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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze. >> two people are hospitalized after a fire at a home near san francisco's alamo square. it's the same house where neighbors say someone left multiple racist , hate filled deliveries on a black family's doorsteps in recent weeks. >> terry williams tells us firefighters and neighbors rescued his parents. they were trapped on the upper floors and they're in the hospital right now, williams says he was at city hall when the fire started, dealing with the aftermath of those threatening messages and racist dolls that had been delivered to his door. >> the firemen got here fast, i think. i applaud the firemen. thank y'all. they got here, got my parents out. so i thank you. >> the fire did not spread to the building next door, but or i should say it did. but firefighters say the damage there is not quite as bad investigators are on the scene trying to figure out how this fire started. standard procedure for a fire of this size. san
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francisco police are still investigating the racist messages left at williams door. >> happening now california state senate is set to vote on three reparations bills. this would be the next step toward the state formally apologizing to black californians for slavery and decades of discrimination. one bill centers on restitution for racially motivated land taking. the other two would create an agency to oversee reparations, as well as a funding source to make those payments possible. abc seven news anchor and race and social justice reporter julian glover, closely monitoring the senate hearing and he'll have more on any possible results coming up on abc seven news at five. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price came out swinging today against insurance companies that she accused of operating a widespread scheme on californians. >> yeah, the practice that she says leaves residents underinsured for disasters like wildfires. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley spells out the details. >> alameda county's consumer justice bureau filed a lawsuit
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against some major insurance carriers, represents 15% of the homeowners policies in the state of california. all are affiliates of farmers insurance and include mid century and others who da pamela price says are engaging in unlawful business practices. >> these insurance companies have utilized a software application that allows them essentially to defraud homeowners. one of the features of the 360 value software that we are alleging improperly underestimate daetz. the replacement cost is that it's based on zip code. so it's another way of redlining. >> the da's office claims the companies offer lower prices to entice consumers, but leave them woefully under-covered if they actually had to rebuild their home after a fire or natural disaster by using a general formula instead of specifics about a property like the slope
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it's built on or the roofing materials. the lawsuit was filed three weeks ago, but the da's office says they still have not gotten a response from the targeted insurance companies. could the lawsuit cause insurers to back away from the california market? >> if an insurance company chooses not to unfairly cheat resident of california, then that's a good thing, because that means it opens the door for insurance companies that are willing to comply with california law. >> the da said a settlement would mean insurance companies would have to make significant software modifications in how replacement value is calculated and covered in the state of california. i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> the future of california's gig economy and prop 22 are now up to the california state supreme court. the law, which voters approved back in 2020, classifies uber and lyft drivers as contractors instead of employees. opponents say that law needs to change. abc seven
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news reporter suzanne fawn joining us live in the newsroom with the latest, suzanne. >> so, larry, about 1 million people are impacted by prop 22. the state supreme court is now deciding whether prop 22 is constitutional. labor unions and some drivers say it is not what the state supreme court decides is could change how companies like uber and lyft operate. >> i drive for lyft. i've been doing it for ten years, lyft driver jason munderloh, san francisco says prop 22 needs to change. i think prop 22 is unconstitutional. we need real rights as gig workers. >> that law, says munderloh and other app based drivers are contractors, not employees. munderloh says he's denied important worker compensation benefits. >> prop 22 doesn't offer us overtime, doesn't offer us health care. it doesn't offer us many of the things that we need as workers living in san francisco, you need a reasonable living wage, and we're denied that under prop 22. >> today is only day one. >> more than 200 gig workers rallied outside the state supreme court today in san
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francisco. >> prop 22 created a law so that the gig companies could make money at the expense, and the exploitation of gig drivers. >> if the court is going to decide this case on the premise that the legislature could restore the app drivers to the workers compensation system. >> today, the california supreme court heard oral arguments in a lawsuit by the service employees international union, seiu. and for drivers, they say prop 22 is unconstitutional. the executive vice president of seiu says it's important to secure basic legal protections for gig workers across the country and reverse more than a decade of exploitation. the state supreme court justices listened to an hour of testimony asking difficult questions, but they did not say how they would rule on prop 22. professor john logan teaches about labor and employment at san francisco state university. >> prop 22 is really going to decide whether or not many gig
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workers are employees or whether or not they're not. they're independent contractors, and it will have national significance. everyone is watching what the california supreme court will decide and whether or not these companies have the right to classify their workers as independent contractors. >> and uber hopes the state supreme court will uphold prop 22. it states that forced employment would be devastating for thousands of drivers and couriers who turned to uber for flexible work. uber also says millions of californians would see major service reductions and cost increases. the state supreme court will issue a ruling on the case within three months. live in the newsroom suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> suzanne, thank you. the oakland city council could take a first step today toward allowing more aggressive police chases. council members are meeting right now and are expected to consider a resolution to have the police commission recommend changes. some city leaders think changing the rules to align with national best practices could help police address crime. oakland has not updated its police pursuit
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policy since 2014. the current rules only allow pursuits in specific circumstances to the south bay. >> now, the indigenous community addressing community leaders on the crisis of missing as well as murdered indigenous people. >> abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has a look at the effort to find solutions. >> their voices were the first to be heard in the state of california. now our indigenous community fears they are being silenced and their culture is disappearing. >> this is about sadness. >> this is about grief. this is about being made invisible for over 532 years in the continent that you are native of, no more missing and murdered indigenous people. >> that's the message, said loud and proud. outside of san jose city hall. we are still here, but the community's population is dwindling. despite only making up 2% of the country's
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population, the urban indian health institute found the murder rate for indigenous women is ten times higher than the national average. murder is the third leading cause of death for indigenous women in california, has the sixth highest death rate of indigenous women in urban areas. just a few struggles this group says they've dealt with for centuries the indifference of law enforcement and the courts, erasure from social data collection and the media, ignorance and racism within our health and human services. they want something to be done. and it starts here in the south bay friday evening at city hall at 530. council member peter ortiz and other policy makers will take part in a panel discussion to learn how this community can be best supported. do we know if the city of san jose is a safe place for indigenous people? >> do we know that families of the missing will receive the support they need, that there will be timely response by the police? >> we should not have questions unanswered, and individuals who
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go missing without a direct response from the city. and so as a council member here, it's my job to make sure that that happens. and then also to amplify the voices of the indigenous community, to assure this community is safe for all generations to come in san jose. >> dustin dawsey abc seven news major disruptions to bart service in the east bay as emergency crews removed a person who was on the tracks at the walnut creek station. >> this was around noon. they reached a man in his 60s. he was on the tracks under a barred car. now they say he was still alive. it's unclear at this time how he ended up on those tracks. this led to the closure of the walnut creek bart station and delays on the antioch line in all directions. meanwhile, in fremont, police, they're trying to piece together what led to a fiery crash that left one person dead, another in the hospital. the video shows fire engulfing a car here that appeared to hit a tree on fremont boulevard near thornton avenue overnight, a surveillance camera at a nearby pet food store captured the
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crash. >> have words? i couldn't even really process what i was witnessing at first. it took me a minute. it wasn't until after i saw the footage and then came back out that i was really able to, like, see what happened with in 10s. you see it come into frame, hit the light pole and wrap around the tree and within 10s. after that, the whole car was in flames. >> at this point, police are not releasing the names and ages of the victims or if any other cars may have been involved. >> voters in san francisco will get to decide on a measure this november that's intended to help fill a shortage of nurses and first responders, supervisor ahsha safai, who's also running for mayor, announced the proposition today. >> we are down 40 911 dispatchers, which is absolutely impacting our public safety response system. >> the proposition would allow
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registered nurses who become full time employees to buy back time, worked as per diem nurses for retirement credits. >> it sometimes takes months to years to get that permanent position, so this would represent a major shift in retention and also valuing the service that these people have committed to our community. >> the ballot measure would also provide 911 operators with the same safety retirement benefits as other first responders. >> coming up on abc seven news at four is your identity at risk? new warnings about artificial intelligence. a popular fast food restaurant not so popular with one bay area community. the pleas to keep them out, and the future of crab fishing in the bay area. new trap tests could make a big difference. >> i'm spencer christian, we had summer-like warmth in the bay area today. will we see a repeat of that tomorrow? i' have the accuweather forecast coming up
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relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. could be in play tonight. >> abc7 news anchor dan ashley is here with the details on that, and a new pilot program for local fishermen. dan. >> kristin. larry, this is really interesting. the department of fish and wildlife has just concluded taking public comment on proposed rules for next season. now they come as a group of local fishermen are testing out new technologies that could help them survive
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months of being unable to drop their crab traps, moratoriums that have been economically devastating for them for brand little and the crew of the pale horse fishing for dungeness crab is an increasingly tight business. like the rest of the fleet, he's watched the crabbing season shrink, with early closures meant to protect migrating whales from becoming entangled in trap lines. but this season, he's still pushing his traps into the sea. weeks after last month's official closing. it's part of an experimental program that's now expanded to more than two dozen boats, all using special pop up trap systems designed to avoid entanglements. >> it's a lot more work. takes maybe 3 to 4 times as long as traditional gear, it's not easy, but what we've been going through isn't easy either. i mean, we've had 80% of our opportunity taken away. we attach this to the line brand, showed us how the remote technology works in a dockside
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demonstration. >> but to really understand the system, it helps to get a crab's eye view while it's lying on the ocean floor, the boat is able to locate the individual trap and then trigger the release using a remote device. the buoy shoots to the surface, carrying the line with it. the crew retrieves the line and pulls up the trap, limiting the time a whale could come into contact with it. brand was one of two beta testers i set out to do it, actually, to disprove it, you know, because nobody could speak. >> why it wouldn't work, just that that it wouldn't work. so i said, i'm going to go. i'm going to go do it and say, why it won't work. and i had to eat my words because it did work. >> several nonprofits are involved in the program, which is generating data to be presented to the california department of fish and wildlife. jeff chester is a senior scientist with the group oceana. >> i definitely think the this spring season and the experimental fishing permits is a tipping point in the whole development of this pop up gear for the dungeness crab fishery.
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>> while the permit program is expanding, many fishermen argue that it has its limitations. they're concerned about the technology becoming mandatory even in months when whales are not present in large numbers. that could, of course, hurt their profits and limit their catch during peak season. researcher kim sawicki is collecting data on the trial with a group, sustainable seas, which should. >> it should just be an option in the toolbox, but it should be one that is managed with, you know, fishermen at the table from day one. >> but she says early results show a high success rate, with few gear failures so far and if the pop up system wins approval, they hold the promise of re extending the back half of a typical crabbing season by several months, allowing fishermen to recover at least part of the opportunity cut short by efforts to protect migrating whales. >> this is the bare bones we can operate. some would argue that it's not even good enough, but what we had this year, if we can get some of that access back in the spring with the pop up gear,
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we may survive. i don't see us surviving without it. >> a battle both for economic survival and the health of a species off our coast. now the state is providing some money to help expand the use of this pop up gear, but it's still being tested, and there's no decision yet on whether the program might become permanent. but larry and kristin, it is showing some real promise. >> all right. thank you dan. weather is one theory behind a big spike in the number of brown pelicans in care for starvation. the international bird rescue group says it's possible that a late spring storm clouded water, making it difficult for the birds to find food. vets have ruled out disease. the rescue group operates a center in fairfield and southern california. it says over the past month, more than 300 pelicans arrived at its two wildlife centers for care. >> the national park service is giving one of the nation's most famous trees a checkup. the general sherman, as it's known at sequoia national park, is the largest known living tree on
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planet earth today. researchers inspected this massive 275 foot tree. they climbed into its canopy, and they're concerned about the effects of climate change, as well as bark beetle infestations, which can be deadly to the trees. i was looking it up. that tree is over 2000 years old. amazing. and spencer was there when was planted. yeah >> there's nothing to say after that. >> and i'm so proud of how it's grown. >> yeah, i did a good job watering that and attracted so many visitors. >> i'll be watering it again soon. here's a look at what's going on with our weather right now. we've got, as you look at the satellite radar composite image, we've got some active, cool and windy weather offshore so you can see why the warmth, the summerlike warmth we had today may not last very long. we've got breezy conditions right now with surface wind speeds up to about 20 to 24mph. san francisco and sfo and fairly breezy in other locations. so let's move along and take a look
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at the temperature change 24 hours. it is so much warmer today, just about everywhere than yesterday. that's thus the reference to summer-like warmth. nine degrees warmer at santa rosa, nine degrees warmer here in san francisco than at this time yesterday. so let's take a view. it is 67 degrees right now in the city, 72 in oakland, hayward 77. we have low 80s at san jose and redwood city, 59 at half moon bay. now looking westward from emeryville. other temperature readings right now 85 at santa rosa, mid 70s petaluma and napa, upper 80s at fairfield and concord, and 83 at livermore and now let's check out our forecast headlines. looking across the embarcadero from our rooftop camera. sunny and mild to warm tomorrow, thursday and friday morning fog will return to the coastline, so a little bit cooler weather is coming our way. memorial day weekend cooler than we have right now, but still pleasant. we don't expect any disturbances. that means no precipitation right now we're looking at the futurecast taking us into the late night and overnight hours. we'll see a little bit of low cloudiness, move up to the peninsula
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coastline in the wee hours of the morning. but it won't last long. it will erode by mid-morning, giving way to sunny skies once again tomorrow. let me back out of the way a little bit. and overnight low temperatures will be generally in the low 50s, so pretty mild, just about everywhere overnight. a little bit cooler at the coast. high temperatures tomorrow still in a mild to warm range, but nothing like today's highs. we'll see some mid low to mid 80s in our inland areas and low to mid 70s around the bay shoreline. upper 50s on the coast. but other than that why am i saying other than that it's going to be a nice, pleasant, mild day leading us into memorial day weekend. and it's going to be nice and warm, but nothing like the summer like what we had today. but notice that it's only a gradual cooling trend over the next couple of days, mid 80s inland. tomorrow low 80s inland on thursday. but a sharp drop on friday and even more cooling on saturday. in fact, going into memorial day weekend is going to feel more like late winter high temperatures reaching only about 70 degrees inland. but
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temperatures rebound on saturday, on sunday and on monday. so those last two days of the weekend will be more more pleasant. all right. >> thank you. >> spencer? yeah, i got to go water my tree. >> i was waiting, haha. >> thank you spencer. >> all right. the oakland ballers begin their inaugural season in the independent pioneer league tonight. the ballers, seen here during a spring training game, will take on the glacier range riders in kalispell, montana, that games at 6:00. it's the first of a 12 game road trip. the ballers first home game is scheduled for june 4th at raymond park. crews are making a lot of progress getting the field ready. video here from sky seven preparing to install the new scoreboard that park is going to be gorgeous. bay fc, the bay area's new professional women's soccer team facing its toughest test of its inaugural season this week, head coach albertin montoya put his players through a workout today at san jose state, and he says he's excited to face the defending nwsl champions from gotham fc. >> they've got quite the roster. they have several us national team players and some of the
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best internationals from around the world. so the fact that we get to play them at a home for the first time, it's incredibly exciting and something we're looking forward to. it's going to be a good test for us. friday >> this game begins at seven at paypal park in san jose, and tickets are still available. >> neighbors saying not so fast about plans for a popular fast food chain in one east bay city, and the basketball deal for caitlin clark that has only happened once before. >>
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a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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tonight, the city council is hosting a public hearing on that issue. the proposed site is off oak grove road near ignacio valley road. >> but as abc7 news reporter lena howland explains, some residents already want to block the plan. >> this is where chick fil a is hoping to set up their second walnut creek location. if the city gives the green light a standalone, vacant former bank that wouldn't have a drive thru in the citrus marketplace, shopping center. >> everywhere you go, you'll see, you know, lines, cars, you know, backing way out onto a main road. >> but since getting a conditional use permit from the planning commission, a group of neighbors mobilized and sent an appeal to the city opposing the project. stanley chow, a neighbor who lives within 300 yards of the proposed site, says
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he worries about how this could make an already congested area worse with more spillover of traffic onto side streets. >> what i'm anticipating is that , you know, delivery drivers, you know, making changes, just trying to, drive through the neighborhood as fast as possible, for no other reason than to get to chick fil a. >> the city of walnut creek commissioned a traffic study for this site, comparing it to other chick fil a locations, including the existing walnut creek location. they say the study found there would not be a significant traffic impact, but i would be nice to have something here, close by and just bringing more life, you know, other shopping centers here have a lot of life and just here, this specific one needs that little push. >> carolina roman owns a taqueria in the same shopping center. she says it's been a ghost town since covid. >> i thought it was a great idea because it's a business that will make us, on the map a
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little bit again. and and the, customers who might go to chick fil a can look around here in these other shopping center and see that, you know, there's other businesses, this shopping center is a little bit sad. >> we would love to breathe some new life into this area. >> while another neighbor and mom of two young boys says she would appreciate it for the convenience alone. >> an easy spot to get to on the way to trader joe's on the way to basketball practice. >> very convenient in walnut creek. lena howland abc seven news. >> this isn't the first time walnut creek has wanted to keep a fast food restaurant out of their community. in 2017, plans for an in-n-out at north main street at second avenue were scuttled. residents said they weren't opposed to the fast food restaurant, just the traffic it brings. >> well, as homeland security warns, a.i. programs could possibly threaten the 2024 election. actress scarlett johansson, sounding the alarm on a.i. for a different reason. >> we dig a little deeper into
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a.i. and justhat it takes to impersonate someone (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go.
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the one you want for one-and-done protection. terrifying situation in the skies today after deadly turbulence aboard a singapore airlines flight. images from the cabin show you just how much damage is sustained that turbulence did to the plane. one person is dead and dozens of others injured. terrifying >> just seeing the what happened inside that plane. abc news reporter perry russom has the chaotic aftermath on a flight that was headed from london to singapore. >> new video from inside the singapore airlines plane hit by severe turbulence this morning.
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rescue teams carrying out the injured on backboards, loading them into ambulances, oxygen masks dangling from the ceiling. this dent on an overhead bin. one man on board says anyone not wearing a seatbelt was launched immediately. some people's heads denting bins, others cracking parts of the ceiling outside. this woman wheeled away while holding a baby. the injured triage separated by the severity of their injuries. singapore airlines says one person was killed more than 70 injured, including two americans. the airline is blaming severe turbulence. the flight, taking off from london headed to singapore, was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok, thailand. the plane is a boeing 777 and a spokesperson for boeing says it's standing ready to support singapore airlines. the general manager of the airport in thailand says the person who died is a 73 year old british man. the doctor have to investigate his body and he's come with his wife, so his wife
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is brought to the hospital at that time. in a statement posted online, a spokesperson for singapore airlines says they are offering their deepest condolences to the family of the man who was killed. they say they are working with local authorities in thailand to provide any necessary assistance. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> well, as the popularity of a.i. grows, actress scarlett johansson is jumping right into the fray, also threatening legal action. abc news reporter andrew dymburt has a look at her concerns. >> openai is pausing the use of one of its chatgpt voices after actress scarlett johansson said the voice sounded eerily similar to her own. johansson said she was approached by openai ceo sam altman about doing voice work for the chatbot, but that she declined. after hearing the released demo, she wrote, i was shocked, angered and in disbelief, adding, my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. the oscar nominated actress hired lawyers to inquire about the process of generating the voice. hi. >> hi, how are you doing?
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>> johansson famously starred in 2013. her playing an ai voice assistant. much like chatgpt product. >> it seems like i'm having so many new feelings that i don't think i've ever been felt before. >> that was her actual voice from the movie, and this is a sample of chatgpt. it's ai generated chatbot. skye, you've got me on the edge of my. >> well, i don't really have a seat, but you get the idea. >> fans called out the similarity and comments on that youtube video shared by openai. the company disputed the comparison in a blog post, writing ai should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive voice and that the voice of skye belongs to a different professional actress who they say was cast for the voice before they reached out to johansson. altman, writing in a statement we are sorry to miss johansson that we didn't communicate better. andrew dymburt, abc news, new york. >> now, the dispute between johansson and chatgpt is once again brought up a larger topic ai impersonating the likeness of real people. this is a topic legal experts and those who make
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livings on their voice and likeness are following very closely. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes with more on exactly what's at stake here. >> want to send someone a message from oprah winfrey? it could be as easy as clicking a link. websites like this have countless celebrity voices to choose from. you select a voice like oprah's type, whatever you want her to say, and type whatever you want her to say. >> and voila! >> the technical phrase for this is called voice cloning, where if you have a sample of your voice or someone else's voice, it uses algorithms to emulate your voice. and by just using a simple text prompt, you can create a voice in any way you like. and that's extremely dangerous. >> among those most fearful of the potential dangers of rapid advancing ai are working actors, including many in the bay area, closely watching a scarlett johansson story unfolds. robert chesnut, now vice president of the local sag-aftra chapter, was one of many actors on strike last year protesting in front of
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netflix's los gatos headquarters. one of the biggest asks of actors during negotiations was protections against ai use by major studios for our our image, our personalities, our voice, our charm at, you know, we just that protection. >> otherwise we're lost. >> though i was not used to replace the voice of scarlett johansson, openai says another actresses voice was used. legal experts say there is existing law that can come into play. >> it's ai or another individual that sounds like you should not be particularly meaningful legally. if openai is using ai to generate an imitation of scarlett johansson's voice, they could still be liable for that. imitation laws protecting celebrities vary state by state, but federal law protecting everyone is in the works. when we talk about things like deepfakes and ai impersonation of everyday people like you and i, that might be a little further along. and we'll need the legislature to catch up to that, because it's still relatively simple to use technology to impersonate a
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voice or image, lawler said. >> there are several bills pending in the senate and house that aim to address ai impersonation. in the south bay. zach fuentes, abc seven news san francisco mayor london breed is playing host to her counterpart in shanghai. >> the two cities are celebrating 45 years of a sister city partnership. mayor breed joined me in studio today during our 3:00 show, getting answers. i asked her about the significance of this relationship with tourism from china. still recovering from the pandemic. >> so we need to enhance that relationship. but also there are people that have a connection there. so we are we are grateful to have this opportunity to renew our commitment for 45 years. >> another sign of that connection with china. the two giant pandas set to move to the san francisco zoo next year. breed also shared her reaction to the rejection of her fundraising plan last week, saying she thinks there are politics at play. the city needs to raise $25 million to pay for a new panda enclosure and other
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upgrades. >> coming up, there's a new twist on dating that does not involve an app, plus a rare deal for rare basketball star. it's all on the
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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are jumping on the bandwagon that you may not expect. nestlé
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is coming out with a line of frozen food for people taking the popular weight loss drugs. the company says its new brand, vital pursuit, is designed to be a companion product for glp one users. the line of 12 portion control read small, tiny meals will be in stores later this year. who thinks there will be a market for this? >> i mean, there's obviously a market for it, given the popularity of mozambique manjaro all of those things, but isn't the point that being on these drugs, your body automatically will regulate when it needs to stop eating you less, eat less? yeah, yeah, yeah. >> so therefore they're probably just marketing smaller meals because you know, you don't need a big meal. >> well, also, you know, the one of the problems is once you get off ozempic, if you reach your weight loss goal, then you go back to your normal eating style and then you gain all the weight back. so that's that's the challenge there. i mean, you don't just eat intelligently. you don't need a special design and some brand. but i do like that they call it vital pursuit.
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so you don't buy it, you're going to be in trouble. i didn't get my vital pursuit today. >> portion control is vital. >> there you go. yeah. all right, basketball phenom caitlin clark has a new deal. this one with wilson. wilson is the company that makes the wnba official basketball. the signature ball is gold and white. that looks good with an engraving of the indiana fever star on there. number 22 right there. this is a pretty rare deal. the only other brand ambassador for wilson was michael jordan back in the 80s. wow. so they waited about 40 years to give out another contract. spencer, i don't know if you've been following any of the games, but you could tell the wnba players as grateful as they may be for her presence, they are hammering her. they are on every single possession. doesn't that happen in the nba? >> two oh yeah, highly touted rookie player comes in, is grabbing all the headlines and the money. that's just part of the game. >> that was my question. is the
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money okay. we're talking michael jordan. that's fantastic. but do we know how much he's getting paid there i don't know on this specific deal. >> but she's making way more off the court than she is on the court. millions of dollars. right? she's she's going to be fine. her salary to play basketball is only $78,000 for the year, which is i mean, consider that like steph and lebron are making 50 million. yeah. so but she'll get 50 million someday on endorsements. >> and yeah all that other stuff most likely most likely. >> all right. senator alex padilla is joining the fight to get formula one racing to allow an american team. padilla sent out this tweet today writing formula one profits off of american viewership. fans and venues, yet won't let an american team driving an american car compete. the democrat is calling on the justice department and federal trade commission to investigate. f1 has really caught on in this country in a big way. you see races now in vegas and miami and all the stars. you flock to those events. but i don't know
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that we need legislate ation about it. >> maybe not legislation, but i still agree with the point of that legislation. you know, the fan base is big here. the running on tracks here. why not have, competitors from here? >> you got to think that alex is a fan himself. i mean, why else is there legislation? yeah. >> yeah, i just i don't know. i mean, you would think if you just follow the money that if there was enough money involved to bring a us team, it would make perfect sense, actually, because you would assume most people in this country would be following that team, not necessarily max verstappen or, you know, whatever. we'll see. >> interesting thing for senator to take up. yeah we got other issues. >> right, right, there's a new way to date in san francisco. forget about the apps now. it's all about fliers. there's been an influx of ads going up on telephone poles around the city. that's according to our media partner, the san francisco standard. one date, my friend poster went viral recently thanks to instagram, and even
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led to an organized singles mixer at fort mason. i think this is a fabulous idea because then you can, you know, you know how they say buy local, you can date local, with a fliers, which i think is a matter of convenience. right? >> organic. >> >> i've seen it. and it was funny, the fliers that i saw that were on a wall just randomly in the richmond district, i thought to myself, who would actually stop? but actually everyone was stopping to take a look because it's one that got curious factor. and then two, you then take a picture and then show your friends, and then they can weigh in and help you decide whether or not this is a good date. >> so yeah, i'm all for it, but what kinds of things are they saying on the fliers? like date my brother, please date my brother. >> well, they included things like, you know, favorite food, you know, some other traits. and they were very organic and homegrown. so it felt more authentic than something that's super curated, maybe like on a dating app was there a phone number at the bottom that you can rip off?
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>> right. you you just tear it off like the job boards? ten of them. yeah. >> you guys, i'm i've been married a very long time. i didn't look that closely. >> haha. i mean, you knew what they talked about. like i was just agreeing, that's all. >> so every telephone pole is going to have all these guys and girls pictures on it now, is that what we're doing? >> no, it's not like there are these little pull tabs with their phone number. i think there was like an email or something. there had to be a buffer somewhere. yeah, yeah, but some line of contact, right. >> yeah. >> we know keep an eye on it for us.
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of the social community known as black twitter, will never be forgotten. >> that's thanks in part to a three part documentary series, black twitter a people's history, which is now streaming on hulu. and we get a look now at the genesis of the project with abc on the red carpet. storytellers spotlight. >> as a senior writer at wired, i cover pop culture, i cover music and tv and film. and at the time, i was really looking for a new feature to dig my teeth into. one of the reasons i initially wrote black twitter, the oral history is because i think we're in a very dangerous time. you know, histories are being erased, identities are being told that they don't matter. and so i think for me to take ownership over this story and to say this was our moment in history and this was ours, and nobody can take it from us, that was really important to me. for me, black twitter had a huge
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impact on me, was just sort of seeing the fun that we were having. >> it just felt like nobody was above getting it. i don't care if he was a celebrity or not, you know? i mean, everybody was equal. it felt like one big hang early on in 2009, 2010, social media was in its infancy. >> still, it was still trying to find its way. facebook had just come out, you know, we were post myspace, we were post black planet and twitter comes along and it's sort of this instant, immediate place where people can connect. oh, man, are black. >> twitter is an amazing cultural phenomenon. it is a group of just black people from around the country and around the world that found community on this platform and actually went to on drive culture. >> it's almost like this giant group chat and so i think for millennials coming out of college at the time, we're still in a recession and we're just looking for a place to connect. there were these certain activation points. i think the first one was the hashtag, you know, your black win, you know, your black when you cancel
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plans, when it's raining, you know you're black when you wear a tall t, you know you're black when you can go to a cookout late and still be early. >> it was never about sort of just what platform the people were on. it was really about the people and the community that created it. >> black twitter a people's history is streaming right now on hulu. disney, of course, is the parent company of both hulu and abc. >> seven elvis presley's granddaughter is fighting to save graceland. riley keough owns the historic memphis home and says a company trying to sell it is using a fraudulent document to foreclose on the estate. the company, nasoni investments claims lisa marie presley borrowed money and gave them the graceland deed. keogh says that loan never happened and a person listed as notary on the document says she never notarized anything for lisa marie presley. >> see how that plays out. all right, on to the forecast now. >> such nice weather, right? it's going to get cooler. but
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enjoy today, spencer. >> yeah, i mean, the cooldown is going to be a gradual one. so we've got some more nice weather coming our way, but maybe not quite so warm as today, which was quite summer-like actually. so overnight we'll see. mainly clear skies, just a little bit of low cloudiness forming along parts of the coastline, maybe pushing out over the peninsula a little bit overnight. low temperatures in the low 50s. so pretty mild overnight. highs tomorrow. oops let me click it. highs tomorrow will be in the mid 80s in the warmest inland areas where today we had upper 80s and low to mid 70s around the bay. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so cooling continues into the weekend. now it gets much cooler than average on friday, saturday and sunday with inland highs just reaching into the 70s. but on memorial day, monday, temperatures start to bounce back a little bit and by tuesday of next week back up to 80 degrees. lovely weather ahead, just a little bit of a cool down. larry and kristin. all right. >> thank you spencer. it is the end of the line for the hit series the good doctor. >> i think it's going to be meaningful. i think it will remind us of the pilot. it will bring things full circle.
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>> a look ahead to to come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do?
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i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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and tonight is the series finale of the good doctor. the hit medical show wraps up after seven seasons. reporter george pennacchio from our sister station in los angeles, has a preview.
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>> you could keep fighting and have more time with me and with leah and with steve, but you are giving up. you are giving up on all of us, with the man who's been like a father to him, announcing his cancer is back and it's terminal. >> and with another familiar face in medical crisis, the good doctor is in for an impactful goodbye. after seven seasons. will it be up there with some of tv's most memorable series finales? mashhad won. the mary tyler moore show, had one six feet under, had one of the best ones. where's the good doctor going to rate, do you think? >> i think it's going to be meaningful, will? i think it will remind us of the pilot. it will bring things full circle in a way that i think great finales do, but it also will be will also be a meaningful conclusion for everyone on the show. >> his costar is agree. >> there are a lot of things happening in the series finale that i think people will be like, okay, closure or like,
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ooh, and i do think people are going to have a heartwarming feeling at the very, very end. >> you're going to be sad and happy at the same time. it'll feel bittersweet. you'll be tears, but a smile. i know you're scared, but you're being a bad friend when the people you love could really use a good one. >> i think it's going to be hard for all of us to not have this routine to go back to when you're so used to it and so used to seeing people, in this way, the good doctor brought autism into the prime time spotlight, raising awareness and challenging stereotypes along the way. our lives will never be the same again. >> they'll be better is the last line that you say something that you loved saying? >> i think the last line, as it currently is, will be will be a meaningful callback to something
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in some form. >> the good doctor series finale airs tuesday night at 10:00 nine central on abc. george pennacchio for abc news. >> it was a good series. abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that's it for abc seven news at four. abc seven news at five is coming up next. with kardiamobile, the fda-cleared smart device, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. every morning i check,
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! i'm like, oh my god, no. >> the home of a san francisco dog walker destroyed by a fire earlier today. and tonight. his parents are still in the hospital. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz,'m


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