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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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redwood city, where there is fire burning right now at a recycling plant. it's on seaport boulevard, and it was putting up a lot of smoke. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm julian glover. >> that fire started a few hours ago, but it looks like firefighters finally have this thing under control. we check in now with abc seven news reporter lauren martinez, who got to the scene a while ago. what's the latest status there? lauren >> well, julian and emma, i just got off the phone with the interim fire deputy chief from redwood fire, and he tells me that the fire is out. we're not seeing as much smoke as we did when we got to the scene about an hour ago. the air still has this dusty, ashy smell to it. if you look over my shoulder, you can see some cranes kind of moving some material around. a spokesperson from sims metal says the fire broke out just before three this afternoon. there have been no injuries or damage to property. bay area air quality said their inspectors are investigating. they said there is potential for smoke impacts in the downwind
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neighborhoods. santa clara county fire posted on x within this last hour that smoke is moving into parts of the county. the sunnyvale department of public safety said those who are sensitive to smoke should remain indoors if possible. we spoke with a man who works right next door at a water recycling facility, he said. small fires have broken out here, but nothing this large. >> it didn't look too crazy because usually there's fires over next door, maybe a small ones, and they get put out pretty, pretty quick. but, i guess it was. it wasn't contained as fast. and then. so it kind of broke out a little bit and, and started smoking over in our area next door today we had to stop for maybe an hour or so while it got contained. >> now we are right next to the redwood uh- the port of redwood city, so it tends to be a lot breezier here. redwood city fire tells me that they will remain scene on within the next hour, sims metal does have crews there standing by in case of fire does
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reignite and the deputy fire chief tells me the cause is still under investigation. live in redwood city. lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> lauren, thank you so much for that update. that fire still smoldering yet? >> it was burning for quite some time. so we want to check in now with meteorologist sandhya patel to see what kind of impact that smoke might be having there. sandhya. yeah. >> julian and omar, let's take a look at the visible satellite picture. >> the last couple of hours as that fire has been burning right here in the port of redwood city. it has been picked up by the satellite picture. the wind direction is actually transporting that smoke has been transporting that smoke down the peninsula and into the parts of the south bay official reporting agency, which is air now, is showing good to moderate air quality. but purple air is actually showing deteriorating air quality across parts of the south bay and the peninsula. so best advice from the bay area air district is to stay inside with doors and windows closed. if you smell or see smoke.
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>> julian good advice. thank you so much sandhya. former oakland police chief laurent armstrong is ready to turn the page on his career. he was fired a little over a year ago by oakland mayor shan tao. well, now he's launching a run for city council . abc seven news reporter anser hassan was there today as the former chief made the big announcement. former oakland police chief lauren armstrong filed paperwork wednesday morning in a bid for oakland city council. >> i could serve beyond you know, law enforcement, beyond the police department that i could continue to give back to my community. that's given so much to me, armstrong lives in district seven, but is running for the at large seat, which represents the entire city. >> armstrong joins the race with eight other candidates. he says his top priorities are public safety, homelessness and improving oakland's image. those images that are out there about the city doesn't fairly represent what oakland is about. >> and so really trying to beautify this city so that the image of it can be what i see, which is a beautiful city that is not like any other city in the state. >> the chief was fired by mayor
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shengtao last february after an investigation found he mishandled two cases involving his officers. an independent arbitrator later cleared him of any wrongdoing, but he has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit, which he says won't impact this race. he may not have prior legislative experience, but points out that he led the largest department in the city with the largest budget. >> so i understand how to balance budgets and how to manage that. i balance the opd budget for the first time in 40 years. the first chief to do that, the oakland chapter of the naacp, is backing armstrong. >> robert harris says all of oakland's problems are directly or indirectly tied to public safety, which gives armstrong an edge. >> businesses are leaving because of public safety. people are afraid to go out on the streets because of public safety, but others are concerned that with armstrong on city council, opd could get even more money in the future. >> we're operating under in a city that you know, has, has, you know, is spending hundreds of millions of dollars of unchecked money on law
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enforcement. right. and under the chief's tenure, this this amount skyrocketed. >> armstrong wouldn't comment on the recall campaign against mayor tao, but adds, if the mayor's seat becomes open, nothing is off the table. in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news. >> new developments with the man convicted of assaulting paul pelosi with a hammer, he now is facing new charges in his state trial. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra was in the courtroom all day tracking the latest, and she's now in the newsroom with today's developments. steph >> yes, a jury selection began today and david depape state trial. and during the middle of it, we've been following some new developments in his federal case that could impact the state trial timeline. the 44 year old is now facing eight felonies in his state case, including attempted murder and aggravated kidnaping. the defense is now trying to dismiss some of those charges in light of the federal conviction. meanwhile, prosecutors added two felony counts to the list, one being dissuading a witness. more than
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120 potential jurors are being questioned today for any potential bias. some of the topics are about mental health and politics, including donald trump. by law, there will be 12 jurors and six alternates chosen. depape was sentenced last week to 30 years in prison for his federal conviction, but due to a court error, sentencing has now reopened, prompting a new hearing next tuesday. and today we've learned the pabst federal defense team is now objecting to that hearing and is asking for a new judge. so, umma, this may prompt some more delays in this state trial. we'll see. yeah steph, speaking of those delays, when is the state trial actually set to begin? opening statements are scheduled for next wednesday. but again, this new motion filed could delay it. or if jury selection goes past this friday, we'll of course be following what happens next. okay stephanie. >> thank you. exploding ammunition from this car fire along the westbound lanes of highway four near martinez. made
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for an extra dangerous situation. fire broke out in this jeep around lunchtime. you're taking a look at video from sky seven. there was ammo being stored in the vehicle and the rounds just started going off. firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze before anyone was seriously hurt. >> a judge today set a june 2025 trial date in a class action lawsuit against the federal bureau of prisons. it has to do with the rampant sexual misconduct of prisoners at the now closed dublin women's prison. the plaintiffs include women who were formerly incarcerated at that facility. eight former correctional officers have been charged and convicted of abusing those female prisoners. the prison was abruptly closed last month. sam bankman-fried is going to be moved to a new prison going against his wishes as he appeals his fraud conviction. he wanted to stay in new york, but the wall street journal reports bankman-fried will be moved to a federal prison that is west of fresno. the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange ftx was sentenced in march to 25 years in prison in what prosecutors called one of the largest
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financial frauds in us history. the transfer would put bankman-fried closer to his parents. they are both law professors at stanford. >> a walkout is happening today at uc irvine. memorize protests was sparked by the university's suspension of all students arrested during a campus protest last week. more than 100 people gathered in support of the uci divest coalition. the group had been set up inside a gaza solidarity encampment on campus for about two weeks. the encampment was broken up on may 15th after police responded to the campus for protesters barricaded inside a lecture hall. a landmark deal today that could solve some of the problems facing the city of oakland. it has agreed to sell its stake in the coliseum site to developers, with the expected departure of the a's, this would set the stage for a massive redevelopment. more immediately, it could provide an infusion of cash as the city faces a budget deficit. abc seven news reporter ryan curry tells us why the
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future is suddenly a lot brighter, swinging for the fences on a project that could forever change the coliseum grounds, mayor shan tao announced the city will sell its share of the coliseum land. >> the buyer, the african american sports and entertainment group, this is a moment where east oakland is going to change. founder ray bobbitt says his organization is ready to transform the land into something that can reshape not just east oakland, but the entire city. >> the coliseum site really represents an incredible opportunity to do to revitalize this community without displacing and without gentrification. >> at wednesday's announcement, students at castlemont high school showed their renderings of what could come a. she says they could build new housing, entertainment centers and new sports arenas. plus $105 million is money the city needs while facing a tight budget. >> it is good timing, but i would say it's not good timing. >> the sense they should have been happened decades ago, right? we're talking about a parcel in in a space where we have the highest amount of people who are on public
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assistance. >> this sale is the latest chapter surrounding the future of oakland sports. after the baseball season. for the first time since the 1960s, no team will call the coliseum home. >> it's about the heart and mind and soul that sports fans of all generations have put into these teams in oakland, and that's being ripped away from their grasp. >> the oakland roots and oakland ballers have both explored playing at the coliseum. however, both these teams play in minor league divisions much different than the three teams that used to play here. chris dobbins, who used to sit on the coliseum board, now runs save oakland sports. he believes oakland should not just be a minor league town, but after having been having, you know, professional football, professional basketball, winning a number of championships in oakland to going back to just having minor league teams. >> no. >> so how do you get an nfl team to move back to oakland or an nba team to play at the arena again? dobbins says it's not easy. >> it takes people with money. and, you know, let's i hope that the african american sports
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entertainment group can make that happen. >> but with this deal, it's possible the first steps towards achieving those goals are being taken in oakland. ryan curry, abc seven news san francisco says its homeless population is at its lowest level in years. >> so why are some of the costs going up? >> and the big grant for ucsf that's going to help look into cancer in one particular group? >> a little change by uc berkeley is creating quite a stir online. what's different about its stinging, 5-times-a-day,...
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with on the spot drug treatment
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is showing promising signs here. we first told you about the night navigation team working in the tenderloin in march, issuing drug treatment medication. city officials say the team made 173 telehealth calls in the first four weeks of the program. the city's medical examiner's office also reported a decrease in the number of deaths from drug overdoses in april 56th, compared to 71 in april of last year. a new data shows. >> homelessness in san francisco has hit a ten year low. still, there are more than 2900 people living on the streets, according to the recent point in time count, and providing support for them is costing san francisco millions of dollars. >> abc seven news reporter liam melendez is here now, and you're finding that they're actually increasing how much they're putting out. they're not decreasing. >> that's right. we have many. but can you imagine san francisco without many of these services i can't. san francisco has been trying to revive its lackluster image. now we walk the downtown area to see who and
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what is keeping the city from falling into a slump, and why san francisco is paying millions for these services. how are you doing, sir? >> are you okay? you need any help with anything? >> think of louis hammonds of urban alchemy as a street negotiator between those with severe challenges and the rest of us, does it bother you that we're right here and those people are using drugs? >> does it hurts my heart? it hurts my heart. so yes, it bothers me. >> rather than ask them to leave , this is what he brings to these streets. >> it would have to be a continued conversation. and that conversation would have to be kind, courteous, polite to where they felt respected. but then at the end of the day they says, you know what? you're right, he engages them and then shows kindness by buying them snacks. thank you. cigarets? yes, please . >> now, out of respect for hammonds, they start to leave. >> love is a verb. okay it's
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about action. that's it. >> urban alchemy has 530 full time employees and many more part time workers. they told us their contract with the city is for 43 million. they are not to be confused with the welcome ambassadors greeting tourists. >> welcome to union square. welcome to san francisco, sf travel has 60 of these ambassadors, and spends $4 million a year on the program. >> the folks at the tenderloin community benefit district have one of the most challenging jobs in the city, keeping the neighborhood clean and safe. there are 86 staff members, 32 of them are on the cleanup team. >> they do all the sweeping. they take care of the 86 trash receptacles that are in the corners throughout the tl. we do needle removal. we do graffiti abatement. as well as all the power washing the community district receives money from several city agencies and from a
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special tax from residents and businesses. >> all pit stop facilities and some public bathrooms are staffed by paid attendance, who make sure the bathrooms are maintained and used for their intended purpose. initially, there were only three sites, all in the tenderloin. today public works will spend $11.9 million this year to staff 31 sites in 13 neighborhoods. here's another costly program were using bart elevators for drug use in 2018, operators were brought in to make sure people weren't overdosing or using them as bathrooms. today, that program has expanded, and bart and the san francisco county transportation authority share the costs. the budget to keep these workers in place is $3.6 million this year, going up to
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3.7 million in fiscal year 2425. here's why the project team determined that six additional attendant staff were needed, 36 in total and cost for required benefits and oversight of staff were higher than anticipated. the police department currently spends $6.1 million on 104 community ambassadors who are retired officers. this program has been expand since 2022 to help improve public safety in san francisco. these are only a few of the many programs and nonprofits keeping the city in check. >> a lot of those services are being duplicated. >> san cops is with tipping point, which awards grants to anti-poverty nonprofits. put your mayor hat on for a second here, because the former mayor of san francisco, willie brown, said the homeless problem is impossible to solve. so fill in the blank. as long as we continue doing blank, the homeless and drug problem will
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not go away. >> as long as we continue to throw money at the problem, as long as we just continue to say money is the answer to the problem. money is not an answer to the problem, but we also need to audit them around. are we getting a return on investment? are we getting what it is that we're paying for them for? from an outcomes perspective, the city says it contracts with over 600 nonprofits that provide service for the most vulnerable residents in san francisco. >> at a cost of $1.7 billion. now, the city will have a way to audit them, using a metric system to measure performance, to see if they're being effective or if they are underperforming. what i hear from a lot of people is that there's no coordinated effort. you know, people this nonprofit is doing this. and the other one, so they need to come together and kind of solve it.
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>> yeah. the right doesn't know what the right. >> exactly. yeah >> appreciate it. thanks, leah. >> all right. let's get a check on our weather. we are midweek. >> yes. midweek. and we've been loving it around here so far. we check in now with sandyha patel to see how much longer this nice stretch of weather might continue. >> i think you still have a few more days to enjoy this, but it is changing. julian and umma temperatures have started to come down and we're going to continue to notice the cooling trend over the next several days. but lots of sun. look at all the towercameras right now. we have beautiful views from no matter which direction you are looking. so this evening if you are stepping out 7:00 tonight, inland areas still pretty nice. upper 70s by the late evening. we're talking about mid 60s around the bay. it's going to be in the mid 60s to start with sunshine and then dropping into the 50s. and it is breezy along the coast as you know mid 50s coming down to the low 50s. so you might need a jacket if you are going to be near the coastline. temperatures is down 13 degrees in san carlos right
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now. eight degrees cooler in san francisco, down five in napa. san jose is running cooler as well. the winds have been picking up. airport weather warning has just been issued for sfo until 9 p.m. gusts close to 40 miles an hour. this is an onshore wind, 30, in oakland, which is why you don't have to worry about needing those ac s if you do have them, because we have that refreshing breeze hour by hour. you will notice the gusty winds tonight. 11 p.m. the winds inland taper, but along the coast remain gusty. and then as we head towards tomorrow morning, the winds will die down for most areas except the coast, only to pick back up again in the afternoon and the evening hours high pressure starting to take a back seat to everything. this area of low pressure deepening and that's going to keep that cooling going over the next couple of days. on live doppler seven, we don't have any fog. the wind is going to keep the atmosphere stirred up. temperatures at this hour in the 60s to 80s. and here is a live view from our santa cruz camera. a little choppy out there
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tonight. tomorrow, breezy to gusty. the next few days. cooling trend continues and for your memorial day weekend below average in terms of temperatures to start the weekend. but then they'll slowly recover the second part of the weekend. morning numbers will be in the 40s, and the 50s. there may be a couple of random clouds around tomorrow afternoon. some higher clouds will filter the sun. it is going to be cooler than today. today the warmest spots were in the mid 80s. tomorrow we bring you down to the low 80s in places like antioch, upper 50s near the coast, 57.5 moon bay and it is still going to be breezy. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast, and you will notice those temperatures trending lower each and every day right on through saturday. that's when you bottom out well below average mid 50s to low 70s. and then you will notice brighter skies, warmer weather sunday and memorial day looking fantastic. that mild spring weather is going to stick around for the start of a new workweek. so on. and julian looking good. >> all right thanks andrea. appreciate it. they take public
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works day very seriously and at least one bay area county. we're gog to show you the incredible display set
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a study of its kind. even though
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cancer is the leading cause of death among asian americans. abc7 news reporter suzanne phan has a look at the impact. suzanne. so ama, we can tell you that ucsf researchers say this is a major historic study. >> and with this huge grant, researchers believe they can better understand why so many asian americans are getting cancer. >> when my mom first got diagnosed, i really couldn't believe it. >> sara wan of san francisco says what happened to her mother is still a big mystery. >> my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer when she was like 90, and she has never smoked in her life. >> this year, wen's mother is 94 years old. she's been surviving with cancer for the past four years. thanks to a new $12.45 million grant from the national cancer institute, ucsf will launch a new study this fall to figure out what's driving cancer in asian americans. >> it really has the potential to set the stage and provide the opportunity for us to really
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make leaps and bounds in terms of our discoveries of what causes cancer in asian american populations, doctor scarlett lin gomez with ucsf is one of the three principal investigators. >> she says a lot of people don't know that cancer is the number one cause of death among asian americans. there is this preconception that cancer is not a problem among asian american communities. doctor gomez also says surprisingly, many asian american women have lung cancer and they do not smoke. >> there has been no study done to study this specifically in the us, so we don't know what the factors are. >> a majority of the patients that i do see, although typically lung cancer, breast cancer at northeast medical services in chinatown, doctor justin kwok, an oncologist, sees about 20 to 30 asian american patients a day. about 40% of females that i see have cancer, that a lung cancer that is not associated with smoking, it's astronomical. >> doctors don't know why that's happening. >> speculation is that they are
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exposed to spouses that smoke, or maybe the way they cook their their foods using a wok. but that's all speculation. we really need hard evidence data to help us understand better how to prevent this cancer as well. >> i'm really glad actually it got the attention and also the resources to do research. as for sara, when she says the new grant money for the ucsf study will hopefully bring answers, and maybe that could answer my questions like, why do my mom got lung cancer, who was never a smoker at such an old age and ucsf wants asian americans across the country to get on board with this study. >> now, this fall, ucsf will begin enrolling 20,000 people from every asian american group, and they hope eventually to enroll as many as 50,000 participants live in the newsroom. suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> important work here. thank you. suzanne well, turns out it's national public works week, and in san mateo county, they are doing it big there today. an open house event in redwood city brought out families to check this display out. the county
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showed off its arsenal of things like dump trucks, excavators, paving machines and mighty machines used to tend to roads and other property also on display was one piece of equipment you might not want to see in your neighborhood the storm response trailer. >> there are any areas that are flooded during big rain events. water can't be moved fast enough for whatever reason. we'll bring our storm response unit there so that we can put our pumps out there and evacuate water, move it from one location to another. >> if you didn't know it was public works week, you got plenty of time to celebrate. runs through friday. >> hackers take control of a facebook account and then use it to try to scam people. >> now, numerous states are getting involved. the demands
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otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. facebook and instagram accounts among the victims. a berkeley widower whose facebook account was last summer and ten months later, the imposter was still in control and scamming his friends. abc seven stephanie sierra has this seven on your side report. >> it brings up a lot of anger
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that somebody would be so evil. >> richard links was grieving the loss of his beloved wife, catherine, last july, when the scammer swept in. >> just stomp on me, why don't you and rub your dirty heels all over me? >> a hacker had taken control of richard's facebook page, pretending to be richard, raising money for catherine's funeral. using this photo of her smiling face. >> it was so exploitive to exploit it. a widower in his moment of grief, richard and his friends kept reporting the fraud to facebook. >> but facebook did nothing about it. automated responses said the account doesn't go against our community standards, and it isn't pretending to be you, which was infuriating. >> the complaints go to an algorithm. the algorithm spits it back and says there's nothing wrong. >> months later, the hacker was still in control. now pretending richard was selling these cars, i was expecting to go to richard's house and look at this thing. eric theiss saw the offer
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and thought it was really richard selling his cars. so. >> hi richard, i'm interested in learning more about the infiniti you're selling. >> eric had no idea he was messaging a hacker, or that the cars were just photos. he agreed to pay richard a $500 deposit, but became suspicious. >> at that point. i asked, like, remind me how we know each other? >> the imposter replied. that's catherine, my wife, charity zelle, which made no sense. >> and so at that point i decided it was a scam. >> i really think that i got suckered in hook, line and sinker. >> gregory morgan didn't know he was bargaining with an imposter either. >> the picture was of richard langston. there's nothing that would indicate that it wasn't richard links. >> gregory agreed to pay a $200 deposit for this honda. thankfully, paypal blocked the payment. so did venmo. turns out the hacker's accounts were flagged for fraud. >> and so i said, call me so we can discuss this. >> the scammer then replied, you don't trust me, you just made me feel unwanted. we are like brothers. oh my god, don't make me remember my wife. i'm about
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to cry. >> richard would never do that. >> both friends tried to report the fraud. facebook's automated system never responded. the scammer kept selling the fake cars. >> i feel really lucky that i didn't lose money in the process, but at the same time, it was also very scary that somebody can take over an account. >> we contacted meta and this time a spokesperson replied and gave us a special reset code for richard. after nearly a year, the scammer was gone, the account restored. >> it is like ten tons of weight being lifted over off of my shoulders. >> but reset codes aren't available to the general public. instead, meta referred users to the same automated help link that did not help richard. meta said in part, we know that losing and recovering access to your online accounts can be a frustrating experience. we invest heavily in designing security systems to help prevent account compromise in the first place, and educating our users about how people can stay safe against potential targeting by
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hackers. >> it was triumphant. >> it was triumphant for seven on your side. i'm stephanie sierra, abc seven news. the attorneys general of 38 states, including california, have asked for immediate action to mitigate account takeover, saying we refuse to operate as the customer service representatives of your company. >> meta said it is working with several of the ags to answer concerns, but did not reveal any concrete actions. do you have a consumer issue? seven on your side wants to hear from you. send us your stories online at abc seven on your side amazon is making a significant change to its popular alexa voice assistant, and it's going to require a monthly subscription. soon. the company will begin to use artificial intelligence, ai with the service company, the amazon has said in the past it was exploring ways to make alexa a little more conversational. by incorporating ai. it's not clear how much it will cost, and cnbc
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reports it will not be included in that prime subscription. in the south bay. >> a big push today from community leaders and organizations rallying against an act that addresses how tax increases are approved. opponents say it cuts funding to critical government services, but supporters say it gives taxpayers more power. the abc7 news south bay reporter zach fuentes has more. >> what are we saying? vote no. >> a call to action by these community leaders and labor organizations. they're rallying against the taxpayer protection and government accountability act, which they also call the taxpayer deception act. it would raise the number of voters needed to approve state or local tax increases and redefine what's considered a fee or a tax . opponents say wealthy real estate developers and landlords are behind the push to get it on the november ballot. >> a city cannot fully fund its services if it is required to go out to the voters every time these fees increase. >> if the act passes any state or local taxes approved after january of 2022 would also have
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to be approved by voters to stay in place. >> that would put at risk the ability for local governments to really control their own, funding their own destiny and take a lot of the democracy away from the voters of each of the local cities and jurisdictions, labor organizations like san jose firefighters local 230 say it would gut critical services and funds that support high call volume. >> if this were to pass. those funds are no longer. not only are they not going to be available in the future, they're going to be retroactively taken. >> but supporters of the act disagree. >> they can't point to one instance where eliminates or cuts a single tax. it does subject a handful of taxes less than ten. that uh- passed by, less than the constitutional requirement of two thirds vote would have to be resubmitted to the voters. >> jon coupal, with the howard jarvis taxpayers association, says the taxpayer protection act is about accountability. >> it doesn't prohibit the imposition of any tax. it simply says you've got to involve the
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people who pay the tax if you want to collect more money. >> right now, the california supreme court is looking into whether or not the act violates the state's constitution. if it finds the act does, it could be removed from the november ballot. for now, both supporters and opponents say they'll each continue to push their messaging in the south bay. zach fuentes, abc seven news one dead and dozens of people hurt. >> passengers are talking about what happened when their plane hit extreme turbulence, and the agency now getting involved in
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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his granddaughter, riley keough, took ownership of the storied property last year after the death of lisa marie presley. a company foreclosed on the property, saying presley used it as collateral and failed to repay a loan. keough claims her mother never took out a loan or gave that company a deed of trust. we'll now be up to the court to decide graceland's rightful owner, a judge who signed off on the $600 million settlement over last year's disastrous train derailment in ohio. >> what's not clear is how the money will be divided up, and how much of it will go to residents affected by this. so far, it appears the closer people are to where that
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derailment happened, the more money they'll be able to get. initial documents suggest families could get up to $70,000 for property damage in up to $10,000 for injuries if they live within two miles of that disaster zone. now to the latest on the deadly turbulence incident aboard that singapore airlines flight. the national transportation safety board is joining this investigation. 20 people remain in intensive care as a result of injuries suffered on that flight. the plane was on its way from london to singapore when it hit turbulence over myanmar. the turbulence made the plane abruptly drop about 100ft, then climb 300ft. one passenger died because of a heart issue, and more than 100 others suffered injuries. >> are taking now a live look outside this wednesday evening. >> wow. lots of c lines and a lot of people. sandhya is going to tell us what to expect for our holiday weekend. >> and do you love it or do you hate it? the small change by uc
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berkeley to the logo
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yeah. this is part of what was released yesterday. you can see
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the cow logo is the same, but the font on the berkeley logo is bolder. but that's not the issue that had alumni start an online petition over the issue. it's the use of this be seen on social media pages. >> a lot of them do not like it. in the past it's been a more stylized b or a c for cow. abc seven news reporter lena howland spoke with alumni and the university about this change >> from chimes of the clock tower, the sather gate and that curse of cow icons of uc berkeley are all over campus. but on tuesday, the university rolled out an updated brand identity, including these two new primary logos, though on their official social media pages and linkedin, their logo has been updated to a single capital letter b, and everyone's like, oh, what's that? >> b? i've never seen that before, versus if a cal script was there. people know that's uc berkeley university officials say the b is not their new logo.
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>> they say the b monogram is only intended for small spaces where the full logo is hard to read. their new logo is the word berkeley spelled out. officials say they made the change to better connect the berkeley and cal identities, which have coexisted but caused confusion. they say more than a quarter of the people they surveyed that live in the bay area did not know that berkeley and cal were the same university nationally, they say more than two thirds of people surveyed thought the two were different institutions. but alumni geoffrey ting says this goes too far. >> i think by replacing it, there is a lot of tradition and history that's lost. >> as a two time alum, i do think it is a little jarring. >> alumni and co-founder of boba guys, andrew chow says he thinks this is leading to more confusion. >> it's going to take a while to get used to it, and it resembles to many of the logos i see every everywhere else. >> that's why a group of students, alumni and community members started an online
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petition asking the university to change it back. they say the rebranding devalues uc berkeley degrees, though. one student who just graduated last week with a job already lined up says that's a bit of a stretch. it's not my style. >> it's not my thing. i think for most students, they won't really care. regardless, they'll just see it as a it's just a marketing ploy. >> one change that won't be happening according to the university is branding the athletics program as cal berkeley. it will remain cal athletics in berkeley. lena howland, abc seven news. >> all right, one last check on that weather tonight. >> we check back in now with meteorologist sandyha patel. hey, sandy. hi, there. >> yeah, and julian and umma, we have some fabulous weather for the graduates tomorrow. graduation ceremony taking place for terra nova high school in pacifica. and at 3 p.m, it's going to be in the upper 50s. the temperature will drop off into the mid 50s. if anything, it'll just be increasing cloud cover later on in the day. so
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congrats to those graduates. and if you're going to bottlerock in napa the next three days, which is friday, not tomorrow, friday, saturday and sunday, it's going to be beautiful weather, but cooler than where we were today. so looking at clouds to sun and breezy friday 72 degrees dropping to 68 and then coming back to recover into the mid 70s on live doppler seven. all is quiet tomorrow afternoon. we'll have a few high, thin, wispy clouds, upper 50s to low 80s so that cooling continues on saturday. those numbers will drop well below average, only low 70s for the warmest spots, and you will notice by sunday things turn around. we bump up the numbers, and by memorial day it's looking nice. we bring the warmth back in. for any outdoor plans, the accuweather seven day forecast does feature the cooling continuing through saturday before we warm it back up for the second half of the weekend. julian. >> all right, sounds good. thanks, sandhya. >> okay, now we check in with larry beil for a look at sports. >> yeah, baseball. you know the giants. the fans upset in the
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off season. spend money, spend money. so they did ultimately what the fans wanted. they spent a lot of money for pitcher blake snell. and that deal is not looking so hot right now. snell's come back in pittsburgh did not last very long. discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events
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coming back from an adductor strain. looked good in a couple of rehab starts, but that did not carry over into pittsburgh tonight. you got to see this. there's mustache may and then there's whatever this is that would take hours to produce julian get on that uh- the pirates load the bases in the fourth. snell not looking comfortable, hits andrew mccutchen in the foot forcing in the first run of the game. snell gets pulled after going three and a third. bob melvin says get the hook. uh- 87 pitches thrown. on comes shawn jelly with the bases still loaded and brian reynolds crushes it for a grand slam. pirates jump out to a five nothing lead. snell charged with four earned runs. he has an era over 11 giants clawing back matt chapman. high, deep. aloha. he's really on fire. his second homer in as many games. giants within two. top nine. giants down five four with two outs. lamonte wade jr lacing an rbi single scoring luis matos who had doubled, were tied at five in the 10th. patrick bailey singles home. thairo estrada and the giants keep adding on. they have scored
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four times in the 10th, currently leading nine five. complete highlights at 11 a's and rockies at the coliseum last year. at this time, brandon staley was the head coach of the chargers. now he's on the 40 niners staff, officially listed as assistant head coach slash defense, which might be a little bit confusing given that nick sorensen has the job as the new defensive coordinator, replacing steve wilks. head coach kyle shanahan says there's no confusion as to who's in charge here. nick knows who the defensive coordinator is. >> i mean, and brandon does got to talk to both of them. i think brandon's in a real good spot. you know, just leaving from being a head coach and how he can help us in a number of roles. you know, i'm going to be here for, you know, kyle and john where they need me to be. >> you know, i think it'll be kind of a combination of you know, all my roles in the nfl. but i'm going to be working, you know, primarily on defense. and but i'll be with, you know, a lot of the different position groups, mostly in the secondary and then working with kyle, you know, closely on a lot of other
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things with brandon's expertise just in other areas and just defense with his expertise as a head coach and things. >> i thought he was a real benefit in the draft and helps me in a number of areas. also warriors star steph curry just joined the likes of magic johnson, larry bird and wilt chamberlain named all nba for the 10th time in his glorious career, steph made the third team after averaging 26 points and five assists per game this past season. >> as we head into the summer, it's unclear if steph, klay and dre are actually going to be able to stay together with the warriors. draymond just did a podcast with shaquille o'neal and said his preference is to stay with golden state for his entire career. >> the warriors will have to not want me anymore if i had to stay in golden state. another five years and we not make the playoffs for five years straight, i'm totally fine with that. not because i'm not a competitor, but because i'd rather do it. i'd rather struggle with the same guys that i succeeded with. it ain't about we struggling now. i need to go that way. no the same way we succeeded together. i'd rather struggle together as opposed to, oh, i can go over here and do
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this as long as they have me. i got no reason to ever want to leave that place. >> it's really interesting, especially given steph has two years left on his contract, and the warriors would love one more bite at the apple before everybody rides off into the sunset. a funny moment from the podcast. shaq asks draymond, you think any of your warriors teams could beat the shaq kobe lakers? and draymond goes, oh yeah, oh yeah. and soquel's who's guarding kobe and draymond goes clay. shaq goes. >> yeah. you knew it wasn't going to be him. that's for sure . yeah yeah that was that was no that was no words necessary right right. >> yeah yeah. >> well we certainly wouldn't want them to keep going at it and not win again. we're going to stick around. >> got to get some more dudes. >> come on. all right. >> thank you larry. coming up tonight in prime time on abc seven at eight. jeopardy! masters nine abbott elementary followed by the conners. then at ten, catch the $100,000 pyramid and stay with us for abc seven news at 11. but that is it for us for now. thanks for being here. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm julian glover for sandhya p
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♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ [applause] let's meet today's contestants. a graduate student from lake hiawatha, new jersey... a writer from san francisco, california... and our returning champion,
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a verification specialist from lakewood, ohio... whose 1-day cash winnings total $25,100. [applause] and now here's the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! thank you, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" and i hope you were watching yesterday's game because it was a peach. it all came down to the final clue in double jeopardy! where our new champion, chris d'amico, got in first by just a fraction of a second and was correct, giving him the small, crucial lead that allowed him to prevail in final jeopardy! against a very strong 4-day champ in grant deyoung. well, chris is back again today, rested and ready to take on ellen and amar. good luck to all three of you. let's see what categories you three will be facing in the jeopardy! round. we will begin with... then we have... a category we'll spend... followed by...


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