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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 29, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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you were ♪ ♪ i wish you were here i wish you were here i wish you were here i wish you were here wish you were here ♪ ♪ [ cheering and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, diane sawyer's exclusive interview with nicole brown's sisters 30 years after her murder. >> i love you! >> it's the voice of nicole that we way ented to hear.
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we want to have people get to know her. >> byron: what they say they wish they knew then about domestic violence. >> oh my god, look at that black eye. she said, no, no, it was the makeup artist at the studio. >> byron: pulling back the curtain on the nicole the public never knew. what they say you should never ask an abuse victim. a second american held in turks and caicos is now released. >> i'm glad that i get to go home and be with my son again. >> byron: we hear from two of the men arrested on the caribbean island who had been facing 12 years in prison. >> so blessed to be home. >> byron: what americans need to know if you're going to turks and caicos. and ben platt. ♪ the star of "dear evan hansen" whose message "you will be found" resonated with audiences of all ages. now releasing a new album and single, "cherry on top." ♪ cherry on top ♪ >> byron: celebrating the love
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of his life, hours ago kicking off a recess essence of one of new york's historic theaters. >> judy, diana ross -- >> byron: what bill event he has to find time to prepare for. but... green... means... go! ♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. (♪) heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪)
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>> byron: good evening. thank you for joining us. tonight, diane sawyer's exclusive interview with nicole brown's sisters 30 years after her first interview with the family after nicole was killed in 1994. she sat down with them again shortly after the death of o.j. simpson. their message to any family facing domestic violence. here's abc's diane sawyer. >> reporter: four beautiful sisters. smart, confident. no idea one of them would end up teaching the world about the terrifying trap of domestic violence. it's been 30 years since nicole brown was murdered, and i walked into the living room where her family had gathered. three sisters in shock and anguish. denise, dominique, and tonya. now the three sisters walk into the room today. >> hi. beautiful lady.
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>> reporter: 30 years. >> yeah, could you believe it? >> reporter: i wondered all this time, how do you live with 30 years of rage and heartbreak? >> a lot of therapy. >> yeah. >> it was rough. unresolved grief. everything bit me hard ten years later. >> sometimes i would think, gosh, i just -- i'm just staggeringly sad today. and i would realize that it was the day she was murdered. or it was her birthday. or something, some memory would come up. >> the pain doesn't go away, doesn't subside, doesn't get easier. but you do the best you can, and you move on. one step forward. >> reporter: a new lifetime documentary has unearthed pictures and videos of their radiant sister, nicole, with all her vitality and warmth. a loving mother. >> i love you! love you!
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hey, pia sydney, when you watch this tape when you get older, see that little quilt you're laying on? yeah, you see it? mommy made that for you. >> it's the voice of nicole that we wanted to hear. so many people said, "we don't know what her voice sounds like, who is nicole?" so i hope they get a true sense of who nicole is in this documentary. >> reporter: she was only 18 years old, working as a waitress in the hope of studying photography, when a glamorous customer fastened on her. he would charm her into his life and what denise says is the pattern of domestic abuse inflicted on so many women across this country. >> "you're stupid, you're ugly, you're fat, you're worthless, nobody's going to want you, i'm the only one that can put up with you." that escalates into that physical violence. that's the hitting, the kicking, the punching. >> reporter: at the time, their sister didn't tell them the truth of his brutality. >> i saw a picture. you know the very young polaroid picture of nicole?
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i found that in her bathroom drawer. i said, "oh my god, nick, look at that black eye." and she said, "no, no, it was the makeup artist at the studio." he was shooting films at the time. i said, "oh my god that looks so real." and i threw it back in the drawer. i didn't know it was a real black eye. i had no idea. >> reporter: later stunned when they read nicole's chilling secret diaries of her life. dominique found them. >> i found her will, her diaries, just stacked in a box underneath the kitchen cabinet with the kids' artwork and all this other stuff. >> because she was trying to hide it. >> yeah. it wasn't next to her bed where he might look, it wasn't under the mattress, it wasn't any place obvious. >> reporter: from her grave, the truth. the attack the first year they met. he threw a fit, chased me, grabbed me, threw me into walls. another time, a possible skull fracture. but she tells doctors it was a
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bicycle accident. when she's pregnant, he screams she's a fat pig, disgusting, i want you out of my house. at one point she calls 911 and runs for her life into the bushes. years later, a policeman would testify about how brutally she'd been beaten. >> she was beat up. she had a cult approximately one inch, i believe, on her left upper lip, swollen right forehead, and her right eye was starting to blacken. it was swollen. and she had a hand imprint on her throat. >> reporter: simpson's handprint on her neck and the bruise he inflicted under her arm. it was the first time police would actually arrest simpson, but he got off lightly. it was the moment nicole finally confided in denise. but denise says back then, like so many people, she didn't understand the complicated quicksand of domestic violence and said the wrong thing. >> "why don't you just get out
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of this relationship, leave him?" those are things you don't say, and i didn't realize that at the time. i was like, "why are you with this person?" i requested alasked all the why ask. you are supportive and just let them do the talking. >> i just wonder if i could have done more to help her, to listen to her, to try to dig into her heart, to -- it's the worst thing in the world. >> reporter: when nicole finally moves out of simpson's house, her husband doubles down on his jealousy and rage. you can hear it in this 911 call.
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>> reporter: june 12th, 1994. she'd been to dinner with her family. a young waiter named ronald goldman came to her house to return some eyeglasses they'd left behind. someone was watching. lurking. ron goldman would be stabbed at least 15 times. nicole stabbed seven times in the neck and scalp alone. for the past 30 years, the brown sisters have fought for the protection of women in abusive situations. >> this is denise brown, sister of nicole brown simpson. >> reporter: denise helped secure funding for the violent against women act. >> we are going to stand up and say no. >> reporter: has traveled the country using the power of nicole's story. >> i sit there and i go, why did it have to take my sister? why did it have to take nicole for people to understand that domestic violence can kill? >> reporter: and now, after all
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the long decades of anguish, last month, o.j. simpson died from prostate cancer. did that have a profound change on you immediately? >> it's very confusing. it's very complicated. but i have a relationship with the kids that means everything to me, and i was just very, very sad for them. very, very sad for them. >> reporter: after o.j. simpson died, some people wondered if his brain would be studied for traumatic brain injury. the kind associated with football. but according to reports, his family declined. were you sorry they didn't? >> i had a conversation with lee steinberg, the sports agent. he was talking about, there could have been a tbi, traumatic brain injury. and i said, no. possibly, but when you know the person's character and what he's capable of? yeah, that's not -- that's violence.
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that's power and control. >> reporter: i think back to that haunting prediction nicole told denise long ago. >> "o.j.'s going to kill me, and he's going to get away with it." her words exactly to me. "he's going to kill me one day, and he's going to get away with it." yeah. >> byron: our thanks to diane. "the life and murder of nicole brown simpson" airs june 1st and 2nd on lifetime. if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, call the domestic abuse hotline at 1-800-799-7233. or go to we turn to two american families celebrating joyous victories, each vacationing on the island paradise turks and caicos, when small amounts of
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ammunition they say they forgot was in their bags got them arrested, held and potentially facing over a decade in prison. here's abc's matt rivers. >> i'm glad that i get to go home and be with my son again. >> reporter: tonight, a second american health in turks and caicos for having illegal ammunition in his luggage now has his freedom. 31-year-old tyler winrick will head home to virginia, the judge handed down a $9,000 fine, but determining he'd already served his three-week prison sentence. his good news coming on the heels of another father's momentous homecoming. >> just so blessed to be here. so blessed to be home. >> reporter: after more than 100 days, bryan hagerich is back in pennsylvania with his family. >> it's the breast feeling in the world. >> it feels literally like a dream come true. >> reporter: the american father of two detained in turks and caicos since february. airport authorities finding hunting ammunition in his luggage that bryan says he didn't even know he had.
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that crime carrying a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years behind bars. bryan spending more than a week in jail before posting bail. >> 48 hours earlier, on a beach in paradise with the kids. the next moment in a jail cell with accused murderers. you can't prepare for anything like that. >> reporter: he pled guilty and waited on the island, apart from his family. friday, the hagerichs walked into court hand in hand. >> they had two suitcases pa packed, one for home, one for jail. >> reporter: the judge handed down a $6,700 fine and granted a suspended sentence, essentially arguing the 12-year punishment didn't fit the crime. >> to hear the word "suspended" was the moment that changed our life from 101 days of darkness to the brightest sunshine. >> reporter: two other americans -- ryan watson from
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oklahoma, and shireda greer of florida, remain in turks while their legal cases play out. a third, texan michael lee evans, is home on medical release, awaiting sentencing. what are you going to take away from this experience? >> just to be with my family. you know, to cherish every last moment. whether that's my kids jumping on me in bed in the morning, "daddy wake up." that's precious time. >> byron: our thanks to matt. when we come back, my "nightline" coanchor juju chang sits down with ben platt, who's bringing that "pitch perfect" manic to a broadway residency and beyond. ♪ every time i touch that track it turns into gold ♪ with clear. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪
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♪ >> juju: our next guest is no stranger to capturing hearts and minds of his audience. from his role in the mega-hit "pitch perfect" -- ♪ again and again and again and again and again ♪ ♪ since you've been gone ♪ >> juju: to his tony award-winning run on broadway in "dear evan hansen," ben platt has inspired us through performances in more than a decade. back with his new album, first, it's been about a year since we were talking about your tony-nominated performance in "parade." you were working on this album in between? >> yes. i spent the year on broadway doing the show. i got to take a step away from the at bum and re-enter, having
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had another year of becoming an adult. just re-investigated and finished it with a slightly different perspective. >> juju: "honey mind" and "cherry on top." let's take a look. ♪ the way that you're breathing and the way that you see me ♪ ♪ it's a sunday feeling it's a sweet life feeling ♪ ♪ it's the cherry on top ♪ >> juju: you hit that note beautifully. and for those who may not know, you costar is your fiance noah galvin. >> yes, indeed. >> juju: how was that to bring that intimacy and personal touch to this song? >> the album is largely inspired by my experience getting to be his partner and falling in love with him. it felt like the most authentic and direct way to represent that was to show us together. also, i think we both really
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value our privileged position that we're in to just be public with our queerness and our happiness and the complexity of our relationship. i think we were just happy to have an opportunity to do that that felt organic and joyful. >> juju: absolutely. that song is poppy, an earworm. how is the rest of the album? >> sort of inspired by really traditional americana. sort of simon and garfunkel, paul simon's solo stuff, jarrells taylor, carole king, fleetwood work, things that are super plaintive and unadorned and warm. >> juju: you're about to start a residency at the palisade here in new york city? >> yeah, it's super crazy. the palace theater was originally the ultimate spot at the end of the vaudeville circuit. then it became this iconic concert venue with liza, judy, diana ross, harry belafonte. it became a traditional broadway house, then has been closed a long time. this is the first time it's coming back to life.
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to be the one to get to kick that off feels like a huge responsibility and a privilege. >> juju: no pressure, no big deal. however, it's everything. you're setting the set. who are the special guests? what's the merch going to look like? give us a sense. >> getting to play a character and be part of somebody's story, to just get to express my own point of view in a house that's storied like this, feels like a really special opportunity. it's like this bridging of these two worlds that i love of the theater community i've dreamt of my whole life, then this opportunity to be a songwriter. i'm a pretty introspective and introverted person. i do have trouble sometimes getting outside myself and outside my head and communicating and feeling comfortable. i think always, music's been a space where i feel very free to do that. >> juju: you talked about "cherry on top" of being the story of how you fell in love. what are some of the other songs and inspirations from this album? >> a lot of love songs about my time with noah. also a song called "the fear of missing out" that are kind of about sort of where i'm at personally, separate from my
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relationship, in terms of -- as i get older, learning how to listen to myself and follow my own inner compass. trying to tune out external validation and other people's perceptions, easier said that done. >> juju: that's a lifelong battle. where is your inner compass leading you? the residency, the album. what's next for ben platt? >> it's leading me to the palace theater, then on tour, then the altar, getting married. >> juju: is there time for wedding planning? >> we're in a pretty good spot. yes, it's a little bit of, you know, tasting food during the day, then performing at night. >> juju: i'm so excited for the residency. we're going to bring all our friends. >> thank you, you better. >> juju: always nice to see you, thanks for joining us. check out ben at the palace through june 15th. check out the album "honey mind" out friday. >> byron: our thanks to. when we return, want to live in the "home alone" house?
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♪ >> byron: finally tonight, if you want to relive that "home alone" experience, now's your chance. one of the most iconic homes in american cinema is up for sale. the dawn mckenna realty group showing the "home alone" house on instagram. clips from the movie then -- and now -- no more compartmentalized kitchen in this house. >> byron: including in the suburban chicago home are a sun room, open


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