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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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today on three bills dealing with reparations, all of them born out of the task force that came up with more than 100 proposals. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. it's a topic we've gone in depth with here at abc seven news as we work to build a better bay area. a big step forward tonight for reparations for black californians over slavery and decades of discriminatory policies. >> three key bills had major votes in the state senate today abc seven news anchor and race and social justice reporter julian glover has, of course, been following this every step of the way. and you're here with the new developments? >> yes. those votes came down earlier this afternoon. we have the text of those bills right here. we've been watching them closely all day long. and all three of these key reparations bills passed the california senate with comfortable margins. we want to start with sb 1403. this would be the big one here. it would create a new agency in the state, the california freedmen affairs agency. now, this agency would oversee and administer any reparations measures passed. to be eligible,
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you'd have to be able to trace lineage back to an enslaved person or black person in the u.s. before the end of the 19th century, the bill passed 30 to 7. the second bill, sb 1331, would create a fund for reparations and reparative justice in the state treasury. this would be where the money would come from to pay for reparations. the senate voted in favor of establishing that fund, but no specific funding mechanism has been determined. as the state continues to navigate this significant budget deficit we've been telling you about. in other words, the account would be opened, but no money would be in that account. that one passed 29 to 8. the third bill passed in a 32 to 5 vote. it would provide compensation to families who've had their property taken from them in racially loaded applications of eminent domain. >> the power of eminent domain has been used repeatedly to abuse, to move black and brown people off of their land and destroy their homes. these actions have devastated the opportunity for families to build intergenerational wealth through the owning of land.
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>> the three bills today joined ab 3089 that passed the state assembly last week. that bill would issue an apology to black californians for the state's role in instituting slave laws and discriminatory practices since its founding. now we wait for these bills to go before the assembly, which will happen in the coming weeks. then, if passed, those bills could be before governor gavin newsom decide or veto by the end of september. now, this is a process that we've been watching closely for years now. i've taken an in-depth look at the groundbreaking work of the reparations task force and examining the package of proposed laws in this abc seven originals documentary, california's case for reparations. it's available right now on abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven news. but again, certainly a history making day in the state capitol. >> yeah, certainly. all right. thank you julian. appreciate it. >> well, new at six. an alarming statistic came out today about the graduation rate among black male students at oakland unified. according to the report
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by the schott foundation for public education, 731% graduate, which is among the lowest in the country. only four other cities in the report had lower rates. it looked at more than 250,000 black male students and overall it found more were graduating from high school. but fewer were going on to college. >> alameda county is taking aim at a major insurance carrier and its affiliates, accusing them an unfair business practices. today, alameda county da pamela price announced the county's consumer justice bureau has filed a lawsuit against farmers insurance and its five of its affiliates. the suit claims software used by companies lowballs the cost to rebuild homes destroyed in the event of a total loss, like a fire or natural disaster for. >> one of the features of the 360 value software that we are alleging improperly underestimates the replacement cost is that it's based on zip code, so it's another way of redlining, farmer sent us a
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statement saying the allegations are, quote, simply incorrect at a man in san francisco who was the target of racist liveries, just lost his home to a devastating fire. >> the fire on grove street near alamo square destroyed the home and sent terry williams's parents to the hospital. williams tells us he was at city hall when the fire started dealing with the aftermath of two hateful, threatening packages left on his doorstep. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to him and has the story. >> as ashes and debris flew out of the second floor of terry williams home, he described the frightening moments his elderly parents faced hours earlier inside the home. his neighbors going in to rescue his mom and dad. >> he said they couldn't get to my mom, my mom, my dad's not strong to get my mom out, so i guess i wasn't here, so i was just getting filled in, they said the fireman's got here fast. think i applaud the firemen. thank y'all. >> when terry arrived, he tried getting to his mom who was trapped on the second floor. a smoke and flames consumed the
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building where his family has lived for decades. >> as i ran past everybody, they told me to run out. i'm trying to get to my mom, my dad said, we'll get my mom. so i tried to run past everybody. i ran to. i ran to some apartments on the first floor. >> the first 911 calls coming in around 1131 this morning, sf fire investigators were seen scanning the second floor, searching for answers. >> two rescues were immediately accomplished one on the upper floor, one on the middle floor, and those individuals suffered serious and moderate injuries and were taken to a local hospital where they're being treated at this time. these investigations do take time. >> last month, terry, a beloved dog walker in the alamo square neighborhood, received threatening packages with racist messages, including a doll with a noose around its neck. packages that shook this community, leading to rallies in support of terry. >> this whole chain of incidents has very much brought us all
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together. >> after the racist incidents, terry and his neighbors have been working on a network of security cameras to help keep a close eye on the area. terry was at city hall at the time of the fire. i feel like i should have been here, you know, i could have stopped preventing anything at all. >> my parents are elderly and they understood, like stuff like this happen, you know, this is my worst nightmare. >> the san francisco fire department is still investigating where the fire started and what might have caused it. in the meantime, neighbors here say they will continue to support this family in san francisco. luz pena abc seven news. >> the future of california's gig economy and prop 22 is now up to the california state supreme court. the law, which voters approved in 2020, classifies as uber and lyft drivers as contractors instead of employees. opponents say the law needs to change. abc seven news reporter suzanne phan is in the newsroom with what happened during today's hearing. suzanne. >> so, dan, about a million people are impacted by prop 22. the state supreme court is now
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deciding whether prop 22 is constitutional. labor unions and some drivers say it is not what the state supreme court decides could change how companies like uber and lyft operate. >> i drive for lyft. i've been doing it for ten years, lyft driver jason munderloh, san francisco says prop 22 needs to change. i think prop 22 is unconstitutional. we need real rights as gig workers. >> that law, says munderloh and other app based drivers are contractors, not employees. munderloh says he's denied important worker compensation benefits. >> prop 22 doesn't offer us overtime, doesn't offer us health care. it doesn't offer us many of the things that we need as workers living in san francisco, you need a reasonable living wage. and we're denied that under prop 22, today is only day one. >> more than 200 gig workers rallied outside the state supreme court today in san francisco. >> prop 22 created a law so that gig companies could make money at the expense and exploitation of gig drivers. >> if the court is going to
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decide this case on the premise that the legislature could restore the app drivers to the workers compensation system. >> today, the california supreme court heard oral arguments in a lawsuit by the service employees international union, seiu and for drivers, they say prop 22 is unconstitutional. all the executive vice president of seiu says it's important to secure basic legal protections for gig workers across the country and reverse more than a decade of exploitation. the state supreme court justices listened to an hour of testimony asking difficult questions, but they did not say how they would rule on prop 22. professor john logan teaches about labor and employment at san francisco state university. >> prop 22 is really going to decide whether or not many gig workers are employees, or whether or not they're not. they're independent contractors, and it will have national significance as everyone is watching what the california
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supreme court will decide and whether or not these companies have the right to classify their workers as independent contractors. >> and uber hopes the state supreme court will uphold prop 22. it states that forced employment would be devastating for thousands of drivers and couriers, who turned to uber for flexible work. now, uber also says millions of californians would see major service reductions and cost increases. the state supreme court will issue a ruling on the case within three months. live in the newsroom suzanne fawn, abc seven news. >> all right, suzanne, thank you. there's a plan to help pump life into an east bay shopping center with a chick fil a, but could the restaurant actually be a recipe for a traffic mess? >> and what's causing brown pelicans in the bay area to starve? we might finally have an answer. >> scarlett johansson versus openai and sam altman, the actress is fuming over a voice used for a chat bot. we're taking a deeper dive into what is behind this dispute. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. the warmth peaked today,
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temperatures trending lower heading into the weekend. i'll have the forecast when abc seven news at
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. of missing and murdered indigenous people. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has a look at the effort to find solutions why are we? >> their voices were the first to be heard in the state of california. now our indigenous community fears they are being silenced and their culture is disappearing. >> this is about sadness. this
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is about grief. this is about being made invisible. for over 532 years in the continent that you are native of, no more missing and murdered indigenous people. >> that's the message, said loud and proud outside of san jose city hall. we are still here, but the community's population is dwindling. despite only making up 2% of the country's population, the urban indian health institute found the murder rate for indigenous women is ten times higher than the national average. murder is the third leading cause of death for indigenous women, and california has the sixth highest death rate of indigenous women in urban areas. just a few struggles this group says they've dealt with for centuries. >> the indifference of law enforcement and the courts, erasure from social data collection and the media, ignorance and racism within our health and human services. >> they want something to be done. and it starts here in the south bay friday evening at city hall at 530. council member peter ortiz and other policy makers will take part in a panel
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discussion to learn how this community can be best supported. >> do we know if the city of san jose is a safe place for indigenous people? do we know that families of the missing will receive the support they need, that there will be timely response by the police? >> we should not have questions unanswered. uh- and individuals who go missing without a direct response from the city. and so as a council member here, it's my job to make sure that that happens and then also to amplify the voices of the indigenous community, to assure this community is safe for all generations to come in san jose. >> dustin dawsey abc seven news. >> weather is one theory behind a big spike in the number of brown pelicans being treated for starvation. the international bird rescue group says it's possible that a late spring storm clouded the water, making it difficult for the birds to find food. vets have ruled out disease. the rescue group operates a center in fairfield
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and one in southern california as well. it says. over the past month, more than 300 pelicans arrived at its two wild care centers for care in the east bay walnut creek is weighing where to whether to allow a second chick fil a to open up in the city. tonight, the city council is hosting a public hearing on the plan to put a restaurant in a shopping center off oak grove road near ignacio valley road. but as abc seven news reporter lena howland explains, some residents don't want it. >> this is where chick fil a is hoping to set up their second walnut creek location. if the city gives the green light a standalone vacant former bank that wouldn't have a drive thru in the citrus marketplace shopping center. >> everywhere you go, you'll see , you know, lines, cars, you know, backing way out onto a main road. >> but since getting a conditional use permit from the planning commission, a group of neighbors mobilized and sent an appeal to the city opposing the project. stanley chow, a neighbor who lives within 300
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yards of the proposed site, says he worries about how this could make an already congested area worse with more spillover of traffic onto side streets. >> what i'm anticipating is that, you know, delivery drivers, you know, making just just trying to, drive through the neighborhood as fast as possible, for no other reason than to get to chick fil a. >> the city of walnut creek commissioned a traffic study for this site, comparing it to other chick fil a locations, including the existing walnut creek location. they say the study found there would not be a significant traffic impact, but i would be nice to have something here, close by and just bring more life, you know, other shopping centers here have a lot of life and just here, this specific one needs that little push. >> carolina road and owns a taqueria in the same shopping center. she says it's been a ghost town since covid. >> i thought it was a great idea
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because it's a business that will make us, on the map a little bit. again and, and the, customers who might go to chick fil a can look around here in these other shopping center and see that, you know, there's other businesses, this shopping center is a little bit sad. >> we would love to breathe some new life into this area. >> while another neighbor and mom of two young boys says she would appreciate it for the convenience alone. >> an easy spot to get to on the way to trader joe's on the way to basketball practice. >> very convenient in walnut creek. lena howland abc seven news. >> all right, checking on our weather and how the rest of the week is going to pan out. >> sounds like it's going to be a little cooler on meteorologist. cindy patel is here. cindy. >> yeah, you got it right. today was the warmest day. dan. and let me show you a live picture right now. we got up to 88 in fairfield, half moon bay, 58 degrees, a good 30 degrees spread, almost like summer. here's a live view from our mount tam cam. and you can see how hazy it is. we do have some
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pockets of moderate air quality indicated by the yellow dots there. not to worry, it's still safe to get out there next couple of days. good air quality for most of you. coast and central bay tomorrow will be in that moderate air quality mode. so let's talk about your evening forecast. you still have time to get out and enjoy the sun. inland areas in the 80s at 7 p.m, dropping to the 70s by nine, and then slow cooling inland 11 p.m. in the 60s around the bay. sun's shining 67 degrees, eventually into the mid and upper 50s and along the coastline. some fog will regroup , mid 50s dropping off into the low 50s. certainly breezy. this morning we started out with the fog along parts of the coast and the bay shoreline. you probably remember that if you are commuting through any of those areas, but that fog peeled away and those temperatures came up, most of you running warmer today by six degrees in san jose, oakland, nine degrees in santa rosa, and six degrees warmer in concord. a live view from san jose camera where it is 79 degrees right now. 60s from san
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francisco to oakland, but it is 57 degrees at this hour in half moon bay. from our okay camera, you can see clear skies looking back towards the city. 84 degrees in santa rosa, 83 in fairfield, concord, 78 degrees in livermore and from our exploratorium camera looking at sunshine overnight tonight. areas of fog the next few days, a gradual cooling trend that is going to take you into part of your memorial day weekend with below average temperatures. today's highs were well above average, but we're going to start to go in the other direction. so your morning temperatures will be in the 40s and 50s. watch out. there will be fog along parts of the coast and near the bay shoreline once again. could even be a few patches in the south bay. places like morgan hill. as we start the day, the fog will pretty much clear most of the coast, except for a few spots which will hold your temperatures in the upper 50s there, but you get away from the fog and it's going to be pretty mild. 70s and 80s for tomorrow. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. and it's pretty much a
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cooling trend that starts tomorrow. it carries over the next couple of days, even though we will have some fog around in the night and morning hours. and in the cases of coast even into the afternoon, those temperatures will drop off for the start of the unofficial start of summer for this weekend. it is not going to feel like it. we're going to have 50s to low 70s. saturday, partly cloudy skies. the temperatures do rebound on sunday and memorial day and it will be pleasant. we'll bring those 80s back in. for those of you who like that warm weather. >> ama and dan i got to go by the pool on memorial day. >> clearly why not? and especially when you have 70s and 80s inland, you're okay. thanks. >> what's in a voice? a lot? >> if you asked scarlett johansson, we look at what's at stake in the latest hot button issue involving the use of artificial intelligence. sta
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actress scarlett johansson. the company has paused one of its chatgpt voices after johansson said the voice sounded a lot like hers. there's another layer to this story, she says. ceo sam altman approached her about doing voice work for the chatbot, but she declined. openai i put out a statement saying the person who did the voice was actually cast before they reached out to johansson, the actress has hired lawyers to look into what happened. the
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dispute between johansson and openai has once again brought up a larger topic a.i, impersonating the likeness of real people. >> it's a topic legal experts, and certainly those who make living their living on their voice and their likeness are following very closely. >> abc7 news reporter zach fuentes tells us what's at stake . >> want to send someone a message from oprah winfrey? it could be as easy as clicking a link. websites like this have countless celebrity voices to choose from. you select a voice like oprah's. you type whatever you want. her to say and type whatever you want her to say. >> and voila! >> the technical phrase for this is called voice cloning, where if you have a sample of your voice or someone else's voice, it uses algorithms to emulate your voice. and by just using a simple text prompt, you can create a voice in any way you like. and that's extremely uh- dangerous. >> among those most fearful of the potential dangers of rapid advancing ai are working actors, including many in the bay area, closely watching us. scarlett johansson's story unfolds robert
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chesnut, now vice president of the local sag-aftra chapter, was one of many actors on strike last year protesting in front of netflix's los gatos headquarters. one of the biggest asks of actors during negotiations was protections against ai use by major studios for our our image, our personalities, our voice, our charm, you know, we just need that protection. otherwise we're lost. >> though i was not used to replace the voice of scarlett johansson, openai says another actresses voice was used. legal experts say there is existing law that can come into play. >> it's ai or another individual that sounds like you should not be particularly meaningful legally. if openai is using ai to generate an imitation of scarlett johansson's voice, they could still be liable for that. >> imitation laws protecting celebrities vary state by state, but federal law protecting everyone is in the works. >> when we talk about things like deepfakes and ai impersonation of everyday people like you and i, that might be a
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little further along. and we'll need the legislature to catch up to that, because it's still relatively simple to use technology to impersonate a voice or image, lawler said. >> there are several bills pending in the senate and house that aim to address ai impersonation in the south bay. zach fuentes abc seven news. >> parents who lost their children to fentanyl overdoses are protesting snapchat today. the app where they say their kids bought the deadly drug. they rallied outside snap inc headquarters in santa monica, holding signs with their children's faces to make their point. the group wants lawmakers to pass legislation to stop drug sales on that. social media app. snap says it's working diligently to stop drug dealers from abusing its platform. >> we have a follow up to the story we first brought you last month, what the i-team found when it looked into new complaints against a las gatas skincare shop, and turbulence turns deadly. >> what we know tonight about a singapore airlines flight that had to make an emergency landing
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after an i-team investigation. he is refunding more than $7,000. he charged an alzheimer's patient for products she says she did not want. >> but tonight, new complaints are coming in. abc seven news i-team reporter dan noyes is back with an update. >> dan well, ama and dan that shop owner is getting a lot of feedback after my report last month from online reviews and people even just walking by yelling and the staff at seven on your side recognized his name from several complaints, they received during the past few years. >> here's another stem cell one. all the same thing 77 year old business owner donna smith tells me she could afford the $1,600 for skin care products she selected at elements in los gatos last june. >> but when it came time to pay, she got a big surprise an extra zero. i look at the register and i can see it from where i was standing, 16,000, $16,000. >> and he goes, oh, but this is
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so special. you are going to love it. >> an attorney for elements says, in addition to the sunscreen and lotions, she bought this led light device. >> marvelous signature is the most effective tool to reverse the signs of aging. >> the price on the manufacturer's website almost $15,000. donna tells me she never asked to purchase the device while she was in the store. her daughter received a notification from the credit card company about that $16,000 transaction and called donna's cell phone right away. >> and so she's talking to me on the phone right there, right? he's right there, you know, and he goes, no refunds, no refunds, no refunds. >> and she told me that she heard that over the phone. him yelling no refunds, no refunds. >> all he said after that, i think i was played. you know, he thought he could really buy. he's telling me all these wonderful things about me. he could just, like, slip right into, like a snake in the grass and get me to do whatever. >> donna showed me the salesman's card and a different
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angry customer sent me his picture. so i recognized him when i stopped by elements. you know, they say that you pressure them. >> don't. don't do that when you're in public. >> public place. he wouldn't discuss his sales tactics with me. where did he go? oh, there he goes. donna smith told me the salesman was so aggressive that day that she's too afraid to return to the store and try to get her money backthe attorney for elements emailed me that she agreed to terms of the sale, which included a no refund policy by signing the necessary documents at the time of purchase. although his attorney later emailed answers to most of our questions. yevgeny golden did not want to talk about donna smith when i met him in person, but then she says, you added a zero, so the amount was 16,000 instead of 1600. yeah, i don't have any comments about other clients, well, i wanted to comment is on this particular thing, this particular case, golden wants you to know he's taking action after my report last month, i showed how he
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charged a woman with early onset alzheimer's disease $7,400 for lotions and devices. >> she says she did not request it. what did you think you were buying? >> i didn't think i was buying anything. i just thought it was going to be a hair salon. >> at first, golden refused to refund the money, even after the patient's friend, her husband and a police officer discussed her condition with the store owner. that same day. now, after the uproar that followed our report, golden has returned her money, canceled, the loan taken out in the woman's name, and donated $2,000 to an alzheimer's charity. why did you take that action? >> because it was the right thing to do. >> golden also posted this apology to next door. obviously i made a huge mistake. i take full responsibility. apologies to the family and the community. policies with respect to returns , golden's lawyer added. the woman's alzheimer's diagnosis was not disclosed to any of the sales personnel or management prior to or during the
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transaction, nor could such a condition have been reasonably discerned by our client's staff. that is not the end of the story. consumer watchdog jamie court tells me that under this state law, he believes donna smith and others who spent thousands of elements and regretted it should be allowed to return their items. >> yeah, if they don't post a sign saying all sales are final and you can't return things, you have a right to return something within 30 days. or you should call the attorney general. >> in several visits to the element shops in los gatos and burlingame, i never saw any signs indicating a no refunds policy, golden's attorney emailed in accordance with california law, my client has printed on his retail order form that refunds are not allowed for this store, even though his lawyer wrote the golden is not obligated to post any signs. he is now placed this one at checkout in his los gatos shop. still, jamie court believes this could be an issue for law enforcement. >> this company sounds like it
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really has a pattern and practice of trying to mislead customers, particularly seniors uh- and to take their money. >> los gatos police confirmed to the i-team that they are investigating, and are now requesting that the santa clara county district attorney file criminal charges in the matter. no decision yet from the da's office. if they'll move forward with the case. 70 year old dominic battistella complained to los gatos police. he's a retired hairstylist living on a fixed income. he sometimes worries about skin damage he suffered as a lifelong surfer. >> that's me at greyhound rock. >> so in september, when a young woman at the door to elements offered a free facial, he agreed and let her apply face cream. >> i thought, why not just pay the 300 bucks, get this product, give them my credit card number and skedaddle. you know, because i'm a diabetic and i felt like my blood sugars were getting a little low so that what i wanted to do was just get out of there. >> battistella says he made it
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clear he couldn't afford it, but that same salesman loaded him up with lotions and skincare devices and got him approved for a $7,200 interest free loan, anywhere from 200 to $300 a month for two years. >> sounded good to me because i all i wanted to do was was leave battistella tried to return the products the next day, but elements owner yevgeny golden refused, telling him no refunds. that's when i left with my tail between my legs and the product and, i felt like i had no recourse until i saw your video. >> the store's attorney emailed me that battistella signed documentation acknowledging elements no refund policy. eight months later, he still hasn't broken the seal on any of the elements products from the seven on your side files. nurse donna williams contacted us in 2021 to complain about elements in burlingame. she went there after
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seeing this ad for free facial on social media and she met yevgeny golden. >> then he came in while i had all the cream on my face and said, well, you need to put all your information. we forgot to register you. we need your social security. >> donna says golden got her to sign for what she thought were additional services. then she tells me golden gave her a bag and rushed her out of the store. the shop's lawyer says her description of events is totally meritless. >> he sent me out with bags full of product. >> she later realized he charged her $7,680 and set up an interest free loan for the bulk of it. she brought all the products back the next day and confronted yevgeny golden, and they said that i couldn't return it. >> it was non-returnable. >> so donna emailed seven on your side, and after a consumer counselor contacted the bank and yevgeny golden, he refunded her money and apologized by email. >> he was sorry that that happened to me, and i told him i'm sorry that it happened to me
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too, and that they shouldn't run a business like that. that's really not the way to run businesses. >> at the time of our first report, the better business bureau rated elements an f because of consumer complaints. then they asked yevgeny golden to substantiate, modify or discontinue claims on his website, advertising 50% off savings and using these before and after photos that also appear on other company's websites. and now golden has removed those photos and responded to complaints on the b-b-b website. so they've raised his rating to a b plus. by the way, golden and his lawyer say they were not aware of the police investigation until i asked them for a response. if you have a tip on this or an idea for our next investigation, call me at 1888 40 i-team or reach me on social media or through our website at abc seven >> and i'm good work. >> dan. thanks >> well, this is a story the seven on your side team has followed closely and extensively. scams involving
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zelle. today, a senate committee held a hearing about this problem. senators heard firsthand stories from people who had lost money through scams. zelle is frequently used to send money from a bank account to pay someone. as you know and senators are seeking ways to protect bank customers and at the same time hold zelle and the banks accountable. >> this is the aftermath. after a plane hit extreme turbulence. what we know about this deadly flight is graceland really for sale? >> that depends on who you ask. the court fight going on over elvis's famous estate. stay with it's never too late to try something new or pick up an old pastime. we know you're up for adventure,
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dozens more hurt after the plane hit severe turbulence. the flight was headed from london to singapore when it had to make an emergency landing. >> abc news reporter perry russom is following the story. >> new video from inside the singapore airlines plane hit by severe turbulence this morning. rescue teams carrying out the injured on backboards, loading them into ambulances, oxygen masks dangling from the ceiling. this dent on an overhead bin, one man on board says anyone not
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wearing a seatbelt was launched immediately. some people's heads denting bins, others cracking parts of the ceiling outside. this woman wheeled away while holding a baby. the injured triage separated by the severity of their injuries. singapore airlines says one person was killed more than 70 injured, including two americans. the airline is blaming severe turbulence. the flight, taking off from london headed to singapore, was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok, thailand. the plane is a boeing 777, and a spokesperson for boeing says it's standing ready to support singapore airlines. >> but the general manager of the airport in thailand says the person who died is a 73 year old british man. >> the doctor have to investigate his body and he's come with his wife. so his wife spoke to the hospital at the time. >> in a statement posted online, a spokesperson for singapore airlines says they are offering their deepest condolences to the family of the man who was killed. they say they are working with local authorities
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in thailand to provide any necessary assistance. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> all right, taking a quick look live outside from our mount tam camera, sandy is going to tell you about some changes coming in the accuweather forecast. >> stanford is taking another step in developing the next generation of health care workers. a look at what is opening at its children's hospital
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closing arguments are scheduled for next tuesday and the judge indicated it could be a long day in court to accommodate both sides. jury instructions could take an hour, then deliberations would begin. the former president faces 34 charges in new york for allegedly covering up a payment made to stormy daniels. >> there is a nasty legal fight over control of elvis presley's famous graceland estate. his granddaughter, riley keough, has filed a lawsuit saying the property is not for sale. it was supposed to be auctioned off this week, but now a judge has put that on hold. a foreclosure notice was posted earlier this year saying the trust that owns the museum failed to repay the loan. keough inherited the
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property after her mother died last year, she claims in court documents her mother never borrowed money from the company and never gave them a deed of trust to graceland. >> stanford medicine children's health unveiled its newly expanded simulation innovation center in menlo park today. stanford health says this 4900 square foot center plays a crucial role in health care training and preparedness. nurses, physicians and even social workers can hone their ability in a realistic environment. with instructors watching remotely, we have some really high fidelity mannequins that we have opportunity to use today, which we're really grateful for. >> that opportunity and our sim simulation team does their best to try to recreate what it would actually look like in the hospital. >> the simulation center can also help with research and innovation in health care practices and patient outcomes. all right. >> let's update the weather forecast one more time before we leave you this hour. cooler sounds like. >> yes. sandia. >> yeah, absolutely. and it's going to all start tomorrow. ama and dan. let's take a look at
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the holiday forecast in case you have plans. it's going to be a cooler start to your memorial day weekend. more fog and clouds. but don't worry, temperatures rebound on sunday and monday. right now on live doppler seven. all is quiet. there will be some fog overnight and it will be around tomorrow afternoon near half moon bay. 58 degrees there, so we'll have our microclimate. san francisco 66, oakland. the sun will be shining in the afternoon. 72, walnut creek 80. and in antioch, 25 degrees warmer than half moon bay at 83 degrees. here are the rest of your highs 78. in san jose 74, fremont 75, san rafael 83. in santa rosa, accuweather's seven-day forecast. cooling begins tomorrow. drop off in those temperatures continuing right on through saturday when they bottom out in the mid 50s to low 70s. and then they recover for the second part of your holiday weekend and a little bit warmer, pleasant weather. but we're going to go from below average to about where we should be. dan and ummah. >> all right. thank you sandhya. all right. >> it is time to talk football i
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guess. sports director larry beil is here before you know it, you know. >> right. august. september will be here kicking it off levi's stadium. but for now, the 40 niners back on the field. who's there? who's not? i'll tell you. one guy who is there, brock purdy taking part and his coach kyle shanahan happy about that. sports is next
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by their absence. receivers brandon aiyuk and jauan jennings . they both want new contracts. christian mccaffrey is not working out with the team right now either. not sure why, but remember, these are all voluntary workouts. unlike last spring when brock purdy was rehabbing after elbow surgery, the 40 niners quarterback has all of this offseason to prepare for the upcoming season. one number change deebo samuel. he's going from number 19 to number one. i don't know, maybe it'll make him faster. coach kyle shanahan happy to have his starting quarterback healthy this year right away. >> it's been awesome for him to like lead us to the whole off season, just drill wise and everything. it's he's been great to have for a first full off season. >> yeah man, i'm a vet now, i don't know man. i'm still just trying to get better every day. and i still understand that there's such a long road ahead of me in terms of getting better and what i need to do to get better. so it's crazy. you got
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guys that are younger than me now on the team and i it's just new, it's different. >> it kind of reminds me of scottie scheffler, but except for yeah, he got arrested. but just super humble and, really good kid, and yeah, he's definitely famous. >> for reasons other than scottie scheffler. last year at this time, bosa was holding out for a new deal. eventually got paid, but he admitted afterwards not having training camp really hurt. how he played in the regular season, seeing the massive defensive end in a voluntary camp has teammates smiling. >> i mean, it's sweet, man. you you can tell it means something to him, you know, and, to show up phase three practicing on the field like it's pretty special, you know? so for all of us to see that, it's like, all right, boss is taking it serious. then we all should actually being able to work your stuff and not have a game coming up is good. >> with the super bowl,
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unfortunately, i know how to bounce back from tough losses. so it was rough for a little bit. but now it's just annoying when people bring it up. >> those people being like us, on to baseball. good news. giants catcher patrick bailey is back from the concussion injured list. the bad news? the giants. it's behind me here. it's so long, it takes up an entire page to read eight guys on the list. despite all this, the giants took a four game winning streak into pittsburgh. had a chance to win this game. oh they are fired up for baseball in pittsburgh. >> oh, yeah, two on for the giants in the first. wilmer flores pops it up. o'neill cruz fighting the sun and the sun gets the best of him. paul pops out of his glove. two run score! giants jump out to the early lead onto the seventh chappie matchup and starting to heat up his sixth homer of the season. giants up five two. what could go wrong? well, in the ninth, the pirates score four times. o'neill cruz the guy that
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dropped the pop up redemption there. two out rbi single off camilo duvall. we're tied at six. they go to extras. giants couldn't score in the 10th. nick gonzalez walks it off for pittsburgh. they come back from a four run deficit to win seven six, snapping the giants win streak. and the a's are playing the rockies. former stanford star cameron brink, now with the la sparks of the wnba, look out last night, she and her teammate rickea jackson threw out the first pitch at a dodgers game. cam did well. you see, she's she's got it. she's on the money right there. but, jackson's pitch a little high, a little outside. they'll they'll practice it. they'll they also have other things to work on right now anyway. >> the tandem pitch. yes. >> like nick bosa. yeah. he reminds me of scotty. she didn't get arrested did. >> yeah that was a ridiculous. that was well yeah that will probably end up going away. yeah. all right larry thank you. >> all right. tonight on abc seven at eight it's will trent followed by the rookie at ten,
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the series finale of the good doctor. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. larry, bill, all of us. we appreciate your time. oh, look at even the sea lions are having a nice look. how many sea lions are out there? have a good night. we'll see you again at 11. that's abc. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants... a verification specialist from lakewood, ohio... a cpa originally from burlington, vermont... and our returning champion, a grocery clerk
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from prescott, arizona... whose four-day cash winnings total $81,203. [applause] and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!," ken jennings. thank you, johnny. welcome to jeopardy, folks. our returning champion, grant deyoung, is here today, hoping to lock up his invitation to the next tournament of champions with a fifth win. that would make him our fourth official qualifier of the season. so a lot is on the line for grant today, as it is for his challengers, sam and chris. good luck, everybody. with a "jeopardy!" victory at stake, let's take a look at your categories in the first round... we begin with... then we have... some... for you then. followed by... and finally...


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