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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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between amy schneider and andrew he. who will the third finalist be? we'll find out tomorrow. join us then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning, deadly storms slamming the midwest, a disaster declared what's being called a monster tornado tearing through a town in iowa, 250 foot tall wind turbines left in flames. the new images of the destruction.
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>> severe turbulence turning deadly on a boeing plane flying to asia. the overhead bins dented from passengers being thrown into them. just how quickly the plane plummeted and why cases like this have been on the rise. fight for freedom a missouri man behind bars for 33 years for murder makes his case. >> are you concerned that you might die before being able to be vindicated with no physical evidence? >> and the witnesses recanting, should christopher dunn finally walk free? >> the investigation into the death of friends star matthew perry. what police are now working to find. >> he's been called everything from outrageous to stupid, and the punishment for a man who jumped off a boat and onto a killer whale. >> plus, getting a better night's sleep with noise apps, the one that works best, according to researchers. >> and later, the new pizza capital of america. the controversial declaration being made today from abc news. >> this is america this morning.
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>> good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with new images overnight from a deadly storm slamming the midwest. >> iowa's governor has declared a disaster after a series of destructive tornadoes, one resident saying simply, it's a mess. overnight, authorities in iowa confirmed multiple deaths from a tornado southwest of des moines. >> we do believe we have everybody accounted for, but we just want to make sure that with our search efforts, efforts, obviously, this tornado has devastated a good portion of this town and community. >> the town of greenfield taking a direct hit from what witnesses describe as a monster tornado tearing homes to pieces. >> it got really, really loud and we thought we lost our house. but we were lucky. but like everyone else, is not so much like my brother cody. his house just got wiped. >> the hospital in greenfield sustaining major damage. windows shattered, the building evacuated. at least a dozen
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people injured in the storm, were sent to other hospitals. the storms that rolled through the midwest yesterday spawned multiple tornadoes in iowa. one took down several 250 foot tall wind turbines in adams county. in nebraska, widespread power outages were reported after torrential rain, high winds and large hail. this trash bin swirling in a storm drain in omaha after the area got up to eight inches of rain back in greenfield, iowa, people are just now coming to terms with the damage. >> everything's going to be fine because we have each other, but it's just going to be really, really rough. it is a mess and in illinois, parts of two interstates were closed because of dust storms. >> we'll check today's forecast in a few moments. >> primary election results are in from georgia and fulton county district attorney fani willis has won the democratic primary. willis who brought the election interference case against former president trump and 18 others, will face off in november against a republican who has ties to trump. willis
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has been under scrutiny for her relationship with a special prosecutor. trump's codefendant in his classified documents case in florida is due in for hearings on a motion to dismiss the case. >> the appearance by walt nada comes after new court documents were unsealed showing that special counsel jack smith appears to have suspected additional obstruction efforts by trump. they include photos of nada allegedly moving boxes of classified material at mar a lago, which trump is accused of trying to hang on to despite an fbi subpoena. >> we are learning more about the severe turbulence on a passenger plane from london to asia. one man was killed and images show just how chaotic things got inside that cabin. and we are now hearing from the airline ceo. abc's christiane cordero has more on this. christiane good morning rhiannon. >> good morning to you. this kind of turbulence has been on the rise. experts say one factor may be climate change. this morning the ceo of singapore airlines speaking out after severe turbulence, left one man
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dead and dozens of passengers injured. >> we are very sorry for the traumatic experience that everyone on board sk 321 went through. >> the flight, departed london for singapore with 229 on board about 90 minutes before reaching its destination. the plane hit severe turbulence at 37,000ft, the plane then plunging 100ft before shooting back up 300ft, launching passengers into the ceiling. 71 people had to be rushed to the hospital. six in critical condition. >> i saw people from across the aisle just like going completely horizontal, hitting the ceiling and landing back down and like, really awkward positions. >> british national jeff kitchen died. an airport official claims kitchen may have suffered a heart attack that has not been confirmed. terrifying photos of the aftermath show dangling oxygen masks, dented overhead bins and even blood seats. rescue. >> two people had very severe
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lacerations. those ladies screaming in pain. >> turbulence can be caused by storms, mountains or strong air currents, and the severity of shaking is on the rise. a 2023 study claimed that severe turbulence has increased by 55% in recent decades due to climate change, with warmer temperatures making the jet stream more volatile. back in march, this chilean airliner hit severe turbulence, slamming passengers into the ceiling. and last september, severe shaking on this jetblue flight to florida sent eight people to the hospital. >> weather predictions about global warming increasing turbulence come true. the idea is here that more people are flying, and as more people fly, airplanes are going to encounter more turbulence. >> now, experts say even in clear weather, you should keep your seatbelt on. you can also check online to see if rough air is predicted for your flight path. andrew. >> christiane, thank you. in the middle east, the pier off gaza built by the us military to deliver aid, is running into logistical issues. no new aid has been delivered from the pier since saturday, when much of the first convoy was stolen. the un
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warns the operation may fail unless they can find safer routes. the us spent $320 million building that pier. iran's supreme leader presided over a funeral today for the country's late president, foreign ministers and others killed in a helicopter crash. the caskets were draped in iranian flags and taken on a procession through tehran. the leaders of hamas and hezbollah were in attendance. >> now to missouri and one man's fight for freedom. after three decades, he was convicted of killing a teenager, but there was no physical evidence. abc's lana moise explains why this case is so unusual. this morning, a missouri man could soon walk free after spending 33 years behind bars. >> a judge is deciding whether christopher dunn should be exonerated for murder. dunn insists he did not commit. he was convicted of first degree murder in 1991 for the death of a boy from his neighborhood. 15 year old rico rogers. >> are you concerned that you
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might die before being able to be vindicated? >> and to be honest with you, yeah. i fear that the truth what happened to me may never be known. >> there's no physical evidence linking dunn to the crime. his conviction was largely based on the testimony of two boys, ages 12 and 14, who later recanted, claiming police had coerced them at a new hearing on the case yesterday. another teen at the crime scene that night testified he couldn't even see the shooter. >> the only thing i saw was the fire coming from the, the gun. >> a crime scene expert also released this video recreation of the shooting, raising questions about whether the witnesses could have seen the shooter. and this isn't the first time dunn has fought for his freedom. in 2020, a judge agreed that a jury would likely find dunn not guilty based on the evidence. but the judge did not exonerate dunn, citing a quirk in a missouri law that allows only death row inmates to
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be released after proving their innocence, not prisoners serving life sentences. since then, that quirk in the law has been addressed. dunn's family now has hope. >> we're allowing ourselves some joy here and there, but we know from experience, as you've noted, that that rug can be snatched out so quickly. so we're afraid to be too hopeful or too happy yet. >> the two day hearing is expected to wrap up today. the judge could decide as soon as this week if dunn will be a free man. rhiannon. andrew. >> lionel. thank you. nfl quarterback aaron rodgers has revealed new details about possibly being asked to run for vice president. rodgers told reporters he could have retired and been robert kennedy jr's vp candidate, but he chose instead to keep playing football. the jets qb says they had a couple of nice conversations before rodgers took himself out of the running. >> it is time now for your wednesday weather. >> good morning. we're dealing with yet another round of strong and severe storms here at
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midweek. the strongest of these will be in the southern plains, texas, oklahoma, even into the ozarks with damaging wind and large hail, some flash flooding, and even some threat into the interior northeast with some gusty storms into the afternoon. mainly west of interstate 81. we are concerned about flash flooding there into arkansas even later this week as well. a look ahead to memorial day. some showers in the northeast. cooler for the great lakes, scattered storms, though, from the ohio valley to the mid-atlantic. i'm accuweather meteorologist jeff cornish. >> coming up, the future of elvis presley's graceland up in the air. the court hearing today. >> also ahead, the investigation into the death of friends star matthew perry. what police are now trying to find, and later, the punishment for a man who jumped o
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joyous reunion live this morning on gma
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>> we're back with news from venice, italy. the city's new tourist tax is not working to deter visitors. the $5 daily fee was aimed at reducing the flood of tourists, but tourism is actually up year over year despite the new fee. >> elvis presley's mansion, graceland, is at the center of a lawsuit that will play out in court today. it could be sold at a foreclosure auction tomorrow. a loan company claims. lisa marie presley, elvis's daughter, borrowed nearly $4 million and used graceland as collateral and then failed to pay off the loan before her death. but elvis granddaughter is suing, claiming fraud, accusing the loan company of forging her mother's signature. a judge will consider those allegations at a hearing today. no response yet from the loan company. >> it's been seven months since friends star matthew perry was found dead. now police are revealing the investigation was never closed. they're looking into how perry got the ketamine found in his system. here's abc's andrea fujii this morning, months after matthew perry's
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death. >> police say they're investigating who provided the friends actor a lethal dose of ketamine. and i wanted to give it up. >> i just i didn't know what it was. >> perry was found dead in his hot tub in october. an autopsy revealed he died from acute effects of ketamine. the lapd now saying the case is open and ongoing. >> ketamine is not a drug that causes an overdose normally. but when combined with something else, it will. so right now, it's the source of the ketamine and the timeline that goes through according to the autopsy, the actor had been undergoing ketamine infusion therapy to help with mental health and substance abuse. >> the report cited that therapy last done more than a week earlier, did not lead to his death, but instead perry likely fell unconscious and slipped under the water in his hot tub and drowned. so experts say police must now track down perry's prior contacts. >> they want to talk to many people as possible, and you want to see his phone data. who is he talking to prior to that?
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anybody that could possibly have given him ketamine outside of what he was sourced as, what he was, he was getting ketamine infusions. >> the lapd is also working with the dea and postal inspection service to investigate whether ketamine came through the mail. >> so you can get ketamine online if you know the right sources. a lot of it comes from china and other sources as well. was he getting it in the mail? >> other drug related celebrity deaths have led to the prosecution of the people who supplied them. in 2018, rapper mac miller died from an overdose. two people accused of supplying the fentanyl that led to his death were found guilty, sources say. detectives in the matthew perry case have been interviewing people who could have information, but no arrests so far. rhiannon andrew. >> all right, andrea, thank you for that. coming up, a new move by the white house to try and lower gas prices. but will it work also ahead, getting a work also ahead, getting a better night's sleep with noise rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv
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in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. type two diabetes that's about the power of three with ozempic. >> we are back now with a fine for orca abuse, a man who jumped from a boat and onto a killer whale and its calf off the coast of new zealand, has been ordered to pay a $600 fine, conservation officials calling the move shocking and also calling it stupid. >> the biden administration is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline to try to lower prices at the pump this summer. the gas is being released from the northeast reserve in new jersey and maine, which was set up after superstorm sandy back in 2012. experts say the move will have little impact on national
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gas prices. the 1 million barrels only amounts to about three hours of total u.s. gas consumption. >> all right, let's talk about your sleep. more americans are using those noise apps to try and improve their sleep. and now researchers are weighing in on what kind of noise is actually best. you've heard of white noise, a sound that can drown out background noise and increase the quality of your sleep. but white noise now has some colorful competition. meet pink noise. it turns out. noise, much like light, can be described by different colors on lower wavelengths of light, we have more red frequency, and in higher wavelengths we have more bluish and violet frequencies. >> so much the same way sound can be described with colors based on the distribution of sound. >> researchers at northwestern university have been studying
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the effects of different colored noises on our sleep, and the results would make even barbie proud. >> we give short pulses of pink noise. we found that in older adults they have better memory recall after sleep. when they got the sounds, the researchers say. >> the waves produced by pink noise more than any other color mirror those produced by the brain during deep sleep. in small studies, the noises appeared to help enhance deep sleep, which resulted in improved memory and relaxation. in a different study, pink noise played during sleep appeared to help people with adhd improve their concentration. pink, along with several other noise colors, are available on youtube and meditation apps, but scientists say more research is needed on how the noises affect our brains, so it's best not to lose too much sleep over it. and it's also important to keep the volume reasonable so you can prevent hearing damage. scientists hope that research like this can lead to a medical
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device that can improve both your sleep and your memory. >> in sports, a dramatic game one for the celtics and pacers. boston was down by three with just seconds left when jaylen brown tied the score at 117. they went to overtime, where the celtics finally put the game away 133 to 128. game two is tomorrow in boston. >> coming up, is there a new pizza capital of america? >> plus the skydiver who dropped his phone at 12,000ft and then found it.
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new haven has the best pizza in the country. and it's not even close. more than 100 pizza makers will join her on the steps of the capitol. pizza makers in new york are calling it a cheesy stunt. no comment from chicago. >> they do have frank pepe's, which here's pretty good. next, the new list of best places to live in the u.s. cities were ranked by u.s. news and world report on things like jobs, housing and quality of life coming in first place. >> the beachfront city of naples, florida, coming in second. boise idaho with easy access to rivers and canyons. third place colorado springs, with its hiking trails and nature spots. next, a skydiver over florida realized something went wrong at around 12,000ft. >> just as he was performing a move, his phone flew out of his pocket. despite the 12,000 foot plunge, he decided to try to track it down, getting the phone's coordinates. using the find my device feature, he headed to the woods and guess what? he found the phone and it still works. >> he said it's a samsung galaxy s20 for ultra and a dear layman
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case. next, we know birds of a feather flock together, but not at this price. >> a feather from an extinct bird in new zealand just sold at auction for $28,000. the most expensive feather ever sold. that's $5,100 per gram, 40 times the price of gold. and finally, the king of the jungle watch is the lion king. >> with an inches of the safari truck. >> are. >> can you imagine the person >> can you imagine the person who filmed the if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system
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now if i have reparations bill, state lawmakers passing a trio of proposals to start correcting the harms of slavery. >> san francisco mayoral forum all five candidates taking the stage yesterday for the very first time, what each of them had to say to voters about their approach to leading the city, and an underwater vending machine, the candy company airheads, on a mission to get adults back into the pool again, but mostly to get back on tv again. and they didn't. >> it worked. go


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