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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  May 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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tonight, breaking news in new york city. the drama inside the courtroom, what donald trump's lawyers got michael cohen to admit to. then, the judge furious with a defense witness, clearing the courtroom. also tonight, the hardline president of iran dead in a helicopter crash. what we know. and here at home, we're tracking new and severe storms
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moving in tonight, several states. first tonight, the judge in donald trump's criminal trial furious with a witness put on the stand by drm's lawyers. why the judge cleared that courtroom. and it came after a dramatic moment with michael cohen. what he admitted to. aaron katersky is there. also tonight, the new images coming in. the hardline president of iran dead tonight, killed in that helicopter crash. what led to the crash? and tonight, we have learned iran reached out to the u.s. for help after the crash. martha raddatz with late reporting. tonight, president biden now lashing out at the chief prosecutor for the international criminal court, who is now seeking an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and leaders of hamas. here in the u.s. tonight, the new severe storm threat we're watching at this hour across several states. terrifying tornadoes, and a very close call already. you'll see the video. tonight, the major headline following the release of that graphic hotel surveillance video showing sean "diddy" combs
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attacking his then-girlfriend. tonight here, sean combs and the new video of him apologizing for his actions. you'll hear what he says in this video. the deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. and tonight, the massive cargo ship has been moved, nearly two months later. that crew still onboard. the new headline tonight after the arrest of the world's number one golfer in louisville. what we've now learned about this case. outside new york city at this hour, the tents in the front yard. accused serial killer raex er heuermann. tonight, what target has now done to compete with walmart, and why customers could be the winners here. and actor kevin costner and his emotional, unexpected moment, breaking down in tears after a seven-minute standing ovat ovation. what led to this motion?
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good evening and it's great to start another week with all of you at home. we do begin tonight with the fireworks inside that new york city courtroom today. the judge in donald trump's criminal trial furious with a witness, put on the stand by donald trump's defense team. the judge so angry, at one point, clearing out the courtroom. now, that moment coming not long after another dramatic development inside that courtroom, involving trump's longtime fixer michael coe on. donald trump watching. the jurors fixed on the testimony all day. what the defense team got michael cohen to admit to. abc's senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off from the courthouse. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump's lawyers laser focused on destroying the credibility of the state's star witness, trump's former fixer michael cohen, the only person to testify he spoke with trump about the hush money deal with porn star stormy daniels. on cross-examination, defense attorney todd blanche getting cohen to admit under oath that he'd stolen $30,000 from the trump organization. and then, after the prosecution
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rested its case, the defense calling a surprise witness, ushering in an explosive courtroom confrontation. robert costello, a lawyer who advised cohen in the days after his hotel room and office were raided by the fbi in 2018. costello testified cohen was “manic,” and “suicidal,” quoting him saying, "my life is shattered, my family's life is shattered. i really want you to explain to me, what my options are? what's my escape route?" costello said he told cohen all his problems would go away if he just told the feds the truth about donald trump and the deal with stormy daniels. but he said cohen insisted “trump knew nothing about those payments, that he did this on his own.” saying, “i swear to god bob, i don't have anything on donald trump.” throughout costello's testimony, prosecutors objected. and when judge juan merchan upheld those objections, costello audibly reacting from the witness stand. "geez," he said one time. “ridiculous,” he mumbled under his breath. the judge, furious, sending the jury out of the room. addressing costello directly. “if you don't like my ruling, you don't give me side-eye and you don't roll your eyes. do you understand that?"
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costello glared at him. "are you staring me down?” the judge asked. and then, that dramatic move. judge merchan clearing the courtroom. sending everyone out into the hallway. when the trial resumed, costello back on the stand. prosecutors beginning their cross-examination. he'll be back on the stand tomorrow, but tonight, before court adjourned for the day, trump's lawyer asking judge merchan to dismiss the case. >> hopefully the motion to dismiss this trial will go through, because this trial is a disaster for our country. >> reporter: no immediate ruling from the judge. but when the defense argued the jury shouldn't even consider testimony from michael cohen, the judge was skeptical, say, "you think he's going to fool 12 new yorkers?" david, the defense is likely to rest its case tomorrow with no testimony from donald trump himself. closing arguments, jury instructions, and finally, deliberations, next week. david? >> david: big week next week. aaron katersky leading us off tonight. aaron, thank you. we turn to the major global
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headline tonight. the hardline president of iran confirmed dead after a helicopter crash. tonight here, new images of the wreckage discovered. what we know so far. what led to this crash. as we also now learn iran reached out to the u.s. for help after the helicopter went down. martha raddatz tonight with late reporting here. >> reporter: new images tonight, of the deadly helicopter crash sending shockwaves across the middle east, killing iran's hardline president and other top officials. in dense fog, search teams locating the mangled wreckage, wedged between trees, in the rugged mountains of northwest iran. the bodies of iranian president ebrahim raisi, his foreign minister, and six others, found at the scene. as iran investigates the cause, defense secretary lloyd austin tonight made clure the u.s. had no role. >> the united states had no part to play in that crash. and so -- and that's -- that's a fact, plain and simple.
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>> reporter: the state department today saying the iranian government even took the remarkable step of asking the u.s. government for help in finding the helicopter, but was unable to assist for what officials called logistical reasons. in iran, thousands mourning the deaths of the two leaders. but some in iran secretly, and those in exile in berlin and london, celebrating. given raisi's role in the vicious crackdown on protests in iran back in 2022. and with the war raging in gaza, it was also raisi who oversaw the launch of that unprecedented missile and drone attack on israel last month. just months ago, i sat down with the foreign minister, who was killed in the crash, to talk about the simmering tensions in the region. >> we don't really want the war, the scope of the war, to expand.
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>> reporter: but the foreign minister making clear he believed the u.s. bore responsibility for ending the war. president raisi had widely been seen as a possible successor to iran's 85-year-old supreme leader, ayatollah khomeni, but raisi's death will not likely change the ultra-conservative policies of the country. >> david: really something you sat down with the foreign minister, who is now among the dead tonight. let's get to martha raddatz. as you know, some iranian authorities blaming the u.s. tonight. they say a major reason why their helicopters, their fleet is so old. and i know you were there in tehran when the iranian president came to power. this new election comes very quickly? >> reporter: it does, david. but the state department made clear today that it was the iranian government that decided to fly its president in a 45-year-old helicopter in bad weather. no one else. but no matter what the u.s. says, many iranians will blame the u.s. and israel, and even though iran will hold elections
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within the next 50 days, it is a near certainty that the next president will be approved by the ayatollah. >> david: martha, thank you. meanwhile tonight, the chief prosecutor for the international criminal court now seeking an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the leaders of a hhamas. president biden calling it outrageous. britt clennett in israel tonight. >> reporter: tonight, president biden slamming a top prosecutor's decision to seek the arrest of israeli leaders, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, for war crimes and crimes against humanity. with the administration rejecting the move, biden calling the charges outrageous. karim khan, the chief prosecutor of the world's top war crimes court, says evidence from an independent investigation led him to request warrants for netanyahu, defense minister yoav gallant, and three hamas officials, including yahya sinwar. saying those hamas commanders bear criminal responsibility for murder, kidnapping, and other
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inhuman acts during and after the violent attacks on october 7th. khan accusing netanyahu and gallant of causing extermination, starvation, denying humanitarian supplies, and deliberately targeting civilians in conflict during the last seven months of war in gaza. >> unfortunately, these crimes continue to this day. israel, like all states, has the right to defend its population. those rights, however, do not absolve israel of its obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. >> reporter: netanyahu today saying it's absurd, and blasting any comparison to hamas. >> the icc has no jurisdiction over israel, and mr. khan's actions will not stop us from waging our just war against hamas. >> reporter: david, tonight, those images of netanyahu alongside sinwar sparking outrage here in israel. now, next three judges will decide over the coming weeks whether to issue arrest warrants and allow the case to proceed. david?
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>> david: britt, thank you. meantime, back here in the u.s. at this hour, millions of americans tonight in the path of potential severe weather. new storms coming. and the possibility of straight-line winds and a tornado risk tomorrow and wednesday. tonight here, the destruction already. alex perez in the storm zone. >> reporter: tonight, a seemingly never-ending outbreak of severe weather firing up again in the heartland. 15 twisters reported in the last 24 hours. lightning revealing a dangerous nighttime cone tornado, at least an ef-2, west of oklahoma city. storm chasers nearly overtaken as another twister destroys trees and buildings before their eyes in custer city, oklahoma. that tornado, at least an ef-2, winds above 110 miles an hour. north of wichita, kansas, straight-line winds gusting to 100 miles an hour in newton. and not far from there, in halstead -- >> this scene of limbs and
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leaves down is the entire town, from what we can tell. >> reporter: joshua and denny johnson cleaning up today, sheltering with their family as storm rolled through overnight. >> it seemed like we were down in the basement forever, but it just -- you heard the wind, you heard the rain. >> reporter: meanwhile, in houston, a massive cleanup operation after last week's derecho pummeled the metro area. families lining up for ice, water, food, and other supplies. sweltering heat adding insult to injury. nearly 200,000 still without power tonight. and david, you can see that toppled tree behind me here. the cleanup here is going to take awhile. and there is more. those storms tonight continue from nebraska to minnesota, with flash flooding and severe weather. and then tomorrow, the threat increases for parts of iowa and illinois, especially for straight-line winds, but strong tornadoes cannot be ruled out. and more severe weather is on tap for wednesday, as well. david? >> david: what a spring this has been. alex, thank you. we turn to the new video
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here, sean "diddy" combs putting out an apology what he says in this new video, after that graphic hotel surveillance, showing him attacking his then-girlfriend ch and authorities tonight on why they cannot prosecute that particular case. here's matt rivers. >> reporter: tonight, sean “diddy” combs apologizing after video emerged appearing to show the rapper and producer brutally attacking his former girlfriend, cassie ventura. >> my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. i'm disgusted. i was disgusted then when i did it. i'm disgusted now. >> reporter: in the 2016 hotel surveillance video, exclusively obtained by cnn, combs is seen in just a towel, running after ventura, throwing her to the ground, and kicking her. combs saying he's sought help, including therapy and rehab. >> i'm not asking for forgiveness. i'm truly sorry. >> reporter: in his social media
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post, combs did not directly apologize to ventura, or even mention her. the incident matching one of the allegations detailed in the civil lawsuit ventura filed against combs last november. combs settled the case, denying her claims. ventura lawyers telling abc news, "combs' most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt." adding, "he was only compelled to 'apologize' once his repeated denials were proven false.” california authorities aware of the video, saying they are unable to prosecute due to the state statute of limitations on assault charges. now, lawyers say that while the statute of limitations has expired in regards to this incident, lawyers could try to introduce the hotel surveillance video or combs' apology video in other cases against combs or in sentencing. david? >> david: matt rivers with us again tonight. thank you. we turn to baltimore this evening, where nearly two months after that deadly bridge collapse, they have finally moved that massive cargo ship. the crew still onboard.
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terry moran on the scene with the images tonight. >> reporter: today, almost two months after that container ship, the "dali," slammed into baltimore's key bridge, bringing it down, there she was, on the move again for the first time since the disaster. just before dawn this morning, taking advantage of the high tide coming in at that hour, crews pumped out more than a million gallons of water that had been used to stabilize the vessel. and then, five tugboats, very slowly, at a speed of about 1-mile-an-hour, moved the "dali" free of the wreckage. time lapse video from the salvage team shows the operation. bringing the battered ship back to the port of baltimore. cameras capturing a grim sight from above, a large slab of the bridge roadway, crushing containers on the bow. a reminder of the violence of the disaster, which killed six construction workers who were on the bridge at the time. just one week ago, crews used precision cutting charges to remove a massive piece of steel from the ship, making today's
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operation possible. >> within the next week to week and a half, they should have the full channel open and available again. >> reporter: and now, the focus of this investigation into this disaster is on those power failures onboard the "dali." the two just seconds before the ship hit the bridge, and two others ten hours earlier while the ship was still docked in port. david? >> david: terry, we thank you again tonight here. this evening, infamous wall street trader ivan boesky has died. the inspiration for the gordon gekko character in the movie "wall street." much of his success built on insider trading. sentenced to three years in prison for it. he was 87. when we come back here, the news tonight in the arrest of the world's number one golfer in lose vim. also, outside new york city at this hour, the tents in the front yard of a suspected serial killer. and later here, the remarkable, emotional molt involving kevin costner. of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you.
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when we come pack here, what target has just done to compete with walmart. customers might be the winners tonight. and the emotional, unexpected moment for kevin costner. depression is a journey. i'd made some progress on my antidepressant... had some daily wins in reducing my symptoms. but i was still masking my depression. so i talked to my doctor. she told me i could build on my wins, without changing my antidepressant. rexulti, when added to an antidepressant, significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. and less depression... that's a win.
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i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. to the index. and target tonight dropping prices on 5,000 products, trying to win back customers and compete with walmart. lowering prices on groceries and baby products. actor kevin costner overwhelmed by a seven-minute standing ovation for his new movie premiering at the khcanne film festival. that went on and on. costner wiping away tears. his children there. the new movie "horizon," costner producing, cowriting, starring. he mortgaged his own ranch to make it. when we come back tonight, the father, his little girl's milestone. would he make it in time? the video he sent us on the way. . this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house...
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finally tonight here, would he make it there in time? the dad and his little graduate. tonight, in warner robins, georgia, the kindergarten graduation ceremony, and one giant surprise. right in front of the class. 5-year-old alina rice, right there in the middle, singing with her classmates. her father, gregory rice, deployed overseas for nine months. missing out on his daughter's entire kidder guarden year. captain rice, a single father, sending her videos while serving overseas while she was back home, living with her grandparents. >> good morning. it's daddy. just wanted to say i love you. >> david: that father serving his country, constantly checking in on his daughter. >> i got these wonderful letters from you today. and i really appreciate it. and i also got this wonderful
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school picture, you look beautiful in this picture. and i'm really proud of you. >> david: tonight here, this is her father, captain rice, checking in with us while on his way home. >> hi, david. welcome to the home of the third infantry division. our soldiers have just returned from a nine-month deployment to eastern europe. >> david: he was trying to make it to graduation in time. >> hey, david. so ready for this surprise. just excite and anxious and ready to go. >> david: alina rice! walking across the stage, getting her diploma. and she had no idea her father was there. captain rice walking into cheers. >> alina, your father is here. >> david: alina seeing her father. >> come on down here! >> david: the hug.
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alina's classmates on their feet, and cheering. and right here tonight -- >> hi, david. >> david: captain rice and his daughter, the kindergarten graduate. >> how does it feel that i'm back now? >> happy. >> happy? bye, david. >> david: we salute you for your service, and good luck in the how's it doing this? a very long time. i've never seen us san jose police officers take so much gunfire in such a short period of time. >> new details today on a wild weekend shooting in san jose and a new sentencing scheduled for the man convicted of attacking former speaker nancy pelosi's husband in their home. >> the almost unheard of reason why. good afternoon. i'm kristen sze and i'm larry viel. >> thanks for joining us. we'll
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have more on those stories in just a few minutes. but first, in order to build a better bay area, three of the bay area's biggest cities are rolling out speed cameras to try to make our roads safer. san francisco, oakland and san jose are all getting these cameras thanks to a new bill signed into law by governor newsom last october. >> this includes san jose, where city leaders believe these cameras can continue the downward trend in traffic deaths after a record setting year in 2022. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how new money from the federal government will help the city install these cameras. >> stepping on the gas has more of an impact than one might think. speeding up can save a minute. >> slowing down can literally save a life. >> speeding was a contributing factor in 33% of traffic deaths in san jose from 2018 to 2022, and mayor matt mahan and the city hope a new tool paid for by federal funding can get people to slow down. >> the goal of these cameras is really to change behavior. for the first six months that they're up, they will simply automatically issue a warning via the mail. after