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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  May 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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eventually help replenish the bison population in montana. they are very sweet now, but i was looking up online because i was curious. these things can be 2,000 pounds. oh yeah. yeah yeah. >> enjoy them while they're small and sweet. yeah. >> like most animals, you know, when you bring them home. oops. surprise. that mini pig is through all of a sudden. >> yeah. >> wow. what shocking. and. oh, that's too funny. all right, well, that's all the time we have for this edition of abc seven news at five. we'll are dead after a devastating tornado outbreak. now the severe weather threat is shifting east. millions are in the path of powerful thunderstorms, hail, potential flooding, and possible tornadoes, as communities from texas to arkansas try to recover. the death toll is expected to rise. one apparent twister ripping through a neighborhood north of dallas. homes torn apart.
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a gas station where dozens sought shelter destroyed. survivors searching the rubble. another twister touching down in arkansas where hundreds of thousands are without power. and powerful storms with lightning forcing a delay at the indianapolis 500. fans racing for the gate. what this could mean for an already record-breaking travel weekend. our weather team is tracking it all from texas. the search for answers in massachusetts after a bizarre stabbing spree. four girls inside a movie theater attacked. a man and a woman also hurt at a mcdonald's. authorities say it all ended in a police chase and crash in cape cod. what we're now learning tonight. the desperate search for survivors in papua new guinea. hundreds feared dead in landslides. residents using bare hands to dig for relatives. the rowdy reception for donald trump at the libertarian convention. what the presumptive republican nominee said in an unusual bid for support. the party's message to robert
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kennedy jr. and the difference libertarians could make in november. tearful tributes pour in for pro golfer grayson murray who passed away at the age of 30 one day after withdrawing from a tournament. what his parents are saying tonight. at least a dozen passengers and crew hurt when turbulence strikes a qatar airlines flight to dublin. the emotional victory at the monaco grand prix that overshadowed the race's rocky start. no doubt you'll know his music and his memorable soundtrack to our childhoods. ♪ >> we remember the composer richard sherman. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." good evening, everyone. thanks so much for joining us on this sunday. i'm linsey davis. we begin tonight with breaking news. at least 15 people including two children under the age of 5 killed during a deadly tornado outbreak in arkansas, kentucky,
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oklahoma and texas. more than 100 million at risk tonight for severe weather. a twister devastating value view, texas, reducing homes and businesses to a mangled mess of rubble. disaster declarations issued in 106 counties in texas. tree branches and debris blocking the streets, making roads impassable. lightning delayed the start of the indianapolis 500 for four hours. thousands of fans evacuating the stadium and thousands of customers in the dark tonight after widespread power outages. at least 25 tornadoes reported across five states during a record breaking memorial holiday travel weekend. abc's meteorologist somara theodore leads us off from the storm zone in texas. >> reporter: tonight, a 2-year-old and 5-year-old among at least 15 people killed in a devastating tornado outbreak across arkansas, kentucky, oklahoma, and texas. >> more than 200 homes and structures were listed as destroyed.
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>> reporter: in valla view, texas, a town of just 700 people, destruction as far as the eye could see. it was here at this gas station where 60 to 80 people ran for their lives inside seeking shelter, with one survivor describing it like a scene out of a movie. >> we barely made it. >> reporter: peggy herron and her husband ricky pulled over as the tornado closed in. they returned to the scene today with their son to search for their red suv. >> the minute we got inside, we saw everybody, and the whole room just exploded. that fast. >> reporter: ricky says peggy fell as they fled, and he had to drag her to safety. >> as men, we try to protect our families. you realize that this thing is way bigger than you. it humbles you. it makes you realize how powerful nature can be. >> reporter: were there women and children? >> there was this woman, she was looking for her child, and i -- i don't even know if she found her child. but there were just kids everywhere. >> reporter: astonishingly, authorities say no one suffering serious injuries. >> it's nothing less than a
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miracle. and i'm so glad you're okay, mom. i'm glad you're okay. hear me? >> reporter: this dangerous storm system already wreaking havoc as it moves east. lightning delaying the indy 500, forcing thousands to flee the stadium. as millions of americans break travel records this memorial day weekend, abc's jaclyn lee at hollywood burbank airport. >> with nearly 30,000 delays and cancellations since the holiday weekend kicked off on thursday, the faa is warning travelers tuesday and wednesday will be the next busiest days to fly, with weather as the leading cause for delays. >> linsey: travelers have to factor in the forecast. let's bring in somara theodore in the storm zone in texas. give us a sense of the weather threat tonight. >> reporter: they have issued a tornado warning for st. louis, missouri. this is a highly populated city. it's so important folks have on their alerts and know where they're going to go. in case they need to head to
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shelter. i want you to take a look at the tornado watch that we have issued. this is a pds tornado watch, particularly dangerous situation. the tornadoes we're talking about, folks, are tornadoes that could be long tracking and have the potential to be very violent. there's also a severe thunderstorm watch in effect. that spans from ohio and pennsylvania all the way down to the carolinas as we head through this evening. tomorrow, this threat shifts east, hitting the i-95 corridor. there, the biggest threat is damaging winds and hail, but i want everyone to know who is going to be traveling along the roads there is a threat for flash flooding. linsey. >> linsey: got to pay attention to that pds warning in familiar. thank you. next tonight, a terrifying holiday attack. four girls stabbed by a knife wielding suspect at a movie theater in the boston area. police describe the attack as random and unprovoked. a suspect is in police custody tonight. authorities say he may be responsible for a similar incident in plymouth. abc's reena roy has the latest details. >> reporter: tonight, an urgent
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investigation under way after a holiday weekend movie night turned violent. a man going on a wild stabbing spree in massachusetts. >> four victims here. all four have injuries. >> reporter: walking into a movie theater in braintree outside boston saturday evening where police say he stabbed four young girls without warning. three of them sisters. >> they were in the second row, and he came up behind them. my oldest was leaned over to get something. he got her in the back. and then my other daughter in the top chest and then my last daughter across her arm. laughing the whole time. >> reporter: the oldest, 17, the youngest, 9-year-old twins, all of them taking to area hospitals. >> two little girls are crying. the oldest one, they were trying their best to keep their composure. >> reporter: authorities say the suspect identified as 26-year-old jared reviza fled the scene in a black suv and about an hour later, police say he struck again. stabbing two workers at a mcdonald's in plymouth, reaching
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through the drive-through window with a knife. police using surveillance video to track his vehicle. state troopers chasing him down. eventually, officials say he crashed his car in the town of sandwich before being taken into custody. >> they're terrified they could just go to a movie on a saturday night and this could happen. >> reporter: all the victims are expected to recover. no word from police on a possible motive. the plymouth county d.a.'s office saying he will face multiple charges. including assault with intent to murder. linsey. >> linsey: many relieved he was captured. thank you. overseas now, that horrific landslide in papua new guinea. nearly 700 people are feared dead. hope is fading of finding survivors buried beneath the earth in thick mounds of rubble. drone footage captures the scope and scale of the damage. conditions are making it difficult to bring aid in to survivors. patrick reevell joins us. what can you tell us about the search? >> reporter: yeah, the united
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nations now says it fears 670 people may have been killed in that massive landslide that completely buried a village in a remote area of papua new guinea on friday. more than 150 homes were buried and the damage is so extensive that they so far only have been able to recover five bodies. locals are desperately trying to dig out survivors with whatever tools they can, mostly shovels, but hope is shrinking with the rubble more than 26 feet in some places. some aid is starting to be delivered but officials say the area remains extremely dangerous because some land is still sliding. they evacuated an additional 250 homes just today. tonight, fears that the death toll could still rise even higher. linsey. >> linsey: just a devastating situation there. patrick, thank you. next tonight, the war between israel and hamas. hamas firing missiles at tel aviv for the first time in months. here's abc's britt clennett. give us a sense of what you're learning about that rocket attack. >> reporter: the idf says those rockets were launched about half
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a mile from israeli forces in rafah where the idf is carrying out a military offensive believing it is hamas' last stronghold. the israeli military today saying as their troops approached, hamas emptied their ammunition and launched their rockets from an area with civilian population. adding they were launched from in between a mosque and a school. footage published by israeli media shows minor damage. an idf official telling me tonight the damage was limited, saying as the pressure on hamas increases we expect this to happen. linsey. >> linsey: britt, thank you. back here at home in the race for the white house, as donald trump got a rowdy reception from the libertarian national convention in washington, d.c. and also independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. was also on hand to woo voters but got a bit of a warmer reception. here's maryalice parks. >> i think you should nominate me or at least vote for me. and we should win together. >> reporter: former president donald trump heckled by a
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hostile crowd at a political convention this weekend. libertarian party members he had hoped to woo booing him instead. >> that's nice. that's nice. >> reporter: frustrated by the frosty reception, trump mocking their chances for success at the polls without him. >> only do that if you want to win. if you want to lose, don't do that. keep getting your 3% every four years. >> reporter: it was an unusual event. the presumptive nominee for the republican party speaking at the libertarian party's national convention. trump trying to appeal to their shared interests. a deep disdain for federal bureaucracy. but libertarian party members told me they do not see trump as one of their own. >> donald trump is not a libertarian because he's an authoritarian. >> reporter: libertarians have been spoilers in the past and could be again, especially in a tight race with so many voters dissatisfied with the two major party candidates. during his address, trump
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calling out his democratic rival. >> why isn't joe biden here speaking to you tonight? >> reporter: in a statement, the biden campaign taking aim at trump's record saying donald trump says his republican party is the party of freedom, but tell that to the women who have had the freedom to make their own health care decisions ripped away. robert f. kennedy jr. blasting trump over covid lockdowns. >> greatest restriction on individual liberties this country has ever known. >> linsey: maryalice parks joins us now. there was question whether robert f. kennedy might secure the libertarian nomination. it would go a long way in insuring he was on every state ballot but it seems like that won't happen. >> reporter: it was sort of a surprise he went for it. there was no real appetite for him in the room. the libertarian party members i talked to say they like some of his ideas, but they wanted someone who had been a member of their party. they viewed him as more of a former democrat. linsey. >> thank you. tributes are pouring in tonight for golfer grayson murray after his sudden and shocking death.
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the new details coming in about the cause of death and the emotional reaction from his fellow golfers. here's abc's alex presha. >> reporter: tonight, the golf world in mourning after news that pga golfer grayson murray died by sueson. his parents releasing a statement saying we have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact our son is gone. adding life wasn't always easy for grayson, and although he took his own life, we know he rests peacefully now. the 30-year-old withdrew from the charles schwab challenge in ft. worth, texas, friday, citing illness. >> my parents have been through, you know, hell and back basically for the last six years with me, fighting some mental stuff. >> reporter: murray had long been open about his struggles with alcohol and depression. admitting to drinking during tournament weeks in the past. but had made a turnaround this year, winning the sony open in hawaii in january. and reaching his highest ever world golf ranking of 46th.
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webb simpson knew murray since he was a young golfer. >> when you hear news like that over the phone, you don't think it's real at first. and you know, so i'm super thankful for getting some good time with him. >> reporter: the commissioner of the pga tour called the news about murray devastating. now, if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, there is free confidential help available 24/7. you can call or text 988. linsey. >> linsey: alex, thank you. now to a warning about dangerous and deadly rip currents as millions head to the beach over the long holiday weekend. at least one person died and a dozen others were rescued after getting caught in strong rip currents in galveston, texas. more now from abc's zohreen shah. >> reporter: as many head to the beaches this holiday weekend, lifeguards along the coast of texas sounding the alarm. >> we have this really rough water, very strong rip currents.
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it's going to be rough throughout the weekend. >> reporter: nearly a dozen people rescued from a series of strong rip currents. a 26-year-old tourist from louisiana who lifeguards found face down in the water was pronounced dead at the hospital. so far this year in america, at least seven swimmers have died after being caught in rip currents. ahead of the holiday weekend in florida, three good samaritans saved this teenager from a rip current. >> i'm a pretty decent swimmer, and that current was really ripping me. >> reporter: experts warn while the three rescuers were able to help, attempting a water rescue in a rip currents should be done by a trained professional. >> there's a lot of factors that happen. you're in that turbulent wave. another thing, you might encounter that person panicking, and they're just clawing at you and climbing on you and they latch on to you. >> reporter: experts say the easiest way to spot a rip current, look for where the waves aren't breaking. another big tip, if there's a
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red flag warning, do not get in more than waist deep. linsey. >> linsey: potentially life-saving tips there. thank you. overseas now and a big sports headline. charles leclerc won the monaco grand prix. the race got off to a rocky start after a massive crash in the first lap, delaying the competition for at least 40 minutes. once it resumed, leclerc born and raised in monaco captured his first victory in his hometown race. this is his first formula one victory in nearly two years. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday. midair turbulence sent some passengers and crew to the hospital. and the message from nicki minaj to her fans after canceling a concert in england. on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone;
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headache, and injection reactions. ask your doctor about kesimpta for rms. next tonight, at least a dozen passengers and crew aboard a qatar airlines flight from doha to dublin were injured when the plane encountered turbulence. the plane was met by emergency teams. eight were taken to a local hospital. a man is recovering tonight after he was set on fire on a new york subway train. police say the alleged perpetrator fled the scene but is now in custody. the suspect threw an unknown flammable substance on the victim as the train was pulling into the station, causing the victim's shirt to ignite and burning his upper body. when we come back, the message from nicki minaj to her fans one day after she was forced to cancel a concert. do xr—
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betty nash who served as a flight attendant longer than anyone else in the world has died. she started flying in 1957 for eastern airlines which eventually became american airlines. she never retired. she chose to fly the d.c. new york boston shuttle so she could be home every night for her son who has downs she was kwag kwag. >> nicki minaj is apologizing to fans. she had to cancel her concert after she was stopped by authorities who accused her of carrying soft drugs. she was arrested and later released with a fine. when we come back, remembering one of the creators of disney's most memorable music. is a rate based on yo, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you. a lot of them. and you don't drive like... whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers.
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finally tonight, you may not know his name, but you definitely know his music. tonight, we remember richard sherman. ♪ it's a small world after all ♪ >> you know his music. it's as melodious as it is magical and memorable. richard sherman is world renowned after all. he and his brother robert wrote more than 150 of the beloved classics of our childhood and beyond, including earworms for disney theme parks like it's a small world. ♪ a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down ♪ >> they may best be known for the songs they wrote for mary poppins in 1964 which won them oscars for best score and best song. this popular song of theirs
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became a pop hit, reaching the billboard hot 100 in 1965. bob iger, the ceo of the walt disney company, issued this statement, saying richard sherman was the embodiment of what it means to be a disney legend, creating along with his brother robert the beloved classics that have become a cherished part of the sound track of our lives. most of the sherman brothers' songs appeal to all ages. something they learned from walt disney himself. he once told us early on in our career, they said, don't insult the kid. don't write down to the kid. and don't write just for the adult. so we write for grandpa and the 4-year-old and everyone in between. for the 50th anniversary of disney animation studios, richard returns to walt disney's office right alongside dick van dyke. >> walt used to call me in on a friday afternoon with my brother
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bob, and he would sit down over here and say play it. and i would play "feed the birds." he loved that song. >> richard sherman was 95. what a talent. thanks for watching. i'm linsey davis. hope to see you right back here tomorrow. until then, have a good night. community leader loses his son in a motorcycle accident. the encampment is gone, but the repercussions continue. a prominent san jose state professor off the job tonight, she says her suspension is connected to her role as faculty advisor for students for justice in palestine. plus
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annual carnival grand parade celebrating cultures with roots deep in san francisco's mission district. the news at six starts right now, always live abc seven news starts right now, celebrating the vibrancy of the bay area. highlights of an event that uplifts san francisco's mission district, both culturally and financially. good evening, and thanks for joining us. i'm diane lim. we begin tonight with a colorful melding of music, dance and artistry that pays homage to cultural traditions in san francisco. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard has a look at the pomp and significance of this year's carnival parade. >> it's bold, bright and wonderfully loud. lydia and her family never missed the carnival. grand parade. this is a family tradition. >> we've been coming out here since i was a le