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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 20, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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should expect residual delays. westbound 40 after harbor street stopped traffic from auto center drive. and there's a 37 minute delay. >> number seven voting opens at noon today to help pick the names for the four falcons. the chicks at uc berkeley and the falcons matched them last month, and the winning names will be announced on thursday. >> ideas are i'm on the spot. >> let the people pick. >> the people pick. you guys got it >> george: good morning america. biden and trump in the courtroom and on the campaign trail. michael cohen back on the stand in donald trump's criminal trial, as prosecutors prepare to rest their case. will trump cake the stand? when could it go to jury? as trump and president biden hit key battleground states on the campaign trail.
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>> robin: overnight a tornado emergency in the heartland. 13 reported twisters in three states. the threat on the move this morning. ginger is tracking it all including the impact on the holiday weekend. >> michael: breaking news. the cargo ship that crashed into the key bridge on the move this morning, nearly two months after the deadly accident. what's next in the investigation? >> robin: breaking over night. iran's president confirmed dead after a helicopter crash. why it went down in a remote region. >> george: sean diddy combs apologizing. >> i'm not asking for forgiveness. i'm truly sorry. >> george: after a release of surveillance video obtained by cnn showing him physically attacking his girlfriend cassie in 2016. why he won't face charges as he faces a federal investigation in a series of civil lawsuits. dan abrams is here. >> michael: price check. >> we all know inflation has gotten out of hand.
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>> michael: attention shoppers. we'll tell you which supermarket prices have finally been slashed, just in time for your memorial day barbecue. ♪ i'm on the edge of glory ♪ >> robin: edge of space. out of this world dream come true for a 90-year-old air force captain dwight. and simone biles, she's back. she's beaming. and so is her number one date. >> robin: and game 7 -- >> my goodness? >> robin: timberwolves stunning the nuggets and the pacers bouncing the knicks. who will keep going for glory? >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: this is good morning america. defending champs. you called this, michael? >> michael: they got a good squad.
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we'll talk about that later on this morning. but right now, we have the very latest on the key bridge crash. that's a live look near baltimore this morning as they finally pull out the cargo ship. we're going to have more on that. >> george: first donald trump's criminal trial. his former fixer, michael cohen about to retake the stand as the judge told witnesses to prepare for closing statements as early as tomorrow. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. prosecutors could rest their case today against donald trump. first michael cohen is back on the witness stand, testifying for a fourth day, still under cross-examination. after the defense accused cohen of lying about a phone call he said he had with trump in late october 2016 to finalize the hush money deal with stormy daniels. after cohen, there may be one additional witness to enter a document or two into the record. after that, prosecutors are expected to rest, confident they proved trump falsified business records to hide the hush money from voters prior to the 2016 election. if trump is convicted, he faces
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the possibility of prison time, but would almost certainly immediately appeal. it's still uncertain what defense attorneys are going to do. they have told prosecutors they could call as many as four witnesses, possibly including trump himself, but the judge is expected to hold closing arguments here as soon as next week. it was supposed to be as soon as tuesday, but the judge said now is more likely for closings, george. >> george: mean time, aaron, rudy giuliani has been served with papers in the arizona indictment for trying to overturn election. >> reporter: arizona authorities were able to formally serve rudy giuliani with an indictment charging him with crimes related to overturning the 2020 election results in the state. he had been taunting arizona officials saying if you couldn't find me, you'd have to dismiss the indictment. they were able to find him, at a party, celebrating giuliani's 80th birthday. george? >> george: thanks. robin? >> robin: now the race for the white house. president biden and donald trump reaching out to their bases with dueling speeches this weekend.
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our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more for us. good morning, mary. >> reporter: robin, good morning. less than six months to go and both are historically unpopular with a lot of work to do. president biden has been doing a burst of out reach to black voters especially young black men who helped deliver him to the white house in 2020 and whose support he'll need if he wants to stay for a second term. this morning president biden is trying to shore up support with a key constituency, arguing he's breaking down doors for black americans. >> there's too many african-americans who have health insurance. >> reporter: biden swinging through michigan and georgia, two states he narrowly won in 2020 and will need again in november. in atlanta, biden giving the commencement address at historic morehouse college. >> we know black men are gonna help lead us in the future. black men from this class, from this university. >> reporter: the president touting his record but facing silent protest over his handling of the israel/hamas war.
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a handful of students turning their chairs around. their backs to the president. one faculty member standing with her fist raised. it was the first time biden directly addressed students since protests over the war broke out. the president calling for an immediate cease fire and saying he hears their concerns. >> this is one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world. there's nothing easy about it. i know it angers and frustrates many of you, including my family. >> reporter: donald trump out of the courtroom and out on the trail in texas firing up his base during a speech at the nra's annual convention, promising to roll back biden's gun safety initiative. >> the nra has stood with me from the very beginning and, with your vote, i will stand strong for your rights and liberties and four more years in the white house. >> reporter: now, with trump back in a courtroom this week the president is back on the road trying to take advantage of all of this. both candidates are also starting to prepare, with that first debate now just a few
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weeks away. >> michael: everybody is looking forward to that, mary. thank you for that. we are going to turn now to the breaking news overnight. iranian president raisi was declared dead, as well as the foreign minister, after their helicopter crashed sunday. britt clennett has the story for us, at this crucial time in the region. good morning, britt. >> reporter: good morning, might michael. in a region where tensions are already running high, the news that iran's president was killed in a helicopter crash along with the foreign minister. this morning iranian officials confirming the death of iran's president and foreign minister and several others after their helicopter crashed in iran's mountainous northwest, forced to make a hard landing in heavy fog. the red crescent rescue teams seen carrying bodies from the crash site. drone footage released shows the crash site on a steep wooded hillside.
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iranian state tv broadcasting from what appears to be the charred wreckage. a massive search operation to locate the helicopter lasted more than 12 hours. hampered by poor weather. raisi seen in the helicopter on sunday with other top officials coming from a ceremony where he just opened a new dam. images show the helicopter leaving the site. >> we don't know if it was a mechanical issue. whenever we see mountain, bad weather, low visibility, the first cause that we look to is probably weather induced. >> reporter: president raisi took office in 2021, the country's second most powerful figure was said to be a top contender in one day replacing the ayatollah. it comes as turmoil grips the middle east with the on going war between israel and hamas, the militant group backed by iran. and iran's supreme leader has expressed condolences. he's appointed the first vice president to serve as the
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country's acting president until elections are held in the next 50 days. george? >> george: thanks. we're going to stay overseas to the americans detained in congo after participating in a failed coup attempt. maggie rulli has the story. good morning, maggie. >> reporter: hey, george. good morning. the u.s. ambassador to congo is calling the accusations shocking. the group is led by a self-exiled opposition figure christian milunga. they are accused of attacking the presidential palace and the residence of an ally of congo's president who was relected in december. many called for a revote or what they say was a lack of transparency. guys, this is not the first violent dispute over elections in congo. according to the army, he was killed at the presidential palace after resisting arrest. two others were also killed. a spokes person for the army telling the associated press one of the americans detained is the son of milonga. another american identified as benjamin reuben and the third has not yet been id'd.
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in a statement u.s. ambassador to congo said she is shocked and concerned about reports of american citizens alleged involvement adding any u.s. citizen involved in criminal acts will be held accountable. robin? >> robin: very tense situation there. all right, maggie, thank you. we're going to turn now to the severe weather overnight. there were at least 13 reported twisters in three states overnight. alex perez is live in kansas for us. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, robin. a tough night of sleep for a lot of people in the path of this storm. i want you to take a look around me. there are toppled trees everywhere. those powerful winds creating problems across the region. this morning severe weather wreaking havoc in the heartland. in oklahoma, this large tornado hit canadian county just outside oklahoma city. several buildings in uconn sustaining damage, the roof of this home gone.
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a twister moving through flattening power lines across the area, buildings there destroyed. at least four tornados reported in kansas. severe weather triggering power outages across the state. in the city of russell, authorities reporting extensive damage. the storm pummels this garage. >> one of my friends sent me a snapchat. he's like, this is what your place looks like. wow. >> reporter: the national weather service received 13 reports of tornados across colorado, kansas and oklahoma sunday. and this large dust storm fueled by thunderstorms sweeping through great bend. i want you to take a look behind me here. you can see this storm creating massive problems even knocking over this fence around this home here. if you look around here, there are downed trees everywhere. many cases the cleanup and the assessment of the damage is just beginning.
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a long day of cleanup is say head. robin? >> robin: yes, indeed. thinking of all impacted. thank you, alex. we'll bring in ginger with more on a turbulent week ahead leading up to memorial day. >> ginger: may keeps doing what may does. it's like, we cannot catch a breath. day after day of these storms. so we had the last 72 hours more than 400 severe storm reports, including the ones on friday in pittsburgh. by the way, pittsburgh area now has had more tornados in may than they ever had since records began in 1950. today it starts with northwest indiana, valparaiso, chicago, milwaukee, kind of in the afternoon, early evening. but this area, the high plains of northeast colorado, parts of western nebraska, you're getting it later tonight through the overnight hours. it looks like damaging wind is the main threat but on that western side of it you could see giant hail and isolated tornados. tomorrow we'll bump the tornado threat up. it is going to focus on eastern iowa, much of iowa, northern missouri, western illinois over to rockford there. i'd say parts of southwestern
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wisconsin. chicago, both days in a row, has a threat. chicago, travel wise, thursday looking a lot better, but the severe storms refocus on the plains. dallas ft. worth could see storms. looking good west coast. we're going to start to get showers, but we're going to be really warm leading up to this. there's a lot that could impact memorial day travel for sure. >> michael: thank you, ginger. we're going to turn now to breaking news overnight. the container ship is finally moving from the site of its collision with the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. senior national correspondent terry moran is on the scene. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, michael. good news. this morning the dali, the huge container ship that brought down the key bridge, is on the move again for the first time since the disaster occurred on march 26th. teams have been working around the clock to clean out the shipping channel are in the process of removing the ship down from the bridge into the
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port of baltimore. taking advantage of the high tide this morning which started about 5:30. so the ship is already on the move. they're deploying about five tugboats. they will move very slowly, about one mile an hour, and move that ship about 2.5 miles into a marine terminal in the port of baltimore. this is a crucial step, really a huge step for baltimore, for this entire community and it is ahead of schedule. this comes just a few days, just one week after that dramatic explosive charge cutting of a massive piece of steel trusses that was resting on the bow of the bridge. that was the crucial final step to get this ship back on the move. six men were killed, construction workers, the night that bridge came down. the bodies of all six have been recovered and returned to their families. what comes next is planning to rebuild the bridge. maryland officials say it will cost up to $2 billion and take years.
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they plan on recovering money from the insurers of the ship to pay for it but that is likely to take years of litigation. george? >> george: terry moran, thanks. red lobster has officially filed for bankruptcy. rebecca jarvis has the story. >> rebecca: this is the largest seafood restaurant chain in the united states. they have 650 locations. and they have filed for bankruptcy. the move comes weeks after red lobster abruptly closed locations in and around chicago, denver, san diego, indianapolis, san antonio and orlando. red lobster has been under pressure for sometime, but when the restaurant chain offered a $20 endless shrimp deal during the pandemic, it ended up proving too popular. customers even posted their total shrimp tallies on social media. one woman apparently ate 108 shrimp over four hours according to her post. the company lost millions of dollars, and red lobster says
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its restaurants will stay open during the bankruptcy. they do expect to close some. guys, obviously, we can sort of laugh about the endless shrimp, but there's a lot of people, number of employees here, whose jobs hang in the balance, the people who work at these stores. michael? >> michael: i'm amazed somebody sat there for four hours and ate shrimp. [ laughter ] thanks, rebecca. now to the dream deferred for first black astronaut candidate. ed dwight soared into space on a blue origin rocket more than 60 years after nasa denied him his chance to make history. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is here with a great story, a long time in the making. >> gio: good morning. you know very well what he must have been feeling launching into space. this morning right here, we are hearing from ed dwight and at 90 years young, he is finally the astronaut he was always meant to be. >> liftoff! >> gio: this morning an out of this world accomplishment for former air force captain ed
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dwight. at 90 years old, dwight is now the oldest person to reach the edge of space. >> when you see something on this earth and you really pay attention to it, it's mind boggling. >> gio: first nominated by jfk in 1961, dwight would have been the first black astronaut. but after jfk's assassination, dwight was not selected by nasa. >> number one, i wasn't tall enough. i was catholic. i wasn't black enough. i was not the model of the negro race. >> gio: 63 years later the celebrated sculptor finally getting his chance, joining five others for that 11 minute odyssey into weightlessness. or blue origin. >> welcome to space, astronauts! >> lot of people outside of me that told me that they needed it more than i did. >> gio: after returning back to earth, his smile says it all. >> i thought i really didn't
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need this in my life, but now i need it in my life. >> gio: living proof that defying gravity has no age limit. ed dwight and the astronauts reached the distance from earth of nearly 66 miles. even though he wasn't able to make history as the first black astronaut, still incredibly he was able to make history anyway as the oldest person to get there. i guess you could call it destiny, right? >> robin: i love that big smile. he looks great. 90? >> gio: 90 years old. >> robin: looking good. all right, gio. coming up sean diddy combs apology after the release of surveillance video showing him physically, brutally attacking his girlfriend in 2016. dan abrams is here as combs faces a series of legal challenges. >> michael: plus scottie scheffler said to face a judge for allege second degree assault of a police officer.
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>> george: and the dropping prices at the supermarket. now back to ginger. >> ginger: late last week houston just got smacked with 80 to 100 mile an hour winds. there are still customers without power. they've been hot. they'll be even hotter this week. some records possible in west texas. first your local weather in 30 seconds. i'm abc7 news meteorologist drew timm with your accuweather forecast
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danville beginning in the 40s, low 50s around the bay shoreline . the jacket needed right now you can get rid of it probably closer to 10 a.m. as we warm up nicely, so we expect a lot of sunshine today. bright skies throughout the afternoon. our fog is really taking a break later on this evening we'll have temperatures 60 co side bay shoreline in the 70s, low 80s inland. so it's a bright looking day. the pollen levels are still high. be aware of that. your sunset this evening at 818 kumasi. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven the news. in comes company >> the smash hit broadway musical company. winner of tony awards, including best revival of a musical company, is a hilarious musical masterpiece about life, love and good company. >> critics give it five stars, saying yes, it's really that
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one dose visibly improves volume loss, wrinkles, dark spots, energy. triple serum. choose your free gift from long home at macy's. the beauty destination on their tech zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours, so dave can be the deliverer of dance. >> okay, dave, let's be more than our allergies. than our allergies. >> seize the day with zyrtec. (♪) >> the winner of american idol 2024 is abby carter! >> robin: back here on gma.
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that was a moment for abby carter crowned the newest american idol. it was a star studded night. several guest performers like jon bon jovi, jason mraz. the season ended on a bittersweet note with judge katy perry leaving after seven seasons. a very happy abby carter will be joining us tomorrow right here on gma. her reaction was just priceless. >> george: congratulations to her. following a lot of head lines. donald trump's criminal trial. his former fixer michael cohen about to retake the stand. the judge told both sides be prepared to deliver closing arguments as soon as tuesday. also right now, ginger is tracking severe weather. at least 13 tornados reported in three states. today the severe weather will stretch from colorado to indiana, heat spreading north and east. >> michael: take a look at will lovener running and winning the cleveland marathon. watch what he does next. wait for it.
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he gets down on one knee and proposes to his girlfriend emma. turns out the couple went on their first date just after will won last year's marathon. so congratulations to the happy couple. and we've got a lot more ahead including prices finally dropping at the grocery store. we'll tell you how to find the markdowns ahead of memorial day. that is all coming up. robin? >> robin: right now sean diddy combs apologizing after the release of an extremely disturbing hotel video showing him assaulting a former girlfriend. dan abrams is standing by. first janai norman with details. good morning, janai. >> robin, good morning to you. extremely disturbing video. so for some context, cassie was a young up and comer when she met diddy. last november her lawsuit alleging sexual and physical violence and abuse. his lawyer accusing cassie of blackmail called the allegations baseless and lies. diddy himself said he didn't, quote, do any of the awful things alleged.
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after the release of this new video, now that's changed. >> i'm truly sorry. >> reporter: this morning music mogul sean diddy combs is apologizing after the release of disturbing video appearing to show him physically attacking his then girlfriend cassie at a los angeles hotel back in 2016. >> i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. >> reporter: in the footage exclusively obtained by cnn, the rapper and producer is seen with just a towel on running after cassandra throwing her to the ground, kicking her twice before dragging her down to the hallway. the incident matching one of the allegations detailed in the civil lawsuit ventura filed against combs last november stating that later he grabbed at
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her and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape. combs settling that lawsuit the day after it was filed but denying the claims. ventura's lawyers blasting combs' apology, telling abc news combs most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he's hurt adding, he was only compelled to apologize once his repeated denials were proven false shows his pathetic desperation and no one will be swayed by his disingenuous words. ♪ the los angeles district attorney announcing over the weekend they are aware of the video but cannot prosecute the 54-year-old. >> the assault we saw on video happened in 2016. the statute of limitation passed. while combs can't face any state charges for what we saw on that video, a federal prosecutor could use it in a potential re-file of a charge or human trafficking charge. >> reporter: after winning the reality show i wanna work for diddy, susie worked as his
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assistant while he and cassie were together. she said she saw no red flags but isn't surprised after watching the video. >> i had never seen him exhibit any behaviors that would let me know that he was doing that. however, i had some feelings about who he was as a person. it was nothing overt. more like the vibes were off with him. it was all about the business. people were just objects. >> reporter: this as combs finds himself the subject of a federal human trafficking investigation. in march, homeland security simultaneously raiding his los angeles and miami beach homes seizing multiple electronic devices. ex-girlfriend misa hilton, with whom combs shares a son, posting this video edited and sped up showing heavily armed agents moving into his l.a. estate. combs attorney calling the
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raids, a witch hunt. no federal charges have been brought. ♪ the hip hop star currently faces four separate civil lawsuits for alleged sexual misconduct and other illegal activity. he's denied all the claims made against him but now says he sought professional help by entering therapy and going to rehab. >> i'm committed to be a better man each and every day. >> many pointing out the timing of this apology from diddy, but also really picking apart his words saying that he never said cassie's name or apologized directly to her. robin. >> robin: we did notice that, thank you. we're going to bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. any way around the statute of limitations? >> no. as a technical state law matter the statute of limitations is pretty clear. but as brian was talking about in that piece there, there are potentially other ways this could come into play.
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number one, it could come into play in terms of other possible federal crimes. number two, i think it is going to come into play psychologically for the investigators. meaning, if you're talking about any close case or close call, they're gonna go for it as a result of this. and finally, if he is convicted of anything, they could certainly use it in sentencing. meaning, if he was convicted in a federal crime, sentencing evaluates the totality of someone, right? they could use that at another point. >> robin: people are asking, what about the hotel? >> that's a good question. is the hotel responsible? >> robin: right. they didn't report it. >> that's right. there is no criminal obligation to report a crime. right? if you see someone get killed, you are not obligated to report that someone got killed. but, there certainly could have been civil liability, meaning if it's true the hotel was paid $50,000 for that video, they certainly could be sued over that. but again, you have a statute of limitations problem now with regard to a possible civil lawsuit.
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civil statute of limitations are often shorter than criminal ones. now the current ownership said, we don't own that hotel. that's not our hotel. you have all sorts of layers here with regard to the hotel. but it's an interesting point. >> george: you mentioned possible federal crimes. what impact there? >> both investigative and sentencing, right? investigative, in terms of possible crimes to lump it into, if they have other evidence, right? that's still a big if. we don't know what they have. all we know is they raided the home. it was homeland security. but just the fact that they went into the home tells you they have something on the federal level. is it enough to charge? we'll see. >> michael: what about the outstanding civil cases against him? >> yeah, exactly. good point, right? that's one point where there's open questions. there are other civil lawsuits. i promise you they will try to introduce this. it may not be easy but there will be an effort. >> michael: dan, thank you. appreciate you. now the top golfer in the world set to face a judge. scottie scheffler is due in
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court tomorrow on charges second degree assaulted a police officer outside this weekend's pga championships in louisville. trevor ault has the latest. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. scottie scheffler said after the tournament yesterday he was excited to head back home to texas but he's due back in kentucky court tomorrow on a felony charge. it was a wild scene outside valhalla golf club in louisville. scheffler's attorney said the golfer was in a marked car for players and an officer told him to drive around the line of vehicles. witnesses, including espn employee, say a different officer tried to stop scheffler's car as he slowly drove by on the median. that officer was then attached to the car, taken to the ground. scheffler stopped about ten yards further. the police report said that officer suffered pain and swelling in his wrist and knee and then took scheffler into custody. now, it's not clear if that officer was wearing a body camera. even if he was, the mayor and the police department say there's no body camera footage of this incident. scheffler still went on to play in the tournament.
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he finished tied for eighth but is facing four charges including that second degree assault of a police officer. his attorney said if these charges are not dropped, he will be pleading not guilty. michael? >> michael: thank you very much, trevor. coming up next the good news from the grocery store. rebecca jarvis is here with the story. >> rebecca: hey, michael. they're flipping it and reverses ing it. we have been watching prices rise for years. there are signs at the supermarket that prices might finally be ticking down. we're gonna tell you which aisle you'll find the biggest drops right now just ahead of the memorial day and start of summer season. stay with us. h us. ♪ ♪ summer's on its way... and wayfair's big memorial day clearance is here now! it's the talk of the town. right now through may 28th, get up to 70% off everything home. save on finds for indoors and out. plus, score surprise flash deals that'll make your day. and get it all with fast shipping straight to your door. save up to 70% off
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7:43 am
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>> george: we are back with a price drop at the grocery store after years of inflation. chief economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to tell us where prices are coming down. hey, rebecca. >> rebecca: nice to see all of you. we found this on our sunday grocery run yesterday. eggs were so much cheaper. not all food prices are coming down but depending on what's in your cart you might be pleasantly surprised for a change. attention shoppers. grocery prices are falling for the first time in a year. >> we all know inflation has gotten out of hand. >> rebecca: cash strapped consumers seeing a little relief just in time for the memorial day barbecue, with prices down .2% overall in april according to the labor department. in some cases, prices down even more.
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milk, chicken, fruits and vegetables nearly 1% lower. apples down 2.7%. for the grill master pork rib down 2.3%. eggs down 7.3%. >> they've been going up considerably since the pandemic. now they're actually levelling off and decreasing because of the efficiencies they've had, as well as these retailers pushing back on the price increases. >> reporter: retailers who have seen customers cutting back, also starting to introduce additional savings. >> today we're going to see if we can get groceries for the week under $100. >> rebecca: target announcing this morning it is cutting prices on approximately 5,000 frequently shopped products including milk, meat, bread, fruits and vegetables. in april, wal-mart launching better goods its biggest private food brand in 20 years with majority of items under 5 bucks. and fast growing chain aldi rolling out additional summer
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savings, cutting prices further on more than 250 items. >> what we're going to see is just about every major retailer getting involved, lowering prices, adding more store brands, adding higher quality store brands. >> rebecca: mean time the cost of dining out continues to climb so there is a big price advantage to eating at home. if you're comparison shopping for deals, grocers know it. instead of competing head to head on basic things like canned beans and copy cat mac and cheese with their private label foods, they are selling more unique items. you got to be a scrappy consumer. we'll make sure you know how to do that right here on gma. >> robin: you're a scrappy consumer. >> rebecca: the most scrappy of all. >> robin: coming up we got our play of the day so come on back. bold... rich... intensely delicious dark chocolate.
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>> robin: back now with our play of the day. simone biles is back and on the road to the paris olympics. we have to show everybody this. >> the road to paris might be paved with gold if simone can do what she did over the weekend in her first competition this year at the u.s. classic. take a look at her on the floor. taylor swift, are you ready for it, was the soundtrack. she nails the triple twist double fault. she hasn't done that since she withdrew from almost all of the events at the tokyo olympics citing mental health issues. but here she is swinning the floor competition.
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then the vault. she hits the urchenko double pike. unbelievable. her husband jonathan owens leaping to his feet, cheering her on. biles' move getting her the dayest highest score as she went on to win the all around title after winning her sixth all around gold medal last year. she's back. >> robin: how high she is able to get. good to see her back. will, thank you. coming up we've got a surprise for a teacher who, for decades, has been bringing joy to his school. he has no idea what's ahead. he has no idea what's ahead. i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk.
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(vo) what does it mean to be rich? tmaybe rich is less aboutid isreaching a magic number...d. and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. >> ginger: coming up the growing questions about jennifer lopez and ben affleck. and we have serious star power in studio.
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your local news and weather are next. scratchers from the california lottery. >> a little play can make your day. adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now. during cheap 4x4 season
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well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s four buy for 389 a month. visit your local jeep dealer today. >> good morning america is sponsored by edward jones. the key to being rich is knowing what counts as. >> welcome to the semifinals. our four remaining champions will face off. doesn't. that's not awesome. only the top three masters will advance to the finals. >> who's the greatest of all time? now, i ask you. jeopardy! masters semifinals continues tonight on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi erin from abc seven mornings. here's a live look at traffic with amanda. good morning. kumasi the monday morning commute through walnut creek is a mess specifically for southbound 680 drivers. and that's because of a multi-car crash before olympic boulevard. you can see speeds are down to 22mph. that multicar crash is blocking the two left lanes, and
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traffic is backed up to 242. there's also a backup on to 42 as well. here's a live look. there will be a 25 minute delay. good morning. joe. hey, amanda, we are seeing mostly sunny skies out there. >> a few clouds from time to time. temperatures main only in the 50s currently, so as we take a look at your day planner today, you will notice bright skies. it's warm afternoon. we really take a break from the fog this evening. even by 9:00 pm. we have clear skies out there this afternoon. you'll find those temperatures is nice even along the coast. we'll go into the 60s and 70s 67. in the city, 72 in oakland, 78. and san jose, kumasi. >> thank you. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes, but you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven, the news continues now with good morning. >> we're in the middle of seizing the date. >> in the middle of trying new things. >> in the middle of the perfect
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could be worth >> hundred 8 million. >> ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. >> it's the final lap of norcal honda dealers race to save. don't pass up. supercharged savings like a 259 a month lease on civic. boldly delivering up to 42 mpg, 2.99 a month on hr-v with loads of cargo space and available all wheel drive and 379 a month on a cord hybrid hitting up to 51 mpg. but you got to get here fast. i'll race to save. event ends may 31st. tv's >> ginger: good morning america a tornado emergency in the heartland. 13 tornados reported in three states. threat on the move this morning. ginger tracking it all including the impact on the holiday weekend. >> robin: cancer detection advancement? promising way doctors may one day be able to determine who
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will get the disease years before their currently diagnosed. >> george: more questions about ben affleck and jennifer lopez after they were spotted overnight. the couple not seen together in weeks with reports they are now living apart. ♪ >> michael: we're going full throttle into the summer movie season. chris hemsworth is here as we get fired up for furiosa. plus daisy ridley is live in times square. ♪ school's out for summer ♪ >> robin: school's almost out for summer. we're celebrating a teacher who makes his school sing. >> he brings music everywhere. >> robin: going above and beyond. he's our ray of sunshine, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. what a great way to start the new week.
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yeah, deborah roberts is at a middle school in minneapolis for our ray of sunshine. something we need on a monday. hey, deborah. >> reporter: michael, this is so exciting. we are in minneapolis. the teacher is inside. you might be able to hear the band warming up. he is such a great teacher, mr. barlow. he is an inspiration to the students. he's an advocate. he's an ear for the kids. we've heard so many great things about him. you probably can hear them warming up. i can't wait to go in. he is going to be our ray of sunshine. i can't wait for us all to meet him and surprise limb. he will be getting the surprise of his life, robin. >> robin: you look like you cannot wait. all right, deb. thank you so much. i love it when we profile teacher likes that. also ahead, will reeve is back. gonna break down who to watch as the nba playoffs, they're heating up. >> george: first top stories breaking at 8. we start with donald trump's criminal trial. his former fixer michael cohen about to retake
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the stand as judge told lawyers to prepare for closing statements as early as tomorrow. let's go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. former president trump's first, maybe only criminal trial this year, is nearing an end. prosecutors are set to rest their case after michael cohen, trump's former fixer, completes his testimony. he is still under cross-examination by the defense. the defense showed an e-mail between cohen and alan wiselberg suggesting perhaps that it was wiselberg who came up with the alleged scheme to reimburse cohen by calling them legal expenses instead of what prosecutors said they really were, campaign expense, to hide the hush money from voters before the 2016 election. whether the defense is prepared to call witnesses is still an open question. there are four potential witnesses including trump himself. the judge today pushed off closing arguments originally
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thought they might be tomorrow. now closing arguments are expected next week, skwrorpbg. >> george: aaron, thank you very much. michael? >> michael: now the severe weather overnight. there were at least 13 reported twisters in three states. ginger is, of course, tracking it all. >> ginger: good morning, michael. storm chasers were right up on one of these storms. this is custer city, oklahoma. they'll get out and do the damage surveys today. you can see that damage there. also russell kansas waking up with a lot of debris. here's what we're going to do today. chicago, northwest indiana, milwaukee gets it early afternoon through the evening hours. and then later tonight when the hail and tornado threat pops up in the high plains of western nebraska, northeastern colorado. tomorrow is when it focuses in. we bump up the tornado threat, or the hazard for tornados in iowa, western illinois, northern missouri parts of wisconsin and minnesota. keep in mind this whole broad area from michigan to oklahoma
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could see thunderstorms that take trees into cars and homes. that's how we have been seeing this. keep in mind all of these people have to watch going into the holiday weekend. let's go back to robin. >> robin: gonna definitely keep that in mind. thank you, ginger. now the nba playoffs, conference finals are set after two game 7's. will is back with highlights. good morning will. >> hello, robin. two winner take all game 7's yesterday. history made in both. first the minnesota timberwolves dethroning the champs. minnesota down 15 points at halftime and 20 in the third quarter to the nuggets in denver. but anthony edwards, karl anthony towns and company came all the way back to win 98-90. that is the largest deficit overcome in game 7 history. and the timberwolves are into their first western finals conference since 2004. the nuggets losing means the
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defending champ has not advanced past the second round of the playoffs for six straight seasons now. minnesota will play the dallas maverick force a spot in the finals, robin. >> robin: did you hear michael? he was glued to the tube watching those high lights again. in the east, in the east, will, a historic performance from the indiana pacers. >> that's right. they made 67.1% of their shots. that is a playoff record. when your opponent is that hot, it's hard to win. the new york knicks did not. the home team had won every game in the series back and forth knicks were at madison square garden. the lights were bright but knicks time was up. lots of injuries, including jalen brunson, who fractured his hand late in the game. indiana blowing out new york by 21 points to advance to their first eastern conference final in a decade. they will face the boston celtics tomorrow night at 8 p.m. eastern on espn. >> george: thank you very much. coming up our gma morning menu, questions about jennifer lopez and ben affleck. >> robin: the new study that could help change the way doctors detect cancer early or
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tailor treatment. dr. jen ashton is here with details. >> michael: plus great guests in the house. daisy ridley is here and kevin kwan has a brand new book. deborah roberts is live in minneapolis, about to surprise a very deserving music teacher. hey, deb. >> reporter: hey, michael. i'm so excited. you can probably hear the band warming up in here. ed barlow has no idea that he is our ray of sunshine. this is a teacher who brings so much to the classroom. students just can't say enough about him. i can't wait for tows meet him and surprise him in just a few moments.
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[ upbeat music ] - [ singing ] ♪ and when i see these pots ♪ ♪ i'm a gardeneer ♪ ♪ a gardeneer ♪ [ upbeat music ] when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. wanna know a secret?
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♪ ♪ >> michael: welcome back, everybody. jeremy renner is gonna join us live wednesday to talk about his new project and how he's doing since his 2023 accident. >> george: we are looking forward to that. now the latest on ben affleck and jennifer lopez. eva pilgrim here with details. good morning, eva. >> good morning, george. the attention obsession around benifer is real. that's why their recent behavior caught the eyes of some fans, making some wonder if the couple's relationship is on the rocks. >> not all love stories have a happy ending. >> reporter: this morning could there be trouble for jennifer lopez and ben affleck? "people" magazine reporting the two have not been living together. ♪ love don't cost a thing ♪ >> reporter: this comes as speculation around the pair has been growing over the past few weeks.
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fans noticing they haven't been pictured together in almost 50 days. >> they were last seen together at an event to support their kids. while they arrived separately, they left together. >> reporter: lopez appearing solo at the met gala. affleck noticeably alone at tom brady's roast. >> you won't find me volunteering for the ben affleck roast. [ laughter ] or as i like to call it, thursday. >> reporter: internet noticing lopez liked this instagram post about relationships. you cannot build a healthy relationship with someone who doesn't respect your time or lacks effective communication skills. >> lot of fans thought that might be a hint of what's going on with her and ben. >> feel like i'm not good enough. not good enough as part tpherb as a mother. >> reporter: these questions coming just months after the actress and singer released a document about her love journey, the greatest love story never told. affleck featured in it opening
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up about their first breakup. >> when i first read the script it looked like the inciting incident that causes all this pain down the road is our breakup. i felt, wow, nobody did anything wrong, it was mutual. >> reporter: the pair met in 2002 sparking a fire storm of media and the nickname benifer, quickly getting engaged. but in 2004 the two split up. then in 2021 they rekindled their romance, getting married in 2022, 20 years after they first met. >> it will be very telling in the coming weeks as they are promoting their films and upcoming projects, whether they're willing to talk about each other and what's going on. >> we have to say the two of them were pictured together this weekend. they came separately to a movie event but left together smiling for the cameras, robin. >> robin: eva, we wish them the best. we got a health alert. possible advancement in detecting cancer years before patients are currently diagnosed.
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our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here to tell us about this study. >> imagine early cancer detection as trying to hear the voice of the cancer in the body. we want to pick it up as a whisper not a yell, right? and this particular study, actually two of them published in journal nature, oxford, uk looked at blood samples of people for proteins in the blood associated with various types of cancers, 19 times, then followed them into the future which is very important. they found there was an association between certain proteins and those people who went on to develop certain types of cancer. in some cases giving a seven year or more increased time window between when that protein was detected in the blood and when the cancer would have been diagnosed. that is a significant advantage, as we all know, in early detection. >> robin: early detection is so
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very very key. going forward, what does this mean? >> first off this is not generally available for people yet. there are other tests that look at fragments of cancer circulating in the blood before they would be picked up, either by symptoms or routine screening test. but i think that the key here, in the world of oncology, is understanding how cancers behave early. once you have is a better understanding of that, not only can you screen people and detect it earlier, but potentially you can even understand how and why cancers are doing what they're doing and then prevent it ultimately. >> robin: i'm thinking of a full body scan. how is this different? what are the pros and cons of that? >> you hear about that in some celebrity cases, people getting generally mri's which don't have radiation, but scanning their body head to toe. i think this is a perfect example of a saying in medicine that i use all the time. you shouldn't do a test unless you know what you'll do with the results. oftentimes you find incidental
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findings that may not be cancer. you can't biopsy every organ. for some that whole body scan can give a false sense of security in some cases, or a real good result. but unless you know how you are going to act on the result, and how you will interpret them, not ready for primetime. >> robin: every time you say that it piques my interest. >> don't run a test unless you know how you'll interpret it and act on those results. >> robin: all right. we'll see you on gma3. >> you will. >> robin: okay. now to ginger. >> ginger: starting in dallas, pleasant morning but one of the cities we're watching. 50,000 flights will be taking off on thursday. that's the big day for air travel. plains of oklahoma and little rock included that we will be watching for afternoon and evening thunderstorms, potentially impact some of the travel. the northeast, we could be breaking up our heat with some rain showers, even thunderstorms in the mid-atlantic. dryer in the southeast. chicago looking better after a couple stormy days. heat today, record heat possible
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amarillo and del rio. we're going to watch that record heat spread east. let's get a check closer to home. i'm abc7 news meteorologist drew timm with your accuweather forecast >> michael: now to our ray of sunshine series shining a light on incredible educators going the extra mile before school gets out for summer. deborah roberts is live at a school in minneapolis. good morning again, deborah. >> hey, michael. i don't know if you can hear the band in here, but mr. barlow, ed barlow, is teaching his band class,
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thinking he's about to be on a local news station. he has no idea that this is his moment. we are about to surprise him. he is our ray of sunshine. he has meant so much to so many for years. let's go in and surprise him, shall we? hello, everybody. hello. ♪ hi, everybody! mr. barlow, thank you. hi, everybody! how are you? mr. barlow, hi. i'm deborah roberts. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. you have meant so much to so many people. it is a thrill to be here with you, by the way. how do you feel about today? [ cheers ] you are live on "good morning america" right now. >> oh, wow. >> i know you thought you were going to be doing a local news story. you are live on "good morning america" because you are beloved by so many people. you may not know what they all think about you.
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they may not tell you every day. but you are our ray of sunshine. we want you to know what everybody thinks about you so take a look. music teacher edward barlow has a presence that echos through the halls. >> he will go around the school building with a portable speaker singing to us, serenading us on friday mornings. >> the kids in his band program do a little marching event throughout the neighborhood. >> he brings music everywhere. you will be sitting in a staff meeting and something will spark a song and he's singing it. >> reporter: as an educator from minneapolis school district for 35 years, his impact goes far beyond his singing skills. >> everybody always goes to mr. barlow for any type of advice or support they need. >> he is engrained in minneapolis public schools culture. >> he doesn't give up on anyone. >> mr. barlow is also
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an advocate for school funding, and helps secure a prince themed music room donated by the singer's friends and family. >> one of the best things about mr. barlow in our school is he is a black male teacher in a profession that's dominated by women. right? our students need to see that. >> everybody in here, i hope you know that i care about you. will you believe that? >> oh, yes. >> so gma is proud to name mr. barlow our ray of sunshine. >> i love you barlito. you are amazing. i'm constantly learning from you. >> thank you for showing me how to play guitar. >> thank you very much, mr. barlow, everything you do. not only for the kids, but for this community. [ cheers ] >> thank you. that was really nice. >> i know we probably caught you off guard a little bit. >> you did. >> to hear those great words to talk about how you go above and beyond. you talk about how much you care about them. you could have retired sometime ago.
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what keeps you coming back into this classroom? >> well, it's knowing that there's purpose and meaning in what we do as teachers. i really love the interaction i have had over the years with all the students, looking at the music that's already in them and seeing that growth. it's so gratifying which is why i guess i can't stop doing it. >> can't stop, won't stop. the music is great. dr. adams, you have said -- you're the superintendent of this school system. >> i am. >> you say he is the heart. what do you mean by that? what does he bring? >> he is the fabric of minneapolis public schools. watching him with his student, the connection, the energy, the love. this is what true education looks like in public education. >> you all love him, huh? [ cheers ] we know teachers go above and beyond, often going into their own pockets to help their students. do you know what? you are going to get a little help.
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donors choose is offering $5,000. [ applause ] >> wow. wow. >> for supplies for your school because we know -- don't put it in your pocket just yet. $5,000 to help you with all kinds of supplies that you might need. but there's more. because it wouldn't be "good morning america" if there wasn't more. we've also got a donation to you from -- [ cheers ] for $10,000. >> very nice. >> wow. wow. >> what is this moment like for you? >> surreal. [ laughter ] but amazing. wow. i don't know what to say. this is just an embarrassment of support. i feel really loved right now. >> you should. you should. we know your wife's a teacher. we know you go above and beyond outside.
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you created a marching band. you even moonlight at the apple store to make sure you bring what you need here. what do you think about mr. barlow and this gift today? [ applause ] >> thank you! >> $30,000. i said $10,000. you've got $30,000. congratulation on all the work that you've been doing. >> well, thank you. >> to all of you. you've got support staff here. you've got so many people just cheering you on. few more years at the job maybe? >> possibly. you guys hide things really well. [ laughter ] >> and i almost ran into you in the hallway right now so the surprise was almost spoiled. congratulations. >> thank you so much. thank you, everyone. >> well, it's a pleasure to be with you. thank you guys for being here. march on and play on. [ applause ]
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michael? >> michael: great job, deb. congratulations. teachers are absolutely the best. coming up, the best. a guy we love. chris hemsworth. there he is. he's here. we'll be right back. scan the qr code or go to good morning and tell us why a dad in your life deserves a brand new look. it's the dad do over a father's day celebration on gma. this is a case that has been confounding for decades. >> wow. he pulls out a gun and
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fires at point blank raid. now friday night the son who witnessed it all. >> the last words i heard was oh, how pretty and bang. >> a shocking murder that took decades to unravel is now a mystery. >> something breaks the case wide, opens finally solved the stunning 2020 true crime event friday at nine eight central on abc. >> they call him the beauty queen killer. >> he's targeting young women in malls. >> i am single, the one of joy, the company of a number of women , he he tortured me. >> how did she survive nine days of terror? the word accomplice came up. >> nobody knows the real story. the beauty queen killer. >> only on hulu. >> there's only one place in
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daytime to voice your view. and this week, daisy ridley hits the table. then you know anything goes. when bill maher dishes hot topics with the ladies. this week on your emmy nominated view only on abc, america's most watched newscast, abc's world news tonight with david muir is now available on youtube. >> we've got a probable spring killer who's been operating for at least a few weeks. >> she watches them die. >> she. this is personal. do the free the will friends season finale tuesday on abc. >> i'm the doctor >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie-aqui from abc seven mornings and here's traffic has a man to do on this morning. well, reggie, let's take a live look at our walnut creek cam. >> you can see traffic on southbound 680 is barely moving , and that's because of a multi-car crash before olympic road. this is causing a major
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backup with stopped traffic on southbound 242 from concord avenue. there's cement and debris. even a sign down as well, with a 57 minute delay. so just keep that in mind reggie okay. >> appreciat. it're going to check in with meteorologist tuma right after this. adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now during cheap 4x4 season. >> well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s for buy for 389 a month. visit your local jeep dealer today. >> it just keeps getting worse and the crack keeps growing. the doors and windows stick. >> this must be very frustrating . almost no one connects that. these are telltale signs your foundation is shifting, but it's okay. we got it. oh, this is done growing in this house. >> okay, we have answers to all your concerns at bay area underpinning. >> we'll do a complete home inspection for free so your home can stand strong all year long.
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schedule your free inspection today. i love the great outdoors from indoors. >> it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? >> so i like looking at it for show. >> so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place. yeah i'm gonna be a paper champion. living room, sanctuary, bathroom , sanctuary, other living room. >> well, that's just extra in america we have private forests. >> so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can stay where they belong. adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now during cheap 4x4 season, well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s4 buy for 389 a month. >> visit your local jeep dealer today. >> hey bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up, we'll chat with daisy ridley from young woman in the sea. >> plus, jameela jamil stops by. >> that's at nine on abc seven. we'll see you shortly.
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>> here's a live look from the exploratorium camera. most sunny skies out there. it's looking lovely. this morning we will have temperatures climbing into the 50s and low 60s already. we're on our way to a sunny day , a warm afternoon, a live look at san jose. it is bright out there. we have the sunny skies with us. temperatures today. we'll get you into the 60s along the coast, 70 seas around the bay, shoreline low 80s inland are fog takes a break this evening. still have clear skies by 9 p.m. reggie. thanks for you. >> we have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and can always catch us on our news app and abc7 news dot com more. good morning ame >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: nice day outside in times square. nice day here in the studio, with chris hemsworth. he's starring in the latest installment in furiosa. chris, welcome to the show.
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[ applause ] great to see you. before we get to the movie, we're going to talk about the last time you were in new york city. you were co-chairing the met gala. what was that experience like? >> it was incredible. first time i had been. first time i was invited. hopefully, i'm invited back. it was fun. it's a long process. as co-chairs we have to greet everyone as they come up the stairs and welcome them in. eclectic bunch of artists, athletes, musicians. actors, so on. i love it. i love the whole experience and interacting with different folks from different industries. my wife was there. it was fun. >> robin: speaking of your wife, nice segue here. okay. the film is kind of like a family affair. will we see your wife's name come up in the credits? what was that experience like working together? >> it's great. we've worked together a couple of times. date night. chance to go to work to spend sometime together. no, it's fantastic. she plays two parts in this.
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those of you can spot her. >> george: your sons went to the australian premiere. what did they think? >> they loved it. they've seen behind the curtains the smoke and mirrors and we're on set on various occasions throughout the shoot causing as much chaos as the film itself represents. they loved it. they're like, dad, we want to wear a tuxedo. we want a stretch limo. [ laughter ] they invited all their friends. i had to cancel a few of my mates. >> george: they got the stretch limo? >> they got the stretch limo. a big hummer style thing. >> george: let's look at a clip. >> do we open the gates? >> stop it. >> go faster! >> they won't open the gates!
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>> michael: you had to under go a serious physical transformation. why was that important for this character? >> look, the individual, the first time i read the script, he was this large flamboyant bombastic, insane, wild creature. he's obviously a villain but it was important to sprinkle in some humanity throughout the film. the physical representation had to be that of the wastelands. we had a person, a product of that space, mangled teeth, the hair, the beard, prosthetic nose, costumes. again, it lends itself to the environment of the waste land. he was a larger than life individual. felt right to take a swing as far as the physical transformation went. >> robin: like many, you are a fan of this franchise for many year. you said this role was like a dream come true.
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how does being a fan first add into the experience? >> it makes it so much more enjoyable. you come out as a fan and a different sort of enthusiasm and respect for the whole experience. especially when every single person on the set, they were involved in the first film, are still there with george. first for the love of george. you have to remind yourself to stay in character. i would walk around like i was in a museum. look at these cars, these motor bike, the sets. i had one that was to nostalgic. i grew up watching those films. to be a piece of the puzzle is a dream come true. >> george: you circled the globe since you were here for the met gala. what's next? >> we're here for a few days. [ laughter ] i was in australia a few weeks ago. went to the met gala, then l.a., then the cannes film festival. flew in from london last night. i go to los angeles, star
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ceremony, walk of fame thing. >> michael: congratulations, by the way. [ applause ] just to be clear, you're in new york right now. [ laughter ] all right? >> i feel like i just woke up. cameras everywhere. who are these people? >> robin: you'll get a break after this, right? >> i do, yeah. i'll have a couple of months at home. i'll do a movie later in the year in l.a. for you i'll be home, reset, hang out with the kids, surf. all the fun stuff. all the good stuff. >> michael: which you deserve. you earned it. thank you so much. furiosa a mad max saga hits theaters this friday. make sure you check it out. tomorrow furiosa herself, anya taylor-joy, will be here. anything we should ask her? >> you can ask her what it was like working with -- [ laughter ] >> michael: we will make sure that happens. coming up, daisy ridley talking about her new movie. we'll be right back with more gma.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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>> robin: we welcome you back. our next guest mastered the force in star wars. now she has mastered the ocean for her new movie young woman and the sea about the first woman to ever swim the english channel. daisy ridley, welcome back to "good morning america." >> thank you. >> robin: you were here before. you still have that same enthusiasm.
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>> very excited to be here. >> robin: love this role, playing the woman who swam 21 miles across the channel in 1926. i'm sure you had to put a lot of work in the water for this. how good a swimmer were you before this? >> my first training session i tried to swim down a 20 meter pool and stood up halfway and was like, what have i done? [ laughter ] it was learning a whole new skill at 30 which is also you're like, should have learned this before. did three months of training then during filming was training. then the big swim the two attempts across the channel was at the end of the shoot. i was already tired emotionally, physically, then we had nine days in the black sea. >> michael: wow. >> george: wow. how much did you know about her before this film? >> nothing, which i felt a little ashamed about. it was interesting. the response from my people had been, how do we not know? i mean, hopefully, this is a
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wonderful time for modern audiences to hear what she did, because it was unimaginable at that time. what she did probably changed the course of women's sports. so it's wonderful to be bringing her story to life. >> george: let's give everyone a look. >> i asked to coach the women's olympic team. they told me i could be a chaperon. they're not ready for us. >> what if i'm ready? >> do you know what will happen? when you get hurt? they'll use that failure to shut us down, to kick every girl out of my pool. >> and what if i make it? what then? >> then they got a serious problem. >> michael: lot of motivation to make it. >> yeah. >> michael: we know you've spent a lot of time in the water filming this. but from something you posted that we saw, it looked like you didn't even get out of the pool to have lunch. >> yeah. so we did one day of -- the
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attempts, everything you see on the sea is out really in the water. we did one day of tank work. it was easier to stay in the tank. i had my floating tray. i was worried i didn't want to eat too much and get indigestion. >> george: would you swim in the pool all of the time? >> it depended. it was a process. the director had made parts of the caribbean so he had experience filming ton water. filming in the water is different. so i would get in, keep pace with the boat, keep pace with the camera boat. there was the current. there was a lot to contend with. few minutes at a time, i would say. i'd get out and warm up and go, i really don't want to go back in. >> george: serious workout. >> yeah. >> robin: did you learn something about yourself going through this process? >> i learned that i can do stuff that is making me really panic and not make other people feel i'm panicking.
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i actually don't know how i did it. at the time i was like, i need to do this. inside was panic, panic, panic. above water, so to speak, i could sort of contain that. >> robin: above water, can we talk about ray? can we talk about her expanded role, her story line in the next star wars? that has to be something that's very exciting for you, to know more of her story is going to come to life. >> yeah. i really did think the last time, i was like, bye-bye. [ laughter ] then hello. it's very exciting. it feels, honestly, so strange. like, i really can't imagine what that experience is going to be like. it's been a number of years. a lot has changed. it's really exciting. >> michael: we were saying, we can't believe it's been ten years. we remember it like it was yesterday. >> i look back and think, i was a baby.
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it's weird. it doesn't feel like starting again but all of those emotions came back of keeping something a secret. [ laughter ] then it getting out. i'm looking forward to it. >> george: we are, too. >> robin: is this everything we expected it to be ten years ago when you were coming on the screen? you're so well known now. >> i feel like, honestly, the last few years i have been able to do such an amazing breadth of films and work with different filmmakers. that was always what i wanted. i was thrilled to be employed, first and foremost. the opportunity it's given me, it's been amazing. the fact that i'm able to do all sorts of things is a blessing. >> robin: you've earned. that's what we see in this film. a young woman and the sea. thank you for sharing this story. so important. it's in theaters on may 31st. ginger? >> ginger: looking forward to
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learning more. we also have some exciting news of fans of the light lark saga. here is best selling author and book talk sensation alex aster with the announcement you've all been waiting for. >> good morning america. i am excited to announce the third book in the series is called sky shade. it's coming out on november 12th. you can expect even more romance, powers, magical creatures, big plot twists, and you will get to see isla in her villain era. you can preorder it anywhere now and i can't wait for you to read it soon. >> ginger: you heard it there. the third book in the light lark series, sky shade, will be out in november. you can preorder it now on our website. let's get a check a little closer to home.
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>> robin: i gotta tell you, it is a star studded monday morning here on gma. coming up, crazy rich asians author kevin kwan is here talking about his new book. come on back.
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>> george: we are celebrating aanhpi month. right now kevin kwan, new york times best selling author of crazy rich asians. now he's got a new book "lies and weds. welcome back. what's the story? >> 21st century bridgerton. yeah. really flipping the script and up ending the narrative of that traditional woman must marry rich man. this time it's the boy that has to go after a rich girl. >> robin: you got it. >> switching it. i love it. >> michael: i love it. >> george: you write a lot about weddings. what's a perfect wedding guest? what's the worst wedding guest? >> i think the perfect wedding
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guest is the one that comes and is there giving the best intentions to the couple. sending love, support. the worst one is the one that calls the bride 12 times on the day of the wedding. [ laughter ] true story. actually happened. >> robin: what? someone actually did that? >> believe it or not. i witnessed it. >> robin: why would they call the bride 12 times on her big day? >> it was to upstage the wedding. we were all lost, let's put it this way. [ laughter ] >> michael: he witnessed it. >> george: you weren't making the calls? >> i was not. [ laughter ] >> robin: wow. wow. >> michael: the characters you write about, they live lavishly. of all the characters that you have written about, which one can you personally hang out, go on vacation with? >> for vacation, i think kitty pong from my crazy rich asian series would be fun to travel with. >> robin: she would be. >> she would get me into all the secret vip places. i would meet crazy people that i
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never thought i would. i think she would be fun to hang out with. >> robin: she's the one to put you outside your comfort zone. we all need someone like that. >> she is always rocketing somewhere. take me along. >> robin: i love how on social you drop these little clues about the book. this is one right here. pasta. okay. that's the book. what clue in the book is this associated with, the pasta? >> this restaurant is mentioned in my book. it shows up because i went there and basically was in complete ecstasy over that pasta dish. it was that good. yeah. so simple, so lovely, but the flavors were working on every level. i was like, i need to write this place down. i want to come back. everyone should know about it. >> robin: you like to tease us. [ laughter ] >> michael: making me hungry, too. >> for me, i loved reading books
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that made me hungry. [ laughter ] >> robin: that's true. >> raid the fridge at 2 a.m. while i'm reading. >> george: we all loved crazy rich asians. now sex and vanity is going to be made into a movie? >> absolutely. fingers crossed. we hope to shoot this year. we have an amazing cast. some icons. >> george: can you reveal any? >> i wish i could. i wish i could. >> robin: he'll drop a clue yet. >> check the website. check instagram. you'll see. >> michael: i was just saying how i'd walk in the house and my kids are watching crazy rich asians. you have to watch it no matter where you pick it up. i have to ask you about crazy rich asians 2? any updates? >> it is in the works. it is in the works. once again, check my website. [ laughter ] the amazing great thing is everyone got so busy. it blew up the careers of john chu and the actors.
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they have to do a few amazing victory laps. but now everyone is excited to get back and make crazy rich asians 2. >> robin: you look back at it and say, of course, this will be a major hit. when you were doing it you had no idea it would get the reaction and legs that it has. wanting a second an even a third. >> it's been a dream come true. really. i have to thank my fans. my readers have been there from the beginning. i suspected they would support it. >> robin: you said you've always enjoyed reading. >> yes. i always love to perform. 5 years old, given my first book. that's what i love to do most. >> robin: what was your first book? >> the wishing chair. >> robin: you had that in your back pocket. [ laughter ] >> my favorite book. >> robin: i love that. >> george: thank you for coming in. >> always a pleasure. >> george: we'll be right back. >> robin: wow.
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>> would you know what to do if you were in your car submerged under water? wednesday gma will show you how to survive from inside a car as water rushes in. must see live only on "good morning america." >> robin: we thank deb and ray of sunshine team in minneapolis for surprising mr. barlow. you can tell that he was very much surprised and so deserving. tonight game 7 of the stanley cup playoff series between edmonton and vancouver. the puck drops 9 p.m. eastern on
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espn. >> michael: thanks for watching. >> do you know a dad in desperate need of a style upgrade? gma's got you covered. we're looking for an awesome dad to give a makeover of all makeovers. scan the qr code or go to good morning and tell us why a dad in your life deserves a bland new look. it's the dad doover a father's day celebration on gma. >> i'm andie. >> i'm sabrina. >> we're moms juggling tons of stuff like all you moms out there. >> do you know what we love? really love? pop culture. >> what happens when the best of a new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music. >> right now, there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of every morning, making sense of it all. >> that's not always so easy. >> and that's where we come in.
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>> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you. >> they call him the beauty queen killer. he's targeting young women in malls. >> i am single, i want to enjoy the company of a number of women . >> he tortured me. >> how did she survive nine days of terror? >> the word accomplice came up. >> nobody knows the real story. >> the beauty queen killer. only on hulu. >> this is a case that has been. confound ing for decades. >> the clown pulls out a gun and fires at point blank range. >> now, friday night, the son who witnessed it all. >> the last words i heard was, oh, how pretty and bang! >> a shocking murder that took decades to unravel is now a mystery. something breaks the case wide open. >> finally solved the stunning
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2020 true crime event friday at nine eight central on abc. >> doctor glassman told me when you touch one life. you don't just touch one life. you touch every life that that life touches. >> the good doctor series finale at sutter. hour 22 cancer centers never stop providing breakthrough cancer care and 33 nurse navigators never stop being in your corner. getting better never stops. >> create lasting memories under the big top at cirque du soleil kooza in san jose. >> kooza now playing at santa clara county fairgrounds. buy tickets at cirque du >> we fight for the rights of riders every day. we give back millions to support the motorcycle community because we are riders and motorcycle law is all we do. if you're injured in
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a motorcycle accident, don't fight the insurance companies with just any lawyer. call one 804 bikers. we ride. we care, we win. if you go down a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today when you know that you're finally home. >> that long stretch of road falls behind that line won't
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stop. >> don't stop leaving. tell me what you want, what you want. why don't you see it? cause right here, right now. how you can be any body at sutter. >> our 1800 primary care doctors and 30 urgent cares. never stop being there. and 1 million video visits never stop making life easier. getting better, never stops. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic. hi amanda. hi, reggie. >> we want to get you straight to cordelia for a sigalert. that happened in the last few minutes. this is a multi-vehicle crash. eastbound 80 before sassoon valley road. you can see speeds are down to seven miles per hour. there are three left. lanes are blocked. traffic is
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stopped from highway 12, and there's also a backup on northbound 680 from cordelia road. and then a quick mention car versus big rig crash on the bay bridge that's causing an issue in the eastbound direction. so you can see the lower deck really not moving. >> hey, mandy saw from that bay bridge camera. we are sunny out there. we're climbing through the 50s already in the low 60s for san jose. all right, so here's a look at your day planner today. it is a bright one. it is a warm afternoon. those temperatures later today slightly above average or sunset at 818 reggie drew thank you. >> time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again at 11 onr m ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the film "young woman and the sea," daisy ridley. plus, actor,


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