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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  May 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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it's hard to go sit and cry. but what are you going to do? i mean, i keep closing my eyes and expecting you guys not to be here. and why am i at the lumber yard on memorial day tonight? >> fire crews remain at a lumber yard in oakland, checking for hot spots. one day after a massive fire broke out. good
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evening. i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. the fire broke out just before 8:00 last night at economy lumber in oakland's fruit vale neighborhood. >> abc seven news reporter lena howland talked to the owner of the company and shows us the damage. >> flames shooting from the roof of economy lumber sunday night, putting off a smoke plume that could be seen for miles. >> it spread so fast. by the time the fire department came, the building, the fire was shooting on the top of the roof, already flanked by a gas station on one side and railroad tracks on the other. >> oakland firefighters quickly called for this lumber yard fire to be four alarms, bringing more than 100 firefighters to the scene. >> the fuel load here was tremendous. >> the fire burned through the night. come monday morning, excavators were brought in to tear one of the lumber yard buildings apart, not stable. >> it's too dangerous. we can't send crews in there. we have floor collapse on the second floor, and there's also hot spots right now. so right now, the excavator is now tearing the building down so we can get
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water to some of the hot spots. john bacon, president of economy lumber, could only watch as his family's business burned. >> it was just too dangerous to go in and put the fires out. >> bacon seen going through the rubble at the business his family has owned for more than 40 years, pulling out what he could. i could be depressed, but, i mean, i'm sad. >> i mean, i just got my 35 year old bike out of my office. i happen to see it when he was when the building was coming down and he grabbed it for me. >> bacon says his business will be closed for the next week while they reevaluate what's next before starting the rebuilding process. >> we'll build something more to what we actually need, he says. >> of the four locations his family owns, none of their lumber yards has ever caught fire. this is the only location without fire sprinklers, sam gabriel, a manager of the gas station next door, says it was only a month and a half ago when he helped put out an encampment fire just outside of the rail yard.
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>> i grabbed a couple of buckets of water i dropped on it, and i don't know this time i did not see anybody, but it could be because they lighting fires all the time. >> firefighters say the cause of this fire is still under investigation at this time in oakland. lena howland abc seven news. >> a small business owner in san francisco is asking for help after someone stole more than $300,000 worth of clothing and office equipment at dare fashion, specializes in goth style clothing. designed and made in san francisco. on may 1st, owner ben wong discovered his office and storage facility along market street had been ransacked. he says someone broke in and stole countless items and accessories. and right as they were gearing up for san francisco's world goth festival, two wong and his team still attended the event and are now determined to move forward. >> i give myself 15 minutes to feel sorry for myself and then i say, okay, now we got a deal.
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what i'm really trying to do is turn this around and say, how do you make the worst thing that's ever happened to you? the best thing that's ever happened to you? >> what a great attitude and outlook. wong says he has a $1 million insurance policy on his business, but he didn't realize it was for liability only. he warns others to look closely at their insurance coverage. he set up a gofundme to help recoup some of his losses. we have a link on our website, abc seven >> san jose police are investigating a deadly shooting that happened yesterday afternoon.y y around 245 officers responded to reports of a shooting on blossom river wayy found a man who was unconscious and not breathing, suffering from a gunshot wound. they tried to se him, but he was pronounced dead at the scene. so far, no arrests have been made. this is the city's 15th homicide of the year in oakley. >> police say they've made an arrest in a rape case from 2002. 49 year old eric ferguson was arrested earlier this month in coeur d'alene, idaho. he's accused of kidnaping and raping a girl younger than 18, in
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oakley back in april of 2002, when ferguson was 29. he allegedly held the girl who had been walking her dog at gunpoint, forcing her into a car where the assault happened. she was able to escape and run for help. police took dna samples, but they didn't get a hit from the national law enforcement database. no match until 2022. then earlier this month, they were able to locate ferguson and arrest him. he's now being extradited to the bay area and is scheduled to be arraigned on june 6th. >> the bay area remembered fallen soldiers and service members today, recognizing their bravery and courage with a variety of memorial day services and events. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn joins us live in the newsroom with a few of those suzanne ummah from the san francisco national cemetery in the presidio to the mare island naval cemetery. there were solemn tributes today to remember our country's fallen service members.
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>> on this memorial day, families who lost a service member found comfort that their loved ones would always be remembered. this gold star mother shared her gratitude. >> thank you for being here today. it tells me that those who have given the ultimate sacrifice are not forgotten. and that's the one thing that we always haunts our mind. >> communities across the country stood together for a common cause to remember. at san francisco national cemetery in the presidio, praise for the men and women who have served and sacrificed. >> we stand here today in all of their valor, heroism, and patriotism. >> navy veteran patrick o'neill was at the presidio to remember a fallen soldier. my uncle vince was killed during the second world war. o'neill says his uncle was in his early 20s when he was killed in 1944. this is a picture of o'neill at his uncle's gravesite in france, and a picture of me, a very young me right there, o'neill says.
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memorial day is an important time, a way for those of us that are still living, to honor the people who made sacrifices, to give us freedom to do something like this. we talked to several people who were moved to tears on this memorial day. >> it's not a happy day. it's a day to remember and to honor all they've given the ultimate sacrifice. >> and these parents, you know, they look around and it's very difficult and it's not going to stop. it's very moving. i'm sorry. i get very emotional every time. >> miles away at mare island naval cemetery, more heartfelt gratitude for the service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice. >> today is not a day off. it is not about a vacation day. today is about recognition that you didn't have to sacrifice your life today for the freedom that you get to experience. >> vallejo mayor robert mcconnell joined other dignitaries to pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of fallen heroes. this was the
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first memorial day at mare island naval cemetery, and mare islands national cemetery is the oldest naval cemetery on the west coast. it has been designated as a national historic landmark. live in the newsroom suzanne vaughn abc seven news. >> all right, suzanne, thank you very much. a tribute today at san ramon memorial park, a mother performed the star-spangled banner. she spoke about her son, who served as a senior airman and was killed in afghanistan in 2008. a one man came to remember a friend he served with who recently passed away. >> he loved this kind of thing. he ran, loved to uh- he loved the military, but he would actually feel really good to be see the show of this. he enjoyed it all. he enjoyed every piece of it. so it's respect. it's not just ron, it's everybody else that it's some of the bravest people in the world that you can imagine that have lost their lives. and that's what the gathering is here today about, certainly is. >> and others, of course, were honored as well. people in the
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community came by throughout the day to place flags in honor of fallen service members in san francisco. >> a special tribute on this memorial day to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the silent service better known as submarine veterans, a floating fisherman's wharf tourist attraction served as the backdrop for today's lost boat ceremony honoring vets who gave their lives during world war two. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard was there >> a solemn service on board the uss pampanito, a floating piece of history, docked at pier 45 at fisherman's wharf. she served six deployments during world war two, but on this memorial day, the submarine hosting a ceremony to honor those who never returned to port. >> we shall never forget the ultimate sacrifice they made so that we all here right now, can enjoy the fruits of freedom. >> the lost boat ceremony,
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remembering all who made the ultimate sacrifice, including submariners who served during world war two. >> today we remember those submariners who never returned to the surface, their final resting place, and the vast, beautiful expanse of the ocean they once patrolled. >> retired navy officer jill james now serves on the sausalito city council. >> think about the age of the kids on these on these boats right there. you know, 15. some of them right. 15, 16, 17 lied about their age to sign up and fight. >> this memorial day tradition started after the war when 52 submarines were lost, along with 3000 crew members, each of the subs getting a special tribute. >> uss amberjack ss 219. lost 16th february 1943. with all hands, 73 men. >> just days ago, the navy announced it had located the wreckage of the uss harder, relatively intact, 80 years after its last patrol in the
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south china sea. veteran christopher walker calls that amazing. >> it's important for us to know the history of all these submarines that were lost during world war two and before and after memorial day, a time to honor and reflect not just the sailors, but all the military personnel that lost their lives to protect our country in san francisco. >> cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> well, coming up here remembering an nba legend, we're looking back on the impact of a hall of famer and broadcasting star known for his love of the game and the grateful dead. abc seven news at stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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and i decided that i needed to. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team. they took care of me like a . i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me. bill walton has passed away after a prolonged battle with cancer. walton is being
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remembered as a one of a kind ambassador for the game of basketball. >> he was a star well before he set foot in the nba. walton led the ucla bruins to two college national titles. he was the top pick in the 74 nba draft and three years later, led the portland trail blazers to their only championship. he won another title as a member of the boston celtics. that was in 1986, before retiring and becoming one of the sport's most colorful broadcasters. >> take the headset off during a commercial break and just say to me, i love you, but don't tell anybody because i think he he just enjoyed the fact that i was a sparring partner. >> walton was 71 years old. he is survived by his four sons, including former warriors coach luke walton. >> warriors coach steve kerr called bill walton a quote, legendary player, a hilarious, colorful broadcaster and most of all, a wonderful person. he went on to say, quote, i will cherish getting to know him when he would visit the warriors, when
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his son luke was on our coaching staff, his incredible energy, passion, love and zest for life was never turned off and on instagram, steph curry posted this photo of him with walton writing quote, r.i.p. to a legend on and off the court. >> you might hear it all the time, but he always brought the best energy and humanity to every room he walked into. true definition of living his values always with a smile. prayers to the entire walton family. >> coming up as we continue our celebration of aapi heritage month, we're taking a look at asian-american representation in politics, and we'll hear from the two asian-american bay area congressional candidates fac
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two candidates and looks at the lack of asian american representation in politics. >> vice president kamala harris shattered multiple glass ceilings with the biden-harris campaign victory in 2020. she became the first woman black person in southeast asian american elected as vp. still, asian-american representation lacks among elected leaders nationwide. we're the fastest growing racial group or ethnic group in this country, despite us making up 6% of the american population, we are less than 1% of elected officials. >> so a huge lack of representation for the aapi community. >> norman chen is the ceo of the advocacy organization the asian american foundation, created in response to growing aapi hate in 2021. >> now, politics traditionally has not been a path that many asian americans have taken in silicon valley, the heart of innovation and progressive ideals are a notch towards
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progress on the ballot. >> this november in the 17th congressional district, representing parts of san jose, fremont, sunnyvale and cupertino, two candidates are facing off representative ro khanna, a democrat, is running for a fifth term in office, and i believe that our district has something to offer the country in terms of new jobs, new economic opportunity. 26 year old educator anita chen, a republican, is running to unseat khanna. >> i felt that at that moment, i needed to change my life. something needed to be different. i needed to advocate, use my voice to speak out on behalf of others. >> what special here is the who and where of this race? california's 17th congressional district has the largest asian american population of any district outside of hawaii. >> well it's changing. when i grew up, there was not a single indian american in the united states congress. and i said, my parents would have had a hard time getting a meeting with a staff member to a member of congress. now there are five
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south asians in congress. there are about 20 asian americans. more young people are giving, getting involved, wanting to serve. >> i think it's awesome. i think it's awesome that there are two aapi candidates running in the aapi district, so that people see, okay, i have two candidates that look like me, represent me, that i can choose from. i think it's a wonderful thing. >> and with that growing representation is room for distinction, something neither candidate shies away from. >> we have disagreements. i'm very much for abortion rights. i'm for lgbtq plus rights. but i think it's wonderful that we have asian americans running and running on any party. i think that's great for democracy. >> i think representative khanna would make a move towards centralization of government more government power. i would make a move towards decentralization of power, returning powers back to the states and the local governments . >> for khanna, he thinks back to his family's history of fighting for equality. >> this is one of my favorite
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spots. it's with, cesar chavez and mahatma gandhi that my grandfather was involved with gandhi's independence movement and spent years in jail. so it's sort of full circle here. i represent san jose, where cesar chavez had roots and his movement was inspired by a movement my grandfather participated in. >> chin hopes to engage the next generation. >> we were putting up my yard signs, and one yard sign was put across from a middle school. i hope there's one little girl somewhere who looks at that photo and thinks, wow, she looks like me. and maybe that can be me one day as well. >> a push to represent and inspire a reminder if you can see it, you can achieve it. i'm julian glover, abc seven news. >> the latin american icon who led san francisco's carnival parade over the weekend took time out today to offer a history lesson. rigoberta menchu was this year's parade grand marshal, and today she took part in a discussion about her work as an activist. menchu has won a
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nobel peace prize for her work on behalf of the indigenous groups of guatemala, her native country. the carnival festival festival celebrates the diversity of latin american culture, and organizers say menchu embodies this year's festival theme honoring indigenous roots. >> there's over 90 different countries, the indigenous groups around the world and how she's connected globally. right? and as a nobel peace prize winner in 1992. but she just doesn't stay home. she's actively going around the world doing the work that she initiated in guatemala. >> menchu also answered questions from the audience, then signed a few autographs at today's event. very nice. >> all right. a lovely day outside today. >> absolutely gorgeous. nice day to be out. if you're off work and spend a little time outside, we hope spencer christian is tracking the weather as folks return into town and go back to
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work. >> yeah, there are a lot of lot of folks out there on the roadways right now coming back in town. it was a lovely day for memorial day activities outdoors, even though the clouds lingered at the coast for a little bit this morning. so let's take a look at what's going on. here's the satellite radar composite image. you can see we've got the typical onshore flow, which is a pattern that we're very familiar with. and the wind speeds right now are generally between 20 and 30mph in places like san francisco, uh, sfo and san mateo, and so still breezy in other locations as well. just not quite so strong as the breezes near the coastline. and it has cooled down a bit since yesterday. this time it's 11 degrees cooler right now in san carlos than at this time yesterday. five degrees cooler in san francisco. napa is nine degrees cooler and hayward is six degrees cooler. so on we go to a view of the sea lions enjoying the afternoon sunshine down at pier 39. 57 degrees here in san francisco right now. oakland 6163, in hayward, low 70s at san jose and redwood city, 54 at half moon bay. here's a view in san rafael. traffic flowing smoothly on one on one towards the north and the south. 73 right now in santa
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rosa, which is one of our milder locations. mid 60s at petaluma and napa, upper 70s at fairfield and concord, and 72 degrees at livermore. and these are our forecast headlines this evening and tonight, mostly clear skies. we'll see some low clouds and fog forming at the coastline of course, it will be breezy and cool through the evening hours next few days, mild inland cool at the coast and then thursday and friday is going to warm up to summer-like levels with inland highs getting up to and even above 90 degrees. now for tonight look for mainly clear skies. a few clouds will move across the bay during the overnight hours though, so we'll wake up in the morning to some lingering low clouds and fog. overnight lows will be generally in the low 50s. up in the north bay we'll see upper 40s a little bit cooler there. and then tomorrow under afternoon sunshine 56 at half moon bay, high of 61. here in san francisco, we'll see upper 60s to near 70 around the bay shoreline. and only upper 7070s in most inland locations. so a little bit of a drop in temperatures tomorrow from the highs we had today. but it'll be
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just a one day cool down. then temperatures rebound on wednesday. and look at thursday and friday inland. highs 9092 degrees around the bay shoreline. upper 70s to about 80. not much of a warm up on the coast though. only low 60s there. and then as we head into the weekend and into the month of june, temperatures will moderate into a more seasonal range. but lovely weather coming our way all sunny days ahead. i love i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. i started taking prevagen
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c7 bay area and download it when you have a moment. have you ever heard of a moonbow? >> it's when the mist from a waterfall and light from a full moon create a rainbow, also known as a lunar rainbow, and one was seen in yosemite national park just last week. a photographer was able to capture it in a time lapse video of bridalveil fall on the nights of may 22nd and 23rd. it's gorgeous . cool. >> yeah, well, off the marin county coast, it's a sighting that has stirred excitement among scientists, certainly after one of the world's rarest whales was spotted on friday. these are photos of the north pacific right whale seen just
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three miles west of point reyes, taken by researchers aboard the noaa ship. the bell m shimada. the identification was officially confirmed by noaa using photos taken by the research team. the north pacific right whale is critically endangered and according to the noaa website, there are likely fewer than 500 of them remaining. wow. >> incredible. all right. that is it for the news at five. world news tonight with david muir is next. >> and for spencer christian all of us here. >> we appreciate your time.
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tonight, breaking news. the severe weather threa news, the severe weather threat moves to the east coast after a weekend of deadly tornados. 70 million americans now on alert. damaging wind gusts, large hail, danger lasting through the night, already forcing ground stops at major airports. a tornado watch for the washington, d.c. area, much of the northeast under a severe
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