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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 24, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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tiktok, now at five, developing new shots, ringing out after a high school graduation celebration in oakland. two people are hurt. the reaction from people who were there and the search for those responsible overnight. >> and it was supposed to be a health and wellness retreat, but it left many people feeling sick. how some small business owners in the north bay say they were conned out of hundreds of dollars. >> the rush to get out of town for the long holiday weekend. here's a live look at the east shore freeway. you have just a few more hours before this
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stretch of road slows to a crawl. a man is breaking down your best windows of time to leave today. good morning. welcome to friday, may 24th. >> happy friday everyone. we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. >> all right. so it's going to feel a lot cooler out there this afternoon. you can feel those changes out there this morning. and you can see them as well. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera. it is very foggy right now over the city along the coast and across parts of the bay. shoreline temperatures right now we're in the 40s and low 50s currently, but it's not just these cool temperatures. the winds are quite gusty in some areas across the city. we have winds frequently gusting over 30mph. right now, it's a similar story through the delta. and this is just that cooler air rushing in to take out that mild pattern we have been in for more than a week. so you're going to feel a cooler afternoon on the way along the coast. there's a lot of cloud cover today, not nearly as bright as you were yesterday. temperatures in the mid 50s. you notice early tomorrow morning will likely find some coastal drizzle popping up to kick off the holiday weekend. now around the bay shoreline, some patchy cloud cover now gives way to
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full sunshine, but you're going to notice temperatures are cooler than yesterday by about five degrees in some areas, so mid 60s that's about it for daytime highs. inland is going to feel the coolest weather they have felt in more than ten days. we'll find temperatures only in the upper 60s. let's see how that commutes going on this friday. hi >> hi drew. yeah. the true definition of a friday light at least for now. here at the top of the hour, we're checking drive times. you can see tracy to dublin. that trip is going to take you 25 minutes, 16 minutes to get from san rafael to san francisco. and then just 14 minutes to get from antioch to concord. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. developing news in oakland, where two people were hurt in a shooting at skyline high school. this happened at last night's graduation ceremony. we're told the ceremony had just wrapped up when someone started shooting. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. gloria, what do we know about the victims? >> well, reggie, we know that a man and woman were taken to the hospital after being shot. and at last check they were stable. and we've just learned that two people were detained. so we're working on getting more
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information on that. but take a look at this footage right here. he fired. oh my god cell phone video from yesterday. it looks like there was some kind of fight. and then you can hear gunshots and some yelling. it happened around 745 yesterday evening, just after graduation ceremonies at skyline high school in oakland. some students and parents were still on campus, wrapping up their celebrations when it happened. >> you start seeing the people running and everything like that. >> they were running? >> yeah. oh yeah. anybody? hell, i started ducking down, trying to figure out. you're just trying to figure out. was it some kind of pop like celebration or what? >> this looks to be an isolated incident. but again, we're in the preliminary stage of the investigation. >> the principal of skyline high sending a message to families saying in part, there is no place for this kind of behavior at skyline. we must resolve our differences in another way and
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not resort to violence to work out problems. she adds that staff will be available to any students who need emotional support. and of course, we'll keep you updated on any new developments on this story. kumasi >> thank you, gloria. oakland mayor sheng tao is vowing to balance the city's budget without cutting services or jobs, and today we will get more exact details on how she's planning to do that. mayor tao outlined her plans yesterday include a hiring freeze and consolidating some city jobs. she also wants to use money from the proposed sale of the coliseum land. >> we're just thankful that you know that the stars kind of aligned. however, at the end of the day, we'll still be working towards making sure that we address the structural deficit as we want to be really responsible when it comes to our finances. >> council member noel gayo says he does not support the sale of the coliseum right now, because he doesn't know if the city has the right to sell the land. >> i am not in support of it until i get clarity that legally
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i can sell that property, the coliseum property, to a private entity. >> mayor tao says her budget does not include cuts to the police or fire departments. the city council has until the end of june to submit its version of the budget. >> there's a new development in the effort to bring an hbcu to downtown san francisco, and it involves cash. mayor london breed is now proposing grant money to a historically black college or university willing to open a satellite campus in a vacant office space downtown. it's part of the mayor's 30 by 30 initiative to bring 30,000 students and residents downtown by 2030, according to the chronicle. funding would come from a citywide program launched in 2021 and invest $60 million per year into black communities, one location being discussed, the san francisco center. previously known as the westfield mall. this proposal is similar to one proposed by district 11 supervisor ash-shafi'i, who is running
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against against mayor breed in november's election. >> now we're taking a live look at sfo, where memorial day travel has been underway for a full 24 hours. now, a recent report says san francisco international is the airport where you are most likely to experience delays this holiday weekend. airport officials say runway repairs are to blame. it is estimated 755,000 people will fly into or out of sfo over the next five days, which is up 8% from last year. >> i think we continue to see post-pandemic recovery happening and it's already mostly happened for the domestic sector. but really what we've been seeing over the past 12 months is a very meaningful recovery in the international sector. >> the faa expects this memorial day weekend to be the busiest since 2010. yesterday and today will be the busiest days at the airport. triple a predicts 44 million americans will be traveling. only three and a half
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will be going by plane. the other 38 million will be driving. now, if your holiday travel plans involve a car, amanda has some things that you need to know before you hit the road. >> yeah, kumasi the key today will be travel early or travel late. and here's why. triple a projects the best and worst times to drive over this weekend. the best times today are either before 11 a.m. or after 8 p.m, and if you're coming home on monday, you should avoid returning between 3 and 7 p.m. and i want to point out that for today, we're going to see a lot of congestion on i-80 from san francisco up the east shore freeway past emeryville, el cerrito, hercules, and up toward american canyon. triple a says traffic peak congestion will be around 11 a.m. what would typically be about an hour drive is likely to take an upwards of one hour and 25 minutes plus. and when it comes to road travel, triple a's outlook shows the number of drivers this year is up 4% compared to last year, 1.9% higher than 2019. so
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pre-pandemic, back to you at the desk. >> all right. thanks, amanda. well, also, you should expect to see a lot of chp officers on the road this holiday weekend. the agency is kicking off a maximum enforcement period statewide starting tonight. officials want to make sure everybody is taking road safety seriously, so they'll be keeping an eye out to make sure drivers are sober, paying attention, going the speed limit and wearing seatbelts or using car seats. the patrols start at six tonight and they run through late monday . >> 508 this morning, let's get you into the holiday weekend and what you will notice as we start the holiday tomorrow. it's going to feel cool out there. temperatures are actually going to dip below average on saturday. we have a lot of cloud cover in the morning, giving way to sunshine in the afternoon. by sunday, we're going to lose a lot of our marine layer in the morning. it's much brighter throughout the day. we're also starting to warm up, but monday itself for the holiday is going to be the warmest of the three
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days. temperatures back, if not slightly above average for this time of the year, so there's a bit of a roller coaster ride over the holiday weekend with it starting out cool and then warming up nicely by the end on monday. out there right now, we're noticing changes in the form of cloud cover upstairs. we also have some breezy conditions across the city and through the delta right now our winds are gusting 20 to 30mph, and that's just helping to usher in that cooler air later on today. so future weather 9:00 we have a lot of cloud cover. pretty much for the southern half of the region. from the city. oakland points to the south. we are dealing with a lot of fog this morning as we head towards midday. that fog is very persistent along the coast and it's even continuing around the bay shoreline. so for some of us, we'll be in the clouds all day, like the city, even parts of the peninsula. certainly the coast is going to be very cloudy today, so just prepare for a cooler day today by about 5 to 10 degrees. in some areas. a lot of 60s around the bay shoreline. our warmest areas today only in the low 70s, which is a big drop
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from yesterday if you're traveling across the state. morning clouds along the coast are valleys are below average. in the 70s and 80s. reggie. >> jrue. thank you. a fitness retreat in the north bay. but it turns out to be fake a little bit like everett. >> like what? this is what's happening right now. >> she did a full double take. >> tell us. >> some people say the event promoter took their money and then took off a racist remark printed in a local high school yearbook. >> and a student is claiming responsibility. the action the school is taking to hi norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year.
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bay area based brewery is moving its chicago brewing operations to its original brew house in petaluma. the changes will affect 86 employees, some of them who will keep remote work roles or relocate to california. this is according to a statement from the company. the closure in chicago is expected to happen in august. >> a major legal victory for
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insurance companies on covid coverage here in california, the state supreme court has ruled. property insurance only covers financial losses caused by physical damage to a business that doesn't include shutting down or canceling concerts or events. this case involves another planet entertainment, which is a bay area company that operates theaters across the bay area, including oakland's fox theater and the castro theater in san francisco. ap said it suffered $20 million in damages after covid lockdowns in 2020. its insurance claim got denied >> well, since the pandemic, we've been following the story of small businesses just trying to stay afloat in one of the biggest challenges in san francisco is getting customers back in the door. safety has been a major factor, one small business owner says the city has not been making the situation any better, and now they are suing over it after the pandemic. the owner of fisherman's grotto and tarantino's and fisherman's wharf area closed in a new lawsuit against the city. herringbone, the company that
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ran these restaurants, cites an out-of-control unhoused population, criminal activity in and around fisherman's wharf, and unsafe structural conditions. attorney matt davis served as san francisco deputy city attorney for about nine years. he believes lawsuits against the city could have merit, but only under certain conditions. >> they can show that the city took engaged in some affirmative conduct or engaged in an actual policy that caused the homeless to come to their particular area, or if the city somehow directed dangerous activity towards their premises, then they might have a claim against the city. >> they're tough claims in a state. in a statement, the city attorney's office said herringbone has been struggling for a while. it said, quote, over the last year, herringbone has attempted a number of maneuvers to get out of paying the $1.7 million it owes in back rent to the city. this appears
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to be yet another attempt in the north bay health and wellness professionals were supposed to be showing off their products and talents at a fitness fair in santa rosa this weekend. >> instead, they're feeling sick. they say they were conned by a promoter who has vanished with their money. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard spoke with vendors about what happened. >> it's a little bit like everett. like what? this is what's happening right now. >> performance artist cassandra hempel describing the moment when she realized a big fitness expo planned in santa rosa likely wasn't real. >> the main producer fell off of communicational bandwagon was really disheartening. >> norcal fit fest was scheduled for may 25th at the veterans memorial building. billed as a magical saturday packed with fitness, dance and health adventures. >> so people invested their time and their money. >> sonoma county health and wellness professionals like tristan saint germain were contacted through social media in january by a man named john, asking if they would participate
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and pay between 90 and $120 through a paypal account for a booth at the festival. >> he said he was a philanthropist that has been retired and that he was helping his friends emily and jess, and that this was their event. >> tristan said it seemed legitimate. there was an event website and posts on instagram, but when it came time to meet john and secure the event space with a signed contract last month, he no showed and he never met us, never signed contracts, never paid anybody all my friends for the work that they put in. >> that's when the light bulb happened with the like. >> this is a scam. we had red flags from the beginning. >> this group says the worst part is john added a benefit dance party to the event with $25 ticket sales going toward medical care for tristan's teenage son kainoa, recently diagnosed with miss tristan, believes that two was a scam. >> a bit bamboozled. i mean, i it's hard for me to understand how people can be so mindless and heartless and cruel, really,
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because i feel like they he really played on my vulnerability and the most vulnerable time in my life. >> we tried to reach john several times with voicemails, texts and messages, so far no response. police now investigating and they confirm fit fest is not happening. >> you encourage anyone who, purchased their vendor space or their attendee tickets on a credit card to maybe give their credit card company a call. >> for now, vendors say they'll move on. tristan offering this gofundme page for her son's health care, which she says is definitely the real thing in sonoma county. cornel bernard abc seven news. for the first time since the pandemic, the professional business women of california conference was held in person. >> abc7 is a proud sponsor, and our own diane lim and ama daetz were emcees during the event in redwood city yesterday. this conference is all about networking, empowerment, and self-confidence. it was originally an idea of former congresswoman in san mateo county. supervisor elect jackie speier came up with 36 years
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ago. >> i'm sort of looking at my years in public service and what's most important, and having purpose is really important. inspiring a younger generation, valuing the work you do and making sure that you don't miss out on opportunities to lift women up. >> and look at that. that is martha stewart. >> i'm jealous that this would have been really fun to meet her. she talked about her career as an entrepreneur and media mogul, and how she's managed to stay relevant over the decades. >> i love this. music lovers are edited napa. this weekend, the three day bottlerock music festival kicks off today. headliners for day one include stevie nicks, megan thee stallion, nelly and bebe rexha. tomorrow, pearl jam, mana and kid laroi. taking the stage sunday wraps up with norah jones , the offspring and ed sheeran. at last, check only general admission tickets for today are
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available. you can get those for about 250 tomorrow and sunday are sold out, and be careful if you're going online on like some of these. i won't name a name, okay. but you know, like sites where you go and people are selling things that they post, you just need to be careful because you don't want to buy the band. and you get there and you scan it and it doesn't work. no. so just that ruin your whole week. be careful. >> oh my goodness. people have them meet you in front of the gate, scan it and then you go give them the cash. >> i just don't want you to get scammed. >> did this happen to you? i no, no no okay. i was like, oh no, no it didn't happen. okay, good okay, good. >> i felt so bad for somebody did try to scam me that and i was like, let me scan the ticket. and it had already been used. so you do have to really just write a note. just be careful. >> look at you. >> you know, you're for the people. >> she's here with the consumer advice. that's right. you got a problem? call kumasi. >> don't get scammed out here. >> yeah, just in life. that's a
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good motto. don't get scammed. let's take it a bottle. rockets morning will be a nice day. is it the warmest festival we've ever had? no. but is it nice? yes. it's sunny and breezy today. tomorrow though, we do see a dip in temperatures upper 60s for daytime highs on saturday. and then those temperatures are going to bounce back on sunday. sunday is the warmest of the three days. we'll have sunshine and temperatures in the mid 70s in the afternoon. this morning, though, the story is about the fog returning, our winds are gusty. it's just going to lead to a much cooler afternoon later today. winds gusting about 24mph in the city, close to 30 in concord. so those winds are rushing through the golden gate and into the delta. and that's a sign that we have cooler air really moving in. those winds are going to be busy all day long, so just prepare for that friday noon. you see, those winds are about 30mph in some spots. and then they ramp up even more later on this evening. we could see spots gusting to 40mph. so just be aware of that. today's forecast. it's bright inland, not nearly as warm as we have been earlier this week. upper 60s to lower
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70s around the bay shoreline. lots of clouds this morning, giving way to partly cloudy skies. it's cool in the low 60s and along the coast it's just a cloudy day and temperatures in the mid 50s, so it's cooler and breezy today. 60s that's about it. in the south bay, you're going to notice how cool it is this afternoon compared to the past couple of days. 68 in san jose, 65 in cupertino along the peninsula, 50s and 60s were in and out of the clouds for much of the day. today so just be aware of that. not as bright as yesterday was. it's really cloudy in the city today. it's also cool. you'll need those layers in the upper 50s to the lower 60s in the north bay, 60s and 70s under mostly sunny skies. the east bay will have some persistent fog around berkeley oakland for much of the day. temperatures in the mid 60s for daytime highs and inland no longer in the 80s. we're in the mid 60s to lower 70s, so certainly a lot cooler than we have been earlier this week. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. gusty and cooler today. those temperatures dip even more tomorrow. it's below average to kick off the holiday weekend, but those temperatures do rebound nicely from monday memorial day. it's very
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pleasant. it feels mild and then we'll find lots of sunshine and warmer weather hitting us by the middle part of next week, guys. all right. >> thanks, joe. coming up, the seven things to know this morning campaigning. >> and one of the most democratic counties in the nationwhor fr president trump had to say to
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one, oakland police have detained two people after a shooting at skyline high school. the principal says it happens just it happened just after last night's graduation ceremony wrapped up. two people were hurt and had to be taken to the hospital. >> number two, the israeli military says it has recovered the bodies of three hostages killed by hamas terrorists. october seventh. they've been returned to israel for burial. >> number three, san jose police arrested a person they believe vandalized dozens of newly planted trees over the weekend. they were just planted less than two weeks ago and more than a dozen of them have been snapped off. >> number four, you're looking at a live picture of interstate 80, where in just a few hours, triple a says, we're going to see some pretty intense traffic. peak congestion expected to hit around 11 a.m. as people head out for the holiday. the best time to leave is before 11 or
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after eight. >> and number five. speaking of the holiday weekend, it will start with some cool temperatures tomorrow morning. clouds giving way to sunshine. we lose a lot of that fog on sunday. it's brighter. it's also warmer. the warmest day will be the holiday itself on monday and number six holiday slowdowns coupled with bottle rock congestion. >> more commuters will be heading to napa between today and sunday for the three day festival and there's no issues right now, but the first acts hit stages at noon today, and number seven. >> president biden hosted a state dinner at the white house last night to honor king and president william ruto. guests included country star brad paisley, actor levar burton and former presidents bill clinton and barack obama. on the peninsula, one high school is putting the distribution of its yearbooks on hold because a senior quote was actually an acronym for racial slur cappuccino high school in san bruno had already handed out more than a 100 yearbooks when that discovery was made earlier
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this week, and it's now asking those students to return them. we went to the high school last night. there's a softball game, and some people there were clearly upset by what happened. >> this is upsetting and it happens all the time. 72 years old and still happening. so it's not better. it's still happening . >> the school is now in the process of covering up that offensive language in the remaining yearbooks with tape. it says if students try to remove it, the page will tear in a letter, the principal says in part, quote, i interviewed the student and they admitted that this was their intention. using hate speech has serious consequences, which may include suspension, exclusion from year end activities, urine, school activities and the graduation ceremony. >> remote learning at uc santa cruz will continue today, casting an ever growing shadow on the plans for the university's graduation grad workers and teaching assistants are entering a fifth day of strikes against the uc system
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over how it handled the pro-palestinian protests and encampments. it's worrisome to students because teaching assistants often do their final grades. the strike has been authorized to continue until june 30th, two weeks after planned graduation ceremonies. in-person learning is set to resume as usual on tuesday, thousands of people showed up to a rally in unfriendly territory for former president donald trump. >> new york city during his rally in the deep blue south bronx, bronx, the bronx, trump pledged to turn new york red but said it would not be easy. new york city has voted for the democratic presidential candidate in every election since 1924. the district is more than 50% hispanic and 30% black or african american. however, polls showed trump making gains against president biden among those groups, largely because of concern about the border and the economy. >> these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact and the biggest negative impact
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is against our black population and our hispanic population who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything. they can lose. >> the bronx was once the most democratic borough in the city. president biden won 83.5% in 2020. trump got just 16% of the vote, coming up at 530. a look at the severe weather hitting major cities. as millions of americans are starting to hit the roads this holiday weekend, here's a live look outside. >> it is 527 and asked them about their hearts. how's your heart? my hear's pretty good. you sure? how do you know? you're driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn't have a hey, check heart sign.
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a graduation ceremony in the east bay, interrupted by gunfire. two people were shot. and overnight, we're learning. two people have been detained. now a 530. how the school's
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principal is reacting. >> growing up, i remember when these clowns were absolutely full. >> koi ponds at the japanese friendship gardens in san jose, struggling. how soon repairs could happen to get that water flowing again? >> i know this is a joke. i'm like, no, it's not a joke, it's someone bought it and they own it now. >> another strange bay area property is selling for an astonishing price. a look at the listing that sits under water in the east bay. >> good morning everybody. it is friday, may 24th. >> a check on the forecast now from drew. >> hey. good morning. okay it's going to be much cooler this afternoon. it's already breezy out there. and you'll notice we have a lot more cloud cover this morning than, say, yesterday morning. a live look from our south beach camera. the bay bridge. you can see we have overcast skies upstairs. current temperatures are significantly cooler right now compared to yesterday. many of us starting out in the 40s, like the city at 49, we're at 44 in sonoma, but the winds are certainly active
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already right now. we've seen frequent gusts across san francisco close to 30mph. it's been very breezy around the delta, concord, gusting to 28mph. it's going to be a windy day and that's going to help usher in a cooler day. so along the coast it's cloudy. right now. we stay in the cloud cover not nearly as bright as yesterday was. temperatures only in the mid 50s for daytime. highs around the bay shoreline. right now we do have cloud cover. it will break for sunshine, but it will be windy today and temperatures you'll feel it cooler than yesterday only in the mid 60s for daytime highs. now inland we're no longer in the 80s like we have been for the past couple of days. we will see sunshine, but it gets gusty with those winds later today and highs only in the upper 60s to the lower 70s. let's see how the commute is going with amanda. good morning. >> good morning drew. yeah that typical slowdown we see from tracy to dublin nonexistent at this hour. but we know traffic patterns will change today. you can see on your drive time 16 minutes to get from dublin to mission boulevard south one. i went to cupertino. that will take you 16 minutes back to the desk.
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>> thanks, amanda. developing news in oakland. the principal at skyline high school says staff is available to anyone who needs it after a shooting on campus. it happened as the school's graduation ceremony was ending. abc seven news reporter julie rodriguez tracking the story and glory. we just got an update from police overnight. >> good morning kumasi we are just learning that two people were detained and we are working to find out if that will lead to arrests. at last check, a man and woman who were shot were stable at a hospital. we're told this was an isolated incident. you can see the footage right here. shows police cars all over skyline school in oakland yesterday. now shooting right after graduation ceremonies on campus. when some students and parents were still there taking pictures. police locked down the school, initially getting everyone out of the school. witnesses describe what happened as they were popping off the little confetti poppers, and i thought it was all cool. >> and then everyone started running and we saw hella smoke.
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i don't know what happened, but it sounded like someone was driving by. we saw the smoke, heard the popping, it was that was just a series of sound. like someone had an automatic gun at one point. we do know there were , multiple suspects, but we're trying to identify exactly how many. >> and police also say there were multiple shots and that there were reports of a dispute that they're looking into. the principal of skyline high sent a message to families saying in part, there is no place for this kind of behavior. at skyline, we must resolve our differences in other ways and not resort to violence to work out problems. today is a teacher work day, so students are not scheduled to be on campus today. but the principal says that staff will be available to any students who need emotional support. reggie, thank you. >> gloria. this weekend, the vta will honor a moment of silence to honor the nine people killed in a shooting at the vta rail yard in san jose. the shooting happened three years ago sunday, the agency says the observance
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isn't mandatory, but trains and busses may pause operations for a minute or two around the time of the shooting at 6:38 a.m, vta says. it's also encouraging employees to seek counseling services, telling abc seven news in part, we ask our vta family and our community to hold our lost coworkers in their thoughts. it is memorial day weekend, and san mateo is unveiling a new tribute to city residents who died in the line of duty. you see there bagpipers and the marine color guard during a ceremony at central park yesterday morning to mark the debut of a new fallen heroes memorial, community leaders say the memorial aims to provide a place to remember fallen military service members, as well as others who died serving the public. >> may this memorial serve as a beacon of hope, a place of solace and a reminder of the
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enormous debt we owe to those who have given everything for our safety and freedom. >> the memorial includes monoliths featuring the branches of the us armed services. it also honors fallen san mateo city police and firefighters, a community is coming together to support a san francisco dog walker after his home was destroyed in a fire earlier this week. >> neighbors are now organizing a block party and donation drive this sunday from 4 to 7 to support terry williams. details for the event were posted on the gofundme site for williams. on tuesday, a fire broke out at his home near alamo square park, destroying the building and sending both of his elderly parents to the hospital. the cause of the fire is still being investigated, but it comes as san francisco leaders are calling on the fbi to investigate a series of racist threats against williams, including threatening messages and the delivery of a racist doll to his home. in the past two months, the board of supervisors also passed a resolution condemning the threats and calling for police
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to prioritize the investigation, which is being looked into as a possible hate crime. >> we're returning to a story we've been following in the south bay. it was last year when dozens of coins were stolen from a san jose garden, but that's just one of several problems the city is dealing with. abc7 news south bay reporter laura martinez got an update on the japanese friendship garden in san jose is lush and serene, but the koi ponds are empty. >> long before alex hirata was a park ranger, she remembers coming to the garden with her mom growing up. >> i remember when these ponds were absolutely full. >> the city's park department says the ponds have been dry since the flood of 2017, when the pump houses were damaged, and since then the cost for repairs has been slow. >> when things happen, we get to see those effects for a while after recovery takes time. >> one year ago, park officials discovered 50 koi were stolen from their private holding tanks. harada tells us there's no further information on their whereabouts to date. in 1965,
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300 koi were gifted to san jose from the city of okayama, japan. >> so it's actually such a privilege to continue to be part of the history of these parks in such a personal way. well, not every pond is empty. >> one out of the three is still full of koi fish that are descendants from the ones that were gifted back in the 1960s. >> holly about in the content right now, probably between 60 and 80 fish. >> we spoke with park goers to hear their thoughts. >> well, we were wondering what happened actually that there was no water. >> kiana is visiting from the netherlands and saw pictures of the park online. >> yeah, it didn't match expectations, i would say. but it's still nice though. >> soon to be oak grove high school graduate darius meza said the garden is a beautiful backdrop. he looks forward to seeing the ponds restored. >> it's too beautiful, not to be up to what it could be, you know, and people come here and if they see the water, they just want to keep coming back. and i feel like that's just the best
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for the park, harada said. >> repairs for the ponds is in the budget for next year. in the meantime, people can still enjoy what the japanese style tea garden has to offer. >> this is a beautiful, meditative walking garden. it feels like we're somewhere completely different, away from the hustle and bustle of all the traffic in san jose. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news, retail theft it's an issue across california, and some new bills could provide solutions to help cut down on crime. >> one bill called the retail crime restraining order bill, would allow the courts to authorize a restraining order to try and stop thieves at the door. this is part of a bipartisan package of bills that aims to curb crime statewide. if someone has been convicted of retail theft, received two or more citations, vandalized the store, or assaulted an employee, that person could be legally barred from stepping foot inside . >> it creates a new tool for law enforcement to use and for our businesses to use to try to reduce the amount of retail
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crime, especially kind of repeat offenders. >> these bills have passed the assembly. now they go to the state senate, then the governor's office where they could be signed into law in september before the shopping season holiday shopping season, pet owners could find relief while house hunting. lawmakers in the state assembly have approved a bill that would limit landlords who deny housing to pet owners. the bill would bar property owners from asking about pets on applications, and prohibit additional monthly fees for pet owners, among other changes. san francisco assemblyman matt haney authored this bill. he estimates about 70% of california renters have pets, but only 30% of available rentals will accept them. this bill is now moving to the state senate. >> be happy you are where you are. because severe thunderstorms are expected to hit some cities today, as a near record number of people travel for this memorial day weekend, a man of the storms briefly grounded flights in a major city. >> reggie the storm caused a brief ground stop at new york's
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major airports yesterday, and from dallas to saint louis to chicago, severe storms today. they could bring damaging winds, scattered hail and possibly even a few tornadoes. it has been the most active tornado season in seven years, with 859 reported so far possible tornadoes were spotted in oklahoma and texas yesterday and just outside new york city, 60 mile per hour winds took down trees and power lines. >> it went from 0 to 60. there was just it sounded like a freight train. wind, rain pouring down and power went out. >> a renewed threat of severe storms is expected in the midwest yet again on both saturday and sunday. back to you. >> thanks, amanda. well, after everything they've been through, some maui fire victims are getting the trip to the happiest place on earth. coming up, we'll explain who's footing the bill first. checking on weather with drew kumasi 541 will take you to our okay camera right now we're
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one of the airlines is taxiing to the runway. >> you can see clearly we have a lot of cloud cover this morning. we're reporting overcast skies across oakland. a temperature of 52 degrees. you will notice in most areas we start off with cloud cover. the only exception, much of the north bay is pretty clear this morning. we do have some gusty winds from time to time. it does turn rather breezy later on this afternoon, looking at the travel forecast again, like amanda just alluded to, chicago is going to have some issues later on this evening after about 5 p.m. we will see some severe weather move into chicago. thunderstorms very likely, so they'll likely be some delays this evening around midway and even o'hare. be aware of that. seattle just some light rain in and out of showers. otherwise it's looking pretty good across most of our major hubs today. back here at home. here's future weather. you notice that cloud cover from the city, the east bay points to the south. the north bay is pretty clear. this morning we'll have that cloud cover clinging to the coast. pretty much all day long. the winds will start to pick up this afternoon, and the combination of the cloud cover, the gusty winds you will notice
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it is much cooler today compared to yesterday. no longer in the 80s. in our warmest spots, we're basically all in the 60s if not the low 70s. later on today. so highs only 61 in the city. it's going to be very windy today in san francisco. frequent gusts over 30mph, a cool high of only 65. in oakland. look at the peninsula. low 60s for san mateo, palo alto, 68 in san jose, a little bit warmer and brighter in the north bay. napa 71, santa rosa 75. antioch up to 72 degrees. by the way, our pollen count still remains high. if you're hitting the roads today across the state, we will find coastal cloud cover brighter conditions in our valleys, but our valleys also a bit below average in the 70s and 80s. tahoe looking lovely. lots of sunshine and
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preparing for another summer of sharks. here's abc news reporter andrew andrea fujii in this morning's gma first look. >> readying for the sharks of summer. our ariel reshef getting a firsthand look at the sophisticated drones new york safety officials are deploying to spot danger in the water. >> this is a game changer for us . it allows us to keep our bathers much safer. >> and before getting in the water, there are conditions you can avoid. some things that people may not think of when it comes to shark safety is swimming near people who are fishing not a great idea. >> swimming at night, dawn or dusk. early in the morning or late at night. not not the greatest idea. also swimming, after it rains, maybe there's an area where there's sewage runoff, or the water could be a bit more clouded and not as clear. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more on how coastal communities are preparing and what beachgoers can do to stay safe with your gma first look. i'm andrea fujii, abc news, new
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york. >> the water can't get much closer to a unique piece of property up for sale in alameda. the property at 610 grand street is under water. the asking price is $400,000. the realtor says its current owner bought it sight unseen at an auction, and didn't know it was actually in the lagoon. >> the lagoon area is beautiful. it's peaceful. it's, you know, it's very quiet, it's like having your own little oasis. >> now, if you want to buy it and actually build on it. experts say it could cost you millions because you need special approvals and permits. you have to check for things like what type of foundation there is on the lagoon floor. you have to account for sea level rise and for the fact that it is backed up against a bridge . >> what a world, what a world! >> a new report takes a deep dive into alameda county's progress in combating climate change. the climate emergency mobilization task force produced
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the alameda county climate scorecard. the task force is a coalition of elected officials, city and county staff, and community groups, researchers found. berkeley still holds the lead in combating climate change, but other cities are making big improvements, the authors say. it's also a call to action. >> nobody in alameda county has banned new gas stations, but everybody all the cities in solano county have done it. some of the cities in napa county, some of the cities in contra costa. so come on, alameda county, you're kind of behind on this particular issue. >> the report doesn't offer a comparison with the rest of the bay area, or even across california or the u.s. but they say that research is being done climate change is bringing us more warmer days every year. >> building a better bay area means understanding what's happening and why. so what will our iconic fog be like in the next 25 years? >> and so we've lost about three hours a day of fog that we normally get during the foggy
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season between may and october. and the projection is that that's going to continue. >> so what will less fog mean for your neighborhood as nature's ac disappears? experts are weighing in. watch the abc seven originals presentation bay area 2050, which is now streaming everywhere you watch abc seven. >> let's get to these babies. the votes are in, and uc berkeley's newest falcons have names, and they are aurora, eclipse and equinox and also solstice. the four chicks live atop the campanile. mom annie gave birth last month. this is her eighth brood of chicks since she started nesting at cal, but it is her first with her new partner partner archie. >> and you were telling me she's a grandma because she is. >> she has babies who live out on alcatraz island who are supposed to be taking off any moment now. >> they may have already taken off. i was supposed to happen this week, their first flight. >> that's good. i like this,
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this these names. this is nice. do they know which one's which do they like. >> they probably do track them. >> track them i think they do. >> yeah. that's how they know where these grandbabies are. got it. yeah. very cool. and congrats to archie as well. >> oh yeah. >> he's still alive. still alive . and he has a history. >> sometimes things happen to her man. >> he's thriving though he is and he's thriving. nice to know. here's a live look outside. we'll take you to your memorial day weekend forecast. so what we're seeing is that we'll kick off the weekend tomorrow with the coolest temperatures of the three days. you'll notice a lot of morning cloud cover on sunday . we lose a lot of that morning fog. it's a brighter day and we'll find temperatures beginning to warm up for the holiday itself on monday. that's the warmest of the three days. a bit of a roller coaster ride with our temperatures, but we have some nice afternoons on the way. let's go outside live. look at sfo this morning showing you that we are seeing a return of a marine layer. we talked about that. we're also seeing some breezy conditions. you can see the tree tops. they are moving
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this morning. so the combination of the morning clouds, some gusty winds this afternoon will lead to a cooler day. look, the winds right now we're gusting close to 30mph. and a lot of cities from the concord to san francisco. and these winds are only going to pick up even more throughout the afternoon. in fact, future tracker showing you by lunchtime those winds even more active. and then later on today, by 5 p.m, we'll likely see frequent gusts between 30 and 40mph. it's just going to feel much cooler today compared to the past couple of days. so today's forecast inland, it's sunny, but we see a big drop in our daytime highs into the upper 60s and lower 70s today around the bay shoreline, it's quite cloudy for afternoon sunshine. we'll see temperatures in the low 60s for the most part, and it just stays really overcast along the entire coast today. and temperatures in the mid 50s. so it's a big drop in our daytime highs compared to yesterday. only 65 in oakland, 61 in the city, 68 in san jose. warmer brighter in napa coming in at 71 degrees. now the bottle rock forecast begins tonight. we'll see lots of sunshine today
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71 degrees a little cooler tomorrow. but by sunday we'll bounce back nicely with lots of sunshine and 76 degrees overnight. tonight we'll find widespread cloud cover. will likely see some pockets of drizzle. be aware of that first thing in the morning. overnight lows in the 40s and in the 50s. accuweather seven day shows you we have some gusty winds today below average temperatures tomorrow. then those temperatures rebound nicely by memorial day. it's lovely. lots of sunshine. we're mild and we'll keep that mild sunshine for much of next week. >> guys, that looks nice. thanks, drew. new at six. an update on the push to recall oakland's mayor and what we're expected to happen today. >> first, though, in a historic decision in the world of college sports, the settlement just agreed on and the power athletes who now have. their careers moving forward. >> but first, this live look at the golden gate bridge this morning. it is 552. and now would be a good time to leave wherever you'r
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ dad: headphones, buddy. mom: headphones. what! dad: hey! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ what is going on? mom: what was that? mom, go away! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen mood swings go away mom, please. mom: listen, open this door. boy: no. please open the door.
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are not on at this moment. so you can see things are flowing freely through the bay bridge toll plaza. but we do have an accident to tell you about. up or excuse me, a stall to tell you about upper deck after treasure island is stall is blocking the right lane. this is causing stop and go traffic from the incline to yerba buena island. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. rapper and singer sean kingston is being accused of theft and fraud. his south florida home got raided by several law enforcement agencies. he wasn't home at the time, but authorities took his 60 year old mother into custody on multiple fraud and theft charges. kingston was later arrested in california for a civil complaint, claims kingston didn't pay a company for installing a tv and entertainment system, and use his celebrity status to scam others. >> the ncaa is taking a major
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step toward paying college athletes, coming after it opposed the move. despite billions in revenue, these athletes generate. a class action lawsuit claimed the ncaa broke federal law by prohibiting college athletes from profiting off their own name. the organization and its biggest conferences have now settled that lawsuit. it includes $2.8 billion in damages to be distributed to current and former athletes. it also calls for a new revenue sharing model, which will pay athletes a cut of the money their schools make from revenue streams, including ticket sales and broadcast deals. >> there's no stipulations on exactly how much will go to each athlete or each individual school, but there's certainly some questions that remain about whether title nine will factor into that. >> a judge still has to approve this deal. that could take months. >> abc seven's parent company, disney, is providing free getaways from maui fire victims after a nearly a year of rebuilding and all kinds of difficulties, some families now have the chance to go to
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disneyland. >> i am happy, grateful that we get to get out of maui and do something other than our out of survival mode that we've been in since the fire. >> alaska airlines is chartering the free flight for 180 people to anaheim in july, and it's donating hundreds of round trip tickets to these families through 2025. marriott international and disney will cover all hotel costs and a two day park hopper pass for their trip. >> the ozempic wave swept the country with stories of significant weight loss. new at six. the major push happening by other drug makers, and we're getting an update on the push to bring in hbcu to san francisco and take a look at the forecast. >> we'll say congrats to the grads at castlemont high school in oakland. they're graduating today. it will be breezy and cloudy with temperatures mainly in the 50. today it is much cooler. get ready for some gusty
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winds this afternoon. highs mainly in the 60s and low 70s. you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪
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abc seven mornings live, now at six. >> shots fired after a high school graduation celebration, we have an update on the search for the people responsible. >> did san francisco just find an option that could take over the property formerly known as westfield mall? maybe


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