about 60 degrees by noon, so it is ideal running weather for the bay to breakers. now if you're going to oracle park tonight, giants take on the rockies first pitch. 715 the sun does not set until about an hour later. it's going to be mainly sunny, breezy, 58 degrees, dropping down to about the 55 degree mark for the ninth inning and turning partly cloudy and cooler. so i would just take an extra layer if i were you. live doppler seven showing you the fog sitting near the coast, it will once again fill back into the valleys overnight tonight and tomorrow afternoon burn back to the coastline. i think more areas will see the sun tomorrow compared to the morning. we're looking at upper 50s to the upper 70s and a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. a slight bump up sunday notice warmer weather for monday and tuesday with plenty
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of sun and the complaints will stop right about then. christian larry from the desk. >> maybe never, but that's okay. all right. it took a lot more than the forest, but a team from our abc seven family is enjoying a big victory. yeah in star wars territory, they were part of the annual lucasfilm trivia competition in the presidio. more than 40 teams competed to raise money for local charities. so congrats to our team from abc seven, which took home the top prize. >> nice job folks. all right, get ready for some music and a few tears. >> but at this stage right now, they're all number one. >> tell me why. >> ground control to major tom. >> i wish i could be part of that world. >> the final three contestants go for a win and a final goodbye for
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katy perry's last show. >> the finale is always feel like kind of a major award show. >> i think they're all deserving. >> now bring it home. >> the 2024 season of american idol is coming to a close. the three contestants still in the running will mostly tell me why
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jack black or ground control to major tom and abby carter. i wish i could be part of that world. sunday night will also be katy perry's final time at the idol judges table. you have tissue in your pocket just in case for katy. >> it'll be emotional. i mean, katy and lionel and i are really, really uh- have developed a really close friendship and anytime, any time you bust that up, it'll be a, it'll be a different feeling. and sensation. >> there will be a moment. she's going to take the stage and perform, and i'm sure that will be something to remember, as it always is, but especially significant being her last performance to see her leave is going to be frightening and sad, but at the same time, hang on to your seat because you know katy doesn't leave with just she has a roar about herself, if i may say that, no pun intended. >> i think that i will just be like crying almost at anything. it's been a beautiful journey
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and i. i love watching these kids grow and i just love, the humanity of america and getting to see all of them kind of mesh together as this big, beautiful patchwork quilt in los angeles. >> george pennacchio, abc seven news. >> and you can catch the season finale of american idol sunday night at eight right here on abc seven. all right. that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry beil. abc seven news at five is coming up next. entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant;
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actually the largest in terms of dollars stolen amount, type of theft in this country. >> tonight the fight continues for 128 oakland employees demanding several hundred thousand dollars in restitution. at the radisson hotel oakland airport


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