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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 28, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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rate so fast. by the time the fire department came the building, the fire was shooting on the top of the roof, already a business up in flames in the east bay. >> now at five, we're hearing from the owner of the lumberyard. gutted by a massive fire >> devastating images out of norfolk. dozens of civilians killed in a strike which israel claims was, quote, a tragic mistake. the international community now weighing in. >> we agree that we can't go back to where we were. >> the california teachers
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association now targeting governor, governor newsom in a new tv ad, what they have to say about the state of public education. good morning. welcome to tuesday. it's may 28th. >> we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. all right. >> so begin this morning with a lot of cloud cover out there. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera right now showing you all that fog. in fact, you can't even see the tops of the skyscrapers this morning. salesforce is definitely in the clouds right now. you look at current conditions, you can see it is cloudy in a lot of areas conquered right now. it's a mix of stars and clouds. napa actually seeing a little bit of drizzle underneath the marine layer this morning. you can see a lot of cloudy icons on there right now. some fog in the north bay, santa rosa down to two and a half miles. currently so temperatures underneath the clouds are in the 40s and in the 50s this morning. so looking at the coast very similar to yesterday, we'll be in the fog for much of the morning into the afternoon. some peeks of sunshine. it's only in the mid 50s for daytime highs now. looking around the bay shoreline . we have that fog right now. some pockets of drizzle will
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break for sunshine close to 10 a.m. and then into the afternoon we get that full sunshine and temperatures are quite pleasant in the low 70s and inland. it's a mix of stars and clouds. right now we'll have a lot of sunshine, temperatures not as warm as yesterday, but still quite pleasant in the upper 70s. hi amanda, good morning drew. >> here at the top of the hour, we're going to take a look at drive times. you can see that typical slowdown 44 minutes from tracy to dublin. 17 minutes to get from san rafael to san francisco and then 14 minutes from antioch to concord. be aware it is tuesday, the day after memorial day. a lot of people heading back to work, so expect some of the slowdowns later this morning. but first, we'll head back to the desk. thanks, amanda. >> developing news out of san jose this morning. homicide detectives looking into the death of a woman found in a home following a shooting last night. dozens of officers swarmed a neighborhood on east julian and north 20th streets that's just across the street from san jose high school. police say they got a call about a possible shooting at the home just after 6:00. for 2.5 hours. they negotiated with a suspect who was barricaded
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inside. the suspect taken into custody around 830, and that is when officers found a woman's body inside the house. >> we're also tracking another major police response in the east bay. one person was taken into custody after an incident that put a whole concord neighborhood on lockdown. that shelter in place order started around 730 last night for the neighborhood around saint francis drive, just off cowell road. we are working to find out what brought police there in the first place, but video from the scene shows officers surrounding a man on the ground and then putting him into a police car. police gave the all clear around 845. >> the smoke has settled on the massive lumber yard fire that started burning in oakland sunday night. now investigators are looking into what started that fire. firefighters were on site for most of the day yesterday. crews brought in excavators to tear one of the buildings apart so they could put out the last hot spots. the owner of economy lumber, near the corner of coliseum and high street, says the losses are in
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the millions. >> like you go sit and cry, but what are you going to do? i mean, like i keep closing my eyes and expecting you guys not to be here. and why am i at the lumberyard on memorial day? >> john bacon says his family has owned that business for more than 40 years. he says they are going to stay closed for the rest of the week. >> governor gavin newsom is feeling the pressure from his closest allies, the california teachers association has put out a new ad taking aim at the governor over his education budget plans. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joining us live with a look at the spot and gloria, what is the governor now have to say about it? >> well, you know, kumasi, i reached out to the governor's office about the ad, but of course it is early. >> i haven't heard back yet, but the ad alleges that california classrooms are facing a crisis, including huge cuts to public education over the next three years, bigger class sizes and thousands of teachers laid off. it urges the governor and lawmakers to pass a state budget that protects public schools.
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>> essential resources like counselors, nurses and special education aides gone, and the governor's office has set a revised may budget proposal for 2024 2025. >> would ensure that the budget is balanced over the next two fiscal years, tighten the belt and stabilize spending after the pandemic. and again, we are working on getting a response from the governor's office about this live in the studio. gloria rodriguez abc seven news. thanks, gloria. >> today, grad assistants and faculty workers at uc davis and ucla will begin to strike over how the uc system has handled pro-palestinian protests in recent weeks. a group of union members went on strike at uc santa cruz earlier this month. they're asking the universities to drop disciplinary and criminal charges against its members. the uc system argues these strikes violate the union's contract. outrage is growing in the international community over israel's attack on rafah. the un security council has called for an
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emergency meeting after dozens of civilians were reportedly killed in this attack. a man is at the live desk with more on how the biden administration is now responding. >> reggie, this morning the biden administration is reportedly assessing whether the israeli air strike on sunday crossed president biden's red line. >> the attack left a refugee camp in flames, according to the hamas run health ministry. the airstrike killed 50 people and injured hundreds of others. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls the airstrike a tragic mishap. he says there was a technical failure now under investigation, the israeli military says it was conducting an intelligence based strike which killed two senior hamas officials. the military also says it regrets any harm to uninvolved civilians during combat. the deadly strike targeted a location only 650ft from a designated humanitarian area. more than 1 million palestinians have fled to rafah during the war to seek refuge. a
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u.s. official says. material from the airstrike may have ignited a fuel tank, creating that huge fire. a white house spokesperson calls the images devastating, saying israel must protect civilians while maintaining israel has a right to target hamas militants. back to you. >> hey, amanda, we'll go to the okay camera this morning, a live look outside. >> we do have a fair amount of cloud cover out there. the airport currently reporting mostly cloudy skies, a temperature of 53 degrees. in fact, our marine layer is pretty deep. this morning in napa, we are getting reports of some light drizzle, some light rain underneath the marine layer. so just be aware of that. traveling today we are watching chicago closely. there will likely be some gusty strong to severe thunderstorms there this afternoon in la. we have some morning fog to contend with. we'll get some sunshine later on today. also in seattle will be in and out of the light showers throughout the afternoon, so just be aware of that. but the
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one area is definitely chicago that could have some delays later on today, as those gusty thunderstorms do move through. here's future weather. this is 10 a.m. in the morning and we still have that cloud cover along the coast. some patchy fog around the east bay shoreline, but as we head to the afternoon, it will be a bright day. temperatures 1 or 2 degrees cooler compared to yesterday, and something we're noticing is that likely our marine layer is going to take a pause late tonight into the early morning hours tomorrow, so not nearly as foggy heading into wednesday morning. but this afternoon we do have to deal with some breezy conditions. a look at future tracker wind speeds showing you are onshore breeze will pick up and at times, just like yesterday across the city, we could have winds in excess of 30mph for a lot of us will likely see those winds between about 20 and 30mph, so just be aware of that. it's another breezy afternoon on the way. highs in the afternoon. we'll go to about 61 in the city with that wind 66 in oakland 73. the high in san jose. much warmer in
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the north bay 82 in santa rosa. lots of sunshine in concord, high of 76 degrees. guys >> drew. thank you. coming up, we're hearing from some of the employees involved in a strike impacting alcatraz tours over the weekend. their plans for a strike in the future and what it could mean for the popular attraction. plus >> oh, yeah. oh lovely >> well, the days are getting longer. the snow is beginning to melt, the active winter in the sierra, making way for a busy summer on the river. >> stay alert and stay away. sharks, whales and otters they're all being spotted in waters off the california coast. as the weather begins to heat up and a live look stinging, 5-times-a-day,...
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alcatraz and they say they're at a breaking point. we first told you about their strike yesterday here on abc seven mornings. and amanda, workers say this strike could happen again. >> yeah. kumasi. on saturday, workers went on a four hour strike to push alcatraz city
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cruises to listen to their demands. they say if the company does not listen, they may strike again. after two years of failed negotiations with the company, 94 union workers say they are running out of patience. they are asking for fair wages and they want alcatraz city cruises to maintain or meet what other ferry companies are paying their workers. >> we've had our economic proposals on the table literally for months now, and they were ec response to us on the 23rd, and they did not. things between wages uh- benefits, you know, medical and simple things, just like scheduling these these folks here don't know what their schedule is a week in advance. they can't plan their lives. they can't take vacations. >> the general manager of alcatraz city cruises shared a statement. it reads in part, we are disappointed the union would threaten our passengers, partners and the community with a potential disruption of those services. supervisor aaron peskin represents the district where the cruise line operates.
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he says the company needs to stop stalling and enter into a contract with the union. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. as we approach summer, california snowpack is once again melting into a high water supply. you may remember the snow levels after those historic storms last year, finishing the rain season at 237% of the average. while this year is definitely a drop at 113, there's still plenty of water to go around and all that snow melt means better business for one of northern california's celebrated summer sports. abc7 news reporter j.r stone has more on this river rafting boom. oh yeah. oh, lovely >> there's something special knowing that not only is whitewater rafting happening right now in the sierra, it's thriving again. >> so this is the first time we've had back to back really strong snow years. and i don't know how long, like 20 years or 20 plus years. derek roth owns
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the rafting company sierra whitewater and says the late season storms have and will make a huge difference. so let's say it snows a lot in november and december and gets warm. you lose all that before the summer months. here where we have the big snowfall was like april and into may. so it's right there right now coming down now. >> paulie miltner of tahoe whitewater tours says the start to this year's whitewater rafting has been, quote, epic. the snowpack was not as high as last year, but it was still around average. and that is night and day better than a drought. miltner took this video earlier this season on the north fork section of the american river. a section where rafting can be limited in dry years as to the best time to go whitewater rafting this year, we collectively think that june is by far the best month to go rafting. >> the water is still up from kind of the tail end of the snow melt, yet the air temperature at
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and the air temperature is extremely nice. >> if you can't get here by then. both miltner and rothe say their companies will have rafting through september. due to the late season storm systems, we rely on most of the rivers that we run, reservoirs as well as kind of lakes. last, people don't really realize we've got this recreational paradise right in our backyard. >> i encourage them to check it out. even if you're not that strong a swimmer. everybody's got a life jacket on. we've got a helmet on. you can float down uh- through swimmers rapids, jump off a rock, really a great time, j.r. stone abc seven news. >> memorial day drew thousands of people out to ocean beaches across california. >> but in southern california, some were not able to enjoy the water. a shark sighting south of
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l.a. closed all ocean access sunday night. surfers in san clemente reported seeing a shark lurking around them. one surfer was even knocked off their board . >> it was a shark about 6 or 7ft, roaming around, going back and forth as somebody who likes to get in the water a little bit, but is always a little bit leery about what's underneath me, it is a little scary. >> the beach remained open for the holiday, but city officials enforced a 24 hour closure on the water. it's not clear if that closure has been extended. one of the world's rarest whales was spotted off the marin county coast. now these are photos of the north pacific right whale. this was spotted last friday just three miles west of point reyes. researchers aboard a noaa ship spotted the whale. the north pacific right whale is critically endangered. marine biologists believe there are less than 500 of them remaining. noaa says right whales are documented to sing or to use
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repeated patterns or whale calls, making them all the more beautiful also. >> guess who's back, back, back again just in time for the unofficial start of summer. after months without a sighting. and we have been wondering here, where is she? the santa cruz ot are known for causing a bit of trouble with surfers. is back. otter 841 was spotted over the weekend by photographer mark woodward. woodward has been a close watcher of otter 841, who usually roams the santa cruz area. the otter gained some national notoriety last summer for being aggressive to local surfers and evading capture by wildlife teams. she is still free, of course, experts suggest that you stay away from otters and other wildlife and to be fair, i think she was protecting her. >> her pup pups. >> so i'm a firm believer we're in her house, we are in her house and she's like, get out. >> yeah, with her children. >> she's like, you think this is a playground? but this is where my child lives. so if you could just skedaddle, be on your way.
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>> like your board just takes one bite. >> i'm glad that she's well. >> yeah. me too. good for her. we'll go outside sfo this morning. it is cloudy out there. live. look, right now in fact, you look at current conditions when it comes to sky cover across the region, you see most areas dealing with overcast skies, even concord. right now it's a mix of stars and clouds. napa you see that rain icon? currently, the airport is reporting some mist and some drizzle right now, so that's just an indication that we do have a deep marine layer this morning. but you'll notice that we have a bright afternoon again. so sunrise here is at 551. it's a cloudy morning out there. most of the fog is breaking down by about 10 a.m. and then into the afternoon. it is bright, lots of sunshine, but we do have some gusty winds between 20 and 40mph. and temperatures today are maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler compared to yesterday. so go for a high of 61. in the city with that afternoon breeze 66, in oakland, 73. the high in san jose. we'll go to 79 in antioch. some of our
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warmer spots, like santa rosa going intohe low 80s, still got the phillies town. game two at oracle park this evening at 645. it's actually ing to be a very sunny start to the game, but be aware tse winds will be gusty across the ballpark and by the ninth inning we're cooling off to the mid 50s and we're still pretty fog free. in fact, tonight we will find very limited areas of cloud cover. it's all associated with high pressure moving in and a warming trend starting tomorrow. so this evening we have clear skies. we'll have lots of stars out there post sunset. so it's a nice evening as those winds start to calm down overnight tonight we'll dip into the 40s and into the 50s. now we start to see a warm up coming our way tomorrow. future weather showing you by tomorrow afternoon. temperatures going above average. and then watch what happens on thursday. our hottest areas in the low and mid 90s for daytime highs. widespread 70s and 80s around the bay shoreline and will finish the week on friday with warm temperatures as well. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. windy today.
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then those temperatures start to warm up. thursday and friday is summer-like over the weekend we change the calendar to june. on saturday, temperatures cool off a little bit, but close to average with lots of sunshine. guys >> thank you drew. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> we're going to take a look at some of the events honoring those who have died for our country. we have highlights from memorial day ceremonies from across the bay area. >> a live look
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it's derm's day off, but neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard. unlike me. neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen. number one, a nearly three hour standoff with san jose police came to an end last night, with one suspect in custody and one woman found dead inside a home. homicide investigators are now looking into the case. >> number two more uc grads will begin to strike over how the uc system handled pro-palestinian protests. students at davis and ucla joined students already on strike at santa cruz. they want universities to drop disciplinary charges against students involved in demonstrations. >> number three, the biden administration is assessing whether israel's latest attack in rafah crosses the president's, quote, red line. 50
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people were killed, hundreds of other people injured in an israeli attack. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling a tragic mishap. the un security council called for an emergency meeting over the attack today. >> number four, the death toll from severe storms over the memorial day weekend is now at 22. communities and states across the plains and south are working to clean up the damage left behind by thunderstorms and tornadoes. thousands remain without power. this morning. >> at number five, we have widespread cloud cover out there this morning. it is a bright afternoon, but it's going to be windy. those wind gusts about 20 to 40mph between 3 and 6 p.m. temperatures a few degrees cooler than yesterday. >> and number six, a live look at our emeryville cam. headlights are heading west. highway four is pretty quiet at this hour. it will take 34 minutes to drive from antioch to hercules, and then from highway four into the city. that will be a 38 minute drive. >> and number seven, a live look
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from our golden gate bridge camera as we celebrate 87 years since the bridge first opened. it took four years to construct. it's just over a mile long, 90ft wide, and it's named after the golden gate strait, which is the entrance to the sf bay from the pacific ocean. >> this morning we're looking at the real purpose of memorial day, a time to remember and honor our fallen soldiers and to recognize their bravery and courage. >> there were services across the bay area, from san francisco to across the bay in vallejo, and beyond, at san francisco national cemetery, in the presidio. praise for those men and women who served and sacrificed. this gold star mother shared her gratitude. >> thank you for being here today. it tells me that those who have given the ultimate sacrifice are not forgotten. and that's the one thing that we always haunts our mind. >> and in vallejo at mare island naval cemetery, visitors were able to see the results of a
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major renovation after the federal government took control of that property from the city of vallejo. >> and here's a look at community members lining the streets of hillsborough for that town's annual memorial day parade. the parade ended at the north school field with a ceremony followed by a music festival in san jose. >> hundreds gathered for a powerful ceremony at oak hill memorial park. many came together to honor and sit alongside the graves of men and women who served the country. in the us military. robert adam patterson has served with the united states marine corps and cia, and gave the keynote speech. >> if you can just take a minute to not let their names escape your your memory, to not let their names, you know, not cross your lips to say their names, to remember them, to remember their sacrifice, even for just a
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minute, is right and proper for us to do as, as, as americans, as people who live in all that this country has to offer. >> major patterson said he encourages others to take time to remember those who sacrificed everything, not just this memorial day, but throughout the year in the east bay, a touching ceremony honoring fallen service members in a community rich with military history. >> crowds gathered at alameda's veterans memorial park for speeches, music and reflection. california attorney general rob bonta talked about the tremendous sacrifice of our military heroes. >> it takes a certain kind of individual to dedicate their lives to service, to country, to something bigger than and beyond themselves. >> and botta says he's proud to say that california is home to more active duty service members than any other state in the north bay. >> mill valley's annual memorial day parade brought out huge crowds. it was a festive
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atmosphere, with school groups participating in the downtown parade. north bay veterans in the community groups that support them also took part. memorial day, for many, is also the unofficial start of summer, and a lot of people spend the long weekend shopping looking for discounts. if you're looking for deals, head to abc seven where you can find some of the best memorial day sales. there's a link on our home page. people who call san jose home, helping to make it more beautiful. coming up at 530, a new project giving new meaning to the term public art. >> but first this live look outside at 527. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you.
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five, now at 530. we're following developing news out of sacramento. five people in the hospital following a late night shooting. what we know this morning. >> closing arguments in donald trump's hush money case. start today. what we're expecting to hear from his legal team before the case is turned over to the jury for deliberation. >> as people return home from the holiday weekend, we continue to track the severe weather impacting several states in the plains and the south. powerful storms being blamed for at least 22 deaths over just the past four days. >> good morning everyone. it is tuesday, may 28th. >> time to check on the weather with drew. >> hey good morning. we will begin right now with a live look at our san jose camera this morning. you do notice there is a lot of cloud cover out there. in fact, you look at current sky
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conditions across the entire region, many of us dealing with those overcast skies, a lot of cloudy icons you see from san francisco to oakland, even san jose. a mix of stars and clouds. right now in concord, napa is actually reporting a little bit of light drizzle at the airport, just an indication that we do have a pretty deep marine layer this morning, and it's cloudy along the coast at half moon bay, we're watching a little bit of fog in the north bay. see santa rosa, petaluma. we're down to 2 to 3 miles visibility. just be aware of that. those areas around 101 go a little bit slower this morning with the low visibility temperatures. right now we are starting out. get you going in the upper 40s to the mid 50s. you need that jacket and then you can get rid of it this afternoon as we do find mild temperatures but also some breezy winds today gusting over 20mph. along the coast. we have that cloud cover right now breaking for a mix of sun and clouds this afternoon. mid 50s for daytime. highs around the bay shoreline. we certainly are dealing with overcast skies. we'll see that fog break down close to 10 a.m. it's a sunny afternoon. it's also pleasant when it comes to our
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temperatures in the low 70s, but it is breezy once again with those frequent winds gusting over 20mph inland. we do have a little bit of cloud cover currently, but we will get a warm afternoon. not as warm as yesterday. it still will top out in the upper 70s for daytime highs. let's see how the commute is going with morning. >> yeah good morning drew. we're going to take you live to the bay bridge tower cam where you can see a little bit of an issue for those traveling westbound. this is the upper deck. you can see there's a stall on the right lane that's blocking the lane right now, causing stop and go traffic from the tower to the yerba buena island tunnel. and that's what you're seeing right here. we'll keep our eye on it for you, but for now, i'm going to send it back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. developing news out of sacramento this morning. police searching for a suspect after five people were shot. it all happened last night outside of an apartment complex in south sacramento. police say three men, one woman and a teenage girl, all had to be rushed to the hospital after being shot. >> it is believed that all five individuals that were shot were in close proximity to each other at the time of the shooting, so
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they were all known to each other like a party happening or anything. i don't know if it was a party, but i do know that they were all together and in the same area when they were when they were shot. >> all five of the victims are expected to be okay. it's not clear what led up to the shooting. police haven't released any other details about the investigation or the search for the suspected shooter. >> the california teachers association is escalating its pressure campaign against governor gavin newsom. it's paying for a new tv ad targeting education spending cuts amid a massive budget shortfall. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here with a look at the teacher's message. and gloria. the ad features newsom back in 2021, promising to transform the education system it does reggie. >> the ad urges the governor and lawmakers to pass a state budget that protects public schools. the ad by the california teachers association alleges that california classrooms are facing a crisis, predicting huge cuts to public education over the next three years, bigger class sizes and thousands of teachers being laid off. >> essential resources like
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counselors, nurses and special education aides gone. we agree that we can't go back to where we were. tell lawmakers and governor newsom to pass a state budget that protects public schools for our students and communities. >> the governor's office has set a revised may budget proposal for 2024 2025 would ensure the budget is balanced over the next two fiscal years, tighten the belt and also stabilize spending after the pandemic. and i reached out to the governor's office about the ad. of course, it is still early. i have not heard back yet. live in the studio. gloria rodriguez abc seven news. >> thank you. gloria. san francisco school leaders are asking voters to approve the most expensive bond to ever go before the city. $790 million to improve school buildings as the district faces a financial crisis and looming school closures. eight years ago, voters passed a $744 million bond measure, promising upgrades to campuses and kitchens. but we
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found proposals for two new campuses never got off the ground. city leaders in san jose are working to transform downtown into a place where the community wants to eat, work and play. this week they are using a splash of color to help that transformation come to life. san pedro square has been transformed into one massive canvas. it's been turned into a giant paint by number art piece, 645ft long, 30ft wide, more than a thousand volunteers signing up to fill it with color. >> i think it's special to be part of it for everybody in the whole city, to be part of it, because downtown is everybody's neighborhood. >> the city turned the street into a pedestrian mall back in january to help speed up pandemic recovery downtown. the head of the downtown association hopes the mural will help with that effort. it will be fully painted by the end of the week, severe storms of the holiday weekend being blamed for at least 22 deaths, including some children.
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>> amanda has more on the tornadoes and thunderstorms that have caused a lot of trouble for millions of people. >> yeah, reggie, it is certainly been an active few days of severe weather in some parts of the country. it arrived as millions of people returned home after the holiday weekend. the storms are heading east with downpours in d.c. and a tornado warning in maryland. this is the same system that created more than two dozen tornadoes over the weekend. it left destruction in oklahoma, kentucky and texas. residents in valley view, texas, one of the cities hardest hit, are clearing out the debris. >> my mom, she's still in the hospital. she's in the icu. uh. she broke her spine in half in the middle. i believe, and she has broken ribs, so she can't feel her legs. >> oh my goodness. and this is what's left of one couple's barn. they hid in a bathtub with their dog as a tornado ripped apart their home around them. >> the storm is impacting travel with major delays at airports in
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dallas and atlanta. back to you at the desk. kumasi >> thank you. amanda. closing arguments in former president donald trump's hush money trial begin today. the trial wrapped up after more than four weeks in nearly two dozen witnesses. the defense rested its case last week. trump did not testify. he's facing 34 charges in new york for allegedly covering up a payment made to stormy daniels. he's pleaded not guilty and denies any wrongdoing. jury deliberations could start tomorrow. >> this morning we're learning about sexual assault allegations against the former kicker for the jacksonville jaguars. abc news reporter derek dennis tells us the incident happened last year during an international flight, when the team played in the uk. >> this morning, former jacksonville jaguars kicker brandon mcmanus in trouble for some alleged contact off the field. espn reports a new lawsuit accuses mcmanus of rubbing against and grinding against two flight attendants on a team chartered plane while the jaguars were traveling to london for a game last year, attempting
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this field goal from 44 yards away. and he got it. according to espn, the lawsuit claims the fight quickly turned into a party, and that mcmanus passed out $100 bills to encourage several flight attendants to drink and dance inappropriately for him, and that mcmanus sexually assaulted two of the flight attendants in front of other players. the suit claims. one of the flight attendants made eye contact with another jaguars player, whom she said looked ashamed of mcmanus behavior. an attorney for mcmanus calls the allegations absolutely fictitious and demonstrably false. the jaguars are also named in the lawsuit. the team says it's looking into the matter. it comes as the nfl looks to expand overseas travel, playing more games and potentially even basing a team in another country. >> we have five games in europe this year, we expect to do more games in the future. we're looking at games around the world and we believe this is our next big frontier. the jaguars did not resign mcmanus this off
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season. >> his new team, the washington commanders, says it's looking into the situation and takes the allegations very seriously. derek dennis, abc news, new york . >> in today's gma first look, the american arrested in turks and caicos after authorities found ammunition in his luggage is speaking out after returning home. here's abc news reporter matt rivers in this morning's gma first look, the american father of two detained in turks and caicos for over 100 days is back home with his family. >> it feels literally like a dream come true. in february, airport authorities finding hunting ammunition in brian hagen's luggage that he says he didn't even know he had. that crime carrying a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years behind bars. hagen spending more than a week in jail before posting bail but forced to wait in turks and caicos until his moment before the judge, knowing that the fate of my life and our family was about to be
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determined and not to say that we weren't, you know, in crisis mode before, because we were. >> but we're also preparing for the worst and coming up at 7 a.m. more of my exclusive interview with the rich family with your gma first look, i'm matt rivers, abc news, mexico city. >> and a traffic alert here at 5.39 a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza where metering lights have been flipped on. you can see traffic is backed up past the parking lot at this point. once you get past the metering lights, it does slow down around the yerba buena island tunnel because of a stall in the right lane. so just be aware of that and that's your traffic update. >> thanks, amanda. coming up, remembering hall of famer and ucla legend bill walton, a look back at the life and accomplishments of a cherished member of the nba family for 50 years. first, though, let's check on our forecast with drew. >> hey there. kumasi will get you going this morning. you're doing so under a lot of cloud cover. we have a really deep
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marine layer right now, and what we'll find is that by about 9:10 a.m, we'll find increasing sunshine as our marine layer breaks down. and it will be a bright afternoon, but it will also be pretty windy later today. here's a live look from our exploratorium camera showing you you can see the skyscrapers kind of cut in half as the tallest buildings are in the cloud cover right now. in fact, mostly cloudy skies in the city. we're at 54 degrees west wind right now. very light at about seven miles per hour. later on this afternoon, that wind is going to pick up between 20 and 40mph. so it will be a gusty day later on today. here's future weather as we go hour by hour, you can clearly see that we're still dealing with fog. certainly along the coast, it's still breaking down around the east bay shoreline, but into the afternoon, our marine layer, it really does get compressed. so we do see a lot of sunshine today. but just as our winds pick up this afternoon, it'll bring in a cooler feel. today you'll find those temperatures a couple of degrees cooler compared to yesterday. here's a look at those wind speeds. as you head towards 4 or 5 p.m, you
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can see those winds about 15 to 30mph. for a lot of us, it's not out of the question. along the coast, we could see winds close to 40mph. so just be aware of that. it will get gusty later on this afternoon. looking at the pollen index today, tree pollen at medium levels, which is actually better than it has been for the past couple of weeks. we do have a little bit of relief, but it's just been a really tough allergy season. grass, weeds and mold are at low levels today, so looking at highs around the region, we have those gusty winds. later on this afternoon, we'll find a high of 66 in oakland, about 61 in the city. with that breeze, a warmer 83 in santa rosa, palo alto, up to 6773 in san jose, 79 in antioch. your sunset today
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you made a cow!
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for the 57 year old boxer said he became nauseous and dizzy from an ulcer flare up before landing. they added that tyson is appreciative to the medical staff that were there to help him. tyson is making his return to the ring july 20th to fight youtuber jake paul in his first sanctioned boxing match since 2005. a tense weekend for jimmy kimmel and his family, the jimmy kimmel live host says his seven year old son billy, and had his third open heart surgery over the weekend. kimmel posted this photo today after billy's procedure. billy was born with a congenital heart defect. the tv host has shared his son's health struggles since billy was born in 2017. even as you can see, bringing him on the show when he was a baby. in his post, kimmel thanked the doctors at children's hospital los angeles who have cared for billy for seven years now, saying he hopes this is billy's last surgery. kimmel said in his post, quote, we went into this experience with a lot of optimism and nearly as much fear, and came out with a new valve inside a
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happy, healthy kid. >> the world of basketball is remembering one of the sport's greatest personalities. tributes have been pouring in for bill walton. he died after a prolonged battle with cancer. >> after his playing career, his enthusiasm, passion and love for basketball translated to broadcasting success and to a life spent promoting and growing the game around the world. >> walton first led the ucla bruins to two college national titles, in 1972 and 73. he was a top pick in the 1974 nba draft. three years later, he led the portland trail blazers to their only championship. he won another title as a member of the boston celtics in 1986, before retiring and becoming one of the sport's most colorful broadcasters. >> take the headset off during a commercial break and just say to me, i love you, but don't tell anybody because i think he he
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just enjoyed the fact that i was a sparring partner. >> walton is survived by his four sons, including former warriors assistant coach luke walton. he was 71 years old. warriors coach steve kerr called bill walton a, quote, legendary player, a hilarious and colorful broadcaster, and most of all, a wonderful person. he went on to say, quote, i will cherish getting to know him when we would visit the warriors, when his son luke was on our coaching staff, his incredible energy, passion, love and zest for life was never turned off. and on instagram, steph curry posted this photo of him with walton writing quote r.i.p. to a legend on and off the court. you might hear it all the time, but he always brought the best energy and humanity to every room he walked into. true definition of living his values always with a smile. prayers to the entire walton family. >> i know that it just wrapped up, but are you ready for bottlerock 2025? organizers
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wasted no time after this year's music festival presale. general admission tickets for next year's festival are now available online. you can get a three day ticket at for 26 additional ticket options, along with the lineup will be announced a lot later. >> do it. >> you know how many people i met there? i'm like, this is my first time. they're like, we've been going since it started. like it is a every year thing. and i see why. >> who would you predict would be there next year? >> you can't. can you really even predict that? >> name them. what about billie eilish? were you our producer? topher said, is also agreeing with me that it's billie eilish. we're gonna put it out there, okay? i would love to see her this new album. it's good. i was playing it for you this morning. you are low key in the background. >> i'm really trying to get you on board i liked it, it was good i did, i heard it, yes, yes. >> okay. >> there's certainly there was music being played. there were notes. there were notes. there
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was a voice. this morning. let's go to the bay bridge, outside it is quite cloudy. in fact, some areas like napa have been reporting some light drizzle this morning. just means we have a pretty deep marine layer. it will bring sunshine later on this afternoon, but we start out with that gray conditions right now. taking a look at your weather wellness. we will find good air quality today. pollen levels. when it comes to tree pollen that's moderate and your uv index is a eight out of an 11 which is very high. so we will get a lot of sunshine today, but we will also have to deal with some gusty winds later today as our onshore flow returns. this afternoon. so this morning winds aren't too bad. we have a few spots in the delta concord especially that is gusting about 20mph this morning. but those winds will continue to increase later on this afternoon. post about 1:02 p.m. we'll find those winds frequently at times gusting close to 30mph. so that's just going to bring in a
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little bit of a cooler feel this afternoon. we're 1 or 2 degrees cooler today compared to yesterday. when it comes to our daytime highs. so a lot of cloud cover right now. it breaks apart between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. after 11 a.m. it's full sunshine for all of us, even along the coast. we will get a little bit more sunshine today compared to yesterday, but again, those winds are pretty gusty. 60s for the most part around the bay shoreline, mainly in the 70 and our warmest cities inland. looking at the evening planner, what you will notice is a real lack of any sort of cloud cover. later on this evening, our marine layer is actually going to get pretty compressed over the next 24 hours, as we start to see a bit of a ridge of high pressure build in here. and that means for much of the evening ahead, yes, we'll have those gusty winds, but we'll have generally clear skies and temperatures slowly dipping into the 50s after about 8 p.m. so overnight tonight, we actually have mainly clear skies and overnight lows will dip into the upper 40s and the lower 50s with high pressure building in. that will start to bring about a warming trend. tomorrow we'll find those temperatures going
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above average with a lighter breeze in the afternoon, and then see what happens on thursday. this is thursday afternoon and our warmest cities in the low and mid 90s, from cloverdale to calistoga to fairfield to antioch. it's quite warm around the bay shoreline as well. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. gusty winds today. then we have that warming trend by thursday and friday. it is summer like out there over the weekend. expect a lot of sunshine and temperatures closer to average for june. >> speaking of june. drew. new at six a popular pride month activity needs more volunteers to make it happen. how you can get involved first, though, an 88 year old man's daily routine inspiring others to get active, plus, we don't start to change our relationship with where we live and also the landscapes around us in california. >> there's no way we're going to get out of this hole. >> over the past few years, wildfires in the region have been unprecedented. hotter, faster, and more intense wildfires. that's what experts say we can expect over the next
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clothing and office equipment. dare fashion specializes in goth style clothing designed and made in san francisco. on may 1st, the owner, ben wong, discovered his office and storage facility along market street ransacked. he says someone broke in and stole countless dresses and accessories, all of it happening as his team was preparing for san francisco's world goth day festival. >> i give myself 15 minutes to feel sorry for myself and then i
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say, okay, now we got a deal. what i'm really trying to do is turn this around and say, how do you make the worst thing that's ever happened to you? the best thing that's ever happened to you? >> wong says he has a $1 million insurance policy on his business, but he didn't realize it was for liability. only so now he's warning others to look closely at their insurance coverage. he has set up a gofundme to help recoup his losses. we put a link on our website, abc seven >> an 88 year old veteran's daily stroll in the east bay is inspiring others to get active. it's his way of helping build a better bay area. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkly caught up with him during his 7000 step routine. >> my advice to younger kids is turn off the tv and get your up out of bed and go for a walk. >> walking is what keeps 88 year old veteran pete estabrook going rain or shine. he leaves his
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senior apartment every day to hit local trails with a goal of 7000 steps. >> as age has got to me, i've gone from marathons down to this walking two miles a day. >> out of the back of his car, he shared a photo of his late wife and five grandchildren as he showed off his progress. now on the trail, 1.2 miles so far today, it looks like on saturday you walked 9500 steps. last week he topped 12,000 in a day. he attributes his get up and go to his time serving in the korean war and the vietnam war. >> when i was discharged from the navy, i went to the merchant marine academy up in vallejo, and that's how i ended up in vietnam. >> he amazes the staff where he lives at the kensington and walnut creek. >> people tend to pull back from the things they can no longer do , and my lesson from him is to enjoy those things that you can
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do while you can. he's encouraging other people to do more, which is great because it's inspiring, not only to his neighbors, but to us as well. half of us don't even walk for 7000 steps a day. >> i tell you, my favorite expression, and that is i would rather wear out than rust out. that's been my motto all my years. i'll keep going as long as i can. >> in walnut creek, i'm leslie brinkly. abc seven news. >> keep on moving. good for him. although i did know it looked like his shoe was untied. that's okay. can someone tell him keep moving? all right. i just don't want him to fall. he won't. okay. yeah. you're right, you won't. okay. new at six. >> the pope accused of making a gay slur during a closed door meeting. >> and passengers told to put on life vests for a possible water landing. as a spirit airlines flight deals with the mechanical issue. >> then open ai is changing things up. the new model, the company hopes, can bring new capabilities to ai and technology
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hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent.
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live now at six. israel calling a deadly airstrike on rafah. a, quote, tragic mishap. now the white house is assessing whether it goes too far as the international community expresses outrage. then the state teachers association, paying for a new ad targeting governor newsom. >> the


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