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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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put his parents in the hospital. >> applaud the firemen. thank you all. they got here. got my parents out. >> the city of fremont is trying to figure out a housing fix. a meeting tonight could be a big next step. >> i want to ask the city officials what happened to the money? and where is the plan? >> it's a crisis in college sports. and tonight, a top bay area athlete is paying the price . >> always live. abc seven news
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starts right now. >> we begin tonight with the race for city hall. the five candidates vying to be san francisco's mayor, sharing the stage together for the very first time. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. it's been a bit like trying to herd cats, trying to get these five candidates together on one stage before november, but now voters are getting to hear what they say about the issues they find most important. abc seven news reporter tim johns is back from tonight's a three hour forum. tim. >> yeah. dan ummah now, it's important to note that, like you guys said, this was the first time that we've heard from all five of the major mayoral candidates at the same time. each one was keen to tell the audience why they would be the best person to lead the city moving forward, but they also weren't afraid to call each other out ahead of a tight election. one by one, all five of the major candidates running to be san francisco's nets mayor took to the stage for a political forum tuesday night. the event, hosted by the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club, was
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an opportunity for each candidate to take their vision for the city directly to the voters. current mayor london breed emphasized the work she's done to bring the city back after the pandemic, everything from working to revitalize its downtown to promoting public safety. >> it's not a one size fits all. it's not a just do this or just do that. it's all of the above and how we work together to make sure that we have a robust, transparent, a police department that is held accountable but is also doing the best they can to keep people safe. >> fellow moderate candidate and former interim mayor mark farrell talked about his desire to create a more equitable city. farrell specifically highlighting the need to build more affordable housing. >> number one, it encompasses zoning. number two, it encompasses legislation. and number three, it accompanies mayoral directives to make sure that our planning and dbe departments are actually more efficient. >> businessman daniel lurie talked about his background, founding local nonprofit tipping point community, lurie mentioning his ability to work with various players across the
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city to raise money. >> we need to bring conventions back to san francisco. we need to bring tourism back to san francisco. we need to bring revenue. i know how to do that. >> current president of the board of supervisors aaron peskin, was also there. peskin, who has tried to present himself as the progressive alternative to mayor breed, talked about his desire to return the city to what he calls its liberal roots. he also hit back against claims he's anti-housing and talked about solving the city's drug crisis. >> i have been for supervised consumption sites, safe injection sites, fellow progressive and supervisor asha sapphire spoke about his experiences being an immigrant and coming from the city's labor movement. >> among other things, sapphire criticizing mayor breed for her handling of the city's homelessness epidemic. >> we have a budget of $14.6 billion, so it's not necessarily a matter of resources. it's a matter of management, leadership and accountability. >> now, we are expecting to have more debates and forums between
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these five candidates over the coming months. and of course, san francisco voters will choose who their next leader will be in november. for now, in the studio. tim johns abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thank you. new at 11 a tear gas training gone very, very wrong. 20 children at portola elementary school off skyline boulevard in san bruno ended up hurt after tear gas and pepper spray drifted onto their campus. the san francisco sheriff's office says it was conducting an indoor training with the chemical agents at the san bruno jail. somehow the sheriff's office says the tear gas from the training wafted outside and all the way to the school a mile away. children and teachers felt the burning in their eyes, nose and throat. the sheriff's office says this has never happened before. in 20 years of training at that location, the sf sheriff director of communications told us in a statement, quote, we sincerely apologize to portola elementary school, its faculty and students, and their families for this unforeseen event, which must have been especially scary
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for children. now they are pausing all training with those chemical agents. >> it's a story you saw first here on abc seven news at 11, and now leaders in san francisco are formally asking the fbi to investigate a series of racist deliveries left on a black family's doorstep. and as those leaders were speaking today, the family suffered another blow. terry williams tells us his parents ended up in the hospital after a fire at their home near alamo square. it started around 1130 this morning with flames just pouring out of the front windows, williams says. firefighters and neighbors rescued his parents, who were trapped on the upper floors where the fire was at city hall when the fire started dealing with the aftermath of a threatening messages and a racist doll delivered to his door. two deliveries over the last two months with no leads on who left them or why. today, the san
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francisco board of supervisors passed a resolution condemning the threats and calling for police to prioritize this investigation. so we'll continue to keep you posted on this. as san francisco police are investigating the racist messages as possible. hate crimes now, fire investigators are trying to figure out exactly how the fire started. >> new developments in a proposal that would bolster california's protections against i. a bill by state senator scott wiener of san francisco has passed in the senate. the plan would force tech and ai companies to perform safety checks on their ai models to safeguard against things like cyber attacks or the creation of bio weapons. but some tech companies and trade groups say it could curb innovation. the bill now moves to the state assembly if it ultimately becomes law, the bill could lead the way in creating national ai regulations. >> all right, let's go outside for a live peek from our sfo camera tonight. nice and warm today, but get ready for a change. let's bring in abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel
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tracking it all in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandhya. >> yeah. >> dan, we're going to notice that those temperatures start to trend lower over the next several days. here's a live picture from our pier 39 camera. you can see some clouds are beginning to gather. we definitely have fog in half moon bay where visibility is down to five miles. be careful in the morning as we take a look at the planner. there will be some foggy areas at 7 a.m. 50s out the door. combination of sun and fog at noontime and it is going to be a cooler afternoon compared to today. we had upper 80s inland today, tomorrow down to the mid 80s. upper 50s coast side and breezy along the coast. later on in the evening i'll be back with a look at your holiday weekend forecast. coming right up ama. >> all right, we look forward to it. thanks, sandhya. ask any sports fan with a top issue with college sports today. they'll probably repeat three letters n i l standing for name, image and likeness. it's the new system in place that lets student athletes get paid, in part by wealthy boosters who pay the athletes
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for the value they bring in to a particular university. but one of the top talents in the country, from right here in the bay area, is now a prime example of why the system is so broken. tonight, abc seven news reporter j.r stone focuses in on the story of jaden rashada from pittsburg high and the lawsuit that could be the first of its kind. >> jaden rashada, a former quarterback at pittsburg high school, is making headlines suing florida gators head football coach billy napier, a university of florida booster and others for fraud. it involves a name, image, likeness or nil deal with promised money that rashada, who played at asu last year, says he never received the entire area of nil is one big, hazy mess right now. >> there really are no enforceable rules right now. >> mike levinson is a bay area lawyer familiar with these nil deals. he's not only well versed with rashad's case, but the major issue right now with the ncaa. imagine right now if the
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nfl had had free agency for every single player, every single year, and there was no salary cap. >> and not only that, but it was essentially the fans who were bidding to pay these athletes as much money as they can possibly raise. >> court documents filed tuesday talk about rashad's initial plan to go to the university of miami for a $9.5 million nil deal, he backed out of that and instead went to florida, where he says boosters pressured him by offering him more money. court documents say, quote, the ultimate proposal promised jayden 13.85 million over four years at uf end quote despite text messages from defendants saying, quote, dude is rich and we just got started. end quote rashada says he didn't receive that money within these documents. jayden says he signed his national letter of intent with florida within an hour of coach napier, assuring his father that $1 million would be
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wired from a booster, something that he says never happened. rashada is now at the university of georgia without an nil contract and seeking at least $10 million for damages. the university of florida issued a statement saying in part, quote, we do not comment on ongoing litigation and neither the university athletic association nor the university are named in the complaint. end quote j.r. stone, abc seven news happening now a heated community fight over fast food for hours now, leaders in walnut creek have been debating whether to let chick fil a open a second location in the city. >> this debate is apparently hotter than the sandwiches. public comment went for on more than an hour. the chicken chain wants to open a new restaurant in the citrus marketplace shopping center that's off oak grove road, near ignacio valley road in walnut creek. it would take the place of a vacant bank and have no drive thru, dine in and takeout only. now, the city
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doesn't expect a significant traffic impact, but neighbors just don't agree. they're appealing an initial approval by the city, arguing chick fil a will bring in too many cars. >> it's going to ruin the quality of walnut creek, our neighborhood. >> i think that this chick fil a is a terrible idea. it's not well thought out, and i think it's going to bring a lot of additional traffic and congestion. >> this is our neighborhood right here. and we're telling you, we don't want this. >> the neighbors at the meeting all seem to be against the chick fil a, but we did talk with others in the shopping center who did not seem to mind the plan. the meeting is still going on right now. >> the missing link with matthew perry, the new speculation over his death and the supply of drugs he had at the time. >> the truth about your water. what a new study says about fluoride and its effect during pregnancy, and the caitlin clark connection. >> what she just did that hasn't been done since michael jordan. all of that is ahead.
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>> but first, here's a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11 jimmy. >> thanks dan and amna. just sit back and let's do our thing. you brought your kids to the premiere. yeah i wanted them to see me work. did you tell them if this movie doesn't work out. this is the last vacation daddy's taking
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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it's the kind of story we focus on in our effort to build a better bay area. here's abc seven news reporter lauren martinez. >> i was born and raised not too far from here. i'm 70 years old, so i'm old. i'm disabled. >> jackie adams lives in his car with his dog, zeus. >> this is my, my best friend, companion. everything
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>> adams has been unhoused for the past three years. >> most today, i go out and i recycle aluminum cans or whatever to make money so we can eat. >> adams was born and raised in fremont. he parks in city parking lots overnight, where he says he leaves no trace behind. >> no mess, no complaints, no cops at irvington park, a row of rvs and cars are parked inside a neighborhood. >> sheila said they started popping up six months ago. >> the city just, i think, moved or shifted the problem from one place to another. it's been bouncing around. >> mahoney lives across the street. she said the noise and the fumes of the generators have had a big impact on her family's quality of life. >> i am like a prisoner inside my own home. i cannot open the windows of my rooms because of the toxic fumes from the generators that are running in the rvs. it is extremely hot. they need to have the generators on. they need to have a life too. but how does their problem become our problem?
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>> on tuesday, fremont city council members were considering adopting a five year strategic plan to address homelessness. the city says the largest population of homeless folks in fremont are those staying in vehicles. >> i want to say that while there is a lot of conversation in the community about safe parking, safe parking is not solution to homelessness. it is a management strategy, according to the city. >> for every person who's homelessness is resolved, there are more than two people entering the system as newly unhoused. >> there's a catch, you know. >> adams said he can't park at one of the city's safe parking sites because his vehicle is not registered. he'll continue to find parking lots where he and zeus are out of the way. >> hey, that's my finger. that's my finger. >> in fremont. lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> there are new developments tonight in the death of friends
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star matthew perry. federal investigators are now getting involved, trying to figure out how the actor got so much ketamine. the 54 year old star died back in october. an autopsy says the amount of ketamine in his blood was the same as what's used for general anesthesia during surgery. friends told investigators perry was receiving infusions of the drug for depression and anxiety, but the medical examiner says the treatment wouldn't explain just how much was in his system. >> sea lion pups are dying by the hundreds on california's coast, and scientists worry that climate change may be to blame. a team at uc santa cruz says it's extremely unusual to see so many dead pups. they say they found nearly 300 dead sea lions off ano nuevo island, off the coast of san mateo county, researchers say. adult sea lions seem to be aborting the pups close to full term. >> my best guess, and it's a guess, is that food availability is down. california sea lion populations are at a historic high, so that there's they're
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already at a point where they're pretty much maxed out. >> the uc santa cruz team is watching satellite tracking, showing the sea lions are traveling farther for food. they're also looking into whether avian flu or maybe pesticides are killing the pups. >> it's in the water we drink in just about every tube of toothpaste. new research claims. fluoride, a mineral that protects our teeth, may be harmful to pregnant women. the study out of usc tracked more than 200 low income pregnant latinas living in l.a. researchers say the women with the most fluoride in their systems were more likely to have children who developed neurological problems. >> the higher the fluoride exposures, the worse were the neurobehavioral scores on things that reflect things like anxiety, depression. >> and he steps away from either taking fluoride out of the water at this point or not using fluoridated toothpaste. i think it's very premature. >> no major medical group recommends pregnant women avoid water with fluoride. the world
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health organization says there's no evidence fluoride use needs to change. >> next month, disney fans will get a chance to design their own super suit inspired by the incredibles. airbnb is offering one day trips to the los angeles mansion of edna mode mode. a fashion designer outfitted the parr family in the incredible movies at her home. guests will be able to check out her design lab and make a suit of their own . edna's hq is open for booking in early june ahead of the 20th anniversary of the incredibles movie. disney of course, is the parent company of abc seven. that was a fun movie. >> yeah, and how fun is that? yeah, we're a great experience, right? definitely. all right. great weather. how long is it going to last? >> not long enough, it seems. sandhya patel is here. sandhya? yeah. you know what? >> it's still going to be really nice. not as cool as that suit, ama and dan. but it's definitely going to be a cooling trend over the next couple of days. i want to show you this time lapse from earlier tonight. this is from
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our kgo roof camera of the waxing gibbous. visibility was still good enough to get this as the moon was rising. absolutely beautiful. you can see the craters on the moon. all right. our weather is changing for memorial day weekend. it's going to be a cooler start. more fog and clouds. and then the second half of your weekend sunday into memorial day, you will notice those temperatures rebounding. so let's talk about the next ten days. santa rosa you're going to notice still above average tomorrow and thursday. but notice that holiday weekend is trending below average and only a few days of above average. going into next week. high pressure brought us the warmth today. it was close to 90 inland as we had expected, but this ridge is going to be replaced by a trough and that's what's going to set the stage for cooler weather. looking at live doppler seven right now, we do have some patchy fog right around half moon bay. you're going to see it first thing in the morning around parts of our coast and bay. your temperatures right now in the 50s and 60s. here's a
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view from our golden gate bridge camera. and you can see it is a little murky. so overnight tonight areas of fog dense in spots. next few days gradual cooling trend. and for your memorial day weekend we're expecting below average temperatures. so temperatures in the morning with the fog around near the coast and parts of the bay shoreline at 7:00 in the 50s. as we head into the noontime hour, you will notice the sun's already out inland areas are in the 70s and then into the afternoon, getting up into the 80s while inland, but not quite as warm as today. temperatures will eventually come down going into the evening hours. your morning temperatures 40s, 50s. watch out for that fog. it is going to be dense in patches, so visibility will be poor. tomorrow afternoon in the south bay. a nice day still 78, in san jose, 76, in gilroy on the peninsula, you're looking at 74, in redwood city, upper 50s, right here near the coast, where you will see a mix of fog and sun. downtown san francisco, 66 degrees still above average in the north bay 79 in napa, 76 in
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san rafael, 80 in sonoma, heading into the east bay. low 70s oakland. berkeley 74, fremont. inland areas. it's going to be nice and mild. 82 in concord, 80 in livermore. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. cooling begins for your wednesday continues right on through the first half of your holiday weekend. and then those temperatures do climb back up sunday into memorial day. it will be a nice range of numbers, 60s to 80s. dan and emma
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teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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on grant money from the city, say the funds are long overdue. organizers of the oakland arts and soul festival say they're canceling this year's event because of delayed city funding. they're not the only ones. oaklandside reports 42 recipients of the city's arts and culture grants have yet to receive their money, with the city telling them last week the funding is tied up in budget challenges that includes the oakland ballet and the oakland interfaith choir. arts groups in the city are still rising above. just look at the crowd at lake merritt for tonight's town up tuesday festival all the time with no distraction to me and so depressing. >> acting like you don't know my profession. >> it is the third year of the festival celebrating bay area culture. this year they got their biggest headliner yet
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near-term rap legend. too short. >> pretty cool. women's basketball star caitlin clark is making more history. the wnba player signed a multiyear deal with wilson sporting goods, the league's official supplier of basketballs. she's the first woman to have a collection with wilson, and the first athlete to ink a long term deal with that company since michael jordan. >> well, it is only may, but the 40 niners were on the field today. >> we're talking football already. sports director larry beil is here. larry. >> dan i'm on the 40 niners. involuntary workouts, but still checking attendance. brock purdy present. and unlike last year he's h
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four run lead to the ninth. ouch! oh they are fired up for baseball in pittsburgh. two on for the giants in the first. wilmer flores pops up. o'neill. cruz i got it, i got it, i ain't got it. lost it to the sun. two run score. giants build a62 lead. fast forward. bottom nine. pirates score four times o'neill cruz gets redemption. two out rbi single ties it at six.
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duvall with his first blown save. and then in the 10th, it's nick gonzalez walking it off for the pirates knocking in one time. giant connor joe good night. game over. drive home safely seven six pirates, ending the giants four game win streak. rockies visiting the a's, who had lost eight straight. the dog doesn't want to wear his cute little green cap. you sing? no, no for all. in the eighth, abraham toro lines to right and aloha five four a's and the dog. he has not only his cap back on, but he's wearing a sell shirt. i love that dog. mason miller in the ninth, throwing straight gas 103 miles an hour, his eighth save as the a's snap the slide five for the oakland ballers. very first game ever. here's how they have fun in montana. spin around and run ballers facing the glacier range riders austin davis five for five four rbi's, including this first ever run in ballers history, and they're a two run single. carson lambert pitched the final two innings, striking out nick block to end at seven six. the final ballers remain undefeated in franchise
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history there. want to know 40 niners working out in otas, organized team activities. now. last spring at this time, brock purdy was rehabbing from elbow surgery. this year. he's good to go. >> yeah, man. i'm a vet now, i don't know, man. i'm still just trying to get better every day and it's crazy. you got guys that are younger than me now on the team and i. it's just new, just super humble and, really good kid, and, yeah, he's definitely famous. >> that he is nba playoffs. big papi in the house for game one of the eastern conference finals. pacers at celtics tyrese haliburton double clutch banked three to end the third quarter. pacers down one. haliburton 25 points, ten assists seconds left. boston down three. got to defend the three point line, but ex cal star jaylen brown sticks the triple. he goes for 26. on to overtime where jayson tatum goes for 36. in the celts come back from the dead to win it.
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bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and you can start streaming. all right. >> thank you so much for watching. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. larry biel all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel kevin costner have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- kevin costner. pamela adlon. slash. and music from hardy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!


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