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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 18, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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right 'round ♪ ♪ got me floating like a rainbow ♪ ♪ i need your touch your touch right now right 'round ♪ ♪ got me floating like a rainbow ♪ ♪ and so this world keeps turning round right 'round ♪ ♪ got me floating like a rainbow ♪ ♪ you lift me up when i get down right 'round ♪ ♪ got me floating like a rainbow floating like a rainbow floating like a rainbow ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ this is "nightline." tonight, disturbing video. sean diddy combs appearing to brutally attack his girlfriend in a los angeles hotel in 2016. >> videos don't lie. >> the shocking video obtained
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by cnn seeming to show diddy hitting and kicking her, affirming the claims in her lawsuit against him, later settled with combs denying all allegations. >> cassie has become that much more of a credible witness. >> as diddy faces more sexual assault lawsuits, how could this impact his career? ♪ plus, the shocking split hall & oates. no longer making each other's dreams come true. after dozens of hits, john speaking out after being sued di daryl hall. >> his message to daryl hall. >> i love you like a brother, but brothers have disagreements. >> the big question on every fans mind. >> will hall & oates ever perform together again?
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and "mad max furiosa." anya taylor joy sh ch ch charlise theron's role. >> more than four decades after the original mad max, could it be one of the biggest movies this summer? plus, remembering comedic actor dabney coleman. >> "nightline" will be right back. (hamlet) it's beggin'! smoky beggin'... meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you, i love you... (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! vote for your chance to win free beggin'! can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?)
12:40 am
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♪ good evening. thank you for joining us. tonight a horrifying video seeming to show sean diddy combs kicking, punching and dragging his ex-girlfriend cassie ventura in a hotel hallway in 2016. it's the latest in a series of disturbing allegations made against the hip-hop mogul, who was once one of the most powerful men in the music business. tonight, this disturbing new surveillance video obtained exclusively by cnn appears to show sean diddy combs attacking his then-girlfriend cassie
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ventura, throwing her to the ground in a hotel elevator bank and then kicking her twice. >> videos doernn't lie. that destroys any credibility sean combs may have had. >> the incident appears to support ventura's claims, long denied by combs from a now-settled lawsuit filed last november, stating, around march 2016 in los angeles, mr. combs became extremely intoxicated and punched miss ventura in the face, giving her a black eye. adding that when she tried to leave the hotel room, combs followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. he grabbed at her and took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her. >> cassie has now become that much more of a more credible witness. while these allegations from 2016 might have passed the
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statute of limitations, she can potentially testify to everything in her lawsuit and have it corroborated by this video. >> at the time of the lawsuit, an attorney for combs stating, mr. combs vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous allegations. ventura and combs settled for an undisclosed amount just one day after the suit was filed. he admitted no wrongdoing. he is credited with helping bring hip-hop to the mainstream. a close collaborator of the notorious b.i.g. ♪ >> he famously dated jennifer lopez from 1998 to 2001, creating iconic red carpet moments together, but koe controversy was quick to follow. after a new york city nightclub shooting both combs and lopez
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were arrested. combs was later acquitted of gun charges. he has had multiple sexual assault lawsuits levelled against him. combs denied these allegations, writing on anagram instagram p let me be clear, i did not do any of the things alleged. today an attorney for ventura responding to the surveillance video stating the gut-wrenching video has further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. it all comes nearly two months after federal authorities raided combs' l.a. and miami homes, seizing computers and electronics equipment, agents from homeland security seen entering his home in the wealthy l.a. enclave. another raid at his mansion in miami on the opposite coast. sources saying the entertainment mogul is the subject of an
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ongoing federal investigation into human trafficking. >> this is just another potential piece to a potential arrest of sean combs and more allegations against him. >> combs' attorney calling the raids a witch hunt, adding mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight to clear his name. >> our thanks to matt. we turn now to singing john oates opening up for the first time following the shocking news of daryl hall's lawsuit against him. though the duo turned out dozens of hits over their careers, oates says they haven't worked together creatively for years and would only appear at concerts to play their greatest hits. >> will hall & oates ever perform together again? >> not from my point of view. you need to ask daryl about it. ♪ >> singer and songwriter john oates, half of the legend dear
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rock duo hall & oates, best known for their 1980 hit "you make my dreams come true." and their ear worm, "i can't go for that." ♪ i can't go for that, no, no can do ♪ >> sitting down with abc news to share his side of the legal battle he's fighting against his creative partner of more than 50 years daryl hall. last year hall filed a lawsuit against oates, alleging that oates attempted to sell his share of their jointly owned company whole oates enterprises without hall's permission. >> did you try to sell your half of the company? >> yes, i did. let me explain to you why i did. when this situation got mired in legality and really complex legal wranglings, i got frustrated and i said, you know what, daryl has always wanted to be his own man. i said, i'm going to give him the opportunity to do that.
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if i sell my half, he can do what he wants. it was kind of ruining my life, to be honest. i wasn't happy. i said, well, i'll step aside. people do it all the time. look at all the artists selling their catalogs. it's pretty common. daryl didn't like the idea that i would sell to a certain third party. >> he said that the alleged planned sale was, quote, completely clandestine and bad faith move and called it the ultimate partnership betrayal. >> strong words. >> do you see it that way? >> not at all, i don't. we've always looked at ourselves as individuals working together. i felt like i had the right to do that. but, you know, he didn't. >> the case filed in nashville, tennessee, is still ongoing. >> i think as fans you sit back and go, they made this incredible music, they must have this bond.
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but you two haven't worked together creatively in over 20 years. >> that's right. the only thing we did together was play concerts where we just went out there and trotted out the hits. >> daryl hall said, all i can say is people change and sometimes you don't really know someone like you thought you did. how do you respond? >> i guess he should have looked a little closer. >> has he changed, in your opinion? >> i believe he has, yes. i believe he's changed a lot. >> if daryl hall is watching right now, is there anything you want to say to him? >> i would say i love him like a brother. love you like a brother, if i'm talking to him directly. but you know what, brothers have disagreements, families grow apart. i wish him the best. i hope that he has everything he wants in life. >> abc news reached out to daryl hall for comment, but received no response. ♪ >> the solo album "reunion"
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oates found inspiration in the city he called home, nashville. ♪ >> before i met daryl hall, i was kind of a roots acoustic guitar, blues, folk musician. when i moved to nashville, i tapped back into it, and it really gave me a new lease on my musical life. >> what can fans expect from the new music? >> this is the first time i was able to really commit to a project and to a future of creativity in music. ♪ >> the title track was inspired by my 100-year-old father who told me he was going to reunite with mom who passed away years before. when he said that to me, i thought of what the word reunion really means. reuniting. i was reuniting with my musical self and myself as a man and as a musician. >> that's about as personal as
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it gets. >> it's the most personal thing i've ever done. >> what do you want your legacy to be? >> my personal legacy, i'm not looking to break barriers. i'm looking to be a good father, a good husband, a good friend. i want to enjoy my life. >> i think you've accomplished all of that. >> we're getting there. >> thanks to michael. when we return, chris hemsworth and anya taylor joy, the stars of "furiosa" take us inside this world. symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve
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welcome back. the mad max films are known for being bombastic, immersive and over the top. "furiosa" does not disappoint. in fact, its stars say the sets, costumes and story lines were so enthralling they sometimes lost themselves completely in the roles. . promise me you'll find your way home. >> furiosa. >> it's something really special about these films. i'm not sure how many have the opportunity to not only be performers and do the thing that you love, but also be a bona fide fan. >> it was a dream come true when i got the phone call. >> anya taylor joy and chris hemsworth answering the call, then gearing up for the high-octane, action-packed latest mad max installment premiering at this year's glitzy
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cannes film festival on the french riviera. >> films we've grown on have been represented and launched here. to be here with this film is pretty special. >> i'm still pinching myself that it happened. >> the "mad starring charlize theron paving the way for taylor joy, now putting her own pedal to the metal in the title role. >> you're entering this iconic franchise spanning more than 40 years. was there pressure? >> you try not to think about it, because otherwise you wouldn't do anything. you'd be paralyzed with fear. >> fabulous. >> the fearless furiosa focusing on its female lead's origin story with stunts and special effects amid a dystopian
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post-apocalyptic world synonymous with the world of mad max. taylor joy. >> you won't have to suffer much longer. >> best known for playing a chess prodigy in "the queen's gambit" now starring opposite chris hemsworth, the legendary thor. >> i have this completely under control. >> is that why everything's on fire? >> hemsworth spending hours in the makeup chair transforming to his furiosa character. >> your character as well, let's just say it's really good to see you looking like yourself again. >> that was one of the first things that we sort of leaned into with the look. it's sort of wonderful to lose yourself within the look of the character, not recognize the person staring back at you. >> the stars transforming and training to take the wheel for the film. >> we started preparing about a year before i went out to australia. i still don't have my driver's
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license. the first thing they did was put me in a car, on the motorbike and then a lot of physical training to be able to do the stunts. >> you don't have a driver's license? >> yeah. i still don't have my driver's license. not yet. >> i feel like you can just bring the movie to the dmv. the film also prove of mad max's enduring legacy. 79-year-old george miller directing again, 45 years after the original "mad max" in 1979. the franchise spawning four more films aside from "furiosa". >> these films are kind of speculating about where we could go, some kind of catastrophic unraveling. we go 45 to 50 years in the future. it kind of gets back to the same kind of reduced world that you had in the westerns. >> the action held together with a heart-pounding center piece
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sequence featuring actor tom burke, 15 minutes long and nine months in the making. >> now! >> do you have a favorite stunt that you got to pull off? i understand you all did a lot of your own stunts. >> i do love stowaway just because of how much it represents for all of us that did it. i spent three months underneath the rig, one month on the side. the day i finally got into the cabin with tom, i was like, oh my god! i've been beneath tom, to the side of tom, on top of tom for months. finally i was able to sit down for a solid three days, eat a sandwich. it was great. >> what was it like for you to be in the middle of this action? >> i love doing that. i had a guy who directed a lot of the second unit stuff. i grabbed his arm one day and said, i love this, i want to do
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this forever. >> this story the second in a potential new "mad max" trilogy. >> i always found all of the movies to be cautionary tales. what's really exciting about this is george has found a very good way of delivering a very entertaining piece of art that does contain seeds within it that kind of plant themselves in your brain. as you leave, you start thinking about this. >> they might give you a sense of what it's like to somehow endure and hold onto something human about yourself even in the most extreme situations. i think that's why we tell stories. it's cool. >> our thanks to maggie. when we come back, remembering actor dabney coleman, best known for playing jerks. ♪ >> i'll get you for this!
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finally tonight, dabney coleman has died.
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known best for playing the boss who kept trying to look down dolly parton's shirt in "9 to 5." ♪ >> coleman once told david letterman he got a real kick out of playing jerks. >> the things i'm most known for have been of that character. >> is it fun to be that kind of guy? >> i think so. don't you? [ laughter ] >> he also appeared in "tootsie" and in dramatic roles in "on golden pond," "war games" and "buffalo bill." his last appearance on camera was in "yellowstone." dabney coleman was 92. that's "nightline" for this evening. catch full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back here same time monday.


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