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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 23, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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festival kicks off. >> oh, and number seven. today we are expected to find out what the four baby falcons at uc berkeley will be named. the chicks were born to mom annie and dad archie. the winning names will be announced at noon. >> come on, pam, the funkstress. >> they are so adorable. >> come on pam, that should win i like it, i like pam the funk. >> and you will say the whole name. >> it'll be announced at noon. and if the name ends up being beezus, there will be a protest at noon led by me. so i'll see you there. bring snacks. gma is >> robin: good morning america. gearing up for the holiday rush. on the move. the memorial day get away the under way, the head of the faa joins us exclusively. how they're bracing for the
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busiest day of the long holiday weekend, while dealing with a nationwide air traffic controller shortage. plus, what are some of the most turbulent routes in the country? as we get new details from an american family on the frightening singapore airlines flight. plus the best and worst times to hit the road, and the warning from amtrak before rush hour. >> george: tornado season strikes texas overnight. this morning ginger tracking a new threat and record heat and the holiday travel trouble spots. >> michael: overnight, deadly stage collapse. at least nine people killed and dozens sent to the hospital. the audience in mexico scrambling to get out of the way. >> george: new questions for justice alito. a flag tied to the insurrection spotted outside his beach home. >> michael: idaho college murder suspect due in court. who will take the stand that could change the whole case?
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>> robin: new trouble for sean diddy combs, facing new allegations in a sixth civil lawsuit. and breaking news for our viewers in the west. cassie, speaking for the first time since the startling hotel video of combs assaulting her was released. >> michael: the new rules of buy now pay later. how they'll help protect the millions used on the popular app. >> george: subpar. the college team watching their golf clubs get tossed on the tarmac with a national championship on the line. which airline is asking for a second chance? ♪ it's the final countdown ♪ >> robin: down to the final seconds. >> corner three for the lead! >> robin: the mavericks taking down the timberwolves. plus hugh've been warned. how hugh jackman and ryan reynolds hit a new record. and we're getting in the ring with a man who built a boxing
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gym that's so much more to the kids in his community. he is our ray of sunshine. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: this is indeed good morning america. we've got a knockout surprise for our ray of sunshine in detroit this morning. >> george: also ahead sticker shock at the grocery store. customers are demanding cuts. ceo of aldi will join us with where he sees prices going as we head into the memorial day weekend. >> michael: holiday travel is already under way, with today expected to be the busiest day to fly. look at some of the busiest airports in america. travellers getting an early start in my home town of houston. it's already looking busy in chicago. trevor ault starts us off at la guardia airport for us. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. so it is a beautiful but a very busy morning on the tarmac at la guardia. this american airlines flight to charlotte takes off in about an hour. no surprise, it is completely full. american has the busiest schedule through memorial day weekend. nearly 4 million customers, 36,000 flights.
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that's just one airline. in fact, the tsa said already this month they have had four of their ten busiest days ever. we are just getting started. this morning the travel rush is officially under way. the faa expecting more than 53,000 planes in the sky today alone, the launch point for what the tsa says will likely be the busiest summer on record. >> we'll see several, over 3 million passenger days across the entire 430 airports that are in the united states. that's a pretty big increase from last year. and last year was a big increase from the year before. so record volumes without question. >> reporter: while the agency and the airlines say they're ready for the crush of travellers, there is a nationwide shortage of air traffic controllers, about 3,000 fewer than they'd like. >> that's just not sustainable. it's not good for the traveling public. it's not good for the aviation system. we've certainly done our part. we want to help the faa to make sure that they're able to provide staff at the levels we
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need. >> reporter: airline trade association airlines for america now launching a campaign urging the department of transportation and the faa to bring in more air traffic controllers. the shortage at times blamed for cancelled and delayed flights, exhaustion among the working air traffic controllers, even forcing airlines to cut 10% of their flights in the new york area. the faa also dealing with at least 23 serious close calls between planes at airports nationwide last year. >> we really need the situation to be solved. >> reporter: and to try to meet this crazy demand, a lot of airlines have been flying bigger planes. get more seats, more people on board. lot of airlines, including american, have been flying more flights outside the new york area. make sure they can get everybody where they need to go. george? >> george: trevor, thanks. let's bring in the faa administrator, michael whitaker. thank you for joining us. we just heard how busy a travel weekend this is going to be. you've been facing staffing shortages. can you handle it?
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>> well, we're ready for this. we've planned for this. we know it's going to be a busy weekend. we're glad to see the traffic come back. our first job is safety at the faa, 45,000 employees, all hands on deck 24/7 to make sure this runs smoothly and we get everyone where they're going safely. we're watching the weather very closely. it's thunderstorm season. we've got storms from tennessee -- from texas up to maine. we're going to be working with the airlines to get them through the storms safely. >> george: i know your first concern is safety. should people be expecting delays and cancellations this weekend? >> only if it is coming from the weather. that's one thing we can't control. about 65% of cancellations come from weather. less than 1% come from staffing issues. we're not anticipating delays from staffing, but the weather is out of our control and we're just gonna try to work and navigate safely through that. >> george: let's go back to safety. what do you say to americans who are concerned what about appears to be a recent spike in incidents with the airlines?
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>> well, we look at each incident closely. we're working closely with airlines and with manufacturers to make sure all the safety standards are met. safety's a team sport. everybody has to do their part. our job is to make sure that's being done. >> george: so much focus has been on boeing. the deadline for them to submit their plan to turn things around is next week. what are you expecting from them? >> we've been working closely with them the last 90 days on what that plan is going to look like. it's to bring the quality back to their factor reus. to bring the safety system where it needs to be. and bring the culture where it needs to be, so employees can speak up when they see something that's concerning. what we are seeing next week is the plan going forward, it's not the end of the process, it's the beginning. it's going to be a long road to get back to where they need to be making safe air planes. >> george: the airlines are sounding the alarm about staffing shortages. the air traffic control shortages. how do you respond to that campaign? what exactly are you doing now to address these shortages?
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>> well, since i was sworn in in october, this has been a top priority. we've actually done quite a bit. we have worked to make sure we can hire directly from the military more efficiently. we are working with universities to allow direct hiring through there. we're keeping our own academy at capacity. so we are hiring at capacity. it takes a long time to make an air traffic controller. takes a lot of training. could be 18 to 24 months. we are not going to rush that. we've got the pipeline we need. now it's time to train those employees and get them in the towers. >> george: mr. whitaker, thanks for your time. robin? >> robin: all right, george. thanks very much. now to the best and worst times to hit the road and the best time to go. morgan norwood is tracking the latest. >> reporter: the holiday rush already beginning to get under way. while we expect millions to take to the skies, far more will be driving. aaa predicts 38.4 million people
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will travel by car on memorial day. that is the highest number since they started tracking back in 2000. we're looking at a 4% jump from last year. we can see the traffic already starting to build up on the highways there. i will tell you the worst time to leave will be from noon to 6 p.m., tomorrow from noon to 7:00 p.m. then the bulk of the afternoon saturday, sunday, monday, you won't be able to catch a break. let's talk the best time to avoid a slowdown. before 11:00 a.m. or late in the evening. be sure you plan ahead if you'll be hitting the roads this weekend. robin? >> george: new questions and criticism for supreme court justice samuel alito as the new york times posted pictures of a flying outside his summer home. this comes after the revelation last week that another flag associated with january 6 had been flying at his primary home. chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has details. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: george, good
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morning. everyone knows justice alito is a staunch conservative, but this morning more questions are being raised about whether he has political bias with two critical january 6 cases now before the u.s. supreme court. this morning only days after it was revealed that supreme court justice samuel alito flew a flag associated with january 6th rioters at his virginia home, he's facing new questions about another flag tied to supporters of president trump. the new york times publishing images of a pine try flag outside his new jersey beach home last summer with the words appeal to heaven. like the upside down flag which had become synonymous with the stop the steal movement and flown in alito's home t pine tree flag was carried by some pro trump supporters on january 6th as the capitol was attacked. take a look at these images and you will see both flags clearly on display on january 6th as the mayhem unfolded. it's unclear who posted the pine tree flag and what kind, if any, statement, was being made.
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the pine tree flag dates back to the revolutionary war and was flown on war ships commissioned under george washington. but in recent years the symbol has been associated with christian nationalism. supreme court justices are supposed to avoid the appearance of political bias and democrats have already argued alito should recuse himself from the january 6th cases now before the high court, including one which will resolve whether president trump has immunity from prosecution. this week democrats pounced on alito's upside down flag controversy, raising questions about political bias. >> look, i think what he did was really the wrong thing to do, and it cast some doubt on impartiality and i'm discussing with senator durbin where we should go from here. >> reporter: alito said the flag was placed at his home by his wife, who was in a dispute with a neighbor. justice alito has yet to comment on the latest flag questions, though supreme court decisions
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on january 6th are expected in the coming days and weeks, michael. >> michael: thank you very much. we're going to turn to another round of severe weather. tornados striking texas overnight as parts of iowa that were hard hit this week clean up the wreckage. victor oquendo is on the scene in greenfield, iowa. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this is what an ef-3 tornado can do. these were homes and businesses levelled, ripped to shreds. while the residents pick up the pieces, overnight another round of severe weather. overnight, three possible tornados touch down in texas leaving over 100,000 customers without power. in bell county -- >> all the power lines are down. >> reporter: -- a possible tornado tore through, levelling homes and businesses. in neighboring arkansas, debris flying through the air as powerful storms pounced. meanwhile, in iowa, greenfield banding
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together after much of the town was reduced to rubble, following a deadly ef-3 tornado tuesday. overnight, authorities confirming at least four people were killed, 35 injured, with a fifth person killed about 25 miles from greenfield. the hospital so badly damaged it's expected to be closed for months. do you recognize any of this stuff you see here? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: jay harder and dwon cam raised their two daughters in their house of 26 years. >> i just couldn't believe something could do this. >> reporter: joe newell lived in this home for 50 years and thought she lost everything. you have found a few things. >> yes. >> reporter: show us. >> my wedding band. >> reporter: a small fraction of her life still here. can you believe you were able to find all this? >> no, nope. glad to have it back. >> reporter: joan also found her wedding album. it was about 300 yards away from her home. fema will be on the ground here today in greenfield.
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the white house says that they are ready, willing to support this community as needed. robin? >> robin: and they do have great need there. all right, victor. thank you. ginger, back in the studio. she's tracking where the severe weather is headed next. such an active tornado season. >> ginger: it is. we had some slow years. what's really remarkable is we were below average going into may. then the last month we have seen more than half of the tornado count of the 705 we've seen. it's been very busy just the last few weeks. average 578 through the end of may. unfortunately, we're gonna keep pumping this number up. going through this weekend we have day after day after day of not just severe storms but a tornado threat. let's talk about it. fargo down to waco and dallas, today damaging wind, lincoln, omaha, kansas. but remember, this is the weekend where everybody makes plans to go outside, to have barbecues. most of the days start with sunshine. that's the fuel for a tornado or severe thunderstorm that has winds at 70 plus. we've got friday storms that
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include chicago for travel. note that, down to dallas. but then, this is the part. saturday and sunday. i want everybody here from eastern kansas right through oklahoma, missouri, arkansas and into that paducah, kentucky, area. that's what i'm concerned with. sunday looking really big and all the days leading up to it. we'll have more numbers adding to that count. >> robin: all right, ginger. thank you. high winds leading to a deadly stage collapse in mexico leaving at least nine dead, sending dozens to the hospital. matt rivers is following the latest on this for us. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. mexico's elections will take place june 2nd. political rallies in full swing across the country. unfortunately, overnight one of those rallies did turn deadly. we have some video to show you. it happened in northern mexico at a rally for a long shot presidential candidate. in the video posted on x, you can see the moment a strong wind gust topples the stage. people scrambling to get out of the way of the collapsing canopy, while others screaming and running for cover. at least nine people killed and
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dozens sent to the hospital. among the dead, one minor. rescue teams working throughout the night pulling people from under the stage which had been erected on a baseball field. winds up to 35 miles an hour were expected. as rescue efforts continue, and because there are still dozens of people in the hospital, unfortunately, that death toll could very well rise. guys? >> michael: unexpected tragedy there. thank you so much for that, matt. now to the college team watching their golf clubs get tossed on the tarmac with a national championship on the line. i'm not playing for a national championship, neither is george, but we would be angry at what happened here, will. >> yeah, michael. good morning, everybody. with the memorial day travel rush really heating up right now, luggage handling is top of mind for a lot of travellers. for golfers, if you're a golfer, as many of us here are, this
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makes your stomach drop and blood boil. same goes if you're just a person who values your stuff. this video from the east tennessee state golf team has been making the rounds with many millions of views. those are delta baggage handlers just tossing those team's clubs off the plane. they were frustrated. swinging them all over the tarmac as the players watched in horror. the team was on their way to the ncaa division i golf tournament. reportedly some clubs were damaged. delta posting an apology on social media saying, quote, we're so sorry. it's not who we are and that they're working to make it right. in a statement the airline also asking for a mulligan. the ncaa golf tournament begins tomorrow. [ laughter ] >> robin: explain for those who don't know -- >> a mulligan is a do-over. if i were a golfer whose 6 iron got snapped, i would ask them to play it as it lies. >> george: well done, will.
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[ laughter ] >> michael: i was going to say something to do with fore. >> i'd ask for four new clubs. [ laughter ] i don't know. >> george: coming up the new trouble for sean diddy combs. the music mogul faces new accusations. >> robin: new details on the flight that suffered severe turbulence from the american mother and father who were badly hurt. >> michael: the ceo of aldi joins us exclusively as we take a look at grocery prices right before memorial day. first back to ginger. >> ginger: houston still some folks don't have power. the heat just keeps building. could end up seeing their hottest heat index on record for the month of may. by memorial day, could feel like 111. we are warming things up not just in houston. they're not keeping that heat for themselves. this big ridge over mexico that's gonna bring more winds by saturday and sunday. ties or breaks records. miami, too, which they've been very hot. we'll keep that in place as we go through memorial day weekend. local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up we're live in detroit with our ray of
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sunshine in the boxing ring. it is a complete knockout. trust me. we'll be right back. [ generic upbeat music ] ♪ bring my cart inside so i can see... ♪ ♪ what these target aisles reveal to me ♪ ♪ and when i'm in this aisle ♪ ♪ i do skin care ♪ ♪ and when i see these pots, ♪ ♪ i'm a gardeneer ♪ ♪ a gardeneer ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm returning for the candle drop ♪ ♪ i just get a latte, pretend to shop ♪ ♪ cause every time i say i'm at the gym, ♪ ♪ i'm actually here ♪ ♪ this sponge is everything to me ♪ ♪ we came here for perfume... ♪ ♪ and bought tp ♪
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master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings today, oakland mayor xiang tao is set to reveal her plans to fix a growing budget crisis in her city. a key component is expected to be the
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landmark deal to sell off the city's stake in the coliseum site. we first told you about the massive deal yesterday morning. it's worth more than $100 million. the buyer is the african american sports and entertainment group, or rsg. the founder says his organization is ready to transform the land into something that can reshape not just east oakland, but the whole city. rsg says they could build new housing, entertainment centers and sports arenas. >> good morning kumasi. we're going to take you straight to the south bay, where emergency crews are working to put out a brush fire. this is northbound 280 before race street because of the brush fire. bert avenue that on ramp to northbound 280 is shut down at the moment you can see live speeds are down to 14mph. kumasi back to you. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist
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nicely this morning. it is so sunny out there. we have mild temperatures coming our way again this afternoon. we've been in this warm pattern for at least ten days and that continues again this afternoon. numbers right now we'll get you going on this thursday in the 50s for the most part. so looking at the day planner today , it is just bright sunshine. it's going to be a very nice day this afternoon at 4:00. we'll find winds are breezy gusting over 20mph at times. but those temperatures above average are sunset this evening at 820 kumasi. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes, but you can always find the latest on our news app. and at abc seven the news continues now with good morning america. >> it's the $100,000 lucky lotus all cash giveaway at grayton resort and casino. saturday, may 25th. one winner of 50,000 cash plus 100 winners of $500 guaranteed a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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bridesmaid burnout when it comes to the cost of being in the wedding party. we're gonna have more on that in our next hour. >> george: also following a lot of headlines including the travel rush that's under way. faa expects 53,000 planes in the sky today alone. tsa said it will be the busiest summer on record. while airlines say they're ready, there's a nationwide shortage of air traffic controllers. also right now, a tennessee judge blocked an attempt to auction off graceland. elvis presley's former home in memphis and a major tourist attraction. the temporary injunction came in response to a lawsuit by elvis' grand daughter who is alleging a fraudulent scheme to sell the property. >> michael: movie fans are excited for summer blockbuster season, for one movie in particular. there's 64 days until deadpool versus wolverine hits theaters. tickets gist went on sale earlier this week with a disclaimer, hugh've been warned.
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amc's chairman adam aaron writing on social media, this has more day 1 ticket sales at amc than for any other r rated movie ever. >> robin: wow. >> michael: yeah. that's saying a lot. it also scored the highest presale orders for the year. can't wait to see it. >> robin: 64 more days? >> michael: 64 more days. >> robin: okay. let's go. >> michael: two months. we got a lot more ahead including the ceo of aldi will join us to see where prices are heading into the memorial day weekend. that's all coming up, george. >> george: new trouble for sean diddy combs. a model filed suit, alleging him of drugging and assaulting her. it's the sixth lawsuit alleging abuse by combs. juju chang with details. good morning, juju. >> good morning, george. in the newly filed lawsuit, the former model said she initially blamed herself and sank into years of anxiety, depression, even self-harm. when she saw the new evidence of alleged abuse against combs, she says she felt a moral obligation to come forward. this morning cassie speaking out for the first time following the release of that shocking video
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obtained by cnn showing her then boyfriend, sean diddy combs, at tacking his then girlfriend cassie ventura. in an instagram post, cassie writes domestic violence is the issue. it broke me down to someone i never thought i would become. with a lot of hard work, i am better today, but i will always be recovering from the past. this comes as combs faces another civil lawsuit, his sixth, alleging that in 2003 the hip hop mogul drugged and sexually assaulted crystal mckinney. she was the winner of model mission, she was 22 when she claims she was drugged and sexually assaulted by combs after meeting him at a 2003 fashion week event in new york city. in her lawsuit, mckinney says later that night at combs' recording studio, she was pressured to consume alcohol and marijuana, including a joint she claims was laced and became very intoxicated. mckinney said the rapper forced her to perform a sex act adding afterwards she passed out in his studio before she awakened in
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shock to find herself in a taxicab. this photo of mckinney supposedly taken on the night of the alleged incident. abc news reached tout combs but hasn't heard back. ♪ the lawsuit comes on the heels of the release of shocking video exclusively obtained by cnn the fallout forcing this subsequent apology from combs. >> i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. >> reporter: diddy's former partner, misa hilton, the mother of his son justin, who appeared alongside the rapper in the notorious big video for big papa. ♪ sending love to cassie writing on instagram, i am heart broken that cassie must relive the horror of her abuse. my heart goes out to her. i know exactly how she feels. and through my empathy, it has triggered my own trauma. this as all eyes are on the on going federal probe of allegations of human and sex trafficking with diddy as the target. he has denied any wrongdoing.
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>> mounting lawsuits against sean combs creates more civil liability, more money he has to pay out if he loses. but knowing there's a federal investigation against sean combs involving human trafficking and other sexual assault allegations, this just adds more fuel to the fire for that investigation. >> we should note even though the criminal statute of limitations has expired, new york's gender motivated violence protection act allows accusers to file civil lawsuits during a limited window which expires in 2025. we know this sixth lawsuit is adding to his legal woes. guys? >> robin: it is. juju, thank you. new details from the singapore airlines flight that experienced severe turbulence. we're hearing from an american family that was on board after the mother and father suffered severe injuries. trevor ault is back with more for us. good morning again, trevor. >> reporter: good morning again, robin. yeah, the videos and the after math of this deadly turbulence are astounding. we know the damage is
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significant, including for this american family of four. both the mother and father seriously injured, with a long road to recovery. they're in hospitals thousands of miles from home. new details this morning from an american family on that frightening flight from london to singapore that experienced severe turbulence. drew kessler and his wife vicki both severely hurt. drew posting on facebook, he's hospitalized in bangkok with a broken neck, vicki with a broken back, both in a lot of pain. but grateful their two boys, who were also on board, were not hurt in what was an extended stretch of dangerous air plunging more than 1 mile with almost no warning. >> the data shows the airplane went into turbulence and stayed in that turbulence for more than two minutes. over the course of those two minutes people were thrown up and down nine times. >> reporter: authorities now investigating the cause. this level of extreme turbulence is not unprecedented.
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from 2009 to 2022, there were 163 injuries from turbulence just in the u.s. last year several passengers were hospitalized on a flight from texas to germany. and eight people were injured on this jet blue flight from ecuador to florida. some researchers believe these types of incidents may be increasing in severity due to climate change. >> at the most basic level, climate change is putting more energy into the atmosphere. more energy in the atmosphere means more storms so it affects our weather, but also way up there at cruising altitudes, it means more turbulence. >> reporter: research from the web side shows recently the most turbulent routes in the u.s. have been on the eastern portion of the country. nashville to raleigh durham registered as the most turbulent route in the u.s. with charlotte to pittsburgh not too far behind. while extreme turbulence is still very rare, the main take away from the airports is it is always a smart idea to make sure your seat belt
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is buckled when you're on the plane. guys? >> michael: yep. sitting in that seat, buckle up. thank you, trevor. coming up new protections for the millions who use popular buy now pay later apps. and next our exclusive with the ceo of aldi. where he says prices are headed this summer. stay right there. we'll be right back. bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets.
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gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! ♪ like me. sure there's food at home, but is there a mcdouble with extra pickles, a side of fries and a hi-c at home?
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don't be ridiculous. ♪ dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. next! ♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings
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versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. (♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] >> michael: as we head into memorial day weekend and all eyes are on those high food
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prices, joining us now is an abc news exclusive with the ceo of discount grocer aldi, the fastest growing grocery chain in the country. jason, thank you for being with us. good morning to you. >> good morning, michael. thanks for having us. >> michael: we are finally getting good news that grocery prices are falling. what's the outlook on prices for the rest of the summer? >> yeah, it's really good news. inflation is lessening. but the consumer is still stressed by the higher cost of living as a result of the inflation the last couple of years. so the consumer is still looking for low price. they're shopping private label. they're comparing price, shopping more stores. they're really looking to aldi as we're the low price leader. we're continuing to lean in on price. that's why our customer traffic has been way up. our growth is accelerating. 25% of u.s. customers now shop at aldi. that's twice what it was just six years ago. aldi is built to fight inflation. our business model, based on simplicity and efficiency,
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provides savings for customers and also saves them time when they're shopping with their grocery list. >> michael: consumers are shopping around more than they ever have to find the best deals. what trends are you seeing in your stores right now? >> yeah, the trends that we're seeing is they're gravitating to our summer price reductions. we just dropped about 250 items across the stores, most popular for summer. focused on fresh meat, snacks for the summer road trip. our fresh meat prices are lower than they were last year. our sales are up 30%. couple proof points, we've got our boneless skinless chicken breast at $2.19 a pound. since we've marked that product down it's up 50% in movement. that's just showing the popularity of low prices and the popularity of aldi is as high as it's ever been. our growth is accelerating across our 2,400 stores. that consumer demand is really what's motivating us with our growth plans over the next five
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years to open up 800 more stores across the country. a big catalyst for that was our big acquisition in the southeast. that's going to enable us to really accelerate our growth, cover more white spots on the map in the southeast and open up more store force consumers. >> michael: 800 stores, southeast, going to get their first aldi. to try to get some of these low prices that you're offering there. target and wal-mart, they're also offering a lot of new ways for the consumer to save money. what's gonna set aldi apart? >> you know, what sets aldi apart, low prices is what we're all about. it's not something we do if it's trendy or if the business traffic is suffering like i think it is in some of the competitors and fast food places. we're all about low prices. it's in our dna. it's what drives customers to our store. really, that business model that we have that's focused on private label prices. that's focused on a lower skew count that keeps our business and suppliers efficient.
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that's what keeps us apart, sets us apart. it's really the time and the savings that consumers can have on their shopping list that sets aldi apart. the proof is in the results, in the traffic that continues to increase in our stores. >> michael: looking at the low prices now, prices are dropping now. some lawmakers blame corporate greed for higher prices in the first place. are these price cuts by you and some of your competitors just a sign that companies went too far in raising prices? >> you know, we don't really focus on what the competition is doing. we're focused on what consumers want and need. before the consumer was stressed with the inflation, we were still about low price. but those low prices become even more important, as value is more top of mind for the consumer. so our actions are all based on consumer demand. we're always looking for opportunities to lower prices, to reduce our cost of doing business, to reduce our cost of product and to lean in on lower prices. >> michael: lower prices make consumers happy. thank you very much, mr. hart. appreciate your time this
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morning. >> thank you. happy memorial day. >> michael: you, too. thank you. robin? >> robin: i'm hungry now. [ laughter ] >> michael: i know. all that food behind him. i was like -- >> robin: thank you, michael. coming up later, some bridesmaids are admitting they have been driven thousands of dollars into debt. we'll tell you how to avoid some of the stress. next will will be back with our play of the day. day day. ♪ ♪ [droids beeping] [loud indistinct chatter] ♪ [message received tone] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ [find my chime] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [find my chime] [in unison] - hey! ♪ [thud] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin.
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3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. (noel) did you know it's possible to have a heart attack at age 36? i didn't. here's a tip. if you smoke, it's totally possible. that's what happened to me. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street,
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or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2,
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or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®.
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>> robin: back now with our play of the day. the nba playoffs western conference finals between the mavs and timberwolves tipped off last night. will, you've got that. another close one. >> it was. it was a thriller, robin. good morning again. this series features bunch of big names. two get top billing after game one. luka donjic and kyrie a dominant duo. 30 points for kyrie, 33 for luka on the road in minneapolis for the first conference finals game there in 20 years. anthony edwards just named to his first all nba team, had a little off night but still got buckets when it mattered. that three put the wolves up by four. with 3:30 left. then the mavs would take control from there. donjic had 15 of his 33 points, there's two of them right there, in the fourth quarter. just too much for minnesota's league leading defense to handle. stat for you, george, teams that win game one of the series in the nba playoffs go on to win that series nearly 78% of the time.
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>> george: 78% of the time? >> michael: wow. >> we will see if that holds. game 2 is tomorrow. game 2 of the eastern conference finals tonight espn celtics/pacers. >> robin: you were both at the rangers game last night? >> we were. they didn't score. [ laughter ] >> michael: i got a message from my partner, my business partner, said don't go to any more rangers fans. i got banned. i don't know. >> i'm double banning you then. >> michael: i won a super bowl. i'm not getting banned. [ laughter ] >> i take it back. okay. [ laughter ] >> robin: you two are our ray of sunshine. you are our ray of sunshine. but our ray of sunshine is also in detroit coming up. up. nicely done. bounty is made to be stronger... ...and more absorbent. so, while ordinary brands can't hold up, one sheet of bounty keeps working,
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even when wet. (♪) now that's the sound of value. bounty. the quicker picker upper. what's a walt disney world thrill feel like? it's like... [howdy, partners!] and like... [laughter] ♪ and also like... [screams] and it feels even better together. ♪ and check this out! you can thrill with this special 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. visit to learn more. disney thrills us like... [screams] look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. higher shipping rates may be
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“the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so i wear a lot of hats. my restaurants, my tattoo shop... and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. i brought in ensure max protein
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with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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>> ginger: coming up with some high school boys struggling with time management, the simple way you can help them start building good habits. that and so much more. also your local news and weather are coming up next. more also in motion with innovation, imagination and the drive to always keep dreaming. introducing our all new all electric suv, the prolog baby. she too much for me.
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>> i just can't get over the prolog of things to come. >> the all new, all electric prolog from honda >> get weekend ready with me. i'll have your forecast on abc seven mornings. i think my husband is in danger >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning. kumasi. yeah, we are keeping our eyes on traffic through the south bay. i know that at the corner it might say, oh, no. there we go. live. look, now, this is san jose, 280 and 17, but we want to keep our focus on that brushfire that is
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burning on the shoulder of 280 northbound in san jose race street is where it's happening. bird avenue, that onramp on northbound 280 is shut down at this time. so a lot of information just coming up now. it is backed up to alum rock avenue. you can see speeds are down to 16mph. it's going to be an issue because this is commute direction. so keep that in mind. >> hi amanda. we'll go to our east bay hills camera. it is sunny out there. it's going to be a mild day today. temperatures 50s and 60s as we get you going right now. so the day planner reflects all that sunshine today. it's mild but breezy this afternoon. that fog quickly returns later on tonight. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes, but you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven the news continues now with good morning america. >> summer's here. and with a new toyota you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it. >> get financing as low as 0% apr on tundra or
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> fast, reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity, your emblem of devotion. >> have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 5.99 or a natural gia for 1990. 18 k mounts are 4.99. thousands of choices, always the best deal. the jewelry exchange, redwood city i was injured in a car crash. >> i had no idea how much my case was worth. call the barnes ferm to find out what your case could be worth. >> we will help you get the best
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result possible come one 808 million. >> hey, let's go somewhere fun with triple a! let's go for a night on the town. no kids. let's go for a weekend away. okay let's bring the kids. but first, let's get this fixed. >> triple a, your membership to go. >> don't tell funny girl is the theatrical event of the season. introducing katarina mccrimmon as fanny brice. don't bring around a cloud. entertainment weekly raves mccrimmon is poised to be the greatest star, and la times proclaims mccrimmon is a powerhouse. she brings the house down as fanny in a production that revives the glory of musicals past. don't miss funny girl, all right now playing through may 26th at the orpheum theater. tickets at broadwaysf. >> com. >> stop your search for the one and find your perfect mattress match at mancini sleep world. save up to $1,000 during our memorial day sales event. give
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the tempur-pedic adapt mattress starting at $27 per month. save on avocado helix and more with queen mattresses starting at 197. take advantage of 60 month special financing and free next day delivery, removal and setup of your new mattress. your perfect match is waiting for you online or in stores at mancini sleep world. >> summer's here, and with a new toyota, you can capture all the summer fun. wow, my favorite party trick get low 3.99% apr on highlander or choose a low lease on rav4 toyota. >> let's go places tv's biggest morning party >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. memorial day get away has started. how airlines are bracing, while dealing with a nationwide air traffic controller shortage. plus the best and worst times to hit the road. >> michael: the new rules of buy now pay later.
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how they'll help protect millions using the popular app. >> robin: the rising cost of being a bridesmaid. >> it's $800. >> it's on sale. >> robin: wedding season is here, and some women are going into debt for their friend's big day. how to cut become on spending and when it's okay to say no to bridesmaids duties. >> george: lessons for success. with many high school boys struggling with time management -- >> luke was getting some things done, but it was painful. i don't think it needed to be that painful. >> george: how parents can help them develop the skills to stay on task and get the good habits to stick. ♪ she'll have fun fun fun ♪ >> robin: beach boy mike love joins us talking about the band's new documentary and his bond with john stamos. ♪ walking on sunshine ♪ >> michael: and meet our ray of sunshine. >> he is a natural born leader. >> michael: the man getting in the ring for detroit's under privileged youth with a boxing gym that's become so much more
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to the community. we have a knockout surprise for him this morning as we say -- >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. we are live in detroit this morning. ike ejochi is there to help celebrate a man who is really looking out for the kids in his community. >> robin: he turned the downtown boxing gym into a space for athletics and academics. we cannot wait to surprise him. he is making a difference. >> george: first top stories breaking at 8. we start with the holiday weekend travel. today expected to be the busiest day to fly. want to go back to trevor ault for more. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning again, george. faa anticipating 53,000 planes in the sky today. this american airlines flight is one of them taking off in just a couple moments for toronto. passengers are on board ready to go. this is kick starting what the tsa said is going to be the busiest summer travel season ever. heading into memorial day, we
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know there's a shortage of air traffic controllers, about 3,000 fewer than we would like. it is impacting the schedule, especially around new york. but the tsa, the airlines they are ready to go for all these travellers. as many people are flying, we know many more will be driving through memorial day. aaa said they are anticipating 38.4 million people will be driving to their destination through memorial day. that is the most since they started tracking it, going back to 2000. the congestion gets started today. today from noon to 6 is the heaviest of the traffic. tomorrow from noon to 7:00 p.m. saturday, sunday, monday, the bulk of it will be in the afternoon. if you want to avoid the traffic, it is best to get on the road before 11:00 a.m. or wait until late into the evening. that's the news with your planes and automobiles. we do have some news with train, too. amtrak and new jersey transit are warning about some downed power lines in the northeastern corridor. they want particularly rush hour commuters to be aware that there's a pretty high chance in that northeastern corridor of some delayed or even cancelled
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trains. if you're traveling by train in the northeast region, if you're traveling in any portion of the country by any mean, it is a good idea to have a plan b for your memorial day travel because it is going to be busy. robin? >> robin: that's right. when you're packing your bag, be sure to pack patience. okay, trevor. thank you. a second case of human bird flu confirmed by the cdc which said a michigan farm worker tested positive after contact with infected livestock. erielle reshef joins us with more. good morning to you, erielle. >> good morning, robin. the cdc and other health officials are closely monitoring that case but stress the public risk remains low. authorities say a farm worker in michigan likely contracted the bird flu after contact with infected livestock. the person had mild symptoms like an eye infection and has since recovered. this is the second case of a human diagnosed with bird flu. back in march you may remember a texas farm worker was the first known human case linked to dairy cow.
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that patient also had an eye infection and recovered. the virus has spread rapidly among live stock. health authorities say the human risk is highest for farm workers. they point out that there has been no human to human spread reported here in the u.s. there's only been three total cases of bird flu in humans ever reported here. as a precaution, the cdc is asking cities to continue monitoring flu levels like they do during peak season instead of easing back like they usually do over the summer. federal health officials say farm workers are at elevated risk. they're providing ppe to states who request it. michael? >> michael: got to try to keep them safe, erielle. thank you very much. now the idaho murder suspect bryan kohberger due in court today, where his defense team will try to compel prosecutors to turn over some evidence. they are expected to call a witness. kayna whitworth joins us with the latest. >> reporter: bryan kohberger will be back in court today. i'm told that his defense team
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plans on calling a moscow police detective to the stand today in yet another pretrial hearing. mallory was named investigator in several social media search warrants involved in this case. he specializes in solving crimes using data. in fact, he was recently recognized by the secret service visitor achievement in the field of digital forensics and cyber crime. the lead defense attorney said she plans to call experts to testify about dna and kohberger's alibi using cell tower data to prove that he was out driving around during the time of the murders. prosecutors though used dna evidence to link the former ph.d. grad student to the crimes and they say cell phone data places kohberger near the crime scene. the court entered a nonguilty plea on kohberger's behalf. he could face the death penalty if convicted. a reminder that no trial date has even been set. robin? >> robin: no trial date as of yet. kayna, i know you will stay, as you have from the beginning, on
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top of this for us. thank you. now to increased scrutiny of buy now pay later services. the federal government wants them to get more protection for consumers. eva pilgrim is here with details. >> those popular buy now pay later options facing new federal regulations. the consumer financial protection bureau issuing a ruling saying these services should be looked at and treated similarly to credit cards. that means requiring lenders to give refunds and provide billing statements. this is a big deal because these services are incredibly popular with younger people and those with lower credit scores. a survey finding one out of every seven adults used the buy now pay later. consumer watch dog groups have called on the government to put in protections. these services appear to welcome the new rules. the firm telling abc news we are encouraged the cfpd is promoting consistent industry standards, many of which already reflect how affirm operates. and saying we haven't waited for regulation and already operate at that standard.
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so what's next? the ruling will go through a 60-day public comment period then it could take effect. >> robin: consumers need more protection. all right. see you on gma3. thanks. >> george: coming up in our gma morning menu, bridesmaid burnout. with the cost of being in the wedding party putting some people into debt, we'll tell you how to say no. >> michael: also ahead, with some high school boys struggling with time management, how parents can help them develop good study habits. >> robin: chris valdes is here taking your memorial day burger to the next level. plus a simple trick to make your macaroni salad better. plus tory is here with deals and steals. >> that's right, robin. it is our summer kickoff. i've got you covered from the beach to a cookout. it's all starting at less than 5 bucks. that's coming up right here on gma. copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets.
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but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. (♪) (♪) (♪)
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(♪) nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today! wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant,
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which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. (♪) at enterprise mobility, our experts always see another road. because when there's no limit to how far mobility can go, there's no limit to how far businesses can go. (♪) when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness.
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migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. (♪) these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time. (♪) (♪) (♪)
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>> michael: right up 44th street right there. >> george: yeah. >> michael: back with our gma cover story. the new bridesmaids burnout. with duties costing thousands on average, some women are now going into debt for their friends' weddings. elizabeth schulze joins us with details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i can tell you being a bridesmaid is about more than picking out and buying a dress. there are other expenses, gifts and trips, that can quickly add up. some bridemaids are admitting it's driven them thousands into debt. >> i'm ready to party! >> reporter: with wedding season in full swing, so are bachelorette parties.
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bridal showers and dress fittings. >> very pretty. do you feel pretty? >> adorable. >> reporter: for many bridesmaids the increasing extravagant festivities are taking a financial toll and tipping them into debt. according to the knot the average cost to be a bridesmaid is about $2,000. that includes $1,300 for the bachelorette party, $250 for wedding and shower gifts, $250 for hair and makeup on the big day and $130 for the dress. >> looking back, there was a lot of red flags. i should have said something. >> reporter: danielle said she end up going nearly $1,500 in debt to pay for her maid of honor responsibilities. >> what was expected was one thing, but then it kept mounting up. >> ladies, i don't think we can do any better. this is beautiful. >> gorgeous. >> it's $800. >> it's on sale!
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>> reporter: some bridesmaids say they're putting thousands of dollars of wedding related expenses on their credit cards, on top of other debt like student debt or medical bills. >> this can create lasting financial difficulty for people. >> reporter: financial advice columnist charlotte cole said be up front with the bride about your financial situation. consider going in on a group gift or politely opt out of events like the bridal shower. >> it's okay to say, i care about you and want to support you in other ways and i love you as a friend, but financially, i just can't do this. >> reporter: if you're the bride, be realistic with your squad. set a clear budget for them in the same way that you would for the rest of your wedding costs. >> i think just having that open communication with everyone was so important. >> reporter: planning a budget in advance is key. they recommend ordering your dress seven months out from the wedding date to avoid any late shipping charges or tailoring fees.
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once you get that save the date, consider it the starting point to put money aside every month for the bridesmaids festivities. it is easier to put $20 aside a month than hundreds or thousands at once. if using a credit card, prioritize paying off that high interest debt first and whenever you can pay more than your minimum balance. guys? >> george: lot of good advice there. >> michael: we are all excited about this one. thank you, elizabeth. >> robin: who knew? wow. >> michael: expensive. >> robin: you should be able to -- if you are asked to be in a wedding, that means you are a good friend. you should be able to tell your friend, i can't do this. >> michael: also you know your friends' situations, too. if you're that close. i almost feel like what you can ask and what you shouldn't ask financially. >> george: yeah, yeah. we're going to turn now to our series the new gender gap. it reveals how boys are falling behind girls in school. we'll tell you what parents can do to help. juju chang back with us.
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hey, juju. >> good morning, george. you know as the mother of three boys, i'm obsessed with this particular gender gap. whether it's in the classroom culture or broader culture, research suggests that boys are underperforming girls. they are all small fixes parents can do to help all our kids. when 16-year-old luke robinson was in 8th grade, he realized he needed help to have more success in school. >> my grades and everything were actually pretty good. i noticed that i just really wasn't having any leftover time. like, i would be finishing my homework close to 10 p.m. >> one of the big challenges for boys is procrastination. sometimes in the boy's mind, it's about being bored. but really, if you dig a little, what's actually going on is there's a lot of stress. that stress leads to avoidance. unfortunately, that avoidance leads to more stress. >> reporter: procrastination, organization, and time management, just some of the many struggles staff show impact boys far more than girls. in recent years, fewer boys
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graduate high school than girls. boys are less likely to enroll in college. >> luke was getting some things done, but it was painful. i don't think it needed to be that painful. it wasn't just painful for him. it was painful to us as parents at the end of the day. >> reporter: i feel your pain. i feel your pain. >> yeah yeah. very very very much. so those skills were things that were organizational skills. >> reporter: for luke, who received tutoring from beyond book smart developing executive function skills was key. >> when they're really, really little, what kids need is a skill of impulse control. learning how to tolerate a no. as they get older, it's learning to follow routines. you get a little older, you get into middle school, it's more about attention and managing distractions. by the time they're in high school and college, it's being able to independently understand where it's worth spending time. so prioritizing and then completing the job. >> reporter: another key to luke's success? something pros call
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habit stacking. >> habit stacking is basically stacking a habit on top of another habit. the habit i was trying to create was brushing my teeth and making my bed and switching out my backpack. that was my habit stacking there. >> reporter: did it stick? >> yeah. i stopped forgetting folders. >> he's being modest. he was honor roll last semester. >> reporter: well done. >> thank you. >> luke says he's now tackling assignments in bite size pieces before deadline pressure hits. it reduces the stress. and, of course, we all know when you're not cramming you do better. >> george: no question about it. what are the best steps for people to take? >> luke's mom lisa loves a tool, the pomodora technique. it's planning out fixed timers. like setting a timer for 25 minutes and then taking a break. it's basically like a high intensity interval train. right? you get to reduce your procrastination, allows everyone to more consciously focus on your task. another tip is to work smarter not harder. there are free online programs. my boys use quiz list. >> george: mine, too.
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>> right? what it allows kids to do is create digital flash cards so you can quiz yourself and quiz others. it's all free. >> george: thank you, juju. >> you're welcome. >> george: ginger? >> ginger: i'm taking notes. thank you all very much. all right. the summit at snowqualmie usually sees dusting of snow on the peaks. but to get it at the base camp, they don't see that very often. they can't remember in decades. we have some video of that. that spring snow still into the rockies. when all said and done, some places up to foot and a half. at the same time, we've got red flag warnings with wind, low humidity and heat building for new mexico, parts of west texas. today dallas ft. worth later this afternoon, if you have flights early you should be all right. but then look for the potential for a ground stop where you get the lightning around. damaging winds in nebraska and kansas. we've had severe thunderstorms north of new york city. those storms will keep moving through early afternoon. let's get a chec
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>> robin: summer is just around the corner and who better to kick things off than tory johnson and deals and steals. nothing says summer like deals. >> exactly. these sandals, they thought about all the things we don't want to think about, but you're happy somebody did when you're wearing them. so we're talking about great arch support, padded toe posts, right? not something you think about but you're happy when it's there. also padded straps. when you touch these you feel they're padded. >> robin: oh, yeah. >> we have a big assortment. flip flops, slides, strappy sandals, cork sandals.
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you name it. huge assortment you will find online, more than we have here. 50% off, robin, start at $20. >> robin: some comfy sandals there. these won't be bulky in your beach bag. >> that's right. that's the magic of it. we want to show the size of it. >> robin: my goodness. >> we brought a big towel here. >> robin: oh, wow. >> yep. nice big one. what's special about that, too, robin, is that it's got print on two sides. depending on your mood or the moment, you've got two patterns in one towel. super light, sand resistant. this leaves you more room in your bag because there's no bulk with these. quick drying as well, which we love. huge assortment of patterns. these today, $20. >> robin: $20. >> this is brush on block. mineral sun care. we've got a few products from them that are their most popular. safe for people, pets, the planet. important with sun screen.
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this brush on, you've got in there spf 50. that's translucent. they also make one -- >> robin: oh. >> do you see that? >> robin: oh, yeah. >> brushes right on. great to carry in a bag to touch up anytime. we all have from them -- i love this. the lip oil. the lip oil is spf 30 built right in, so you get that nice hydration and protection as well. this one right here, this is two in one. got your moisturizer and your spf 50 protection. you can just use this as your moisturizer. you don't even have to add an extra step to your routine to get coverage. everything, robin, today, 50% off, starts at $12.50. >> robin: nothing can ruin a picnic more than bugs. >> bugs. >> robin: oh my gosh. >> not what we want. >> robin: no. >> this is a family owned business for 40 years, helping to keep the bugs away with no bite me product. this is a cream bug repellant. so it's got -- you feel it. creamy texture there. you can put it on all over. if you want even more protection.
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>> robin: smells good, too. >> it does. that's part of the active ingredient. lemongrass. brad told me he is a fan of their bug repellant soaps. >> robin: can we get some him some facetime for b rad? all right. >> there he is. i like the soap. no matter the products you choose, these are all 50% off starts at $4.50. >> robin: oh my gosh. that's a great bargain here. >> if there's cooking involved this summer, you want pans from our place. we've got three different options. this is their cast iron always pan. eight things. i needed a cheat sheet. grill, sear, braise, saute, roast, bake, broil, serve. you can do that all in this one pan. if you want to go for that extra crispy, you can add their grill press to it. this is an option that you can use with any kind of pan like this to add that extra creamy, extra seared option. in the front we have what they call their modern day dutch oven.
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that's their perfect pot. big enough to roast a whole chicken in that. 50% off starting at $20. this is making its deal debut. these are seasoned straws. it is a paper straw hand coated with their delicious seasoning that allows you to elevate any cocktail or mocktail. so think smoked one great for a bloody mary. there's a spicy option that you can add to margaritas, tequila, citrus for vodka, soda, sangria, expresso shock late to go with a shake. really fun for kids. set of them, airing this weekend on gma. three hour power hour tomorrow uh- for memorial day. but we've got early bird savings for you guys. you can start shopping right now to save more than 35 brands. huge assortment there. we got billie on an e-bike there
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he is. his new his new favorite e-bike. i see gary relaxing there. and the beanbag chair. early access on the gma website. >> there's a lot there, a lot of savings as well. my goodness. all right tory, thank you so much. we have partnered with these companies on these great deals. you can get them along with everything from power hour by scanning the qr code on your screen, coming up, we've got a ray of you're a ray of sunshine. we got one in detroit as well. knock out surprise knock. >> good morning america. starting tuesday, the sisters of nicole brown simpson. >> how do you live with 30 years of rage and heartbreak? >> their first television interview together in 30 years. >> our top story the death of oj simpson. >> does it change anything for you? >> the horror they discovered their sister nicole faced from her secret diaries and behind closed doors. it he's about to kill again. >> okay, just stay on the line. i don't want to stay on the line. he's going to beat the. wait a minute. okay? the kids are two things. >> it was just frightening. i
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just wish that i had known more. my sister lived in hell. >> now with a new lifetime documentary about their sister, everyone will be talking about the diane sawyer interview. >> the pain doesn't go away. >> starting tuesday morning on gma. >> there's a wildfire heading toward seattle. >> we need to stop the fire from wiping out the entire city. >> this is huge. >> you're the best. lead them. the captain fires over the bridge. >> i'm the doctor. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning. reggie. yeah, right behind you. we saw an issue happening on the upper deck of the bay bridge. it was a motorcycle crash that's blocking
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the two right lanes. this is before fremont street, and it's impacting traffic, of course, across the span. so just keep that in mind. if you're heading into the city from the east bay and then straight to the south bay, where there is a brush fire at race street, it has shut down the bird avenue on ramp to northbound 280, and speeds are down to 27mph. >> reggie. okay, amanda. thank you. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma right after this break. >> don't tell funny girl is the theatrical event of the season. introducing katarina mccrimmon is fanny brice. don't bring around a cloud. entertainment weekly raves mccrimmon is poised to be the greatest star, and la times proclaims mccrimmon is a powerhouse. she brings the house down as fanny in a production that revives the glory of musicals past. don't miss funny girl, all right now playing through may 26th at the orpheum theater a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! to get up to an $800 prepaid card call today. >> the precision garage door. we come to your home fully stocked and all of the parts to fix your garage door fast. we only use high quality parts, and at precision garage door we warranty all of our work so you get the ultimate peace of mind precision door service a name you can trust. >> your fortune awaits at twin pine casino and hotels. $100,000 bucks or bust giveaway. will you play it safe or go all in for a shot at the grand prize of $10,000 cash on may 25th and june 29th? twin pine casino and hotel in lake county, california, celebrating 30 years. hey bay area live with kelly marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with
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jeremy renner from mayor of kingstown, plus bargains with monica mangan. that's at nine on abc seven. >> all right, we'll see you in 30 minutes. a live look, the exploratorium camera calm bay waters a lovely sunny day. it's going to be mild 50s and 60s right now. so we are dealing with some very comfortable temperatures currently. before those numbers take off this afternoon, here's future weather again. a lot of sunshine out there today. highs are mild once again, pollen count remains high. it's beautiful sunshine out there. today's a big travel day. if you are going anywhere in california. it is nice with temperatures slightly above average for this time of the year. reggie thank you. >> drew another abc seven news update in about about a half hour. you can always find >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: it's time now for our ray of sunshine. ike ejochi is in detroit about to surprise the creator of an academic and athletic after school program that has a life changing impact for kids.
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good morning, ike. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys. listen, i'm in downtown boxing gym with a group of incredible kids. we're all here to surprise the head of this program, khali sweeney. i'm whispering right now because he is literally on the other side of those doors. kids, let's get ready for the surprise, all right? >> yeah! >> reporter: i'm gonna go get him. khali sweeney! where you at, my man. khali, what's going on, my man? i'm ike ejochi. i know you thought these cameras were here filming a promotional video for your gym but you are live on good morning america right now. >> okay. all right. good morning. we've been filming you all morning because we want to show america how special this place is. let's take a look at this program, where boxing is the hook, but education is at its heart. >> khali is a natural born
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leader, honestly. >> khali is a motivator. >> khali is literally everything to me. >> reporter: khali sweeney has turned this special place into more than a gym. >> you've got doctors, engineers, physicists that have come out of this gym that otherwise may have not got out of high school. >> reporter: a space designed to open a world of possibilities for detroit's underprivileged youth. this after school program doesn't stop at athletics, providing academic tutoring, mentorship and a chance for students to see themselves in a new light. >> khali is really great at showing the kids, you can do it, too. >> reporter: beyond the boxing ring, a commercial kitchen for future chefs. >> today we are making our own dna. >> reporter: science and engineering labs for stem students. even a chicken coop. >> today we are finishing up the chicken fence. >> reporter: big benefits for
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students? the program boasting a 100% high school graduation rate. >> ever since i have been here i have been a 4.0 student. >> the gym has allowed me to grow myself as a person. >> reporter: sweeney faced his own challenges growing up in the motor city, using that experience to bridge the gap and relate with the kids. >> he embraces it. he embraces who he was, where he came from, and he pours all that into the kids. >> i really didn't have anybody to talk to me who understood me, who was in some of the similar situations i have been through. >> reporter: through his grit and determination, khali sweeney is our ray of sunshine. >> i love you, brother. keep doing the same things you're doing. >> i don't know if i would be the person i am without what you've done. >> you give with your heart. you give with your strength. the larger detroit community and this larger world is better for having you in our lives. thank you. [ applause ]
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>> thank you. >> reporter: that right there, that's all you, man. >> i like that. i like that. >> reporter: you clearly do so much for these students. they're such an important part of this program. so much so you called them the ceo's of this place. >> yes. >> reporter: so what is it about these students that inspires you so much? >> just every day, seeing them come here, willing to learn. they are here, eager to learn, eager to give back to their community. everybody is buying into it's one community. this is emotional, do you know what i mean? the kids, they're my inspiration. they are the future ceo's. they are the leaders of tomorrow. and right now. lot of these young people got a great start and they will be leaders in this generation, not 20 million years down the line. they are leaders right now. >> reporter: the way that they are leaders are through education? right? >> education is the key to everything. >> reporter: follow me a little bit. take it slowly, my man. trying to make me do a marathon.
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okay. we know education is a huge part of these kids' futures. we know you a stem lab here, science, technology, engineering, arts and math. we know you've been gone for a couple of days. magic has been happening here. little hocus pocus. i'll show you what's going on. we thought it needed a little upgrade. >> okay. >> reporter: take a look. >> oh, man, okay. >> reporter: our friends at gold star commercials got you a brand new stem lab. we got robotics, 3-d microscopes. everything you need to further these kids education. little different from what you saw last time? >> a lot of difference. >> reporter: what do you think of everything? >> i love it. i love it. you know, this is one of the places where our kids, they all opt into this. our kids love this part of the program. it was a pretty much an eye sore. it was a horror for me to look at. even when we would bring people here, i wouldn't walk in here. our kids deserve a space.
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they love this part of it. it wasn't up to par. >> reporter: you said yourself this is all about the kids. >> yeah. >> reporter: so, kids, why don't you come on out here. [ cheers ] >> what's going on? [ cheers ] they're all here, my man, they're all here for you. [ applause ] i gotta tell you, these kids, they feel so much pride in the heart of downtown boxing gym. we wanted to give them something to wear that lets them know they are part of something special. we know for years you've been trying to get them some varsity jackets. >> yeah, yeah. >> reporter: well, our buddies are making that happen. that's why every single kid here
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is getting a downtown gym varsity jacket. what do you think? [ cheers ] >> i love it. love it. >> reporter: you see all this gear? see everybody here? what's going through your mind now, man? >> team work. this is team work. this is our community coming together for something that we all believe in, which is our kids and our future. i'm just proud to be part of this journey. this is a team. it's not a they thing. it's a we thing. as a global community, as our neighborhood community, we all came together for the same purpose, which is these young people here. that's the most important thing. it's not about me. it's about them and all of us working together for them. >> reporter: so happy for what you do. [ applause ] we are going to keep going here. back to you. >> robin: i love how he said we. he said it's a we thing. >> michael: he's probably going to have ike give him three rounds on the heavy bag before he lets him out of that gym. [ laughter ] thanks, ike. coming up mike love is here
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talking about the new beach boys documentary when we come back. whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room,
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you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent.
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>> brian would sing the high part beautifully. i would sing the bass part. then carl and l jardine could sing really well and blend. see, it wasn't only about the note, it was about the blend.
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you sublimate your individuality to create this group harmony sound. >> robin: we are back now on gma with a bit of the beach boys documentary that you just saw. it's debuting friday on disney +. we're picking up good vibrations with our next guest, lead vocalist, co-founder of the legendary band, might be love. [ applause ] >> thank you, robin. nice introduction. >> robin: i'm not sure no one has ever done that, the good vibrations line. john stamos is very excited because he's going to be going out on tour with you. i understand that you and john go way back to your parents house. >> we're like family. he's been coming out since he was blackie on general hospital. he loves nothing more than to play drums. he and his beautiful wife caitlin and their son billy. it's beautiful when we're together. billy dressed up for career day in school with beach boys shirt on. >> robin: oh yeah. we saw that. >> so sweet.
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>> robin: way back when didn't john used to ride his bike past your parents house? >> he did. he told me he would ride his bicycle past my parents house in cyprus, california, orange county where he lived. and look in the window and see the gold albums. [ laughter ] >> michael: we know the beach boys just performed at stage coach, which is great. why was that a meaningful performance? >> it was meaningful because there were like 80,000 people there singing along. our sound guy had to turn up the sound to compete with the loudness of the audience singing along to all the songs. they only gave us an hour. >> michael: only gave us an hour. [ laughter ] too many hits for an hour. >> no respect. [ laughter ] it was fantastic. people were dancing with my daughter.
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i have been playing my dad, your records since you were lizzy grant at 12 years old. my daughter is 12 years old. she played lana delray before she was lana delray. >> robin: wow. >> she's very aware of music and stuff. it's an enormous circular family thing that's going on with the beach boy. >> robin: i love that. >> george: let's talk about the documentary. what inspired you to do it now? >> disney got inspired to do it. [ laughter ] frank marshall came in. he is rather well known in the movie making circles. he did a wonderful documentary on the bee gees. it was really touching and fantastic. but he got involved. next thing you know we're doing more press and promotion than we ever have in our lives. i mean, we've done webinars and all kinds of things. they're promoting us in every country in the world.
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it's amazing. >> george: you are known in every country in the world. >> our music has preceded us around the world. we've had top ten records in israel. british radio played in hong kong. we have fans in china. we have fans from russia. we did some promotion for slovenia. i think melania made call or something. i don't know. [ laughter ] it's been fabulous. not only do we have a beautiful documentary, but a fantastic book from genesis. they make these incredible books for couple decades now. they have one on the beach boys. it weighs 11 pounds, the big one. >> robin: whoa. 'cause you have so many hits after hits. it's hard to ask this question, but i am. do you have a favorite? >> yes. i have a favorite. surfing in the usa, i get around -- [ laughter ] wouldn't it be nice, good vibrations and cocomo.
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>> michael: gave you an hour to get all that in? come on. [ laughter ] >> robin: mike, we always enjoy having you here. >> great seeing you again. last time was in a park somewhere. >> robin: we had the beach balls flying in the crowd like that. do give everybody our best. we're excited about this. the beach boys debuts on disney + on friday. you do not want to miss it. ginger? >> ginger: thank you, robin. one vote for cocomo, from me. [ laughter ] just letting you know. we've had severe storms, even around here this morning. new york city, this is north of new york. this is luigi. his mom took this video. the trees down there in greenwood lake. there are still severe thunderstorms that will blow through just to start the holiday weekend travel. then if you're talking about the beach, there's unusually and below average temperatures for that swath of water from mid-atlantic up into the northeast which is odd. majority of the world is in unprecedented territory temperature wise. we'll get into that more with the hurricane forecast coming out tomorrow. but your local weather now.
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>> george: we have an exclusive first look at the trailer for descendants the next chapter in the disney hit franchise that features rita ora and brandy. it arrives july 12 on disney +. ♪ what's my name what's my name ♪ >> my first order of business will be making sure all of the kingdoms are welcome, even wonderland. >> we accept. >> really? >> put on something respectable. >> bridget. >> it's your royal highness now. >> you are acting like you have never seen a crown before. >> this is crazy. >> i will never kneel to a
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tyrant. >> off with her head! >> how do we stop her? >> this is a time machine. >> you're joking. >> does it look like i'm joking? >> where are we? >> not where, when? ♪ what's my name ♪ >> alter the fabric of time. there are too many consequences. >> we only have one shot to get this right. >> whose side are you on? ♪ what's my name what's my name ♪ >> you're bridget from wonderland? >> that's me. do you want a
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>> ginger: we are back. we're getting ready for grilling season with author, celebrity chef and cater chris valdes. so good to have you here. yes, everybody. you are going to show us some good dishes we can serve at memorial day barbecues this weekend. so welcome back to gma. i love that you're doing the classics, but you amp it up with a garlic aoli? >> we're going to be making a
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garlic aioli smash burger. start with mayo, garlic. >> ginger: that's a lot of garlic. like 12? >> that's the flavor. just make sure your date is eating garlic so you have breath compatability. chili powder, red wine vinegar, cilantro. >> ginger: nice. all that pepper? >> just a little pinch. we want to make sure they come back for a second date. >> ginger: don't eat my aoli. black pepper salt. >> we're going to pulse this up. this is how you finish the aioli. it's like flavored mayo. >> ginger: most people have this stuff at home. that's an easy one to do. >> this is perfect for french fries, tater tots. your burgers, your hot dogs. but today we're making smash burger. so smash burger, why do we want a smash burger? it's because a smash burger will give us crust, brownness, little sexiness in a burger. you know what i mean? it's kicking up our burger.
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>> ginger: who knew? >> so we're going to put some parchment paper. use a press. you can help me by making one. this is a great way to take out any frustration you might have. [ laughter ] this is perfect for you right now. here it goes. >> ginger: let me do one. do you want to put one on there for me. okay. great. we put a little parchment paper. >> ginger: just as easy as that. >> there you go. there you go. obviously, we always want to season this. if you don't have -- very important. >> ginger: take that off. you don't want that. mine didn't smash as well. >> you need a glass smasher. >> ginger: what if you don't have that? >> if you don't have a fancy smasher that's okay. i'm all about side tricks. you can use the bottom of a can. wipe it down. just press down. we want to season this. this is what we end up with right here. >> ginger: yum. >> look at that. >> ginger: that's that crusty edge. >> we want to add some cheese. >> ginger: okay. >> in the meantime, with all of the juice there, i like the top of the bread. >> ginger: you don't have to add anything. just use what you have. >> yeah. >> ginger: okay. make up the burgers. this is where it comes in.
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>> so for you, i think we're the type of people we like two patties. so we're using two patties. >> ginger: sure. it is a sexy burger. might have double the sexy burger. >> we're going to do some garlic aioli. >> ginger: yes. yum. >> look at that. >> ginger: pretty quickly going to have to get to the macaroni salad. with corn? >> with corn. we're going to put this on the grill with jalapeno so it brings out the flavors. we'll start adding the flavors. if you don't want to roast the corn you can buy some fire roasted corn. drain it. >> ginger: let it dry out. >> right. i'm all about making it easy and flavorful in the kitchen. jalapeno, cojita cheese. we're going to add lime. >> ginger: yes to the jalapeno. i'm all over it. >> so some red onion, green onions some lime zest shower cream and mayo and mix this all up. you want to help me with that? >> ginger: i do. >> this is a great way to elevate your macaroni salad. i know it is a fan favorite. >> ginger: all of the flavors are kind of similar so this compliments the burger.
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>> look at you seasoning. you do this all the time. if you to add truffle oil in there, you can. just infuse and make this even better. this is what we end up with. look at that macaroni salad. >> ginger: you are fancy. i love it. finally a plantain. we have little time. >> with some ice cream. grill the plantains. five ingredients, easy to make. we always have to end it on a sweet note with something sweet, just like you. >> ginger: thank you. we'll get to eating. you get the recipes on a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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schedule your free in-home consultation today. >> summer is here, and with a new toyota, you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it! get a low lease on corolla or lease a camry for 249
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a month after a $1,000 bonus. >> cash. toyota let's go places. >> experienced a lot of heartache. i'm a tough woman, but it's not easy. you're gonna feel lonely. it's taken me a really long time to even get to this moment. and the cma award for entertainer of the year goes to lainey wilson. >> that was a mic drop. the entertainer of the year, baby. >> i do see the bell bottoms and the hat as my superhero outfit. >> wow, wow. 3-6. >> okay, we have breaking news. this just in george's book, the situation room number one on the new york times. best southwest just found out. >> how do you feel? i feel great, thank you. hey. good. congratulations. thank you. i have a friend who's in town. >> he ordered two copies. one to sign, one to get beat up in his book bag. he wants you to sign him. he's going to come in next
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week for you, george. >> thank you. fantastic. have a great weekend. >> congratulations. yeah. thank you so much. >> last year we made a commitment to ourselves. slow down, take some time off. >> have the kardashians slowed down? no. yeah s.o.s. >> here's a high school hoops success story. that almost didn't happen. >> my favorite move is an in and out and a crossover. >> camden's always love playing basketball. her feet? not so much. >> i would get a lot of, like, shin splints, cramps. my feet were, like, betraying me. >> so her mom took her in for a fitting at the good feet store. now she's got two rings and two clutch arch supports. >> they're my secret weapon. i use them every single day. >> stop by for your free fitting at the good feet store. >> i'm the doctor. i'd love it if you came with me. i may change me, but i can't trace term. >> i was injured in a car crash.
8:58 am
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8:59 am
for quality turf at warehouse prices, visit artificial turf express. >> is that your new nissan sentra? yeah >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event taking a test drive when dave, the sales guy is like, you're gonna love this. he shows me the sport tuned suspension and says it's rated a best value. 2024 new car on dave says these cars are going fast. i knew i had to have that sentra hurry in for memorial day savings. >> now get a low 259 per month lease or get 3.9% apr financing for 36 months on sentra. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings and here's a look at traffic. hi amanda. >> good morning reggie. the good news is that motorcycle crash that was blocking three lanes on the bay bridge has cleared. it cleared at 853. the bad news is things are still not moving at the bay bridge toll plaza because of it. you can see even the carpool lanes are impacted.
9:00 am
so it's going to take a lot of people a lot of time to get over here because it's commute direction. of course, that's the traffic update. >> hi amanda, we'll go to the exploratorium camera where it is sunny out there. we're in store for another mild afternoon. we have cities already into the 60s right now, which will be the launching pad to get us into that warm afternoon. so here's a live look outside with those sunny skies. it's warm. it's a little breezy today. temperatures this afternoon above average. the marine layer rolls back in here fast this evening. so by 9 p.m. we're turning to foggy skies reggie. >> thank you drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again at 11 for midday.dday. live. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from "mayor of kingstown," jeremy renner! plus, get ready exclusively for


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