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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  May 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> david: tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the severe storms set to hit, just as millions travel for the holiday. ginger zee is standing by. and the storm that blew through new york city already. tonight, this new line of storms from texas all the way north. >> oh, my god. that's a twister. >> david: possible tornadoes, damaging winds. and that thunderstorm moving
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over new york city, downing trees and power lines. thousands of flights affected. and tonight here, the new outlook for memorial day across the country. ginger is here. also tonight, police releasing new video showing the confrontation between the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, and a police officer directing traffic around a deadly accident in louisville. what the video shows. tonight, women and abortion rights in this country. the louisiana legislature passing a first of its kind bill classifying two abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances. possessing the drugs without a prescription could lead to jail time. the justice department filing an anti-trust lawsuit to break up the parent company of ticketmaster, accusing live nation and ticketmaster of monopolizing the concert industry. >> i waited in line for, like, six hours. >> david: you'll remember the taylor swift concert tickets, the fans so upset. tonight, the doj says live nation driving up prices. listing the ways they allegedly do it. tonight, the groups
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allegedly targeting homes with wifi-jamming equipment to knock out home security systems. authorities breaking up what they're calling burglary tourism. where they were breaking in and how they were doing it. horrific images. the deadly stage collapse during a rally in mexico. at least nine people killed. strong winds tearing down the stage. tonight, young women, breast cancer, and future pregnancy. what a new study reveals. celine dion and her deeply personal battle. what she's revealing tonight. the new hurricane forecast is out tonight. noaa issuing its highest ever early forecast for the upcoming hurricane season, and what it shows. and the remarkable new documentary about the beach boys. from a garage band to music legends, and your first look right here tonight. >> david: good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a thursday night.
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and we begin tonight with severe storms moving across the country, just as millions of americans are getting ready to travel for the memorial day holiday. a record number of americans on the roads and in the air, and these new storms could be a real problem. here in new york city, the storm that swept through today, knocking down trees and power lines. at this hour, nearly 30 million americans from texas, all the way north under threats for possible tornadoes, dangerous winds, large hail. that system then moving its way east. all of this as the national weather service tonight now confirming multiple tornadoes this week touching down in iowa, including that carbon, iowa, tornado we showed you right here, lifting up pieces of homes. it was an ef-3. late today, the tornado leveling greenfield, iowa, upgraded to an ef-4. winds up to 185 miles per hour. those dangerous thunderstorms rolling across the new york city area today. damaging homes, trees, knocking out power tonight to thousands in the tri-state area. and then tomorrow, storms firing up from dallas to chicago, of course, some key travel hubs. and then moving into the northeast through memorial day.
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ginger zee is here with the forecast, and abc's trevor ault leading us off at laguardia airport tonight. >> reporter: tonight, extreme weather threatening to upend memorial day weekend plans for a record number of families hitting the roads and skies. powerful storms slamming new york city this morning. 60-mile-an-hour winds taking down trees and power lines in the suburbs. >> it went from 0 to 60. it was -- sounded like a freight train, wind, rain pouring down. and power went out. >> reporter: severe thunderstorms have led to a ground stoppage here at laguardia and several other airports around new york. that's going to impact all these people who are taking off, plus all the planes that are flying in. and this is a big enough hub, that's going to have a ripple effect nationwide. the faa says this is busiest memorial day for air travel in nearly 15 years. with today being the busiest day of the entire stretch. more than 53,000 flights expected to take off. the faa telling "gma" it's all hands on deck for their 45,000 employees.
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>> we're not anticipating delays from staffing, but the weather is out of our control. >> reporter: and the weather has been at times out of control. overnight, an ef-2 tornado with 120-mile-an-hour winds tearing through temple, texas, north of austin. and in greenfield, iowa, where we now know the tornado that killed four people and injured dozens was an ef-4, with winds up to 185 miles an hour. they're now racing to clean up those obliterated neighborhoods, with more severe weather bearing down again tonight. and david, the tsa says it's already been so busy this month, they've had four days that rank in their top ten busiest days ever. and this memorial day weekend is supposed to kick-start what could be the busiest summer travel season. as we've seen today, the weather is going to be a major factor. david? >> david: we can see it in the skyline right behind you. trevor ault, thank you. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee, tracking it all, as always. hey, ginger. >> hi, david. our tornado count to date is well above average.
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i'm sure that's no surprise. more than 700 tornadoes, and we're about to get more going through this holiday weekend. just got a brand new tornado watch that includes elk city, oklahoma, down to san angelo. that goes until 11:00. there are other pockets of severe thunderstorms. we could easily see guests above 70 with this line that's going to develop in nebraska. i want to time this out for you. it's going to be a long night ahead and a long memorial day weekend. everybody highlighted there tonight, watch for this. because we're blowing through nebraska into even western iowa. and then it all starts to train towards chicago, milwaukee, madison, little rock, all the way back through dallas and waco still tomorrow. so, that's your friday threat. but then, saturday and sunday, we start to hike the tornado threat a little bit. that hazard becomes bigger for oklahoma and kansas, and centered on paducah on sunday. lots of cookouts, david, i hope everybody has two ways of getting warnings. >> david: everyone, just be careful out there this holiday weekend. ginger, we sure do appreciate it, thank you. we turn to the new video released from louisville, after that confrontation between the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, and a police
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officer directing traffic around a deadly accident there. he's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: in street camera video that louisville police are sharing tonight, there are large buses blocking the view, so it's impossible to see what happened before this car pulls up to the entrance at the pga championships. but attorneys for scottie scheffler say that the pictures help prove that the champion golfer behind the wheel is innocent. >> my situation will get handled. it was just a -- it was a chaotic situation and a big misunderstanding. >> reporter: what you do see is scheffler pulling up to the entrance with police detective bryan gillis running after him. there was a fatal accident on the road, and the golfer was trying to make it through traffic for an early start. people are now asking questions about the detective's police report, where he says scheffler "refused to comply" with his directions and dragged him with his car so badly that parts of his uniform "were damaged beyond repair." none of that is seen in either of the two videos police are releasing, that show them arresting the golfer and walking him in handcuffs without
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incident. >> he's going to jail, and there ain't nothing you can do about it. >> reporter: police today announced that they're disciplining detective gillis for not having turned on his body camera, which would have answered many questions. >> we understand the seriousness of the failure to capture this interaction, which is why our officer has received corrective action for this policy violation. >> reporter: but police say they still aren't dropping the charges against the golfer. he's still facing possible jail time for felony assault, reckless driving, and other charges. >> everything that is out there supports exactly what scottie has said from the start. scottie scheffler didn't do anything wrong. we're not interested in settling the case. we will either try it or it'll be dismissed. >> reporter: scheffler was playing at a tournament in texas today. his people say that even witnesses on the road say that he was treated unfairly. for now, he still has a court appearance on june 3rd, where he's expected to plead not guilty. david? >> david: steve osunsami reporting in tonight. thank you, steve. we turn now to the major new
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headline involving women and abortion rights in this country. tonight, the louisiana legislature has passed a first of its kind bill classifying two abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances. possessing the drugs without a prescription could lead to jail time. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: tonight, louisiana poised to become the first state in the nation to classify two abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances. the state legislature now sending the bill to the republican governor, who's expected to sign it into law. >> 29 yays and 7 nays and the bill has been concurred in. >> reporter: abortion is already banned in louisiana, but this bill would make even possessing the abortion pills without a prescription punishable by jail time and hefty fines. it's designed to crack down on their illegal distribution. >> these pills can be used for dangerous and harmful acts. >> reporter: drugs designated as dangerous controlled substances are typically ones with potential for addiction and abuse. not abortion pills. >> these medications are used in
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emergent situations for women all the time, and nobody disagrees with that. >> reporter: abortion pills are used in more than half of abortions in the u.s. in louisiana, doctors will now be required to get special licenses to obtain the drugs. >> i worry that there will be some stigma and some, you know, some taboo, if the government is saying this should be controlled. >> reporter: tonight, the biden administration pointing the finger squarely at donald trump, who appointed three of the supreme court justices who overturned roe versus wade. vice president kamala harris tweeting, "absolutely unconscionable. let's be clear, donald trump did this." louisiana is one of 21 states to ban or severely restrict access to abortion since roe was overturned. trump has taken credit for sparking the change. >> we broke roe v. wade, and we did something that nobody thought was possible -- we gave it back to the states, and the states are working very brilliantly. >> reporter: david, trump claimed weeks ago he'd be releasing his position on the
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abortion pill, whether it should be further restricted, saying that he has strong views on that, but we're still waiting on that announcement. >> david: rachel, while we have you, the other headline involving the race for president. senate democrats launching an investigation into a recent meeting that donald trump held with oil executives, and whether trump made any promises to those executives? >> reporter: yes, and david, sources tell us that the former president told those oil executives at mar-a-lago that they should donate a billion dollars to his campaign, because if he were to be re-elected, he would step up drilling and roll back a series of environmental protections, many of which were put in place during the biden administration. senate democrats are now looking into whether that amounts to a quid pro quo. david? >> david: rachel scott, thank you. we turn now to the justice department filing an anti-trust lawsuit to break up the parent company of ticketmaster, accusing live nation and ticketmaster of monopolizing the concert industry, driving up ticket prices for americans across this country. you'll remember the taylor swift concert tickets, fans so upset.
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tonight, the doj says live nation drives up prices, and the doj listing the ways they believe live nation does this. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas now. >> reporter: tonight, in a major move that could transform the live concert industry, the department of justice is suing live nation, the owner of ticketmaster, claiming the company is a monopoly that has crushed competition and driven up ticket prices. >> it is time to break up live nation/ticketmaster. the american people are ready for it. >> reporter: in a sweeping lawsuit joined by nearly 30 states, the doj accuses the concert giant of maintaining its market dominance through illegal tactics like pressuring artists to use its promotion services, retaliating against venues that work with rivals, and locking concert venues into exclusive ticketing contracts. the a.g. says ticketmaster is hammering fans with all sorts of built-in fees. >> ticketing fees, service fees, convenience fees, platinum fees,
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price master fees. >> reporter: live nation has been under the microscope since its botched sale of the taylor swift "eras" tour, when high fees and website crashes left millions of fans without tickets. >> i waited in line for, like, six hours. >> reporter: tonight, live nation is responding to the lawsuit, saying it is not a monopoly, and that its profit margin last year was only 1.4%. instead, the company blames ticket prices on factors like rising production costs, artist popularity, and online ticket scalping. but taylor swift fan joe, who is suing live nation over that ticket sale meltdown, hopes the government's lawsuit in the end will mean more protections for concertgoers. >> we are not here to just hand over our wallets. right now, ticketmaster is controlling what the fans are able to do. >> reporter: doj officials are being extremely aggressive. they say the only way to encourage more competition and to lower consumer cost is to break the company up. david?
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>> david: pierre thomas, our thanks to you. tonight, police in southern california with a warning about groups allegedly targeting homes with wifi-jamming equipment to knock out home security systems. authorities breaking up what they're calling burglary tourism. what they found in their cars, hard hats and vests to minimize suspicion as they broke in. here's abc's matt rivers tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the four men inside this vehicle under arrest, accused of being part of an international crime operation. traveling to the u.s. to commit burglaries, camouflaging cameras in plants, and using wifi signal jammers to target homes. police in glendale, north of downtown los angeles, stopping the vehicle after seeing it exit a dead-end residential street with its headlights off. upon searching the car, finding quote a video surveillance device with a battery pack charging system camouflaged in leaves to gain a view of residences and know when homeowners would leave. authorities also locating a construction hard hat and a vest to approach homes with minimal
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suspicion. and they say they found freshly disturbed dirt in a nearby planter. one of those suspects also apprehended just weeks ago following a high-speed pursuit. police say during the chase, he discarded a wifi signal jammer capable of disrupting home security systems. officials tonight saying those four men are colombian nationals and traveled to the u.s. to engage in what authorities now call burglary tourism. an issue now widespread enough, some police departments setting up specialized task forces. >> it's very sophisticated, the methods they're using, we haven't seen before. it's a regional problem, a nationwide problem. >> reporter: and david, here in los angeles county, there have been multiple recent reports of more homeowners finding more concealed cameras. meanwhile, as for those four suspects, all four now facing charges of conspiracy to commit burglary. david? >> david: really something. matt rivers tonight. matt, thank you. we are learning more tonight about that horrific stage collapse during a political rally in northern mexico. the pictures are awful. at least nine people killed. dozens injured when strong winds
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knocked down the stage outside monterrey. a large video screen collapsing. a child is among the dead tonight. back here in the u.s., to the economy, a tough day for the stock market amid concerns over interest rates. the dow suffering its worst loss of the year, dropping 605 points. closing at 39,065, just days after surpassing the 40,000 mark for the first time. when we come back here tonight, the new hurricane forecast is out this evening. noaa issuing its highest-ever early forecast. and what this shows tonight. also, the new study here, young women, breast cancer, and future pregnancy. and what celine dion has revealed tonight. asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems.
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tonight here, the new hurricane forecast. >> david: tonight here, the new hurricane forecast. noaa issuing its highest ever early forecast for the upcoming season, calling it, quote, extraordinary. 17 to 25 named storms. the average is 14. 8 to 13 of those expected to be hurricanes. 4 to 7 of them major. scientists say the warming ocean temperatures from climate change likely fueling more powerful storms. tonight, new hope for women who have had breast cancer who want to have a child. according to a preliminary study, three-quarters of women 40 and younger with nonmetastatic breast cancer who wanted children were able to become pregnant. about two-thirds had a baby. scientists say fertility preservation such as egg freezing nearly tripled the odds of having a baby. when we come back here tonight, celine dion, and what she's sharing. and your first look tonight, the beach boys, 60 years later, returning to a familiar spot. if you hav rate to severe ulcerative colitis
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>> david: to the index. celine dion tonight opening up about her personal battle with the debilitating illness, stiff person syndrome. in her new documentary, "i am celine dion," the singer says her hope to get back to performing is actually what keeps her going. >> i've been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder, and i wasn't ready to say anything before. but i'm ready now. >> david: sounds incredible. the documentary comes out in june. when we come back here tonight, your first look at the beach boys. the place they revisit, six decades later. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness,
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great skin begins with exfoliation. available at and sephora. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. >> david: finally tonight here, the unofficial start of summer
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is just about here, and so are the beach boys. the new documentary. tonight, the extraordinary new documentary. >> ladies and gentlemen, the beach boys! >> david: the beach boys, six decades, 100 million records sold. dozens of hits. there's "good vibrations." ♪ good good ♪ ♪ i'm talking about good vibrations ♪ >> david: and "kokomo." ♪ down to kokomo ♪ >> david: tonight, the new documentary about to be released from our parent company disney+. >> try one more time from the top. one, two, one, two. >> david: their story from garage band to superstardom. >> three brothers, brian, dennis, and carl, a cousin, mike love, and our good friend al. that's family, to me. >> david: with new interviews from band members. here's mike love. >> there's definitely been ups and downs. probably been counted out half a dozen times. >> david: never before seen footage. >> used to sing three-part harmony in the back seat of the car. and that's the birth of the brothers singing together. >> they've known each other for a really long time. and it really is a great deal of
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fellowship in the group. >> david: chronicling the band's enduring legacy and iconic sound. >> the beach boys just represented some sort of fantasy. >> they were participating in the creation of a california dream. ♪ >> man, they made me want to go to where they had cars and girls in bikinis. ♪ fun fun fun ♪ >> david: and in the documentary, the incredible moment. for the first time in more than 60 years, the beach boys reuniting where it all started. going back to the original spot where their first album cover was photographed. the director. >> we got the surfboard, the original surfboard from that original shoot back in 1963. it's here. the beach boys sound is the sound of joy, so i thought it would be sort of poetic for the beach boys to get together where it all started. the whole day was so joyful and memorable. it was really like a family reunion. action! >> david: tonight, the beach boys, the sounds of summer, enduring six decades later.
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>> the fact that it was a family, that's where the success came from. ♪ wouldn't it be nice ♪ >> david: it really looks incredible. "the beach boys," streaming exclusively on disney+, that starts tomorrow. a great way to kick off summer unofficially. i'm david muir. have a good evening. good night. an update on firefighters progress next. >> the holiday weekend getaway is underway where drivers can find cheaper gas during a california road trip. >> i'm cornell bernard in santa rosa, where a big fitness festival was taking place inside this meeting hall. but participants believe it may have been a scam. i'll have that story. from abc breaking news. >> that breaking news is in
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antioch, where two fires are burning simultaneously right now. this is the larger of the two burning in a field along slaton ranch road near highway four at the hillcrest avenue overcrossing, the contra costa county fire protection district says ten acres have burned so far. wind is a problem in the area, and firefighters say it has the potential to grow much larger. no structures are threatened right now. crews are performing water drops to douse some of the flames, and not far away at the antioch marina, firefighters are battling another fire. this one started in the last hour and has burned about five acres. crews from all around east county are responding. there is no word yet on what started either fire, and we're also following breaking news in san francisco. >> several dozen police officers outside a food storage facility right now in the bayview, where there was a police shooting earlier this afternoon. police say they first went to the scene about three hours ago, after getting calls about a man with a rifle. when officers approached him, one officer fired. what police areli