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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  May 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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now abc seven mornings live. >> now at six. breaking news. oakland is selling its half of the oakland coliseum property. we have all the details, including who is buying it.
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>> the five candidates for san francisco mayor took the stage together last night. we have all the highlights and what if your car beeped at you when you were driving too fast? >> is something lawmakers are looking at right now. >> good morning. it's wednesday, may 22nd. >> a lot to get you caught up on. we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. yeah. >> good morning. it's still mild out there this afternoon. we have a lot of sunshine on the way. here's a live look from sutro tower. we are seeing a little bit of cloud cover from our marine layer across the coast, parts of the city, and parts of the east bay shoreline right now. but any of this fog you see breaks down pretty quickly close to 8 a.m. and we're in store for a lot of sunshine, even along the coast this afternoon. so looking at temperatures right now, some chilly spots in the valleys of the north bay where sonoma and santa rosa are in the low and mid 40s, we'll go into the low and mid 50s around the bay shoreline to get you going on this wednesday, looking at the forecast first along the coast, we do have that cloud cover that gives way to increasing sunshine as we clear out those clouds. temperatures today mainly in the
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upper 50s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline. we have a little bit of cloud cover right now, but any of that cloud cover is gone in the next 90 minutes. you can see it's a bright looking day. a little bit cooler than yesterday, but still mild in the upper 60s to the lower 70s for daytime highs. now inland. yesterday our warmest areas were approaching 90 degrees. today it's still warm, but not as warm as yesterday. you can see by 4 p.m. we're in the low and mid 80s. let's check in with amanda. see how that commutes going. good morning. >> good morning. yeah. here at the top of the hour we'll take a look at drive times. you can see your typical slowdown from tracy to dublin at 48 minutes san rafael to san francisco. that trip will take you 16 minutes and then 20 minutes for that trip from antioch to concord. back to you. >> reggi amanda. thank you. breaking news a major announcement out of oakland regarding the future of the coliseum. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez is here with the details. gloria, good morning reggie. >> abc seven has learned the city of oakland plans to sell their half of the coliseum property. the buyer is the african american sports and entertainment group. also known as rsg. it's an influential group that has plans for a
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massive entertainment, retail and housing development that could revitalize the coliseum area and the city. and there's also talk about preserving the oakland arena as a vital entertainment hub. the a's own the other half of the coliseum, and it's believed they are also in negotiations to sell their half. the a's moved to sacramento and las vegas next season. let the coliseum without a major tenant. come october, and we're told the sale price is at least $105 million. a city hall source tells abc seven news. this is an incredible development opportunity for east oakland. the city council still needs to sign off on this. and there's a press conference that's planned for this afternoon about the sale and of course, we will be streaming it live for you live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> that is a major move in oakland. thank you so much. this morning we're learning more about the terrifying moments on the singapore airlines flight that hit extreme turbulence as
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it was traveling from london to singapore. amanda has been tracking this story since just minutes after it happened yesterday morning. amanda, we are now hearing from passengers who were on that flight. >> yeah. reggie. images from inside the plane also show how violent the plane shook as it hit the turbulence, and what passengers describe as a really terrifying scene. >> i think the entire thing happened within the span of like, less than 10s. i saw people from across the aisle just like, like going completely horizontal, hitting the ceiling and landing back down and like, really awkward positions. >> and i told you yesterday morning, one man died in the ordeal. several people are still in critical condition. the ceo of the airline has issued an apology. it reads in part, i would like to express my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased. we are very sorry for the traumatic experience that everyone on board. sghc three, 21 went
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through. the ntsb says it is sending a team to investigate, and boeing has said it is in contact with singapore airlines and is ready to support them. back to you, kumasi. >> thank you. amanda. the five candidates vying to be san francisco's mayor shared the stage together for the first time. voters are getting to hear what they say about the issues they find most important. abc seven news reporter tim johns was at the forum last night, and has more on the candidates push to lead the city one by one. >> all five of the major candidates running to be san francisco's nets mayor took to the stage for a political forum tuesday night. the event, hosted by the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club, was an opportunity for each candidate to take their vision for the city directly to the voters. current mayor london breed emphasized the work she's done to bring the city back after the pandemic. everything from working to revitalize its downtown to promoting public safety. >> it's not a one size fits all. it's not a just do this or just do that. it's all of the above
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and how we work together to make sure that we have a robust, transparent, a police department that is held accountable. but is also doing the best they can to keep people safe. >> fellow moderate candidate and former interim mayor mark farrell talked about his desire to create a more equitable city. farrell, specifically highlighting the need to build more affordable housing number one, it encompasses zoning. >> number two, it encompasses legislation. and number three, it accomplishes mayoral directives to make sure that our planning and dbe departments are actually more efficient. >> businessman daniel lurie talked about his background, founding local nonprofit tipping point community, lurie mentioning his ability to work with various players across the city to raise money. >> we need to bring conventions back to san francisco. we need to bring tourism back to san francisco. we need to bring revenue. i know how to do that. >> current president of the board of supervisors, aaron peskin, was also there. peskin, who has tried to present himself as the progressive alternative to mayor breed, talked about his desire to return the city to what he calls its liberal roots. he also hit back against claims
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he's anti-housing and talked about solving the city's drug crisis. >> i have been for, supervised consumption sites, safe injection sites, fellow progressive and supervisor asha safai spoke about his experiences being an immigrant and coming from the city's labor movement. >> among other things, safai criticizing mayor breed for her handling of the city's homelessness epidemic. >> we have a budget of $14.6 billion, so it's not necessarily a matter of resources. it's a matter of management, leadership and accountability in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news we're expecting classes to be in session as usual this morning at portola elementary school in san bruno. >> yesterday, it was certainly anything but usual, a very scary incident as tear gas training nearby went very wrong. tear gas and pepper spray drifted onto campus, hurting some children. the san francisco sheriff's office says it was conducting training indoors at the san
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bruno jail yesterday afternoon. somehow, that chemical got outside and it traveled about a mile away to the school. children and teachers felt burning in their eyes, nose and throat. the sheriff's office says this has never happened before. in 20 years of training at that location. and the sf sheriff's office went on to say in a statement, we sincerely apologize to portola elementary school, its faculty and students and their families for this unforeseen event, which must have been especially scary for children. they are pausing all training with chemical agents. >> leaders in san francisco are formally asking the fbi to investigate a series of racist deliveries left on a black family's doorstep. and as those leaders spoke yesterday, the family suffered another blow. terry williams tells us his parents ended up in the hospital after a fire at their home near alamo square. it started around 1130 yesterday morning with flames pouring out of the front windows. williams says. firefighters and neighbors rescued his parents, who were
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trapped on the upper floors. >> the firemen got here fast, i think. i applaud the firemen, thank you all they got here got my parents out. so i thank you. >> williams was at city hall when that fire started dealing with the aftermath of threatening messages and a racist doll delivered to his door. he received two deliveries in the last two months with no leads on who left them. yesterday, the san francisco board of supervisors passed a resolution condemning the threats and calling for police to prioritize the investigation. >> this entire situation is real test of our city and whether we walk the walk when it comes to taking a stand against anti-black racism. >> san francisco police are investigating the racist messages as possible hate crimes. fire investigators are trying to figure out how the fire started. >> it is 609 new this morning. your commute could get a lot
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noisier in the future. state lawmakers just advanced a bill that would require cars to start beeping at you. if you go more than ten miles or over the speed limit state senator scott wiener from san francisco introduced this bill to help reduce the number of traffic deaths. the rule would apply to all new cars sold in california starting in 2032. republican state senator brian dolly, who voted against the measure, argues that sometimes people need to drive faster in an emergency. >> 609 were in the south bay with a live picture from san jose. the sun is awake this morning. we currently have sunny conditions right now in the south bay. current temperature at the airport of 55 degrees. a very light wind right now it's a nice morning. if you're traveling today. it is really quiet across most of our major hubs in the united states, from la to new york, chicago, denver, atlanta. we have fair weather, temperatures pretty close to average in most cities. the only area right now that we're
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watching for some decent rainfall is in the pacific northwest. seattle coming in with on and off showers, 62 degrees, honolulu looking beautiful, partly cloudy skies and a high of 82 this afternoon. back here at home. here's future weather. we have some patchy cloud cover out there right now. it will quickly break down this morning. we have sunny skies. it's still mild today. temperatures just not as warm as yesterday. we're about 3 or 4 degrees cooler today compared to yesterday, but this afternoon we'll go back into the 80s and our warmest areas, 60s and 70s around the bay shoreline. so highs today, 72 in oakland we'll go to 66 in the city, 78 in san jose. but 80s for concord, antioch, santa rosa coming in at 84 degrees. but the next several days we will find cooler weather starting to move in here. and by friday, widespread fog is back and that leads to a cooler holiday weekend. on the way, we'll show you that coming up in a few minutes, guys. >> thank you. drew coming up, a concerning update on sea lion pups along california's coast. what's happening that has researchers sounding the alarm and the biggest debate in
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college sports is circled around paying college athletes. >> the issue appeared to be solved, but a former local star football player suing a coach and everything went wrong. >> social media has ushered in the era of promposals, and one student just hit a slam dunk or is it a touchdown? a strikeout for, i don't know, mo a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month.
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and scientists worry climate change may be to blame. a team at uc santa cruz says it's extremely unusual to see so many dead pups. they say they found nearly 300 dead sea lions off of ano nuevo island, which is off the coast of san mateo county. >> my best guess, and it's a guess, is that food availability is down. california sea lion populations are at a historic high, so that there's they're already at a point where they're pretty much maxed out. >> the uc santa cruz team is watching satellite tracking, and it shows the sea lions are traveling farther for food. they're also looking into whether avian flu or pesticides are killing the pups. >> n.i.l. or name, image and likeness is a new system that lets college student athletes get paid in part by wealthy boosters who pay for the value the athletes bring to a university. one of the top talents in the country, from right here in the bay area, is now a prime example of some of the issues that system is
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facing. former pittsburgh high athlete jaden rashada is now suing florida university of florida. the gators head football coach bill napier and others for fraud, according to this lawsuit. rashada originally signed to play for miami for $9.5 million in an nil deal, but was then lured away when the gators offered him nearly $14 million in an nil deal and promised him $1 million on signing day. well, that deal ended up falling through. he never saw any of the money lawyers who are not associated with rashad's lawsuit say the nil system is just messy because the rules are not clear. >> imagine right now if the nfl had free agency for every single player every single year, and there was no salary cap. and not only that, but it was essentially the fans who were bidding uh- to pay these athletes. >> rashada is now seeking at
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least $10 million in damages. the university of florida issued a statement saying they do not comment on ongoing litigation, and pointed out the university athletic association, nor the university itself are named in the lawsuit because being a teenager isn't humiliating enough. >> promposals were invented, although this promposal goes farther than we've seen most of them go. a high school student in new jersey scored a date to prom with a little help from a famous friend and mlb star, bryce harper. senior jake portela boldly approached bryce harper's home, who lives in the same neighborhood. he walked up to the door hoping for a video to ask his date to prom, but the two time mvp was home and said that he was available to ask her right then and there. so that's what they did. >> i couldn't let him go, you know? i had to make sure he was real, but obviously as soon, as soon as i got snapped back, i was like, i need to hug jake. >> i was just scared that she wasn't going to answer the door
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because it was so spontaneous. all right. awesome. she said yes . >> julia said that she doesn't know how anyone could top that promposal. so, hey, i have an idea. let's just stop doing them. >> although, if i got to meet bryce harper, that'd be kind of cool. >> who is this baseball player? this is a man. >> he's a really good baseball player, okay? he's a very good baseball player. good. >> but there's so much pressure on teens nowadays. i couldn't do it. >> that's what i'm saying. you have to think of a promposal. >> you have to film it. that's what people do in. >> right? >> what if she says no? what if it's a flop? right? then what? that's a lot. >> i mean, pressure, then you got to get ready for the prom itself, cameron had this lady on her show, and she said she paid $16,000 for her daughter's prom. no no no no no no, please put that in an ira. >> honestly, i listen, i just started that in my 30s. one kid, they're like, you want kids? that's a teenager. >> if you have $16,000, let's do something with it. >> it's a moment. >> oh my gosh.
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>> oh, gosh, it's wild. i mean, i was already stressed out as like a closeted gay kid in high school to go to prom. so if i got to meet a baseball player out of it, you already had to ask your beard to go and go through that humiliation. >> and then the beard simulation when she finds out nine months later that he's dating a boy in college. now it's like you saw my whole facebook albums from high school to college. it's a tale as old as time. >> oh, lord. all right, let's go to bottlerock, shall we? let's go. let's look at that. let's look at now. let's look a happier times. happier times. here we go. we're in napa this weekend. so over the three day period saturday is going to be your coolest day at the festival. we'll have morning clouds giving way to afternoon sunshine all weekend long, but saturday you'll feel this temperature stuck in the 60s. sunday is the nicest day at bottlerock. we'll find lots of sunshine and temperatures warming nicely into the mid 70s. today, though, it's all about mild conditions, lots of sunshine. we'll have 80s inland today around the bay shoreline. you'll find bright conditions
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once again a few degrees cooler than yesterday, but still very nice in the low 70. we have cloud cover right now banked up along the coast so we'll find brighter skies. that cloud cover breaks down right around 11 a.m. or noon, and then we'll have a sunny afternoon with those temperatures in the upper 50s. so it's still mild today. lots of sunshine, 70s and 80s in the south bay. as we take a look at our microclimate points along the peninsula. clouds the sun along the coast. upper 50s for half moon bay and pacifica 70s for redwood city. palo alto at 73 degrees across the city. today we have a little bit of cloud cover right now, breaking for sunshine. we'll find temperatures about 3 or 4 degrees cooler today compared to yesterday in the north bay, 84 in santa rosa, 77 in novato, 78 in vallejo, the east bay. it is sunny, mild today, 74 in orinda, the same in fremont, 72 the high in oakland, berkeley at 71 and inland. today we're in the upper 70s to mid 80s. yesterday, our warmest cities were close to 90 degrees, so we're several degrees cooler today. but still very nice overnight. tonight we'll find mainly clear skies,
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overnight lows in the 40s and in the 50s. heading into the holiday weekend, temperatures are going to go below average starting saturday. we're basically in the 50s and low 60s for most of us. temperatures start to warm up a little bit sunday into monday. monday is certainly the warmest of the three days of this holiday weekend. accuweather seven-day shows you a cooling trend heading into friday with our fog returning coolest day this weekend will be saturday, with those temperatures warming by memorial day, we're near average for daytime highs. guys. >> drew thank you. good morning america is coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> and sam champion has a look at what's ahead. >> good morning guys. coming up on gma. we are tracking severe weather on the move with a deadly tornado outbreak. at least 20 reported twisters in three states. our team is on the scene in iowa with a glimpse of the damage. and it is horrific. i'll have the forecast, including record heat for millions. just in time for our memorial day weekend. and by the way, we're on the uss bataan. lara's jetting in as we speak.
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it arrives in new york to celebrate fleet week. this is a once in a lifetime experience. i haven't been aboard many ships like this in my life. i can't wait to bring you on. this ship has a superpower power, and we will tell you some a little bit about some of the unsung heroes that are on board. they had an extra long deployment, so they are super excited to get to new york i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems
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may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia.
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airheads released the video saying the older we get, the less fun the pool gets, so it shows this man dropping a vending machine in the water. airheads says it's fully waterproof and in depths of up to eight feet. the vending machine has a candy launcher and the payment is fun. instead of cash. you do need money to actually buy the machine. it's $7,000. airheads is planning to start selling them on memorial day, and the official start of pool season. of course, this is while supplies last. >> it says, according to the company, so many people have nostalgic memories of savoring airheads at the pool on a hot day. i'm sorry. who are those people? do you ever recall? >> not me personally. >> uh.huh anyone else in this room? however for i see no
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hands. no. eric, the producer. you had airheads at the pool. is that what you're telling me? see, he said not the pool specifically. so do you remember cow tails? this doesn't make any sense. what are tattletales? >> cow? no. cow tails. you remember this? >> oh, cow tails. >> do you ever have those. >> okay. just wondering. otter pops. >> otter pops? yes. >> okay. that makes sense. that's by the pool where otter. where's that? where's that promotion? why do we have to do everything? this is 630. an update on the california reparations bills and what happens next. >> and former oakland police chief laurent armstrong was fired, but he is back and has a new way he wants to impact the city. first, though, here's drew. yeah. >> let's get you going this morning. we do have a little bit of cloud cover the next two hours or so in spots, but it's full sunshine after that. with those clearing conditions. it's a sunny and mild day once again today there's that sunshine from our walnut creek camera. get ready for warm temperatures above average this afternoon.
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your sunset at
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selling its half of the coliseum property. this has widespread implications. we'll break it
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down for you, and a change could be coming to the social media landscape. >> a proposal to ban apps from sending notifications to children during certain time periods is swiftly moving through the state legislature. >> he's back. former oakland police chief laurent armstrong making a move in oakland. why? you might be seeing a lot more from him. >> good morning everybody. it is wednesday, may 22nd. >> first a check on your forecast with drew. >> yeah. good morning. the sun is up here. we have a nice afternoon on the way. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera. as one of the boats makes its way across the bay. it is bright out there. we do have some patchy cloud cover around hayward and oakland and half moon bay right now, but we'll quickly have full sunshine no matter where you are in the next couple of hours. take a look at temperatures right now, most of us starting our morning in the low and mid 50s. some of our cooler spots in the valleys of the north bay. good morning sonoma, santa rosa, you are starting out in the mid 40s. the light jacket. you'll need it till about 9 a.m, and then you can take it off for that warm
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weather later on. this afternoon, looking at the coastline, we will find partly cloudy skies later on today. temperatures a couple of degrees cooler compared to yesterday will stay in the 50s for the most part. along the coast around the bay shoreline you can see it's nothing but sunshine later on this morning and into the afternoon. soon we're about 3 or 4 degrees cooler compared to yesterday, upper 60s to lower 70s for daytime highs. now yesterday inland our warmest areas were approaching 90 degrees. today it's mild but not as warm. we'll go into the low and mid 80s for daytime highs. let's check in with amanda and see how the commute is going this morning. >> good morning drew here at 630 we're taking you live to our richmond cam where you can see it is slow moving on westbound 580 between castro street and the tolls. and then back here at the live desk, we are tracking two big stories out of oakland right now. we want to start with former oakland police chief leronne armstrong. now abc seven news has confirmed armstrong is planning to file to run for the open at large oakland city council seat at 10:00 this
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morning. in an interview with the chronicle, armstrong said he will crack down on crime close a budget deficit and clean up what he calls embarrassing street conditions. the ousted chief was fired by mayor shengtao last february after an investigation found he mishandled two cases involving his officers. an arbitrator later cleared him of any wrongdoing. his run for the new position comes as he's suing the city of oakland for wrongful termination. and as the city begins a new chapter with now chief floyd mitchell, armstrong is joining an already crowded race going against eight other candidates reggie. >> all right. thanks so much, amanda. the other big story out of oakland is the announcement that the city has made an agreement to sell its half of the coliseum property. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez broke the story just 30 minutes ago here on abc seven mornings. she's here with details on what this plan is all about. >> good morning reggie. the sale price is at least $105 million, and this will be a huge boost to
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oakland's budget. the buyer is the african american sports and entertainment group, also known as rsg. it's an influential group that has plans for a massive entertainment, retail and housing development that could revitalize the coliseum area and the city and there's also talk about preserving the oakland arena as a vital entertainment hub. the a's own the other half of the coliseum, and it's believed they are also in negotiations to sell their half. the a's moved to sacramento and las vegas next season, left the coliseum without a major tenant come october. the city council still needs to sign off on this, and there's a press conference that's planned for 3:00 this afternoon about the sale. and of course, we will be streaming it live for you today, live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thank you. gloria. three bills addressing reparations for black californians are moving forward after advancing in the state senate. they're written with the intent to begin correcting the harms of slavery
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and decades of discriminatory policies perpetuated by the state and local government. the first bill would create a new agency in the state to oversee and administer any reparation measures passed. to be eligible, you would have to be able to trace lineage back to enslaved and enslaved person or black person. in the united states before the end of the 19th century. the second bill would create a fund for reparations and reparative justice in the state treasury. this would be where that money would come from to pay for reparations. the third bill, sb 1050, would provide compensation to families who've had their property taken from them and racially motivated applications of eminent domain. the power of eminent domain has been used repeatedly to abuse, to move black and brown people off of their land and destroy their homes. >> these actions have devastated the opportunity for families to build intergenerational wealth through the owning of land. >> the bills will go before the assembly in the coming weeks. if
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passed, these bills could reach governor gavin newsom's desk by the end of september so he could sign it or veto it. this is a process we have been following closely for years now. abc seven's julian glover takes an in-depth look at the groundbreaking work of the reparations task force and examines the package of proposed laws in an abc seven originals documentary, california's case for reparations. it's available right now on abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven news. >> new this morning a measure to protect your kids from the negative effects of social media is moving forward at the state capitol. if the legislation is enacted, it would be the first of its kind in the country. a man is at the live desk with how it work energy. >> this is a totally new approach to dealing with how kids interact with social media. under the bill, platforms and apps would be banned from sending minors, what lawmakers call addictive content without consent of a parent or guardian. it would also stop social media companies from sending notifications to minors from midnight to 6 a.m, and on school
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days from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. without parental consent. there would also be a default time limit of one hour per day for platforms. the default setting for minors accounts would be set as private, and again, that can all be adjusted by parents. senator nancy skinner of berkeley introduced the bill. she points to research linking social media addiction among youth with higher rates of depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. the legislation is sponsored by california attorney general rob bonta. it won bipartisan approval from the senate in a 35 to 2 vote. back to you at the desk, amanda. >> thank you. police are asking for help finding a college student who was last seen in san francisco. 18 year old uc davis student dianne xiaoyan min took an amtrak bus to mission street on friday. she was reported missing a few days later on monday night. it's not clear what brings her to san francisco. uc davis police believe that she was in distress . >> new developments leaders in
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walnut creek are moving forward with a plan to open a new chick-fil-a. despite pushback from residents, the city council denied an appeal in a meeting that lasted past midnight. the chain restaurant will be at the citrus marketplace shopping center, which is off oak grove road near ignacio valley road. it would take the place of a vacant bank. it would have no drive thru, just dine in and takeout public comment went on for more than an hour. neighbors say this new chick-fil-a will ruin the quality of the city and bring in additional traffic. city council member kevin wilk argues it could help the shopping center survive. >> there's three other highly successful centers around it, and this one has just gone downhill ever since i've lived in the area, it's lost core businesses and the only way to survive and continue as a shopping center is with successful businesses. >> city leaders agreed they will look into the best ways to reduce traffic and congestion in this area. >> you have to hold on to that
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clipper card a little longer. if you take bart or muni, the move to pay those transit fares with your debit or credit card instead of clipper has been delayed. the clipper two system was supposed to start this summer, but regional transit officials say the transition has been more difficult than they expected. a new launch date could be announced later this year. >> san francisco mayor london breed says demands from mission district merchants to fire the head of the sfmta are a nonstarter. business leaders along valencia street now have a petition calling for sfmta director jeffrey tumlin to lose his job over the controversial center bike lane. they say the bike lane is killing business by removing parking spots on our 3 p.m. show, getting answers, mayor breed said the city is making adjustments, but she will not consider personnel changes. >> we have to make sure that, you know, people understand that there are trade offs when we make adjustments and, you know, ultimately we're going to make the adjustment. but i don't think we need to go that far to start calling for the firing of someone.
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>> on monday, the sfmta told us it disagrees with merchants saying cyclists safety and thriving business corridors are not mutually exclusive. new developments in a proposal that would bolster california's protections against i. >> a bill by state senator scott wiener of san francisco has passed in the senate. this plan would force tech and ai companies to perform safety checks on their ai models to safeguard against things like cyber attacks or the creation of bio weapons. but some tech companies and trade groups say this could curb innovation. the bill now moves to the state assembly if it becomes law, the bill could lead the way in creating national ai regulations. >> the dispute between scarlett johansson and san francisco based openai over the use of a voice that sounds like her voice has brought up a larger topic ai impersonating the likeness of real people. it is a topic legal experts and those who make their living with their voice and likeness are following closely. abc seven reporter zach fuentes tried it out with oprah's voice
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type, whatever you want her to say, and voila! >> the technical phrase for this is called voice cloning, where if you have a sample of your voice or someone else's voice, it uses algorithms to emulate your voice. and by just using a simple text prompt, you can create a voice in any way you like. >> working actors are among those most fearful of the potential dangers of rapidly advancing ai. we spoke with the now vice president of the local sag-aftra chapter. he was one of many actors on strike last year. one of their biggest asks during negotiations was for protections against ai use by major studios for our our image, our personalities, our voice, our charm, you know, we just need that protection. otherwise we're lost laws protecting celebrities like scarlett johansson in this recent case vary by state, but
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federal law protecting everyone is in the works. >> we told you last week about the oakland arts and soul festival being canceled. now, other arts organizations say the same thing is happening to them, and plans for this 50 story skyscraper in san francisco, now scrapped. >> what's happening to the property? >> and you're looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. we're down slightly about 15 points. we'll check again in just the next couple of minutes. california just had a major moment when it comes to covid 19, something that hasn't happened in nearly 1500 days. but first, here's drew. >> hey there. time now approaching 641. we're taking you to sutro tower about 1400 feet up, where we do have a little bit of cloud cover this morning. partly cloudy skies right now across the city. 54 that current temperature. in fact, most of us starting out our day in the low and mid 50s with just a light breeze out of the west looking at your pollen index tree pollen remains high. grass pollen remains at medium levels. weeds and mold continue to stay low. keep you updated on that, but looks like nothing's
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going to change over the next 24 hours. here's future weather as we go. hour by hour. some patchy cloud cover along the coast will break down for sunshine close to noon everywhere else. we have a sunny start out there and temperatures in the 60s and 70s by noon. and then later today we're a few degrees cooler compared to yesterday, but we're still mild and we're still sunny this afternoon. so high of about 72 in oakland today, 66 in the city, 78. in san jose. we'll hit 84 in santa rosa, 83 in antioch, clouds to sun in half moon bay with a cool high of about 58 degrees. let's look at the next three days. today we're still mild and sunny. a cooling trend really takes over by thursday and friday. friday widespread morning cloud cover with our fog returning and that will lead to a cooler afternoon and then a kick off the holiday weekend. those temperatures do dip below average. we'll see that holiday
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on a plan to build a 50 story condo tower in san francisco's sunset district. well, it appears this rendering here is the only thing we will ever see. according to the chronicle, this proposed skyscraper is dead. the developer has withdrawn the application. the massive tower overlooking the ocean became a topic that divided a lot of
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people. the newspaper says the developer is now in contract to sell the property to a nonprofit that will plan to build a much shorter, affordable project. >> a victory in the fight against covid 19, the department of public health says on april 2nd, there were no covid deaths in the state. that is the first time that's happened since march of 2020. it's a stark change from the peak of the pandemic. more than 700 covid deaths were recorded on a single day. january 12th of 2021. experts believe more days without covid deaths are in our future, but surges in covid 19 are bound to happen. graduation ceremonies are getting underway at san jose state university today. nearly 8000 students will be celebrated during ten commencement ceremonies. the college of engineering is first up with an event at 930 this morning. the celebrations continue tomorrow and friday at last check, there was still a pro-palestinian student encampment on campus. no word on if the school is
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expecting any impact on the ceremonies in san francisco's noiw valley neighborhood, a proposed repavement project is putting some business owners on edge. >> i want to show you now where that repaving work wouldapn. if you check out the map, you can see, accordingo e chronicle, the project would begin late this summer. it would go through the end of the year. streets, sidewalks would be closed, parking would be reduced, and parklets would have e removed. owners say the project could jeopardize business during the summer season. the valley merchants association has called for this project to be postponed until 2025. >> oakland art scene is struggling and several groups counting on grant money from the city say the funds are long overdue. the organizers of the oakland arts and soul festival say they are canceling this year's event because of delayed city funding. we first told you about that about a week ago, and they are not the only ones. oaklandside reports 42 recipients of the city's arts and culture grants have yet to receive their money, with the
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city telling them last week the funding is tied up in budget challenges. that includes the oakland ballet and the oakland interfaith choir. arts groups in the city are still doing what they need to do. this was the crowd at last night's town up tuesday festival at lake merritt . the time was nothing special to me. >> it's so depressing acting like you don't know my profession. >> this is the third year of the festival celebrating bay area culture, and this year they nabbed their biggest headliner yet rap legend. too short korean cuisine is coming to the bay area. >> jagalchi market will replace what was once a jcpenney in daly city, serramonte center, the 75,000 square foot space will house the grocery sre along with a restaurant and a bakery. the restaurant pogo comesrom michelin star chef tony yu, who's previously worked in the bay area. the bakery specializes in gluten free baked goods ma with rice flour. the space is expected to be unveiled to the
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public at the end of the year. planned parenthood in san mateo county is getting a big boost in funding thanks to measure k, the county just approved nearly $400,000 to ensure access to reproductive and gender affirming health care. the money will go toward new technology, medical equipment and training for staff. there's also about $600,000 for four other nonprofits and programs in the county. you might remember, measure k is a half cent sales tax that county voters approved in 2016. >> now it's your morning money report. if you know how to use artificial intelligence, you could get paid more. a new study shows jobs that require ai skills offer higher wages compared to those that don't. consultancy pwc looked at advertisements for a range of jobs, including app programmers, lawyers, accountants, researchers found pay for ai related roles were, on average 25% higher in the us compared to other jobs in the same field not related to ai. >> walmart says it is laying off
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hundreds of people here in the bay area. the retail giant plans to permanently lay off 388 employees at its san bruno e-commerce center and 180 people working in sunnyvale. abc seven news reported last week that walmart told remote employees they would have to go back to the office, and that's when the company also told workers in smaller offices nationwide that they be relocated to larger hubs, including san bruno. >> now we take a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway this morning, and we are now down about four points next month, disney fans will get a chance to design their own super suit inspired by the incredibles. >> airbnb is offering one day trips to the los angeles mansion of edna mode mode, a fashion designer outfitted in the parr family in pixar's incredibles movie at her house, guests will be able to check out her design lab and make a suit of their own . edna's hq is open for booking in early june. ahead of the 20th anniversary of the incredibles movie. disney of course, the
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parent company of pixar and abc. >> seven this tracks edna mode has a very severe kind of esthetic. >> no capes. >> that's right, no capes. that's right. yeah, i wanted a cape, though. >> i wanted a deep dive and saw the incredibles two. i believe is the most profitable pixar movie. it is good like it did the best box office, not adjusted for inflation. interesting. that surprised me. >> yeah, we haven't gotten into it yet for. you're not there yet. not there yet? yeah. >> what is he into right now? >> right now? still blippi okay. well yeah. >> you know, tastes will change as they grow. yeah. you know and the planets. >> so there's that. >> there you go. >> just the planets. just generically the planets. or is that a is that a show solar system? >> no. >> the solar system. >> yeah. >> generally the planets, the dwarf planets that there's some like talking planets or something. well and i should say disney loves disney. he was just on a video singing with zach
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fuentes. he was singing let it go. >> love's frozen. >> it was very cute. i'll share it. but zach outshined a three year old. well, as one does, you pull focus, you know, find your light, find your camera, and then go for it. >> you never know you're on camera three. >> you're on camera for i don't know. >> that's such an inside joke. here's a live look outside from our east bay hills camera. we will find that we have a little bit of cloud cover. you're actually looking west towards the city, so that fog you see right now is over parts of oakland hayward right now. but it's thin and it will break down pretty quickly. close to 8 a.m. this morning, we'll have full sunshine around the east bay shoreline as we take a look at bottlerock this weekend. kicking off on friday, we will have a return of our marine layer, some morning clouds to sun. that cloud cover breaks down close to about 9 a.m. so we'll have full sunshine in the afternoon. 72 degrees saturday is going to be the coolest day of the three days, a high of only 69 degrees,
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but those temperatures rebound nicely by sunday. will likely lose the marine layer in the morning for full sunshine and afternoon highs in the mid 70s. taking a look at highs today, we are still mild, a few degrees cooler compared to yesterday, but still a lot of sunshine. it feels warm out there. 75 for a high in cupertino, 78 in san jose, los gatos up to 80 degrees later on today along the peninsula we do have clouds right now from half moon bay to pacifica that breaks down closer to noon for full sunshine. we'll go into the upper 50s for daytime highs for pacifica warmer in redwood city, brighter at 7473, the high in mountain view. the city today we have clouds. right now we will see that sunshine break out closer to about 9:10 a.m. on the western half of the city, 60s across the entire region, 63 for daly city in the north bay, 84 in santa rosa, 76 in san rafael, 79 in napa, 80 in sonoma, sausalito feeling mild at 70 with full sunshine today. berkeley up to 71 today. oakland 72, fremont at 74. castro valley
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coming in at 76. and inland. today we're in the upper 70s to the mid 80s. yesterday we had our inland cities approaching 90 degrees. not as warm today, but still feeling quite mild with these above average daytime highs looking at your evening planner, you do notice that lack of fog. once again, our marine layer is pretty compressed this evening, so we will find clear skies as we approach midnight and then early tomorrow morning we will find some patchy cloud cover redeveloping around half moon bay. so overnight tonight, away from the coast, we will find clear skies, numbers dropping into the 40s and 50s for overnight lows. here's the accuweather seven day forecast the next seven days for you. still mild and sunny today. we'll enter a cooling trend over the next several days. by friday, we have widespread morning fog returning that brings in some cooler weather. by saturday, temperatures are below average to kick off the holiday weekend, but we'll find those numbers rebounding. and by memorial day itself on monday, it feels warmer with highs closer to average for this time of the year. guys, thanks, jrue.
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>> we all know baggage fees are a bummer, but now your wine can fly for free if you're on avello airlines, which flies out of the north bay, the budget carrier announced its wine travel's free program this week. starting saturday, may 25th. passengers 21 and over will be able to check a case of wine and it is also national wine day so that tracks it can be a good perk since wine can be sometimes expensive to ship. avello currently flies nonstop from sonoma county to bend, oregon, las vegas, burbank, and palm springs on the peninsula. >> a fashion show for a good cause. last night's event at carolyn's chateau in hillsboro benefited the welcome home project. this group helps unhoused families who are transitioning into permanent housing. they provide essential items like towels, blankets, pillows, bed sheets and toothbrushes to anyone who needs it, they say. since its founding in 2015, they've helped 7500 people, including more than 2000 children, settle into their new home. >> if you're not wearing one of these hats that cascades down
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into a cage on pride sunday, then what are you doing? oh my gosh, can you imagine? >> i can't, but i can. >> what if we all had a different color of the rainbow? >> we peer out and we just walk down. >> just walk down. stop and everyone stops. >> when we stop, it's just an idea. see? >> oh my goodness. >> coming up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> you can watch all the newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app and start streaming. >> what color would you be? pink yeah. you got you claimed it. that's yours
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abc seven has learned. the city of oakland has reached an agreement to sell its half of the coliseum property for at least $105 million. the mayor and the new buyer are planning
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to have a news conference today at 3 p.m. to talk about the deal. >> number two, former oakland police chief laurent armstrong is running for city council. he plans to file paperwork later this morning. >> number three ireland, norway and spain say they will recognize a palestinian state in hopes the war in gaza could end with a two state solution. israel's foreign minister says the decision sends a message to the world that, quote, terrorism pays. >> number four, a bill to restrict when social media companies can send notifications to your kids has advanced in the state senate. if signed into law, kids wouldn't get alerts from midnight to 6 a.m. every day. and then on school days, they would also be silent from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. >> number five looking at our daytime highs today, we're still mild with sunny skies out there, but the three day forecast shows you a cooling trend gets underway here. and by friday we have widespread morning fog and a cooler afternoon with temperatures dipping below average. >> and number six, we want to give you a live look at the san mateo bridge. traffic is slow
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moving from the interpretive center to just before the mid span drive time. the tulsa san mateo is 13 minutes. >> number seven red lobster is reassuring customers this morning, despite the company filing for bankruptcy and some restaurants closing down. the famous cheddar bay biscuits are still available at the grocery store, and there are no changes to its retail operations. now. i have not tried to make them myself. >> i have a box in my cupboard. should i make them? will you please? >> because we need to test this out. >> all right, i'll make them. >> and i've never had them. >> okay, well, i don't want to >> robin: good morning america for our viewers in the west. a disaster emergency after twisters rip through the heartland. overnight, deadly tornado outbreak. >> house gone. house gone. >> robin: 20 reported


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