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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 21, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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grandma mcflurry, which is a blend of vanilla ice cream, sirup and crunchy candy pieces. mcdonald's says the new mcflurry is sweet, just like grandma. >> so they're saying the candy is supposed to be like grandma's favorite treat. she hid in her purse. >> i don't want that in the hid in her purse. >> you know the strawberry with all the lint on it? no >> and it tastes a little bit like pennies. >> my grandma used to have werther's original. >> same. oh okay. dish. >> that's why people are thinking that it's going to be butterscotch. i'm all right with that. are we getting one. where's the mcdonald's. is t >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. the severe weather on the move and the cities in the bullseye. overnight, twisters and severe storms hitting the midwest. now the threat ramping up, with strong tornados possible in the heartland.
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plus, the dangerous hail, and the heat wave right now. sam is tracking all the wild weather. >> george: dramatic moments in court during donald trump's criminal trial. judge faced off with a defense witness after michael cohen wrapped up his testimony, admitting he stole from the trump organization. dan abrams is here. the backlash after trump posted a campaign video using language from nazi germany. >> robin: also this morning president biden lashing out at the international criminal court, as it seeks an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister netanyahu for war crimes. netanyahu joins us live this morning. >> george: 12 year sentence on the line. >> i have a lot of fear and anxiety as to what's going to happen. >> george: one of the five americans arrested for carrying ammunition in turks and caicos could learn his fate as a bipartisan delegation meets with island officials. >> robin: scarlet johansson slamming open ai accusing the company of copying her voice for a chat bot after she said no.
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>> michael: graceland for sale? how elvis' grand daughter is fighting for his estate. >> robin: hungry for deals? >> y'all not supposed to be expensive. >> robin: with fast food wars heating up. >> they want it to be more han hot. they want to it be juicy. >> robin: the irresistible offers like the wendy's breakfast deal that's less than a cup of coffee. ♪ >> michael: and student versus teacher. don't miss the rest of this philly danceoff. you ain't seen nothing yet. plus our big surprise this morning for one inspiring woman using boys to men to leave no student behind. >> announcer: live from times square this is good morning america. >> robin: this is good morning america. we are looking forward to our ray of sunshine.
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>> george: we also have a lot of news including breaking news. one passenger killed, 30 injured on a boeing 777. gio will have that in a minute. >> michael: we begin with the twisters in the midwest. as a new tornado threat ramps up significantly. sam champion is here tracking it all for us. good morning, sam. >> sam: good morning, michael. it has been a wild and dangerous spring season. last night, no exception. i'm concerned about what happens tonight. let's get you some hail video out of colorado. you can see them pushing. look how where it hits on the tire. this is inches of hail. i want to show you this. this demolished that side of the building. when we widen out, you will see the window broken. look where the hail didn't hit. that was a tough night for hail. so that was damaging. the tornados yesterday, three reported. there wasn't a lot of damage with these. here's what i'm concerned about tonight. it is likely we'll have stronger than ef-2 tornados. i want to walk you through this. st. joseph you're on the edge of this. clarksville, davenport, des moines, even into madison. this is the red zone for
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tornados possible as we get into the afternoon/evening. even chicago land, even into madison here. these winds later on this afternoon into tonight are going to be 70, 90 mile per hour winds. even though you're not in the red zone, this is still a tough night for you. now during the day tomorrow we drop this just a lit toll the south. little rock, texarkana, dallas. these are tornados and strong winds. it spreads a little east. as far as as buffalo, pittsburgh, columbus, there could be damaging winds and tornados. when we come back we'll talk about the heat building. 90, 100 degree temperature. >> robin: may has been no joke. >> sam: right. >> robin: sam, thank you. we're turning to the breaking news after turbulence on a flight out of london. at least one passenger was killed. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is track this for us. good morning, gio. >> gio: hey, robin, good morning. just a terrible incident here. we've often talked about the dangers of air turbulence. look at the flight path. this was a singapore airlines flight from london to singapore.
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we're told just about an hour and a half before landing, the boeing 777 hit severe turbulence, again, killing at least one person, injured many others. there were 221 passengers on board, 18 crew members. singapore airlines saying in a statement it offers its deepest condolences to the families of the deceased. our priority is to provide assistance to all passengers and crew on the aircraft. we are working with local authorities in thailand to provide the necessary medical assistance. we still don't know exactly what happened here. with so many people traveling this week for the holiday, we've got to remember that even in clear weather, turbulence can hit so keep that seat belt on even if you think it's going to be a smooth ride, george. >> george: thank you very much. now the latest on donald trump's criminal trial. prosecution rested yesterday. the defense is now taking its turn. closing arguments expected next week. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning,
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george. the only substantive defense witness is back on the stand this morning for some cross-examination. robert costello testified for a bit yesterday. during that time he made the judge furious. it may have been the muttering that caused the judge to lose patience with defense witness robert costello, a lawyer close to rudy giuliani, who once advised michael cohen. at trial after the judge sustained a prosecutor's repeated objections, costello could be heard saying jeez. and loudly exhaling. an aggravated judge excuseed the jury and said, if you don't like my ruling you don't say jeez, you don't roll your eyes. costello glared at him. the judge said, are you staring me down right now? clear the courtroom. >> reporter: the judge told costello i'm putting you on notice that your conduct is contemptuous. if you try to stare me down one more time, i will remove you from the stand.
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the defense called costello to talk about meeting cohen after the fbi raided his office in 2018. costello testified he advised cohen to cooperate but cohen told him, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. costello said cohen told him numerous times that president trump knew nothing about the hush payment to stormy daniels. cohen was the last witness for the prosecution. he testified he had more than 20 conversations, either in person or by phone, with trump in october 2016 about the payment to daniels. the defense cast cohen as an unreliable liar and thief, getting cohen to admit to the jury he pocketed $30,000 meant for a technology company that had done work for trump. so you stole from the trump organization, right, defense attorney todd blanche asked? yes, cohen responded. he fought off a different attack on his credibility when the defense suggested cohen profits from his testimony. if president trump is convicted that would benefit you personally, financially, right, blanche asked? no, sir, cohen said. it's better if he is not for me but a it give mess more to talk
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about in the future. the defense asked the judge to dismiss the case before it even gets to the jury, arguing, george, that prosecutors failed to prove any criminal intent. now the defense is going to rest because there was no immediate ruling from the judge once robert costello is off the witness stand. then closing arguments, jury instructions and deliberations will come next week. george? >> george: aaron katersky, thanks. let's bring in dan abrams. you think the prosecution's case took a real hit yesterday? >> i do. because remember, michael cohen didn't just admit he stole money from the trump organization. michael cohen admitted that he stole money from the trump organization in connection with the very payment at issue in this case. part of the big payment that included the payment to stormy daniels. that's why this is particularly significant. i think that michael cohen now serves as an effective off ramp. right? for someone who doesn't feel right about the case. who doesn't think maybe this case should have been brought. but they can't say that, right?
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that's not what the jury is supposed to be deciding. that michael cohen can effectively serve as that answer, that excuse, that out for a juror who simply doesn't want to convict. >> george: you've always believed a hung jury is possible. now you think acquittal? >> i think it's possible. i think the case has gone worse for prosecutors than i thought. i initially figured there will either be a conviction or hung jury. i think there's even possibility of an acquittal although i still think it is unlikely. the case hasn't gone that well. i was just telling you before, if i had been the prosecutors i probably wouldn't have ended on michael cohen's testimony. i have talked to a lot of prosecutors who said, boy, i would have had another one of the corroborating witnesses come after cohen so you have a pad. you don't just end your case with his controversial testimony. >> george: dan abrams, thank you very much. former president is under fire for a video he posted on social media that used language from nazi germany. the latest in a series of
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anti-semitic and authoritarian statements from trump and his campaign. rachel scott has the story. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning. it is normal of course for presidential candidates to share videos with their vision for the country. it is not normal for those videos to have references to adolf hitler and nazi germany. the trump campaign tells us this is a video that was shared by a staffer while the former president was in court saying that former staffer missed the reference. it was still left up for several hours. former president trump sparking backlash this morning after a video posted to his social media account seemingly suggests there will be a unified reich if hi wins the 2024 election. >> donald trump wins what's next for america? >> reporter: those words are largely associated with naturally germany and hitler's third reich another name for his nazi regime. the 30 second video features hypothetical newspaper articles, trump celebrating a victory in november. that phrase appearing three times including under the headline what's next for america?
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it includes reference to world war i citing german industrial strength and peace through strength. another headline suggesting trump would reject globalists a phrase used by the far right as an anti-semitic slur. in a statement, the press secretary said this was not a campaign video. it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the words while is president was in court. as a dictator over unified the trump campaign deleted it after several hours. it is not the first time trump used language similar to what hitler wrote. >> they're poisoning the blood of our country. >> reporter: this morning the biden campaign saying donald trump is not playing games and telling america exactly what he intends to do if he regains power. the biden campaign calling this a pattern, noting the former
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president had dinner with a white supremacist two years ago and once said there are very fine people on both sides after the charlottesville rally. we asked the trump campaign why this video was left up for several hours and they did not respond. robin? >> robin: all right. thanks to you. we have a new warning about artificial intelligence in the 2024 election. department of homeland security said ai offers opportunities for bad actors to undermine our democratic system. our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has more. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning. artificial intelligence no longer the stuff of science fiction. it's causing real concern right now as homeland security officials issue a stark new warning about this year's november election. artificial intelligence can create videos pictures that look stunningly authentic. knew the department of homeland security is warning ai will likely be used against us in the upcoming election. >> this isn't a threat of tomorrow. this is a threat of today.
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>> reporter: according to the new homeland security new bulletin, election staff could be disrupted during the 2024 election cycle. for example, according to the dhs bulletin, enemies might use ai to share altered images, videos or audio clips, claiming a polling station is closed or polling times have changed. the bulletin points to this audio. >> you know the value of voting democratic. it's important that you save your vote for the november election. >> reporter: which authorities suspect is an ai generated message sounding like president biden which urged people not to vote in the leadup to the new hampshire primary in january. dhs officials also expressing concern that ai technology might be used to create and push out dangerous information that could help extremists design violent attacks. homeland security secretary mayorkas telling reporters monday that he has deep concerns that ai will be used to promote
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huge amounts of false information as we head to the election. michael? >> michael: concerns are warranted there, pierre. thank you very much. now to president biden, lashing out at the international criminal court as it seeks arrest warrant for top israeli officials including prime minister netanyahu for alleged crimes against humanity. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. president biden has made clear he has reservations about how israel is handling this war. he wishes netanyahu would take a more targeted approach. this morning president biden is fiercely defending the prime minister, adamant there is no equivalent between israel's conduct and that of hamas, calling the application for netanyahu's arrest outrageous. this morning president biden rallying to israel's defense in blunt terms. >> what's happening is not genocide. we will always stand with israel and threats against its security. >> reporter: biden, outraged, denouncing the international
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criminal court as its prosecutor seeks a global arrest warrant for both israel's prime minister netanyahu and hamas' leader for war crimes and crimes against humanity. >> there is no equivalent between israel and hamas. >> reporter: the court's top prosecutor accusing netanyahu and his defense minister of deliberately starving palestinians by choking off aid, and deliberately targeting civilians in conflict. the hamas run health ministry saying over 35,000 people have been killed. >> unfortunately, these crimes continue to this day. israel, like all states, has the right to defend its population. those rights, however, do not absolve israel from complying with international law. >> reporter: the icc which tries individuals accused of the gravest crimes also charging three senior leaders of hamas for the october 7 attack that killed roughly 1,200 people and launched the war.
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accusing them of murder, torture, rape and hostage taking. netanyahu calling the charges against him absurd. >> what a travesty of justice, what a disgrace. >> reporter: blasting the comparison to hamas. >> the icc has no jurisdiction over israel and mr. kahn's actions will not stop us from waging our just war against hamas. >> reporter: now, three judges will decide in the coming weeks whether or not to issue these arrest warrants. if they do, netanyahu could face arrest in any of the nations that are party to the court. guys, that does not include the u.s. but does include most of europe. >> michael: mary, thank you so much for that. george, you're going to be speaking to prime minister netanyahu. >> george: he will be live in the 8:00 hour. >> robin: now the daily air travel among the busiest we have ever seen. that's before what's expected to be the record breaking memorial day weekend. let's go back to gio on the tarmac at minneapolis st. paul airport for us. good morning, gio. >> gio: good morning again.
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we are at delta's second busiest hub in the country right now. the airlines already seeing 15% more travellers this year than last year. that's really the story all across the country here. look at these numbers coming in from the tsa. in the last two weeks four of the days have been in the top ten busiest days in history. we haven't even hit that big holiday travel rush. tsa is expecting the busiest travel season ever, screening up to 3 million passengers. the busiest days heading into memorial day weekend, thursday and friday. look at these predictions. 53,000 flights planned for thursday. another 50,000 friday. delta's expecting to fly 3 million passengers between thursday and monday. just about every airline seeing an impact. there are some new incentives rolling out with some airlines. frontier and spirit are now also ending those change and cancellation fees just like american and delta and united they have on most tickets. this is big because, of course, frontier and spirit are discount carriers so lot of people turn
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to them for lower prices. these airports will be busy this week. some good news. this delta flight, going off to cancun so pretty good holiday. [ laughter ] >> robin: i would say so. you don't get on that flight, okay? you stay right there in minneapolis. all right. coming up why scarlet johansson is taking action calling out the man behind chat gpt and accusing open ai of copying her voice. we're gonna take a listen just ahead. >> george: plus one of the americans held in turks and caicos could learn his fate today as he faces 12 years in prison. >> michael: the fast food wars, we will see if the new offers are irresistible. first sam? >> sam: do we have snacks coming? do we? i just need to know. all right. hey, st. louis. i want to talk about this. we're going to 93 today. that's not just a little warm, that's a lot warm. 15 degrees above where you would normally be. lot of country is joining us here. look at san antonio 97, laredo at 105. shreveport is a record. st. louis is a record. into the northeast, binghamton's a record.
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we're going to keep this heat around for a little while. look at new york city, going to 89. instant summer. add heat and cook it up. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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>> robin: we are just getting started. coming up, we are surprising a school social worker beloved by students and colleagues. she is our ray of sunshine. come on back. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults, to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life-threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, feel faint, very dizzy, or confused or have a fever, stiff muscles, rash, swollen glands or problems with your liver,
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that it has stopped in the area of the oakland coliseum, we're told, because of fire department activity. kumasi back to you. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist
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scratchers from the california lottery. a little play can make your day. adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right
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now during cheap 4x4 season, well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s four by e for 389 a month. visit your local jeep dealer today. tv's biggest morning party live with kelly and mark >> let's go outside here is a live look at our east bay hills camera right now, showing you that we have full sunshine out there. it is going to be a warm day. two day. you can take a look at our planner along the coast. first. you're finding those highs in the upper 50s to lower 60s later on today we will have a bright day along the coast. as we head inland, we'll find the bay shoreline even warmer than that. temperatures in the mid 70s for daytime highs under sunny conditions and then as we head inland, you will find those numbers even warmer mid 80s if not close to 90 degrees in our warmest spots. so highs today, 70 in san francisco, 76
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in oakland, 82 in san jose, about 88 in fairfield, kumasi. >> thanks, julie. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven >> is that your new nissan rogue ? yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event taking a test drive. when dave's like these cars are going fast. hurry in for memorial day saving. >> now nissan offers six vehicles starting under $30,000. >> sg's mobile showroom means s and g comes to u, s and g comes to me. >> s and g comes to you to my
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house. just one call to snag carpet and they'll bring the area's largest showroom home to you. and during snags mother's day sale, they'll pay your sales tax and give you up to 15% off. select carpet waterproof core hardwood or laminate up to 15% off and snag pays the sales tax. s and gm more than carpet. >> go to sg carpet .com for the showroom nearest you, or to have their mobile showroom come to you. >> what happens when ordinary becomes extraordinary? >> find out this summer at the exploratorium. nine artists make everyday stuff into incredible art. explore stunning installations made out of lego pieces, string shoes, saxophones and more. see the ordinary transformed and maybe you will be too. is that your new rogue? >> yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event, taking a
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test drive when dave's like, these cars are going fast. >> hurry in for memorial day saving now nissan offers six vehicles starting under $30,000. here are its tempe one-shot makes you a super 24 hours waiting for the break of day i find you i o getting up to play . >> please. one thing just to say you wait. for set. i try some more. >> if you spit blood when you brush it could be the start of a domino effect. new periodontal act of gum repair. breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from periodontal. the gum experts >> it's time yet the time has
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come for a fresh approach to dog food. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog made by vets and delivered right to your door. precisely portioned for your dog's needs. up is go.dea whose time has com >> i smoked and have had multiple strokes. >> now it's hard for me to remember things. my tip is if you need to remember something, you need to remember something, write it for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ♪ if i could turn back time ♪ ♪ if i could find a way ♪ >> robin: back here at gma. what way to start a tuesday. cher's hit "turn back time." singing on that navy ship.
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tomorrow our divas -- wait. our divas are heading out. you and lara are heading out to sea, so anything could happen. >> sam: look, i'm not upset that you called me a diva. i am upset because they told me it was a cruise ship. i have no idea how this is going to go down. [ laughter ] >> michael: good luck. >> sam: it's an amphibious assault ship. this thing can move. it's like taking a 29 story building, laying it sideways and moving at 26 miles an hour. >> george: following a lot of headlines including the latest on donald trump criminal trial. prosecution rested yesterday. defense now taking its turn. michael cohen admitted he stole from the trump organization. closing arguments, judges instructions and deliberations are expected next week. also right now more than 100 severe storm reports yesterday. now strong tornados are possible in missouri, iowa, wisconsin and minnesota. sam is here to track it all.
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>> michael: the fda has reportedly given neuralink the green light to transplant its implant into a second patient. the agency was apparently satisfied with proposals to fix problems experienced by the first patient, the device that gave the 30-year-old a the ability to use a computer using his thoughts. pretty amazing. we have a lot more ahead including what some fast food chains are doing to bring customers back. that is all coming up. >> robin: but right now scarlet johansson taking on open ai for allegedly copying her voice. the actress said she turned down the offer to be the voice of the artificial intelligence system and that they made one that sounded just like her. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with more. good morning. >> rebecca: good morning. welcome to the future. here we are. it is a story of life imitating art imitating ai. but in this case, you really have to hear it to believe it.
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this morning scarlet johansson calling out sam altman the ceo of artificial intelligence company open ai, claiming he gave his company's new ai personal assistant known as sky a strikingly familiar voice. take a listen. >> hey, chat gpt, how are you doing? >> i'm doing fantastic. thanks for asking. >> reporter: that voice is eerily similar to none other than her own in the 2013 movie "her" where johansson plays, of all things, an ai assistant. here she is in the film. >> seems like i'm having so many new feelings i don't think i have ever felt. >> rebecca: here's open ai sky. >> once upon a time there was a robot named byte. >> rebecca: as it turns out sam altman is a fan of the film telling a conference last year
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it's his favorite. >> which part of her do you look at and go, this is never going to happen? >> a son of it. the number of things that i think "her" got right, this idea that it is going to be this controversial language interface, that was incredibly prophetic and certainly more than a little bit inspired us. >> rebecca: altman approached johansson to become the voice of his new product, but johansson declined, with altman asking her to reconsider just two days before its release. >> the issue here is not that her voice itself was taken but was there, in fact, something so close that she should have legal rights against open ai? that's the question here. >> rebecca: now johansson, whose lawyers are insisting open ai disclose how they developed the voice, said she's shocked, angered and in disbelief. the company disputing it saying open ai should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's
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voice and the voice of sky belongs to a different professional actress who say they was cast before they reached out to johansson. altman writing in a statement, we are sorry to ms. johansson that we didn't communicate better. and open ai says they worked with a casting director. they narrowed down 400 submissions to five voices. but, guys, really, this story raises, no matter what happens with scarlet johansson, it raises all these new issues related to ai about trust, about deep fakes. there are yet to be really guardrails around this so we're just in completely new territory. i really predict we're going to hear a lot more like this. >> robin: stay tuned. >> michael: yep. that's right. thank you so much, rebecca. now to turks and caicos, where one of the americans charged with carrying ammunition could learn his fate today. tyler winrich is facing possible 12 year sentence. now u.s. lawmakers are pleading for leniency. matt rivers has more for us. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, michael. another court hearing for
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another american later on today in turks and caicos as the tough gun laws continue to ensnare those who say they are just tourists who made a mistake. a high stakes hearing for one of five americans facing 12 years behind bars in turk and caicos for carrying ammunition to the island that they all say they didn't know they had. winrich could learn his fate hours from now after being detained in april when two rounds of ammunition were found in his bag while re-boarding a royal caribbean cruise ship. >> i have a lot of fear and anxiety as to what's going to happen. i'm hoping that the judge finds some compassion and leniency in the situation that i'm in. >> reporter: a bipartisan congressional delegation meeting with island officials monday on behalf of the detained americans saying they proposed other consequences for breaking the law. >> instead of being charged
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underneath the national law, you can be charged underneath customs act, which is simply a fine and you are expelled from the country. >> reporter: long a popular tourist destination for americans, in recent years turks and caicos has strengthened gun laws following an increase in gun violence and weapons trafficking. 45-year-old sharita grier detained just eight days ago on a mother's day trip with her daughters. the florida mother and grandmother taken into custody after ammunition was also found in her bag on her way back to the states. grier said she was handcuffed to a chair for three nights at the police station. >> i have never experienced anything like that. >> reporter: she is now living with two of the other detained americans. all three await their days in court. >> they are my forever family. with all of this stuff happening, i'm just thankful and my family back home is thankful. >> reporter: senator mullin also said if this doesn't get
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involved soon, his office would look into ways to increase the warnings american tourists receive before travelling to turks and caicos. we need to look at all of our options, he said, adding that some 65% of turk and caicos gdp directly depends on tourism. george? >> george: matt, thank you very much. now to graceland possibly going up for sale but elvis' grand daughter is fighting for his estate. eva pilgrim here with the story. good morning, eva. >> reporter: elvis bought graceland in 1957. lisa marie inherited it in 1977 after he died. since 1982 it's been a museum attracting millions every year. but this morning its future could be in jeopardy. this morning graceland, elvis presley's historic home could be heading to the auction block. an llc claims elvis' only child, lisa marie presley, who died in 2023 borrowed $3.8 million using the deed to graceland as collateral.
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the company claims it was never paid back so they put a lien on the house and its grounds planning to auction it off this week. but elvis' grand daughter is fighting back. the oldest daughter of lisa marie is the trustee for the promenade trust, the company that owns graceland. in a counter suit, keough claims her mother never borrowed the money and alleges that the company is not real. naussany investments and private lending appears to be a false entity created for the purpose of defrauding the promenade trust the heirs of lisa marie or any purchaser of graceland at a nonjudicial sale. monday a temporary restraining order on the sale was granted. so what's next? there is a hearing set for wednesday where we should find out more about what they will do. >> michael: all right. lot of eyes on that. interesting story. thanks so much for that, eva. coming up, with customers getting heated over fast food
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prices, janai norman tells us how the fast food wars are heating up. hey, janai. >> hello. >> there's a couple new deals fighting for your dollars. one hotter and less money than a cup of coffee. can you believe it? it's true. stick around. so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults.
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♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪
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time to press rewind with... neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪ >> michael: back now with the fast food wars as customers demand lower prices. janai norman is here with how some chains are trying to lure
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customers back. good morning, janai. >> good morning, michael. lure them back after prices pushed many away. yesterday we reported how red lobster's endless shrimp promotion was way more popular than the company anticipated. customers want a deal. the fast food chains want their dollars. >> please lower your prices. you can't go up any further. you can't. you can't. >> reporter: this morning fast food chains are putting value meals back on the menu. >> at wendy's you can get -- >> an english muffin and seasoned potatoes for just 3 bucks. >> reporter: wendy's offering a $3 english muffin deal which includes seasoned potatoes and your choice of bacon or sausage english muffin sandwich. the meal less than the average cup of coffee. >> it's a great deal for consumers. it's an even better deal for wendy's. >> reporter: wendy's telling abc news we're giving fans more ways to satisfy morning cravings for a price they can feel good about. the english muffin deal joins
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their $5 big bag and 2 for $3 breakfast bundle. customers hungry for deals, as prices for food grow across the board. fast food prices in march were 33% higher than back in 2019 according to the labor department. >> the prices are very different than even what they were when i was in high school or college just a few years ago. >> reporter: the fast food wars are heating up more than the grill. wendy's competing for consumers online with their playful marketing strategy, replying to a mcdonald's burger announcement on x writing, where's the beef? >> wanted to be more than hot. it wanted to be juicy. >> reporter: mcdonald's announcing its own special deal for tomorrow. 6 piece chicken nugget for free for anyone who orders through the app and signs up for my mcdonald's rewards. so there's been lots of talk on social media about the price of fast food. just last week mcdonald's launched their own limited $5
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value meal that includes a small fry, a small drink, fries, four nuggets and the choice of a mcdouble or mcchicken. people want the deal. >> robin: all for $4? >> yes. right? you are all upset that i didn't bring no biscuits or anything. they said janai is a snack. send her to do the story. enjoy, america. [ laughter ] >> sam: that was a good comeback. [ laughter ] >> i felt like i was getting a petty clap. >> michael: i had a comeback but -- [ laughter ] >> robin: our play of the day. stick around. come on back. you'll love it. around. you will love it. ♪ can you spark this fire? ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ ♪ ♪ for you ♪
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>> robin: we're so glad janai stayed around for our play of the day. [ laughter ] winner of the can't miss student teacher danceoff. >> sam: robin, we are pulling this out of a folder that i like to call, don't let the gray hair fool ya. something i say to janai all the time. an 8-year-old decided to challenge his teacher. the second grader showed some moves in this danceoff. this is outside philadelphia. look at those moves. i'm enjoying it. but then it was ms. lori's turn. >> robin: oh. wow! wait for it. wait for it. [ laughter ]
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>> sam: the popular veggie dance song. i sing this at home all the time. [ laughter ] people told me she ate you up. one person saying she left no crumbs. by the way, she went to school for dance. she has a degree in dance. be careful. from temple. be careful what you don't know. >> oh my goodness. >> sam: right? [ laughter ] >> robin: got a ray of >> robin: got a ray of sunshine coming up. get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. what's a walt disney world thrill feel like?
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birth when they first met each other. live on gma. >> all right, gracie, come on out and meet your sister. it's very overwhelming. >> the love was incredible. now, as they graduate high school as valedictorians. see the joyous reunion live tomorrow. only on good morning america. >> you can still make this right. >> she has spies everywhere tonight, but there's still too many unknowns, including how deep the conspiracy runs, who will get out alive. >> the rookie season finale tonight on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic now with amanda. >> hi, kumasi. we have a few issues as they relate to mass transit, specifically with the capital corridor. train 521 is delayed one hour and 17 minutes. this is between the oakland coliseum and hayward. and then train 523 is delayed 24 minutes.
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all of this because of fire department activity. >> hi, amanda, a live look outside from the exploratorium camera. it is sunny out there. the day planner reflects nothing but sunshine. a little bit of cloud cover right now along the coast will break down by about 9 a.m, so you can see everywhere. it's a sunny afternoon. today is also the warmest day of the week, 70 in the city today, 76 in oakland, 82 in san jose, 88 in fairfield. your pollen count is high. just be aware of that. winds do pick up a little bit this afternoon. it's breezy by 4:00. winds about 15 to 25mph. kumasi thanks to you, we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes, but you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven >> the news continues now with good morning america. >> summer is here. and with a new toyota you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it. >> get a low lease on corolla or lease a camry for 249 a month
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injured in a motorcycle accident, don't fight the insurance companies with just any lawyer. call one 800 for bikers. we ride, we care, we win. >> if you go down, call russ brown, motorcycle attorneys. >> summer's here, and with a new toyota, you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it. >> get financing as low as 0% apr on tundra, or check out the all new redesigned tacoma toyota let's go places. nothing can stop me. >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. benjamin netanyahu joins us live, on the war in gaza and responding to the international criminal court seek an arrest warrant, accusing him of war crimes. >> michael: catch up. our new series looking at how boys are struggling in school. >> i was hesitant to do my homework.
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>> michael: and what parents can do to help them thrive. >> robin: who was carolyn bessette kennedy? a new look at the woman who was catapulted into the national spotlight, taking us beyond the media frenzy of being married to jfk jr. and a fashion icon. what the people who really knew her best say she was really like. ♪ school's out for summer ♪ >> robin: with school almost out for summer, it is time to meet our ray of sunshine. the social worker who is the heart and soul of her school. >> it doesn't matter what's going on, she will always be there for you. >> robin: how she has guided her students for more than 20 years, as they help us pull off a big surprise. and look who's saying -- >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. our steve osunsami is with the
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kids outside atlanta for a ray of sunshine surprise. we cannot wait for that. >> robin: we will be celebrating mrs. fowler, the school's social worker so beloved by her students. she's devoted 28 years of her life to this great work. and she has no idea what's ahead. >> george: we are looking forward to that. right now we have israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the wake of an arrest warrant that alleges war crimes in gaza. want to bring in the prime minister right now. mr. prime minister, thank you very much for joining us. you have been accused of using starvation as a weapon of war. you called that decision by the prosecutors outrageous. the prosecutor responded to that yesterday. i want you to listen to what he had to say. >> israel has every right not to give anything to hamas. that is not contested. israel has every right to get hostages back. but you must do so by complying with the law. the fact that hamas fighters
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need water doesn't justify denying water from all the civilian population of gaza. >> george: your response? >> well, i think this is absurd. this is beyond outrageous. he said we deny water. he is making a totally false accusation here and everywhere else. we are supplying nearly half of the water of gaza. we supplied only 7% before the war. this is completely opposite of what he's saying. he's saying we're starving people? we have supplied half million tons of food and medicine with 20,000 trucks. this guy is out to demonize israel. he's doing a hit job. he's creating a false seupl tpreu between the leaders of israel and the terrorists. that's like saying after 9/11, i'm issuing arrest warrants for george bush but also for bin laden or after world war ii, fdr but also hitler.
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it is a hit job. it's not serious. he's out to defame israel. he is pouring gasoline on the fires of anti-semitism that is spreading around the world. he is attacking the one and only jewish state and trying to hand cuff us, prevent us from exercising responsibly, through the laws of war. as we obey them and we are subordinate to them. he is saying we are not. he's creating false facts. he's doing a grave injustice to the international court. >> george: there is a serious food crisis in gaza. head of the u.n. world food program says parts of gaza are under going full blown famine. do you agree that israel has an obligation to prevent people in gaza from starving? >> we have an obligation to enable trucks to go in. as i said, we've enabled 20,000 trucks to go in. we just fixed the roads to enable the trucks to go in. half million tons of food and drugs. who's stopping this?
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in fact, hamas is the one that is looting these trucks while we're enabling them to go in. we don't have a deliberate starvation policy. in fact, we have the opposite policy, to allow maximum humanitarian aid to get people out of harms way while hamas is doing everything to keep them in harms way, gun point. and, in fact, we've sent millions of text messages, phone calls, leaflets to people, doing something no army or government has done in modern urban warfare. giving up the element of surprise, telling people get out of harms way and let us finish the war against the terrorists. we're not targeting the population. we are targeting the terrorists. these charges cast a terrible stain on the icc. serious countries are not taking it seriously. i was glad to see that president biden called them outrageous, as did many leaders, bipartisan support across the united states. people are now putting a bill in
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congress, bipartisan bill to, put sanctions on the icc prosecutor for doing such a terrible thing. really, really a distortion and travesty of justice. >> george: are you concerned about traveling in the wake of this arrest warrant? >> no, i'm not concerned about traveling. i'm not concerned at all about our status. i think the prosecutor should be concerned about his status. he's really turning the icc into a pariah institution. people are just not gonna take it seriously. they see it as a politicized thing. i hope the judges don't turn, don't confirm what he says because that will make them into a kangaroo court. israel is fighting a just war. not only ours. not only our war. we're fighting the war of all democracies. if democracies are faced with a situation that after taking incredible efforts to get people out of harms way, to supply humanitarian aid on a vast scale. if they're told then they are
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hauled to the dock because the terrorists fighting them are using civil i can't understand as human shields, then others will do it. every democracy will be pulled into the dark. we are first. you're next. then people understand that. so that has to be stopped and that has to be resisted. i can assure you the vast majority of israelis and all responsible leaders in the world understand that this should be resisted. >> george: the big question is what happens the day after the fighting stops? do you have a plan for the day after the war? >> absolutely. i think the day after the war -- first the day after hamas. we have to destroy hamas otherwise peace doesn't have a future, expansion of peace doesn't have a future. so get rid of hamas. that's our goal, number one. number two, demilitarize gaza. one sustained military operation i think that require israel have the overall responsibility to fight resurgent terrorists. three, ensure that gaza will seek a civilian administration by gazans who are not affiliated with hamas and who don't seek
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the destruction of israel. the last thing is rebuild gaza, in a peaceful way, using the sport of modern arab states and the international community. that's a realistic plan. that's the one that i have. but it goes through victory. there is peace and stability and prosperity only through victory. the road to peace goes through victory over hamas. >> george: mr. prime minister, thanks for your time. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like
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la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. >> robin: we are back with our gma cover story. the new series the gender gap talks about how boys have fallen behind girls at school and what
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parents can do to help them. becky worley has the story. good morning. >> good morning, robin. in 1972 when congress passed title 9, men were 13 percentage points more likely to hold college degrees than women. today women are 15 points more likely to do so than men. it's a complete reversal of the gender gap in college education. great for girls, but there's work to be done supporting our boys in school. 10-year-old sebastien of boston massachusetts has had a rough time in school since the 3rd grade. >> i didn't really like school at that time. so i was like hesitant to do my homework. >> reporter: for mom ester -- >> the breaking point for us was homework during parent/teacher conference in the spring. i remember going in and meeting with his teacher. i walked out crying 'cause she was telling me he's not keeping up with his peers. he's not able to write a
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paragraph by pulling together his thoughts. >> reporter: academic declines and the loss of social connection are what richard reeves president of the nonpartisan research group american institute for boys and men is worried about. you say the boys are not okay. what does that mean to you? >> it means that in classrooms around the country we see that the boys are just behind the girls. on average now they're a grade level behind in english and literacy about middle school age. but if you see gender gaps of this size, then you should worry about the system that's producing those gaps. >> reporter: reeves said the disparities hit boys of color particularly hard, and that many young men today lack a clear definition of their roles in the way we've created identity for girls. >> you go, girl. girls on the run. girl magic. just an amazing message of be independent, be powerful, be you. right? incredibly positive messaging.
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so what's left is a bunch of boys and men whether are floundering about this question about how to be a good man. we've done a really good job of calling men out and calling boys out for their bad behavior. we've done a really bad job of calling them in and making them feel seen and heard and part of the conversation and feeling needed and valued. >> reporter: and reeves says we have to support our boys with extra help and patience. that's working for sebastien, who's received extra coaching to help with reading. >> they broke it down into smaller sections and they created a schedule. >> reporter: and he's getting tips for organization and time management. >> i'm super grateful that we're doing it now so that it will set him up for success now in school as well as in the future with life skills. >> the great news is with some support around study skills, sebastien is doing better. mom says he's got all a's and
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b's and the fighting over homework has been really dialled back, robin. >> robin: so glad he is doing better. this is really eye opening, becky. do you have suggestions for what parents can do? >> yeah. some of the things experts told us. don't treat boys like malfunctioning girls. i'm talking to myself here, the mother of boy/girl twins. boys develop executive function lear than girls. that means reminding, helping them create routines. if you can, advocate for your boys to have male teachers. it's the clearest sign that school is for boys and men. foster spaces for boys to develop real friendships in the real world. sports, scouts, play dates. finally lean into things your son is interested in outside of school. lizards, rocket motor, skateboarding. whatever weird thing they're into, find way to celebrate the nonacademic side of their life. >> robin: let them know that it's not weird. [ laughter ] right? it is not. absolutely normal. hey, becky, thanks so much. >> totally. >> robin: all righty. >> george: now the new book once
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upon a time. the captivating life of carolyn bessette-kennedy. >> reporter: the men who loved her described her as an ordinary person, a person who was catapulted into the national spotlight, often villified by the tabloids after marrying america's prince. >> the assumptions from pictures were that she was cold. that she was icy. she felt hunted by the paparazzi. what i quickly learned is that she was warm. she was joyful and loved to laugh. >> reporter: in her new biography, once upon a time, the life of carolyn bessette-kennedy, the author looks closely at the woman behind the media frenzy, who remains an enigmatic figure 25 years after her early death. you write about how john popped the question and carolyn said, i'll get back to you. i'll think about it. >> she knew that she was not
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going to enjoy a large part of what being a public person meant. but she did want to do something important and meaningful with her life. i think even though she had this intense fear, i think the fact that she loved him took that over. >> reporter: she never met his mother? >> she never met jackie. that was one of his biggest regrets. that was another thing that i think hurt carolyn. friends said they would have loved each other. >> reporter: lot of people are waiting for them to settle down, have children. but she was nervous about the prospect of having children, you write. >> their life seemed so chaotic. i think that it would have eventually happened. she was getting to the place where she would be ready to form her own narrative. she would have shown us the other parts of her. unfortunately, the accident happened before she had that opportunity. >> reporter: at just 33, carolyn's narrative cut short in 1999 when a small plane piloted
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by her husband john disappeared off the coast martha's vineyard on the way to his cousin's wedding. with them, her sister lauren. >> it was absolute shock. there was 24/7 coverage of it. at first it was just coverage of, where are they? can we find them? john will find his way out of this. he will be on a dingy holding on. they'll make it. when it became clear that it was no longer search and rescue, it was search and recovery. and then you go into mourning. and then the press kept on. >> reporter: to many, the former calvin klein publicist is most remembered not for her life but stylish looks. fowler hopes to change that. >> one friend, when the accident happened, said the people who knew her well were sad that she would be remembered as a fashion icon because she should be remembered for her warmth, for her friendship, for her humor. i hope that is what sticks out.
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>> reporter: for good morning america, deborah roberts, abc news, new york. >> george: thanks to deborah for that. "once upon a time" is available now. sam? >> sam: what a sparkling moment in time that was, george. all right. let's show you what's going on. we'll look at this live shot of omaha, nebraska early this morning. there have already been tornado warnings popping. you see the lightning in the sky there. if you look carefully on the streets you can see that standing water that's bringing spray up as the cars move in. there's a severe thunderstorm watch out for a good part of the area until 1 p.m. warnings near omaha, that's been in and out as we go through the morning. i would expect a few more of those. look at the hot red zone. that's where the storms will be the worst. i don't want you to forget dallas, oklahoma city. then chicago land, in this area. there's going to be a wind line that extends outside of the storms that's probably 70 to 90 mile per hour winds. if you're traveling, a lot of us are on thursday, just a quick look at the board to show you the heart land will be where
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>> michael: now our series a seen on social. all about the products you see constantly popping up in your social media feeds. lori bergamotto checked them out. she is here with some of the most hyped products. you can shop for them all on good morning all right, lori. let's get started. >> let's bring that first one in, sal. michael, this first one has more than 2,000 posts on social media.
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it is the jolie filtered shower head. most of us are taking showers and using all kinds of products to get moisturized skin or thicker hair or whatever it is. but if the water that's coming out of your shower is not, if it's hard water or soft water, has chlorine in it. lot of us, that's what we are dealing with it. right? the jolie filter shower head is going to fix that problem for you. what people love about this is it takes less than five minutes to install. it comes with these filters. then you swap them out every couple of months. it removes chlorine. it's designed to remove anything that has hard water. calcium, magnesium, those high levels. people are saying that instantly, after one shower, their skin feels softer. they have brighter complexions. their hair feels thicker. it's really giving you a better experience in the shower. i think it's like a beautiful shower head as well. >> michael: designed very well. >> so we love that. so check that out.
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thank you, guys. >> michael: thank you, bud. >> okay. go ahead, billy. bring it in. so this next one is for makeup brushes. makeup brushes for beauty people are like dental floss. everyone is like, i'm doing it. i'm doing it. you gotta clean these things, right? you are supposed to clean them once after every use. people don't do that. we want to be realistic here. this little makeup brush cleaner. go ahead, put it right in there. yep. right in there. it's going to twirl it around. take it out. you'll see that it's wet. we put a little solution in there. people love this because it's $20 and it allows you to keep brushes cleaner which makes them last longer. what happens if your brushes are last longer is that you're saving money, right? also if you're cleaning them, you're not getting any of that guck on your face so your skin will look cleaner and brighter. it's a win all around. our makeup artist alyssa used it on my brushes this morning. they needed a good cleaning.
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it's really easy for anybody to use. even the pros love it. check that out as well. >> michael: alyssa is my makeup artist, too. she cleans her brushes all the time. >> the best in the biz. thanks. okay. this next one team gma was excited about this. michael, i feel like you are a savvy guy. this is called the crop top. essentially look how little this is. put it on the waist, adjust the size. no matter what kind of top you have, it will tuck it in or crop. if you have a shirt that you love. and you're like, it's too -- look at robin. robin is perking up. >> michael: everybody. >> everybody is excited. >> michael: even sam is going, oh yeah. >> i can do this. it's just $12. you can have different styles, something that's flattering for your body. it's customizable. 12 bucks. >> michael: i tell you what, it's awesome.
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here, sam. here you go, sam. >> crop tuck it, sam. next one, retractible bank and wall charger. what's cool about this, if you are a type a person, raise your hand. there we go. watch this. no more cords all over your house. it extends up to three feet. when you charge it, it's a mini power bank. so it's portable. weighs less than 6 ounces. it will charge your devices. you don't have to have all of those wires in your house. love that as well. >> michael: genius. genius. i'm mad i didn't think about that. >> sam: save one of those for is incredible. this is the electric bathroom spin scrubber . basically, it can get to any nook and cranny in your bathroom, and it makes short work of big messes. go ahead, give that. it's very satisfying . has four different attachments
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there. this is under $65 and will keep your house sparkling. yeah i love it i love it. >> you can put makeup on with that too. i feel it i don't know the program. lauren, thank you so much. and you at home you can shop for all of these products on good morning america .com. and coming up the scott school social worker whose array of sunshine and she vet for the kids as well. >> identical twins set waited at birth when they first live on gma. all right gracie come on out and meet your sister. >> it's really overwhelming. >> the love was incredible. >> now as they graduate high school as valedictorians see the joyous reunion live tomorrow only on good morning america. would you know what to do if you are in your car submerged under water to morrow, gma will show you live how to survive. >> all right, it's go time from inside a car as water rushes in. must see live only on good morning america.
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>> they call him the beauty queen killer. he's targeting young women in malls. >> he tortured me. >> how did she survive? nine days of terror? nobody knows the real story. >> the beauty queen killer. >> only on hulu. >> doctor glassman told me. when you touch one life. you don't just touch one life. you touch every life that that life touches. >> the good doctor series finale tonight on abc. i'm the doctor always live abc seven news starts right now. for >> several mornings. >> let's see what traffic looks like. hi, amanda. hi, reggie. >> we're going to take you down to south san jose in the south bay. there's a three car crash that we're following on northbound 87. this is before sky port drive. you can see speeds are down to 22mph. and
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traffic is back up to 85 with a 40 minute delay. and then i want to quickly mention sf, mta says the powell cable car lines are currently not in service. no eta on when it will resume. hyde in mason line cars will switch back on washington. thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma right after this. >> adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now during cheap 4x4 season. well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s four by e fo a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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to wall wi-fi with xfinity. >> last year in california, there were 200,000 car crashes when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. if you are injured in a car crash, call the barnes firm now for your free consult. the bondsman injury attorneys call. one 808 million. >> adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now during cheap 4x4 season, well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s4 by buy for 389 a month. >> visit your local jeep dealer today. >> hey bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up, we'll chat with anya taylor-joy. >> plus, this year's american idol winner performs right here in our studio. >> that's at nine on abc seven.
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we will see you very shortly. >> here's a live look at sfo. it is sunny out there. >> the day planner will reflect lots of sunshine. we have a little bit of cloud cover along the coast right now, but the coast will also see bright conditions this afternoon. temperatures will be above average. feeling a bit more like summer than spring. you can see 70 and 80 become widespread. your pollen count is high. little breezy this afternoon. those winds 15 to 25mph. lots of sunshine coming our way. the next three days, reggie. thanks to another abc seven news update in 30 minutes, you can always in 30 minutes, you can always >> announcer: welcome back to gma, live from times square. >> robin: beautiful tuesday morning in times square. over the years our matt gutman has put himself into a burning building. he's gotten caught in a flash flood to demonstrate the best way of staying alive.
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and tomorrow morning he's going to be at it again. he is in indianapolis this morning with the early look at what we can expect tomorrow. so do tell us. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. every year hundreds of americans die when their cars crash into bodies of water. they get swept away in a flash flood. so many of those deaths are preventible, which is why tomorrow i will be driving this car up this gravel ramp into that pond. with the help of the indiana state police, we're doing this all live to show people in real-time the best ways to survive a situation like this. we're also going to clear up some misconceptions and help people avoid panicking in that situation. right now i want people at home to start remembering, seat belt, window out, children go first. tomorrow we're going to have what the experts say is the very best way of surviving a situation like this. robin? >> robin: we appreciate that. you get a good night's rest and we will see you tomorrow morning.
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thank you. all right. >> george: now our ray of sunshine. before school lets out for the summer, we are high lighting educators who give so much to their students. steve osunsami is with one deserving teacher in atlanta. >> reporter: i am at barber middle school north of the city. i'm being quiet. inside this room is a very special person. she is our ray of sunshine this morning. she doesn't know it quite yet. we've got a big surprise for her. we're going to go tell her right now. let's see. hello, hello, hello. hello. >> i know him! [ laughter ] >> reporter: surprise surprise. i'm steve osunsami. >> i know who you are. i watch you every morning. >> reporter: thank you. i'm with abc news. we're not with the hhc. >> i kind of figured that. >> reporter: we have a surprise for you. you are our ray of sunshine.
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>> ray of sunshine! [ applause ] what is that? >> reporter: we're going to share some goodness with you. it is your day. we've got something special planned for you. i need you to come with me. just so you know, all of these fine folks, they were in on the surprise. [ laughter ] they were in on the surprise. absolutely. yes. >> y'all got me. >> reporter: we know that you are a social worker. >> did you know about this? >> reporter: they all know about it. they're all in on it. we know you've been a social worker for how many years now? >> 28. >> reporter: 28 years. you've been with this school district for how long? >> 22 years. >> reporter: we also know that -- yes. >> oh my god! [ cheers ] >> reporter: all these people are here for you. [ applause ] isn't this nice? >> oh my god. >> reporter: i always say sometimes someone needs to sing for the singer. today they're singing for you. [ applause ]
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yes. thank you. we'll put you right over here. [ applause ] [ applause ] >> reporter: let's go. so we know, of course, how special you are. we're now going to let america know. >> oh my goodness. >> reporter: she's the heart and soul of the kalb county school district in georgia. >> she is focused on the well-being of children and their families as a whole. >> reporter: mrs. petrina fowler is part of the fabric here, woven deeply into their lives, north of atlanta, where she's served as a school social worker for more than 20 years. >> she's a connecter, a leader in this community through her burden to really serve her students.
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she stands out. >> reporter: they say mrs. fowler truly leaves no student behind. >> if students are without clothing, she ensures she gets them. whatever assistance a kid needs to be successful. >> reporter: last month she was named georgia's school social worker of the year. >> it doesn't matter what's going on, she will always be there for you. >> reporter: at barbara middle school, she launched a program called boys to men determined to give teenage boys the tools they need to become young professionals. >> i went from being a kid who got in trouble to a kid who worked on his grades, who worked on his work, stopped getting in trouble. >> i was too scared to talk to people. after i had joined her group, it has given me more self-confidence. >> helping out in the community. i'm thankful that i got to be part of this group. >> reporter: it's because of the lives she touches and the hearts she moves that mrs. fowler is our ray of sunshine.
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>> you're valued. you're a great friend. you're wonderful at your job. we couldn't do it without you. keep doing it. keep up the great work. we're so thankful for you. [ applause ] >> reporter: you are a wonderful human being. [ applause ] everyone knows it. i always say sometimes someone needs to make it all right for the person who makes it all right. how are you feeling this morning? >> in shock. that all these people did this without me knowing. i'm like, why are we in this room? >> reporter: it's got to mean something for them to take a moment and say, hey, we're gonna share some love with you because you do so much for so many people. we've got your daughter here, your husband. >> i see. >> reporter: you kept a good secret this morning. >> everybody is here. look at all these people. oh my goodness. >> reporter: yes.
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principal, you helped make this surprise happen. how difficult was it? >> it was the hardest. >> reporter: to keep it from her and to get all these people here this morning. >> yeah. she is a detective in her own right. it was extremely hard. >> reporter: tell me how much you love her? >> when i say i love her, she is truly a blessing to our school, to our community to, the county. she has just touched the lives of many students and has helped them to be the young people that they need to be. she's an advocate for everyone. >> reporter: dr. ragsdale our superintendent of the school district. what kind of impact does this fine person have -- >> the social worker. [ laughter ] >> reporter: i want to point out a lot of your students, the boys to men program, some of these students are here, right behind us. what kind of impact has she had? >> she is just the perfect example of what it means to be on our one team.
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she is so focused on our one goal, student success. so proud of you, mrs. fowler. so proud to have you represent our school district, not only for the district, but to the "good morning america" world. very proud of you. [ applause ] >> reporter: absolutely. yes. yes. we're not done yet. >> i can't take much more. >> reporter: i got to hide this from you. we aren't the only people who are inspired by your work. bj's wholesale club wants to celebrate you with this $5,000 gift card. [ applause ] to help your kids and you. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: we've heard lots of stories. we hope this will help. >> oh my goodness. >> reporter: that's not all. we also want you to do something for you, just for you. so this surprise is for you. you and a guest will be taking a disney cruise line vacation. [ applause ]
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to the bahamas to visit the newest island disney lookout key at lighthouse point. for you and a guest. >> oh my gosh. [ applause ] >> reporter: yes. >> thank you. >> reporter: how are you feeling? >> i'm in shock. >> reporter: you're in shock. >> i am in shock. >> reporter: i have gotta think this love has to feel good? >> oh, yes, it definitely does. >> reporter: like i say, who's singing for the singer today? these people. >> i thank you all. >> reporter: we thank you. we thank the school system. we are so proud to share this with you. we hope you enjoy that cruise. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> robin: she was in shock. >> michael: she was. >> george: that was great. coming up anya taylor-joy is here live.
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>> michael: we are back now with anya taylor-joy, the star of furiosa, the latest film in the mad max franchise. anya, welcome to the show. great to have you. [ applause ] >> thank you for having me. >> michael: this movie is a prequel to 2015 fury road which starred charlize theron. did you get a chance to talk to her before? >> i didn't talk to her before.
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i felt i had to go on this wild ride and experience it. but immediately afterwards i reached out to her. she is so classy, kind, generous. very grateful. >> robin: chris hemsworth was here. >> i know. bit taller. >> robin: little bit. >> tiny bit. >> robin: michael asked him, because we knew you were coming so we asked chris, what should we talk to you about. this is what he said. >> oh, no. >> you can ask her what is it like working with -- [ laughter ]. >> robin: so? what was it like? >> it was an absolute nightmare. [ laughter ] he's so humble. i'm very lucky to go on this big tour with a friend. >> robin: he is someone all in, isn't he, when he's on set and performing and acting? >> what's funny is we spend majority of the film trying to kill each other. the second they yell cut i'm like, are you okay? can we help each other out here?
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very lucky that we like each other as much as we do. >> george: let's look at a clip. >> my childhood, my mother. i want them back. i want them back. >> that's exactly how i felt. my own family taken so unjustly. immediately. i'm right there. i'm right there with you. >> george: that's quite a transformation right there. [ laughter ] >> sam: i'm moving my chair over here. >> george: is that what 156 days in the desert does to you? >> it was a really long shoot. when you do a movie like mad max it creates people who want to be there. it was tough going but very very rewarding.
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>> sam: you did a great job. i feel the characters of the original movie, too. >> thank you. >> sam: you've got all this great gear. you've got the great costumes. people may be tempted to take something. chris said maybe he took a motorcycle. do you have a momento? >> i have her arm. the whole arm, yeah. which is pretty great. it's not a motor bike, but it's my own piece of machinery that i have at home. >> sam: does it sit on your table? >> i don't have time to properly mount anything. i feel like people who come to my house are like, who lives here? i probably need to put it on a wall. >> robin: i thought you had a fur baby with you. >> i knew this movie was going to be hard so i was like, i need a kitten and he is a proud australian. yeah. he lives with me. he is my angel.
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there he is. he plays fetch which is very confusing. [ laughter ] that's what happens when you spend that long in the desert. you're a cat and you play fetch. he can bring a ball back. very entertaining. >> sam: i need to see this video. >> i'll send it over. >> michael: you said you took an arm home. do they say, is there something you would like? or is it kind of put it in the luggage and walk out? >> it depends on the film to, be honest with you. i was lucky that, again, this movie was so heart felt. i formed such great relationships with the crew. i think they knew how much i loved this character so if there was anything special they were like, we made you one so you can take it home. i'm very grateful to them. >> michael: i have been trying to get a coffee cup from here. so hard. [ laughter ] so hard. >> robin: he's not kidding. >> michael: i'm not kidding. >> just run! grab it and go! [ laughter ] >> michael: there's fast people here. they'd run me down. so happy to have you here.
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thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. thank you for seeing the movie. >> sam: can't wait to see it. >> michael: mad max saga hits theaters this friday. make sure you check it out. sam, what you got? >> sam: we're going to talk heat. let's do this quickly because we don't have a whole lot of time. going to start with new york. because temperatures start to go up, we've had cool days. we had a wet run. we've had some bad weekends. let's get some dryer air here. look at all the record highs spreading. new york 83. over the next couple of days we see that warmth getting in here. this i posted yesterday. puerto rico, excessive heat warning. that's the weather around the nation. here's the best weather in the business for your local abc >> sam: i was just starting to
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yell. abi, where are you? we're going to talk to you in a minute. this was big on sunday, right? >> yeah, for sure. the biggest thing you could probably do. >> sam: congratulations to both of you. there's a lot to discuss. we'll be right back. >> thank you.
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>> the winner of "american idol" 2024 is -- abi carter! [ cheers and applause ] >> robin: that was the moment. abi was crowned american idol sunday night. will moseley is the runnerup. they are both here. congratulations to you both. [ applause ] that was awesome. it really was. i gotta say your reaction was absolutely priceless. >> shocked. >> robin: shock. i know. first woman in four seasons to win. >> yes. honestly, that's why i was so shocked, to be honest. >> robin: luke bryan was not shocked.
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after your first audition he said you were the one. what did he tell you after the finale? >> after the finale he said that he thinks it was the very first time that the person they thought was going to win actually did. that touched me. >> robin: i'm sure it did. >> sam: what a season for you, my friend. congratulations. you come out with a song that's your own. is it gone for good? did i get that right? that takes off the country charts right away. >> we went all the way to number two. unimaginable, you know? >> sam: what does that feel like? you're in a contest but you've got a number two song. >> i think that's why you go on the show. you go there to promote yourself, find that platform. it did just that. soon as i auditioned, the audition aired, the next day i was going.
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same thing is happening again. i had chance to sing at the finale. on the country charts, the new one's at number three this morning. [ laughter ] that's huge. >> robin: you got to want to pinch yourself sometimes. >> i'm telling you, it's just a dream come true. it's something that you dream of and you work so hard to make happen. i think the show, audition, sending the first one up the charts was a blessing. it's a once in a life time thing. then you come back around the second time and put another original song. >> sam: this is definitely like a dream come true. for everybody. >> robin: for everybody. i remember hearing you say that you always dreamed of being, even when you were a small child. >> yes. >> robin: at the piano. what would you tell your little self at the piano way back when? what would you tell that little girl now right there? what would you tell her?
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>> i feel like -- that's so cute. man, i would probably tell her that i'm proud of her and to keep going to piano lessons and to stop kicking and screaming when she has to go. you know? [ laughter ] when you have to do something like that, it takes so much time and so much practice, dedication. when you're a kid and you're not good at it, it's really hard to make yourself go. i hated it. but she did it. >> sam: before we go, and we don't have much time. this is katy's last season. everybody is talking about that. from each one of you, is there somebody you think would be awesome at this? >> i feel like there's just gonna be such a void when katy, you know, goes on and releases her own music and does her own thing. she's an amazing artist. i'm so excited to see that.
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i don't know. who can replace that? she's synonymous with the show at this point. she is so iconic to it. >> robin: you got a little gleam in your eye. >> i think someone has a big decision to make. i'm thankful it's not me. [ laughter ] >> robin: good answer, both of you. not your first rodeo. hey, congratulations to you both. thank you for bringing the joy and your talent to us. appreciate that. >> thank you. >> thank you, guys. >> robin: we'll be right back.
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which is the good news. metering lights are still on, but delays due continue into the city. drew >> hey amanda, sfo is clear. we have a little bit of cloud cover along the immediate coastline, but we will get full sunshine there as the morning goes on. it's just a warm day today is the warmest day of the week, so it feels a lot more like summer than spring. just know your pollen count still remains high with grasses and trees elevated. here's a look at highs today 70 in the city, 76 in oakland, 82 in san jose reggie, that allergy medicine is never far away from me. >> thanks, drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we thr ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from "furiosa: a mad max saga," anya taylor-joy. also, a performance from the


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