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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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roof where it appears there is some fire damage. the fire was first reported an hour ago, 5 p.m, and was putting out quite a bit of smoke that people could see for miles. that smoke quickly dissipated. we're still gathering information on this. no word yet. just how it started or any injuries or what exactly is burning. but we will bring you any updates right here on abc seven news. >> so just think of the opportunity it presents families for jobs for education, for visiting each other. >> so this is a big deal. >> local leaders all smiles thanks to a big check that will provide a big boost for california's embattled high speed rail project. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. that check will be $3.4 billion in federal funds and will help pay for connecting caltrain and high speed rail to downtown san francisco. >> abc7 news reporter suzanne fawn is here now with more on the portal project that will eventually connect 11 bay area
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transit systems. suzanne. well ama may seem like a long way off, but leaders are celebrating this big boost in funding that will eventually connect caltrain 77 mile system and the planned high speed rail system to the salesforce transit center in the heart of downtown san francisco. >> right below the grand hall of the salesforce transit center, stretching for several blocks, speaker emerita nancy pelosi and other leaders get a glimpse of the future. >> it's about the future. as you see, it will take some time in the future. >> this 80,000 square foot area will be the concourse level with shops further below. this is where fourth street caltrain station will connect with the transit center, and it will eventually be where you can also catch high speed rail. it's a big deal. the portal transit plan will move forward thanks to one huge gift from the federal government. >> $3.4 billion yesterday is cause for celebration. the toll bridge is about $8.4 billion, which includes the train box
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that was built several years ago , and, you know, the $3.4 billion that the federal government just committed is huge. it brings us to two thirds funded for this project. >> the trans bay joint power authority says the portal project will bring together key modes of transportation in the future. >> this project brings caltrain all the way from fourth and king all the way into downtown san francisco, and right behind it will be california high speed rail. >> the high speed rail project is projected to cost $106 billion, according to california high-speed rail authority's critics say the project faces a nearly $7 billion shortfall to finish the central valley segment, and the project also needs about $100 billion to connect san francisco and los angeles by high speed rail supports remain confident high speed rail, which is part of this, really is starting in california to so take pride in that when we show and demonstrate this giant steps that are going forward, then
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it's easier to attract more resources to get the job done. >> the key is to get it done sooner because time is not free and every time a year passes, the costs keep going up. we just need to break ground. >> and the california high speed rail project has been hit by rising costs, estimates, delays and litigation. critics say the cost of phase one between san francisco and los angeles is now three times the initial cost projection back to you. all right, suzanne. >> thanks, suzanne. phone reporting. california's high speed rail is being built in sections. voters approved the line running from san francisco to los angeles in 2008. new video shows the elevated tracks near fresno. construction started in the central valley in 2015. then in august 2022, california's high-speed rail authority approved design contracts for the rest of the 171 mile line, including from madera to merced and shafter to bakersfield, and that construction could start as soon as next year. the rail link is
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estimated to be finished by 2033. >> in an effort to build a better bay area, oakland, san francisco and san jose are rolling out speed cameras to make our roads safer. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how new money from the federal government will help san jose install these cameras, stepping on the gas has more of an impact than one might think. >> speeding up can save a minute. >> slowing down can literally save a life. >> speeding was a contributing factor in 33% of traffic deaths in san jose from 2018 to 2022, and mayor matt mahan and the city hope a new tool paid for by federal funding can get people to slow down. >> the goal of these cameras is really to change behavior. for the first six months that they're up, they will simply, automatically issue a warning via the mail. after that six month period, people who were speeding in areas where these cameras are deployed will get a ticket in the mail. >> fines start at $50 for driving speeding at least 11mph over the limit, then increased to $100 for 16 miles an hour over and $200 for 26mph over. as
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the cars speed goes up, the likelihood of someone surviving being hit goes down. triple a found the average risk of death is 10% at 23mph. but it's only 5050 at 42mph. and almost always fatal at just 58mph and above. >> no one should die on our roadways. it is preventable, but we have to invest in enforcement, infrastructure, education, technology, all the pieces coming together to just remind people to be safe on our streets and to make sure that everyone can be safe when they're out on our streets. >> the city will use $8.5 million in federal grant money to install 33 cameras as part of assembly bill 645 pilot program, which includes san francisco and oakland. privacy expert mike castle says bay area leaders should be focused on tangible solutions when it comes to solving the problem on the streets, fixes that also don't raise accuracy and privacy concerns as well. >> overall, speed cameras seem like more of a of a quick solution to address the problem
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of speeding, rather than the more expensive and time consuming solution, which would be a re-engined air and a redesign of the roads of concern . >> the reality is to get to zero traffic deaths. city leaders know it will be engineering, education and enforcement to get the job done in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news an active investigation is just getting started following the third police shooting this year in san jose. >> the latest cident happened yesterday afternoon in an east san jose neighborhood on colmar drive. police gave us an update on the suspect's condition. this afternoon. an abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes is live in san jose with new information for us on this. zach >> yeah. dan. that suspect is still hospitalized in critical condition and no one else was injured in this shooting that police said today in their update could have been much worse. the potential for a mass tragedy last night was immense. >> this apartment complex was
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filled with people enjoying a warm sunday evening. families, friends and children were safe one minute and the next in grave danger. >> it all happened sunday at this east san jose apartment complex. san jose police say they were responding to a call that a man was actively shooting a gun from a vehicle behind the complex. police say they got that call that afternoon. >> at 411, the anonymous reporting party called to report , quote, someone shooting bullets from a van, end quote. details later emerged that the suspect had also blocked access to the parking area to another neighbor, and had brandished a firearm at her. that neighbor was a mother returning home to her children in the apartment complex. >> this video, released monday afternoon, shows what police say is the suspect shooting at two officers who responded. they say he then reloaded his firearm and went to a different area of the apartment complex. officers still heard gunfire and then encountered him once again. they say he pointed the gun at an officer and that's when police fired at him. the suspect had multiple gunshot wounds. abc seven is not naming that suspect
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until he's formally charged. police say he has an extensive criminal history and convictions that prohibit him from owning firearms. >> this includes a prior conviction with a suspect. was sentenced to ten years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer, while also in possession of a sawed off shotgun and a stolen vehicle. the suspect is currently on active felony probation out of santa clara county for a different offense. >> police have not been able to interview that suspect to again is still in critical condition. they say right now his motivation is not known. an investigation is being done by the department's homicide unit in santa clara county da's office. three officers have been placed on paid administrative leave while that investigation continues. this third officer involved shooting in san jose comes just 17 days after the second one this year. last year, there were two officer involved shootings total. right now live in the south bay bureau. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> thank you zach, the man convicted of attacking congresswoman nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer, is set to
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get a new sentencing hearing. a federal judge granted a motion over the weekend to reopen the sentencing in david depapes case because he did not get a chance to speak during friday's hearing. depape was sentenced to 30 years in prison for breaking into the pelosi's san francisco home and attacking paul pelosi in 2022. depapes ex-wife criticized the attorneys in the case, saying she was silenced. >> we really wanted to read our testimonies, but we were excluded. the lawyers kind of played a number on us and made sure that we were not able to testify on his, in his support. at the sentencing hearing, a new sentencing hearing is scheduled for may 28th. >> a hiker who went missing for several days in the wilderness between sunol and livermore was found earlier today. 54 year old alex stetzer and his dog apollo took off friday for a 20 mile overnight hike on the ohlone trail. a family reported the oakland resident missing after he did not show up at del valle regional park saturday night.
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after a massive search yesterday and today, stetzer was found by a water district employee way off the trail. stetzer and the dog you'll be glad to know are doing well. >> dramatic video captures a rescue in sonoma county. deputies say it's one of the most challenging they've ever faced. a driver went off a cliff on highway one yesterday morning near the jewel gulch area, south of fort ross. a pilot and deputy showed up in a helicopter. they spotted the car 200ft down, stopped by a tree. you can see the smashed windshield, but no driver. the deputy spotted a deer trail and then the driver hidden in the brush. he's in the hospital now, in serious condition. deputies say it was like a needle in a haystack, and they credited multiple agencies for the rescue. >> well, just ahead, two years after a major fire. home depot agrees to pay up for serious violations at several stores in the south bay. >> also, the campaign now underway to drive out the man who runs muni. some residents and business owners say it is
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time for him to go, and remembering jim otto, the man known as mr. raider, an incredible career on the field and off. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. temperatures rising above average tomorrow. i'll show you how warm and how long when abc
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at the age of 86, leaving an incredible legacy on the field and off. and sports director larry beil is here now with more on the man many nfl experts say
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is the greatest center of all time. >> yeah, remarkable man in so many different ways. jim otto was one of a kind. he was a man who personified toughness and dedication, and he endured so much pain but never, ever complained about it. the pro football hall of fame center, he played 15 years with the oakland raiders in the old afl 1960 to 74. he was an original raider. otto stood out by wearing the iconic double zero jersey. it's become a memorable part of raiders history. during their time in the bay area, he was the first raider to earn all pro honors, first to make the hall of fame. started 210 consecutive regular season games, 308 in all with the preseason and playoff games, 12 time pro bowler, ten time all pro. i could go on and on. after football, otto underwent more than 70 surgeries due to injuries sustained from his football career. raiders owner mark davis, saluting the man known as mr. raider as the sun sets on the raider nation. >> i'm here at allegiant stadium
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to light the al davis memorial torch in honor of and tribute to jim otto, the original raider. the entire raider nations thoughts and prayers go out to jim's wife, sally, and the entire otto family. jim, may you rest in peace >> now, years ago, i had a chance to spend some time with otto at his ranch up in auburn. he was raising llamas and other animals, and though he was in obvious pain, he never complained about any of that. and he told me he would not have changed a thing. he loved playing football and absolutely loved the raiders. he was something else. >> he was really, obviously very successful on the field. but he did well after football as well. in business. yeah very, very successful in terms of business owned a lot of fast food franchises. >> and if people drove up 8-80, they probably saw the billboard with this photo alongside interstate 80 as they headed up
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to the sierra advertising one of his burger joints. so successful on and off the field you saw the video was filled with blood all over the place. i mean, that level of toughness you don't see anymore like that. all right, larry, all right. >> well, a group of san francisco merchants is now calling for the director of the city's transportation agency to resign or be terminated. abc news reporter luz pena spoke with the group's organizer, who says sfmta doesn't take merchants opinions into account and they want the mayor now to take action. >> close to 400 people are asking san francisco's mayor, london breed, to fire the city's transportation director, jeffrey tomlin. >> he doesn't belong in that seat. you know, he's just created a disaster of the city. >> the petition was started by a group that represents merchants along valencia street in the mission district. >> it is somewhat of a breaking point. >> this year, merchants on valencia have filed claims against the city demanding the removal of a controversial center bike lane. they claim
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it's killing their businesses because it led to the removal of 70 parking spots, making it harder for customers to come to the area. the owner of yasmin went on a 30 day hunger strike in protest of the bike lane. >> they put in the bike lane because they they want to get rid of cars. >> sfmta responded to this petition saying in part, the authors of this petition suggest that pedestrians and bicyclists safety and thriving commercial corridors are mutually exclusive. we do not agree, but this petition claims they're not the only area being hurt by projects approved by tomlin. >> merchants from hayes valley. they contact us and you know, they see us on the news and they know that we're fighting to remove this bike lane, and they made a mess out of hayes valley as well. >> the petition also lists an sfmta proposal for traffic changes in west portal after a family at a bus shelter was hit and killed by a driver. the proposal outraged many residents and merchants here.
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>> it didn't work for any of us and he was in charge of that, some saying they agree with the petition calling for tomlin's resignation. >> i think he does need to step down his leadership has shown that they don't actually care about san francisco. this isn't the first time that tomlin has been in hot water over his transportation visions. in 2013, tomlin was removed as a transportation consultant for the city of santa monica after city officials said he made comments online that nimbys used traffic fear as their primary tool for stopping development. in 2019, mayor breed appointed tomlin as sfmta's director after asking the former director to resign in san francisco. luz pena, abc seven news. >> home depot will pay $1.3 million for fire code violations as part of an investigation into a massive fire two years ago that destroyed a san jose home depot store, investigators at the santa clara county district attorney's office say home depot
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knew the store's sprinkler system wasn't working and didn't fix it. they later found fire code violations at 13 of the 14 home depot stores in santa clara county. home depot is implementing new procedures to ensure compliance. >> it's all right. on to the weather as we start another week. gorgeous weekend. nice start to the week. >> yeah, a bit of a roller coaster this week. sandia >> absolutely ama and dan. first, we're going uphill and then it's a drop off. but it's going to be a gradual cooling trend later on this week. let me show you a temperature change compared to yesterday. we are running warmer in most areas. good evening to you all. four degrees warmer in san jose and concord up five at novato. there, as we take a look at your evening forecast, if you are stepping out this evening, inland areas still pretty mild, 76 degrees and then dropping to the 60s late tonight around the bay from the mid 60s to the 50s and then along the coastline. this is where you might want to hang on to a sweater because you're looking at mid 50s and then coming down into the low
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50s looking at satellite and radar. we did have a nice northerly wind develop which swept the patchy fog. we had this morning away from our coastline, and it is south of monterey right now. so we did enjoy that warming trend today for most areas. but as things are starting. temperatures are starting to rise. you probably have noticed the tree pollen still running high. olive is the latest culprit that may be causing your allergies. grasses have come down, they're in the moderate category and weeds and molds are low to nonexistent. a live view from our pier 39 camera. beautiful view. some sea lions are soaking up the sun. 61 in the city it is 62. in oakland, 70 san jose, redwood city, half moon bay chilling at 55 degrees downtown oakland from our emeryville camera is showing up hazy. we do have good to moderate air quality right now. i'll show you that in just a moment. 75 in santa rosa, 77 in concord and 74 in livermore. so the yellows there is moderate air quality. it's still safe to
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be outside. but in case you're wondering, there is a little bit of haze in the air and we are expecting good to moderate air quality tomorrow. here's that haze from mount tam tomorrow. sunny summerlike warmth wednesday fog returns to the coast, starts the cooling and memorial day weekend. cooler weather is expected for the first half of it friday and saturday, your morning temperatures in the 40s and 50s to start the day, and then quickly. those temperatures will rise in the south bay. it's going to get warm, short sleeve weather for you. 82 in morgan hill and san jose, 79 in milpitas on the peninsula. it's going to be a nice day as 78 degrees in mountain view, palo alto, 63. in half moon bay, downtown san francisco, 70 degrees above average for this time of year. in the north bay, you're looking at 80. in san rafael, petaluma, 84 for you in santa rosa, 83 in napa and the east bay. it's going to be a nice day, a warmer one than today. 76 in oakland, 79 fremont head inland up into the upper 80s range. places like fairfield , brentwood, 84 degrees for you in livermore. your accuweather
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seven day forecast. if you like summerlike warmth, you got it tomorrow near 90 inland low 60s coast and then those temperatures will slowly start to come down as our marine influence increases. it will be most noticeable over the weekend when you start to see those temperatures dropping off into the 70s. but don't worry, second half of that weekend. yeah, we are going to see those temperatures coming back up. >> all right. look forward to it. thanks, sandy. all right. >> when we come back a local kids with a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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so she hosted her final u.s. service academies reception today at moffett field. the event celebrates local students selected for the u.s. military academy, the naval academy, the air force academy, and the merchant marine academy. wsu's district had a record 15 students admitted this year. >> these are all young people, their high school students that have this passion to serve. so it reminds me of all the good there is in america. >> the california national guard also named a helicopter after you in honor of her retirement. the 1/29 rescue wing is dubbing the chopper the honorable annah. she told us she's looking forward to flying in it. >> a group of elementary students in oakland now have a
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safe or safer place to play. thanks to steph and ayesha curry. they're eat learn play foundation held a ribbon cutting today for their latest schoolyard playground rebuild, this one at piedmont avenue elementary school. >> i am very grateful for the new playground. it's very inclusive and it looks very safe . >> i really like this playground because it's like it's made for everyone, because some people don't know how to, like, speak like with their voice. but now there's like a sign language thing over there. and i just think, like, this playground is like, for everyone. >> the curry's started eat, learn, play in 2019 to support healthy children through nutritious meals, reading resources and opportunities to play and be active like that. yes, it's incredible. >> well, arguably the wildest day yet in the donald trump hush money trial. next, the bombshell testimony from michael cohen and the behavior by a defense witness that caused the judge to clear the courtroom, and the
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chief prosecutor of the world's top war crimes court seeks arrest warrants for hamas and israeli leaders. >> we have presiden
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the judge so much, he cleared the courtroom, then telling the witness, quote, don't give me side eye and you don't roll your eyes. day 19 of the historic criminal trial ended with judge juan merchan admonishing the behavior of first defense witness robert costello of a lawyer who once advised michael cohen. >> costello took the stand after the prosecution rested its case, but not before bombshell testimony from star witness michael cohen. >> abc news reporter reena roy was in the courthouse in lower manhattan. the prosecution rested its case in donald trump's historic hush money trial. >> trump's former attorney, michael cohen, their final witness in a heated exchange, cohen admitting on the stand that he stole from the trump organization when he requested a $50,000 reimbursement for it services. cohen had actually paid just 20,000. the former
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president shaking his head and pursing his lips during this testimony. in their redirect examination, prosecutors trying to bolster cohen's credibility after the defense tried to paint him as a liar who's out for revenge. the prosecution taking on what might have been the most effective piece of the cross examination. when defense attorney todd blanch said cohen lied about an october 2016 phone call with trump to finalize the stormy daniels payout. cohen testifying he did indeed speak to trump about daniels on that call. there was a brief argument in court over two images. prosecutors want jurors to see from c-span. video on the day cohen says he spoke to trump, showing trump with his bodyguard. those images ultimately allowed the defense now getting their turn, calling daniels to the stand, a paralegal for the defense team, followed by bob costello, a longtime trump ally who cohen testified offered to represent him after the fbi raided his home in hotel in 2018. meanwhile, outside of court,
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chaotic moments when the large political entourage with trump stepped out to speak. i'm alan wilson, i'm the attorney general for south carolina. protesters clashing some screaming, trying to drown out trump's surrogates. trump has pleaded not guilty to falsifying business records and has denied any sexual encounter with daniels. >> they have no case. they have no crime. it's covered in the book as legal expense. i had nothing to do with it. a bookkeeper put it down as a legal expense. >> with memorial day coming up, the judge says closing arguments will likely begin next tuesday. reena roy, abc news, new york. >> a legal victory for wikileaks founder julian assange today, a british court ruled assange can appeal the order that the that he be extradited to the u.s. on espionage charges. the ruling sets the stage for an appeals process likely to further drag out a years long legal saga. assange faces 18 felony counts over his website's publication of a trove of classified u.s. documents almost 15 years ago. the australian computer expert has spent the last five years in
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a british prison after taking refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london for seven years. >> president biden is criticizing a decision by the international criminal court in the hague to seek an arrest warrant for senior israeli leaders involved in the israel-gaza war. the warrants sought by the prosecutor accused both israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and hamas leader yahya sinwar with war crimes and crimes against humanity. biden calls the charges against israeli leaders outrageous, but they were praised by human rights watch today. >> iran began five days of mourning following the death of their president, ebrahim raisi. he was killed in a helicopter crash yesterday with several other top officials, as abc news reporter perry russom explains, it's not clear why it happened, but video from the area shows dense fog at the time of the crash. >> iran's first cabinet meeting after the death of president ebrahim raisi, iran's first vice president, leading the meeting next to a framed picture of
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raisi saying in no way will this tragic incident interfere with the government and the running of the country. these may be the final images of raisi flying in the helicopter before a crashed yesterday, right. the foreign minister and several others killed after the helicopter was forced to make a hard landing in the steep mountains of iran. rescue teams seen carrying bodies from the crash site. video of the search shows dense fog. >> whenever we see mountains, bad weather, low visibility. the first cause that we look to is probably weather induced mishaps. >> at the time, raisi was on his way back from visiting a dam on the border with azerbaijan. the president was seen as a polarizing figure in iranian culture, as the country's relationship with the west has been falling apart. his death was met with celebrations outside the iranian embassy in london, and the embassy in berlin by iranians in exile. >> i am very happy today because we want to bring freedom and democracy for iran. >> his death comes at a volatile
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time in the middle east, with the war between israel and hamas, a militant group that iran has backed, as well as israel and iran's recent attacks on each other. perry russom abc news, washington. >> a warning tonight from the environmental protection agency cyber attacks against water utilities are on the rise. the epa issued an enforcement alert warning agencies to take immediate action to protect the nation's drinking water. according to the alert, nearly 70% of utilities are not meeting standards to prevent cyber threats, many having outdated facilities and weak passwords. the advisory follows a string of recent cyber attacks claimed by russian speaking hackers. >> just ahead, the new lifelike mural that captures the legacy of a local fire department from days gone by. >> plus, it felt awesome because i didn't know an 11 year old can be experienced like 40 or 50. >> 30 years old and the young boy chipping away at this dream
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and the organization helping him and others make it
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the artwork was unveiled today
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at the department's headquarters on second street. carmen zheng, a student at academy of art university, created the mural. >> it was a great experience. i am honored to be able to design a huge mural like this is one of my first murals that is this big and leading a team of artists is really great to have a piece of history like this on the wall is incredible, and i think it's just amazing that carmen, who's 22 years old, did this like, wow . >> yeah, definitely. wow. the mural is 21ft tall and offers visitors a window into the fire department of the late 1800s. it's designed to be a visual welcome into the oldest standing firehouse that is owned by the department. >> san francisco's olympic club has hosted the world's best golfers in the past many times, but today it played host to a unique golf clinic. about 30 athletes with physical disabilities got lessons on putting, chipping and driving movements that do not come easy for them. since some are
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amputees, others are wheelchair bound and others are visually impaired. the challenged athletes foundation provided converted golf carts to let people in wheelchairs stand up and hit a golf ball, and instead of just saying that we've been in bed for the last week and a half, we can say you know, we've been golfing and surfing and, you know, riding the bike and doing all the things that adaptive sports help us achieve. 11 year old parkin chun got a $2,000 check to help him live out his dream of becoming a professional golfer, something he hopes to pursue despite being born with dwarfism. >> i like that it is inclusive and that you don't need to have a certain height or strength. >> the challenged athletes foundation has been around for 30 years doing great work. in that time, it has raised $178 million, offering grants to 48,000 athletes with disabilities. >> it's the heartbeat of the hawaiian people up next, bay
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area seniors learning to i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something
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mild inland cool at the coast. right now the coast is clear as you look at live doppler seven tomorrow afternoon, you're
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looking at low 60s along the coast, but a warmer one inland almost summer like mid to upper 80s in the warmest spots on wednesday. those temperatures slowly come down. okay, we'll get youhe down to the mid mid 8d by thursday it's the low 80s inland. you see where those temperatures are trending. they're going down on friday 50s to 70s. a look at the accuweather seven day forecast that cooling continues on saturday. and then sunday and monday will bump up the temperatures a few degrees for any outdoor activities that you might have, but we're really not expecting any extreme heat in the forecast, so looking nice overall. dan and ama, it looks great. really >> thanks, andy. >> a group of seniors in the bay area is honoring the traditions of the hawaiian islands. this aapi heritage month through hula dancing. >> and today, we're taking you inside the san ramon acosta senior and community center, where residents are creating friendships and memories as they immerse themselves into pacific island culture
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>> hula is the language of the heart and therefore the heartbeat of the hawaiian people . >> the soft, graceful movements are really fun to do, and the beautiful music which evokes everything hawaiian. >> i appreciate it more. and telling the story. me having the movement and what it means. this is like a godsend. >> class >> many people visit hawaii and they think that hula is just wiggling around. but hula is so much more than that desiree elder and i'm an instructor for hula. i teach here at the san ramon acosta senior and community center
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of the reasons that i teach seniors is because, number one, i'm getting up there. right? so. but but also because they're they're a very engaging group of people. they want to learn. they're not done with life. they want to learn. they want to exercise. it's overall great for their health and they're really enjoying it. my class here is very social group, and so they're very happy to trade, you know, instances on what they did. and how they figured out how to do this move better and to practice. because one of the things that's most important, especially when you get to this age, is it's easy to forget so many things right? and you add hula in there. and so they really remember things and they help each other to remember when we came to this class, we were we didn't know each other. >> we all just came here as individuals. and then we learned the basics how to kaholo. and so i had to learn all the different movements and what they're called now and stuff. and it's
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really nice because you're all learning together. and so it's kind of like you're you're helping one another out >> you have to teach them about culture. when you teach them about hula, you just can't teach them moves and language as it pertains to any of the songs that they're doing. they also learn about basic hula dance traditions, because there are a lot of traditions that go with dancing hula, how to stand, how to, you know, put your costume on, how to take it off. so there are a lot of different aspects of the hawaiian culture that get brought into just classes. basic instructional classes people from all over the world, go to hawaii and you go there for vacation, and then you forget about hawaii and hawaii is its own unique culture, and it's part of the united states. you have a place that actually had a kingdom on on our land, on
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the united states land. it's the only place that has a palace, you know, in the united states. so it's a very unique type of culture. and for people to recognize that during this this month, you know, the aapi month is, is very, very good because people get a chance to be more inquisitive about it. maybe look into it, maybe take a hula class, maybe buy a book about hula or about hawaiian in general together and dance hula, we celebrate the hawaiian culture >> boy, that's so relaxing. it is literally. larry is giving us hula lessons. our own mister hawaii. who? it's in the fingers, i guess. right well, yeah. >> my wife is the expert. yeah. like that. aloha after. true story. so not hula, but, you know, the fireknife dancer guys, you've done that. yes, i have, and so i have a standing
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invitation. that's. it'll probably be my next career. except the guys that taught me were like, you appear to be afraid of the fire, which is kind of a it's kind of it's kind of a key. so that's, that's that's why i'm still here. all right. warrior season ended too soon, but brandon had a fantastic year. pods joining the big men, victor wembanyama and chet holmgren among those earning all rookie honors. that's next in sport dad: headphones, buddy. mom: headphones.
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opener game one. he didn't play in that game. and he said emphatically, i need to be out there. turns out the rookie was right. and today, pads was named to the nba's all-rookie first team. pisemsky averaged nine points, six rebounds, almost four assists per game, also led the league in charges taken, which is just shocking. but he gives up his body for the cause now. the warriors asked me to help with the award announcement and this is how brandon actually found out today that he earned first team honors, breaking nba news from espn's adrian wojnarowski. woj bomb for the 19th time in franchise history, the golden state warriors have placed a player on the nba's all rookie first team. >> let's go. >> brandon, who ranked among the top ten nba rookies in virtually every statistical category this season, quite an impressive accomplishment for the first year player out of santa clara.
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brandon big congrats on making the all rookie team very well deserved, but a lot of fun watching you play, watching you develop, becoming a big part of what the dubs are doing. >> can't wait to watch the rest of your career unfold. keep putting that work in. big congrats and good luck my man. >> there you go. congrats my man. appreciate that. good good stuff. yes, sir. okay. step one. done. we did it. all right, bro. we did it. >> deserve my man. thank you. yes, absolutely. thank you. now it's the first. the first of many. first. many first team. >> good to see everybody there working out to trace jackson davis just missed the all-rookie second team by one vote. if he had made it, the warriors would have had two players on the all rookie team for the first time since 1981. tj d was taken with a 57th overall draft pick. there is throwing it down on wembanyama, who's a first teamer, and tj d is regarded as the steal of the draft pods. posting on social media that tj
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d trace jackson davis got snubbed even still, the warriors have two major building blocks for the future. oh, speaking of building blocks, what a weekend for giants outfielder luis matos just named the national league player of the week. he's the first giant to win that award since brandon belt back in 2018. matos went ten for 26 with two homers, 16 rbis, drove in 11 of those runs during a historic two day run over the weekend, leading the giants to their first sweep of the season. matos was called up from triple-a because of injuries up and down the giants roster. safe to say he is here for good. the minnesota timberwolves, they stunned the defending champion denver nuggets in game seven last night in the playoffs. they're moving on to the western conference finals. anthony edwards helped the wolves overcome a 20 point deficit in the second half to win that all important game. ant-man and karl anthony towns, they do their postgame news conferences together and they are hilarious. >> it's the playoffs we lost last year. we lost t
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years. not much more. we gotta lose. how much you want us to lose? lose it for 20 years? i mean, that's just the truth, though. >> karl anthony towns, he's seven feet tall. he's a giant man. but his his voice is so high pitched that you wouldn't expect that sound coming. tyson way. yeah, exactly. except he won't punch you in the face. no, but it's fantastic. anthony. it's the new, new breed of players, the young players coming in. and that's what the warriors have to contend with in the west. because, you know, you've got some very, very talented young players in the western conference and it's not going to be that easy. i mean steph klay andre you know are terrific. but you've got guys who are 22 2324 and hungry. >> it's the next generation. yeah. keep the league exciting. yes thanks. thanks larry. the hand. what are you working on that i'll work on coming up tonight on abc seven. >> watch jeopardy! masters are eight, followed by celebrity wheel of fortune. press your luck is on at ten and stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc
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seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news. thank you for joining us. >> i'm amadeus and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry islands beal all of us here. we appreciate your time. have a great evening. and we'll see you again at 11 i'll show you the tahitian dances later dan yes they're a lot faster. >> yeah >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming
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from the alex trebek stage at sony picture studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ here are today's contestants... a student from bethesda, maryland... a filmmaker from los angeles, california... and our returning champion, a grocery clerk from prescott, arizona...
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whose three-day cash winnings total $67,202. [applause] and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!," ken jennings. thank you, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" we've got an exciting start to the week as we are announcing that, for the next ten games, our viewers at home will have the chance to win a trip with lindblad expeditions national geographic, in our explore iceland sweepstakes. stay tuned for more on that opportunity. we also have a three-game champion in grant deyoung. best of luck to you, grant, as well as to your challengers, gregg and ivonne. let's see what awaits us in the jeopardy round with these categories... first up... then we have... followed by... and finally... i'm chris pratt, the voice of garfield in the new movie coming out may 24th. get ready for a category on another famous garfield,


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