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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 21, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and you can start streaming. all right. >> thank you so much for watching. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. larry biel all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel kevin costner have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- kevin costner. pamela adlon. slash. and music from hardy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very nice, thank you. hi, everyone. thank you, fellows. i'm gelmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching and for joining us here in hollywood, california, where we welcome you warmly. we have a fun show tonight. slash is here. [ cheers and applause ] we have -- i don't know if you heard. there's a big trial going on in new york. our former president and future convicted felon, who after saying who knows how many times he would absolutely testify, has opted not to testify. [ laughter ] and the defense has rested their case. you i'll tell you, though, one thing i'm going to miss as this trial wraps up is watching
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trump's lawyer, todd blanche silently glowering as trump stands outside the courtroom, whining every day. >> there's never been anything like this that i've ever seen. kangaroo courts also, it's stacked up. what's happening with this judicial system, they call it all kangaroos. >> jimmy: they do? who does? who calls it "all kangaroos"? the legal community? the zoo community? or just you? i don't know. [ laughter ] and then all caps-tain kangaroo outlined the next steps. >> and we'll be resting pretty quickly, resting meaning resting the case. i won't be resting. i don't rest. i'd like to rest sometimes, but i don't get to rest. >> jimmy: then guess what he did? the guy who doesn't rest? as soon as he got in court, he nodded off at least once this afternoon. [ laughter ] he's really something. you know when my brother was about 3 years old he would fall asleep? his mashed potatoes and we'd say, "jon, are you sleeping? "no, no."
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and that was cute. and of course no day with donald trump would be complete without a mention of the crowds. >> the crowds outside, we can't get -- it's not a very big thing for us, we don't really care that much. >> jimmy: right. [ laughter ] if there's one thing we know about donald trump, it's that he couldn't care less about crowd size. >> people want to get out there and -- the only people they let out there is the radical left lunatics. and they put our people four or five blocks away. there are a lot of them too. >> jimmy: yeah, no, there aren't. [ laughter ] there aren't. i drove by there last week when i was in new york. there's no one. [ laughter ] you have no supporters in your hometown. there is one crazy lady outside his apartment building screaming at ghosts. that's all you got. [ laughter ] the only supporters trump has in new york is the army of ass-kissers who fly in from washington to suckle his teats on camera. [ laughter ]
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today it was don jr., sebastian gorka, ronny jackson and joe piscopo. not exactly a beatles reunion. [ laughter ] a congressman from texas named troy nehls decided he needed to show up to slobber all over his sweet orange crush. >> this is five weeks sitting in a courtroom when he should be out reaching the american people and telling the american people what he would like to do for this country. who shows up? tens of thousands of people show up at donald trump's families. the democrats hate it. there's not another person who the planet that can do that other than the pope. >> jimmy: that's right. [ laughter ] not beyonce, not taylor swift -- [ laughter ] just trump and the pope. and did you notice what this guy is wearing around his neck? >> donald trump's going to be the 47th president. donald trump's going to be the 47th president. and he's going to make america great again, again. >> can you explain your tie? >> jimmy: no, he cannot explain that, there is no explanation for that tie. and of course, no one did a louder job of defending donald trump than the unfortunate and chin-challenged soul who has the bad fortune to share the man's name.
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>> when our defense goes after arguably the least-credible witnesses in the history of, i don't know, witnesses? you're not allowed to ask the damning questions of them. the star witness in this case is a what, nine lifetimes-convicted liar. and now, now an admitted thief. that is who they're hanging the entire case on. the other one happens to be a porn star. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and my dad screwed both of them! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and then we have brother eric, who took his "look at me dad, please look at me," act to hannity. >> they have charged my father with 34 felony counts. it's been what they've been doing to my father since he came down that escalator. my father's been censored. my father didn't do a damn thing wrong.
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he's a great president, he's a great person, he's a great temporary. >> jimmy: in case i didn't mention it five times already, he's my father. [ laughter ] no matter what he tells people. and then on top of all this, trump or his team shared this video on truth social last night. >> what happens after donald trump wins? what's next for america? >> jimmy: okay, if you zoom in, you can see they slipped in the words "a unified reich." a fourth reich, if you will. the good news is trump wants to bring the country together. the bad news is that country is germany in 1933. his campaign said it wasn't trump who reposted the video, it was i guess one of the junior nazis who work for him. [ laughter ] what else does this man have to do for people to see what he is? grow the moustache? what if he grew the mustache? [ laughter ] what if he grew a little blonde hitler mustache and started strutting around with his arm out straight? you think it would have any effect? how many of his supporters do you think would say, "all right,
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that's too much for me"? i'd guess maybe ten. "reich tyson" is also taking a beating in the money department. shares of his media company were down 10% today. trump's company made $770,500 in revenue during the first quarter of this year. which would be great, if it hadn't also spent more than $327 million. truth social has now lost so much money they may have to change their name to "red lobster." [ laughter ] [ applause ] many analysts on wall street say they haven't seen losses like this since -- every other time trump has run a business. [ laughter ] trump has a lot on his plate right now. he is threatening to sue the filmmakers who made a new movie called "the apprentice." i don't know if you heard about it. it stars sebastian stan as a young donald trump during his rise to fame in new york in the '80s. a spokesperson for trump said, "this 'film' is pure malicious defamation, should not see the
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light of day and doesn't even deserve a place in the straight-to-dvd section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store." store store but if it gets nominated for an oscar, he'll start saying he wrote it. [ laughter ] the best part of this story is that one of trump's billionaire friends invested a lot of money in the film thinking it was going to be a flattering portrayal and now he's furious. he's slow, and furious. no trumper is in more legal or financial peril right now than his former lawyer and adviser, rudy giuliani. rudy giuliani was indicted in arizona for his efforts to overturn state election results there. rudy has also filed for bankruptcy. he claims he owes $151 million to various creditors. but that might be about to change, because he's got an exciting new business brewing. >> you all know i stand by the truth. if i put my name on something, i truly believe in it. today, i'm thrilled to introduce you to something i'm incredibly proud of. my own brand of organic
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specialty coffee, rudy coffee. believe me when i say it's the best coffee you'll ever try. it's smooth, rich, chocolaty, and gentle on your stomach. it's so good, i even recommend drinking it black. >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] you know, there are a lot of things i like about that commercial. the fake digital apartment. the fact that one of his selling points is his coffee won't give you diarrhea. [ laughter ] but i think the best is the way he says "chocolatey." let's enjoy that again. [ laughter ] >> chocolaty. >> jimmy: to be fair, his first language is transylvanian. right, put that qr code back on the screen. if you scan that or go to the website. it goes to nothing.
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there's nothing there and no sign online that an organization called "call2action" that supports veterans or first responders exists. it's as invisible as rudy giuliani in front of a mirror. [ laughter ] eight tiktok creators are suing the government over the law president biden signed last month, which calls for the company to be sold to a non-chinese company by next year or dismantled altogether. these tiktok stars claim this is a violation of their first amendment rights, but they dont seem to think the fact that china is able to control so much of the information that comes to us through tiktok is a problem. which, you know, it as problem, you don't want -- >> just when you think jimmy kimmel couldn't get any worse, he hits a new low. here's everything wrong with what kimmel is saying. >> jimmy: not this again. go away, tiktoker, be gone! >> wow. right off the bat another kimmel lie. i'm not a tiktoker. i'm a twitch streamer who uses
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tiktok to draw people to my furry-themed onlyfans. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're a furry? >> yif-yif. >> jimmy: i guess that's not surprising -- >> did you catch that? jimmy kimmel thinks he can tell people's sexual preferences just by looking at them. [ laughter ] that's rich coming from a cis-het male-presenting boomer virgin like him. [ laughter ] now i'm going to really let him have it by pointing at him and gesturing condescendingly -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, what is this? stop that, don't are stop dock that, i don't like it. i'm going to swipe you away. >> i wouldn't do that if i were you -- ♪ mary had a little lamb she was as big as a sheep bah ♪ >> huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh! >> to get the perfect cat eye what you're gonna do is take this and -- >> jimmy: what the hell, lady! >> gang-gang! num num relish!
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gang-gang! num num relish! eat me, please. oh, hey jimmy kimmel. num num relish! gang-gang! >> jimmy: all right, that's enough. >> i told you swiping was a bad idea. this guy has no clue what he's talking about when it comes to tiktok. now if you'll excuse me, my twitch stream is starting. >> jimmy: okay. [ laughter ] >> what are you looking at, perv? this stream is for subscribers only. >> jimmy: all right, i don't necessarily want to see that, though love is love. no judgment, of course. [ applause ] we've got a very good show for you tonight. pamela adlon is here. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from hardy. and we'll be right back with kevin costner, so stick around!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah! that's slash sitting in with the cletones tonight. [ cheers and applause ] we have quite a lineup. a very funny, very talented woman. her new movie is called "babes." pamela adlon is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, we've had so many requests for the music on this particular show, we had to take the fence down outside. his new album is right here, it's called "quit." it comes out july 12th. hardy yot outlaw light we're stage. [ cheers and applause ] hardy is on the stage right now. how's it going out there, hardy? >> it's good, the weather's beautiful, the fans are here, we're ready to rock out. >> jimmy: everything is to your liking? >> everything is perfect. >> jimmy: what is the single
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most important thing a performer can do before he goes onstage? >> check your fly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's right. and that is why we have developed this, and we're naming it after you. [ cheers and applause ] it is the official "hardy check your fly mirror." would you do us the honor of christening it, hardy? >> ah! good to go. >> jimmy: thank you, hardy. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] there are a lot of people out there. tomorrow night we'll be joined by amy poehler and patton on the walt. sitting in with the cletones all week, our friend slash is here. [ cheers and applause ] slash has a tour called "the serpent festival" starting july 5th in bonner, montana. why is it called the serpent festival? >> it's an acronym. solidarity, engage, restore, peace, equality, tolerance.
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>> jimmy: okay, all right, good. >> which is basically just -- [ laughter ] to get people together, to bring people more together instead of dividing them. >> jimmy: i wanted to make sure there were no snakes, that's good news. [ laughter ] >> you know, i'm a snake guy. >> jimmy: i know you are the snake guy, i am not a snake guy, yeah. i'm a no snake guy, really, is what i am. completely snakeless. >> guillermo: right. >> jimmy: we shower together. >> guillermo: yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest tonight is an oscar and emmy-winning actor and director with a giant passion project that earned him an 11-minute standing ovation at cannes. the first part of his massive mega-western is "horizon: an american saga chapter 1." >> think about how far these men just came and how long they've been at it over one old injury. i know the man i met was on his way to kill never that house, he might as well have been walking up to get the mail for all it bothered him. now they had a second loss and they're this much farther out of their way.
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can't imagine he'll be any kinder to you this time. >> so he'll just kill me then, right out in front of everyone? >> no, they'll probably take you somewhere quiet, won't they? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "horizon: an american saga chapter 1" opens in theaters june 28th. please welcome kevin costner. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i didn't think it was -- i didn't think it was possible for you to be more handsome, yet here you are with this moustache and the soul patch going on. it really is working for you. and for me, i have to say. [ laughter ] >> it's got to work four times.
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>> jimmy: the funny thing is, i mean, this is -- as i mentioned, a four-part movie. and you can't -- you can't just shoot that quickly. you have to shoot it over a period of years. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which means you will have that for years? >> no. >> jimmy: no? oh. >> i mean -- the weird thing was, i had -- i had one that i was planning on doing. and no one would do it. i thought i would do it in 2003. and no one would make it. i thought, you know -- i'm going to make four more. [ laughter ] then i talked to some professional therapist. [ laughter ] and they said, "i want to talk about this a little bit, kevin. the first one, no one -- just want to get it straight, no one wanted that first one." [ laughter ] "yeah, that's right." "and you wanted to make four more." i said, "yeah." he said, "you know, that's going to be a problem." [ laughter ] and i said, "not for me, i'm kind of -- i'm kind of set in my
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ways." >> jimmy: are you sure this was a therapist and not your accountant? [ laughter ] >> my therapist called my accountant right away. >> jimmy: no way. >> see what was going on? >> jimmy: i normally wouldn't break my client/patient confidentiality, but in this case we're going to do this. you did really -- you invested a lot your own money. >> yeah. >> jimmy: if not all your own money into this, all these movies. >> the majority of it is mine. i keep -- you know, i don't fall out of love that easy when i just like something. i really believe in the movie experience. i feel like there's a movie that i would want to see. i don't feel any different than you. there's this thing that happens in a theater when the lights go out and they come on, you always think -- they don't have a curtain anymore, but i remember when the curtain used to open. i miss it. you always thought, wow, something magic could happen. and that's how i feel about
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movies. and that's how i feel about "horizon." it's a movie i made for myself. and knowing that it would come to these theaters. it wouldn't be my movie anymore, it would be yours. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, and you -- you never know, right? you never know how it's going to be received. then you get to cannes and you stand there and they show everyone the movie. and they take it in. and do you know it's going well while it's happening? or do you not have a sense yet? >> i really -- i really didn't have a sense what was going to happen. they were very still the whole -- you know, for most of it. but i kind of interpreted that they were kind of really leaning into it. >> jimmy: right. then we have what happened after -- during the standing ovation itself, where you were -- [ applause ] moved to tears. 11-minute standing ovation. first of all, what's going through your head as this is happening?
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>> well, i -- i actually started walking my life backwards for a second. i kind of went back to the beginning and wondering, you know, hoy i even ended up at a place like that. we all have these dreams where we want to be. and i had my own. and i've taken some really big bites out of life. and life has taken some pretty big ones out of me. but i just -- you know, i kind of just keep going. and when they started to clap and they didn't stop, i didn't really know what -- [ bleep ] cry. [ laughter ] my eyes were full. >> jimmy: your eyes were just full? >> full. >> jimmy: sometimes you get overhydrated? >> they were full. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it happens. especially with the moustache. >> i was moved by what happened in france. i was moved by the biggest film festival in the world. >> jimmy: you don't typically like the french people, right? [ laughter ] >> another international incident.
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right here. >> jimmy: you brought your kids to the premiere? >> yeah, i wanted them to see me work. i brought five of them and got them tuxedos, i bought them dresses -- >> jimmy: did you tell them, "if this movie doesn't work out, this is the last vacation daddy's taking you on"? [ laughter ] >> i did, i wanted to know how worried they were, that they were going to stick me and support me. the minute i got there, my two sons went fishing. got a boat, went fishing. my three daughters ended up on a boat, said they would see me around 3:00, 4:00, me working. made a call, they were drinking drinks at this point. so they cruised in about 8:00 at flight. i've been working -- i said, "we came to france to be as a family." they go, "it's working great, dad." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> "what do we do next?" "i don't know, we need your tour director to figure that out." >> jimmy: we're going to take a
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break. "horizon: an american saga chapter 1" is his movie. we'll be right back. at once ♪iends ♪ [droids beeping] [loud indistinct chatter] ♪ [message received tone] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ [find my chime] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [find my chime] [in unison] - hey! ♪ [thud] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. ♪ ♪ hebelieve it or not baby...le. at university of phoenix...
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it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back with kevin costner, the director and star of the four-part series "horizon: an american saga chapter 1" opens in the movie theaters. i didn't know they got rid of
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the curtain, and i was at the movies this weekend. i did not realize they got rid of the curtain, you're right. why did they get rid of the curtain? >> that was kind of letting you know it was whping. >> when you directed "dances with wolves," the first movie you directed, right? [ cheers and applause ] first movie right out of the gate, you win best picture, you win best director. does that screw with your head in some way? like, i am invincible, there's something that i cannot do? >> what happened was, when i had the success with "dances," i just wanted to keep going. i didn't feel empowered, i thought i need -- i just feet like -- i need to do better, i'm going to do better, i'm going to find other movies. that was a special moment for me. but i never felt like that was the one i was going to live off of. i thought, i need to -- i need to go forward. >> jimmy: uh-huh? and when you were shooting that movie and you're in charge now, you're the director of the film -- >> right. >> jimmy: do you feel -- do you ever have that imposter thing? like, why am i in charge? i'm nervous, or maybe i don't
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feel like i know what i'm doing? >> i thought i did on "dances." i thought, the only person that can screw it up is me. but you know, finally -- i remember going -- i was a stage manager right out of college. i was making $3.24 an hour, really moving fast. [ laughter ] i finally, you know -- my pavements got -- it was cool that they were unsure things were going to happen for me, finally they did. finally i started to direct. my father, who didn't want me to act, finally -- you know, finally, when it started to work, i said, "hey, i think i'm going to direct." he said, "look at this acting thing, it's been working really, really good, don't mess this up." so i remember my first day i went out and i felt really good about it. like 200 people. and something in my life, my parents came to everything, right? i had it really good. they came to every little league game, they came to everything. they came to see me direct. i said, "you can't do that, i'm going to be around all the guys,
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you can't come." [ laughter ] my mom said, "we're not going to be in the day." and i said, "mom." she goes," we have a motor home. wherever they tell to us park it, they're going to be there in these lawn chairs, and i'm going to see you walk every day to work, honey." and i would walk, and i would see the guys. and i remember i'd be walking to see everybody here, then my mom would be high up on the hill. she'd be going -- [ laughter ] and i remember i just go -- [ laughter ] and they literally -- they went, they watched the entire movie. >> jimmy: wait, they were there the whole time? >> the whole time. then they bought a house there. i told them i don't make sequels but they said, "we bought a house." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just in case? >> just in case. >> jimmy: that is crazy. yeah that's like we had a kid in elementary school whose mom would park at the playground, and she would watch him at recess every day. and we tortured him, of course. [ laughter ]
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you were that boy. >> held him, look. >> jimmy: there's a story about "field of dreams." that seeing that was shot at fenway park -- [ cheers and applause ] i want to get to a point in my life where i just mention something that i did and everyone claps spontaneously. [ laughter ] during "field of dreams" -- >> i think that did it. >> jimmy: like you, i want to get to my point. when you were at fenway park, there were two extras in the crowd. those extras were young ben affleck and matt damon. and do you remember meeting those guys? >> i did remember -- i did remember it. they were sitting in the stands. and -- like college guys. they came up, and they both leaned in at the same time, leaned back at the same time, looked at each other at the same time when we talked. they had these, like -- big enthusiasm, they were on fire. i do remember them, absolutely. >> jimmy: i texted one of them. the one who's not allowed on the
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show. [ laughter ] and i asked him what he remembered about it. >> right. >> jimmy: and he said, "i remember it well. i literally had an untouchables poster on my wall." loser. [ laughter ] "he," being you, "came out and hung around with the extras during setups. i asked him what he was doing, and he said shooting the [ bleep ]." and i laughed like a 12-year-old girl." still the way he laughs. "it was a big deal for us, because he had the exact career that we wanted. he was very nice to us." well, and that nice kid turned out to be the monster matt damon. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] which is remarkable. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so your -- so now you've got the first two movies, the "horizon" movies. you're shooting two more of these movies. you're in the middle of shooting one right now? >> right. i'm leaving here -- i'll be directing tomorrow. >> jimmy: your son is in the movie. >> yes. >> jimmy: did you have to pay
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him? or is that -- [ laughter ] >> he didn't have to audition. listen, i know these parts are so important in people's careers, so i don't just hand them out like candy. >> jimmy: oh, i was going to ask if i could be in it. [ laughter ] >> there's a moment, you're away from home, i do want to trap them. it was a part that wasn't over-big, it was something i could have him with me. i actually, the character i play is called hayes elson. i started this thing in 1988. in 2024, i'm finally making it. but i named my son hayes. and he was 13 years old. and i thought, i really have to make this movie. and i looked at him, i said, "i want you to be in this movie." if you cede, it's a devastating moment. it's a moment you never want to have to experience. but the choice that he makes also will put a lump in your throat. >> jimmy: yeah. >> when you see what he does.
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movies can be about that. they can. they can be about things we never, ever forget if you get them right. >> jimmy: well, it's great to see you, and congratulations on this sprawling epic, your dream come true. [ cheers and applause ] kevin costner, everybody. "horizon: an american saga chapter 1" opens in theaters june 28th. we'll be back with pamela adlon. ♪ [song playing - here comes the hotstepper by ini kamoze] ♪ man: ooh! ♪ ♪ ♪ woman 1: haha! woman 2: hmm hmm! ♪ woman 3: ha ha! ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i finally found what i've been looking for. mmhmm. (electronic sounds) oh my gosh.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. slash from the band. music from hardy is on the way. our next guest is an exceptionally talented multi-hyphenate who just delivered her first feature film, the very funny comedy "babes." >> i could use a little break because my nipples therks look like -- have you ever seen sausage gut not in the casing? that's what my nipples look like. they look like a melted tootsie roll. a very long, round, skinny, sugary sweet. >> eww? >> sometimes i feel like getting my nipple in my bra is like
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figuring out how to fold a fitted sheet, there's so many corners. >> something to look forward to. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: "babes" is in select theaters now. please welcome pamela adlon. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you and slash went to the same high school? >> i just found this out. i mean, this is crazy. >> jimmy: you just found out? oh. >> our kids went to the same school. >> yes. so i didn't know this, but we went to school with lenny kravitz, marvin gaye jr. -- >> i wasn't there. >> you didn't know i was there. "i can't believe slash knows me." freaked me out. >> i was in continuation, so i was locked away where all the
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bad kids smoked cigarettes. >> oh, yeah. >> we looked at you guys through the fence. [ laughter ] you and lenny and all the other beverly hills kid. >> jimmy: even using the word "continuation." we're not heading anywhere, just continue. >> immediately took me back. i used to have do to do every year over in the summer because i was a kid actor and my grades were so bad. if you pulled anything lower than a "c," i would have to go to summer school. >> jimmy: did you have to go to summer school? >> at beverly hills high. >> jimmy: wow, below-average students here. >> you too? >> jimmy: i was actually a very good student. i looked down on your types. [ laughter ] yeah, i did. you know. >> but i know -- so my kids were -- they did peewee basketball and all these little sports teams and everything. one day i see this, like, cool, gorgeous woman, like, carrying
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these two baskets with, like, this, like, fruit, and, like, pop keen popcorn and crackers and everything. it was like in slow motion. and the mom said, "slash has snack." >> jimmy: you thought he was a beautiful woman? [ laughter ] >> it was probably -- >> jimmy: from behind, yeah, for sure. [ laughter ] >> i said cool woman. >> jimmy: oh. >> and then later, we're in van nuys, like in the valley, and my kids went to school there. and i see slash in the hallway of my daughter's high school. and he's with a beautiful, cool woman. who was the one who was carrying the basket. >> jimmy: oh, right. your snack. >> she's actually here. >> is she? >> jimmy: did she bring snacks? [ laughter ] >> no. >> jimmy: no snacks. >> she used to fly some in. >> jimmy: if you write -- whatever book you write next, it has to be called "slash has snack." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's when you know
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you grew up in beverly hills, when slash has snack. i mean, really. by the way, my wife and i watched your movie. and it's very, very funny. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's -- [ cheers and applause ] it's one of these movies that i think especially, if you've had a baby, you really can relate to it, as i have. well, it didn't come out of me, but -- >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: but this is -- you were -- you directed, starred, cocreated, et cetera, "better things," the television show. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: this is your first feature film, as they call it. did you like directing a movie? is it better to direct a movie? is it like a different level? >> it was really kind of a fantastic experience shooting all on location in new york city. we were everywhere wide receiver we were in harlem, bushwick, long island city, astoria. >> jimmy: a lot of times they'll build what looks like an apartment and you shoot on the set the whole time -- >> we couldn't get any space.
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everybody was shooting in new york city. >> jimmy: you were in real apartments? >> yes. >> jimmy: when you go into a real apartment, do you, like -- do you get the permission? or just sneak into the apartment? >> i don't -- so basically, like -- i think that they make a deal, like the location people give them a schmear, whatever, the people who own the apartment. so one night we're shooting this scene, and basically -- you guys are going to go see it, right? [ cheers and applause ] "babes." >> jimmy: they actually signed a contract on the way in. >> opens wide this weekend. but anyway, the two women are tripping on mushrooms. and then all this crazy shenanigans. and they're screaming, you know, and like -- michelle's character, like, milk is squirting out. >> jimmy: yeah, it's a crazy scene, yeah. >> elana is peeing on pregnancy tests. they're screaming," dude, aahh!" they're both screaming. all of a sudden i hear another lady screaming. i turn around, and a woman has
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walked into the set, and she's screaming, "what the [ bleep ] are you doing?" [ laughter ] it was 2:00 in the morning. and i was like, oh my god. oh, i guess we're wrapped, maybe. and i walked up to michelle and i was like, "i wish i had the eggs to walk onto a hot set and just be like, get the [ bleep ] out of here!" she was so mad. and the location people and the producers were like, "ma'am, it's okay, we paid for this." she was like," you didn't pay me!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's a fair point, it really is. >> yeah. and then there's another scene where they're destroying -- they're just like beating the [ bleep ] out of this breast pump. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah. >> she can't produce milk. and she's like, "you can release yourself, you can free yourself." they're breaking the breast pump, smashing it, screaming at the top of their lungs. 2:30 in harlem. we finally finish and i say,
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"cut." and it's still, beautiful, quiet. and you hear, from over the fence, "shut the [ bleep ] up, b itch!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're saying new york was very welcoming to this? >> they love it. >> jimmy: -- filmmaking experience this journey that you were on? >> they love it. >> jimmy: well, i mean -- it sounds stressful, but it definitely all worked out very well. >> it was -- yeah, it was an incredible experience. >> jimmy: there was a scene, it's about motherhood, it's about conception and having a baby. >> choice. >> jimmy: choice, all of that stuff. whoopi goldberg -- well, why didn't you say what she plays. whoopi goldberg -- >> you guys are still going to go see it, right? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: see it, you have to. >> it's called "babes." >> jimmy: they're interested. >> yeah, so when they trip on mushrooms, you know, and then all of a sudden milk starts squirting through her t-shirt, like real milk. and they start talking to her,
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her tits. >> jimmy: right, right. >> and it's whoopi goldberg. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and it's whoopi goldberg? >> is the voice of michelle's breasts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oscar-winner whoopi goldberg, yes. [ applause ] >> and i directed her over zoom. so, like, she was in, like, a small square on a zoom. and she was, like, you know, basically -- i was like, "so whoopi" -- she was like, "don't, just let me, i know what to do for these tits." [ laughter ] i was like, "totally, totally." >> jimmy: you've got to admire a woman who knows what to do for these tits. congratulations. it is super funny. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's called "babes." it's in select theaters now and opens everywhere in all the theaters on friday. pamela adlon, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with hardy! >> lou: tonight's music on "jimmy kimmel live!" featuring hardy is presented by outlaw mile-hi light beer. america deserves a new light beer!
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>> jimmy: thanks to kevin costner, pamela adlon and slash. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline," is next but first, this is his album, it's called "quit." it comes out july 12th. here with the song "rockstar," hardy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ everybody's got a song called rockstar ♪ ♪ runnin' up the pop charts talkin' all the -- they do ♪ ♪ i been houdini with my commas pissin' off my mama ♪ ♪ gettin' all these new tattoos ♪ ♪ and i ain't sayin' that i'm nickelback ♪ ♪ kickin' it in cali with today's who's who ♪ ♪ everybody's got a song called rockstar ♪ ♪ lately i been feelin' like one so i wrote one too ♪ ♪ and it goes like yeah it goes like ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah i got all my
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idols sliding in my dms most ♪ ♪ they got me dead 'cause they said that i'm killin' it ♪ ♪ started out with rifles trucks and huntin' season ♪ ♪ now i got my middle finger up like a kid again wasn't tryna make it ♪ ♪ then i went and made it then i made a song about whiskey and they played it ♪ ♪ it's been a good run for a lucky redneck but i still got a box to check ♪ ♪ 'cause everybody's got a song called rockstar ♪ ♪ runnin' up the pop charts talkin' all the -- they do ♪ ♪ i been houdini with my commas pissin' off my mama ♪ ♪ gettin' all these new tattoos ♪ ♪ and i ain't sayin' that i'm nickelback ♪ ♪ kickin' it in cali with today's who's who ♪ ♪ everybody's got a song called rockstar ♪ ♪ lately i been feelin' like one so i wrote one too ♪ ♪ and it goes like ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah it goes like ♪ ♪
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♪ i just met a kid with a dip in his lip ♪ ♪ he just took the pics said my -- was the -- ♪ ♪ said he went as me for halloween and when he did everybody at the party sang ♪ ♪ my town's smaller than your town ♪ ♪ damn y'all what the hell is my life now it's like how ♪ ♪ everybody's got a song called rockstar ♪ ♪ runnin' up the pop charts talkin' all the -- they do ♪ ♪ i been houdini with my commas pissin' off my mama ♪ ♪ gettin' all these new tattoos ♪ ♪ and i ain't sayin' that i'm nickelback ♪ ♪ kickin' it in cali with today's who's who ♪ ♪ everybody's got a song called rockstar ♪ ♪ lately i been feelin' like one so i wrote one too ♪ ♪ and it goes like ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah it goes like ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ yeah it goes like ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ yeah it goes like ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah it goes like ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight -- nightmare in the sky. extreme turbulence 37,000 feet in the air. at least one dead and dozens injured, including some americans. the harrowing flight,


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