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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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day, followed by a major warm up. abc seven news at 6:00 starts right now. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> a day to honor and reflect on this memorial day. the nation remembers the men and women who died while serving our country. good evening. i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. >> thank you for joining us. we're covering memorial day ceremonies across the bay area, honoring those who fought to defend and protect the freedoms that we sometimes can take for granted. >> so we begin with abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn, who is in the newsroom. she has a look at an observance that's a cornerstone of memorial day in san francisco, and another held at the nation's first naval station on the west coast. suzanne ama and dan from the san francisco national cemetery in the presidio to the mare island naval cemetery there were solemn tributes today to remember our military members who died in the line of duty. >> on this memorial day. families who lost a service
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member found comfort that their loved ones would always be remembered. this gold star mother shared her gratitude. >> thank you for being here today. it tells me that those who have given the ultimate sacrifice are not forgotten. and that's the one thing that we always haunts our mind. >> communities across the country stood together for a common cause to remember. at san francisco national cemetery in the presidio, praise for the men and women who have served and sacrificed. >> we stand here today in all of their valor, heroism, and patriotism. >> navy veteran patrick o'neill was at the presidio to remember a fallen soldier. my uncle vince was killed during second world war. o'neill says his uncle was in his early 20s when he was killed in 1944. this is a picture of o'neill at his uncle's gravesite in france and a picture of me, a very young me , right there. o'neill says memorial day is an important
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time, a way for those of us that are still living, to honor the people who made sacrifices to give us freedom to do something like this. we talked to several people who were moved to tears on this memorial day. >> this is not a happy day. >> it's a day to remember and to honor all they've given the ultimate sacrifice. >> and these parents, you know, they look around and it's very difficult and it's not going to stop. it's very moving. i'm sorry. i get very emotional every time. >> miles away at mare island naval cemetery, more heartfelt gratitude for the service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice. >> today is not a day off. it is not about a vacation day. today today is about recognition that you didn't have to sacrifice your life today for the freedom that you get to experience. >> vallejo mayor robert mcconnell joined other dignitaries to pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of fallen heroes. this was the first memorial day at mare island naval cemetery and mare
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island's national cemetery is the oldest naval cemetery on the west coast. it's been designated as a national historic landmark. live in the newsroom suzanne fawn, abc seven news. >> all right, susan, thank you we'll take you to the peninsula. now. community members lined the streets of hillsborough for the town's annual memorial day parade. it was really a moving civic affair, bringing out local school and community groups. the parade ended at the north school field with a ceremony followed by a music festival. >> i'm zach fuentes in san jose, where hundreds gathered here for a special memorial day event. organizers say they hope that the lives honored here will be remembered long after today. >> for many americans, this last monday in may marks the unofficial start of summer a
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long weekend with backyard barbecues. but for those who served in our military, their loved ones, our gold star families and those of you gathered here today, memorial day takes on a much greater significance a powerful ceremony at san jose's oak hill memorial park, dozens coming together to honor and sit alongside the graves of men and women who served the country in the us military since world war one and had family members in the military in war. >> every one of my family came home, so i need to be here for everybody else. >> wreaths representing the many wars that tragically took lives were displayed at the ceremony, and though there were reminders of a time when conflict divided civilization, the unity that's developed since dark times like world war two was also represented. >> reconciliation uh- forgiveness. because we both of us made a mistake eight years ago, but because of that, we now
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enjoy this global partnership between the united states and japan. so i'm so honored to be a part of this ceremony today. >> major robert adam patterson has served with the united states marine corps and cia and gave the keynote speech. i rehearsed it so many times because i broke down every time, he said. giving the speech is an honor. humbling and also challenging. >> some some emotion would catch me as i remembered a particular event or a person. a shared experience. and i remembered their sacrifice, he said. >> he encourages others to take some time and remember those who sacrificed everything, not just this memorial day, but throughout the year to say their names, to remember them, to remember their sacrifice, even for just a minute in san jose. zach fuentes abc seven news in the east bay a touching ceremony honored fallen service members in a community rich with military history. >> crowds gathered at alameda's veterans memorial park for speeches, music and reflection. california attorney general rob bonta reflected on the
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tremendous sacrifice of our military heroes. >> it takes a certain kind of individual to dedicate their lives to service to country, to something bigger than and beyond themselves. >> bonta says. he's proud to say that california is home to more active duty service members than any other state in the north bay mill valley's annual memorial day parade brought out large crowds. >> it was festive, with school groups participating in the downtown parade. north bay veterans and the community groups that support them also took part. memorial day is also the unofficial start of summer and a long weekend of shopping discounts. if you're looking for deals, head to abc seven you'll find some of the best memorial day sales. there's a link right on our home page. >> very moving memorial day all around the bay area, but we'll move on to some other things now in developing news, a fire crews are at a lumber yard in oakland checking for hot spots. one day after a massive fire broke out last night. abc seven news
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reporter lena howland talked with the owner of the company and has more on the damage. >> flames shooting from the roof of economy lumber sunday night, putting off a smoke plume that could be seen for miles. >> it spread so fast. by the time the fire department came, the building, the fire was shooting on the top of the roof, already flanked by a gas station on one side and railroad tracks on the other. >> oakland firefighters quickly called for this lumber yard fire to be four alarms, bringing more than 100 firefighters to the scene. >> the fuel load here was tremendous. >> the fire burned through the night. come monday morning, excavators were brought in to tear one of the lumber yard buildings apart. >> not stable. it's too dangerous. we can't send crews in there. we have floor collapse on the second floor. and there's also hot spots right now. so right now the excavator is now tearing the building down so we can get water to some of the hot spots. >> john bacon, president of economy lumber, could only watch as his family's business burned. >> it was just too dangerous to
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go in and put the fires out. >> bacon seen going through the rubble at the business his family has owned for more than 40 years, pulling out what he could. >> i could be depressed, but, i mean, i'm sad. i mean, i just got my 35 year old bike out of my office. i happen to see it when he was when the building was coming down and he grabbed it for me. >> bacon says his business will be closed for the next week while they reevaluate what's next before starting the rebuilding process, we'll build something more to what we actually need, he says. of the four locations his family owns, none of their lumber yards has ever caught fire. this is the only location without fire sprinklers, sam gabriel, a manager of the gas station next door, says it was only a month and a half ago when he helped put out an encampment fire just outside of the rail yard. >> i grabbed a couple of buckets of water. i dropped on it, and i don't know, this time i did not see anybody, but it could be because they lighting fires all
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the time. >> firefighters say the cause of this fire is still under investigation at this time in oakland. lena howland abc seven news remembering hall of famer and ucla legend bill walton a look back at the life and accomplishments of a cherished member of the nba family for 50 years. >> strike impact some employees involved in alcatraz tours are in a labor dispute. what it could mean for the popular attraction. >> this is going to connect a lot of people to this place, making a community connection with art. >> neighbors are getting their chance to make their mark. >> i'm spencer christian the day after this mild memorial day will bring us a bit of a cool down, but there's a warm upmingl have t
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the battle with cancer. walton is being remembered as a one of a kind ambassador for the game of basketball. he was a star well before he set foot in the nba. walton led the ucla bruins to two college national titles. he was the top pick in the 1974 nba draft, and three years later led the portland trail blazers to their only championship. he won another title as a member of the celtics in 1986, before retiring and becoming one of the sport's most colorful broadcasters. >> take the headset off during a commercial break and just say to me, i love you, but don't tell anybody because i think he he just enjoyed the fact that i was
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a sparring partner. >> walton was 71 years old. he is survived by his four sons, including four former warriors coach luke walton. >> alcatraz is as iconic to san francisco as the golden gate bridge, but today, workers running the cruises to the island say they're at a breaking point. over the weekend, some alcatraz workers went on strike and now they're saying it could happen again. abc seven news reporter luz pena is live in san francisco, with the story behind this labor dispute loose. >> that's right. i'm at the alcatraz city cruises. workers have been negotiating this contract for over two years, and now they tell me they're reaching their breaking point. alcatraz island attracts more than a million visitors to san francisco every year. a dream destination for many tourists like shawn thompson from maryland, who waited decades for this. >> probably 25 years. >> we met jennifer scott from florida right after she made
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that dream a reality with her family. >> and this is kind of like one of our family, like bucket list trips that we wanted to do. >> brian is one of the captains for the cruises. he says he loves his job, but after two years of failed negotiations with the company that owns the cruise lines, he and 93 other union workers are running out of patience. >> we're just asking for, fair wages, throughout the bay. most of the other ferry companies are represented by unions, and they all have a decent pay. and we'd like to maintain or keep up with what their other companies are getting paid on saturday, these workers went on a four hour strike to push alcatraz city cruises to listen to their demands. >> we've had our economic proposals on the table literally for months now, and they were supposed to bring an economic response to us on the 23rd, and they did not. combination of things between wages, benefits, you know, medical and simple
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things, just like scheduling these these folks here don't know what their schedule is a week in advance. they can't plan their lives. they can't take vacations. >> in a statement, the general manager for alcatraz city cruises said in part, we're disappointed the union would threaten our passengers, partners and the community with a potential disruption of those services. supervisor aaron peskin represents the district where the cruise line operates. he views these negotiations as vital for san francisco tourism and it is time for alcatraz cruises to stop stalling and to enter into a contract. >> the labor folks have been extremely reasonable. we need peace on our waterfront. >> i'm concerned that there could be another strike. >> yeah, i'm very concerned. it's not good for the workers. it's not good for the tourists. it's not good for san francisco's economy. >> the union says a second strike is not off the table, but they're hoping to reach an agreement by june 4th in san francisco. luz pena, abc seven news. follow that, of course.
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>> lucy. thank you. a colorful approach to revitalizing downtown san jose this week. the city is getting the community involved in a big art project. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has a look. >> reporter the city of san jose wants downtown to feel like the community's downtown. and what better way to make something yours than to have a role in creating something special and unique? >> we have a giant paint by number, a big coloring book. it's been fun out here so far. public art is one of the things that connects people to place and this is going to connect a lot of people to this place. >> 1250, in fact, volunteers that is their task to transform san pedro square. 12,000ft■!s, 645ft long and about 30ft wide, with ten colors. the largest community canvas in san jose. designed by local artist jimmy paints. >> i wanted to represent the different cultures and communities of san jose, so started off as a linear pattern that kind of morphed and evolved into different shapes
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intersecting and overlapping and kind of merging into something new. >> a mural made for the community by the community, the call for volunteers went viral, and all of the painting shefs 50, an hour, made up of 250 people a day, were filled instantly, everyone eager for the opportunity to literally make their mark. >> because it's my community and if it's my community, i want to have a part of it that's mine. i've lived here 15 years and i've. i just love being able to walk everywhere and so many places to eat and things to do. >> i think it's special to be part of it for everybody in the whole city, to be part of it, because downtown is everybody's neighborhood. >> and at its center, san pedro square, this street became a pedestrian mall in january to help accelerate one of the nation's most successful downtown recovery efforts. post covid downtown association ceo alex satinsky says this mural is more than just paint on the ground. it represents the next step in creating a vibrant and thriving entertainment district for all. >> bringing this type of
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vibrancy in uh- and make the experience really unique to people that come to downtown, makes a difference and will attract more people to downtown. >> that is, once the painting of this massive mural wraps up at the end of this week in downtown san jose. dustin dawsey abc seven news. what a cool idea. >> it looks like a lot of fun to participate in. >> absolutely. and it's a great day. >> it is. spencer crysta's tracking the forecast for us. spencer. >> we have indeed had a very nice memorial day, nice and mild uh- a little bit of lingering low cloudiness near the coast this morning, but it burned away and gave way to sunny skies. here's a look at what's happening right now. the satellite radar composite image that very, very familiar pattern. the brisk onshore flow, which is bringing us some nice breezes. right now we have wind speeds up to 21mph here in san francisco, looking inland over at fairfield, 25mph. and most other locations have wind speeds between 10 and 15mph. and you might think with all that wind, what's the deal with the pollen count right now? well, the pollen index is looking pretty
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good. just about all categories trees, tree pollen out of the low category now and into into medium. but still the air quality is pretty good. and the pollen count is generally low. now, looking at the 24 hour temperature change, you can see it is quite a bit cooler right now than at this time yesterday. across most of the bay area, eight degrees cooler in santa rosa and napa, 13 degrees cooler at san carlos hayward, seven degrees cooler. so let's move along and take a look at current temperature readings as we also look at the sea lions of pier 39. getting a little bit of afternoon or early evening, i should say sun and clouds, 56 degrees here in san francisco right now. oakland 59. we have low 60s at hayward and well, actually upper 60s at san jose. so 61 hayward, 68, san jose, 72 at redwood city and 54 at half moon bay. nice view of blue sky over san rafael. are the temperature readings right now up to 69 and santa rosa. we have low 60s at petaluma and napa, mid 70s at fairfield and concord, and 70 degrees at livermore. and looking across the embarcadero from our rooftop camera. these are the forecast headlines this evening. mostly clear, breezy and cool of
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course, next two days will be generally mild inland cool at the coast than on thursday and friday. we'll have a summer-like warm up with high temperatures climbing into the low 90s in some spots for tonight, though, no 90s. we'll see low clouds pushing across the bay and locally inland. in fact, most locations will see some clouds overnight except the far north. overnight, low temperatures will be generally in the low 50s. pretty mild, in fact. antioch a low of 55 degrees up in the far north. we'll see lows dropping into the upper 40s at lakeport, santa rosa, napa and san rafael. then tomorrow, mainly sunny skies in the afternoon, high temperatures reaching only mid 50s on the coast. 56 at half moon bay, 61 here in san francisco, around the bay shoreline. we'll see highs mainly in the mid to upper 60s and inland. highs will barely break 80 degrees tomorrow, maybe 83 at santa rosa. most other inland locations will have highs in the mid to upper 70, so a bit cooler than today. but it's just a one day cool down because as you can see on the accuweather
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seven day forecast, temperatures will rebound on wednesday back into the mid 80s inland, back into the low 70s around the bay shoreline. then thursday and friday, almost like summer low 90s inland on those two days, upper 70s to about 80 around the bay shoreline. not much warming on the coast, but that's okay. low 60s. we'll take that for coastal readings going into the weekend and into the first days of june. we'll see temperatures moderating mid 80s inland, low 70s around the bay, which is pretty much typical for this time of the year. >> yeah. all right. nice. great. thanks. okay >> well, this discovery on the northern california coast thrilled scientists. for them, it's like a lottery winning moment. >> it really is. we'll learn about the
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of the north pacific right whale spotted friday just three miles west of point reyes. researchers aboard a noaa ship spotted the whale. the north pacific right whale is critically endangered. marine biologists believe there are fewer than 500 of the whales remaining. noaa says right whales are documented to sing or use repeated patterns of whale calls, making them all the more mysterious. >> right now, to a break in in a southern california home. not your usual thief, though. security cameras caught this bear ransacking a fridge and the garage of a home in monrovia last year. apparently it was looking for something sweet. the
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bear can be seen pulling a chocolate cake out of the fridge. well, friday, the same bear was caught on camera walking off with a pack of oreos . it broke the window of a house to get into the kitchen of that home has a real sweet tooth. >> it's my kind of bear. >> exactly. >> a massive bond measure to pay for school improvements is on the table. but what happened to the millions voters approved before? we are digging into the spending questions. >> people see. okay, i have two candidates that look like me represent me, that i can choose from. i think it's a wonderful thing competing, but also inspiring the rare congressional race in the bay area. >> that's already a win
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improved school facilities. >> yeah, it's the costliest bond ever to go before voters in the city. abc seven building a better bay area reporter lyanne melendez is here with information that raises some questions about how the school district has spent money from
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leanne, pass bond measures and a lot of money. >> yeah, i think a lot of people are also asking, why do this now when we have this, you know, all the financial problems that the district is facing, correct? the school district, meanwhile, says that it will decide which schools need to be closed or consolidated first over the summer, then they will decide which schools will see those renovations. now, let me add that the school district has never lost a bond measure. it only requires 55% voter approval, but this time, because there is a weak voter confidence, it is not a slam dunk. >> bonds to renovate school facilities are and always will be, a never ending cost. >> when i used to campaign for these bonds, people used to always say to us, when is enough ? when are you going to stop asking for money? and i would always say never. when are you going to stop fixing your house? >> the longest serving school board commissioner, now retired, recalls the track record of some of these bonds. it hasn't always
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been stellar. in the 1990s, under then superintendent bill rojas, there was a history of improper spending practices with bond money. here's what the incoming superintendent at the time, arlene ackerman, told the chronicle in may 2000. basically, there were no control systems in place. documents had been destroyed or were missing. decisions were made that were clearly out side of what voters had approved. since then, the bond expenditure process has been more transparent until 2016, when voters passed a $744 million bond. in that bond, school modernization projects and kitchen upgrades were promised, and for the most part, successfully delivered. but some of those promises failed. supervisor shamann walton, who represents the bayview district, was a school board commissioner at that time. >> there was talk about a new school in the southeast sector
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of san francisco, because we have all the development and all the new housing coming. so there are things that were in that bond that we don't see coming up as a priority anymore. >> in 2016, voters also liked that the ruth asawa school of the arts would be finally relocated to the heart of the performing arts district. $100 million was set aside while the district attempted a now unsuccessful fundraising campaign. bond money was even used for the architectural drawings of the new school. the district was supposed to start a campaign to raise money? yes. did they drop the ball? was the effort not there in your opinion? >> they, did not have the either. the administration or the development people or the fundraising capacity to do that. >> phil halperin is the co-chair of the proposed bond measure. how are people going to trust you this time around? >> i think the school district acted very fiduciary and fiscally intelligently by not
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investing so much money in one particular school. >> instead, the money for the ruth asawa school was used to fund other projects, including the construction of a new school in mission bay that wasn't even included in the initial 2016 bond. susan stotter is a school district's former artistic director. >> i don't know as a voter how i feel about voting over and over again for something and being told it just disappeared. it just went away. it becomes a trust issue. >> abc seven news also discovered that there was little oversight of how the 2016 bond money was being spent, because of the pandemic, it was nearly impossible to recruit people who would serve on the citizens bond oversight committee, known as sybok and required by law. it wasn't until the summer of 2021 that a new committee was finally formed. >> for several years, this bond
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program not only did not have a sybok as required by law, it was not producing annual audited annual reports, which is the absolute bare minimum, not merely required by law, but that any reasonable person should expect would be provided for the public. >> last year that committee found that the school district used 2016 bond money to defend against a lawsuit. after the school board voted in 2019 to cover up murals at george washington high school. what is known is that sfusd faces a financial crisis not seen in years. the state has warned the district that schools may have to close or be consolidated. this leaves voters with the obvious question you're in a crisis. >> you can't afford things. why are you asking us to do this? and they need a good answer for
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that. the good news is, is that the school bond program operates alongside the rest of the school district's finances. >> it is managed separately, both from an operational perspective and financial perspective. >> and regarding that 2016 bond measure, nothing the district has done has been illegal, except that voters have told us that when they vote for something they trust that the district will be true to their word and they see it as the fact that they haven't been well, you know that old saying, once bitten, twice shy, right. exactly >> voters can be a little reluctant. >> not only this bond measure, but every bond measure, you know, they promise something and then something falls through the cracks and they spend the money somewhere else. and i think, you know, that really turns off a lot of voters. but by the way, in 2000, they say that they they are going to put another bond measure in for the 2028, four years, four years. so you have this one, and then four years from now get ready, okay? okay. >> thanks, liane.
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>> well, the latin american icon who led san francisco's carnival parade over the weekend, took time out today to offer a history lesson. rigoberta menchu was this year's parade grand marshal, and she took part in discussions about her work as an activist. menchu has won a nobel peace prize for her work on behalf of the indigenous groups of guatemala. that's her native country. the carnival festival celebrates the diversity of latin american culture, and organizers say menchu embodies this year's festival theme honoring indigenous roots. >> there's over 90 different countries and indigenous groups around the world, and how she's connected globally. right. and as a nobel peace prize winner in 1992. but she just doesn't stay home. she's actively going around the world doing the work that she initiated in guatemala. >> rigoberta menchu also answered questions from the audience and then signed a few
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autographs. >> at today's event, the asian american and pacific islander heritage month here at abc7 news is what we're celebrating now, as we take a closer look at the lack of asian american representation and politics. in a rare matchup, two asian americans here in the bay area are running against each other for a seat in congress. abc7 news anchor and race and social justice reporter julian glover talks with both of them. >> vice president kamala harris shattered multiple glass ceilings with the biden-harris campaign victory in 2020. she became the first woman black person in southeast asian american elected as vp. still, asian-american representation lacks among elected leaders nationwide. >> we're the fastest growing racial group or ethnic group in this country, despite us making up 6% of the american population. we are less than 1% of elected officials. so a huge lack of representation for the aapi community.
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>> norman chin is the ceo of the advocacy organization the asian american foundation, created in response to growing aapi hate in 2021. >> now, politics traditionally has not been a path that many asian americans have taken in silicon valley, the heart of innovation and progressive ideals is a notch towards progress on the ballot. >> this november in the 17th congressional district, representing parts of san jose, fremont, sunnyvale and cupertino, two candidates are facing off representative ro khanna, a democrat, is running for a fifth term in office, and i believe that our district has something to offer the country in terms of new jobs, new economic opportunity, 26 year old educator anita chin, a republican, is running to unseat khanna. >> i felt that at that moment, i needed to change my life. something needed to be different. i needed to advocate, use my voice to speak out on behalf of others. >> what's special here is the who and where of this race.
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california's 17th congressional district has the largest asian american population of any district outside of hawaii. >> well it's changing. when i grew up, there was not a single indian american in the united states congress. and i said, my parents would have had a hard time getting a meeting with a staff member to a member of congress. now there are five south asians in congress. there are about 20 asian americans. more young people are giving, getting involved, wanting to serve. >> i think it's awesome. i think it's awesome that there are two aapi candidates running in the aapi district, so that people see, okay, i have two candidates that look like me, represent me, that i can choose from. i think it's a wonderful thing. >> and with that growing representation is room for distinction, something neither candidate shies away from. we have disagreements. >> i'm very much for abortion rights. i'm for lgbtq plus rights. but i think it's wonderful that we have asian americans running and running on any party. i think that's great
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for democracy. >> i think representative khanna would make a move towards centralization of government, more government power. i would make a move towards decentralization of power, returning powers back to the states and the local governments. >> for khanna, he thinks back to his family's history of fighting for equality. >> this is one of my favorite spots. it's with, cesar chavez and mahatma gandhi that my grandfather was involved with gandhi's independence movement and spent years in jail. so it's sort of full circle here. i represent san jose, where cesar chavez had roots and his movement was inspired by a movement my grandfather participated in. >> chin hopes to engage the next generation. >> we were putting up my yard signs and one yard sign was put across from a middle school. i hope there's one little girl somewhere who looks at that photo and thinks, wow, she looks like me. and maybe that can be me. one day as well. >> a push to represent and inspire a reminder. if you can
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see it, you can achieve it. i'm julian glover, abc seven news. >> coming up, a veteran who proves that age is nothing but a state of mind. >> he says he would rather wear out than rust out. see how he lives
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way of helping to build a better bay area. >> abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley joined him today for his 7000 step routine. >> my advice to younger kids is turn off the tv and get your up out of bed and go for a walk. >> walking is what keeps 88 year old veteran pete estabrook going rain or shine. he leaves his senior apartment every day to hit local trails with a goal of 7000 steps. >> as age has got to me, i've gone from marathons down to this walking two miles a day. >> out of the back of his car, he shared a photo of his late wife and five grandchildren as he showed off his progress. now on the trail, 1.2 miles so far
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today, it looks like on saturday you walk 9500 steps. last week he topped 12,000 in a day. he attributes his get up and go to his time serving in the korean war and the vietnam war. when i was discharged from the navy, i went to the emergency marine academy up in vallejo, and that's how i ended up in vietnam. he amazes the staff where he lives at the kensington in walnut creek, people tend to pull back from the things they can no longer do, and my lesson from him is to enjoy those things that you can do while you can. >> he's encouraging other people to do more, which is great because it's inspiring not only to his neighbors, but to us as well. half of us don't even walk for 7000 steps a day. >> i tell you my favorite expression on and that is i would rather wear out than rust out. that's been my motto. all my years. i'll keep going as long as i can.
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>> in walnut creek, i'm leslie brinkley. abc seven news. >> some write that is incredible. >> all right. a live look outside. a nice, clear memorial day in the bay. and some cities are going to see temperatures climb into the 90s. we're going to find out exactly when ahead in the accuweather forecast. >> also here, this squishy, grumpy little face is going viral. more must-see photos of baby trent. what does he think stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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everyone who sees them. they show a newborn from ohio, making adorably grumpy faces, drawing in light photography shared these photos. little tramp was only seven days old when his mom took him for a photo shoot. he's thinking, really, mom? at seven days, photographer lauren garzon has been capturing photos of newborns for a decade, but none has. compared to the looks of this sweet little guy threw her way. those are awesome. >> i wonder when trent grows up if he's going to be happy about all of this. >> they're pretty cute. they are. look at his intense face. >> that's how spencer looks when the weather computers aren't. >> yes, exactly. >> but they're working today, right, spencer?
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>> they're working today. but if they stop working, you'll see that grumpy face on me. here's a look at what's going on right now. it's breezy out there, which it generally is this time of the evening. here in the bay area, we've got wind speeds generally under 20mph, but breezy across the board and cooler by several several degrees that at this time yesterday in most bay area locations in fact 13 degrees cooler in san carlos. let's move along and take a look at our forecast headlines this evening. mostly clear, breezy, and of course, cool. next couple of days, mainly mild inland but cool at the coast. then on thursday and friday we expect a big summer-like warm up, but for tonight though, we'll just see increasing low clouds and fog pushing out across the bay and locally inland. overnight lows mainly in the low 50s, which is pretty mild but a little cooler up in the north bay, where lows will drop into the upper 40s. highs tomorrow in the under the afternoon sunshine, mid 50s coast, upper 60s to about 70 near the bay. only upper 70s inland. so a bit cooler tomorrow than today was. but as you can see, warmer weather is coming our way on wednesday. temperatures bounce back to an
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average range for this time of the year. thursday and friday. above average low 90s inland, near 80 around the bay shoreline. but then over the weekend, as we move into the month of june, temperatures moderate once again. so two days of a summer like warm up. we'll take that. >> not bad at all. thanks okay. >> all right. chris alvarez is here with sports. i saw lots of giants fans milling around the ballpark. >> yeah, it just says the weather's kind of heating up. the giants are actually kind of heating up playing some good baseball these days. coming up in sports. excuse me. giants return home after a solid road trip. and how about some home cooking against the league's best team? the phillies bats picking
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they returned home for a six game homestand, starting with a memorial day matinee against the best team in all of baseball, the philadelphia phillies and a memorial day celebrated there at oracle park. the red, white and blue. and check out this fan dad of the year alert. catching a foul ball with the baby. i don't recommend this baby looks happier than that grumpy todd or what was his name? trent. trent. grumpy. trent. bottom two. giants strike first. it's a happy mike yastrzemski two on and rips one in the right, two rbi double. and then brett wisely. how good has he been up the middle and through. makes it three nothing. giants caps the inning there blake snell making his second start since returning from the injured list. another rough outing for the prized
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offseason acquisition bounces a wild pitch. phillies tie the game there and they take the lead later in the inning. snell, a season high 90 pitches in four innings. ouch but the giants offense picked him up wisely, has nine hits in his last four games. this brings in yaz six for san francisco and then in the seventh, bases loaded for eliot ramos. he's playing good as well. ground ball up the middle and through. put two more on the board. giants win eight four. they start the homestand in the win column for us to succeed we got to get contributions everywhere. >> so you know wisely's been swinging great. and ramos since he's gotten here a little bit lower today in the lineup. you know yaz gets the first one double there. so i mean when you when you have guys swinging well at the bottom of the lineup, you feel like every inning you come up, there's a chance to score. >> it's definitely fun to watch them, you know, have a lot of success and get the win, especially when i'm pitching to my, you know, i should be doing so. >> key stretch for the giants here. they got the phillies for
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two more in the yankees come in this weekend. round one of the french open. rafa nadal taking on alexander zverev. and could this be the king of clay his last french appearance. nadal loses in straight sets a surprise here. six three, seven six, six three. nadal has had quite the amazing career. sad news out of the basketball world tonight. as you heard earlier in the newscast, hall of famer bill walton has died at the age of 71 after a long battle with cancer. and check out this great video from our archives. 2022 western conference finals stephen curry and bill sharing a moment pregame. would love to know what they're talking about there. after a dominant college career at ucla, was a two time champion there. went on to the nba number one overall pick in the 74 draft. he was league mvp for the 7778 season. two time nba champion, had one with portland and one with boston. a stellar career in the broadcast booth as well for both the pro and college game. i mean, look how much fun he had a unique style that can only be described as truly bill walton. the warriors shared this photo of bill and a statement from steve kerr, which in read in part, i will cherish
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getting to know him when he would visit the warriors when his son luke was on our coaching staff, his incredible energy, passion, love and zest for life was never turned off. bill walton, a hall of famer on and off the court with 71 years old stephen curry also shared his condolences on instagram. steph said that bill always brought the best energy humanity to every room he walked into was a true definition of living. his values always with a smile. i never had a chance to meet bill in person, but everyone that i know in the business that had been sharing nothing but great things to say about man, and i think that's something about a life. well lived when everything can say something good about you. >> he lit up a room, apparently there was one player interviewed today, one celtics player who said he was the kind of guy, if you were having a bad day, not in a great mood. quickly turn it around. >> yeah, he just had a unique way about having fun. and i think that's what sports are at. the truest form is having fun. and bill, he had fun way he moved through the world. >> thanks, chris. >> all right. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us
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whenever you want, wherever you are. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for spencer christian. chris alvarez i just noticed this tie. look, i know it's pretty cool. >> great to see the sox red, white and blue to. you can't see them but they're nice. >> they are pretty good i'm impressed. >> all right. have a great night. we'll see you again at 11. >> happy memorial day. uh- can't see them, but they're nice. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven
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whose 3-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings! thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to "jeopardy!" our current champion, amar kakirde, racked up three wins last week, and he's back to see if this will be another winning week for him. but you know what? it could be a winning week for you at home. that's right. you still have five days to enter our... we'll give you all the details you need later in the show for your chance to experience the trip of a lifetime with lindblad expeditions national geographic. welcome to our challengers, tim and ryan. good luck to all three of you. let's get right into the jeopardy! round, where your categories will be... followed by... then... and finally...


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