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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 25, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> gio: good morning, america. bracing for more severe weather. millions across the country on guard this memorial day weekend for tornados, destructive gusts, and giant hail. as the south sizzles, the wild weather potentially making holiday travel treacherous with all-time record days in the
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skies and on the roads expected, we are tracking it all. >> whit: homecoming. abc news is on the journey home with the american father now free after his arrest in turks and caicos when ammo was found in his luggage. >> i feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. >> whit: back with his family after 101 days. what his suspended sentence could mean for the four other americans still facing charges. >> janai: back to the beach. with millions heading to the shore this holiday weekend, what you need to know to stay safe in the water including surviving a rip current and keeping clear of sharks. >> gio: a thrilling night of game twos on the court and on the ice. a rocking madison square garden, the rangers and panthers taking it deep into overtime. and an nba nail-biter between the mavericks and timberwolves. it all came down to the final seconds. >> doncic, for the lead.
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>> whit: let the battle begin for the song of the summer. who will take the top spot? the party anthem? ♪ everybody at the bar getting tipsy ♪ the catchy tune? or will t-swift take the title? what will be the song we can't stop singing this summer? >> whit: song of the summer. let the debate begin, right? >> gio: yeah, exactly. there's some good ones out there. >> whit: lots to choose from. good morning, america. great to have you with us. thanks for joining us on this memorial day weekend. we have a lot to cover as we get to the unofficial start to summer, including the deals to look out for this weekend and why you should wait for some purchases until july 4th. >> janai: and good news we all
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dressed in our patriotic red, white, and blue this morning. also this morning the roman catholic church is on the way to naming its first millennial genera generation sapt. pope francis taking another step towards canonizing a 15-year-old boy who died of leukemia in 2006. more on that story ahead. >> gio: it's a fascinating story. i can't wait to talk about that soon. but we are going to begin with memorial day weekend. we've got full team coverage of travel in the air and on the roads and a busy week of severe storms, more dangerous weather in the forecast including tornados likely in the heartland. and that's where we find somara theodore this morning in oklahoma city. good morning, somara. >> somara: good morning, gio. the heartland is south. they've been dealing with an onslaught of severe weather in the past few weeks. in fact in the last few weeks we've seen at least 500 reports. take a look at this video out of davenport, iowa.
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you can see the shelf cloud. in mississippi we saw hail coming down and not too far from springdale, mississippi, they actually had hail the size of baseballs. and here we go again. today where i am in oklahoma city we're setting up for severe thunderstorms. you can see they're stretching all the way from kansas down to northern texas. the timing on this 5:00, 6:00, 7:00. they're really starting to get going. where i am right now has a 4 out of 5 level threat when it comes to the severe weather. and there's a possibility the storm prediction center could raise that to a 5 out 5. that's the highest you can go. that's where we tend to see tornado outbreaks, violent tornados occurring. then this threat shifts further east. throughout the midwest including cities like st. louis, louisville, nashville, you have the highest risks. for the i-95 corridor folks traveling home that evening could be in for not only storms but a flash flood threat. back to you. >> whit: all right, somara, we'll check back in just a bit. millions taking to the skies this holiday weekend.
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we'll also be watching that forecast very closely. the tsa expects to screen 18 million travelers from friday to next wednesday. we check in with jaclyn lee. good morning, jaclyn. >> reporter: whit, good morning to you. it has been moving all morning long with lines backing up at check in. the tsa expects this summer to be one of the busiest on record. ready for take off. the busy memorial day weekend crowds have descended on airports across the country. >> we're flying into tampa. >> san diego. >> we got here earlier make sure we get through the security. we have all our documents. >> reporter: tsa is expecting more than 18 million travelers to pass through security check points from friday through next wednesday with nearly 3 million travelers on thursday alone marking the agency's second busiest day in history. >> i wasn't expecting all of
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this. we're meeting up with college friends in new jersey/poconos mountains. >> reporter: with more than 7,000 delays and cancellations across the u.s. severe storms are pumping the breaks, forcing ground stops at new york jfk and la guardia airports and threatening to disrupt other flights throughout the weekend. and tsa says they are ready for the influx of travelers. airlines saying they are flying larger aircraft to accommodate more of those crowds but there is still a shortage of air-traffic controllers which is partially to blame for those cancellations. janai? >> janai: all right. get to the airport early and plan that way. thanks, jaclyn. now to the roads. tens of millions of americans are expected to travel by car this memorial day weekend, and there are already delays. morgan norwood joins us live from queens, new york, with what you need to know. good morning, morgan. >> reporter: hey, good morning, janai. millions of americans driving to their holiday destinations and as you pointed out already
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starting to see some slow downs and crashes. let's take you right there. this was boston yesterday, cars engulfed in flames following a pileup. and then we had this wild standoff on this l.a. freeway and it brought traffic to a standstill. we're talking about for hours during the peak of the travel rush. while you can never plan for that kind of slow down, i will tell you timing is key. it is critical. you want to remember this up early or leave late. you'll run into the worst traffic between noon and 7:00, so head out early morning or in the evenings. sunday and monday afternoon still not looking good either. the good news is it's not going to cost you as much to fill up for your road trip. the national average for a gallon of gas is $3.60. that is down from last month but still a little bit higher from last year this time. it does get even better for folks down in mississippi. that is where you're going to find the cheapest gas. the price does top out over in california $5.12 a gallon. all of this according to aaa. the bottom line, though, a key here to a smooth memorial day
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trip is obviously leaving early and planning ahead. gio? >> gio: leave early. all right, morgan. thank you so much. we're going to turn to the violence in haiti. where two u.s. missionaries killed in port-au-prince. their murders coming as capitol hill deals with relentless assault of violent gangs. christiane cordero has more on this. good morning to you, christiane. >> reporter: gio, good morning. patients have been subject to a rise in violence for months. two americans and one missionary are searching for answers and a way to bring their loved ones home. according to oklahoma based charity missions in haiti 23-year-old davy lloyd and his wife 21-year-old natalie were ambushed, shot, and killed as was the haitian director jude montez. >> i got a call from jude again and they had barricaded davy, natalie, and jude in my home and the yard was once again full of guys with guns and just shooting at the house. >> reporter: davy's father runs
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missions in haiti. he tells us the attack happened as the group left a church with children. >> he just loved haiti and he told us as a young kid someday i'm going to be a missionary here. >> reporter: natalie lloyd's father, ben baker, posted my heart is broken in a thousand pieces. i've never felt this kind of pain. violence has surged across haiti since february with criminal gangs taking control of the country. president joe biden standing alongside the kenyan president william ruto just hours before the latest ambush saying the u.s. will lend support to a kenyan-led security mission in haiti. >> we can deal with this with a multi-national approach. >> reporter: our selina wang sat down with kenya's president and asked him about the 1,000 police officers heading to haiti. >> a group of missionaries including americans were killed in haiti last night by gangs. can the kenyan forces stop that kind of violence? >> yes. we believe we have what it takes.
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i think we have the best chance to deal with attacks and to secure haiti once and for all. >> reporter: more than 1,000 americans have been evacuated from haiti since the violence escalated. unicef estimates more than 360,000 haitians have been displaced. whit? >> whit: christiane, thank you so much. we turn now between the war between israel and hamas. this morning international pressure on israel is intensifying after the u.n.'s top court called for a halt to the offensive in gaza. britt clennett joins us now from tel aviv with the latest. britt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. the fighting wages on in gaza despite that ruling by the u.n.'s top court urging israel to stop its very controversial military operation in rafah. israel said the court ruling was outrageous. it said it was morally repugnant and disgusting and it said that claims that israel is committing genocide in gaza are false, that it is acting within international law.
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even though the icj can make legally binding rulings in disputes between countries in this case it has no way of enforcing those orders. so instead it has to rely on tools from other governments like sanctions or arms embargoes to press israel into compliance. this ruling is symbolic, it is adding to israel's increasing isolation we're seeing on the world stage. meanwhile, egypt said it agrees to send u.n. aid trucks through israel's main entry point into southern gaza. but really it isn't clear whether those trucks will be able to cross because of the ongoing fighting. the u.n. says after a rocky start the operation to deliver aid from that u.s. built pier, it has stabilized and that 97 trucks actually made it to the world food program warehouse. janai? >> janai: all right, britt, thank you for that update. back here at home to that american father who is back into states this morning after bringing ammunition into turks and caicos.
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that court there giving him a suspended sentence. zohreen shah joins us this morning. he's back in pennsylvania after facing up to 12 years he could have gotten. >> yeah, janai, what a surprising twist. hagerich had pleaded guilty, and he said the ammo in his bag was from a different vacation three months ago and that he'd forgotten about it and left it in there. now, he could have gone to jail up to 12 years, but he was given leniency and now he's back home. this morning american brian hagerich back home. he was arrested when ammo was found in his luggage in turks and caicos. >> finally after 101 days i feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. >> reporter: "gma," along with abc affiliate wtae capturing the emotional reunion between hagerich, his wife, ashley, and their two young kids. >> we have a lot of catching up to do and a lot of memories to make together. just so elated to
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>> reporter: bryan freed after a court spared him. a judge making an exception saying the sentence was unjust and disproportionate to the crime committed and instead fining him $6,700 and giving him a 62-week suspended sentence meaning he didn't have to serve it as long as he paid the fine. >> my biggest concern is coaching my kids baseball game tomorrow and that's such a relief. >> reporter: now, the big question is that whether the four americans arrested on similar charges will face similar rulings? >> the other four attorneys and defense attorneys will try to argue because of so many similarities between their case being american citizens, not having a criminal record in turks and caicos, a lack of intent of actually bringing ammunition into the country, that they should have a similar if not the same result as brian hagerich. >> reporter: there is a lot of political pressure in this moment as well. a bipartisan u.s. delegation that traveled to turks and caicos and heavy engagement from
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the state department on these arrests. according to one senator who went on that trip, 65% of the gdp of turks and caicos goes towards tourism. so the big question -- will we see changes in the warnings we get when we travel to turks and caicos, and have these incidents created publicity or notoriety for the island? gio? >> gio: big questions indeed. those four other families watching closely. zohreen, thank you so much. we'll turn now uvalde families. they're suing the makers of the ar-15 rifle. the lawsuit claims that the gunmaker, daniel defense, the publisher of the call of duty video games, activision, and social media giant, meta, all partnered to market the weapon to underage boys in the games and on social media. the lawsuit was filed twos years after the mass shooting that took the lives of 19 students and 2 teachers. whit? >> whit: louisiana's governor signing a bill claiming two abortion pills should be classified as controlled substances. opponents say the new classification will make it
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harder to prescribe the pills. but supporters say it'll protect women from coercive abortions. possessing the drugs without prescriptions could lead to possible jail time. >> janai: it is memorial day weekend and the unofficial start of summer. the air show has served as the unofficial kick off to summer there. brittany bell is there and joins. good morning, brittany. you got to fly with them. >> reporter: i did and it was fantastic. i'm still a little sore this morning, but, yes, this marks the unofficial kick off to summer, and this is a highly anticipated event. we're at jones beach and just to give you perspective people are already trickling in just to get that perfect spot. and taking it back a few days people came to republic airport as early as thursday in the rain just to watch the blue angels land and even yesterday over 100,000 people showed up just for the practice show. so that lets you know the type of crowds we are expecting today.
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because of those crowds, officials are advising people to come early because the parking lot can fill up as early as 8:00, and the show starts at 10:00. and we have so many performances under way from all different branches of the military including the blue angels who are headlining the show this year, also the golden knights, and we'll even see performances and demonstrations from many different civilian pilots today. so you can just see all the different aspects of aviation. back over to the blue angels, i got a chance -- i had the honor, i should say, to fly with them yesterday and it was truly an out-of-body experience. that was at the top of my bucket list. and i had one goal, one main goal for the flight. i did not want to pass out because my husband said i was. so coming up in the next hour you'll see if i accomplished my goal and if i won the bet with my husband. gio? >> whit: that's a tease. >> gio: that is a tease. that's the question we're all
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asking. did you black out? so i guess we're going to have to wait too. what did you say whit? sweet helmet? >> whit: sweet helmet and the visor. looking sharp. >> janai: and we're all about proving the husbands wrong, brittany, so fingers crossed. >> exactly. exactly. >> gio: thank you so much, brittany. we'll see you in our second hour here. we're staying on the holiday theme and looking at the shopping this year. alexis christoforous is here with a look at great deals this weekend and some things you might want to put off buying at least right now. good morning, alexis. >> that is right. good morning, gio. it is one of the biggest blowout shopping weekends of the year. and while it seems just about everything is on sale, it may not always be the best deal. depending on what you're looking for, it may actually pay to wait. this morning whether you're in the market for a new refrigerator or a new power tool, there's a sale for you. >> save big on this season's trending styles that will make your home the perfect setting for summer get-togethers. >> reporter: mattresses seeing
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some of the deepest discounts like up to $500 off this tempperpedic cloud. if kitchen essentials are on your wish list this vortex air fryer nearly 50% off at target. and large appliances are on sale this weekend like $200 off this whirlpool washer at lowes. >> if you just want to refresh your kitchen or outdoor space for summer, this is one of the best weekends of summer to pick up those items at the best price. >> reporter: now also the time to save money for winter and spring clothing as retailers make way for summer apparel. at the north face, this kid's reversible down jacket, 40% off. and while there are enticing deals now on summer gear like grills and patio sets, try holding off until 4th of july sales for bigger discounts or wait until the end of summer for blowout sales. and if you're on the hunt for tech like tvs and laptops, you'll want to wait for the next big shopping event, amazon prime day in early july. >> things like handheld
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electronics, perhaps things kids would need for school or going off to college, you'll often see really good deal for those. usually when it comes to laptops, you'll see slightly better prices in july and in august for that back to school shopping season. >> now, unlike last year many retailers are not extending their memorial day deals past this weekend. so if you're venturing out to the stores, arrive early for the best selection, and if you're shopping online check for those extra promo codes before clicking buy. quick google search can save you money. >> whit: okay, perfect. thank you so much, alexis. we appreciate it. let's go back and get another check of the weather with somara theodore in oklahoma city. somara, good morning. >> somara: good morning, whit. we're gearing up for severe weather in oklahoma city. a lot of the gulf coast states are preparing for a scorcher of a weekend. take a look at fort lauderdale, florida, sun shining bright there. they're actually on tap so far for their hottest year on record, and some of these numbers really high. substantial heat moving into
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places like texas, for example, where we have excessive heat warnings already going into effect. it could feel like up to 118 degrees in brownsville, texas. heat advisory in effect from san antonio out towards fort stockton. the holiday heat continuing in areas like miami we could see temperatures in the 90s, so we are gearing up for a very hot memorial day weekend. it's so important folks stay hydrated. that is a look at th three. two. good. saturday morning. i'm meteorologist francis lawson. temperatures still on the cool side, but we will see some clearing this afternoon. look for a high of 59 in san francisco, 62 in oakland, san
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>> somara: and guys, summer's right around the corner. we're seeing these numbers in the triple digits. heat can sneak up on you. i really do implore everyone this weekend to stay hydrated and as cool as possible. janai? >> janai: and that means hydrated with water. very good reminder there, somara. still here on "gma" this morning, we salute captain theresa m. claiborne who retired after 43 years of flying. claiborne was the first black female pilot in the u.s. air force. she then went on to become a captain at united airlines where she worked for 34 years. she logged more than 23,000 career flight hours. claiborne says she wants to spend her retirement inspiring the next generation of trail blazers. >> diversity is important. and we have a saying if they can see it, they can be it. if little black girls don't know they can be pilots, guess what? that's not something they're going to choose. that's an opportunity that we give them. >> janai: amen. claiborne cofounded the sisters
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of the skies foundation which describes itself as an organization of professional black female pilots who are committed to supporting future black aviators through membership, professional development, outreach, and scholarship. that's why representation matters. and whit, we got that because that was your closer last night, your ender last night. >> whit: yeah, on "world news." by the way, still an incredible pilot. they do have an age limit, though, for commercial airlines so she kind of had to retire right now. but she could keep going, and she's opened doors for so many people. >> gio: sisters of the skies, an incredible organization. i've met them, and they're so passionate about this. >> janai: a transportation correspondent and i knew you'd have extra reporting there. >> whit: coming up here on "gma," we're heading to the final stages of donald trump's hush money trial. how soon we could hear a verdict. >> janai: and beach safety tips from surviving rip currents to watching out for sharks just in time for the holiday weekend. >> gio: and the top contenders for song of the summer. stick around.
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(speaker 2) blue does have pretty good ingredients. (speaker 1) like what? (speaker 2) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 1) huh... (speaker 2) why, what's in beneful? (speaker 1) chicken, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal, barley, whole grain wheat. okay louie! we'll switch to blue!
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one minute i'm a prince, charming and handsome and next one minute i'm a prince, charming and handsome and next thing i know i'm tripping over these. >> janai: welcome back to "gma" on a saturday morning. that, of course, is one of the many funny moments from "the
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prips s princess and the frog" starring the first black american disney princess tiana. now just in time for summer tiana's bayou adventure it is a love letter with big bands great food and lots of fun. it opens june 25th at walt disney world. >> whit: can't wait for that. it's going to be great. let's take a look at some of the other big stories we're following on a saturday morning. happening right now millions across the heartland are facing the possibility for dangerous weather later today. giant hail and disruptive wind gusts are expected in parts of kansas, oklahoma, and missouri with a possibility of tornados. the heat also continues around the gulf coast with record highs likely this holiday weekend in cities like houston, new orleans and miami. >> gio: also right now a 15-year-old boy is set to become a saint. pope francis and various cardinals will discuss canonizing the boy who died from leukemia in 2006. the boy was recognized for a
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second miracle of healing a child with a congenital disease. two miracles, of course, are usually required by the vatican before sainthood. >> janai: and the new york rangers tied the eastern conference finals against the florida panthers with a game two final win last night. the winning goal scored 14 minutes into overtime sending the crowds at madison square garden into a frenzy. game 3 between the rangers and panthers is tomorrow. you can watch every moment of it -- every moment of it right here on abc starting at 3:00 p.m. >> gio: thank you for that, sports, janai. >> janai: yes. >> gio: we're going to start now with the political headlines. joining us now our white house correspondent maryalice park and deputy political director averi harper. welcome to you both. good morning. >> good morning. >> gio: all
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start with you. this was a big surprise. nikki haley now saying she will vote for donald trump. >> and it could nudge some of her supporters in the direction of donald trump, but i do think it's really important to take a listen to what she said. this is not a grand endorsement of trump. she did not commit to campaigning for the former president. she simply said she was going to vote for him, and that's a reflection of the choice i think a lot of haley supporters are going to have to make. do they continue to supporter former president trump? do they cross party lines and vote for biden or a third party candidate or just sit at home and sit this whole election out? the biden campaign believes some of these haley supporters are still in play. they met some haley supporters earlier this week to try and make that appeal to them. but whatever haley supporters do it's going to be a big deal come november. >> janai: maryalice, i want to bring you into that point. it was a big toss-up of what haley voters would do. what is biden's team saying about this? >> it's still a big question. the biden team is still trying
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to brush it off. they're saying they're not convinced all of her voters just follow her. and they point out like averi said, she didn't say she was going to campaign for him. one democratic staffer texted me and said, if nikki haley in october is in michigan talking to never trumpers that that would be really scary to them. but, look, i don't know that it's right to brush it off. i think it really could be a big deal. the biden campaign is also trying to downplay the fact a lot of young progressives are upset with him about gaza. they have talked over and over about being able to make a pitch to these nikki haley voters. they are convinced that there are these kind of reliable voters who are maybe conservative but who think that trump is too hateful, has too much violent rhetoric, too much chaos. they're going to vote for biden. if nikki haley is out there giving them cover, saying she's willing to put his baggage aside, does that give them cover? are they convinced they can put his baggage aside? i think it's a real question. >> whit: even the tiniest shift could make a big difference too in terms of who wins the election. speaking of that shift, you've been covering the libertarian convention. we had rfk there yesterday and
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donald trump is going to speak as well. what does it say about the state of the campaign and what voters are looking for? >> i think it would be a big if rfk were able to get the nomination. right now he's only confirmed as an independent on a handful. i'm not sure that's going to happen. that's what made the convention really newsy, but i was there yesterday and a lot of libertarians were telling me they like rfk, but he's not a member of their party. look, the speech was well received. this is the first full election cycle since the covid lockdowns, so his message railing against those lockdowns, railing against those mandates as a violation of personal liberty, it doesn't just land with libertarians. it's landing with a slice of the general electorate. so i think he's obviously convincing some libertarians to give him a shot. interesting that trump like you said is going to be at this event tonight. a lot of libertarians are frustrated by that move. they see him, as the republican, as the opposition.
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they don't understand why he was invited to their convention, but he knows that every vote matters. he thinks he can appeal to some of them. and, look, a lot of libertarians sort of flirt with the republican party, but they also look at trump and they think about his muslim ban. they think about his argument that presidents should have full immunity, and they think that's not being libertarian at all. >> gio: it's very interesting to see how rfk will do. and averi, trump of course still dealing with legal issues. what will we see in new york this week? we've also got the florida case. >> in that hush money case here in new york jurors will hear closing arguments starting on tuesday, and after that jurors could deliberate, so we could be on verdict watch. it's important to rememberer former president trump is facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. if the jury finds him guilty, he could be the first former president convicted of a crime. that could have political
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implications for his white house run. and then in florida just overnight we got some news that florida prosecutors -- excuse me -- that prosecutors in that case are seeking an order from the judge to bar trump from making statements that could pose significant risk to law enforcement. that comes after he -- the former president made some statements, some false claims about that fbi search of mar-a-lago. and so we'll see what happens there, but that case has really been notable for the fact it has moved so slowly. that case was actually supposed to go to trial this past week, but that was before the judge, aileen cannon, she made an announcement she was going to be postponing the trial indefinitely. so it's unlikely now we'll see that case go to trial before the 2024 election. >> whit: all right, never a dull moment in an election year, just several months away here. averi harper, maryalice parks, thank you so much as always. we appreciate it. all right, let's go back out to somara theodore in oklahoma city for a check on the weather. somara, dealing with the bug swarms as well. you holding up? >> somara: yeah, i'm hanging in there. we're going to be dealing with storms this afternoon.
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south is dealing with heat. but let's spend some special attention and give that to the north east. boston, massachusetts, folks enjoying themselves. things are changing in the coming days. timing it out. your saturday afternoon looks dry and warm, very comfortable, temperatures in the 80s. look back to the west there, you can see showers making their way mainly on sunday farther west. then monday, memorial day, your morning plans look great. by the afternoon it starts to get a little sketchy. by the evening that's when the rain moves east and it's going to be pretty substantial rain, so we could actually be in for flooding up to 3 inches locally >> somara: and before you guys >> somara: and before you guys start asking me, somara, how's it going to be where i am? whit, janai, gio, if you're going to be kicking it in new york city, it looks good to start the day, but by the end of
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the day that's when things start to fall apart. >> janai: somara, if we're going to be kicking it? isn't that '90s? >> yes we can. you got it. >> janai: we cannot wait until you're back here with us. we will see you soon. and still coming up here on "good morning america" as we head into summer beach safety tip to surviving rip currents and shark safety tips. stick around. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients.
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adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. shop the memorial day sale at sherwin-williams and transform your space with color! get 30% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $34.29 find your new color, may 24 - june 3. shop online or visit your neighborhood sherwin-williams store! nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty.
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> janai: back now with what you >> janai: back now with what you need to know when you head to the beach from shark sightings to rip currents. morgan norwood is back coming to us from rockaway beach in queens. i hope we did not make you walk from that other live shot, morgan. >> whit: we sure did. >> janai: with your tips for beach safety day. >> reporter: good morning janai. that's right. memorial day marks the unofficial start to summer, right? and pretty soon beaches like these all across america will be full of visitors. and speaking of that, officials want folks to be mindful of the dangers lurking within the water from swimming to sharks to rip currents. it's important to know how to be prepared.
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with millions of americans beach bound this memorial day weekend, this morning experts urging beach goers to keep an eye out for sharks. it comes after several recent sightings near cape cod, massachusetts. experts say it's that time of year when sharks typically feed on seals close to shore. but in rare instances sharks have attacked humans. >> i knew immediately i've got to get back in the boat. >> reporter: 24-year-old marlin wakeman bitten after falling into a shark infested marina in the bahamas earlier this month. >> obviously it was terrifying, yes. very, very scary. >> reporter: and to avoid encounters like this experts say never swim alone, stay in shallow water, and avoid swimming in areas where you see seals or people fishing. you can check the sharktivity app for shark sightings in your area. >> if you're swimming on a beach that there have been shark sightings in the last few weeks, that means there's sharks that use that area. >> reporter: new york using hi-tech drones to spot sharks in the water and swimmers in distress. with one of the biggest
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contributors being rip currents like the one that exhausted this team in florida this week. >> i yelled for him to swim to me, and his response was i can't, i don't have enough energy. >> reporter: and while this teen and those three rescuers made it out of the water okay, safety experts warn attempting a water rescue is harder than you think. >> do not go if you're not a trained professional because there's a lot of factors that happen. you're in that turbulent wave, another thing you might encounter is that person panicking and they're just clawing at you and climbing on you. >> reporter: so how do you spot a rip current? well, you want to look for where the waves aren't breaking. those calm looking areas, those are rip currents. >> you guys, never get in where you see an area like that. and if you're caught in one the key here is do not panic or swim against the current as our matt gutman demonstrated in 2022. >> you start to exhaust yourself, and that's when it's harder to stay above water. >> reporter: instead, the first thing to do is flip and float to calm yourself. then swim parallel to shore until you feel that current stop pulling. then swim at an angle back to dry land.
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and if you can't get out, just float on your back and signal for help. and look, it's not just rip currents and sharks that you need to be mindful of. remember sand castles and sand holes can be equally as dangerous. remember just a few months ago a little girl tragically lost her life when a sand hole collapsed on top of her. but remember with all these dangers it's important to swim near a lifeguard, but then also be mindful of the posted flags. you want to treat it like a red light. if you see a red flag, that obviously means do not go into the water. so be safe this weekend and on memorial day. guys? >> gio: really important advice there. >> janai: morgan, you mention digging in the sand. i always tell my kids and that's what experts say no deeper than the knees of the smallest person digging. remember that out there this weekend. >> gio: you got a really small one now. thank you, morgan. coming up here on "gma," the early contenders for the song of the summer. ♪ i got this boy and he won't stop calling ♪
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>> reporter: sabrina carpenter's sizzling single taking over tiktok. >> now he's thinking about me every night! >> reporter: catchy enough to hook a grammy winner too. >> i'm working late because i'm a singer. that's sabrina carpenter's song. >> we're seeing so much "espresso" because it's like the perfect summer song. it is an up tempo, fun, catchy dancy pop song that can be enjoyed by a large group of people. >> reporter: it's a recipe for summertime success that rick springfield caught back in 1981. nelly bringing the heat back in 2002. ♪ it's getting hot in here ♪ >> reporter: and carly rae jepsen in 2012. ♪ call me maybe ♪ >> reporter: and this year espresso has stiff competition
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from taylor's "fortnight," and "jump" by tyla. ♪ ain't never had a pretty girl ♪ >> and despite his arrest just a month ago morgan wallen is currently on top of the billboard charts with his with post malone. if it sticks he'll be the first person to pull off back-to-back songs of the summer since andy gibb in the late 1970s. >> whit: what? >> i know. lots of good vibes this summer, though. >> whit: thank you, will. appreciate it. we'll be right back. lter out th. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu;
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[ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place,
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yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! >> janai: >> janai: stick around. in our second hour key tips on hassle-free travel on one of the busiest weekends of the year. >> whit: also dr. darien sutton's safety tips if you're grilling or planning a picnic. we'll be right back. dr. darien sutton's safety tips if you're grilling or planning a picnic. we'll be rieg back.
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