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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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ginion protests, this latest one interrupting a bay area graduation ceremony. and we'll take you live outside this morning as we're counting down until a classic san francisco
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tradition returns. thousands are gearing up for this year's bay to breakers. good morning everybody. it's sunday, may 19th. we have a lot to get to this morning. but first we begin with the weather. and boy, that may gray yesterday you really had to be by the coast in the city. >> i know to me yeah, otherwise it was a cool day with some sunshine. as we start out this morning, we certainly have some patchy fog. it extends up to the north bay in marin and along the coastline, and just a little bit across the bay there. patchy at best. so we're talking about low 50s today. this morning danville , 54, in fremont and san jose with 52 in santa rosa 45 novato. so compared to 24 hours ago, we're anywhere from 2 to 9 degrees cooler. and look at that picture from mount tam. we'll start out with the patchy fog, then increasing sunshine even at the coast by noontime. low 60s bay shore, low 70s inland and perhaps about 80 out towards brentwood, 70 around fremont and still in the 50s with some sun at the coast. stephanie, lisa. >> thank you. a pro-palestinian encampment on the ucsf parnassus
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campus is now gone. a school administrator yesterday asked protesters to leave, and they did. ucsf put out a statement saying the encampment was disrupting its health care operations, much like other groups around the country. the demonstrators were asking for ucsf specifically to divest from israel. the university of california system has said it will not boycott israel to the north bay now, where a week of controversy at sonoma state university has intensified after the sudden retirement of president mike lee, the csu chancellor placed lee on leave after he made a deal with pro-palestinian protesters without proper approval. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard shows us what unraveled during graduation >> hundreds of sonoma state grads rocking their caps and gowns during commencement ceremonies after a dramatic week
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on campus involving former president mike lee. but alex can't think about that right now. >> today's about me. i'm glad to have my dad here to see me graduate, so that was more on my mind than the school. >> lee's retirement was announced friday by csu chancellor mildred garcia, a day after she put him on leave for insubordination because of an agreement lee made with pro-palestinian student protesters who had occupied an encampment. lee told them he would initiate an academic boycott of israel, among other things, which angered the jewish community. there was no communication with the jewish community, with the with the jewish students, with faculty, it was as if we didn't exist. >> students for justice in palestine held this silent protest during graduation. for more than an hour, a line of police not letting the group approach the commencement stage. sonoma state's acting president acknowledged this week's controversy with student protesters without even mentioning mike lee by name. >> i also want to acknowledge this current moment in time, one
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in which college campuses, including our own, have been spaces of social change, and i am proud of this university community for appropriately focusing today's attention on our graduates and their supporters. >> i am very mixed feelings right now. >> bd white supports mike lee and says she refused to shake hands with the acting president after getting her diploma. >> thank you for taking a stand, president lee, i hope you enjoy retirement and thank you for doing the right thing. >> activist susan lamont, standing outside with this sign supporting lee university's today are are totally corporately owned now, you know, just by their investments and that sort of thing. last weekend, pro-palestinian protesters interrupted uc berkeley's graduation ceremony. saturday's sonoma state commencement saw no delays but lots of pomp and circumstance at sonoma state. cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> stay with us for continuing coverage of the college campus protests here in the bay area and across the nation. you can
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get the very latest anytime over on our website, abc seven all right. in san francisco, traffic is moving once again on the lower deck of the bay bridge. look at this video. that's after a fire burning right next to the tunnel caused a shutdown. it started just before three yesterday. firefighters say high winds plus the steep hillside made the fire fight difficult. it was also bad timing for those leaving the giants game. chp shut down the eastbound lanes of the bridge to give firefighters more space to work, and that triggered a backup that stretched for about five miles and spilled onto the streets of san francisco. new developments in the sentencing of the man who attacked paul pelosi with a hammer, the federal judge is now ordering a new hearing for david depape, according to the washington post. the judge acknowledged that depape was not given an opportunity to speak at his sentencing hearing. now, a new hearing has been scheduled for tuesday, may 28th. on friday, david depape was sentenced to 30 years over the assault on then
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house speaker nancy pelosi's husband. prosecutors in the east bay will not file criminal charges against the richmond police officers who shot and killed a man last summer. richmond police, show me your hands. >> show me your hands. >> that is the moment before bullets pummeled out. in june, richmond police arrested a man with a gun and were searching his home. at the time, the suspect's roommate, 66 year old kevin mcdonald, was inside that home. prosecutors say when officers opened the door to mcdonald's room, he pointed an assault rifle at them. two officers then fired, killing mcdonald. they later found dozens of guns in his room. and this week, the contra costa county district attorney's office decided the officers acted in self-defense and should not face criminal charges. happening right now, two stretches of interstate 680, in the east bay are partially closed this weekend. caltrans has shut down three lanes of southbound 680 for road work from al costa boulevard in san
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ramon to the 580 connector in pleasanton. that closure is scheduled to end at 4 a.m. tomorrow. also, the express lane and left shoulder of northbound 680 is closed between amador valley boulevard in dublin and al costa boulevard in san ramon. those detours are in place for both of those closures, and it's the final weekend closure for highway 37 in the north bay. the eastbound side of the highway, which extends from sears point to vallejo. we've been telling you a lot about this, will remain closed until 5:00 tomorrow for caltrans. is repaving the road, and the detour route involves taking one, 21, 12, and 29, which you see are all highlighted in green . farm laborers calling for better work conditions took their demands to the streets of healdsburg. more than 200 farm workers and supporters rallied to demand disaster pay and what they call dignified wages. the
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rally was organized by the group north bay jobs with justice. they say they held the event at the same time as the healdsburg wine and food experience. to illustrate the economic gap between many in the wine industry and those who actually work in the vineyards. three one. today, the bay area's wackiest running event kicks off here in san francisco, and thousands of people are gearing up to take off from the embarcadero for bay to breakers. it's fun for the racers, but it also can make for a traffic headache for anyone else in the city. the sfmta has already started shutting down certain streets. that race begins at 8 a.m. this morning, and runners are going from the embarcadero all the way to ocean beach. it's around 7.4 miles. that will make it hard to get around, so sfmta says most streets should reopen by 2:00 this afternoon. we have a full list of road closures and
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all the details you need to know to attend or steer clear of this traffic, and you can find it all over on our website abc7 all right, let's check on conditions outside. how's it looking, lisa? >> all right. we have a mixture of partly cloudy skies and that fog closer to the shoreline. here's a look at san francisco, where the runners will be greeted with a little bit of fog but more sun as the morning wears on. with low 50s and temperatures trying to come up a bit today, but more likely a significant warm up monday and tuesday. i'll explain next. >> thanks, lisa. also ahead, the mayoral race heats up in san francisco. a look at the candidates up against mayor london breed as she kicks off her reelection campaign and go valkyries. the celebration that had plenty of fans cheering outside chase
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mayor london breed formally announced her reelection campaign this weekend. it was a packed house at the fillmore auditorium for breed's kickoff event. the mayor was direct about some of the city's biggest challenges, saying she would not apologize for her police crackdown on drug markets. but for the most part, breed's speech was hopeful. celebrating revitalization in the city and promising more change for downtown. >> it has to be a place where people work, where they live and where they play. so my economic recovery plan 30 by 30, bringing 30,000 new residents to downtown by 2030. >> breed is facing four major challengers former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell, nonprofit founder daniel lurie, supervisor aaron peskin, and supervisor asha sapphire. the candidates were set to debate tomorrow night at manny's in the mission, but organizers ended up canceling that event after too
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many people backed out on the peninsula. now, california's largest gathering of republicans is happening this weekend, and the biggest headline has nothing to do with our state. south dakota governor kristi noem spoke yesterday at the california republican party's convention. she made headlines and potentially blew her vice presidential candidate chances after riding in her new book, how she shot and killed her dog. the state gop defended noem's speech, calling her a proven leader in her speech. she did talk about people being too easily offended, urging us to talk to people we disagree with. >> we live in a country that is addicted to being offended, don't we? we just love to be offended. >> republicans best shot at state. the statewide office did not show up for the convention. that's senate candidate steve garvey, who skipped the event. it's an unusual move for a major candidate, but it does track with his strategy so far, with limited public appearances in
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the east bay, one city is looking to build a better bay area by tapping into its maritime history. antioch's mayor is going overseas to asia with hopes to attract new investors and build up the city's reputation in the business world. abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke to the mayor about his upcoming trip. >> if you're trying to get your goods shipped into the united states faster and quicker, come to antioch. >> that's the pitch antioch mayor lamar hernandez will be making on his business trip this coming week to china. it's part of an annual visit of bay area mayors with chinese investors and businesses. >> we're competing with cities off the i-5 corridor where there is advanced manufacturing. we're going to be competing with cities like milpitas, fremont and san jose, where there is advanced manufacturing innovation taking place. >> the mayor says that could include manufacturing computer chips or electric car batteries. another big pitch antioch's deep water ports, which are connected to the bnsf railway. in april, the first of eight ships docked in antioch as part of the first
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phase of an ports expansion into the city and port, is one of the world's largest automotive shipping companies. >> the first ship that came from imports came from china. they brought some buicks over and now they're shipping them off to the east coast. >> hernandez thorpe also sees this as an opportunity to showcase how the region is building up its infrastructure, such as in east contra costa county with its micro transit system that connects pittsburg, antioch, brentwood and oakley, and how antioch deep water ports can help distinguish the city as another gateway to california. >> i don't think we're striving to be oakland, uh, but we are. i think we can be like benicia. we can be like, west sacramento. >> this year's leadership team includes mayors from san carlos, east palo alto and oakley. their first stop meetings in hong kong. >> we're not competing for, you know, just small mom and pop shops. we're also competing for, businesses that traditionally have not been out here in east county. and so that's why this trip is so important in antioch. >> anser hassan abc seven news. >> happening today, organizers
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are holding a climate rally against the chevron refinery in richmond. it's at unity park starting at noon. organizers are hoping to draw attention to environmental concerns they have with the company's practices. they say they will focus on demands they have for chevron to end practices in israel and palestine. also, in the east bay , some of the most skilled utility workers around put their abilities to the test. look at this. dozens of teams took part in what's known as the lineman's rodeo at p-g-and-e's headquarters in livermore. more than 100 competitors from utility agencies took part. linemen competed in pole climbing, as you see here, companion rescue and other skills. the top finishers advanced to the international lineman's rodeo, which is later this year. bay area residents are taking steps to support mental health. the national alliance for mental illness, or nami, held a walking event yesterday for mental health awareness. families and friends
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joined together for a 2.6 mile walk around san francisco's crissy field. by the end, the event had raised over $66,000 for mental health support in san francisco. fans were partying in thrive city this was the official community celebration for the bay area's newest wnba team, the golden state valkyries. the team will play its games at chase center starting in 2025. abc seven news reporter tara campbell spoke with fans who say the valkyries are arriving at just the right time. >> from the stage to the stands, big party vibes welcoming the golden state. valkyrie's such a historic moment for women, and i'm so glad to be a part of it and to be in the bay for this. >> and yeah, the wnba's newest expansion team posting up at thrive city saturday outside chase center. >> i think women's sports is really having a resurgence and really becoming popular for everybody. >> i'm glad that women's sports is getting as much exposure as
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men's sports. i mean, like with soccer, having as much exposure as men's soccer lately, basketball is next. >> just showing her that she can do it. she can do anything that she can. >> preparing the next generation of possible pros and fans alike. bringing a wnba team to the bay area means a lot to be able to see her grow up and watch her favorite stars on tv. the crowd treated to special musical guests, food, games and more and the merch everywhere. >> i thought it was great that it actually has like the bay bridge in it because, you know, usually it's the golden gate bridge. so this is really good to include east bay. >> i think it is really beautiful that they'll play here, but then that there will be held. headquartered in oakland, because i feel like right now oakland is going through a transition period and they can be a part of a vibrant, reemerging as well. >> i'm really excited for it. we're all ready for it and obviously we're ready to support it. so super excited that it's coming next year. >> tara campbell, abc seven
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news. >> yeah, you can feel that excitement. i spoke with the valkyries team president jeff smith earlier this week, asking about how they landed on that name and lisa. she said there were 200 answers to a poll asking for suggestions, but there was one answer that had 25% of people actually writing it in, and that was the valkyries. very neat. all right, well, just ahead, why people high on fentanyl can't you know what? we're having some technical difficulties with our prompter. we're going to turn to weather now. lisa >> all right. we are setting up for a nice day today. the fog confined to the shoreline, pretty much. but there are patches which have moved across the bay. but we'll be greeted with more sun. that's the main takeaway. there's a system that is going to drop off to the north of us. still creating those gusty winds. and then we'll look for northerly winds to take over monday, tuesday. that's the system right there. that's going to keep us in the cooler side of things. but at
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least we're going to brighten up a little bit. there's a look at mount tam. that sun comes up at 556 this morning. and a look at the current numbers, ranging from about 50, in redwood city, 52 san francisco. there's fog at half moon bay, 53. in oakland, hayward is at 56, and there is san jose, where temperatures this morning are pretty much all in the 50s. a few cooler upper 40s in petaluma. there's 53 in concord, and yesterday we had that push of low clouds all the way across the bay. so starting out this morning for the bay to breakers partly sunny and cool. and then as we get into the afternoon, a nice day with more sunshine. monday and tuesday is our warm up. and then as we get into later in the week, gusty winds and sharply cooler. so here's a look at the fog footprint this morning. you can see it up in the north bay all the way down the coast. and just a few patches over here towards the east bay. but then by about 730 8:00 it is on the move and it dissipates. so we'll be looking at sunshine and then those winds increasing. so 7:00
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next couple of hours about 53 degrees, partly cloudy and then into the mid 50s as we get through the morning hours with that sun. and it looks like the winds kicking up throughout the afternoon. so breezy to start out with 15 to 20 miles an hour. but throughout the afternoon these gusts increased from 30 to 40 miles an hour point. raise the marin county coast and right around half moon bay there so as we look at the warmest day of the week, which will be tuesday, notice we've got mid and upper 80s out towards our east bay valleys, the mid 70s to upper 70s, bay shore. look at that 73 in oakland, in san francisco in the 60s. but we get that cooling as soon as wednesday. not too much cooling because you'll notice that we're still holding on to the 80s. but the trend is for the cooler weather to arrive as we get into the latter part of the week. and there's a look at thursday, where temperatures are pleasant, but the winds will be kicking up again and just in time for the holiday weekend. it is looking like some cooler than
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average weather. here's a look at your highs today for sunday we've got the winds building at the coast sunshine. but despite that, still in the upper 50s half moon bay looking at 65 san francisco, upper 60s in oakland, so near average up to about 80 today. santa rosa 78. in concord with 76 in san jose. so the accuweather 70 forecast sunny and milder today. the warming begins tomorrow and that summer-like warmth takes hold on tuesday. still mild to warm out there by wednesday. and then the breeze kicks up. the fog expands and we are cooler as we get set into the memorial day weekend. stephanie. >> lisa, thanks. just ahead, why people high on fentanyl can't stand up straight. a greater understanding of the drug's effect that can help us build a better
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community is trying to
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understand just what fentanyl does to the human body. one thing you may have witnessed people so high, they're just bent over what causes that stance and what are the long term impacts? our building a better bay area reporter, lyanne melendez, looked into what is happening and has an answer. people bent over, appearing as if they were frozen in place is a common sight in san francisco's tenderloin district. >> the simple explanation it's a degree of loss of consciousness and a degree of loss of muscular control. >> fentanyl is responsible, but the effects of the opioid continue to linger on as the person continues with their daily life, in most cases, awake but not able to stand up. we bumped into andy burger, who tried to explain his physical state at that moment. when did you use last? use fentanyl. today so it's still obviously in your body? yeah for sure. and you're not able to, you know, straighten up.
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>> i mean i can it just like it hurts a lot to have to do that. >> fentanyl can be both a short acting drug and a long acting drug. so some people, they're back upright in 45 minutes to an hour. and some people could be longer than that. >> doctor daniel ceccaroni is a ucsf professor of addiction medicine. he says fentanyl in long term users takes time to clear out of the system, because the drug tends to accumulate in the fat tissue. the research community has yet to determine if fentanyl impacts your spine at all. berger, meanwhile, told us he's more concerned about his swollen legs than his back. >> people's legs, legs swell up, sores on them like that. >> what researchers think might be happening there is that because the chemical is acidic, in some cases, it eventually makes veins collapse. >> i just didn't care about anything. drugs was my only driving force every day. benkhert once a heavy fentanyl user, weighed only 100 pounds
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when a spine infection sent him to the emergency room. i wore a hole in my leg from being in the wheelchair so long and that got infected, and then that infection went into my spine. >> mind you, campofrio had existing back issues. his pain is what drove him to addiction. the use of fentanyl made his condition even worse. because of that infection. you csf surgeons had to remove two of his discs. and as seen in this spine health animation, two implants were inserted, providing more spacing between the vertebrae. this relieved the pressure on the nerves. kemper frida now lives in oregon and considers himself among the few able to get off fentanyl. earlier this year, he hiked the well-known camino de santiago de compostela in spain. that's approximately 550 miles. how's your back? >> my back is great. i'm in better shape than i've been in
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since i was 20. i exercise every day, i'm. i stay very active. i'm just. i'm very grateful that i had the second chance at getting my life together. for now, i'm great. i'm staying healthy, and that's. that's the most important thing to me in san francisco. >> leon melendez, abc seven news in san francisco. >> the debate continues over harm reduction versus abstinence , and ben agrees that if you can backfire, if you can force someone into treatment. but he also acknowledges that the reason he is clean, free of fentanyl is because he was forced to be hospitalized for his back. coming up in our next half hour on abc, seven mornings, frustration grows in the middle east term oil in israel's war cabinet. as the idf forces move into rafah. plus severe storms across the south hitting millions of americans. we take a look at the damage
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪) belvita! my dry eye's made me a burning,
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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hour with a look at the weather. and lisa is here. >> yeah, we have that fog, but it is dense at the coast and it's patchy across the bay, so that's going to work out well for bay to breakers. and as we look at the golden gate bridge you'll notice that you see that line there. so it is not as widespread as it was yesterday. 52 san francisco half moon bay. there is fog there, 54 in san jose with hayward checking in at 56 in mount tam, the sun coming up at in another 25 minutes. low 50s santa rosa fog in the north bay through petaluma and along the marin county coastline. and as a result, we are anywhere from 2 to 7 degrees cooler. this morning. so look at what happens at 8:00. the fog is just around half moon bay and points south, and we will brighten up all across the bay. 11 12:00 near 70 inland and then mid and upper 70s with the breezy and cool day at the shoreline.
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>> stephanie lisa thank you. developing news now out of the south. at least seven people have been killed by a powerful storm that struck houston late last week. and more than 400,000 customers in texas are currently without power. here's abc news reporter derek dennis with more. >> the national weather service now says the storm that struck the houston area late thursday was a derecho, packing wind gusts as high as 100mph. the severe weather causing several deaths. a lightning strike killed an 85 year old woman in her trailer and 31 year old kristen martinez, a mother of four, died while moving her suv. >> she ran out the tree. it snapped, and she thought she was safer in the truck. so she went in the truck from what i know, and that's when the tree fell. >> hundreds of thousands losing power. officials say it will be a while before electricity is fully restored for the next few weeks are going to be hard for some folks in our community. >> they're going to be uncomfortable. but we've been through this. houston's
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independent school district, working through the weekend to repair dozens of campuses damaged by the storm. >> the goal is to try to get every school ready by monday if the power comes on so kids can go to can go to school and more severe weather is expected. >> meanwhile, record heat is forecast to settle in across the south and central u.s. into early next week. temperatures could reach into the 90s in houston, where many residents are still without power, and a heat advisory is in effect in south florida, with heat indexes ranging from 105 to 110 degrees. derek dennis, abc news, new york . >> researchers at the university of hawaii are studying the health effects from last year's wildfires in maui. the study has found that almost half of the participants have compromised lung functions, and 74% had difficulty breathing. many involved in the study had not seen a medical professional. the maui wildfire killed at least 101 people, making it the
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deadliest u.s. wildfire in the last century. we're following new developments in the israel-hamas war. the israeli military has recovered the body of another hostage in the gaza strip. idf says ron benjamin's body was recovered along with previous three others in that same operation. the 53 year old was killed on october 7th during a bicycle trip, and his body was taken to gaza. now here's a live look at gaza right now, where three u.s. medical workers are staying, even as the american government tells them they need to leave, warning they may not be able to get them out later. and in israel, a member of israel's war cabinet is threatening to quit unless prime minister benjamin netanyahu does not come up with a plan to replace hamas. the ultimatum, however, was rejected by the prime minister's office. netanyahu has resisted calls to replace hamas with the palestinian authority, which has
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the backing of the u.s. now to the latest on the war in ukraine. russia has reported at least 60 drones and several missiles were shot down over its territory overnight. ukraine says it destroyed over 30 russian drones and the ukrainian military is struggling to hold russian forces at bay. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky says thousands of people have been evacuated from the region around kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city. at least a dozen cities have already been swallowed up by russia's progress. abc news reporter james longman got a look at the wreckage left behind by a guided bomb that struck one neighborhood. >> in this hit, just a few hours ago, we actually heard it hit, got investigators here on the site. the house roof ed. and you can see the crater there in the garden. >> the un says more than 10
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million ukrainians have been displaced since the war began two years ago. and just an hour biden is set to give the commencement speech at morehouse college as campus unrest continues. it's a prestigious, historically backed, all male university in atlanta, and he's trying to appeal to black voters. but biden's presence will come as tensions rise at campuses across the country. many students expressing frustration with the president for his administration's continued support of israel's military campaign in gaza. president david a thomas of the campus, says the school began. the speaker selection process last summer. president thomas says he will allow silent non-disruptive protests, and he also adds he would shut down ceremonies on the spot rather than allow police to remove student protesters in zip ties if things escalate. coming up on this week with the first presidential debate set for june , former trump adviser mark lauder talks about donald
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trump's strategy. with new debate rules now in place. you can watch the full interview on this week with george stephanopoulos at eight this morning, right here on abc seven. happening today, jeff bezos blue origin is preparing to launch tourists into orbit. blue origin's new shepard rocket will hopefully send six passengers into space if all goes according to plan. it's been over a year and a half since the company's last launch, which included star trek actor william shatner. this year's launch will host another 90 year old space tourist, ed dwight. dwight was selected by john f kennedy in 1961 to be the nation's first black astronaut, but he never made it to space >> i was first getting a world of big favors for not doing something. how do you get paid for not doing something? >> dwight is expected to finally complete his mission. he started 63 years ago. still ahead on abc. seven mornings in the south
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bay, striking a balance between the environment and the homeless. getting it right could build a better bay area. we'll explain, and we'll take you outside for a live look from our mount tam camera. beautiful sunrise this morning. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. son noodles, frozen snacks cup and the noodles may contain undeclared egg white powder, which could make people who have sensitive stomachs sick and the items affected were produced. may 9th of last year through may 8th of this year. we're going to take you live outside at sfo and oakland airports this morning. one of the cheaper airlines there is planning a big change. low cost carrier frontier airlines is revamping its fare
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structure and eliminating change fees. it's a move to attract more travelers by packaging travel extras. passengers will now have the option to choose bundles that include priority boarding, seat assignments and checked baggage, and the changes come just in time for memorial day weekend, which 3 million travelers are expected to fly. >> we added pilots, we've added flight attendants. we're flying about 5% more flights with larger aircraft. we're fully staffed. we're ready to go. >> the tsa is forecasting friday, may 24th, to be the busiest travel day of the holiday weekend, so prepare housing is one of our biggest challenges we face as we work to build a better bay area. and one solution is turning empty commercial space into apartments, a new report shows. one bay area city is one of the top in the country for it, an analysis by rent cafe found alameda had the third most
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apartment conversions in the country. last year. developers turned warehouse space into 372 housing units. only new york city and richmond, virginia, had more rent, cafe says projects like these are on the rise across the country, with most of them focused on turning old hotels or office buildings into apartments. all right, let's check on conditions outside. how's it looking, lisa? >> all right. it's a little foggy in spots. here's a look at san jose, where it is 54 degrees, and you can see some of the clouds there. temperatures in the mid 70s today. so within a few degrees of average and the fog is confined further north to the coast. so we're going to see some brighter weather today. maybe not exactly warmer weather. we'll hold off on that until monday. and my accuweather seven day you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening.
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seven. it's game seven of the east semifinal as the knicks take on the pacers at home in new york. coverage starts at noon with nba countdown, followed by tipoff at 1230 on the diamond. the giants are looking to finish strong again today against the colorado rockies. abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez has more on this historic week for san francisco. >> good morning. the giants were trying to do something yesterday. they haven't done all season. win three games in a row. it's the longest streak to start a season for the team since 1972. but center fielder luis matos continued his amazing week trying to make this happen in a different kind of boarding out in the cove. hey, skateboarding, that looks really cool. bottom one, two on, two out. matos facing former giant ty block. and it's a three run shot to left center and the bleachers added another rbi later. that's nine rbi in two games. sets a new franchise record with 15 rbi in his first six games of the season. he is scorching hot top five, doing it with the leather deep fly to
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center. matos on the move and oh, what a catch. his second home run robbery this week. another hard crash in the wall. but he's tough. stayed in the game delasalle high's kyle harrison on the mound loves it. he ended up getting the win in this game. bottom eight matos two run single six rbi game becomes the fourth giant in franchise history to have at least five rbi in consecutive games. giants win big 14 four three in a row for the first time this season. they'll go for the sweep later today. and what a week for matos man. >> that's a lot of rbis. guys from our system. guys that you know came up with as giants are now getting a shot with the big league team and getting probably their best chance ever. so yeah, it's been a jolt energy for us. and you know it's like i said it's been a really good feeling in the dugout. >> chiefs head coach andy reid and kc sporting his classic hawaiian shirt watching the a's and royals. kc is going to be at levi's in october for a super bowl rematch. remember that top two two nothing game? seth brown
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two run shot to center. all of a sudden we're tied on his fourth of the year. bottom five though still tied at two. a starter ross stripling gives it the go ahead run to vinnie pasquantino rbi single, three two royals. and when he does something good, a squatch appears there in kc. a's lose five three. that's seven straight losses. they're up to ten games under 500. moving day the pga championship at valhalla in louisville, kentucky justin thomas grew up in the area and the hometown kid. check this out on 14. talk about a shot of the day. follow the yellow line. in for the birdie. he's tied for 10th, five strokes off the pace. cal's colin morikawa took the lead on 15 when this rolled around and in he's at 15 under tied for the lead with xander schauffele heading into what's going to be a great championship sunday. saw it right here on abc seven. mavs trying to close out the thunder okc up by as many as 17. but luka doncic gives dallas the lead late with that fade away. dirk loves it. luka had a team
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high 29. shai gilgeous-alexander had a game high 36 as he drains this back and forth. we went down the fourth quarter final seconds, mavs down one, doncic in trouble. pj washington with the ball, fouled on a wild shot in the corner. it was reviewed and upheld. he makes the free throws and then the desperation heave no good. mavs win 117, 116. they'll face denver or the denver minnesota winner that is in the western conference finals . that is your look at sports. have a great sunday. let's send things back to you. >> thanks chris. the giants take on the rockies again today. first pitch is at 105. and then we're about two hours out from the start of bay to breakers. how's it looking, lisa? >> well, we have patchy fog. and now with the sun up just about nine minutes away, we can see once again that the fog, the extent of it is patchy across the bay. it is really confined to the shoreline. san francisco, up towards the marin county coast, and 7:00, where partly
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cloudy, low 50s climbing through the 50s. and by the time the race finishes or thereabouts, noontime at the ocean will be near 60. it will be sunny, and those winds kicking up throughout the day today, so high pressure is well offshore. a trough to the north of us allowing for still temperatures near average in spots, but below average with that wind kicking up. and there's a look at that fog footprint this morning from the north bay to the coastline here. and then just look how quickly it fades away through the seven 8:00 hour and then even swept away, dissipating there, evaporating at the coast. uh- exploratorium camera right now you can see looks pretty good out there. it is cool though. 50 redwood city, 50 two half moon bay in san francisco, 53 oakland hayward. good morning at 57. and a look at the airport where you can see just kind of a diffuse layer there of the low cloud deck. it is 51 in napa with 48 in petaluma, and some fog to the north. the airport in oakland this morning looking at the clouds, but partly sunny for
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some of us clear elsewhere. the temperatures in the 50s cooler this morning and then the warming trend, the one you'll notice getting underway tomorrow and tuesday. today though, it's going to be nice again if you're, you know, away from that wind. otherwise, looking at the cooler conditions for everyone, those gusty winds returning later on this week into the long weekend. so speaking of the winds right now, not too bad. at through 7:00 you'll notice 15 to 20 miles an hour, and then by noon time, they really begin to tick up over 20 miles an hour, 30 and 40 miles an hour. here at the coast, all the way down towards san mateo and then inside the bay there over 20 miles an hour. so it's breezy. and then the winds back off there more northerly monday and tuesday. this is the warmest day of the week, mid to upper 80s inland. notice the colors here? the oranges. the darker shade indicates the heat and then still pleasant across the bay. and even as we cool off a nice looking day on wednesday, temperatures around average. it's really thursday into the latter part of the week that we
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begin to feel the sea breeze. the fog comes back and then we'll get set for another cool several days. upper 60s today in oakland. look for 74. in napa. so if you liked yesterday, just about the same today, although we'll get into more sun keeping that breeze though along the coast. san mateo, 7276, in vallejo and the accuweather seven day forecast. so patchy fog to start out, then sunny and milder. 70 bayshore 80 inland. the warming begins on monday and tuesday, with low to 80s to the upper 80s inland, and then look in the mid to upper 70s around the bay. wednesday still mild to warm and then the breezy, cooler winds arrive. thursday. the cool temperatures continue into friday and memorial day looking a bit below average. stephanie. >> all right lisa thank you. trash and pollutants from homeless encampments are causing some problems for the city of san jose and valley water. and now a new proposal from the county's water district is stirring up controversy. abc
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seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has a look at the impact. >> for many, being unhoused is not a choice. like ruben salas, who lives in this encampment along the guadalupe river in san jose. unmanaged and unclean conditions are not ideal, but it's the only option he has. do you like living here? would you prefer living somewhere else? >> well, you know i got no choice i make, i make, i make, make the best of what i got. you know i try not to complain i'm trying to cry about it. you know, it might be bad, but you sure? yeah, it might be. but it's all i got, you know? what am i to do? >> and soon? living here may not even be a possibility. since july, valley water has spent nearly $3 million cleaning up 1300 tons of trash along 295 miles of rivers and creeks in santa clara county, and to stop people from living along the waterways. valley water is proposing an ordinance that would subject violators to $500 fines or up to 30 days of jail time. >> it's valley water's role as an as an environmental stewardship agency to ensure
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that the waterways are clean and that the flood protection measures that we enact work as they're designed to. >> the city of san jose and mayor matt mehan have been trying to find their own solutions to clean up creeks and rivers as well. but he doesn't want the 700 people who live along valley water's owned waterways to move out to neighborhoods with no plan. we need to work with them to identify sites where we can stand up. >> alternative native shelter, basic services, sanitation, case management, security and create a dignified and safe alternative to encampments. >> unhoused advocate sandy perry sees the value in clean water, but he says the only reason people are alongside the creeks is because the city and county are not offering the unhoused enough places to go. >> so this whole idea of having people go back and forth from the creeks to the neighborhoods to the neighborhoods, to the creeks, endlessly, it's not a solution. >> valley waters environmental creek cleanup committee will discuss the issue friday before a final board vote in june in
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san jose. dustin [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can
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there will be a heartfelt goodbye to judge katy perry after seven years with the show. expect three hours filled with music and the crowning of a new winner. the three contestants still in the running will mosley, jack blocker and abby carter. you can watch the finale tonight at eight right here on abc seven. next on abc seven mornings at 6 a.m. graduation interrupted by protest. a look at sonoma state's commencement ceremonies shrouded in controversy and an east bay city looking overseas to find a new reputation in the business world
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. >> this is abc 724 seven.
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>> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah. you're watching abc seven news live. >> anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and s
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which is not how you want to feel going into your wedding day. ♪ ♪ now at six. another weekend with pro-palestine protests, this latest one interrupting a bay area graduation ceremony. and we're taking a live look outside this morning as we're counting down until a classic san francisco tradition returns. thousands are gearing up for this year's bay to breakers. good morning everybody. it's sunday, may 19th. we have a lot to get to this morning. but first we're going to start with the r.


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