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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 27, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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right now jimmy kimmel, >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- carol burnett, nicholas galitzine. and music from christian nodal. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome.
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thank you. that's very nice. thank you. guillermo. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks for watching. thanks for joining us. oh, i appreciate that. you know, i have to say, just about every night lately, we start with our former president, current defendant, donald trump. [ laughter ] but they take wednesday off in court, and i thought it might be nice for a change to check this in on another disturbed egomaniac, kanye west, who's reportedly about to enter the world of film. specifically, the world of pornographic film. with a new studio that is being called "yeezy porn." which is the next logical step after opening a pre-k through 12th grade christian private school. [ laughter ] you can't say he doesn't have range, right? [ laughter ] a spokesperson for yeezy said kan has been kicking around the idea of launching an adult film
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studio for a while. but you know kanye, he doesn't jump into things impulsively. [ laughter ] he likes to think it through and take his time. that's the kind of business genius he is. he said "you know what the internet could use? some porn!" [ laughter ] to make it even stranger, kanye has reportedly been talking to stormy daniels' ex-husband, a producer named mike moz, to help shepherd the project. this is mike moz. [ laughter ] seems like a solid ceo, right? [ laughter ] looks like the picture they use at the memorial after an adult dies on a skateboard. [ laughter ] if you had told me five years ago that kanye west would be working with stormy daniels' ex husband on a porn venture, i would have said, "yeah, i believe that." [ laughter ] doesn't make no sense. and not that these titans of industry need any help from me, but if they're looking for new talent, we spotted a gentleman on an english morning show today who appears to have enormous potential. >> here's a question, something many men wish for, apart from
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being well-endowed, has affected his entire life. matt has britain's biggest penis, measuring over 12 inches when rec, which is more than double the average size. >> matt's large penis comes with equally large challenges we're going to discuss with you, matt. good morning. >> good morning. >> jimmy: good morning. [ applause ] i have to say, i feel like we might be doing morning tv wrong here. [ laughter ] "good morning america" had a story about a kristi yamaguchi olympic barbie doll, we're falling behind. [ laughter ] after months of back and forth, the senate yesterday passed a $95 billion military aid package for our allies, ukraine, israel, taiwan. president biden signed it into law today. it's interesting, not only does the bill send money and weapons, it also requires the chinese company that owns tiktok to either sell it in a year or be banned nationwide. which is terrifying. i mean, without tiktok, where else will i watch videos of
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wealthy teenagers crying in their cars? [ laughter ] a lot of people are upset about this, but there are a lot of good reasons why the chinese government shouldn't be in our pockets. just for context, here's a partial list of some of the american apps and websites that are banned in china, okay? google, youtube, facebook, reddit, instagram, whatsapp, pinterest, signal, dropbox, vimeo, "new york times," "the "washington post"," chatgpt, duckduckgo. and lastly, this one's not based in the united states yet, but it's worth putting on the list. tiktok. is banned in china. when a chinese app is banned in china, there's probably a reason for it. [ laughter ] we also learned today of a ban that will not be happening. the biden administration has decided to let elementary schools keep serving chocolate milk. can you imagine if biden had banned tiktok and chocolate milk? in the same week? [ laughter ] there would have been a middle school january 6th. [ laughter ] and then we have donald trump who has been milking this gag order for every bit.
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the way he goes on and on, you'd think he was on trial for the gag order instead of for paying off a porn star. for those who haven't been following every minute of this, like i have, he's waiting for a ruling from the judge on whether to fine and/or hold him in contempt for repeatedly violating this gag order. gaseous clay has been blowing off a lot of steam. every post is in all-caps. he keeps his caps locked tighter than the door to melania's bedroom. [ laughter ] and i think he may be running out of material. this is all from the last week. witch hunt! election interference! witch hunt again. political witch hunt! election interference again. and a big red witch hunt! [ laughter ] smellvis is playing all the hits. while joe biden is out on the road yukking it up. >> donald trump still thinks windmills cause cancer. [ laughter ] that's what he said. by the way, remember when he was trying to deal with covid? "just inject a little bleach in your veins."
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he missed, it all went to his hair. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i shouldn't have said that. >> jimmy: oh, yes. yes, you should have, and you should keep saying that until november. you just got corn popped, trump! [ laughter ] i think biden's disgust for trump is what's keeping him alive. [ laughter ] might be the same for me too, i don't know. as was expected, trump and biden won their presidential primaries in pennsylvania last night, which is a key battleground state. this has to be worrying for trump. nikki haley, who dropped out more than a month ago, got over 155,000 votes, all from republican voters. just to put that in perspective, trump lost the state to biden by 81,000 votes. and yet still, tooty roosevelt took a victory lap today. [ laughter ] he posted a poll and claims he crushes biden in pennsylvania. look at this graph. [ laughter ]
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somehow, one point is the difference between shaquille o'neal and kevin hart. [ laughter ] also, trump got about 200,000 fewer votes than biden did in pennsylvania last night. but trump, he's got a plan to win. he's assembling a transition team to run the handoff if he gets re-elected. and you know who he has spearheading that effort? eric and don jr. the dream team. the dynamic dummo will be in charge. trump has his two worst sons running the transition and his daughter-in law, lara, eric's wife, is cochair of the rnc. she's planning, she says, to train 100,000 poll watchers to be inside watching people vote and physically handling ballots. which shouldn't be a problem at all. >> we all know 2020 was not all on the up and up. people had a lot of unanswered questions. we can never repeat that. so in addition to these poll workers, we're going to have lawyers in all the major polling locations across the country. we have lawsuits in 81 states right now. >> jimmy: 81 states!
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[ laughter ] wow, i mean, that's not -- you know, that's a lot of -- not just tennessee. eleven-essee and twelve-essee. [ laughter ] west dakota, south virginia. [ laughter ] indiana, out-diana, you name it! they're suing. [ laughter ] lara trump is very concerned about voter fraud, and you can tell by looking at her lips, she doesn't go for anything fraudulent at all. [ laughter ] another very concerned citizen when it comes to voting is the mypillow man, mike lindell. mike has been talking a lot about this big case the supreme court was going to take up that would block electronic voting machines from being used in the state of arizona. mike was sure that not only would the supreme court agree to hear the case, they would agree unanimously 9-0. >> we're all talking about this, we're very excited. lou, i've never been more optimistic and excited. it is so exciting. here it is! whoa. wow. it's been a great week. this is our day. i've waited three years for this. this is big, everybody.
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this is what we've been waiting for. if i had any money left, i'd spend every dime. it's going to shock the world. shock the world! this evidence tonight is going to be so explosive, it's going to be the biggest thing ever. it's the most explosive evidence ever. ever! this evidence is so huge and so shocking. this is huge, this is the biggest case ever. look at this most explosive shocking evidence the world has ever seen! ever! the biggest one ever right here. the supreme court. supreme court, come on, protect our country! these supreme court justices are going to go whoa, we gotta save the country, come on in. everybody, quick, vote, vote, 9-0. it will have to be another 9-0 vote. this is 9-0. they're going to have to vote 9-0. they're going to take it up, it's going to go boom, 9-0. boom, 9-0. 9-0, that will be the vote. it will be a 9-0 vote, all of them. 9-0. they're going to vote 9-0. i really believe it's going to be 9-0. this is it. we're at the finish line. you can't stop it this time, everybody.
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9-0. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, wow. he was only nine votes short. oh, so disappointing. [ applause ] but you know what, he's not going quietly. he's still speaking. he took the podium at an event in las vegas for conservative sheriffs who weren't quite as interested in what he had to say as he'd hoped. >> after, you know, for a year and a half of a -- >> everybody at the back, mike lindell's up now, go sit down and let's listen to him. yeah, that cute girl over in the corner. go sit down. like i tell my grandkids, "go sit down before i hurt you." all right, come on, you guys. let's go, sit down. everybody sit down. let's listen to mike lindell. i want to listen to him. >> jimmy: oh, how embarrassing. it's like your mom coming to your birthday party at school and going, "sing, sing to my baby!" [ laughter ] i mentioned on the show last week that mike got married.
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and i was glad to see him move on from screaming about the machines to talking about me. >> we learned last week from donald trump that mike lindell got married. the guy who sells every product under the sun has a bridal registry on another website. one of the gifts they registered for was a trash can, which i bought for him even though i wasn't invite to the wedding. i thought it might be nice to send it. >> well, check it out. old jimmy sent it. and actually, this is our -- there it is, everybody. there it is. [ laughter ] he's good for his word. >> he really did send you the trash can. >> yep. the exact one he said. >> jimmy: that's right. it was the least i could do for a man who's given me so much. [ laughter ] i had a feeling mike might like the trash can. what i did not anticipate is that his sidekick brannon might get jealous. >> wait, i didn't get a gift. i didn't get a gift. >> well, you didn't get married, did you, this last year? >> 34 years ago.
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but you know what, i got jimmy a gift. yeah, what about this, sending this to jimmy? he was commenting on my handkerchief. >> there you go. i'll try and get you jimmy's address, and we can get -- we've got to send that to him. >> do you think he'll wear one? >> absolutely, i think he would. at least for a night or two, i think. he's up for most anything. >> jimmy: well, you know what he's right, i am. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, brannon, for the pocket square. i love a fun accessory. and i'll be sending something special your way too, thanks, bran-dog. what a weird relationship this has turned out to be. [ laughter ] why do i feel like both these guys are going to be living in my guest room at some point? [ laughter ] my other buddy, disgraced former congressman george santos, has withdrawn his bid to re-run for congress. he wrote, "i have made the decision to hang it up here and stop perusing this race," i
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think he meant "pursuing." [ laughter ] perusing is what you do for sweater vests on [ laughter ] george claimed he was dropping out because he didn't want to split the ticket and hand the win to a democrat. i'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that "the ousted congressman raised exactly $0 in the first quarter of his campaign." [ laughter ] fundraising is more of a challenge when you're america's most famous credit card thief. it really is. [ laughter ] santos ended his statement with the sentence, "it's only goodbye for now, i'll be back." which, what is he, the terminator? [ laughter ] you didn't even make it through the one term. but anyway, goodbye to george for now and we'll see you in a few months on "the golden bachelor." [ applause ] maybe santos needs to launch his own social media site. donald trump somehow made a lot of money from a company that makes none. trump is reportedly set to receive a $1.2 billion bonus for his truth social stock. it's nice when good things happen to good people, isn't it? honestly, how can this farting dementia patient be making a
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billion dollars on a company that has $4 million total in revenue? what kind of con artist wall street wizardry is this? even though truth social is failing bigly, they are expanding. ceo and spokesclown devin nunes you remember him? announced last week that truth social would soon begin streaming live tv to, quote, "provide a permanent home for high-quality news and entertainment that face discrimination." and while you might not think much of their social media site, trump tv will be a formidable presence. >> the mainstream media lies. >> everybody knows that joe biden won the election. >> climate change is real. >> that seems right. >> the radical left uses television to indoctrinate your children. lesbian couples have infiltrated our laundry detergent commercials. there's never been a better time for truth social tv, the streaming platform for red-blooded heterosexual patriots whose pronouns are [ bleep ] and biden.
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>> it's better than television. >> with the most accurate weather reports in the business powered by state-of-the-art sharpie technology. they say the earth is round. you know what else is round? that bisexual m&m. our news is hosted by real rejected "masked singer" contestants jeanine pirro, roseanne, rudy guiliani, and a sentient confederate flag cooler. >> jesus was white! >> plus we've got a 24-hour live trump cam so our one true president is never too far away. >> where's hunter? >> truth social tv, available at gas pumps until we run out of money, which is now. >> never fight uphill on me, boys! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, that's good. we have a very good show for you tonight. nicholas galitzine is here. we've got music from christian nodal.
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and we'll be right back with carol burnett! one bite of a 100% angus beef ball park frank and you'll say...
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♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back to the show. tonight, a talented actor from london. his new movie is called "the
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idea of you," nicholas galitzine is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a six-time latin grammy award winner. he is kicking off our summer of mexicana series, christian nodal from the don julio stage. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is a seven-time emmy-winning, presidential medal of freedom-wearing, hollywood high school-graduating american legend. she plays the partially comatose norma dellacorte alongside an all-star cast in "palm royale," new episodes stream wednesdays on apple tv plus. please welcome carol burnett. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome.
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it is never not a thrill to see your face here, thank you for coming. >> before we get started on anything, you were so great on the academy awards. >> jimmy: oh, thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> i hope you do it again and again and again. >> jimmy: that's very kind. and the highest praise imaginable. thank you very much. you know, the former president didn't like it. [ laughter ] but from you, it means a whole lot more. >> who? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know the guy, the orange one. and you have a birthday coming up in a couple of days? >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] it was about a year ago now that i was here with you. >> jimmy: that's right. >> because i was going to celebrate my 90th. so i'm going to be 91. >> jimmy: 91. [ cheers and applause ] are you going to have a party? or did you do that last time? >> i had a big party the last time. >> jimmy: right. >> television.
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but no, just going out with some friends. >> jimmy: you'll have a foam party or a keg party or something? [ laughter ] >> what a good idea. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wouldn't that be fun? for 92, we'll set one up for you here, yeah. so what is the best birthday present that you ever received in your life? >> hm. >> jimmy: anything come to mind? >> no. >> jimmy: no, okay. [ laughter ] because, and the reason i ask this question, is because i saw you on "kelly and mark." >> yes. >> jimmy: and you were talking about things that you want to do. one of the things you said you wanted to do was bradley cooper. [ laughter ] true? >> well -- you know, my birthday is friday. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we did reach out to bradley, and well, he sent this. >> what? >> hello, carol burnett. it's bradley cooper. i just wanted to wish you a very happy 91st birthday. i've been such a massive fan of yours ever since i was a kid.
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watched your show religiously. and it's a thrill to leave you this message. i hope to meet you one day. and maybe even work together. i hope you have a great day. see you. >> oh my gosh. [ cheers and applause ] oh, that is hysterical. >> jimmy: it's not sex, but it's a step in that direction. [ laughter ] that's how bradley does it. first he sends a video message. [ laughter ] >> what a great birthday present, thank you. so adorable. >> jimmy: i mentioned all these awards. you won so many award. a peabody award, emmys, blah blah blah, all that stuff. what is the first thing you won, do you remember? >> oh, i do. i was a freshman at ucla. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> and i was in the theater arts department. and at the end of that first semester, i got an award for the most outstanding newcomer. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow.
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[ applause ] is that something you -- is it a trophy? >> no, it's a little plaque like that. and i have it -- >> jimmy: you still have it? >> of course. >> jimmy: you collect moments and mementos from your career? >> well, i'm not a hoarder. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but the important ones you keep. >> yeah, i keep. >> jimmy: you told me a great story about a job you had, not far from the theater -- you went to high school across the street. >> hollywood high. >> jimmy: hollywood high school. you're on the -- there's a big mural on the side of hollywood high with your face on it. [ cheers and applause ] there was a story about getting fired from a job in a movie theater? >> i was working -- it was summer. and i was 18. something like that. and i was working as an usherette, what they called, at warner brothers theater on hollywood boulevard. and we wore these funny outfits then. they were like harem outfits. i had a thing with epaulets and a funny hat.
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>> jimmy: the shoulder deal, yeah. >> ridiculous. that was way back in the covered wagon days. [ laughter ] when people would just come in at any time when the movie was going on and sit down. rather than waiting for it to start. so i'm in front of aisle 2 door this one night, i'm standing there, and this couple comes in. it's the last five minutes of alfred hitchcock's "strangers on a train." now, hitchcock, of course, was a master of suspense. the last five minutes. this couple, dumb, dumb. [ laughter ] they wanted to be seated. the last five minutes. i said, "it's going to start all over again in about ten minutes, get some popcorn, go to the bathroom." no. so i'm standing there preventing them. [ laughter ] from going in. now the manager comes up. and the manager says, "what's
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going on here?" this woman said, "she won't let us sit down, we want to go sit down." and i said, "mr. baton" -- that was his name, "it's hitchcock, i'm such a movie fan, it would ruin it for them." they're complaining. he looks at me, "burnett?" i said, "yes?" and he ripped off an epaulet. >> jimmy: like a cartoon. >> i totally -- i was fired on the spot. 65 cents an hour down the drain. [ laughter ] so now, the nice part is -- two parts. years later when they said, where do you want your star on hollywood boulevard? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: right there. >> now, a few years ago, they were kind of gutting out that theater. it's now called the pacific theater. and my husband went to them and
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said, "what are you going to do with door 2?" they were going to destroy it or whatever. he said, "can we have it?" so we got the door. the door to aisle 2 is in my home. >> jimmy: i believe we have a photograph. >> there it is. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the real door? >> that's the real door. and that exit sign was from 1929. >> jimmy: wow. >> at warner brothers. so i stole that, too. [ laughter ] and then down the hall in our house, i also now have a poster, a wonderful poster, of "strangers on a train" starring farley granger and robert walker. it was autographed years ago to me by alfred hitchcock who said, "i'm sorry about your job." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's beautiful.
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you know what? how could it possibly have worked out better than that? carol burnett, not just an american treasure, a spiteful and vengeful woman. [ laughter ] we'll be right back with carol burnett! at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression. with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪
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♪ ♪ engineered to minimize noise. and built for adventure. which can also be your own quiet cabin in the woods. the fully electric q8 e-tron. an electric vehicle that recharges you. how we get there matters.
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oh, norma, i know i can be overprotective. i'm always thinking for other people, making decisions for them. i need to let people live their own lives and listen and trust.
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>> oh, that's a good idea. you know, my heart's in the right place. i want the beach ball to be perfect. i don't know if i can pull this off. i could prove that it doesn't matter that i couldn't give douglas an heir. >> that is carol burnett. not too many people can get laughs out of just looking at a drink. that's something else. >> it's quite a character that they've -- that they gave me to do. i'm in a coma for about the first seven episodes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right. >> you know, and -- but it was a good gig. [ laughter ] i'd get up at 5:00 in the morning, go to the makeup trailer, get all made up, put on my costume, go back to bed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how many days were you on set, laying in a fake coma? >> i can't even count. >> jimmy: really?
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>> it was -- but what fun it was to work with these women. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. kristen wiig, who's just the greatest. allison janney, fantastic. who on this show said that her -- the greatest dream would be to work with you on something. and then i told her to put it on her vision board, and it did come true, yeah. and ricky martin is on the show with you? >> uh-huh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: had you ever seen -- you have a lot of scenes together, had you seen him -- >> he's wonderful. he's really a good actor. ricky is terrific. he was fun and very well prepared and very serious about his work. but also great sense of humor. everybody was wonderful to work with. i had a ball. >> jimmy: do you ever encounter people who are not -- i mean, i would imagine that everyone is on their very best behavior around you? >> oh, i don't think that's -- >> jimmy: you don't think so? >> well, i don't. >> jimmy: no, i think so. >> i think maybe you're right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: was the crew excited when you finally got up out of the coma bed?
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>> yeah. i was excited. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i don't -- i think i finally talk in the last -- because she's out of the -- she comes out of the coma but doesn't want anybody to know. she's not a very nice person. there are a lot of secrets there. but throughout the first part, when now i first am in bed, and then after awhile i start to wake up. but i can't talk well. it's a lot of gibberish. and the director said, "just go with it." so i really made up everything that i was saying there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, there was no -- there was nothing written. how are you going to write gibberish? you know. so they let me improvise. and i just had the best time doing it. >> jimmy: they're not going to let you improvise, who are they going to let improvise, i mean, really. [ laughter ] have you thought about running for president? [ cheers and applause ]
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>> oh, no. yeah, but you have to be over 35. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, it is a joy, a treat, all those things to see you. it really is. thank you so much for coming. i love you. carol burnett, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] the show "palm royale," watch it wednesday nights on apple tv plus. we'll be back with nicholas galitzine. ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [droids beeping] [loud indistinct chatter] ♪ [message received tone] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ [find my chime] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [find my chime] [in unison] - hey! ♪ [thud] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪
12:13 am
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hola. i'm platinum recording artist christian nodal. >> guillermo: and i am latin security guard guillermo. >> don julio is celebrating "un verano de mexicana." >> guillermo: with concerts across the country and on the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series beginning tonight. >> beginning tonight with me. >> guillermo: that's why i'm joining christian's band. >> wow, you're a musician. >> guillermo: are you kidding me, bro? >> lou: for more information on where to purchase tequila don julio, head to and join in to celebrate a summer of mexicana. >> guillermo: amigo, amigo!
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♪ >> jimmy: music from christian nodal is on the way. our next guest has played two princes, a duke, and a guy named jeff. next, he stars opposite anne hathaway in the movie "the idea of you." it premieres a week from tomorrow on prime video. please welcome nicholas galitzine. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: thank you for coming. did i say your last name correctly? >> you actually nailed it. >> jimmy: thank you, thank you. what is the origin of your name? >> it's russian. i'm a russian greek. >> jimmy: a russian greek? >> yes. you would not believe how many people, they see the "t" and "z" and they panic. [ laughter ] i have people put letters in my name that aren't there. >> jimmy: that don't belong, yeah. it's hard, yeah. it's like -- it sounds like a robot in the bible or something, galitzine. >> yeah, i think it is its origin, actually. >> jimmy: have you been to russia or to greece? >> haven't been to russia. >> jimmy: why, is something going on over there? [ laughter ] >> yeah, maybe we'll make a trip eventually. but i have been to greece.
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>> jimmy: you have gone to greece. >> all my family are out there. some greeks in the audience? no? >> jimmy: no, but they will pretend to be greek. [ laughter ] if it means they get to travel there with you. yes. [ cheers and applause ] so you have family -- you still have family there? >> majority of my family are there. >> jimmy: you go there and stay with them? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: no? >> yeah. these days, you know -- getting a hotel is also -- >> jimmy: a good idea? >> a good idea too, yeah. >> jimmy: it's funny. in our family, like the idea that you would travel to a city where somebody in your family lived and stay in a hotel was really -- it was like a crime. it wasn't like -- it was completely unacceptable. but now as an adult, i look at it, "no, this is very acceptable, you can do that." [ laughter ] >> it's all about boundaries, jimmy. >> jimmy: i see. do you go with your parents when you go there? >> yeah, i used to go with my parents a lot. i hadn't been for years. then sort of this last fall, i went with my mom and dad, just the three of us.
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>> jimmy: how was that? >> it was good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: good? >> listen, i -- i said at the start of the holiday, "there's some ground rules here." >> jimmy: uh-huh? i like when you get to the age that you're giving your parents the rules. >> wonderful people, wonderful people. but they can be a little overbearing at times. i said, "i'm going to want to go off and reconnect with my greek heritage." so one day they left me. and i decided i'm going to go to the acropolis. really connect. >> jimmy: right? >> and as soon as i get there, there was -- there must have been a school trip or something, there was about 100 schoolgirls who recognized me. and pandemonium ensued. i had to run up to the acropolis to save myself. >> jimmy: really? >> i called my parents and asked them to come get me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you had to call your mom, have her save you from the schoolgirls? >> "i should never have rejected you, i'm sorry." >> jimmy: i think that's how the olympics got started. [ laughter ]
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zeus was running from 100 schoolgirls, and he called his mom, she didn't answer the phone. how old were you when you started acting professionally? >> god, i think i must have been 18. >> jimmy: what was the project that you started with? >> it was a tiny little indie film with luke perry called "the beat beneath my feet." [ cheers ] oh, okay, thank you. >> jimmy: have you ever -- carol burnett was talking about how she worked at this movie theater, and she was fired from a movie theater. have you had a job, like a regular job? i know these are jobs. have you had a regular job? >> yeah, i've had quite a few. i worked at abercrombie and fitch. >> jimmy: you did? what did you do there? >> i was -- you know, one of the guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: one of the guys. yeah, there's like -- there's one at the grove. there are -- just kind of handsome guys strolling around, right? >> i -- if you say so, yeah. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: do they, like -- do
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you send in a head shot when you apply for the job? because i feel like if i showed up there, they would just go -- >> you're part of the handsome men club. >> jimmy: yes, that's so. that's a blast from the past, that's right. [ cheers and applause ] kind of, yeah. >> i think you'd have no problem working there. >> jimmy: well, i started the handsome men's club. [ laughter ] that's how i got in, yeah. so when you go there and you're working there, do you have to do like the regular jobs? or "no, we'll find ugly people to do those"? the stocking and stuff, the hanging of the things? >> yeah, no, we have to fold -- >> jimmy: oh, no, really? [ laughter ] >> i signed up to just stand there and pout. [ laughter ] no, it's -- it's a hellish place, abercrombie and fitch. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you serious? is it? >> i'm getting sort of flashback trauma now. but they pump the cologne into the atmosphere every four minutes. >> jimmy: they do? >> they play the same five songs
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for the entirety of the day. and then sometimes they ask you to take your clothes off, minimum wage. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is true? >> yeah. i don't recommend -- >> jimmy: that part seems like an hr situation. [ laughter ] >> it should be. if it's not, it should be. >> jimmy: did you learn any skills there that you'll hold on to for the rest of your life? >> no. >> jimmy: i worked at a clothing store, i can fold a shirt real quick. that's really it. >> i haven't taken that. >> jimmy: no, you haven't. this movie of yours, "the idea of you," it had the most-watched trailer of any original streaming movie ever. [ cheers and applause ] which is a lot. it's in -- in the way, it's kind of a lot of pressure now, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: the idea -- the movie, correct me if i have any of this wrong, it's based on a book that started as some kind of fan fiction? >> i believe so. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i believe so, yeah. i mean, we -- we are in our own sort of -- like you said, it's kind of been through many, the book, now the script and everything. but yeah, it's a wonderful story.
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>> jimmy: it's about -- again, correct me if i have it wrong -- a 24-year-old member of a boy band who starts dating a 40-year-old woman. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: which is a lot more charming than a 40-year-old man dating like olivia rodrigo or something like that. [ laughter ] so when you're playing a member of a boy band, do you -- is there any kind of research? do you -- is there anybody you can call? >> well, i -- there are people, but more importantly, there's boy band boot camp. >> jimmy: for real? >> which is what i went to, yeah. i got inducted through boy band boot camp. >> jimmy: this must be in florida? [ laughter ] >> it's not. it's not. no, i was really surprised because i'd assumed they were going to cgi channing tatum's body onto me. that he was going to do -- >> jimmy: wait, what kind of a parent would send their child to boy band boot camp? >> apparently mine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yours, yeah. so you went. you really -- >> yeah, we went, we filmed in atlanta.
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i went off to sweden for a couple of days beforehand to record all the seven songs. then they stuck me in dance training. i have no dance background. with four professional dancers as my boy band, i have to mention. if you see one of the members who look a little bit awkward and stumbling -- >> jimmy: that's you? >> that's me, uh-huh. no, it was honestly incredible. almost kind of living out a childhood fantasy. >> jimmy: being a real-life joe bro, right? >> yes, exactly. >> jimmy: congratulations on all your success at such a young eighth. age. anne hathaway is your costar in the movie, she's pretty excellent. >> she's pretty good. [ cheering and applause ] the movie is called "the idea of you." it premieres a week from tomorrow on prime video. nicholas galitzine, everybody. be back with christian nodal. [ cheering and applause ] >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by tequila don julio's summer of mexicana.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by tequila don julio's summer of mexicana.
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>> jimmy: thanks to carol burnett and nicholas galitzine. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, you can see him on tour september 11th in seattle. here with the song "la mitad," christian nodal! [ cheering and applause ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪
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♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪
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♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪
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♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, the far-out life of william shatner. from captain kirk on "star trek" -- >> risk is our business. >> to becoming the oldest man in a real-life space mission in blue origin. taking us along for ride and sharing the secret


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