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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 25, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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food pouring] ugh. i was made for sport. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy, active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy. >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. bracing for more severe weather. millions across the country on guard this memorial day weekend for tornados, destructive gusts and giant hail. the wild weather potentially making holiday travel treacherous with all-time record numbers in the skies and on the
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roads. we're tracking it all. >> gio: ready, set, save. the best memorial day weekend sales dropping right now. where to get the best bang for your buck from furniture and apparel to home and even tech. >> janai: with summer officially kicking off, 'tis the season of grilling and outdoor meals. this morning tips and reminders for serving food safely after a long day in the sun. dr. sutton is here with what you need to know. >> whit: flying high in the sky with the u.s. navy blue angels. >> nice work. >> oh, my god. >> whit: we're at the annual beth page air show, the skies celebrating the 20th anniversary of the memorial day tradition. ♪ go big or go home ♪ >> gio: and we're hitting the road for last minute hassle-free
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holiday weekend adventures. the tips you need to know before you go as we say good morning america. >> whit: and good morning, america. great to have you with us on this saturday. from getaways to near giveaways, we've done the work for you on this one. and we have the latest on where to find the best sales and the biggest savings this weekend. >> gio: plus, you know we tried out trending memorial day crafts and snacks in our series will it or won't it. we're going to tell you what worked and what didn't. that's coming up. >> janai: and we're breaking down all the holiday travel from the roads to the skies. so many people expected to travel this holiday weekend. >> whit: absolutely. because of that, we want to get to our dangerous weather we've been tracking in the forecast, including tornados likely in the heartland. that's where we find somara theodore this morning in oklahoma city. somara, good morning. >> somara: good morning, whit. it has been quite an active few weeks for heartland for parts of the south. in fact, over the last week we've seen at least 500 severe thunderstorm reports.
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we've seen 80 tornado reports, possibly more in the last five days. take a look at this video from thursday in jackson county, oklahoma. you can see with this thunderstorm so prolific and hail coming down and springfield, mississippi. they actually measured hail at about baseball sized. so we're gearing up for more of that today, but we have an elevated risk today. first, i want to start with the timing. if you live in kansas, oklahoma city, texas, dallas, wichita falls we're looking at timing picking up 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 this evening. this area in red where i am now in oklahoma city we're at a level 4 out of 5. we can actually see the storm prediction center raise that to its highest level 5 out of 5 this afternoon. and it's there we could see potentially a tornado outbreak. not just any tornados but violent tornados. have those alerts ready this evening. what happens sunday? this storm system shifts farther east, so now hot zone includes st. louis, louisville, nashville, you have the highest
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tornado threat. we could see damaging winds, though, as far north as chicago. then on memorial day, for the north east, you start off relatively quiet on monday morning, but conditions will start to deteriorate from west to east and pennsylvania to the coastline and there we have the potential for substantial rainfall that could lead to flooding and not just any flooding but flash flooding on the i-95 corridor. this is something folks have to keep in mind if they're hitting the road memorial day on the east coast. >> gio: somara, thank you. a lot of weather to watch there. thank you so much. we'll see you soon. turning to the busy travel weekend, jaclyn lee is joining us from l.a.x. jaclyn, what are you seeing now? >> reporter: it has been moving all morning long at l.a.x., but the lines are picking up over at the check-in. tsa is expecting this to be one of the busiest summers on record. there are more than 18 million travelers expected to be screened at airport security check points through the holiday through next wednesday. now, the agency screened more
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than 3 million travelers on thursday alone marking the agency's second busiest day in history. but with more than 7,000 delays and cancellations across the u.s., severe storms are threatening to disrupt other flights throughout the weekend. now, of course, we're talking about air, we have turn to the roads. 38.4 million americans are driving to their destination, but we are seeing slowdowns and crashes coast to coast. experts say, of course, you want to hit the road early or late in the day to avoid that traffic. now, guys, the most important thing we've got to talk about is gas. the national average is about $3.60 a gallon. unfortunately, that is a little bit higher compared to last year. gio? >> janai: i'll take it from here. unfortunately for those parents who had the crying baby, hope they get that sorted out. thank you, jaclyn. a judge has denied the motion by alex baldwin's lawyers to dismiss the charges against
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the actor. baldwin is on schedule to go to trial in july. back in march the jury found the film's armorer guilty of negligent manslaughter and now sentenced to an 18-month sentence. >> whit: now to the showdown in game two of the western conference finals. the t-wolves up 12 points after the first half, then dallas pouring it on. luka doncic clutch with 3 seconds left, nailing this to clench the win for the mavs. they're up two games to none. they're heading back home for game three. that's tomorrow. meantime tonight you can see the pacers try to get their first playoff win against the celtics. the action starts at 8:30 eastern right here on abc. playoff basketball. >> janai: all the sports. >> whit: hockey, it's all going on. coming up here on our "gma" morning menu, we're flying high in the sky with our usa
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tradition, the blue angels. >> janai: did brittany prove her husband wrong? also ahead we're taking you off the beaten path fun, easy day trips outside major cities. >> gio: and tory johnson is here with sizzling steals on summer accessories. we'll be right back. you're watching "gma" on this memorial day weekend. a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat,
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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w >> janai: welcome back to "gma" on this memorial day weekend. we have the biggest and best sales all happening right now. alexis christoforous is here with her round up. good morning again, alexis. what you got? >> reporter: good morning, guys. memorial day is the time for deals, and we've tracked down some of the best savings on everything from furniture to apparel to home and tech. and you can check it out, all these deals, by scanning the qr code on the screen. let's start off with a big ticket item, furniture. memorial day weekend is the perfect time to find big savings there.
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online retailer wayfair is offering up to 50% off on bedroom furniture and kitchen and dining. also 60% living room seating and it doesn't stop there. home office furniture and tv stands 40% off. all right, let's move to apparel. department stores are a great place to get the best bang for your buck for the whole family. macy's has 40% off juniors clothing, 40% off dresses. 40 to 60% off men's suits, blazers and pants. macy's also has deals on a variety of home goods including bedding, glassware, flatware and pots and pans. for even more savings use promo code memday. let's talk tech. usually you think black friday, but amazon has some good finds this memorial day weekend. their ring cameras 20 to 44% off. zone head phones, 18 to
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if you're looking for an they've got a deal, 20% off t generation model with 64 gig bites, that's $80 off. and finally wal-mart giving us some great dyson deals with $170 off the dyson v-12 cordless vacuum and the dyson air wrap also on sale at wal-mart $150. gave you lots of deals, guys, so happy shopping. >> janai: that dyson air wrap is quite costly so that's a deal i might cash in on. thank you, alexis. >> gio: we're going to turn to the busy season and grilling meals outside. we have tips for food safety outdoors. dr. darien sutton is here with the latest. good morning. so how should we be preparing food when you're doing it outside? >> first off, this is one of the most common reasons people come into the emergency room. 1 out of every 10 patients statistically i see will have some form of food poisoning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. one way to prevent this is make sure you're separating your food. separating perishable food like raw meat from precooked food like lettuce and fruits.
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speaking about lettuce, many people think about food poisoning as an association to raw meat and eggs and milk. often bacteria love to thrive on lettuce, so making sure you're washing your fruit and vegetables because that can be unfortunately a culprit of food poisoning. >> whit: good to know. when we're talking about the danger zone tamemperature for food, how do you know if something is left out too long? >> you want to make sure your cold food is kept above 40 degrees. that's when bacteria loves to thrive. when you're cooking your food, you want to make sure you're cooking to the right temperature. that at a minimum 160 degrees for those hamburgers, 165 for that chicken and poultry. make sure your temperature is appropriate. between 40 degrees and 140 degrees that's when bacteria thrive the most. >> whit: i feel like it's questionable, things like potato salad. >> you never know. >> whit: it's a hot day and it's
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been out there. >> janai: especially whit puts raisins in his potato salad. >> that's disgusting. if it's out there for longer than two hours, throw it out. if it's a warm day longer than an hour, get rid of it. >> whit: don't just shave the layer off the top and put it back in the fridge. doctor, i've never done that before. doctor, thank you so much. we appreciate it. let's turn to ringing in a memorial sky. the u.s. navy army blue angels they're flying at the beth page air show on long island this weekend. and brittany bell from our new york station wabc had the chance to ride along. brittany, we've been waiting all morning. did you pass out? what happened? >> reporter: i came close, but i did not pass out. so i accomplished my goal, and i proved my husband wrong, which is what's most important, right? but you know it was a life-changing experience. i can't think of anything that could come close to this. it was also physical, too.
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i woke up sore this morning because we had to do so much bracing with our core and our lower body to prepare for all the gs that we pulled. and just to mentally prepare i watched so many different videos, but there is nothing like actually physically being up in the air in an fa-18 super hornet with the blue angels. i consider myself a thrill seeker, but this is -- this will test my limits. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> reporter: i know i'm in great hands with lieutenant conner donn donnell. >> here we go. >> reporter: all right. we kicked off the flight with a sharp climb and a roll, and i immediately had to put my breathing to the test. >> nice work. we're going to roll. >> reporter: our first maneuver a barrel roll going upside down. >> you look above us or below us i guess and you can see the water. >> reporter: now time for the higher g move. first a minimum radius turn, a left turn starting out at 7.5
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gs. >> oh, my gosh. how do you do this all the time? >> reporter: time to fly upside down. [ laughter ] >> there you go. negative 1g right there. we'll accelerate to just under the speed of sound and then we're going to go straight up in the air. here we go. ready. hit it. >> reporter: that was 7.4 gs, and this was the one time in the flight that i almost blacked out. wow. and then we went the opposite direction, going weightless. like we're floating. and our last move, the carrier break. >> i do have to say, you have done an amazing job. i've never done these maneuvers so close together. it sounds like you're having a great time. >> reporter: and it just still feels like a dream this morning.
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i want to thank again my aviator lieutenant o'donnell. he was a rock star, so was the entire blue angels crew. so they are the headliners for the performance here today at the beth page air show. they go on at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. and we have many other performances, too, scheduled earlier in the day. but back to the flight, it was just -- it was fantastic. and i hope you guys aren't eating watching us from home right now because at a certain point they had to put these little baggies on our legs, you know, just in case you got sick. and i don't really get queasy often, but i got close to needing one of these. guys? >> whit: we're impressed. you did not pass out. you did not need the barf bag. i won't name names, but we've other people here at abc news who couldn't get past either of those. and you proved your husband wrong. that's what it's all about. >> janai: no one else is clapping.
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>> whit: thank you, brittany, for being brave for us. we appreciate it. all right, let's get a check of the weather and go back to somara in oklahoma city. somara, good morning once again. >> somara: good morning, whit. wow, britt's a rock star for that. i'm going to keep my feet right here on the ground. we are headed to winter park, colorado, and they don't call it winter park for nothing. we're only a few weeks away from summer and they're still open. you've got time to get your runs in. they've seen 106 inches over the season. this is the second longest ski season for them, but they are closing this memorial day. if you want to warm up, you've got to head a little further south. look at this record heat in texas. we have excessive heat warnings issued for places like brownsville, heat advisories for victoria, san antonio. and for those living in south florida also in for major heat three. two. good. saturday morning. i'm meteorologist francis lawson. temperatures still on the cool side, but we will see some clearing this afternoon. look for a high of 59
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in san francisco, 62 in oakland, san >> janai: all right. tory joins us now with "deals & steals." and this morning we have summer accessories all from small businesses so you can look stylish and have fun all season long. tory, you know i'm already loading up my shopping bag. look at these. >> this is like the perfect poncho for summer. we're esspinning out all the different ways like a beach cover-up, it's a bit chilly on the flight. you want to pop something over when you're going to dinner or it's a chilly night, you're at your desk at work. whatever it is, they come in a variety they've got designs as well as words on it.
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all about celebrating summer. these are 50% off. $28.50. >> janai: just light enough. comfy >> this is what i love about this it's an orthotic based podiatrist approved all about comfort and safety when walking. we've got the outsoles that have this traction so you don't have to worry about slipping. they're water friendly, easy on your feet outdoors this summer. huge assortment merchandise, way more than what you see here. all you'll find online slashed in half, 50% off. plus -- >> janai: free shipping. >> you got it. you could do some modeling for us. i know you're shy. we've got a big assortment from a.j. morgan. not only are they super stylish, but they have blue, pink, there's different color shades. what i love you can match your
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mood. going for the cat eye, if you want to be super incognito we've got the oversized bold frame. a really big assortment. but not only again are they stylish, they've got uv 400 protection, which is really important. so you're going to protect your eyes out in the sun and look fabulous at the same time. whole selection 50% off starting at $12. >> janai: protect your eyes, but make it fashion. >> you got it. >> janai: all right. bling bling. >> bling bling from sterling forever. i love this jewelry because it's fun, fashionable, stylish, and it's affordable. so it's really great for summer travel when you want to leave your really expensive stuff at home. sp super trendy. these right here these are the style super dangly. you like sparkle. i know you like a little sparkle. yeah, a little sparkle to go with that big sparkling smile. >> janai: cute. >> the whole assortment from
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serialing forever to layer up, mix and match with your current collection, 10 to $20. >> janai: amazing. okay, what is this? >> when you want to pack more stuff, packing cubes are so smart. they are really the genius way to be able to fit more stuff either in your carry on or your checked luggage. what i also love about these is that they're squishable, so there's a lot of stuff packed into here in this tiny little thing. then you can squeeze it in there if you have to. so these are great for packing your luggage. you're going to want to put on your luggage, one of their luggage tags and those are fun because they're unique styles and patterns. when you get on the plane, you want to be able to have the most comfortable -- >> janai: so you're going to be set for everything. >> neck pillow. and then when you get to your destination, you've got the satin pillowcase to pop on the hotel pillow. these are really fabulous. they also have a zipper on the side so they're not going to slip off. hang accessories really has you covered. i like the little puppies here,
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too. everything 50% off starting at $7.50. >> janai: so good for travel. >> so good. finally ruby ribbon. this is the easiest way to ditch a bra and instead switch to this. >> janai: there you go. >> no underwire. instead the construction is super supportive so there's no digging, pinching, poking, none of that stuff. just super comfortable and super supportive, which is really their claim to fame. the support is there even without the underwire. we've got a big assortment even including a bunch of fun kimonos from them, too. everything is at least 50% off or more starting at $20. >> janai: amazing. holiday shopping starts here. each of those deals on our website. and stick around. more "gma" coming up. ♪ ♪
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what's a walt disney world thrill feel like? it's like... [howdy, partners!] and like... [laughter] ♪ and also like... [screams] and it feels even better together. ♪ and check this out! you can thrill with this special 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. visit to learn more. disney thrills us like... [screams] (♪) clif bar is made with organic oats. but you're made for the climb. clif. the most important ingredient is you. (♪)
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causing visibility to be limited to only a fourth of a mile, and we're seeing some raindrops still on our pier 39 camera. some slick roads in san francisco. temperatures generally in the 50s for most everyone, with the exception of san jose. cooler than average today. again, stephanie francis, thank you. >> and
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i've been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder and i wasn't ready to say anything before, but i'm ready now. ♪ there were nights when the wind was so cold ♪ >> i see my life and i love every piece of it.
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when a girl loves her shoes, she always makes them fit. from 6 to 10, give it to me, i love them. here we go. ♪ i finished crying the instant you left ♪ >> gio: that is the trailer for "i am celine the upcoming documentary about her battle with stiff person syndrome. it's forced her to stop performing and that's something she's done since she was 5 years old. it promises to be raw, emotional and as you just saw sometimes funny because that's celine. she is so funny. "i am celine dion" premieres june 24th. >> janai: she is just incredible. >> whit: she has a passion for what she does and how she wants to say thank you to the fans. >> janai: let's take a look at some of the stories we're following this saturday morning. bird flu has been found in beef for the first time in the u.s. the u.s. department of agriculture announcing the meat from the single sickened dairy cow was not allowed to enter the nation's food supply, meaning that beef is still safe to eat. the agency says even if
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contaminated beef were to be sold, cooking it at an internal temperature of 165 degrees would kill the virus. >> whit: good information there. kansas city chiefs travis kelce is speaking out about teammate ha commencement speech in which he called pride month an example of the deadly sins and said a woman's most important title is homemaker. kelce talking on his new heights podcast saying while he doesn't agree with the majority of butker's comments, he won't judge him by his views, adding that he has nothing but respect for his teammate. >> gio: and caitlin clark won her first wnba win. clark and the indiana fever beat the los angeles sparks 78-73 friday. she had 11 points, 10 rebounds after missing her first seven three-point attempts. number 22 finally made one with just 2 minutes left in the game.
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killing it in the wnba. >> whit: absolutely. now to some advice this memorial day weekend. if you're looking for last minute getaways dayvee sutton joins us now. good to have you. >> hi, guys, how you doing? >> whit: we're going to have some fun with this because you've got this wheel over here and you've got ideas for different cities. let's spin the wheel. what do we got? there it is, we're going to philly. so what's your recommendation there? >> philly, many people when they visit philly, they like to do those american historical tours, visit the liberty bell. that can be quite crowded especially this time of the year. so if you go about 30 minutes out to valley forge national park, then you can take some of those historical tours. they do reenactments on occasion. there's lots of trails for hiking or you can relax and do a cookout. so the key here is look for those sites, those historical sites outside those main sites or visit state parks.
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state parks aren't as advertised as the national parks and you can avoid some of the crowds. >> gio: and some of the national parks need reservations as well, right? >> you have to have reservations. i always like to keep my eye on state parks. >> janai: good to new. let's go ahead and spin the wheel again. wheel o travel. los angeles. >> summertime reminds me of beaches. sun's out, fun's out. >> janai: oh, yeah. >> whit: i thought you were going to say gun's out. i didn't hear that. >> los angeles has lots of beaches and if you go above an hour and a half north to oxnard, california, then you'll see those scenic cliffs and it's less crowded and they have some tide pools there. it's the closest port to see the channel islands, which is very remote so you can go there, and the channel islands in particular is where you can see marine life. that's where i saw a super pod
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of dolphins. >> janai: what? >> yes. and a super pod for people that don't know a marine biologist told me that a thousand dolphins descended around our pool. >> janai: oh, my gosh. >> but the key here is if you drive a little more out, find those remote beaches, then you can avoid some of the crowds. and if you're going to take a road trip where like using apps like waze. even if you know where you're going and the direction it can help you avoid obstacles like traffic and construction and alerts you when those troopers are out so you can manage your speed. >> gio: i love that. i also love we're doing domestic destinations right now. so let's get that wheel up again because we're going to do it again. spin it. here we go. atlanta. >> atlanta, georgia. if you drive less than two hours outside atlanta, you'll go to chattanooga, tennessee. it's known as the scenic city and that's because of the blue ridge mountains. >> gio: it's beautiful. >> everywhere you look there's blue ridge mountains and there's experiences like block city and
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ruby falls. it's also home to the chattanooga choochoo, which is a historical train that is now an entertainment complex. and it's also near one of the largest hanggliding spots in america. and also, you know, i took -- i went hanggliding there a couple years ago, and it's really easy to do and easy to get to from atlanta. and another key here. >> gio: is it scary? >> a little scary when you land but you're floating. >> janai: just so you know he repelled down the empire state building. >> so you're the adventure guy. >> whit: and the chattanooga choochoo. who knew. looking for to that. >> janai: choochoo who >> whit: thank you so much. so great to have you here. coming up on "gma," "will it or won't it" memorial day edition. we'll be rieg back. rieg back. . . . you weathered the storm year after y,
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e your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at [ upbeat music ] - [ singing ] ♪ and when i see these pots ♪ ♪ i'm a gardeneer ♪ ♪ a gardeneer ♪ [ upbeat music ] nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. if you don't stain your deck, it's like the previous owner is still hanging around.
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so today let's stain, with behr, the #1 rated stain. and make your deck, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. it's derm's day off, but neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard. unlike me. neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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>> gio: all right, we are back now with "will it or won't it." that's where our will ganss puts lifestyle tips to the test so we don't have to. and these are memorial day -- these are perfect for memorial day. will, welcome back. and you've got something about decor first.
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>> this is the patriotic decor hack tiktok can't get enough of. it's a center piece featuring lady liberty, stars and lights. this video user has racked up 98 million views. you start by filling a wineglass with ornaments and these base filler water beads to keep everything in place. you flip it upside down, put lady liberty on top, lights, more stars, and you fill the whole thing with beads and with water, you guys. >> gio: wow, look at that. >> whit: so will it or won't it? >> it won't. and it violently won't, okay? these water beads -- take some of these. imagine working with this all afternoon. they're all over my apartment. they're bouncing around the counter tops, falling onto the floor, under the bed. >> janai: they sound like children. >> it's like that scene from "flubber." >> whit: by the way, someone is going to slip on these things.
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>> let's clean it up before david muir gets back in here. anyway, not only was i feeling less patriotic, i was looking at one way flights out of the country to get as far away from america and that center piece as possible. >> whit: got it. and next up you've got another center piece for us. >> this one was slightly easier. the deal with this is you're going to take a square base. we spotted this on tiktok from user 5 foot feminine. a square basin side a larger base. the middle is filled with water and put napkins around for a pop of culture and scotch tape and pop your florals in and that's what it's supposed to look like. here's what mine ended up looking like. >> whit: it's all right. >> it's all right. so will it or won't it? i'm going to say it won't, but i think with someone else doing it, it might. >> janai: it could. >> whit: the tape skills. >> if the scotch tape is showing or your napkins get wet, it ends up looking a little cheap, but in better hands it looked good >> janai: are those real?
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>> yeah, those are real flowers, and i grew them myself. >> whit: so will it or won't it officially? >> it will. >> janai: you grew them yourself. red, white and blue. >> these are red, white, and blue strawberries and we saw these on tiktok as well. and what you do is you dip your strawberries in white melting chocolate about two thirds of the way, and then you dip a third of the way with the blue melting chocolate. and what they end up looking like is what we have on this plate right here. and for this one i'm going to say it will. yeah, and it's a great thing to do with kids because it's an easy job for kids to dip. maybe one kid does the white part, one kid does the blue part, and then you have your final product here. >> gio: and we already started biting into these. of course, janai, first. flowerpot sugar cookies. >> so these are a hack that we saw on instagram, okay, from a user that racked up 200,000 likes for these. so what it's supposed to look like is that right there.
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so you've got the pot at the bottom with chocolate mousse inside, that's your dirt and then a crumble on top. and the flowers are supposed to be strawberries carved to look like roses. what mine ended up looking like -- >> whit: yours don't look like that, will. >> this was my second biggest fail of the day. so it was really tough. i had to ditch the flowers entirely but the cookie part ends up tasting delicious. a sugar cookie you bake in a muffin tin, so this one i'm going to say it won't but it's not a total fail. >> gio: we say it will because it tastes really good. thank you, will. appreciate it. we'll be right back -- first, we'll check in with somara in oklahoma city for another check of the weather. hey, somara. >> somara: let's do it. good morning. i know a lot of us are gathering with our friends and family this memorial day holiday. let's not forget we're honoring those who have served or have fallen. if you're heading to any of the events in our nation's capitol, live look right now in washington, d.c. pretty beautiful conditions at the moment. things will start to deteriorate, though, on memorial
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day. we are tracking rain in the forecast for the i-95 corridor specifically monday afternoon and evening. elsewhere pretty hot in the gulf coast states, beautiful on the west coast, lots of sunshine. but we have an imminent threat today. that's the threat for severe weather. that zone in red from kansas to oklahoma city has the highest risk for t >> whit: still finishing up here the strawberry. >> janai: you got that down fast. >> whit: still chewing. forgive me. >> janai: now to "gma's" buzz pick. it is return of elle black, a
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page turning thriller. here's the author with more. >> i'm emiko jean. this book features chelsea calhoun, a small town detective whose life is forever changed when ellie black, a missing teen resurfaces in the washington woods two years after her disappearance. but elle won't say where she's been or what happened to her and chelsea questions what elle is hiding and why. >> whit: that sounds good, right? "the return of elle black" is available wherever books are sold. keep reading along with us on instagram >> janai: it was a little hard. >> whit: we got through it. the snacks. coming up here how to rewire your brain when it comes to dealing with stress. the easy practices you can start this morning to make a big difference. or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start.
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(♪) if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today! [ upbeat music ] f- [ singing ] ♪ and when. i'm checking out, ♪ ♪ i'm actually... ♪ both: [ singing ] ♪ checking out me. ♪ it's started. it's... the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination—a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too.
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for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. >> janai: welcome back to "gma," and we're celebrating mental health awareness month, taking the time for self-care.
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this doctor has written a book to help the five resets to rewire the brain and body and he's h she's here with tips. doctor, thank you for being here. first off you say not all stress is bad, and more importantly we are not alone in the struggle. >> that's right. not all stress is created equal. in fact, there are two kinds of stress. there's healthy productive stress like rooting for your favorite sports team and falling in love, getting a new job. and then there's unhealthy stress, the things you and i know the things that make us stressed out and not great for your mind and body. the good news is that both these kinds of stress can bring your life forward. and when you are feeling a sense of stress understand that you are not alone, it is not your fault. and studies show in a room of 30 people, 21 people right now are struggling with stress and burnout. it's a real problem. >> janai: oh, my gosh. so you just took a very optimistic approach to stress. i love this. this can help.
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it can be hard when it comes to action, getting healthier, and cutting stress. but you have an easy place to start. you say it's a resilient rule of two. explain that. >> janai, the resilience rule of two is how your brain responds to change. so when you have any change you're making in your life, even positive changes can be a stress to your brain. so intimate two small changes at a time if you want those changes to stick. anything more on your system is overloading. that's why new year's resolutions when we do 10 or 20 things at a time, it fails because it's the kitchen sink and our brains can't handle that. focus on two small changes at a time. >> janai: okay, i can do that. two, it doesn't feel so overwhelming. you also say digital boundaries are important when it comes to our mental health. you have been an easy first step. i love the idea of easy. tell me the easy way of gray
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scaling our phones. >> gray scaling your phone is switching your phone off of color mode and into black and white mode. it's the quickest reset for your stress. >> janai: what? >> and what it does is it makes scrolling less addictive, less enticing, and it can decrease your screen time and overall sense of stress so you feel more in control particularly at night when so many of us are dream scrolling and not sleeping enough. >> janai: this is a tool i'll make happen right now and see how it works because i love this idea. another helpful tool is something you call stop, breathe, be. >> stop, breathe, be, we should do it together. it's a three-second exercise that can reset your stress. get you out of what if anxious thoughts about the future and get you grounded in the here and now. get you out of what if thinking and into what is. so stop, you want to pause for a second. breathe, take a deep breath in and out and just be. so it's three seconds, and
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can do this over and over throughout the day, maybe right before you join a meeting, click zoom. or when you're turning the doorknob to go get your kids or run to the grocery store. all things we do in the day that cause a lot of stress -- stop, breathe, be. >> janai: i think of that moment after you close the door when you've got the kids in and got a moment to yourself as you walk around to the driver's side -- stop, breathe, be. thank you so much, doctor, for being here.
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> gio: okay, we've got a little bit of breaking news. if you were flying yesterday you were part of this record breaking travel day, tsa screened more than 2.9 million travelers. that's the most in its 22-year history. >> janai: those beaches are going to be full. have a safe weekend. "the five resets" dr. aditi nerurkar, we've already changed our phones. >> whit: made the change. >> gio: bye, everybody. >> janai: have a great weekend. .
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today, former oakland police chief leronne armstrong is kicking off his council member campaign. he is launching his campaign at mcclymonds high school, where he graduated while growing up in west oakland. he's running for the at large council seat, which represents the entire city. armstrong was fired from his job as police chief over a year ago. now and he's now suing the city for wrongful termination. he says the lawsuit will not impact this race to a live look outside now with francis. how's it looking? okay.
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we're starting to see some breaks in the cloud cover, but we have quite a few clouds, especially south of golden gate bridge. >> but some breaks in parts of the north bay and here across the golden gate bridge. you see, the roads are starting to dry out. san francisco's 51, oakland 54. san jose has been milder at 61, but half moon bay is only 52, and right now they've got quite a bit of fog with visibility down to a mile. so here we're seeing a little bit of the blue sky from mount tam. coolest spot petaluma at 48. concord and fairfield already in the upper 50s. so today it will be gusty. this afternoon and breezy temperatures still below average, but look for a high of near 70 in fairfield and antioch , san francisco only 59. if you're headed to bottle rock, grab a jacket. temperatures there warming up to 68 degrees 68 in san jose. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so still cooler today, but warmer for memorial day and then closer to average next week. >> stephanie francis, thank you. and thank you all for joining us.
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>> announcer: espn welcomes you to a special presentation of the united football league on abc. welcome to the ufl presented by the u.s. army. it's week nine in arlington, texas. a couple


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