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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  May 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! i'm like, oh my god, no. >> the home of a san francisco dog walker destroyed by a fire earlier today. and tonight. his parents are still in the hospital. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan
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ashley. thanks for joining us. it happened while the dog walker was at city hall meeting with officials about racist threats that he's received in recent weeks. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to him and has the story. >> as ashes and debris flew out of the second floor of terry williams home, he described the frightening moments his elderly parents faced hours earlier inside the home. his neighbors going in to rescue his mom and dad. >> he said they couldn't get to my mom, my mom and my dad's not strong to get my mom out, so i guess i wasn't here. so i was just getting filled here and they said the firemen got here fast. think i applaud the firemen. thank y'all. >> when terry arrived, he tried getting to his mom, who was trapped on the second floor. a smoke and flames consumed the building where his family has lived for decades. >> i ran past everybody they told me ran out. i'm trying to get to my mom. my dad said, we'll get my mom. so i try to run past everybody. i ran to. i ran to some farmers on the first floor. >> the first 911 calls coming in
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around 1131 this morning, sf fire investigators were seen scanning the second floor, searching for answers. >> two rescues were immediately accomplished one on the upper floor, one on the middle floor, and those individuals suffered serious and moderate injuries and were taken to a local hospital where they're being treated at this time. these investigations do take time. >> last month, terry, a beloved dog walker in the alamo square neighborhood, received threatening packages with racist messages, including a doll with a noose around its neck. packages that shook this community, leading to rallies in support of terry. this whole chain of incidents has very much brought us all together. after the racist incidents, terry and his neighbors have been working on a network of security cameras to help keep a close eye on the area. terry was at city hall at the time of the fire. >> i feel like i should have been here, you know, maybe i could have stopped, prevented
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anything at all. my parents are elderly and they understood why stuff like this happen. you know, this is my worst nightmare. >> the san francisco fire department is still investigating where the fire started and what might have caused it in the meantime, neighbors here say they will continue to support this family in san francisco. luz pena abc seven news. >> police in san francisco are banned from using facial recognition technology. but according to a new report in the washington post, police have repeatedly turned to other police departments to use it for them. the post reviewed police documents showing five requests by sfpd for outside agencies to conduct facial recognition searches. they didn't get any matches, sfpd told the post. those requests violated the city's ban and were not authorized by the department. we reached out to san francisco police but did not hear back. back in march, voters agreed to give the police chief power to approve limited use of facial recognition. >> san jose police are urging the victim of a bizarre incident at an ice cream parlor to come forward. surveillance video from inside a baskin-robbins in east
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san jose on april 26th shows a man and child walking in. now look closely to the right of your screen. a man runs up and smashes the window shards of glass rain down on the child. the man then leans in and shouts something. now the incident was never reported, so we don't know how the child is doing. police didn't learn about it until receiving a tip on may 2nd. officers arrested the suspect last week. >> we know that they weren't known to each other and so we can't speak to the state of the mind of the suspect, or what may have led him to do that. we just know it was a dangerous situation. >> now, the suspect here is 36 year old pah'-ha-row afsari and is charged with assault with a deadly weapon and child abuse. police want to talk with the victim to help them fully understand exactly what happened . >> oakland city council could take a first step today toward allowing more aggressive police chases. council members are meeting right now and are expected to consider a resolution to have the police
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commission analyze the current rules and recommend changes by september. some city leaders think changing the rules to align with national best practices could help police address crime. oakland hasn't updated its police pursuit policy since 2014. the current rules are quite restrictive and only allow for pursuits in certain specific circumstances, alameda county district attorney pamela price came out swinging today against insurance companies that she accused of operating a widespread scheme. >> her words on california's the practice, she says, leaves residents underinsured for disasters like wildfires. here's abc seven news reporter leslie brinkly. >> alameda county's consumer justice bureau filed a lawsuit against some major insurance carriers representing 15% of the homeowner's policies in the state of california. all are affiliates of farmers insurance and include mid century and others who da pamela price says are engaging in unlawful business practices. >> these insurance companies
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have utilized a software application that allows them essentially to defraud homeowners. one of the features of the 360 value to software that we are alleging improperly underestimates the replacement cost is that it's based on zip code. so it's another way of redlining. >> the da's office claims the companies offer lower prices to entice consumers, but leave them woefully under-covered if they actually had to rebuild their home after a fire or natural disaster by using a general formula instead of specifics about a property like the slope it's built on, or the roofing materials. the lawsuit was filed three weeks ago, but the da's office says they still have not gotten a response from the targeted insurance companies. could the lawsuit cause insurers to back away from the california market? >> if an insurance company chooses not to unfairly cheat residents of california, then
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that's a good thing, because that means it opens the door for insurance companies that are willing to comply with california law. >> the da said a settlement would mean insurance companies would have to make significant software modifications in how replacement value is calculated and covered in the state of california. i'm leslie brinkly. abc seven news. >> farmers told the san francisco chronicle that the allegations are, quote, simply incorrect. >> voters in san francisco will get to decide on a measure this november that's intended to help fill a shortage of nurses and first responders, supervisor asha safai, who is also running for mayor, announced the proposition today. >> we are down 40 911 dispatchers, which is absolutely impacting our public safety response system. so far, he says. >> the city is also down hundreds of nurses. the proposition would allow registered nurses who become full time employees to buy back
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time, worked as per diem nurses for retirement credits. >> it sometimes takes months to years to get that permanent position, so this would represent a major shift in retention and also valuing the service that these people have committed to our community. >> the ballot measure would also provide 9-1-1 operators with the same safety retirement benefits as other first responders. >> san francisco mayor london breed says demands from merchants and the mission district to fire the head of the sfmta are a nonstarter. you heard it here last night on abc seven news at five. business leaders along valencia now have a petition calling for sfmta director jeffrey tumlin to lose his job over a controversial center bike lane. they say it's killing business by removing parking spots. today on our 3:00 pm program getting answers, mayor breed told our kristen sze the city is making adjustments, but she will not consider personnel changes. >> we have to make sure that, you know, people understand that there are trade offs when we
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make adjustments and, you know, ultimately we're going to make the adjustment. but i don't think we need to go that far to start calling for the firing of someone. >> yesterday, the sfmta told us it disagrees with the merchants, saying cyclists safety and thriving business corridors are not mutually exclusive. >> california college students who are speaking out in support of gaza took a new tactic today. students at cal state universities from across the state, including san francisco, gathered in long beach to rally outside the board of trustees meeting. they want the schools to divest from israel. some students spoke during a public comment period at sf state. >> personally, we've already had our demands met by our president, lynn mahoney, and so we are just moving on to the next phase through one school divesting and another maybe sac state to more schools divesting. and our goal here today is to just get further organizing. >> over the past few weeks, students held pro-palestinian protests at seven of the state's 23 cal state campuses. they are now on summer break, but say their organizing is just the
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beginning. >> after the break, state lawmakers vote on three important reparations bills. today, abc seven news race and social justice reporter julian glover will join us with the outcome of the votes and what comes next. >> and we may know what caused the recent starvation of hundreds of brown pelicans up and down the state. the theory from a bird rescue group when abc seven news at five returns. coming up tonight, we have breaking news right now. >> the harrowing images coming in now, the tornadoes touching down, watches and warnings right now across several states, and this deadly turbulence that slammed a passenger jet many passengers violently sent i
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julian glover has been following this. really, every step of the way. and he's here with the votes. julian, that just came in. >> exactly. those votes just came down within the last hour. we are, of course, watching those closely here. all three of these key reparations bill passed the california senate with comfortable margins. we want to start with sb 1403. this was the really big one here. it would create a new state agency. the california freedmen affairs agency. now, that agency would oversee and administer any reparations measures that are passed. to be eligible, you'd have to be able to trace lineage back to an enslaved person or black person in the u.s. before the end of the 19th century, the bill passed 30 to 7. the second bill, sb 1331, would create a fund for reparations and reparative justice in the state treasury. this would be where the money would come from to pay for reparations. the senate voted in favor of establishing the fund, but no specific funding mechanism has been determined. as the state continues to navigate the significant budget deficit. we've been telling you about. in
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other words, the account has been opened, but there's no money in it currently. it passed 29 to 8. now, the third bill passed in a 32 to 5 vote. it would provide compensation to families who've had their property taken from them in racially motivated applications of eminent domain. >> the power of eminent domain has been used repeatedly to abuse, to move black and brown people off of their land and destroy their homes. these actions have devastated the opportunity for families to build intergenerational wealth through the owning of land. >> the three bills today joined ab 3089 that passed the state assembly last week. the bill would issue an apology to black californians for the state's role in instituting slave laws and discriminatory practices since its founding. now, without a doubt, a true history making date a day rather at the state capitol. now, of course, we wait for these bills to go before the assembly, which will happen in the coming weeks. then, if passed, those bills would go before the governor to sign or
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veto them. that could happen as early as september of this year. >> so a long way to go here. but real progress today, significant progress that is surely being watched all across the country right now, for sure. julian, thank you. >> appreciate it. >> well, a bill that would overhaul how autonomous vehicles get the green light is moving forward. tonight. the state senate passed the bill to give local leaders power to decide when self-driving cars can come to their cities. right now, the dmv and public utilities commission get to decide where robotaxi companies like waymo can operate. south bay state senator dave cortez's bill would put local governments in charge. the bill still has to go through the assembly. >> coming up could it be the future of crabbing along the bay area coastline? we'll explain the experimental technology that's allowing nearly two dozen boats to continue fishing for crab. weeks after the commercial crab season officially closed, and you'll hear all
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or for starvation, the international bird rescue group says it's possible a late spring storm clouded water, making it difficult for the birds to find food. vets have ruled out disease. the rescue group operates a center in fairfield and southern california. it says over the past month, more than 300 pelicans arrived at its two wildlife centers for care. >> the future of crab fishing along our bay area coastline could be changing. the department of fish and wildlife has just concluded public comment on the proposed rules for next season. they come as a group of local fishermen are testing out new technologies that could help them survive months of economically devastating closures. for brand little and the crew of the pale horse, fishing for dungeness crab is an increasingly tight business. like the rest of the fleet, he's watched the crabbing season shrink, with early closures meant to protect migrating whales from becoming entangled in trap lines. but
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this season, he's still pushing his traps into the sea. weeks after last month's official closing. it's part of an experimental program that's now expanded to more than two dozen boats, all using special pop up trap systems designed to avoid entanglements. >> it's a lot more work. it takes maybe 3 to 4 times as long as traditional gear, it's not easy, but but what we've been going through isn't easy either. i mean, we've had 80% of our opportunity taken away. we attached this to the line brand, showed us how the remote technology works in a dockside demonstration. >> but to really understand the system, it helps to get a crab's eye view while it's lying on the ocean floor. the boat is able to locate the individual trap and then trigger the release using a remote device. the buoy shoots to the surface, carrying the line with it. the crew retrieves the line and pulls up the trap, limiting the time a whale could
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come into contact with it. brand was one of two beta testers i set out to do. >> it actually, to disprove it, you know, because nobody could speak. why it wouldn't work, just that that it wouldn't work. so i said, i'm going to go. i'm going to go do it and say why it won't work. and i had to eat my words because it did work. >> several nonprofits are involved in the program, which is generating data to be presented to the california department of fish and wildlife. jeff chester is a senior scientist with the group oceana. >> i definitely think the this spring season and the experimental fishing permits is a tipping point in the whole development of this pop up gear for the dungeness crab fishery. >> while the permit program is expanding, many fishermen argue that it has its limitations. they're concerned about the technology becoming mandatory even in months when whales are not present in large numbers. that could, of course, hurt their profits and limit their catch during peak season, researcher kim sawicki is collecting data on the trial with the group sustainable seas.
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>> it should it should just be an option in the toolbox, but it should be one that is managed with, you know, fishermen at the table from day one. >> but she says early results show a high success rate, with few gear failures so far and if the pop up system wins approval, they hold the promise of re extending the back half of a typical crabbing season by several months, allowing fishermen to recover at least part of the opportunity cut short by efforts to protect migrating whales. >> this is the bare bones we can operate. some would argue that it's not even good enough, but what we had this year, if we can get some of that access back in the spring with the pop up gear, we may survive. i don't see us surviving without it. >> a battle both for economic survival and the health of a species off our coast. now, the state has provided some money to help expand the use of pop up gear, but it's still for testing purposes, and there's no decision yet on whether the program might become permanent. but as you can see, i'm showing some real promise.
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>> yeah, absolutely. >> clever idea. >> okay, let's get to our weather. it was another lovely day today. it was gorgeous, actually. >> and meteorologist sanjay patel is here. we'd like to say keep it coming. sam. >> i wish i could keep it coming, but we're going to have to see some modifications. dan and let me show you a live view right now from our sfo camera. we have the typical breeze out there, but notice the haze in the air. the air quality right now is in the moderate zone. that's yellow from parts of the north bay to east bay, san francisco peninsula, even up into ukiah. but we do have some greens there. here's a look at the air quality forecast if you're going to be out and about. generally speaking, good the next two days, except for the coast and central bay, tomorrow will be moderate. not to worry though, just haze in the atmosphere as we take a look at the satellite picture. you probably remember this morning there was some patchy fog right along the coastline. it has peeled away from the coast. it's right near monterey right now, but it's going to make its way back up along parts of our coast later on tonight. once the fog
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pulled away, temperatures responded. right now they are running higher than yesterday at this time by nine degrees in san carlos. in santa rosa, up six in oakland, eight in san francisco, and five degrees warmer from san jose to livermore. the golden gate bridge camera showing you blue skies right now. 66 in the city. it is 70 in oakland. beautiful day in san jose, 81 degrees. redwood city, 82 from our east bay hills. camera. you can see still pretty green, which is what we want to see around this time. mid 80s around santa rosa, upper 80s for our warmest spots like fairfield 85, concord, napa, you're at 76 degrees and from our santa cruz camera. it is a lovely day overnight tonight. areas of fog, next few days, gradual cooling trend and for memorial day weekend we are talking about below average temperatures. so as we head into the evening hours, if you want to get outside after work, perhaps seven days 80s inland along the coast in the 50s by 9:00 it's still mild inland, but along the coastline it cools as the fog is regrouping. now, tomorrow
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morning we start out with 50s and some fog. foggy conditions in the afternoon we'll see those temperatures rise away from the coastline into the 80s again and along the coast in the 50s. should be a nice looking day, just not as warm as today. your number is first thing in the morning, 40s and 50s. the fog will be near the coast and parts of the east bay, and possibly into the south bay again. so keep that in mind. tomorrow afternoon, upper 50s to the mid 80s. sun will be shining for most areas as we head into saturday. temperatures coming down 50s to 60s for most of you, only a few 70s. then on sunday the numbers do start to recover. the warming continues into memorial day, but we're not expecting a big warm up. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. cooling begins tomorrow. it continues right on through saturday. you will notice those temperatures sliding from the 80s to the 70s, and then a recovery, temperatures rebounding for the second half of your holiday weekend should be pleasant
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weather for outdoor plans, but just have that extra layer handy for the weekend. >> ama and dan all right, sounds good. thanks, sandhya. >> all right, still ahead, it's opening day for oakland's newest baseball team. we're going to tell you about the ballers first game tonight in montana a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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seven bay area streaming tv app. just search abc seven bay area and download it. >> the oakland ballers begin their inaugural season in the independent pioneer league in less than an hour. the ballers, seen here during a spring training game, take on the glacier range. riders in kalispell, montana at six, it's the first of a 12 game road trip. the ballers first home game is june 4th at raymond park . crews are making great progress getting the field ready. this is video from sky seven preparing to install the new scoreboard. >> very exciting. all right. a painting by a bay area high school student will be hanging at the capitol building in washington. lauren chang's work will be on display for a year after she won an annual art competition about gun violence. her work includes 646 dots
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around the words please, no more dots. each dot represents a mass shooting recorded in 2022. the burlingame high school senior has also been recognized as a 2024 us presidential scholar, a distinction earned by just 161 out of 3.5 million high school students. so, lauren, good job. yes absolutely. >> well, we still have much more news ahead on abc seven at 530 over on the streaming tv. >> tune in for that. and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandyha pa
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you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. tonight, we have breaking news just as we come on the air tonight. the images coming in right now. the tornadoes touching down. the harrowing video. we'll show you in just a moment. also, this deadly turbulence slamming a passenger jet. many passengers violently sent into the ceiling. the flight from london to singapore. a passenger possibly suffering a


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