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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 21, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. thanks to jennifer lopez. thanks to tony goldwyn. thanks to william, and thanks to slash for sitting in all night. [ cheering ] slash will be back with us tomorrow. that's the back of his album. his album right there, "orgy of the damned." "nightline" is next. oh, apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. thank you for watching. goodnight. this is "nightline." >> tonight, diddy apologizes. >> my behavior on that video is inexcusable. >> speaking out for the first time after the release of that graphic video of him attacking his former girlfriend, cassie
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ventura. the mogul now facing multiple civil lawsuits and a federal investigation. >> i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. >> and the one thing he says he's not asking for. plus, the pastor's wife. >> i got a call late last night, my wife has passed away. it was self-induced. >> her husband stunning the congregation with the news. >> i thought she was going wake up. i even tried to raise her from the dead. >> the questions surrounding her death. family and friends combing through her social media posts for clues. >> my question is still going to be what happened between friday night and saturday that broke her. >> our exclusive interview with the woman who describes herself as one of her closest friends. the fbi and federal prosecutors joining the investigation. and new kids on the block. ♪ oh oh oh, the right stuff ♪ >> known for smash hits like "you've got it". >> i think the world needs boy
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bands. >> the same kids and launching new album with their first album in 11 years and upcoming tour. >> we're going to keep doing it until we don't love it. >> and their special connection with fans. "nightline" will be right back. gentle solution for every day. its plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut working with your body to promote digestive health. with so many ways to enjoy, benefiber is your fiber, your way. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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good evening. thank you for joining us. we begin tonight with disgraced music mogul sean "diddy" combs
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apologizing in a new video. this after the release of the surveillance video of him attacking his former girlfriend. we want to warn you, this video is disturbing. here is abc's matt rivers. >> my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. i'm disgusted. i was disgusted then when i did it. i'm disgusted now. >> reporter: sean "diddy" combs posting on instagram, responding for the first time since that disturbing video. combs seen assaulting his then girlfriend cassie ventura, throwing her to the ground in a hotel elevator bank and kicking her twice. he then tries to drag her away. >> i'm not asking for forgiveness. i'm truly sorry. ♪ i'll be missing you ♪ >> reporter: the "i'll be missing you" singer never asking to be forgiven in the 1:11
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video. diddy says it was the darkest time in his life. >> i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. >> reporter: in support of abuse survivors, ventura's husband also posting on instagram saying "men who hit women aren't men. hold the women in your life with the utmost regard. to all the survivors, your stories are real, and people believe you." ventura's lawyers also weighing in, providing statement to abc news, saying, "when cassie and multiple other women came forward, he denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a payday, that he was only compelled to apologize once his repeated denials were proven false shows his pathetic desperation, and no one will be swayed by his disingenuous words. combs can't be prosecuted for the violence in the video originally obtained by cnn because it is past california's statute of limitations. the interview seems to support ventura's claims long denied by combs from a long settled lawsuit settled last november.
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stating around march 16 at the intercontinental hotel in century city, los angeles, mr. coombs became extremely intoxicated and punched ms. ventura in the face, giving her a black eye. when she tried to leave he followed into the hallway yelling at her. he grabbed glass vases and threw them at her, causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape. it comes two months after federal authorities raided combs' l and florida home seizing electronics and computer equipment. agents in body armor seen entering his home in the wealthy l.a. enclave of holmby hills. combs is the subject of an ongoing federal investigation out of the southern district of new york into human trafficking. the entertainment mogul facing other civil lawsuits, including several allegations over sexual misconduct, all of which combs denies.
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>> byron: our thanks to matt. we turn now to the urgent search for answers after the tragic death of a south carolina pastor's death. her death ruled a suicide, but family and friends still searching for answers. why the fbi and federal prosecutors are helping with the investigation. more now from abc's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: tonight, heartbreak and questions in the death of mica miller, a loving daughter, friend, and estranged wife of a south carolina pastor. >> i'm still having trouble with it. i can't buy everything that happened. >> reporter: angela clark says she was one of mica miller's closest friends, and she says she was one of the last people to speak to miller before she took her own life. she is speaking out for the first time. >> i talked to her friday night. our plan was that she was going meet me for the second service at church on sunday. my husband walked up to me on the stage in the middle of rehearsal. he got kind of choked up. he almost couldn't get the words out. and he said, "mica is gone."
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what do you mean mica is gone? "she's dead." so my question is still going to be what happened between friday night and saturday that broke her. >> reporter: now the fbi and u.s. attorney are helping the robeson county sheriff's department in the investigation. >> the fbi can bring a lot of expertise to the table to evaluate both cell phones, sex messages, social media, relationship with her husband. you would need the u.s. attorney's office, for example, to subpoena phone records. you could get a search warrant. now, you'd have to have some information that what occurred potentially fits some federal crime. >> reporter: the 30-year-old calling 911 and threatening suicide moments before she was found dead at a state park in north carolina on april 27th, about an hour north of where she lived in myrtle beach. her death officially ruled a suicide. mica's death coming just days
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after she told a police officer she was scared for her life and adding that she found a gps tracker on her car and was being followed. she had filed for divorce last october. her husband, john paul miller, was a pastor at a local church. he first announced his wife's death at the end of a church service, which was live-streamed. >> i got a call late last night, my wife has passed away. yeah. it was self-induced. i'm sure there will be more details to come. >> reporter: he has since been released from his duties for a time of healing, counsel, and guidance, but previously had also spoken at a memorial service about mica. >> i've been with the body about four times this week, and each time it still didn't hit me. i thought she was going to wake up, you know. i even tried to raise her from the dead. >> reporter: images released from authorities show mica the day of her death leaving her house, buying a gun, stopping at a gas station near the park, and then making a call to 911.
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>> hi, are you able to trace the location of my phone? >> reporter: mica posting shortly before her death, "please share this with anyone struggling with leaving a dangerous situation." >> god hates divorce because it hurts people. but does abuse hurt people? how do you think god feels about that? >> reporter: and this was her last facebook post, when terrible, terrible, terrible things happen to you, y'all know what i'm talking about, rpf, rest in peace face. miller telling abc news he didn't have anything to do with his wife's death. he never abused her, and he took care of her as best he could. angela says she and mica had connected several weeks earlier after mica reached out and told her about what she says had been going on in her marriage to pastor john paul. >> it was really disturbing abuse. there was every kind of abuse
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you can name, spiritual abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse. the emotional abuse, the physical abuse. i just -- i couldn't wrap my head around it. >> reporter: angela says it seemed that mica was getting her life back on track after separating from john paul. >> you could see some light coming back into her eyes, and she was in the word. she was in the scripture. she was getting counseling. she was doing all the right things, and i saw an excitement in her. >> reporter: angela says that excitement made it so hard for her to process, even after visiting the state park where mica's body was found. >> it is an extremely heavy feeling walking that path. all i could think is gosh, what was she thinking in these moments? >> reporter: for mike a's family they say they are grateful for everything everyone has done to help.
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adding they're aware of the fbi's involvement, but have no personal knowledge of the nature of any fbi investigation, and therefore no comment. as the search for answers continues, angela says she hopes mica will be remembered not for her death, but for her life. >> mica was a bright light. she loved god. she loved people. she was adventurous. she had the sweetest soul. she said at this point in my life, i should have listened to god, and i don't think he intended me to be a pastor's wife. he intended for me to be a missionary. and that's what i'm going to do. i wish she was still here, because she could have done so much good. >> byron: our thanks to eva. up next, new kids on the block. they've still got the right stuff. ♪ the right stuff ♪ >> byron: what's their secret to making music together after all these years? ♪ the right stuff ♪ to sever'e or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks...
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welcome back. new kids on the block still going strong after decades of making music together. what they tell our rhiannan ali about their music and upcoming tour. >> it's a very, very special thing that we're part of. and it's hard to understand why it happened. >> step by step, they danced into hearts everywhere in the '80s and '90s. ♪ oh, oh, oh, the right stuff ♪ >> reporter: with hits like "you got it," new kids on the block blew up at teen sensation, selling out arenas and over 80 million albums worldwide. adding fuel to the boy band craze of the era, seemingly
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inspiring new groups with hits of their own like the backstreet boy's "everybody." ♪ everybody, "b "bye-bye bye both" and 98 degrees' "because of you." ♪ it's all because of you ♪ >> i think the world needs boy bands, frankly. >> reporter: and 40 years later, the group is still recording and performing together, their songs still tugging at their fans' heart strings. >> it's one thing for us to reflect on our journey and our experiences. but when we get to see the fans' journey now, it just adds such a level to this whole thing. and it's bigger than us. >> reporter: after years of performing together, the kids are all grown up and debuting a new era of music. >> we've been waiting for this album to come out for a long time. so we're excited about the album, the tour. >> reporter: what is special
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about this album? >> we did it the way we wanted as a unit, as a team. i use the word to describe it as maturity. but i don't mean maturity like we sound like grown-ups now. it's mature in that we're comfortable with who we are, and we're comfortable singing and talking about things that we want to talk about. >> reporter: still kids is the new kids' first full album in 11 years. >> you could sit down and play it from start to finish and have a good time and have an experience. but to do that, you've got to have no clunkers. >> reporter: so no clunkers? this is a no clunker? >> i think we made that album. i really do. >> reporter: the pop r&b group formed in 1984 with five teen boys from around the boston area. donnie wahlberg, danny wood, brothers john and jordan knight, and joey mcintyre was the youngest of the bunch at just 12 years old. the new kids hit it big with their second album "hanging tough." ♪ hanging tough ♪
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>> reporter: the group joined the ranks of boy bands like new edition. ♪ >> reporter: and menudo. ♪ heart beat and you tell me ♪ >> reporter: by 1990, they were practically inescapable, with spreads in magazines, new kids dolls, and selling out tours. >> they're known all over the world. and you can even get a glimpse of them, that just brightens my day. >> they can dance and sing. gorgeous. >> reporter: after years at the top, the group broke up in 1994. >> it wasn't like i hate you, we're disbanding. it was more very just like i think it's time. let's go explore different things. >> reporter: it took a while to come back together, though. we're talking 14 years? >> it was an important while, though. what we got to do personally helped us grow up as people. >> things were happening so quick, and we were young. there is good and bad and stuff. so for me, i really cherished
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this the second time around because we got to do it our way, the right way. and we do it because we love it. and we're going keep doing it until we don't love it. >> reporter: after reuniting in 2008, the group has recorded three albums and toured all over the country. ♪ >> reporter: what do the fans mean to this group? >> everything. i think there is not a single one of us that, you know, takes our fans for granted. i look back at 2008 and getting back up on stage. you know, my first thought looking out in the audience was they're still here. >> reporter: what is your bond and friendship and relationship like now after all these years? >> tender. >> it really is. it's tender. it's like tender in the best way and tender because it means so
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much. it's so important us to. >> reporter: do you guys fight? do you argue? >> we have -- maybe some disagreements over whatever. but that all can be worked out. >> yeah. >> you know we have different tastes maybe on something or a song or whatever it may be, a dance move. >> yeah, we don't always agree, that's for sure. maybe because there is five of us, there is always a deciding vote. there is never a stalemate. >> we're too old to fight. >> reporter: this summer, new kids on the block is heading out on tour, revisiting their iconic 1990 magic summer tour featuring the ultimate nostalgic lineup with paula abdul and dj jazzy jeff. what's touring like now, jordan, versus when you guys were in your teens and early 20s? >> i think so it's more fulfilling. i think it's just as fun. but now it's a little slower. >> i've been to some of these shows recently in the last few years. they're pretty crazy. >> no, people are still very,
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very into it. but it's just a little slower, a little tamer that we can soak it in. and i think we put more care into our performances. >> reporter: the guys even letting me revisit some of my own childhood memories. >> so i want to show you something to prove that i am a real blockhead. >> come on! >> reporter: yes. this is me in third grade. >> aww! >> reporter: third grade with my mom. that's my mom. >> you're adorable. >> thank you. >> reporter: jordan knight fan. a jordan girl. >> i was a big real new kids fan. >> this is what people do nowadays. this is an official blockhead bracelet. you got to take it. >> reporter: oh, my gosh. you're official. >> i'm an official blockhead now. >> reporter: you already were. now we just sealed it.
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>> byron: our thanks to rhiannon. you can find the new kids latest album "still kids" out now wherever you get your music. the teacher delivering a lesson to her student, showing off her moves. the duo becoming a viral sensation. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozpic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur.
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and finally tonight, don't let the gray hair fool you. this philadelphia area school teacher still has the moves. ♪ regina laurie teaching this second grade student is big lesson, throwing down this veggie dance challenge. >> it all started to teach ahmad a lesson. that was he told me oh, mrs. laurie, you old. look at your hair. i said to myself, i'm going to challenge this boy to a dance-off. i said to myself, i'm going to dance rings around this boy, and he doesn't even know it yet. >> the world loving her moves, collecting nearly 20 million views on tiktok. 8-year-old ahmad dennis learning a lesson he'll likely never forget. laurie has been teaching for more than 30 years. she also has a bachelor's degree in dance. miss


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