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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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starts right now. >> they're cute, cuddly and beloved. but tonight, the problem with these black and white bundles of popularity is green. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. mayor london breeds plans to bring pandas to san francisco may have hit a financial roadblock. >> yeah, it's been nearly 40 years since pandas last lived at the san francisco zoo, and plans to bring them back have been in the works for six months. >> that's right. it started during apec last november, when mayor london breed suggested a partnership between china and the san francisco zoo to host the giant pandas last month to seal the deal, the mayor traveled to china. >> i'm most excited about going to china and bringing back pandas. >> that trip gave san francisco the green light, but now a board of supervisors committee has rejected the mayor's plan to pay for them. >> that roadblock, abc seven news reporter tim johns on the political battle over a pair of
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pandas. >> the push to make two pandas. san francisco's newest residents has officially stalled. on thursday, a committee of the board of supervisors rejected the fundraising proposal put forward by mayor london breed supervisor dean preston, who chairs that committee, says amendments need to be made to the proposal before he would support it. >> we do need to make sure we have the information to prevent actual conflicts of interest here and make sure that this is all being done transparently. >> preston isn't the only one criticizing the mayor's plan. supervisor asha safai, who is running against breed in november's election, tells us he thinks the mayor's fundraising plans are a distraction from the cuts the city is making amid a budget crisis. >> in the same week, you're announcing all these cuts to major programs that have been a vital, vital delivery of services in our city. you're announcing those cuts while at the same time you're like, look over here. >> on friday, breed responding to some of the pushback, her office sending a statement to abc seven news, which reads, in part, postponements of a vote or
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requests for amendments are not uncommon and the mayor's office will work on amendments based on the feedback from supervisors hours. but concerns are being raised about more than just the fundraising effort. some are also worried about whether the san francisco zoo can actually accommodate the pandas. that includes justin barker, the head of a watchdog group called sf zoo. watch >> there's animal neglect, animals escaping their cages, and this is decades long issues, barker says. >> the zoo has been mismanaged for years and is in desperate need of repairs. he tells us that even if the city can get funding, he doesn't think the zoo will be able to actually take care of the pandas at this point, that this zoo is not meeting the needs of its animals and bringing pandas here is a terrible decision. in response, the san francisco zoo sent abc7 news a statement which reads in part concerns about our zoo's conditions are unfounded as we undergo regular inspections by various regulatory bodies. these independent inspections are thorough and encompass aspects such as animal enclosures and
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exhibit spaces. breeds fundraising proposal will rely solely on donations to bring the pandas to the city and not taxpayer money. in san francisco, tim johns, abc seven news. >> now to developing news sonoma state university president mike lee officially retired today, just one day after he was put on administrative leave because of a controversial agreement he made with pro-palestinian student protesters. an agreement he made without proper approval. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard on campus with reaction. >> pomp and preparation happening for saturday's commencement ceremonies at sonoma state. despite this week's controversy involving now former president mike lee. >> yeah, it's a lot of drama. >> on friday, csu chancellor mildred garcia sharing this statement saying president mike lee has informed me of his decision to retire from his role at sonoma state university. i thank president lee for his years of service to the
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california state university. lee's sudden retirement comes one day after the chancellor put him on leave for in subordination. after lee sent this campus wide email announcing an agreement with pro-palestinian student protesters without proper approval, the students were seeking university divestment from israel. lee apologized, but in his original message, lee endorsed student activism, protest and dissent, saying none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction. >> i thought the letter was egregious. >> santa rosa rabbi george gittleman condemned lee's agreement with student protesters. >> there was no communication with the jewish community, with the with the jewish students, with faculty, it was as if we didn't exist. and to me, that just is the bigger picture. we're not talking to each other. we're not seeing each other. >> students for justice in palestine held a news conference via the campus radio station friday, calling for lee to be reinstated. >> csu chancellor chancellor has
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blood on her hands. we have blood on her hands. >> what does it say about the csu chancellor to remove president lee? in response to reaching agreement with student activists in their peaceful, nonviolent protest? >> hillel of sonoma county, a campus jewish organization, says it's concerned about the safety of jewish students and their families during commencement. in response, the university says it's taken steps to ensure the safety of everyone attending in sonoma county. cornell, bernard. abc seven news 12 pro-palestinian protesters were arrested after occupying a vacant uc berkeley building. >> police say just one of the protesters was actually a student. officers responded to anna head hall yesterday. they say the suspects blocked an entrance with plywood and shields and used crowbars to hit officers. no one was injured. the university of california system is trying to get the state to stop what it claims is an illegal strike. a union for uc workers authorized the strike earlier this week over how the university system has handled
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pro-palestinian protests on campus. the uc system says the strike would be a violation of uaw contract. the college system is asking a state board to issue a cease and desist. uc santa cruz workers are set to be the first to walk off their jobs, come monday. now, stay with us for continuing coverage of the college campus protest in the bay area and all around the country. get the latest anytime at abc7 >> the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer will spend decades in prison. today, a federal judge sentenced david depape to 30 years for the october 2022 assault on the husband of then house speaker nancy pelosi in the couple's san francisco home. the defense sought a 14 year term. the prosecution requested 40 years. >> today's sentence reflects david depapes lack of remorse and contrition for violently assaulting mr. pelosi, public servants and indeed all citizens deserve to work and live without threats of violence or of intimidation.
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>> a jury convicted depape last november of attacking paul pelosi and attempting to kidnap nancy pelosi prior to sentencing , pelosi's daughter read letters from her parents saying her father continues to suffer with dizziness and headaches and that he has to avoid bright lights and loud noises. depapes ex-wife told reporters they plan to appeal. their son described the prison term as essentially a death sentence, since his father is 44 years old. >> heartbreak tonight in one san jose neighborhood after a new beautification project was vandalized, more than a dozen new trees celebrate an an event last week have been snapped and torn apart. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes a first covered the planting of these trees and was with us tonight, zach. it's just hard to imagine why anyone would do something like this. exactly >> the community was so excited about these trees. excited to finally have it in their neighborhood. the event where we saw the planting of the trees was a huge to do. you saw the mayor of san jose, city
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officials out planting trees themselves, and that day, the community was excited to finally get those trees. today, they're beyond disappointed. from celebration to heartbreak. last week, the chiawelo business district in san jose finally got the trees they'd spent years requesting. 29 trees were planted. one was right in front of the business of norberto robles. we spoke with him the day of the official celebration. >> i love it, it's hot. the olive tree, which i love. >> but friday morning, that and the many other young trees he and his neighbors were so excited to get were found like this. broken with pieces left on the sidewalk. >> i ride my bicycle every morning, early morning and i saw this. my tree. and then i started seeing more trees. and then i went around walking around to see to count how many. >> robles said he counted at least 17. >> it's terrible. it's very terrible because i love trees and we need the trees in the city, you know, it's so sad, you know, he said to me. >> in the community, though, data shows many affluent communities have dense tree canopies and reap health benefits from it. other neighborhoods like willow have had to do without. san jose city
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council member omar torres pushed for the council to pay for the trees and maintain them for three years. he said the vandals responsible for the destruction may have cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> unfortunately, they're just terrorizing the neighborhood because, you know, again, this is a very important business district to not only my district, but the city of san jose. >> torres said the chiawelo business district has historically been underserved, but he plans to have the department of transportation replant or fix the damaged trees, and council member torres there also told me that he is in contact with the san jose police department captain, who oversees that neighborhood, to look into who vandalized the trees and hopefully prevent it from happening again. >> all right, zach, thank you so much. happening today. traffic is rolling again. along a stretch of highway one in big sur that's been closed for six weeks because of a landslide. this is in the area of rocky creek bridge. it's one way traffic because a southbound lane is still not fixed. today's reopening comes eight days ahead
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of schedule. a permanent repair is in the design phase, with the goal of finishing it by next spring. highway one is still closed at paul's slide on the south end of big sur because of th final weekend closure ofight, highway 37 in the north bay. >> it's the eastbod side that will shut down at 10 p.m. and will stay closed through 5 a.m. on monday, time for the morning commute. it should reopen. it's for repaving work. the detour route involves taking one, 21, 12 and 29 as more electric cars hit the roads. >> the search is on to find new funding to replace california's gas tax. reporter rob hayes, from our sister station in los angeles, has a look at one option already being tested when you see crowded streets and freeways, it should come as no surprise california has more than 30 million registered passenger vehicles, more than any other state. >> that's why you see how much we're continually on our roads, because they're being used so much, caltrans spokesperson lauren prehoda says. >> maintaining our roadways
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costs around $8 billion to $9 billion a year. most of that money coming from this gas taxes motorists pay each time they fill up their tanks. but with more than a million hybrid and electric cars already in california, the state is collecting less and less each year. in gas tax, californians pay about $300 a year in state gas taxes. >> uh- evs have a $100 registration fee. that's a $200 million a year loss. >> well, caltrans thinks its california road charge program may be able to bridge that growing gap. it would do away with the taxes we pay at the pump and instead tax californians on every mile that they drive. caltrans six month pilot program will start in june. voluntary peers can sign up to have their miles tracked and make some extra cash. >> you can earn up to $400 in incentives now to track your miles. >> you could plug a tracking device into your car, but if that's a little too big brotherish for you, you can also
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just take a picture of your odometer. >> everyone has different levels of comfort when we're managing our data between efficiency and privacy, and that's why it's really important to have options . >> again, the road charge is just a pilot program right now. it's up to the legislature to decide if it will actually replace the gas tax. if not. caltrans says it could be facing a bumpy road ahead. rob hayes, abc seven news it's your traffic issues in san francisco this weekend. >> thousands will gridlock the city for bay to breakers on sunday morning. next, a live update on the preparations and what's new this year. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. i'll have an hourly look at the race forecast, plus your full look at
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he is friends bay to breakers of the san francisco tradition is back this weekend. it starts officially at 8 a.m. on the bay side of the city at mn and howard streets, and it finishes a half, seven and a half miles later on the breakers side at ocean beach for the first time this year, waymo is the official pace car, which would be interesting. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is live from the sports basement at the presidio, where runners are picking up their packets for sunday. ryan. always a fun event. >> that really is. it's a wacky, wild, crazy event, really, in san francisco that a lot of people look forward to every single year brings out a lot of interesting characters, to say the least. but so many people enjoy it. thousands of people participate every single year, and here at the sports basement, all day long, they've been
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getting their numbers and other equipment ready for sunday. it's also a major economic boom that san francisco hopes generates a lot of money for the economy. let's look down for a second and head up this hill. this sidewalk is where thousands of runners will step on come sunday. >> i was going to run it, but now i think i might just walk it just like enjoy the sights. we did it once a couple of years ago and it was fun, so yeah, it's just nice to be back in san francisco. >> from downtown to golden gate park, barricades are stacked up on the side of the road. no parking signs are up on the street poles ahead of the race on sunday. competitive for some, a leisurely walk for others, but almost everyone will be wearing some type of costume. well, not everyone. >> you can be naked in it. and, i hope to do that. >> it's fun, it's wacky. it's very san francisco this year. you can expect it to be the same, but it is also a big economic boost. rodney fong with the chamber of commerce, says san francisco businesses heavily benefit from this event.
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>> if you run x number of miles, you come back pretty hungry, and so we're hopeful that all the neighborhoods in san francisco feel that lift. all the hotels in san francisco feel that lift. and just the overall energy of things that are happening in san francisco. this is why we love this beautiful city. this is why the energy is here in the city. >> mayor london breed and city leaders have been vocal about big events coming to revitalize san francisco's economy. fong says bay to breakers checks that box. >> they're probably staying in these hotels here. i know the restaurants will feel some impact. and then day visitors who are coming into the city and using, using, enjoying the city, enjoying the race, but also the festivities that come along with it and the after parties and everything else. so we're going to feel that economically, a fun event. >> those we spoke with can't wait to start. >> i don't know how to explain it. it's just kind of a nice, fun, fun run i guess. or fun walk or whatever. >> now, we mentioned the route starting all the way from the bay, going towards where it meets the ocean. that's going to be a major traffic disruption for anyone going in and around san francisco. on sunday morning. you can expect a lot of
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road closures, a lot of detours. for more information on that, you can always go to our website, abc we're going to have that information for you so you can be mindful of where you need to avoid come sunday if you're in the area, if you're in the area. also fun to go and see the spectacle that is bay to breakers. but for now. reporting live at crissy field. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> more fun for the drivers, probably, but always a good time. ryan, thanks very much. i always love to see the costumes. sometimes the lack of costumes, they're so creative. >> i like to see the costumes being worn. worn costumes, say, will they need their costumes? yes. in the morning they will need their costumes. now. whether they choose to wear them or not is a whole nother story. so the weather does look fantastic for bay to breakers on sunday. let me show you what they will be facing, which is just patches o fog at seven and 8 a.m. around 9 a.m. as well. low to upper 50s during those hours and then quickly clearing for temperatures rising into the low 60s by noontime. a lot of sun by the time the race ends. a
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live view from our pier 39 camera. just gorgeous. you see some peeks of blue with the cloud cover, and visitors and sea lions seem to be enjoying the weather. let's talk about your weather for this evening. if you have friday night plans for inland areas in the low 70s, the sun still up at really nice looking evening, temperatures dropping off into the 60s right around the bay. we'll call it partly cloudy, low 60s, and then eventually down to the mid 50s and near the coast. this is where it is cloudier and it's cooler 56 degrees coming down into the low 50s. looking at live doppler seven, we did have the fog and the drizzle this morning. a nice clean sweep along the northern california coast. even parts of our coast actually enjoyed some sun, so things cleared out nicely for parts of the bay area. winds right now on shore 32 miles an hour in san francisco. that's going to push that marine layer along, which you see here from our mount tam cam 60s, from san francisco to oakland, san jose, you're at a mild 71 degrees and 69, in redwood city, uh- sunny
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skies over san jose, the shark tank there, low 60s petaluma, santa rosa, 73, in fairfield. temperatures in our warmest spots got up into the upper 70s. 71 right now in concord and livermore. and from our emeryville camera, you can pretty much see that marine layer overnight tonight. fog spreads, spotty drizzle again tomorrow. mainly sunny and breezy and early next week. we are talking about sunny and warmer weather coming your way for the time being. in a breezy pattern for this evening, and then winds kind of back off and then they pick back up again tomorrow afternoon and evening, 25 to about 32 miles an hour, along with the wind, the push of the marine air. so late tonight you'll notice the fog and low clouds have pushed into some of our valleys. tomorrow morning, 730. you'll have some spotty drizzle, but i don't think it's going to be quite as much as this morning. and then as we head into the afternoon and evening, most areas will clear for sun, but there will be some patchy fog still lingering near the coastline. your temperature is first thing in the morning.
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40s 50s if you have early plans, perhaps your kids have games. you will definitely need to bundle up for their first part of the day, but later on in the afternoon, it's going to be a nice one. south bay 78, in san jose, 71, in gilroy on the peninsula 73, redwood city 59. right here in half moon bay, where there will be some fog lingering, 64 downtown san francisco, north bay temperatures 69, san rafael 72, napa 74. santa rosa and the east bay. upper 60s around oakland and orinda. head inland. and we're talking 75. in concord, nice and mild, 77 in livermore. the accuweather seven day forecast a slight bump up in the temperatures on sunday, but you really start to notice it early next week. it'll get warm inland in the mid 80s, 60s coast and then just really minor fluctuations midweek ama and dan very nice. >> yes. >> all right. thanks, sandhya. >> well, coming up next, the boost to reddit stock that pushed its close to a
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son.
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i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! public schools in 1954, segregated education was the law in 17 states, but by the 1980s, 43% of black southern students attended majority white schools. yet, according to a recent ucla study, one fifth of public
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schools were intensely segregated as recently as 2022. it shows many school districts today are racially segregated because they are divided along residential and economic lines. >> also happening today, a big celebration in san francisco's hayes valley neighborhood for the grand opening of a new trader joe's. dozens of people turned out to be the first inside the store. it's located at laguna and fulton streets. today's opening took place a couple of weeks ahead of schedule. dozens of workers are already on the job, and more will be hired from surrounding neighborhoods. trader joe's is taking job applications through its website. today is also the deadline to claim your 2020 tax refund in california. there are more than $94 million in unclaimed tax refunds. a spokesperson for the irs says most of the people who are eligible are workers who didn't make enough to be required to file a return, but still had taxes taken out of a paycheck. they should file so they can get some money back. >> reddit stock soared today after the social media company announced a new push into
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artificial intelligence. shares rose 13% following news of reddit's deal with openai. openai will advertise with reddit, and the social media company will use ai to build new features. reddit's shares have gained almost 90% since the company went public almost two months ago, and it is a big week for openai. with the announcement of its new ai model, gpt four. protesters concerned about safety rallied outside the openai headquarters during that presentation. now, a company leader is resigning and echoing those protesters concerns, john laika explained his departure this week with a series of posts on x, saying safety was taking a back seat to shiny project products. his words ceo sam altman replied saying the company has more work to do. >> coming up next, they worked, but they didn't get paid. now they're fighting to make it right. >> plus, why people high on fentanyl can't stand up straight. have you seen this out on the streets? a greater
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understanding of the drug's effect can help us build a better bay
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time ever. the dow closes above 40,000. investors are boosted by recent financial reports that hint the federal reserve may soon announce interest rate cuts. in addition to the dow's triple digit gain, the s&p 500 also ended the day in the black. the nasdaq fell just slightly tonight. >> the fight continues for 128 oakland employees, demanding thousands of dollars in restitution from the radisson hotel oakland airport. the city sent a demand letter last year, but the employees still haven't been paid. now, this alleged wage theft comes as a new report suggests the bay area has one of the highest minimum wage violations in the state. >> abc7 news reporter anser hassan has the story. estamos de la lucha. >> standing in front of the radisson hotel oakland airport, where he used to work, francisco bonilla says he's owed more than $7,000 in wages from the hotel. bills peeking through a
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translator, bonilla says that's money he and his family need to pay rent and their bills. last october, the oakland department of workplace and employment standards found that the radisson hotel did not pay the correct minimum wage to 128 employees between july 2019 and april 2020, totaling more than $400,000 in back wages. the letter demanded restitution be paid within 45 days, six months later, it still hasn't been paid, it says to us that they don't think that the city of oakland takes this seriously, and we need the city of oakland to show that that they do. sonia caraballo is a researcher at unite here local two. the hotel workers union. she says low wage workers at hotels like the radisson are often immigrants and women, many with limited english skills, which karabell argues makes them easy to exploit the difference between what they should have been paid legally and what they were paid a difference of $5 an hour. the radisson hotel declined to comment for this story, but a new report by rutgers university that examines wage theft in california over the past ten
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years finds that the san francisco oakland fremont metropolitan area had the highest rate of employees being paid below the minimum wage at 14. >> i would point out that we're only looking at minimum wage violations, but oftentimes times these are paired with, you know, discrimination, sexual harassment. >> daniel galvin is the lead author of the report. he says competition and profit are the main drivers of wage theft, the biggest violations happening in the food service ind and private household industries, like maids and housekeepers. he says intervention is key. >> we also need stronger enforcement to make sure that that the workers who are entitled to the minimum wage are actually getting the wages that they're earned in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news as san francisco struggles to deal with the fentanyl crisis, the medical community is trying to understand what the drug actually does to the human body and the one thing you may have witnessed yourself people. >> so high, they're literally just bent over and can't stand up. yeah. >> so what causes that stance and what are the long term
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impacts? are building a better. bay area reporter leah melendez is here with some answers for us tonight. >> yeah, i'm so glad i did this story. now, the number one question people ask me is why do people who are on fentanyl bend over so severely? is it the drug? is it their spine which is somehow damaged? well, we thought that by doing this story , people would start caring more about the harm fentanyl does to the body. people bent over appearing as if they were frozen in place is a common sight in san francisco's tenderloin district. the simple explanation one. >> it's a degree of loss of consciousness and a degree of loss of muscular control. >> fentanyl is responsible, but the effects of the opioid continue to linger on as the person continues with their daily life. in most cases, are awake but not able to stand up. we bumped into andy berger, who tried to explain his physical state at that moment. when did you use last? use fentanyl today. so it's still obviously
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in your body? >> yeah, for sure. >> and you're not able to, you know, straighten up. >> i mean i can it just like it hurts a lot to have to do that fentanyl can be both a short acting drug and a long acting drug. >> so some people they're back upright in 45 minutes to an hour. and some people could be longer than that. >> doctor daniel ceccaroni is a ucsf professor of addiction medicine. he says fentanyl in long term users takes time to clear out of the system, because the drug tends to accumulate in the fat tissue. the research community has yet to determine if fentanyl impacts your spine at all. berger, meanwhile, told us he's more concerned about his swollen legs than his back. >> people's legs, legs swell up, sores on them like that. >> what researchers think might be happening there is that because the chemical is acidic in some cases, it eventually makes veins collapse. >> i just didn't care about anything. drugs was my only driving force every day.
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>> benkhert profeta, once a heavy fentanyl user, weighed only 100 pounds when a spine infection sent him to the emergency room. >> i wore a hole in my leg from being in the wheelchair so long and that got infected, and then that infection went into my spine. >> mind you, campofrio had existing back issues. his pain is what drove him to addiction. the use of fentanyl made his condition even worse because of that infection, ucsf surgeons had to remove two of his discs. and as seen in this spine health animation, two implants were inserted, providing more spacing between the vertebrae. this relieved the pressure on the nerves. kemper ferreira now lives in oregon and considers himself among the few able to get off fentanyl. earlier this year, he hiked the well-known camino de santiago de compostela in spain. that's approximately 550 miles. how's your back?
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>> my back is great. i'm in better shape than i've been in since i was 20. i exercise every day, i'm. i stay very active. i'm just. i'm very grateful that i had the second chance at getting my life together. for now, i'm great. i'm staying healthy. and that's. that's the most important thing to me. >> now, here in san francisco, there is this debate over harm reduction versus abstinence. now ben agrees that it can backfire if you force someone into treatment. but he also acknowledges that the reason he is clean, free of fentanyl is because he was put forced to be in that position, meaning hospitalized for his back for months and months. and he says he is grateful that he was this this coming from someone who was in the trenches. so we're not taking sides here, but this is coming from someone who's been someone who's been there, done
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that. >> it's so great to see, absolutely. yeah, a nice man. >> and you have to also acknowledge the fact that he had a great support network. his mother, his friends. so some people don't have that. >> yeah. good point. thank you leanne. >> all right. as we continue here, a wild wrong way. chase ended in a head on crash next. the many missed attempts police made to end this safel a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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several people ended up hurt, including two officers. reporter jaysha patel, with our sister station in los angeles, has the story. >> oh my goodness. she's going to go head on into those vehicles. oh my god. she decided to slam into them without even hitting the brakes. so we're going to have innocent people hurt. >> it was like a scene out of a horror movie. a speeding van hit with pit maneuver after pit maneuver, but continuing to evade police. air7 hd was overhead during the scary pursuit. >> i just see the headlights coming at us and boom, the collision. and then i was see her car was pinned against mine and that's when i promptly exited the vehicle to the shoulder just to keep myself
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safe. this is me all. >> i can't deal with the noise. i'm ordered by the cartel. >> this all started just before 430 this morning. officers responded to a radio call of a woman causing a disturbance at fourth and rose in the venice area. she allegedly rammed into police vehicles, injuring two officers, and then took off. she was speeding, dodging cars and going the wrong way on the 405 near brentwood in the northbound lanes, the driver reaching speeds more than 80mph before eventually crashing into multiple cars, stopped on the freeway. >> i was really, really i'm very, very nervous, you know, and i put my brake hard and my seatbelt, you know, because i saw the ladies coming. strike right here. this this coming straight to me. >> the driver climbed on top of the hood of a semi truck before she was finally arrested. the driver in that truck spoke to eyewitness news. >> a entrada al troc. >> he said she tried to get inside, but he wouldn't let her in. during the pursuit, she
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completely smashed this gray sedan, which belongs to rudolph anderson, who was bleeding from his face at the scene. him and others involved kept a positive attitude despite the scary encounter. >> it could be worse. so i'm. i'm good, i'm good. >> jaysha patel, abc seven news. >> a newly released video appears to show a violent assault by rapper and producer sean diddy combs on his then girlfriend. this graphic footage was exclusively obtained by cnn. they say it shows combs in a towel chasing cassie ventura down a los angeles hotel hallway back in 2016. ventura is then grabbed by her neck, thrown to the floor, kicked twice and dragged. and we are not showing the entire video. ventura's lawyer says the video corroborates allegations made in a since settled lawsuit that combs physically abused her for years. combs has previously denied the allegations. abc news has not independently verified the video, and has reached out to combs representatives for
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comment. if you or someone you know needs help, you can reach the domestic violence hotline at one 800 799 safe. 1-800-799-7233. >> still to come here. we've had a week's worth of may gray next to look at whether that will continue through your weekend. >> and taking a live look at santa cruz. look ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪
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roller coaster opened to guests at the santa cruz beach boardwalk, which was only 17 years old at that time. 100 years later, guests still come from all around the world to enjoy the thrill at the california landmark and abc seven news reporter south bay reporter dustin dorsey took a trip to the beach to see how the legendary attraction will be celebrated this weekend. reporter there's nothing quite like the anticipation going to the top of a roller coaster, but even better than the rise is the fall, a feeling guests have felt riding the giant dipper at the santa cruz beach boardwalk for 100 years. >> it's like my first big coaster. like i'm just excited to see it like, be like 100
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years old today. >> may 17th, 1924. construction of the iconic wooden roller coaster officially wrapped up and a legend was born. it cost an eye popping $0.15 a ride back then. saturday, the boardwalk will celebrate the giant dipper with special events culminating in a fireworks show a century in the making, it's now the fourth oldest roller coaster in the united states. >> it's one of the 10th oldest roller coasters in the world, so it's really one of the last of its kind. it's a really special treasure. >> i've been coming here since i was little. >> this is my first time. >> his first time. so just sharing a little piece of history and my family with him, you know, ride it. how many times? >> ten times as many as we can. >> we can 100 maybe? oh, maybe that'd be great. indeed. >> the beach boardwalk attractions draw crowds from around the world with the giant dipper, by far the most popular. this helps santa cruz county see a 135% tourism spike in 2023, with more than $1 billion flowing in. >> santa cruz county saw the third consecutive year of tourism growth, since the
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pandemic. the santa cruz beach boardwalk is just another way to experience a very unique attraction at the beach. >> and on the official 100th birthday of the giant dipper, guests flocked to santa cruz once again to celebrate in the best way they know they can. >> it's the definition of summer. it's so amazing and so cheerful, and it's a great way to kick off the summer, i said, the hundredth is going to be in 2024. >> i will absolutely be there. i swore it to myself and i'm here today for that day and i'm super excited. >> so whether it's your first time or your 100th, the giant dipper has brought nothing but joy for a century in santa cruz, dustin dorsey. abc seven news there's dustin having fun. >> so fun. it's such a fun place. it is. that's great. all right, well, what will the weather be like if you're going to be down there at the boardwalk? >> sandhya patel has that answer. sandhya, it's going to be fantastic. ama and dan. let's take a look at graduation
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weather first, and then we'll talk about santa cruz in just a moment. it's that time of year. bay school graduating tomorrow here in the city at 11 a.m. temperature will be about 60 degrees. there may be a little bit of fog around, but numbers will come up into the mid 60s. congratulations to you. fog on live doppler seven advancing by the overnight hours and then pulling back to the coast tomorrow afternoon. 70 inland 50s coast breezy day. accuweather 70 forecast. slight bump up sunday, but you're going to notice the warmth early next week when we bring in the mid 80s. dan excellent. >> all right thanks andrea. >> thank you san diego. all right on to sports. very interesting. >> developing this whole story is really bizarre. the top ranked golfer in the world started his day in jail and then came out. and he shot a 66 wild day for scottie scheffler. plus giants center fielder joon lee went for a second opinion on his banged up shoulder out for the year
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the shuffler in handcuffs, arrested before round two of the pga championship in louisville. this all started when a vendor who was going to the course was killed by a bus around 5:00 in the morning. a short time later, scheffler tried to drive onto the course grounds. police stopped him, but the golfer said he was confused and the chaos of the moment was pitch black. it was raining. police claim scheffler dragged an officer who
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was trying to stop him, so the golfer was arrested and then taken to jail. they had no idea who he was. scheffler wasn't sure he'd be released to play, but get this, he was stretching in his cell to prepare for his round just in case. released after a couple of hours and now facing assault charges. >> i feel like my head's still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell. that was the first for me, you know, that was part of my warmup. i was just sitting there waiting. and, you know, i started going through my warmup. i felt like there was a chance i may be able to still come out here and play. and so i started going through my routine, and i tried to get my heart rate down as much as i could today. but like i said, you know, i still feel like my head's spinning a little bit, but, yeah, i was fortunate to be able to make it back out and play some golf today. >> scheffler made it to the course about an hour before his tee time warmed up. it's like he wasn't fazed at all. unflappable 27 footer for birdie on 12. that was his front nine. bottom of
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the cup. one of his six birdies on the day. and then on four with the wedge right here. would tap that in and route to a second round 66 after getting out of jail, he's tied for fourth at eight under par, rough week for tiger woods. birdied 18 but misses the cut. finished the first two days at seven over par. former cal bear collin morikawa made a big move today. long birdie putt here on six. continues for birdie. he had five birdies in a row. he's at 11 under one back of the lead which is held by xander schauffele who picked right up where he left off in round one. a lengthy putt on three down moments later on seven from the bunker. beautiful touch right here. setting up a birdie a solid second round 68. again he's your leader by a stroke at 12 under par a really bad news for the giants. not totally unexpected though. outfielder jung-woo lee the prized off season free agent acquisition. he's going to miss the rest of this season. he needs surgery to repair a torn labrum after crashing into the wall on sunday. recovery time expected
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to be about six months. so the man the giants spent more than $100 million to acquire is done for the year. giants and rockies tonight a's visiting the royals, picking up one nothing casey in the sixth. here comes. and there it goes michael kumasi a two run blast off of austin adams to give the royals a three nothing lead. and then michael garcia would add another three run shot later in the inning. and right now it is six nothing royals and they are in the bottom of the eighth. complete highlights tonight at 11. i just want to go back to the scottie scheffler situation. it was so dark and so rainy that i just think he didn't know what was going on. the police didn't know who he was, just kind of a miscue, communication all the way around. and you know anybody that knows scottie scheffler he's not going to disregard, you know, the police who were telling him stop right here. never been in trouble. no, no. so i expect all the charges are going to end up being dropped. and you know, we move on to another day. but just very bizarre. >> yeah. but he came out and just shot. >> shot 66 after jail right.
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>> yeah. thanks larry. >> tonight on abc seven at eight jeopardy. masters followed by 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember, abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> all right, finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters this weekend. one of those only in san francisco events that define a big part of the character of this city, the bay to breakers race on sunday is, in a word, a hoot. and it was designed that way. first run in 1912, the bay to breakers, originally called the cross city race, was conceived as a way to lift the spirits of a city still recovering from the oh six earthquake and to build some excitement for the panama pacific international exposition, which would be held three years later. in 1915. now, fast forward more than a 100 years later, it's recognized as the longest consecutive consecutively run footrace anywhere in the world. it's also
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probably the wackiest many wearing elaborate costumes, some runners wearing nothing at all. as we know, the whole spectacle is simply a lot of fun. and you know what? we need some fun in this city. still trying to wobble to its feet after the economic body blow from the pandemic and still dealing with a horrible drug and homeless crisis that has tarnished the city's quality of life and its image around the world. so just as it was first intended to do in 1912, what really matters this sunday is the annual eccentric good time. the bay to breakers provides. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on social media at dan ashley, abc seven. >> all right, that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry biel. >> all of us. we appreciate your time. hope you have a great evening and that we see you again at 11.
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♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ introducing today's contestants-- an attorney from lexington, kentucky... an auctioneer from chicago, illinois... and our returning champion-- a grocery clerk from prescott, arizona...
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whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to "jeopardy!" when our returning champion, grant deyoung, was asked at the end of yesterday's show how he felt about securing his second win, he said, "it was two more than i was thinking i would get." well, grant's back today going for win number three as he faces nick and rachel. good luck to the three of you. let's get to work on the jeopardy! round. ♪♪ here are your categories. first off, i want you to know... then we have... some of... then... and finally... i'm michael douglas. i play ben franklin during his tumultuous years as diplomat in france, making friends and enemies.


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