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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  May 18, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. another weekend with pro-palestinian protests having an effect on bay area college campuses. one happened during a graduation ceremony. good evening, i'm lauren martinez. a pro-palestinian encampment on the ucsf parnassus campus is gone tonight. a school administrator this morning asked the protesters to leave, and apparently they did. since there is nothing left. ucsf put out a statement saying the encampment was disrupting its health care operations, much like other
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groups around the country. the demonstrators were asking for ucsf to divest from israel. the university of california system has said it will not boycott israel. now to the north bay, where a week of controversy at sonoma state university is culminating with commencement ceremonies today. it comes after the sudden retirement of president mike lee this week. the csu chancellor placed lee on leave after he made a deal with pro-palestinian protesters without proper approval. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard shows us the protest during graduation and has details on the fallout >> hundreds of sonoma state grads rocking their caps and gowns during commencement ceremonies after a dramatic week on campus involving former president mike lee. but alex can't think about that right now. >> today is about me. i'm glad to have my dad here to see me graduate. so that was more on my mind than the school.
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>> lee's retirement was announced friday by csu chancellor mildred garcia, a day after she put him on leave for insubordination because of an agreement lee made with pro-palestinian student protesters who had occupied an encampment. lee told them he would initiate an academic boycott of israel, among other things, which angered the jewish community. there was no communication with the jewish community, with the with the jewish students, with faculty, it was as if we didn't exist. >> students for justice in palestine held this silent protest during graduation for more than an hour. a line of police not letting the group approach the commencement stage. sonoma state's acting president acknowledged this week's controversy with student protesters without even mentioning mike lee by name. >> i also want to acknowledge this current moment in time, one in which college campuses, including our own, have been spaces of social change, and i am proud of this university community for appropriately focusing today's attention on our graduates and their
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supporters. >> i have very mixed feelings right now. >> bd white supports mike lee and says she refused to shake hands with the acting president after getting her diploma. >> thank you for taking a stand, president lee. i hope you enjoy retirement and thank you for doing the right thing. >> activist susan lamont standing outside with this sign supporting lee university's today are totally corporately owned. >> now, you know, just by their investments and that sort of thing. >> last weekend, pro-palestinian protesters interrupted uc berkeley's graduation ceremony. saturday's sonoma state commencement saw no delays, but lots of pomp and circumstance at sonoma state. colonel bernard abc seven news. >> well, stay with us for continuing coverage of the college campus protests in the bay area and nationwide. get the latest anytime at abc seven traffic is moving once again on the lower deck of the bay bridge. that's after a fire burning right next to the tunnel caused a shutdown. the fire
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started just before three this afternoon. fire fighters say high winds plus the steep hillside made the fire fight difficult. it was also bad timing for those leaving the giants game. chp shut down the eastbound lanes of the bridge to give firefighters more space to work. that triggered a backup that stretched for about five miles and spilled onto the streets of san francisco. in some cases, prosecutors in the east bay will not file criminal charges against the richmond police officers who shot and killed a man last summer, richmond police, show me your hands. >> show me your hands. >> that is the moment before bullets started flying back in june, richmond police were searching the home of a man arrested with a gun. the suspect's roommate, 66 year-old kevin mcdonald, was inside the house. prosecutors say when officers opened the door to mcdonald's room, he pointed an assault rifle at them. two officers fired, killing mcdonald. they later found dozens of guns in his room. this week, the contra costa district attorney's office decided the
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officers acted in self-defense and should not face criminal charges. happening now. it's the final weekend closure for highway 37 in the north bay. the eastbound side of the highway, which extends from sears point to vallejo, will remain closed until 5 a.m. monday morning. caltrans is repaving the road. the detour route involves taking 121, 12, and 29 highlighted in green. there was an accident near vallejo earlier this evening that halted some of the work. we have not received any update from caltrans. two stretches of interstate 680 in the east bay are partially closed this weekend. caltrans has shut down three lanes of southbound 680 for roadwork from al costa boulevard in san ramon to the 580 connector in pleasanton. that closure is scheduled to end at 4 a.m. monday. also, the express lane and left shoulder of northbound 680 is closed between amador
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valley boulevard in dublin and al costa boulevard in san ramon. detours are in place for both closures. barricades are going up around san francisco tonight in preparation for tomorrow's running of the bay to breakers. many streets along the route are already blocked off, and if not, they will be in a matter of hours. so here is what you need to know. the race begins at 8 a.m. sunday. runners go from the embarcadero across the city all the way to ocean ocean beach. they will make it. that will make it hard to get around. the sfmta says most streets should reopen by two tomorrow afternoon. so what will be the weather like tomorrow? then again, does it really matter given all the creative and wacky costumes, the beta breakers wear? spencer christian joins us now. lauren. >> it probably doesn't matter, but it's going to be a nice day for runners and spectators and for people stuck in their cars who can't get past the closed streets. here's a look at our
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beta breakers forecast starting 7:00 tomorrow morning. the race starts at eight, but of course people will be gathered at seven. we'll have mainly sunny skies, just a little bit of lingering patchy morning fog and temperature will be about 5355 degrees, which is considered cool, but as you get moving, of course you'll warm up. temperatures will also gradually warm up to about 6062 degrees by midday. now here's a look at the day planner for the entire bay area. 7:00 in the morning a little mix of light, fog and sun temperatures, mainly in the low to mid 50s. then by noon we'll see mainly sunny skies about 70 degrees inland. mid 60s around the bay shoreline. milder in the late afternoon with high temperatures getting up to mid to upper 70s inland. we'll see upper 60s to near 70 around the bay and then by 7 p.m. we'll still sunny skies, but temperatures of course, will be tapering off about 4 or 5 degrees from the afternoon. highs uh. the full accuweather seven day forecast. just a little bit later. lauren >> well spencer thank you. farm laborers calling for better work
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conditions took their demands to the streets of healdsburg. today, more than 200 farm workers and supporters rallied to demand disaster pay and what they call dignified wages. the rally was organized by the group north bay jobs with justice. they said they held the event at the same time as the healdsburg wine and food experience. to illustrate the economic gap between many in the wine industry and those who work in the vineyards, antioch is looking to build a better bay area by tapping into its maritime history. the city's mayor is going to head overseas to see if he can attract new investors and build up the city's reputation in the business world. abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke to the mayor about his upcoming trip to asia. >> if you're trying to get your goods shipped into the united states faster and quicker, come to antioch. >> that's the pitch. antioch mayor lamar hernandez thorpe will be making on his business trip this coming week to china. it's part of an annual visit of bay area mayors with chinese investors and businesses. >> we're competing with cities
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off the i-5 corridor, where there is advanced manufacturing. we're going to be competing with cities like milpitas, fremont and san jose, where there is advanced manufacturing innovation taking place. >> the mayor says that could include manufacturing computer chips or electric car batteries. another big pitch antioch's deep water ports, which are connected to the bnsf railway in april, the first of eight ships docked in antioch as part of the first phase of an ports expansion into the city and port, is one of the world's largest automotive shipping companies. >> the first ship that came from imports came from china. they brought some buicks over and now they're shipping them off to the east coast. >> hernandez thorpe also sees this as an opportunity to showcase how the region is building up its infrastructure, such as in east contra costa county, with its micro transit system that connects pittsburg, antioch, brentwood and oakley, and how antioch deep water ports can help distinguish the city as another gateway to california. >> i don't think we're striving to be oakland, uh, but we are. i think we can be like benicia. we
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can be like, west sacramento. >> this year's leadership team includes mayors from san carlos, east palo alto and oakley. their first stop meetings in hong kong. >> we're not competing for, you know, just small mom and pop shops. we're also competing for, businesses that traditionally have not been out here in east county. and so that's why this trip is so important in antioch. >> anser hassan abc seven news. >> still ahead on abc seven news at 11. they were living it up today outside chase center, the hope and dreams being inspired by the official arrival of the golden state valkyries. >> the usda is still using a glorified hotel room cake and a little later, seven on your side explores the security problem that's letting thieves steal money not only from the people who need it for groceries, but from taxpayers. >> plus, space tourism is about to make its return, and it's going to be a special flight for at least o
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president, senator and san francisco's mayor today. mayor london breed formally announced her reelection campaign. it was a packed house at the fillmore auditorium for breed's kickoff. the mayor was direct about some of the city's biggest challenges , saying she wouldn't apologize for her police crackdown on drug markets. but for the most part, breed's speech was hopeful, celebrating revitalization in the city and promising more change for downtown. >> it has to be a place where people work, where they live and where they play. so my economic recovery plan 30 by 30, bringing
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30,000 new residents to downtown by 2030. >> breed is facing four major challenges as former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell, nonprofit founder daniel lurie, supervisor aaron peskin and supervisor asha safai. the candidates were set to debate monday night at manny's in the mission, but organizers canceled the event after too many backed out. california's largest gathering of republicans is happening this weekend on the peninsula, and the biggest headline has nothing to do with our state. south dakota governor kristi noem spoke today at the california republican party's convention. she made headlines and potentially blew her vice presidential candidate chances after writing in her new book how she shot and killed her dog. the state gop defended noem's speech, calling her a proven leader in her speech, noem talked about people being too easily offended, urging us to talk to people we disagree with.
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>> we live in a country that is addicted to being offended, don't we? we just love to be offended. >> republicans best shot at statewide office didn't even show up for the convention. senate candidate steve garvey skipped the event. it's an unusual move for a major candidate, but it tracks with his strategy so far with limited public appearances in san francisco. they were partying today in thrive city. this was the official community celebration for the bay area's newest wnba team, the golden state valkyries. the team will play its game games at chase center starting in 2025. abc seven news reporter tara campbell spoke with fans who say the valkyries are arriving at just the right time. >> from the stage to the stands, big party vibes welcoming the golden state. valkyrie's such a historic moment for women, and i'm so glad to be a part of it and to be in the bay for this. >> and yeah, the nba's newest expansion team posting up at thrive city saturday outside
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chase center. >> i think women's sports is really having a resurgence and really becoming popular for everybody. >> i'm glad that women's sports is getting as much exposure as men's sports. i mean, like with soccer having as much exposure as men's soccer lately, basketball is next. >> just showing her that she can do it. >> she can do anything that she can. preparing the next generation of possible pros and fans alike. >> bringing a wnba team to the bay area means a lot to be able to see her grow up and watch her favorite stars on tv. the crowd treated to special musical guests, food, games and more. and the merch everywhere. >> i thought it was great that it actually has like the bay bridge in it because, you know, usually it's the golden gate bridge. so this is really good to include east bay. i think it is really beautiful that they'll play here. >> but then that there will be held headquartered in oakland, because i feel like right now oakland is going through a transition period and they can be a part of a vibrant,
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reemerging as well. we're all really excited for it. we're all ready for it. >> and obviously we're ready to support it. >> so super excited that it's coming next year. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> well, bay area residents are taking steps to. to support mental health. today the national alliance for mental illness, or nami, held a walk for mental health awareness. families and friends joined in for a 2.6 mile loop around san francisco's crissy field. by the end of the walk, the event had raised over $66,000 for mental health support. well, dozens of vendors are wrapping up an event highlighting indonesian culture and cuisine in san francisco. the indonesian bazaar at fort mason features food, clothing, dancing and handmade crafts. there was a sellout crowd for today's celebration. it's one of dozens happening during this asian american pacific islander heritage month. abc seven news anchor dion lim was part of the ribbon cutting for the event. we have lots of fun events
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happening this weekend. >> we really do all over the place and the weather is pretty nice for outdoor stuff and for indoor stuff. good to know. yeah, exactly. here's a look at what's happening right now on the satellite radar composite image. you can see we've got a fairly brisk onshore flow. we had that all day. in fact, we've had this kind of pattern for days now. so we've got the combination of the circulation around an area of high pressure out to our west and up in the northwest. there we've got an area of low pressure that the counterclockwise circulation added to the circulation around the high, bringing us a steady flow of rather brisk onshore winds. now, right now, the winds are a bit calmer than they were earlier in the evening. 18 mile per hour winds here in san francisco right now and just over ten mile per hour winds at many other locations. but it will get breezy again overnight going into the early morning hours. here's a live view from our exploratorium camera looking back at a portion of the san francisco skyline. it's currently 53 degrees here in the city. we've got mid to upper 50s at oakland, hayward, san jose, redwood city, and half moon bay. nice view from emeryville. looking back along the bay
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bridge, which has traffic now moving. it's 52 degrees right now in santa rosa, petaluma 50 mid 50s at napa, fairfield, concord and livermore. and a nice unobstructed view from mount tam looking down onto the bay and parts of san francisco right now, just a little thin haze off in the distance. we'll probably see a little bit more fog developing by morning, but for bay to breakers tomorrow. mostly sunny and pleasant. and then early next week we'll have a little bit of a warming trend with a series of sunny days and temperatures climbing back up to actually almost up to summer-like levels. and then late next week it'll turn gusty and sharply cooler. so no trend lasts very long these days. here's a look at our overnight futurecast showing a develop out of some low clouds and fog near the peninsula coastline, but looks like mainly clear skies for most of the mainly clear conditions. i should say for most of the remainder of the bay area, and maybe a little bit of low cloudiness over in oakland and livermore area as well. then by mid by midday tomorrow we'll have sunny skies just about everywhere. it's going to be a
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lovely day all across the bay area overnight. look for low temperatures up in the north bay, mainly in the mid to upper 40s, so that will be our chilliest region. the remainder of the bay area will generally see low temperatures in the low 50s. and of course the bay to breakers. tomorrow we'll have mainly sunny skies in the morning as well as the runners are gathering 7 a.m. or so as the race gets started at 8:00, about 55 degrees here in the city, which may seem cool, but once you get moving, it will warm up and the temperatures are going to warm up as well. about a degree or so each hour as we approach midday, high temperatures in the afternoon mid 60s here in san francisco, upper 60s to low 70s around the bay shoreline, upper 70s to near 80 in the warmest inland locations. and then the afternoon highs on monday will climb into the low 80s as that warming trend gets underway. we'll see mid to upper 80s on tuesday and then back down to the low 80s inland on wednesday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. that three day warming trend looks pretty good. if you're not happy with the rather coolish weather we've had lately. but then again, as i
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mentioned by late next week, we'll see a sharp cool down on thursday with breezy, gusty conditions and that will take us into the weekend, which is going to be cooler than average once again. >> well, it feels like spring. it does. yeah. all right spencer thank you. yeah it does. well still ahead on abc seven news at 11. put to the test some of p-g-and-e's most talented are at the lineman's rodeo. we'll see how th
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dozens of teams took part in what's known as the lineman's rodeo at p-g-and-e's headquarters in livermore. more than 100 competitors from utility agencies took part in today's events, which include pole climbing, companion rescue and other skills. the top finishers advanced to compete in the international lineman's rodeo later this year. it was moving day at the pga
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championship and on the diamond. the giants light up the scoreboard. chris alvarez is here with a preview of sports. >> hey, lauren. coming up in sports, a former cal star finds himself atop the leaderboard at the pga championship and matos making magic. how the giants outfielder luis matos is putting his name in the a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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to do something this afternoon. they haven't done all season long. when three games in a row, it's the longest streak to start the season for the team since 1972. center fielder luis matos, continuing an amazing week trying to help get three in a row. a different kind of boarding in the cove, skateboarding, shredding on mccovey cove. bottom one two on two out. matos facing former giant ty block. and he gets all of that run three run shot to left center. added another rbi later. that's nine rbi in two games. sets a new franchise record with 15 rbi in his first six games of the season. wow wow. top of the fifth six three game deep fly to center. matos on the move. move in tracking and leaps in. oh what a catch. second home run robbery. this week. another hard crash in the wall. but he did stay in the
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game. de la sal high product kyle hairston on the mound loves it. he get the win in this game. bottom eight matos stay hot with the bat two run single six rbi game becomes the fourth giant in franchise history to have at least five rbi in consecutive games. giants win 14 four three in a row for the first time this season. they'll go for the sweep tomorrow. what a week for matos, man. >> it's a lot of rbis. guys from our system. guys that you know came up with as giants are now getting a shot with the big league team and getting probably their best chance ever. so yeah, it's been a jolt of energy for us. and you know it's like i said it's been a really good feeling in the dugout. >> the kids are playing well. chiefs head coach andy reid and casey to watch the a's and royals chiefs are going to be at levi's in october for a super bowl rematch in the second. a's down two nothing until seth brown two run shot to center fourth of the year. we're all tied up bottom five same score. a starter ross stripling gives up the go ahead run to vinny pasquino uh- rbi single, three
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two royals. and when he does something good, a sasquatch appears at the stadium. watch out. a's lose five three, seven straight losses. they dropped to ten games under 500, but got all the past watch. all right, moving day. the pga championship at valhalla. it's in louisville, kentucky. justin thomas grew up in the area and the hometown kid. check this out on 14. follow the yellow line and in for the birdie. what a shot. tied for fifth. he's five strokes off the pace which is set by cal's collin morikawa. took the lead on 15 when this rolled around the cup twice. and in he's at 15 under tied for the lead with xander schauffele heading into championship sunday slot right here on abc seven. the mavs trying to close out the thunder. okc led by as many as 17, but luka doncic gives dallas the lead late. oh what a bucket dirk in the crowd loves it luka had a team high 29, but shay gilgeous alexander sga had a game high 36. back and forth we go down the stretch in the
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fourth quarter final seconds. mavs down one, doncic in trouble and pj washington fouled on a wild shot. it was reviewed and upheld. he would make the free throws and the desperation heave right here. no good. mavs win 117 116. they'll face the denver minnesota winner in the western conference finals. abc seven sports, sponsored by river rock casino. lauren thank you much more to come on abc seven news at 11. >> an alarming new study is out on the health impacts from last year's devastating maui wildfires. plus, a little taco stand lands a very big award that's definitely going to boost business where you can find
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seven deaths are being blamed on a powerful storm that roared through houston earlier this week. hundreds of thousands of people remain without power, with the heat wave now gripping the region, that means no air conditioning to cool off. here's abc's derrick dennis.
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>> the national weather service confirms it was a storm called a derecho that struck the houston area late thursday, bringing straight line winds with gusts as high as 100mph. several fatalities are being blamed on the severe weather, including 31 year old christine martin. as a mother of four who was moving her suv, she ran out. >> the tree snapped and she thought she was safer in the truck, so she went in the truck from what i know, and that's when the tree fell. >> an 85 year old woman also killed when lightning struck her trailer. the storm knocked out power to hundreds of thousands. officials say it could be weeks before power is restored in some areas. >> the next few weeks are going to be hard for some folks in our community. they're going to be uncomfortable, but we've been through this. >> houston's independent school district, the state's largest, working through the weekend to repair multiple campuses, damaged by the storm. >> the goal is to try to get every school ready by monday if the power comes on, so kids can go to can go to school.
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>> and more severe weather is in the forecast. >> we've also got our eye on the state of wisconsin, where just recently a severe thunderstorm watch was issued. but we are monitoring the situation in the south. the east coast of florida could see thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. we see an elevated risk for severe weather in places like central kansas, where they could see tornadoes tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow evening. >> meanwhile, record heat is expected to linger across parts of the south and central u.s. into early next week. temperatures in houston, where many residents are still without power, could reach into the 90s, and in south florida, a heat advisory is in effect with heat indexes ranging from 105 to 110 degrees. derek dennis, abc news, new york. >> well, researchers at the university of hawaii are studying the health effects from last year's wildfires on maui. the study has found that almost half of the participants have compromised lung functions, and 74% had difficulty breathing. many involved in the study had not seen a medical professional.
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the maui wildfire killed at least 101 people, making it the deadliest u.s. wildfire in the last century. now, the latest on the war in ukraine. the country's troops are struggling to hold russian forces at bay. ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky says thousands of people have been evacuated from the region around kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city. at least a dozen cities have already been swallowed up by russia's progress. abc news reporter james longman got a look at the wreckage left behind by a guided bomb that struck one neighborhood. >> this hit just a few hours ago. we actually heard it hit. got investigators here on the site. the house ruined, and you can see the crater there in the garden. >> the un says more than 10 million ukrainians have been displaced since the war began two years ago. new developments with the israel-hamas war. a member of israel's war cabinet
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is threatening to quit unless prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't come up with a plan to replace hamas. the ultimatum, however, was rejected by the prime minister's office. netanyahu has resisted calls to replace hamas with the palestinian authority, which has the backing of the united states . looking live out at sfo and oakland airport this evening, one of the cheaper airlines there is planning a big change low cost carrier frontier airlines is revamping its fare structure and eliminating change fees. it's a move to attract more travelers by packaging travel extras. passengers will now have the option to choose bundles that include priority boarding, seat assignments and checked baggage, and the changes come just in time for memorial day weekend, which 3 million travelers are expected to fly. >> we added pilots, we've added flight attendants, we're flying about 5% more flights with
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larger aircraft. we're fully staffed. we're ready to go. >> the tsa is forecasting friday, may 24th, to be the busiest travel day of the holiday weekend. richard branson's virgin galactic and jeff bezos's blue origin are preparing to launch tourists into orbit this summer. virgin galactic is scheduled to launch two pilots and four crew members on june 8th from new mexico. if all goes well, blue origin will send its six passengers as early as sunday. it's been over a year and a half since blue origin had last launched, which included star trek actor william shatner. this year's launch will host another 90 year old space tourist, ed dwight. dwight was selected by john f kennedy in 1961 to be the nation's first black astronaut, but he never made it to space. >> i was first getting a world of big favors for not doing something. how do you get paid for not doing something?
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>> dwight is expected to finally complete his mission. he started 63 years ago. well, still ahead on abc seven news at 11 month after month benefits stolen from families in need. and experts say it doesn't have to be this way. the seven on your side investigation. >> next, i'm spencer christian for tomorrow's bay to breakers race. we'll see. cool morning temperatures steadily rising as we get into the midday hours. it will be even milder in other places. i'll have the accuweather seven day, seven day forecast coming up in just a moment
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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el khalifa de leon. taco stand stretches for blocks and its working class san rafael neighborhood. each of the tacos
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sells for about $85 or 5 usd. the restaurant has been in business since 1968. the owner of the stand says that earning the michelin star was an unexpected surprise. while previous owners of the iphone 7th may be entitled to some money from apple, the computer giant just recently agreed to pay out a $35 million settlement. the original lawsuit claimed apple was aware of the phone's technical glitches and audio problems, but refused to fix them. you can file a claim if you owned an iphone 7 or 7 plus between september 2016 and january 2023, apple denies any wrongdoing. as part of the settlement, many benefits taken from those most in need. seven on your side is digging into complaints from viewers that their ebt benefits were drained before they could use them. abc seven news i-team reporter
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melanie woodrow takes a closer look at what's happening. jennifer eversole is a mom of six kids, with her seventh on the way. >> my fiance works, but we do need a little assistance. >> it's the difference between being able to provide for my family and not being able to. >> eversole says she receives cash and food benefits, but discovered someone else was draining the funds from her account every morning on the first. >> on the way to dropping my kids off at school, i grabbed the rent out of the atm, and 7-eleven is just the most convenient one right there. there was a mom in front of me saying, don't use this atm. all of my benefits were stolen. >> when eversole checked her account, she realized it had happened to her too. she immediately reported it and filled out the necessary paperwork to have her benefits replaced. >> they told me that this was happening to a lot of people. there was a ton of people in there that had their benefits taken as well. >> but her resolution didn't last long. >> in the very next month, even though it was a new card and a new pin, my benefits were taken again. >> the department of social
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services tells abc seven news. this type of ebt theft emerged in late 2021, and that skimming involves stealing the information through a device implanted on a card terminal. >> it is insanity. the usda is still using a glorified hotel room case. >> that's what haywood telco, ceo of lexisnexis risk government solutions group, compares the ebt card to from a security perspective, he says, the crooks are using skimming devices to duplicate cardholders information, and that a chip enabled card, much like a credit card, would be encrypted and safer until it's fixed. >> these criminals, it's a feeding frenzy. >> the national grocers association tells abc seven news that california will likely be one of the first states to transition to chip cards, writing in an emailed statement, quote, the usda and nca are actively participating in developing the standards to allow this transition as soon as possible, the california department of social services says chip tap card implementation is expected this summer. last year, california rolled out a mobile app called ebt edge to protect against benefit theft. it allows users to freeze their card when
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they're not using it, change their pin lock online and out of state transactions, or request a replacement card. eversole started using the app after she was the victim of ebt theft multiple times. >> i'm hoping that this is going to prevent it. telco says it doesn't go far enough. >> a lot of people don't know about that yet, and some of the food insecure guess what? they don't have smartphones that are capable of downloading the app. >> in the meantime, he says, there are three ways people can protect themselves from ebt theft. go to bigger stores as opposed to smaller ones, though that's something the national association of convenience stores disputes. >> unfortunately, fraudsters try to take advantage of businesses of all sorts. >> we think giving that kind of advice would give consumers was in some ways a false sense of security and it would be bad for small businesses. >> alcove also suggests change your pin after each time you use your card and push down on the point of sale terminal to see if it feels like it has any give a
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sign it may have a skimmer device on it. if it does, don't put your card in. >> i feel like they're not really doing enough and i feel like it's not just affecting us, it's affecting taxpayers. thankfully, we have a little bit to fall back on and family when that happens, but there are some people that have nothing. >> melanie woodrow, abc seven news have a consumer issue. >> seven on your side wants to hear from you. send us your stories online at abc seven on your side. well spencer christian joining me now. we're halfway through the weekend. we are indeed. >> and it's been a pretty good one so far. yes. hoping for even warmer weather tomorrow. yes. here's a look at what's happening. these are the forecast headlines. bay to breakers tomorrow of course. mostly sunny in the morning. pretty pleasant. cool but pleasant. early next week we can expect a real warming trend that will make it feel like summer for a couple of days. but then later in the week, gusty winds and sharply cooler weather for tonight, a little bit of fog near the peninsula coastline generally clear skies though overnight lows in the upper 40s to low 50s across the region. then tomorrow mainly sunny,
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certainly by afternoon, with high temperatures ranging from upper 50s at the coast to mainly upper 60s and low 70s near the bay to upper 70s near 80 inland. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. and there's that warming trend monday, tuesday, wednesday, tuesday, upper 80s inland. so that's pretty toasty for this time of the year. but then thursday it cools down sharply under gusty conditions. and going into the end of the week and next weekend, cooler than average all over again. seems like the weekends have been pretty cool recently. i mean pleasant but cooler than average, right? >> no, absolutely. all right, spencer, thank you. now to chris with a preview of sports. >> hey, lauren. coming up in sports, there will be no triple crown winner this year. a muddy race in the second leg of the triple crown and leaving a legacy. the important event for one of the most iconic players in forty-niners
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out in san jose earlier this
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week for the fourth annual dwight clark legacy series, honoring the forty-niners legend, who died of als in 2018. charity auction event benefits the golden heart foundation, which helps 40 niners alumni going through hard times after their playing days. 40 niners quarterbacks from steve young to brock purdy were on hand. i caught up with former 40 niners offensive tackle harris barton for the event. the fourth annual dwight clark legacy series. we're four for four for you. what does this event mean? well this brings a lot of my old teammates together, a lot of new teammates that that i've been cheering for together for a common cause. >> and the causes really helping out the 40 niners that gave it their all in the 70s and 80s to this organization. and they fallen on some bad times and need some help. and so that's what we that's what we try and do here with the golden heart fund. and dwight was big into this because you know he believed in his players. and we were we were all brothers. and when he passed away he said listen we got to do something to help help out former players. and that's what we're doing
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tonight. >> what was dwight like for those that don't know him? take us behind the scenes. >> dwight clark dwight was a glue. you know, he was a guy that kind of. he went through three generations here in the 70s and 80s and 90s as either a player or as in the back office. and, everything rotated around dwight. i mean, he was kind of like the center of the universe. and so player young players, old players, you know, black, white, everybody kind of got along with dwight. and when he passed away, we all felt like we had lost something there. and, bringing this together every, every year kind of remembered how great dwight was and what he did for this organization. >> real quick, brock purdy, though your analysis on him and where he's going. >> i love brock purdy. yeah, you know, i mean, brock purdy to come in here to do this tonight. i mean, he's my hero, right? he didn't have to do this. and, you know, here's a guy who's new to the bay area. he's coming out, he's supporting the organization, you know, and, for to that that type of that type of, you know, effort, makes me a big fan. >> what a great event. let's kick it. the quakes hosting
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orlando city young fan waving his rally towel scoreless into the 88th minute. quakes a great chance. jack skaane. oh. fires in the goalie. just gets a hand on it. stays nil nil. less than a minute later orlando on the attack and jacqueline back of the net. his second goal of the season ends up being the game winner. quakes fall one nil. studying notes on the farm. what else is new ncaa softball tournament? stanford trying to advance to the regional final. up one nothing in the second. ava gall up and out to right two nothing. cardinal. she stomps on home plate. more than enough support for sophomore sensation nigiri kennedy. complete game three hitter with 13 strikeouts on 118 pitches. she gets to wear the crown. stanford wins two one. they'll face cal state fullerton in the regional final, and cal was eliminated in their regional earlier today. muddy day in baltimore, second leg of the triple crown preakness stakes nfl mvp lamar jackson suited and in the crowd kentucky
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derby winner mystic dan the favorite. but it sees the gray who stays ahead down the stretch to win it. mystic dan just holding off, catching freedom for second. and with the victory, 88 year old dwayne lucas becomes the oldest trainer ever to win a triple crown race. sees the gray paid off at 9 to 1. abc seven sports is sponsored by river rock casino. lauren >> chris. thank you. a reminder that you can watch all our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and start streaming. that's it for tonight. i'm lauren martinez, abc seven news continues tomorrow morning at five for spencer and chris. thank you for joining us.
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