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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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just a few minutes. but first, in order to build a better bay area, three of the bay area's biggest cities are rolling out speed cameras to try to make our roads safer. san francisco, oakland and san jose are all getting these cameras thanks to a new bill signed into law by governor newsom last october. >> this includes san jose, where city leaders believe these cameras can continue the downward trend in traffic deaths after a record setting year in 2022. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how new money from the federal government will help the city install these cameras. >> stepping on the gas has more of an impact than one might think. speeding up can save a minute. >> slowing down can literally save a life. >> speeding was a contributing factor in 33% of traffic deaths in san jose from 2018 to 2022, and mayor matt mahan and the city hope a new tool paid for by federal funding can get people to slow down. >> the goal of these cameras is really to change behavior. for the first six months that they're up, they will simply automatically issue a warning via the mail. after that six
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month period, people who were speeding in areas where these cameras are deployed will get a ticket in the mail. >> fines start at $50 for driving speeding at least 11mph over the limit, then increased to $100 for 16 miles an hour over and $200 for 26mph over. as the cars speed goes up, the likelihood of someone surviving being hit goes down. triple a found the average risk of death is 10% at 23mph, but it's only 5050 at 42mph, and almost always fatal at just 58mph and above. >> no one should die on our roadways. it is preventable, but we have to invest in enforcement, infrastructure, education, technology, all the pieces coming together to just remind people to be safe on our streets and to make sure that everyone can be safe when they're out on our streets. >> the city will use $8.5 million in federal grant money to install 33 cameras as part of assembly bill 645 pilot program, which includes san francisco and oakland. privacy expert mike castle says bay area leaders
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should be focused on tangible solutions when it comes to solving the problem on the streets, fixes that also don't raise accuracy and privacy concerns as well. >> overall, speed cameras seem like more of a of a quick solution to address the problem of speeding, rather than the more expensive and time consuming solution, which would be a re-engined air and a redesign of the roads of concern . >> the reality is to get to zero traffic deaths. city leaders know it will be engineering, education and enforcement to get the job done in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news more and more money going to high speed rail. >> this time it's a $3.4 billion federal commitment to connect caltrain and high speed rail to downtown san francisco, the so-called portal project will eventually integrate 11 transit systems and abc seven news reporter suzanne phan is here in studio with us with a new development. >> suzanne. so, larry, kristin, it may seem like a long way off, but leaders are celebrating this
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big boost in funding that will eventually connect caltrain 77 mile system and the planned high speed rail system to the salesforce transit center in the heart of downtown san francisco. >> right below the grand hall of the salesforce transit center, stretching for several blocks, speaker emerita nancy pelosi and other leaders get a glimpse of the future. it's about the future. >> as you see, it will take some time in the future. >> this 80,000 square foot area will be the concourse level with shops further below. this is where fourth street caltrain station will connect with the transit center, and it will eventually be where you can also catch high speed rail. it's a big deal. the portal transit plan will move forward thanks to one huge gift from the federal government. >> $3.4 billion. yes, today is cause for celebration. the total budget is about $8.4 billion, which includes the train box that was built several years ago. >> and, you know, the $3.4 billion that the federal
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government just committed is huge. it brings us to two thirds funded for this project. >> the transbay joint power authority says the portal project will bring together key modes of transportation in the future. >> this project brings caltrain all the way from fourth and king all the way into downtown san francisco, and right behind it will be california high speed rail. >> the high speed rail project is projected to cost $106 billion, according to california high-speed rail authority's critics say the project faces a nearly $7 billion shortfall to finish the central valley segment, and the project also needs about $100 billion to connect san francisco and los angeles by high speed rail supporters remain confident the high speed rail, which is part of this really is starting in california. >> so take pride in that. when we show and demonstrate this giant steps that are going forward, then it's easier to attract more resources to get the job done. >> the key is to get it done
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sooner, because time is not free. and every time a year passes, the costs keep going up. we just need to break ground and the california high speed rail project has been hit by rising costs. >> estimates, delays and litigation. critics say the cost of phase one between san francisco and los angeles is now three times the initial cost. back to you. >> all right, suzanne, thank you. california's high speed rail is being built in sections. voters approved the line running from san francisco to los angeles back in 2008. new video shows the elevated tracks near fresno. construction started in the central valley in 2015, and then in august of 2022, california's high speed rail authority approved design contracts for the rest of the 171 mile line, including madera to merced and shafter to bakersfield. now that construction could start as soon as next year, the rail line is estimated to be finished by the year 2033. >> new details just in from investigators in san jose after
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an officer shot a man. police say got into a gun battle at an apartment complex, officers say the shooting on colmar drive yesterday could have been so much worse. >> the potential for a mass tragedy last night was immense. this apartment complex was filled with people enjoying a warm sunday evening. families, friends and children were safe one minute and the next in grave danger. >> a call yesterday afternoon about a man firing a gun into the parking lot of an apartment complex. when officers got there, they say he started firing at them, officers exchanging gunfire. the suspect ultimately shot by an officer. the suspect is still in the hospital in critical condition. investigators say he's been convicted of assaulting an officer before and wasn't allowed to have guns. this comes just weeks after two other san jose police officers were hurt in a shooting. >> the frequency of san jose police officers being shot at or hit by gunfire has gone from a rare anomaly to a regular occurrence. we cannot allow attempts of killing of our
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officers to become normalized, expected or tolerated, san jose police department acting chief paul joseph says he's creating a team to investigate why so many people are shooting at officers right now, 15 officers shot in as many months. >> the man convicted of attacking congresswoman nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer is set to get a new sentencing hearing. a federal judge granted a motion over the weekend to reopen the sentencing in the case of david de pap, because he did not get a chance to speak. during friday's hearing. de pap was sentenced to 30 years for breaking into the pelosi home and attacking paul pelosi back in 2022. de pap's ex-wife criticized the attorneys in the case, saying she was silenced and we really wanted to read our testimonies, but we were excluded. >> the lawyers kind of played a number on us and made sure that we were not able to testify in on his in his support at the
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sentencing hearing. >> a new sentencing hearing is scheduled for may 28th. >> an oakland man missing in the wilderness between sunol and livermore was finally found today. >> solo hiker got lost on the trail with his dog. they were missing for nearly 48 hours. >> abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley is live in pleasanton, outside the hospital where this hiker was taken. leslie >> uh. yeah, we understand the hiker was checked out here. it's a 54 year old from oakland. the dog was also okay, from what we're told now. they had, along with them, overnight gear and a fair amount of food and water for an overnight hike. but it was ambitious and it quickly turned into an emergency. this is 54 year old alex stecker and his trail companion apollo, a bull terrier cattle dog mix. it's the same outfit stecker was wearing when he was dropped off at sunol regional wilderness on friday morning for an overnight
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20 mile hike on the ohlone trail to del valle in livermore. he didn't show up for his ride at 5 p.m. saturday, and was reported missing by 830 that same night. >> it's a large wilderness ohlone wilderness area, so we utilize everything we could we drones, helicopters. we brought in the east bay regional park, police helicopter, the california highway patrol helicopter, and the national air national guard helicopter, we requested assistance from the alameda county fire department, east bay regional park fire department, alameda county search and rescue, 100 people searched on foot, and with eight all terrain vehicles. >> yet all day sunday, they couldn't locate stecker or his dog. the search resumed again this morning, when a san francisco water district employee came across stecker way off the trail in the remote, rugged wilderness. >> all things considered, he seems to be doing pretty good. the dog's doing pretty good as
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well. it is. >> you're assuming he got off the trail and got lost? >> yes. it looks like, he probably went the wrong direction instead of going to del valle and wound up at the san antonio reservoir, medics were flown in and stecker was taken as a precaution to a nearby hospital. >> as the search was called off, helicopters were used to ferry search and rescue personnel in from other areas of the vast wilderness. east bay regional parks said there's a lesson to take away from this. even though this hiker and this dog turned out to be okay. hikers going out on to remote trails like this one, especially if they're trekking alone, should really have a gps locator or device along with them. reporting live in pleasanton. i'm leslie brinkly. abc seven news. >> leslie. thank you. we have some wild video to share from a san jose family's security camera going to see the cat while it was cooper. he's he's really fast, but you'll see what's following cooper. okay,
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that is a mountain lion. all right, once again, you can see the chase ensuing here. and the good news is that cooper is fast enough to get away from the mountain lion who was picking up speed right there. mariand jeremy garcia live in the berryessa era of san jose. this is off canyon view drive, and they were driving to church yesterday morning when they saw the chase on their camera feed. >> it was a shock. really shocking to see such a big animal chasing our kitty, to be honest with you, and we were terrified for her. >> now, once again, the garcia's tell us, cooper, the cat is okay. she came back yesterday night and was back to her usual lounging in the front yard. stay inside. cooper. >> yes. safer that way. >> a big fine for home depot. the fire rules the retailer is accused of violating in the majority of its south bay stores. some relief at the
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grocery store. and one major retailer is slashing prices on more than just groceries. a lesson in more than just golf. the clinic for athletes not letting their disabilities keep them off the links. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. temperatures up today. i'm going to show you how much warmer it's turning tomorrow and how long this will last. coming up, whe and asked them about their hearts. how's your heart? my hear's pretty good. you sure? how do you know? you're driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn't have a hey, check heart sign. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. don't wait.
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get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon.
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in its stores. it was just a breakdown in many different aspects of the home depot store, from employee training all the way to the monitoring, all the way to the notification of home depot. >> some background here. the violations came to light after an arson fire burned a home depot store in san jose to the ground two years ago. investigators say the automatic sprinkler sprinkler system at the store was disabled even though home depot had been warned about it. fire officials also reported they had trouble getting to water sources because pallets were blocking their access, and investigators later found fire code violations at 13 of the 14 home depot stores in santa clara county. home depot is implementing new training and tracking methods to ensure compliance with fire codes. >> smoke filled a san francisco street. you see it all right here. when a garbage truck
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caught on fire. and you can see how thick that smoke is. a viewer shared this video with us here at abc seven news. it happened at ellis and hyde street. no word yet on exactly how this fire was started, but there are no reports of injuries. now to some amazing video you have to see of rescue off the sonoma county coast this weekend. emergency crews rescued a man after his car went flying off a cliff landing hundreds of feet below. abc seven news anchor dion lim spoke with several of the people involved in saving that driver's life, and she joins us now with the story. dion amazing. >> yeah, larry and kristen, this was described to me as a needle in a haystack kind of search effort. and one of the most challenging searches conducted by a sonoma county sheriff's office pilot and deputy. take a look. the vehicle went off the cliff on highway one just after 7 a.m. on sunday morning near the jewel gulch area, south of fort ross. you can see on this helmet cam. rescue crews arrive on the scene and because of the terrain, the h-1 chopper was forced to land on the highway. from there, pilot nigel cooper, deputy larry martelli also
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locate the vehicle about 200ft down the cliff, and a tree is what stopped the car from tumbling further down. you can see the windshield there is smashed. there is no driver in sight and due to the thick brush and terrain, cooper and martelli grew concerned when they couldn't locate the male driver. but nearly an hour later they spotted a deer trail and something promising. >> all i could see was a guy's hand. he was wearing green clothing, so he blended right in with all the all the brush. >> larry is saying a phantom, a phantom like point, and he's pointing. and i put larry right over, over the top of him. and from 100ft above, i still cannot see the person. that's how buried he was in there. and camouflaged. >> he was. he was about 350ft down from the car. >> yeah. it really takes your breath away just looking at this video. the driver didn't know his name or where he was, but was transported in serious condition. both cooper and martelli say this was one of the
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most challenging searches they've worked on together, and credit multiple agencies for making it happen. i also spoke with michelle friess, the emergency dispatcher, who told me she could hear the driver breathing over the open phone line and then not hearing him anymore was extremely emotional, she says. knowing each team worked together to rescue this man made the stress of her job so worth it. larry and christine, incredible. >> thank you dion. uh- new mural captures the rich history and legacy of the san francisco fire department. that artwork was unveiled today at the department's headquarters on second street. carmen zhang, a student at the academy of art university, created the mural. >> it was a great experience. i am honored to be able to design a huge mural like this is one of my first murals that is this big, and leading a team of artists is really great. >> to have a piece of history like this on the wall is incredible, and i think it's just amazing that carmen, who's 22 years old, did this like, wow
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, wow, i was right. >> the mural is 21ft tall. it offers visitors a window into the fire department of the late 1800s, designed to be a visual welcome into the oldest standing firehouse still owned by the department. it. >> yeah, it's like we are transported back in time. absolutely. love it. all right. you know, there's nothing to complain about for weather, right? this whole week? nothing at all. larry >> i have no complaints because sandia has a perfect forecast. >> perfect. it is indeed perfect. okay, we're going to keep it that way because we don't want to hear the complaints. i figured today you shouldn't be complaining, larry and kristen. and that's because the temperatures are up. you guys wanted warmer. all right. we got it. sun shining right now as we look from our oakland airport. camera. just a beautiful view. we've got 70s and 80s in our warmest spots like santa rosa 76 right now, fairfield 81, 80 degrees in concord, livermore. you're at 77 degrees. seeing the blue skies from san rafael. camera 62 in
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the city. it is 65, in oakland, 70 from hayward to san jose. currently 75 degrees in redwood city, but it is 55 in half moon bay compared to 24 hours ago. most areas are up a few degrees and you can pretty much see what brought the warmth. we have more of a northerly wind flow, and that's sweeping some of that fog away from much of northern and the central california coast. as a matter of fact, the patchy fog we did have this morning is long gone. so here's a view from our san jose camera and a look at the headlines tomorrow. sunny and summer-like warmth coming your way. wednesday the fog returns to the coastline and for your memorial day weekend, we're talking about cooler weather friday and saturday, and then those temperatures will come up on sunday and memorial day. all right. let's talk about your numbers 520 tonight. still going to be pretty pleasant inland in the 70s and 80s. those temperatures will be slow to come down at 7:00. you're still in the 60s and 70s but along the coastline it will be cooler. and then late tonight, 50s and 60s starting off the morning with
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comfortable weather. and then quickly we're going to notice that away from the beaches, it is going to warm up into the 80s. i'll show you the ultimate high temperatures in just a moment. 40s and 50s out the door, mainly clear skies for the bay area to start the day. and then tomorrow afternoon, that warming trend continues in the south bay. 82 degrees in san jose getting you up to 78. in sunnyvale, 79 in milpitas on the peninsula. really pleasant day. 75 in san mateo, 78 in mountain view, 63 in half moon bay, downtown san francisco 70 degrees. so warmer than today. 65 in daly city in the north bay, you're looking at 80. in san rafael, 84 degrees santa rosa, 82 in vallejo. these temperatures coming up above average for some cities in the east bay. 76 oakland 77. in hayward had inland and we get you up to 86. in concord, 84 in livermore, 83 in pleasanton. so the accuweather seven day forecast, the warming continues tomorrow with close to 90 degrees inland. it's going to
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feel like summer low 60s coast side. and then the fog will be back at the coast on wednesday. the temperatures begin to come down. it's going to be a gradual cooling trend, but with another trough coming in over the weekend, we are talking about below average temperatures for the unofficial start of summer. kristen and larry, who in their right mind would complain about that forecast? i have no idea. >> right mind? >> i mean key here 88 seems a little warm in my allergies are bothering me. >> oh no. >> so thank you. >> sandy. a farewell to mister raider, the great jim otto. >> it felt awesome because i didn't know an 11 year old can be experienced like 40, 50, 30 years old. >> oh my gosh, the young boy taking on the world of golf. his big win today and the organization hpi golrs get back on the green just ahead.
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sold the pro football hall of fame center. he played 15 years with the oakland raiders in the afl american football league. that's before the merger. otto stood out by wearing the iconic double ot jersey, which has become a memorable part of the raiders history during their time in the bay area. now, after football, otto underwent get this more than 70 knee surgeries
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due to injuries sustained from his football career. remarkable man. >> san francisco's olympic club has hosted the world's best golfers in the past, but today it played host to a unique golf clinic. about 30 athletes with physical disabilities got lessons on putting, chipping and driving movements that don't come easily to them. since some are amputees, others are wheelchair bound and others are visually impaired. the challenged athletes foundation provided converted golf carts to let people in wheelchairs stand up and hit a golf ball. >> and instead of just saying that we've been in bed for the last week and a half, we can say, you know, we've been golfing and surfing and, you know, riding the bike and doing all the things that adaptive sports help us achieve. >> and 11 year old pakin chung got a $2,000 check to help him live out his dream of becoming a professional golfer, something he hopes to pursue despite suffering from dwarfism. >> i like that it is
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and that you don't need to have a certain height or strength. >> the challenged athletes foundation has been around 30 years. in that time it's raised $178 million offering grants to 48,000 athletes with disabilities. >> that is awesome. a group of elementary students in oakland now have a safer place to play thanks to stephon and ayesha curry. their eat learn play foundation held a ribbon cutting ceremony today for their latest schoolyard playground rebuild. this one is at piedmont avenue elementary school. >> i am very grateful for the new playground. it's very inclusive and it looks very safe. i really like this playground because it's like it's made for everyone because some people don't know how to like, speak like with their voice. >> but now there's like a sign language thing over there. and i just think, like, this playground is like, for everyone . >> the curry's were so active in
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the community, started eat, learn, play back in 2019 to support healthy children through nutritious meals, reading resources, and opportunities to play and be active. >> such great work. all right, bombshell remarks both in and out of the courtroom in new york today. that was an incredible display. >> i've never seen anything like it in my life. the tyrant and everyone's talking about it. >> we'll tell you what's next for the former president's hush money trial. >> and a warning from the epa. the cyber attacks targeting our nation's wat
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is it a donald trump in new york city? >> yeah. the prosecution rested its case today after a redirect examination of mr. trump's former attorney, michael cohen. abc news reporter reena roy has the latest. >> reporter the prosecution resting its case in donald trump's historic hush money trial. trump's former attorney michael cohen, their final witness in a heated exchange. cohen admitting on the stand that he stole from the trump organization when he requested a $50,000 reimbursement for it services. cohen had actually paid just 20,000. the former president shaking his head and pursing his lips during this testimony in their redirect examination, prosecutors trying to bolster cohen's credibility after the defense tried to paint him as a liar who's out for revenge. the prosecution taking on what might have been the most effective piece of the cross examination when defense attorney todd blanch said cohen lied about an october 2016 phone call with trump to finalize the stormy daniels payout. cohen testifying he did indeed speak
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to trump about daniels on that call. there was a brief argument in court over two images prosecutors want jurors to see from c-span. video on the day cohen says he spoke to trump, showing trump with his bodyguard. those images ultimately allowed the defense now getting their turn, calling daniels to the stand, a paralegal for the defense team, followed by bob costello, a longtime trump ally who cohen testified offered to represent him after the fbi raided his home in hotel in 2018. meanwhile, outside of court, chaotic moments when the large political entourage with trump stepped out to speak. i'm allan wilson, i'm the attorney general for south carolina. protesters clashing, some screaming, trying to drown out trump's surrogates. trump has pleaded not guilty to falsifying business records and has denied any sexual encounter with daniels. >> they have no case. they have no crime. it's covered in the book as legal expense. i had nothing to do with it. a bookkeeper put it down as a legal expense with memorial day coming up, the judge says closing arguments will likely
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begin next tuesday. >> reena roy, abc news, new york . >> president biden is criticizing a decision by the international criminal court in the hague to seek an arrest warrant against senior israeli leaders involved in the israel, gaza war. the warrant sought by the prosecutor charges both israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and hamas leader yahya sinwar of war crimes and crimes against humanity. biden called the charges against israeli leaders outrageous, but the charges were praised by human rights watch at yale university, a few dozen students walked out of yale's graduation ceremony, this in support of the palestinian movement. >> university staff helped guide protesting students to an area outside the ceremony. officials say the school is committed to freedom of speech and expression. stay with abc seven news. we have our continuing coverage of the protests over the war between israel and hamas . you can get the latest anytime at abc seven >> a warning today from the
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environmental protection agency. cyber attacks against water utilities are on the rise. the epa issued an enforcement alert warning agencies to take immediate action to protect the nation's drinking water. according to the alert, nearly 70% of utilities aren't meeting standards to prevent cyber threats, including outdated facilities and weak passwords. the advisory follows a string of recent cyber attacks claimed by russian speaking hackers as long time coming. >> those words from america's first black astronaut candidate after finally making it to space at 90 years old, ed dwight realized his dream on blue origin's new shepard rocket. abc news reporter ike ejiochi has his story. >> pumping his fist in the air after landing, air force test pilot ed dwight, at 90 years old, is now the oldest man to travel into space. >> everything you can think of and i thought i really didn't need this in my life, but now i
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need it in my life. i am ecstatic. >> dwight was selected by president john f kennedy in 1961 to become the first black astronaut candidate, but when kennedy was assassinated, dwight's path to space evaporated. until now, blue origin jeff bezos aerospace company, launched its ns 25 mission, sending dwight and five others into space for an 11 minute flight aboard its new shepard rocket capsule combo. while he did not get the chance to travel into space all those years ago, dwight went on to have an amazing life as a sculptor and author. but he says over the years he had to convince himself that he didn't need to go to space. >> so i had to sublimate it and make it go away and say, what? i didn't need that anyway, you know? but i did, and i wished i had gotten that thing. but it's great. that's all i can say. it's great. absolutely fabulous. >> veteran astronaut charlie bolden sent along a special message ahead of dwight's big day. >> i want you to just take take
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some time while you're while you're flying, just to suck it all up and take it all in. you deserve every moment of this. you've been a role model and a mentor for many of us, knew shepard had been grounded since a september 2022 accident during an uncrewed flight, which the company traced to a thermo structural failure. >> but the vehicle is now fully back. with its latest human mission now a success. >> this is a life changing experience. everybody needs to do this like ejiochi, abc news, new york. >> gosh, that's incredible. >> a new trend among teenage boys will tell you about smell while maxing and moving out. just where are californians going and asked them about their hearts. how's your heart? my hear's pretty good. you sure? how do you know? you're driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn't have a hey, check heart sign. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation,
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one of the leading causes of stroke. checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. don't wait. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon.
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us. how many people are moving away from california? a new report from moving and storage company pods finds los angeles and the bay area are seeing the most people leaving the state. the miami area came in third. so the question is where these people going? according to pods, the majority are heading to the carolinas with six cities there in the top ten. anybody surprised that they're moving to the carolinas or that they're moving at all? amma. >> oh, i can totally see it. especially la and the bay area where it's so expensive. cost of living versus quality of life. i've never been to the
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carolinas. i hear they're fantastic. perhaps a bit too humid for my personal taste. but you know, i can see it happening quite easily. >> sandhya. >> yeah. i mean, i definitely can see it as well. i mean, we saw it happening during the pandemic where people were moving to colorado or the carolinas or wherever it may be. not surprising at all. larry yeah. >> if you could work from home and be in a cheaper environment that you like, well then go for it. >> and some people are seeking lower taxes. yeah for sure. now to modern microsurgery. checking this out. it's a robot operating on a kernel of corn. what? yeah, definitely unusual, but what's wrong with the corn? >> that they need to know? >> they need to add some butter. >> would you like them to try on you, larry, start with my brain, okay? i think they should start with the corn. it's all to show off a new surgical robot tool from sony. the robot can replicate the movement of the surgeons hands and fingers. it works with a microscope to repair small tissues, even nerves. oh, wow, they can fix me
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, can they? >> though? >> might take a lot of work. >> well, i have so many friends here. it's so great, that's fascinating, isn't it? it's amazing. yeah, but you put the whatever. the clippers there, those seem big. i mean, you think that that would have to be smaller as well if you're going inside? well to work on your brain. >> yes. oh, ouch. >> good one. >> christine, i don't know what's come over me, larry. you know how nice i usually am to you. >> excuse me. it must be my allergies, the latest tiktok trend is called smell maxing. >> it's an expensive habit among teenage boys. it's basically replacing cheaper cologne for pricier fragrances. teens are posting videos of themselves putting on 200 or $300 bottles of designer cologne. a recent survey found. spending on fragrance rose 26% among teenage
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boys in the past year. christine, you happen to have a teenage boy. is he drenching himself in cologne before he walks out? why didn't you ask sandy at first? >> okay, no, no, no, that's not his thing. but i will say this buying into luxury brands and luxury goods seems to be a popular trend amongst teens. i don't know if it's like tiktok or the instagram videos, but suddenly it's become popular for them to, you know, and we thought we want to expensive things when we want to what jordache jeans when we were teens. sandy gloria vanderbilt i mean now they're dropping like $300, like it's nothing. yeah, i don't get it, sandy. >> you know what? i have a teenage son, and i will tell you that he is big on cologne right now. and his friends are as well, which, is really kind of crazy. i mean, he's like, oh, no, no, we have to smell good. and i'm like, but where are they even getting the money? that's the other problem. a lot of kids aren't even working. they're
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just getting money from their parents. there's a sense of entitlement that i just. there's this whole. yeah, it makes me. >> or they have jobs, right? but instead of, like, saving it and investing it or putting it towards their tuition, they're just blowing it on expensive clothes. they don't see it as blowing, though. >> they think it's perfectly fine. well, then they need some lessons on finance. well, you know literacy. >> talk to your son, sandhya. >> you know what? he's not going for $400 colognes, though. i mean, that's just it. he just. he wants to smell good. >> he smells like $200 to me. yeah, okay. >> i don't even want to ask what i smell like because i know i'm going to be at the dollar store, speaking of splurging, would you spend $400 for a fruit or, like, sandhya's son, you know, whatever. maybe you want to smell like a pineapple, this is a new pineapple variety from del monte. it's called ruby glow. named that way for its red exterior. the flesh is still yellow inside, so it looks like a pineapple. took 16 years to create this using traditional cross-breeding techniques. if
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you want to try it, get your wallet out and you can join a waitlist at del monte. but wait, it tastes the same. apparently >> so it's like lipstick on a pig. it's just the same thing. just the outside's a little pink. >> i don't get it. >> what did they crossbreed it with? that's what i want to know. like, how did they get that color? do they crossbreed with a grapefruit? well, what do they do? larry, you're the one from hawaii. you tell us about pineapples. >> i don't i've never consumed a pineapple of that color. >> i've never climbed a tree to get a pineapple of that color. i, i don't know, it's new. it's technology. it's amazing. wait. >> pineapples don't grow on trees, do they? >> they grow on the ground. >> they're like a little bushes thing. >> the coconuts. the coconuts are up in the trees to find out. >> but see the surgery on his brain again? yeah, almost. >> where the wind you go, girl, i love that. >> oh, starting to like this segment. take yourself. take
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the retailer just announced plans to slash prices on more than 5000 goods, including groceries. >> abc news reporter rebecca jarvis looks at which food items are following the fastest. >> attention, shoppers, grocery prices are falling for the first time in a year, but we all know inflation has gotten a little out of hand. cash strapped consumers are seeing a little relief just in time for that memorial day barbecue, with prices on food at home down 0.2%
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overall in april, according to the labor department. in some cases, prices down even more. milk, chicken, fruits and vegetables nearly 1% lower, apples down 2.7% for the grill master pork ribs down 2.3% and eggs down 7.3. >> they've been going up considerably since the pandemic. now they're actually leveling off and decreasing because of the efficiencies that they've had, as well as these retailers pushing back on the price increases, retailers who've seen their customers cutting back, also starting to introduce additional savings. >> today we're going to see if we can get groceries for the week for under $100. >> target announcing that it's cutting prices on approximately 5000 frequently shopped products, including kitchen staples like milk, meat, bread, fruits and vegetables in april, walmart launching better goods, its biggest private food brand in 20 years, with the majority
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of items under five bucks. and fast growing chain aldi rolling out additional summer savings, cutting prices further on more than 250 items. >> what we're going to see is just about every major retailer getting involved, lowering prices, adding more store brands , adding higher quality store brands. >> i'm rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> san jose is giving small businesses a boost by helping entrepreneurs deal with the red tape of owning a business. the event at city hall today connected small business owners with city staff and nonprofits to help with city paperwork and marketing. they also held workshops on how to use i. the city says it's had a record number of businesses start in san jose over the last decade. we are trying to invest in our small business community. >> this is a journey together with the residents and the businesses, and we want to appeal to every neighborhood in
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the city. >> these small business workshops happen three times a year. >> all right, on to the forecast. it's going to get warm. >> yeah. really nice to check out those temperatures with sandia. >> yeah a warming trend is going to continue tomorrow. kristen and larry, let's take a look at the winds right now gusting to 28 miles an hour in san mateo might be bothering you like some people like larry suffering from allergies. trees are running in that high category. olive is the newest culprit. oak, pine and grasses also problematic. although grasses have come down, they're in the medium category right now on live doppler seven. the coast is clear tomorrow afternoon. we're looking at inland highs near 90. in places like fairfield 63, though in half moon bay. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. it's going to be summer-like warmth tomorrow. temperatures slowly sliding heading into the holiday weekend. and then we'll turn it around the second half of the weekend larry. >> all right. thank you sandy. all right. listen closely everybody. voting is underway now to name the four falcon
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chicks living on cal's campanile. you can vote for the names in groups again. they're clustered together. so i'm going to go slowly here. one option is aurora eclipse, solstice and equinox. all earth related themes. another is alder, madrone, aster and myrtle. after bay area native plants. about ramona henry, beezus and ralph from beverly cleary books. the last group includes pam the funkstress, lucky taranta, and sunny. all the names, by the way, were suggested by kindergartners. you have a favorite, kristen, you know me, i'm so into the northern lights and the natural phenomenons i would probably go with the group one. >> okay, but you know, group two is good too. >> all right. winning names will be announced thursday. >> a wild ride with lots of twists and turns and falls. >> the greatest event in the bay area, if not the west coast, is this chaos. >> we'll take you to san francisco's big w
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wheel of fortune. press your luck at ten and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. yesterday bay to breakers is a well known san francisco tradition. there is another one that offers even more thrills and spills. bring your own big wheel gives children and adults a chance to dress up and ride their big wheels down. san
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francisco's real crookedest street of people just arrive with big wheels and they roll down the hill. >> adults are dressing up and riding classic tricycles down a bricked curbed street. >> there's a lot of sounds of wheels rolling, screaming this is fun. >> this is i want to do this. i want to be partaking in that. >> up there's the famous lombard hill in san francisco, but not a whole lot of people know about the equally as curvy and steeper hill that is vermont street in the potrero hill neighborhood. >> we're going to charge down vermont street, windiest road in san francisco. it's going to be great. >> i say, just get as low to the ground as you can and have protective equipment on. >> there's a lot of wipeouts.
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yeah, you can see pile ups all the time, like mid-course, like people just running in hay bales. but that's also part of the fun. the greatest event in the bay area, if not the west coast. full of shenanigans, childlike wonderment. >> i'm gonna just try it. >> i love this kind of stuff. are you talking about? >> it's a really magical energy. you're coming out here to play with the world and have fun. >> hell yeah. yeah >> the originator of bring your own big wheel was a man named john brummett. back in 2000. >> he found a big wheel and just decided, hey, i'm going to do this. and then other people are like, yeah, let's do this again. and it just kind of kept going. it's still a well known and yet still somewhat unknown and underground event. but there's people that come from around the world to be here to do this event. i want to get out of the routine like we are doing every day. >> the same, the same. we need
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to do something different and to be with our community. >> i saw everyone dressed up and i was like, hell yes, this is my thing. this is what i'm here for. san franciscans love an excuse to wear a costume. >> i have actually known about it for years and i just never. i just wanted to come watch and then i'm like, no, i'm going to do it. >> all free. just got to sign up. >> it's only by donations. >> when you're lining up for the first time and everyone's just sitting there like, ready. as soon as they say, go, everyone in the entire scene just kind of goes down the mountain. at the same time, you really wind back and forth and slam into the hay bales. is this chaos? and it's a lot of fun. >> as people race down the hills, there is so much that can go wrong with their big wheels. the bars will go wrong, the pedals are off, the seats fall out. there's a lot of carnage generally that the organizers of bring your own big wheel have to deal with. i was thinking about how can we take this problem and offer a very good solution,
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which is joyfully upcycling all the carnage. >> it's a diy pit stop. we want to let everybody fix their own bikes and provide stuff for them to do the repairs. help mitigate the trash that ends up at the end of the day. keep some bikes on the road. keep people riding. >> you should absolutely come just to see the spectacle of it, just to get that laughter of it. >> keeping a subculture alive. that's my number one priority right now. keeping things weird, keeping it free, keeping it creative. that is a huge reason that i am still determined to make this event happen. >> what fun. all right. abc seven news at five is nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders.
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