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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  May 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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but we got our honeymoon. i had to quit. yeah. you guys need that trip. you're gonna cherish that time. -absolutely. -send me pictures. -- captions by vitac -- hood in san jose after reports of a shooting at a home and a woman found dead. this is happening on east julian and north 20th streets. that's just across from san jose high school. >> police say they got a call about a possible shooting at the home just after 6:00 tonight, around dinnertime, and 2.5 hours. they negotiated with the suspect, who was barricaded inside. >> police say they took the suspect into custody just after 830, then found a woman's body inside the house. police tell us detectives will be at that home
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for several more hours as the homicide investigation begins. good evening. i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. we're tracking another major police response in the east bay police in concord say a person is in custody after an incident that put an entire neighborhood on lockdown. >> the shelter in place order started around 730 tonight for the neighborhood around saint francis drive, just off cowell road. we are working to find out what brought police there in the first place. >> video from the scene shows officers surrounding a man on the ground, on a lawn and then taking him into a police car. police gave the all clear at about 845. >> we've been sending out live breaking news updates tonight right to your phone. you can stay on top of these custom alerts by downloading the abc seven news bay area app. just be sure to enable the apps notifications. >> and the other big story tonight of course, the bay area paying its respects on this memorial day from sunrise to sunset. >> we were there for the many memorial day events honoring those who have died fighting for our country. from a tribute at
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san ramon memorial park in the east bay to cemeteries in san francisco and mare island, and even a special lost boat ceremony for those in the silent service, better known as the submarine veterans. >> tonight, abc seven news reporter lauren martinez has more on this. always touching reminder of sacrifice. this time from the crosses of lafayette. our hearts are aching for all those hearts breaking. >> every year, a group gathers at the base of lafayette hillside memorial to reflect and remember those who have died in military service. >> even if it's not exactly a cemetery, it's still a way of memorializing. >> since 2006, wooden crosses commemorating fallen soldiers have covered the steep hill. some are individualized, with photos or different symbols of faith. on monday afternoon, community members held a vigil that included a song for the losses. >> we tally at the end of every
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may, every memorial day, and brief remarks were given. >> if you want to honor a soldier to be an american worth fighting for, congressman mark desaulnier said he makes it a point to come every year. >> thank you so much. i'm always inspired by coming here. >> edward norman flew from upstate new york to read a poem written by his brother and fellow veteran, fred for when we look up at the thousands on this hill, we cannot say this is normal, norman said. his brother was one of the founding members of the hillside memorial. >> for the first time i saw it, it was like, say it, he hopes people take a moment to honor the men and women who gave their lives in service. i mean, i can smell a barbecues going on right now and that's fine. that's fine. but people should take a time. if you don't remember this, service members that have died all year, you know it's a time to do that. every memorial day.
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>> in lafayette. lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> this memorial day was also marked by protests, particularly down in los angeles. and it follows an israeli airstrike in the gaza city of rafah. pro-palestinian protesters blocked the north 101 freeway in downtown l.a. during a march through surface streets. about two dozen moved on to the overpass and crossed off ramps on foot. it created a temporary delay in traffic near los angeles street. they eventually moved on back to city hall, and again, this comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu publicly expressed remorse. today, he says the strike in rafah was due to a tragic mistake, referring to the deaths of at least 45 people of that strike set fire to a camp that was housing displaced palestinians. even israel's closest allies are sharing outrage over the civilian deaths. >> then tomorrow, grad
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assistants and faculty workers at uc davis and ucla will begin to strike over how the uc system has handled pro-palestinian protests in recent weeks. a group of union members went on strike at uc santa cruz earlier this month. they're asking the universities to drop disciplinary and criminal charges against its members. the uc system argues these strikes violate the union's contract. in the east bay. we brought it to you here as live breaking news last night at 11. firefighters were out at this oakland lumber yard for most of the day. today, after last night's massive fire today, firefighters brought in excavators to tear one of the buildings apart so crews could put out the last hot spots. the owner of economy lumber, near the corner of coliseum and high streets, says their losses are in the millions. >> why? you go sit and cry. but what are you going to do? i mean , like i keep closing my eyes and expecting you guys not to be here. and why am i at the lumber yard on memorial day? >> john bacon says his family
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has owned the business for more than 40 years. he says they'll stay closed for the rest of the week. investigators are still trying to figure out the cause of last night's fire. >> we'll move now to the loss of one of basketball's larger than life personalities. the tributes have been pouring in for bill walton today, who died after a prolonged battle with cancer. they carried through to tonight with the eastern conference finals. >> after his playing career, his enthusiasm, passion and love for basketball translated to broadcasting success and to a life spent promoting and growing the game around the world. >> walton first led the ucla bruins to two college national titles in 1972 and 73. he was the top pick in the 74 nba draft, and three years later led the portland trail blazers to their first and only championship. he won another title as a member of the boston celtics. that was in 1986, before retiring and becoming one of the sport's most colorful broadcasters. >> take the headset off during a
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commercial break and just say to me, i love you, but don't tell anybody because i think he he just enjoyed the fact that i was a sparring partner. >> walton is survived by his four sons, including former warriors assistant coach luke walton. he was 71 years old. >> happening now. the post memorial day travel is coming to a close. here's how things look tonight, thanks to our live cameras spread across the bay area. not bad now. it was a busy weekend though at the airports as well. on friday, more passengers were screened than any other day in tsa 22 year history. the holiday weekend weather held up perfectly, but as we take a live look out from our exploratorium camera, it is time to check in on the week ahead, let's bring in abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian with what we can expect tomorrow in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. hey spencer. >> okay, i'm back to work tomorrow. it's going to be a bright but slightly cooler day than we had today. so early tomorrow morning, 7:00, they'll still be some lingering early
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morning fog. temperatures only 52 to 54 degrees, but by noon it will be mostly sunny. we'll see low 70s inland, low 60s at the coast, mid 50s, low 60s around the bay. i'm sorry. mid 50s at the coast. 4 p.m. with the height of our warming we'll see upper 70s inland, upper 60s near the bay. mid 50s on the coast and at 7 p.m. a mix of sun and clouds as the marine layer starts to come back in low 70s inland, 60 around the bay shoreline, mid 50s at the coast. there are some warmer days ahead. i'll have the accuweather seven day forecast a little bit later. dan and ummah okay spencer, thanks a lot. >> we'll check in in a moment. with the summer months moving in now, california's snowpack is once again melting into high water supply. you may remember the snow levels after those historic storms last year, finishing the rainy season at 237% of average. and while this year is definitely a drop off from last year at 113% of average, there is still plenty of water to go around, and all of that snow melt means better
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business for one of northern california's celebrated summer sports. abc seven news reporter j.r stone has more on this river rafting boom. oh, yeah. lovely. >> there's something special. knowing that not only is whitewater rafting happening right now in the sierra, it's thriving again. >> so this is the first time we've had back to back really strong snow years. and i don't know how long, like 20 years or 20 plus years. >> derek roth owns the rafting company sierra whitewater and says the late season storms have and will make a huge difference. >> so let's say it snows a lot in november and december and gets warm. you lose all that before the summer months. here where we have the big snowfall, was like april and into may. so it's right there, right now. coming down now. >> paulie miltner of tahoe whitewater tours says the start to this year's whitewater rafting has been, quote, epic.
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the snowpack was not as high as last year, but it was still around average. and that is night and day better than a drought. miltner took this video earlier this season on the north fork section of the american river, a section where rafting can be limited in dry years. as to the best time to go whitewater rafting this year, we collectively think that june is by far the best month to go rafting. >> the water is still up from kind of the tail end of the snow melt, yet the air temperature and the air temperature is extremely nice. >> if you can't get here by then. both miltner and rothe say their companies will have rafting through september due to the late season storm systems, we rely on most of the rivers that we run, by reservoirs, as well as kind of lakes and things like that. so when those are nice and high, or at least filling up, then, it lasts. >> people don't really realize
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we've got this recreational paradise right in our backyard. i encourage them to check it out. and even if you're not that strong a swimmer, everybody's got a life jacket on. we've got a helmet on. you can float down, through swimmers rapids, jump off a rock, really a great time. >> jr stone, abc seven news. >> it does look kind of fun, doesn't it? well, tonight, the union representing alcatraz ferry workers is threatening another strike. they walked off the job during what was a busy time for memorial day. tourists the four hour strike was on saturday, and now the union is threatening to strike again. they say management needs to negotiate in good faith. the union has spent the last two years pushing for higher wages and benefits. alcatraz city cruises responded by saying in part, quote, we are disappointed the union would threaten our passengers partners and the community with a potential disruption of those services. >> the california teachers association is paying for an ad against governor newsom.
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>> essential resources like counselors, nurses and special education aides gone. we agree. >> the ad alleges cuts to education funding will force them to have larger class sizes and thousands of teacher layoffs . the state budget proposal makes cuts to several sectors, as the governor seeks to fill a deficit. some education experts are calling the ad alarmist. and over the top it will air on tv starting this week. the union has also threatened to sue over the school cuts. state legislators and the governor need to reach a final budget agreement by mid june. >> well, very tense weekend for jimmy kimmel and his family. the jimmy kimmel live host says his seven year old son billy, had his third open heart surgery over the weekend. jimmy posted this picture today after billy's procedure. billy was born with a congenital heart defect. the tv host has shared his son's health struggles since billy was born in 2017, even bringing him on the show as a baby in his post today, jimmy thanked the doctors at children's hospital los
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angeles who've cared for billy for seven years now, saying he hopes this was billy's last surgery. jimmy said in a post we went into this experience with a lot of optimism and nearly as much fear, and came out with a new valve inside a happy, healthy kid, which is great news, of course. yes, absolutely. >> glad to hear it. hollywood is hurting tonight after the killing of a soap opera star. new details tonight about a general hospital actress. final moments protecting a friend. >> also here, voters let san francisco schools borrow millions. >> and now school leaders are making a record breaking request. >> turn off the tv and get your up out of bed and go for a walk >> okay, maybe don't turn off the tv just yet. advice from a senior who's putting your step count to shame whe
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. first tv interview in 30 years. >> our top story the death of oj simpson. does it change anything for you? >> starting tomorrow morning on gma. >> tragedy and heartbreak in hollywood tonight after an actor's murder, police in los angeles are searching for the suspects who shot and killed general hospital star johnny walker over the weekend. the 37 year old interrupted thieves trying to steal the catalytic converter off his car tonight. walker's ex-fiance is sharing her shock that the man who lived so vibrantly is gone. >> he was being brave. and it you know, you never anticipate someone would kill someone for that. >> tonight, the investigation into saturday's shooting is just getting started. senior lapd
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sources tell abc news detectives are starting to pull surveillance video from the streets around the scene. >> reporter rob hayes from our sister station in los angeles, has new details on how the crime unfolded and how friends are remembering the actor tonight. >> for two seasons, johnny walker chewed up the scenery on general hospital. >> i'd like to be friends with him, but i don't lie to friends. >> the 37 year old actor also had roles on other tv shows like westworld and animal kingdom, but it was general hospital where he made his biggest splash as brando corbin. i'm really glad this happened. >> we created a bond and a friendship. he acted like my real dad and it was just memorable. >> ashton arbab played walker's tv son on the soap opera. he shared these photos of the two behind the scenes. arbab had last seen walker in october at a general hospital reunion party. he learned of walker's death over the weekend and couldn't believe it. >> i was just in utter shock and
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disbelief. he's a great soul. he's a kind person, gone too soon for sure. and, he he's loved and he will be missed. yeah. >> walker was in between jobs and had been working as a bartender at this rooftop bar in downtown la. investigators say he was walking a coworker to her car around 330 saturday morning, when he saw three men trying to steal the catalytic converter from his car. >> the person looked up. they had a mask on, and they pulled out a gun. and from what i understand, johnny literally stood in between himself and his colleague, and the shooter just pulled the trigger and ran away. >> police say he thought his car was getting towed, and when he asked why one of the men shot him, walker's brother tells us. investigators say he purposely shielded his coworker from the gunfire. >> johnny wactor was a selfless guy. he was always doing the best thing for everyone else around him and it does not surprise me that he would, you
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know, risk his own life for someone else's. >> rob hayes, abc seven news. >> many people saying so many nice things about him. tonight. deadly crash in san jose today. this was the scene this afternoon at montague expressway and o'toole at new. all westbound lanes were closed as they assessed the incident. police say the collision involved two vehicles. one driver was severely hurt and was pronounced dead on site. sadly, there are no details available about the other driver or the cause of the crash. at this moment. >> every day we bring you the news. here at abc seven. we are driven by the goal of building a better bay area, and we love spotlighting those breakthroughs here at 11. our first tonight is our work today in getting you aware of an important bond issue before san francisco voters. this november, san francisco school leaders are asking voters to approve the most expensive bond to ever go before the city. $790 million to improve school buildings as the district faces a financial crisis and looming
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school closures. eight years ago, voters passed a $744 million bond measure, promising upgrades to campuses and kitchens. but we found proposals for two new campuses never got off the ground. and our final building, a better bay area breakthrough, is from a single longtime resident. >> we found one local navy veteran on this memorial but day now inspiring so many around him. walking is what keeps 88 year old veteran pete estabrook going. he leaves his senior living apartment every day to hit the local trails with a goal of 7000 steps. >> my advice to younger kids is turn off the tv and get your up out of bed and go for a walk. i tell you my favorite expression, and that is i would rather wear out than rust out. that's been my motto all my years. i'll keep going as long as i can, and it's a great motto. >> he attributes his get up and
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go attitude to his time serving in the korean and vietnam wars. >> i salute him and all of our veterans on this memorial day. those with us and those we've lost. all right, let's talk about the weather forecast. gorgeous day all around the bay area. >> yeah, it's coming for the rest of the week, spencer. >> well, no rusting out, that's for sure. that's good. here's a look at our satellite radar composite image. you can see the onshore flow a very familiar pattern here in the bay area, especially in the evening and nighttime hours. and we've got some fairly strong surface wind speeds right now. it's breezy, but not really gusty, except at concord, where we have 26 mile per hour gusts. but the rest of the bay area has a 10 to 15 mile per hour wind speeds, and it's a little bit cooler by 2 to 4 or five degrees over most of the bay area than at this time last night. so let's move along. take a live view from our rooftop camera looking across the embarcadero, and these are our forecast headlines. overnight. marine layer will expand, of course, as it generally does this time of the year and this time of the night, next two days will be mild inland cool at the coast and thursday and friday.
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and we can expect a summer like warm up if this graphic will advance and it won't. so i'm going to step out of the picture and go over here and manually do this, because the manual way is often the best way. all right. so uh- the thursday and friday summer-like warm up as high temperatures will climb up to low 90s in many of our inland areas. so moving along during the overnight hours, look for the marine layer to expand from the coast across the bay and push locally inland. and we'll start the day tomorrow morning with lots of lingering low clouds, even in our inland areas. but by mid-morning or so we'll see the fog burning away and moving back to the coastline, giving us mainly sunny skies. but for tonight, overnight, look for low temperatures, mainly in the low 50s. relatively mild even with that cooling marine layer, except up in the north bay where we'll see some low temperatures dropping into the upper 40s. highs tomorrow. upper 70s inland. now that's a little bit below average for this time of the year. still pretty mild, but not quite so mild as it was today around the bay shoreline. look for highs in the upper 60s and then the accuweather seven
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day forecast looks like this wednesday. temperatures rebound to mid 80s inland. look at thursday and friday. low 90s inland thursday and friday. upper 70 or 70s around the bay. low 60s on the coast and then on saturday first day of june. going into the weekend, we'll see temperatures moderating to a more seasonal range. mid 80s inland, low 70s around the bay and about 60 on the coast. ama all right spencer, thank you so much. >> wildfires in the region have been unprecedented. and in the next 25 years, it is likely to get worse. building a better bay area means understanding what's happening now. >> if we don't start to change our relationship with where we live and also the landscapes around us in california, there's no way we're going to get out of this hole hotter, faster and more intense wildfires. >> that's what experts say we can expect in the next quarter century. watch the abc seven originals presentation. bay area 2050 now streaming everywhere you watch abc seven. we'll be
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this beloved landmark. today marks 87 years since the bridge opened. >> it took four years to construct. it's just over a mile long and 90ft wide. the bridge itself weighs a hefty 840
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million pounds, and it's named after the golden gate strait, which is the entrance to the sf bay from the pacific ocean. >> well, happy birthday to the gold gate bridge, right? well, the giants begin a big six game homestand. and while one team books their trip to the nba finals, abc seven news sports anchor chris alvarez is here. >> chris. >> hi, dan and ummah coming up in sports. the giants break out the bats against the best team in baseball. plus it's a celtics sweep. boston sends the pacers home, booking a return trip to the nba finals
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one in which the giants felt they could have gone a perfect six and zero. they returned home for a six game homestand. first up, a monday matinee against the team with the best record in all of baseball. giants hosting the phillies memorial day baseball at oracle park. love seeing the red, white and blue and dad of the year alert. what a catch with the baby in one hand and the baseball on the other bottom. two giants strike first, two on for mike yastrzemski rips one into the right field corner. two rbi double part of a three run inning. giants up in a flash. but another rough outing for the prized offseason acquisition that is blake snell, uncorks a wild pitch that ties the game at three. philly would
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eventually take a43 lead. snell, a season high 90 pitches in four innings. ouch. but the giants offense responds. brett wisely has nine hits in his last four games. this brings in yaz. they'd add two more to the scoreboard. giants win eight four starting the homestand in the win column. >> for us to succeed, we got to get contributions everywhere. so you know wisely's been swinging great and ramos since he's gotten here a little bit lower today in the lineup. you know yaz gets the first one double there. so i mean when you when you have guys swinging well at the bottom of the lineup, you feel like every inning you come up there's a chance to score. >> oh right. in the face game four of the eastern conference finals. celtics one win away from the nba finals. under a minute, 102. all cal's jaylen brown dishes to derrick white splash. boston by three final seconds. indy needs a stop and a rebound, but they can't get it. boston the offensive rebound seals the deal. it's a celtics sweep 105 102. they await the
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dallas minnesota winner in the nba finals. we'll have every game of the nba finals on abc seven. these are some cool outfits a game three of the western conference finals, stars and oilers north of the border. what is happening there? stars winger jason robertson scored a hat trick, the last of his three goals. the eventual game winner made it four three late in the third. and then you add an empty netter with just under two minutes to go and the stars win five three. they have a21 series lead. game four wednesday in edmonton sports on abc seven
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right now jimmy kimmel, >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- carol burnett, nicholas galitzine. and music from christian nodal. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome.
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